Downers Grove Reporter, 27 May 1921, p. 5

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Mr. aml .\lv-. A. ('. Mulwll)‘ um emeininz the graduating clown u! Um lkm'l'u'u vae Hindu Schoul n! a In“ party mss owning a! lln'ir [Imm- on I'vim-v nwnur. '“w (' u-m Huh mu! 3“ .. Tml! nfl‘ entertains: llu- mum. gum.- gradual- inx CM» :1! Ur- hmm- nf JIM. W. J. O'Neill Ull- c-x’onLnu. 'Hu- ulfuir h in tlu- nature of a [mum puny. "h. l. V. “mom or lJ|“"|l~Pl'. “'5!” in lum- for a ~.~n| “ill! iwr claughlvr. Mn. 1'. F. Knlly mu! tn .n- lu-r mmHnuuhtm-. Elma Holly. graduate- fnom "w high whuul. Mr... anm HUN! «'4' (‘himum moth-r M' Mr». G. I1. "mlin of the ()mve, Wu» hunml in “'a’nlhuim wm- emery, ('hirfluu, Ix“: l-‘ri Mrs. C. H. Swab hu~ boon ngn-ml- in}: ”w mmk at llinmluls- taking ram- of her «IaUKhh'r. Mrs. I’M-J \\'uh', ulm has been in. The m-xl meeting of the Junior In: (ant Wolfan- (‘ummitlm- win he held at the honu- of All'.\. Harry Bryan Oakwood an-nuv. 'l'hur.~.lu_\', Jum- 24L Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and son, Ray, of Chimgn, melon-Al to Henry Sucher's place last Sunday. Plans are nearly cohwleted for the new Drissler cottage on the South Side. The W. H. Rogers family were called to Wurmqville Monday by the death of Mr. Roger's father. MORRIS SHOE STORE 32 S. Main Street Downers Grove. Ill. We have a large selection of the latest strap slippers in low and high heel, black and brown and white kid and calf skin. We can save you money on any shoe you buy from us and you get a goodâ€"especially good fit, too. Mr. Geo. MacDougnll entertained the young people of his office in chi« cago at a trip to our wonderful Wood's. We have cut the price on a good many num- bers for quick sale. Some are from 50 to 60 per cent less than formerly. See our window for pri- ces and styles. Mrs. J. King of Onkwood avenue. is lathe hospital in Chicagu and is getting along nicely. St. Joseph’s Church Miss Helen Stevenson is a two weeks vacation .with in Bushnell, Illinois. Reduction Sale I PERSONALS ' MissLucilie Bush is the assist- .ant librarian at the Public Library. Mrs. F. A. Edge-worth is rejoicing in the possession of a new Thor. An eight pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Schmidt, W tdâ€" nesday morning, May 25th. Fddaz'. M3127. 1921 inly QInnfinunimt - - _â€" - - 8:00 a. m. The Graduates Outlook S. Andrew’s Church Small Town Opinions “Our Village Dead” THE REV. ENEAS B. GOODWLV DECORATION DAYâ€"8:00 A. M. Memorial Mass and Sermon on SUN DAYâ€"10:00 A. M. filmm'ial Bay SUNDAYâ€"8:00 A. M. Spt‘nding relatives Mr. and Mrm Um. Mun-hr, Mr. and MW. Luau» ()a-ulmnn. Dlr. and Mn. "rm-3 Such" and 73mm“, uh tmlml Ilw Ann-dean Farm Ami-cry nun-nu mwu‘ux a! Four Mm- Firm. mum of llmululv. “him-clay. whom Hwy rnjupnl llu- talk; anal Moran picturm. Mr. A. l‘. Nelson ,of Gillespie ('0.. ml: flw early wawn prizv for fishing. Nu lumlml u 15% pound mrp luu “human-y nth-moon (war Gonna Ihul was thirty-one inchm lumr. ll “.1. mu lhu quality but 1M quumiu' MIMI uuw him Ibo leuflw: nnmlai. lll‘liof ('urps. 'I'lu-y \‘kitml Ch-n HI- lyn. Wlu-alon. l-iIbum. Swanmm, Au- rom and drawn. Mrs. It. I). l‘urkvr has returned Hum a hm weeks M'ric‘s of mum-tint. in A'ntnpan) with Mrs. Siblry. :1 WI!!- liw. in {hr interests of tin» Woman's A good game next Sunday between the Legion team and the Western Shmk- (‘luth 01.. on an oval baseball diamond, Momorial Park. This (cum brat Hinmlu‘lv a few \\'(‘('ka ago and are a bunch of slugng. ‘ 1116 Ladies’ Aid Society of the Con- gregational Church will meet Thurs- lilay, June 2, at 1.30 p. m., in the [church parlors. Mrs. Ed. Graves and Airs. Albert Weiss will be hostesses.; ‘A cordial invitation is extended to all. Capt. R. D. l’arkm' will lend the imlinn Fellowship League in the Mumorial Day paumle in Chicago on next Monday. Their place will be in tlu- first division directly buck of the The Downers Grove Rifle Club will hold a meeting and practice shoot at the gravel pit on Sunday morning. Members and rifle enthusiasts are in- vited to be present. Ivery tax-service man is ulged to mpurt at the Legion rooms at one o'clock next Monday. In uniform if possible, if not possible. then report anyway. ‘ The Congwgutionnl Philathea Class will meet Friday evening. June 3d. with Mrs. Ernest Easley. Mm. Al- bert Lacey will assist. All members and friends are conlially invited. The Young People's Club of S. Andrew's Church will hold a meet~ ing at the church on Sunday even- ing at 6:30 p. m. Light refreshments will be served. Mrs. M. l‘. (.'u!h~mlur t-utl-Ilulnwl wry clellxhtfnllv u! a Int-lu- o'rlm'k lulu-hm Wallwxulay in humor of Mn. mum Smith. who hm "turned to I Thv baseball park «is Owing fut-d up ‘4) that it will Ow mm ul‘ Mm fuxlost climmmd~ ': :- ' fi'v- \ir'nuy. 'l‘hil will lm-un ;I I'm! W 'wn‘v. 'l'lw 91“.»! rhunn- v.1“ in mm! Sun-my “hrn :hv- Writer" Shmh- ('lm‘! rirw comm n t. The): air \Ph- h.-,' UII- local: hmk- turklcd thi- -m-nsu-r um] it i~ an "zwn qua-ution v32" can Wm. "u there! Th0 kw. H. M. Mathnrtm‘ and Mr. Russo“ Stephens \vu-n- guests at the Theta Delta Chi Frawruity house in Champaign, several days last work. They saw the \‘.'i<.con.~in and Wasedu University hast-hall gumvs as “'1‘" as the \Vismzuin-lflinuis Track 3141-! and the lnlrrschulustie Track‘ Meet. 1 I There will be an all day met-ting ‘of the Woman‘s luihl uml Auxiliary of S. Andrew's Episcopal Chum-ll on‘ Thursday, June 2d. A largo attend-l anu- is desired as the Work from S. Luke's hospital is to be started. Mrs. Miley and Mrs. Vaughan am to be the hostesses. ‘ The Misses Lillian Smith. Lillian Bushek, Lillian D9l"ati-,.Mr$ Clara Karol and Mr. Paul DePutis of Chi- cago, were Sumhy guests at the P. H. l’otcrs‘ home on East Curtiss st. The Annual Memorial Service of the Odll Fellow and Rebekah Lodges {ul' Downers Grove M" In" held in S. Andrew's. Episcopal Church on Sun- day, June 5th at 3:30 p. m. 'l‘hv Rev. H. B. Gwyn of Riverside and the Rev. H. M. MacWhortcr will ofl'i- ciate at the 'survice. NORTH SIDE GROCERY MARKET Henry Hogrefe and family autoed to Geneva last Sunday for a fishing ‘trip. As they started home the auto relaxed to who my more and they were fumed to call the Grove and be taxied home Henry saw the car can! stay there a lung “hilt: before he goes o‘er after it i Pork Loin, per pound ...................... 26c Pork Butts, per pound .................... ~l9c Boneless Smoked Butts: per pound ..-.......31c Smoked Shoulder Ham without shank, pound 18c Veal Shoulder, per pound ................... 23c Boneless Corned Beef, per pound ..... . ...... 19c Plate Corned Beef, per pound .............. 12c Pickled Pigs Feet, per pound .............. 12c Spare Ribs, per pound .............. . ....... 15c Pot Roast, per pound ...................... 22c SATURDAY SPECIALS M E A T S At all times let us supply all of your groceries. Then you can he sure that they are wholesome and healthful. When you give us your order once you will do so again. Fresh Groceries: Lowest Prices _ SANDWICH BREAD Cold Sliced Meats for Sandwiches. Sardines, Olives, Pickles. Potato Chips Soft Drinks of All Kinds Cookies Fruits Your picnic will he a deli ht to you and your friends if you come in and uy your picnic sup- plies from us. We have many dainties for your basket. Your STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 .y‘ .\ Iivlvguzinn nf two-fly luluph» of “FM-J Evangelical Church, un-mupun- 'iPIl by their padm', II-V. J. Alfrn‘tl iNuIm-m mzvnalml I'II‘ I'Imim: “ma-ion ‘0!’ {hr me mnfm-I-m-o un Disunna- ‘mn-It "h“"l‘l In thv lnu-matimml I Album-- I n :u an- and {III-ml hIp thru ‘llIv- l"'-Nll""h-. DI. NI-hcminh lluym Vcnn, ‘.'.-\" \Unk I-h-rggmzm, .\II'. .‘Inl- Yh~ '.\ \\--l|. \'u'¢--I’II-nich'll( 0' UN‘ Am- r" 2 VIII-v1 um u" 'JI’IUI' :10" "w um 03' Ltahur :uM Im- Hunmuhlv William Sin-"Hing: Brynn .\ .~ 1hr qn-uk(-r-. Th" IIM'UHK an» hri-Q In [In- Mmhnah 'l‘umpln in (TM- Hug". .\ ;u-lx|i.-n was» unauhnuunly mmplo’hl In 'lm cln‘lflmlicm asking I'm-ruh-m Hamlin: tn tulm flu- loud in rallmu a confn-n-m-v on tit-amm- Mwn'. and hunting Klu- lmuling wurl-l pow". tn mull ufliriul Ilolegatm. J ’... ‘ (ion -' ‘ . “shack" of I}. C. Morris in Him Uranium" addition nouth of tho “\‘uw- tnuk caught fire last Friday af- urm-mn un-l was lmrnud to the grmml. Thu firc caught when the owrfluw from an oil stave stam-d to burn. Young Morris pickml up Hm stow w throw it out uf (he Immu- uud it (":lughl «m thv cng' of the door Humming burning oil in all din-r- I About fifteen nwmbvrs of the Wu- ]nmn‘.‘ Guild and Auxiliary of S. And- irmvk Episcqpal (Thumb, journvyed to ‘EYmulun on 'l'hursflay to attend a slwcial sown-c in S. Luke's Church. It “42> thu oucudon’of tln- annual Pl'l‘~-‘ntation of the United Missiun-i ury Thank Olfen'ng 0f the Auxiliary of Hu- Diocese 0? Chicago. An inn-r» (slim: pageant was; prueontt-d by tho mmnbor.‘ of HM: S. Luke's Chapter. {make her home in the Grove finer a five-year absence. Covers were laid for twelve. Those present were Moaâ€" dames Cramer. Smith. Carlson, Driss- h-r, Edgeworth, W. I“. Heintz, Elmer" Chessmun. E. F. Lacey, W. W. Heintz.‘ R. 0. Miller and W. E. Chéssman. 12c 12c 1 ac 22c Thurs, June 2d and Friday, June 3d r‘ (‘rmlin WI» melmlmzr “:zl You «an lmv- I'M. [hr- rn)‘ “HI" «'1th of ”w rivrus. Yuu will land» at Mr satin. and rntrh \um hwnlh at sumo of hvr ml»1 vlsv-itm "warm- do~. le xvi” n-mpalhm will: Mr «Roth h "ham to hr a lady." and n-join- in Mr final Mm»inv~~, “on :J'u-r many ‘3'! mth . Tin-n low mum. and with it Um Nflrr kmwlwlm- nf atrial Mll'irv- and arid-wrath tradition» "or Jill at turning s-mumrflnlv. :m-l makim' tho rrmhl (hm-r mailr-d hfvr naming in "IF dining Mu urn-H "f l-lf'nflt'" and lmqilvt)‘. .)f! «Iran! [Ital inughlc-r and hint-l lint-m In lb:- lifllo «4mm. 8h:- lbw-l in I rarefm- but busy IMM uhr-rr- 7:".in tN'U's' urn unlwmvl u! and nothing malloml 1-va doing pm" It! yum- rI-ry bra-4. Monday, May 30th, Memorial Day FOLK." .H.W:\\.\' NWIIJIII ILH'K .\T "1"." Constance Binneyin TheMagich Jud n Luann-cl. ballvwol "M u‘lwv no» but It pmwwl m h- "w lmh ninth mmM nah-yr In A ulnlfulmfln. 'Illll' «ulh'ry mum Hu- *0! D's-Hum" «hid: lu'lmmwl In II". lhm‘l mun Um huuhful «an of a young mrl'u (out. ”swung 7:10 I 9:”. 515....“ #3:.3. >..::r..3 .n. b an. 3.... 211:5 £2. .7? BELMONT AND FURI-IS'I‘ AVENUES ”OWNERS GROVE. ILLINOI- The Dicke Theatre Olm of the iunm‘minw this ye."- will be that a" Hutu-lo qwukm's will lu- secured to midi-n» lht- uudi-vnn-s. In past yt-ars, \vhih- hm iu‘ thwr nub sinlv speakers worn“ lwzu'd. Hm mun! pI'm-wluw was for Inca! mvn In th- 'l‘ho “(in-()pmmiw (.‘mnwil or the [hm-non Grow (.‘hurchc.»" met on last Saturday awning to «1-. mm plum far (he holding of "you an q-rvicvs in (he \‘illugv dun-1m; liw months of July and August. Pastors Met Saturday Evening (0 Discuss Plans for l'uion Outdoor Sen-item. OPEN AIR SUNDAY EVENING MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST [MISTER KEATON A L8 0 SWIG“ um Two Reel (‘omedy-â€"“‘I'OR(?HY TURNS (YIII’ID’ In a Turmltool (mm-fly “ONE WEEK” “.50 Saturday, May 28th BRING TH E (’HIIJDREN Friday, May 27th . n!" SELZNN'K NEWS I! In “If!" p. m. Arlmiwinn I?» and ‘25 cents Buster Keaton 2 reel com- edyâ€"“Veighbors” Chester Outing Pictureâ€" “Wantedâ€"â€"An Elevator” Eveningâ€"7:30 and 9:00. Admission. 15 and 25 cents inc. w. t. And the story starts the laughs where all the others finished. She’s the cutest houseâ€" maid that ever took a young man’s hat and heart. Who wouldn’t take Lessons in Love from Connie Talc mudge? TWO REEL (‘OMl-IIWâ€" “Edgar Tallest the Cake" Adlai-ska If: h :5 cu inc. Wu Tu. Mmlur Kt-nnuls play hum punt- «ml Mm hum Muvlr. I. Fl 3 (:0 A pu'rlurv llml guilt”. I. lung at hwuk unit and In the wild hum.- u! "u- (and Gaul Jun! It lo-ll» Nu- dm) u! a mod "I“. Mvmu-mu- "mid and a dilly blond nlw IIUI‘KIW. u warm-MM "I I N. Nrgviwlwu) hulrl. “The Girl with the Jazz Heart” Madge Kennedy The program committee shalt ugh gist of the five pastors: the Rev. Win. , Glutc-ft'ld, the RH. J. Alfred Nannm} ”ht- Rm. Gilbt‘rt H. Newland and tho- tltm. A Phelps and the Rev. Arc {nohl Kebml.‘ ThQnfl men shall an ’mngu for the speakers, scours a song leatlvl and fix on the order of are I‘H' Psi. . ’llw plum fox holding the service! I has bwn changvd fmm the ~‘tteet be- Wwwn the Library and the Congregh ; tinnal Church to the Methmlist Church ’ "th " ‘ LITTLECLOWN lawn. This is much tho‘ better 10c cation in one way as it gets pm] from tlw noise of the trains som- “th but the Unual procession of au- tomobiles along Maple avenue in the ' Mlmmvr \viil make up for the trains. ‘ liver the sermons. This plus! _ adopted utter considemble them A director of music to direct the W billed choirs will also be secured. MALDY mm and

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