Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jun 1921, p. 6

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Deflation is here. The farmer, mer~ «int and the town merchant have “ridden their goat" and am now hard at work, making the best of the alt- Intlon, well knowing that hard times ore only the prelude to good than.: end well knowing, too. that good times are only the prelude to hard times. They are not weeping at! gar that cost them 25 to 30 cents a pound m‘ many moons ago. They \Ireep as they t9" us of the "gm! business! tramly" that compnh them to “put 30 cont sugar into 20 cent randy." Our neighbors nm'vr m‘rv great profit makers. Our {armor and town mvthants always had to be happy with a roaqonahk‘ tuvmvm‘ of the money they had invested in their business. They now" marlo dividends that permittfil them to build palaces and go rolling over F'nropP in Rollsâ€"r Royces and Packarxls But in the (234! of the great national candy mam‘ ufacturers: we might won ask them at this sad stage of afl’airs when they: are pntimz 30 cent sugar into 20 cent candy, if they can remember back when thev put 4 rent sugar into 75' cent candy. Surely. reference to) their bank books win mall those inryous days. W9 sympathize with them. But we (‘3th hoip but gm: mar first sym- pathy to our neighbou. the farmer who sufi’orod mot-w sou‘H-ly than they. and mu (nun Inn~in0s< vm-n who had '4‘" goods (m :0 mnh‘ that "103 paid 30 cents for. ‘ Wc hear a min- cum: in the wil~ demon of deflation. It is the wail of the mat national randy manufac- turers. lamenting Mcauw {ha-y have to make their product. which con- tlins. as m of in ingmlionts. s'l- Roth of "new pmpuso'liom an- no- man‘ IM both of (Mm Amulet vo- rt-iw "w united support of "w mien: of IM dtntrifl. 'l'hr "MM is Olll'f' in; into ":0 (”I aim-d of Ila-m with n rim" n'hbrh pmmius "at this mar nmnily will have the right kind of 3 map: :Iiupmn! plum. «anemia: ri- (all) Mann to the in gun and he" being of a". The) «hank! hau- our unqualified approval of “hat the) up trying (0 do. Th0 bonds Ire for 0w construction a! man disposal Wm Inc! a con- "mm nnrtr to mam-l IM awn-at VIII-xv mwrr sync-m wall the wnrks. The In mom-y «m lu- umi for ”It prrllmlmary "pun-x. AI election ha. hum called for “unity. July 9th, by the flaunt of Tmulm o! the Dmuun Grove Sum; tary Dmrm. On "uh oh)’ the vohr; o! the 41mm will bu m: to fill". 1M- floonl pom-r In batman- the tax nu- onrdhlnl of one arr «no: Inn! lulu. hood: I. ”to mm of 875.1!)0. THEY P’ORfil-IT I (1281' SI'G.\R IS 73 CENT CANDY mmnmnu had every Friday morning from the Joe of we Downers Grave Publishâ€" bg Company, 37 North Main street, Mun Grove. Illinois. Entered It the Downers Grove Post “ice as second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known upon application. Subscription rates 82.00 per year. Single Cflpl'er Tm. 'I'IIB SANITAIR" INSTINCT C. H. STAATS. EDITOR MICKIE SAYS ‘ Do“. 0! "on“ SIM, Hoary Dickvaolary-flm ....8 Punk Sufrmh' ......... . . . . Gm! Dick: .. ............... HARDWARE 36 8. Main Street ‘ Telephone No.29 Franklin Co. minds Coal Pocahontas Hard Coal CAN ATTEND T0 ORDERS PROMPTLY NOW! MERTZ é! MOCHEL Exit: time 6 lion}: Alum-w Shrimpâ€"mo hour: Prank Allenâ€"Sallry ..... I Commihsiouer "cant pmsentetl the liemi-momhly pay roll for the per- m: from May 15. to. May 31. 1921. and various bills and moved to ap- prove name and have warrants drawn for the several amounts, as follows: PAY ROLL ; May 15 to May 3!, 1921 ; Dept. 0! Accounts Finances Chas. M. Hitchâ€"Salary ..... 370.00 M. Venaul . ................. 57.50 Louis Callahan .............. 57.50 A. B. Snow ................ 7.50 William Bender ............. 4.10 Harry W. Bryce ........... 4.16 Charles Haller .............. 4.16 l. G. Heartt ................ 4.16 W. C. Barber ............... 10.42 C. Ford Davis .............. 21.00 Dr“. of Sure“ Improvements S. Buclzik (strwts)-Snlnry..$52.m J'. Nelson .................. 52.00 ‘ Dept. of [In]!!! Safely Ella-an] llilcymll'é days ....3~ll.40 Dept. 01 l’uhlic l’ropvny ' H. L. Thompson-8ulary ....$65.00 Extra litm- 12 hours ...... 9.72 Ola Irwinâ€"Salary ......... 65.00 Extra time 8 hour» ........ 6.48‘ “’ilbrrIDounâ€"Salary ........ 60.00 Extra time 10 hours ...... 5.00 Karl Wombleâ€"Salary . ....... 67 . 50 WHILE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST AND ALL KINDS ARE OBTAINABLE OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D Downers Grove, "1., June 6. 1921. Regular meeting ut‘ the Council of the Village of Downqrs Grove, Ill. Present at roll call Mayor W. C. Bar- ber and Commissioners Bender. Hal- ler, Bryce and Houfltfi Minutes of the meeting of May 3!. 1921. wow read and Commissioner Bender moved to approve same. 0n roll call Commissioners Bender, Bryce, Holler. Heartt and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays’none. Motion car- ried. 21 South Main st. We now have the “EDUCATOR” SHOE for children, sizes 51;. to 8'1. and little gents sizes 8' g; to 13' Boys and Youths-all of proven ser- vice and the price is right. We want your shoe business and will make you a lower price than you pay elsewhere for the SAME GOODS! Come here for the Big Nineâ€"they are fine for summer wear. all sizes. The DOUGLAS SHOES for Men, are of prov- en quality. Our work shoes have given the best of ser- vice for years past. for a low priced cheap shoe that will ve good service-wme old storyâ€"you lgay for ust What you buy. There are lots of S ODDY shoes and some good ones. We have chmn the best we can buy. ‘ WE I"! CWASSED TIE I“!!! Steum flouting - Sewer Bufildlog ' Gn- lenl : Tm m Order Your Coal . J. W. NASH WE HAVE ALL SIZES 0F llâ€"ollhll.‘ . . . . .9nnvv .......... 57.50 57.50 Fred D. Heinlie l’ L U M DING DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNEIS GROVE. ILLINOIS Hurtim Electric (70.. (30.. Bill No. 75853 Pot!" Mfg. O [dumber Cm. C0,, Bill fr?) ............ 20 Edgar D. Otto, Bill 6-1 400 Dept. of Public Property Petty cash, May acct. ...... $l05 Rain. 6. Town: 6: Sun, 5-27 261 Jim“ Mochcl, Bi!) 5»! Ill. Boll l‘honc Co.. 6-! ...... Frank Alton, Bi" 6-6 ...... 17 Harry W. Bryce, Bill 645 2| Sim-lair "Mining (70.. 28504:: : The Texas (‘,u. "in IT! 3'29 J W Na h, Bill 6-! ........ 3 Harold M. Clnlkr. Bill 5-31. I Amelian Supply (30.. "63.. '26 W. H. Erb (30.. Bill 54% .. 73. General Bio-chic (30., Bill»: Nu. C 40725 ............ 75. i Bill No. 652 .............. 4.00 Stevens, Malonoy Co.. 4-19.. 4.45 Rockwoodâ€"Bmlgerow (30., 4-30 10.00 Bill 5-2 .................. 75.00 Dept. of Streets improvements Petty cash. May acct. ...... 3 1.88 Mort: Mochel, Biil 5-1.... LIL} John McMahon. Bill 6-1 138.001 Buschmann [Br-05., Bill 6-1 .. 196.00“ Kemlalh‘illc Broom Bs'ugh "cm. at Accounts 8: Finanrui Petty ca‘h, May acct. $ 7 Rubi. h. 'l‘cnnant 8: Son. 5-27 1 R. S. Buchanan Co.. 5-"6.. 250 Milla- Printing 00., Bill 602.. H Humid Erickson Paul Shroka ....... Joseph Pesczinski ......... Elmer Dicke . .......... Val. Wander .............. Sam ~Hofl'ert .............. Henry . W01! .............. Fred Heinke .............. Potty cash, May acct KiclM’eU- Garage 0)., 1-3! Wm. R. Friedrich, Bill 6-1 Fmrl Baker, Bill 547 ..... Petty cash, May acct. 19.00 KiclM’eU- Garage Co., 3-3 ”LSD Wm. R. Friedrich, Bill 6-1.. 4.1.5.”: Fmrl Baker, Bill 547 .. ..... 4.00 Edward G. Vcnahl, Bill 6-1.. L0!) D. G. Electric (10., Bill 5-2 .. 17.83 Famous (Jlotllcrs. Bill 5-? 58.10 Rob. G. 'l‘unnant Son, 5-27 96.32 III" In" ‘. Bill May 5 Telephone 8 ion ......n.....- nski ....o...-..--.-. lay acct. u) '2. ’1 19.00 599””? 38828888 ge C0., 3-3 ... 19.30 drich, Bill 6-1.. 44.5.”: Bill 547 .. ..... nnanl, Bil! 6-1.. (10., Hi” 5-2 .. 4. x. ‘ 17.83; 00 ‘ 00 31's, mu 5.: 53.10} “ITI‘IL. ...... D 1.0I‘J‘ mu 5-1.... Lam; Bin 6-1 188.00; . Bill 6-1 .. 196.006 m Brush ......$I05.17;: a, 5-27 261.2.3'ifl H .55.: ...... .5)0§\ 1125:: 6.6 21.00:- ».Luua I'm 1-» t n- ”1.00 25.8! 21.2‘ 6.48 ".62 250.00 11.75 75.41! 75. 4o :36. so; 73.63: 5. l0 '7 "5 The Downers: Cruw line Club will IluM n shoot at the grux'vl pit next Sunday Morning. They now have 30- 30 model rifles and are devoluping a few cracks. Anyone interostecl‘ is in~ \‘ill'l' to attend. get nt'quulntvd with the [guy-3.11M join. Commissioner Halter moved to a¢l~ journ to the next regular meeting dutv June 13th. 1921. On roll call 7ommiasioners Hallcr. Hunrtt. Ben- der. Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motidn carried. Nu. GD 833550 ..... ..... 21.00 Nu. TD 828696 .......... 6.50 ‘ Nu. GVD 333449 ...... , 51.41 V. Fredenhagcn, rént ...... 30.00 Light Departmcmâ€"â€" 0 Public Light ............. 8.120 Pumping Bill ............ 445.35 Busch-Sulwr Bros. Eng. Cm, Note No. l8 ............ 308.75 On roll call Commissioners Noam. Hallcr, Bender, Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aw. Nays none. Mu» tion carried. Bill No. 512163 Chicuga Engineer Supply ('0. Bill May 11 ............. w. b. Allen Mfg. Co., Bills: Nu. 19798 ............... Bill No. 19800 . . . ........ . Western Electric C 0., Bills . . H. Mueller Its. 00.. 17187.. McMaster-Carr Supply 00.... For women who seek comfortâ€"real solid comfort these Futurist Unionsuits are just the thing. They are becoming more popular every day. Made of very thin materials yet without frills or unnecessary trimmingsâ€"everything about them is made for comfort. These are much cheaper than last year. T R A C T 0 R PLOWIN G DISC-l N G BASEMENT EXCAVATING RIFLE CLUB SHOOTS SYNDAY Right now with the weather growing hotter every day, every woman desires a substantial sup ly of underwear like this. It is of fine texture, thin and cool. And it is particu arly comfortable because it has excellent fitting qualities. is shaped to fit the figure. In all sizes. in unionsuits and separate garments, and tastily trimmed and very reasonably priced. Knit Underwear that has Every Quality for Summer Comfort Chas. M.1Hitch. Village Clerk. The Call it “FUTURIST” and it’s the Most Comfortable Underwear W. S. Hamblln Phone 21341-2 H. E. McAllister Co. -..... ......... 00 ..... ...... . ric Co., Bills .. {550 ..... ..... 1696 ..... 33449......,.... en, rént ...... The He's is that we have a new supply of summer hosiery in all the popular shades and qualities. silk Iisle and cotton. You will appreciate the values we are giving you now. Interes 21.00 6.50 51.41 30.00 23.99 44.28 There’s Tailored - to - Measure Comfort in KAHN Clothes Because these clothes are individually tai- lored by experts and fitted to your exact measurements, a KAHN Made-to-Measure suit never binds or bags. The fit is always perfectly comfortable, even in close-button- ing. form-fitting models. The collar al- ways hugs the neck. The fit across the shoulders is naturalâ€"and, since the weight of the garment is evenly distributed, not concentrated unnatnrallv at a sin le point. as in the case of poorlv fitting clot es. your KAHN suit feels comfortable even in warm \t'eutherâ€"nnd is free from the ugly wrink- les that always develop , in less-perfectly fitted clothes. 1‘wa »:m- M «mun: n mmuimv rune-tn- mva-urv fllv mm (M muul rmvhl humo- ”mm-J wmkmnn-Mp m mum in Mill b- mra-uml fur n RANK .\|:to|v-'.|-.\lt'.1-uw AM. .\~k Io u-«v um modal Nuwr'ah far hul s: N! he” I w." flag. BERT MOORE 135 North Main Street CHILDREN’S 50X Nothing like these clever little sox for little folks in summer weather. They look so becom- ing and dressy and for comfort are the next thing to going bare- footed. Cost very little, too. For instanceâ€"25 to 50c Friday, June 19, 1921

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