Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jun 1921, p. 7

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Mr. and Mr» Slraulu- cmvrtanm-d eightevn out of town guests at a IAWII ulinnvr lust Sanmlay owning at Wir hmm- un l-‘nirmount avenue. Fm] Howe returned Tuesday from his sludim at the l'niwriity of III- mois. Esther and Margaret (”Tale are spending several wet-ks with their uncle, Henu‘ Schoen. at Forest Park. Miss “(‘ll'll Stevenson has n'turmul from a two weeks visit with relatives at Bushnell. Ill. Miss Vora Frank is enjoying a two Weeks vacation from her duties at the Burlington office. Mr. and Mrs. Len Puffer of La Grange wen- weék end visitors at the Grove. Miss Margaret Greenwood of Oak Park, was a week end gfiest at. the Dickson home on Highland avenue. Vincent Diamond, merchant of La Salle and a property owner here, was a visitor at Downers vae yesterday. l PERSONALS I Mrs. E. W. King of Oakwood a\'e.. just returned from the West Side hospital. She is doing nicely. Mrs. L. C. Hodge of Midtlaugh ave, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Brown in Chicago. 32 S. Main Street Downers Grove. Ill. Charles Heinke of Highland a\'e., is enjoying u few days vacation. MORRIS SHOE STORE DiCKe Theatre Monday Evening, June 13 ADDRESSES BY ATTORNEY A. (‘. HUEBSCH Friday. June 10. 1921 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH scuool Tennis Shoes and Slipper White Dress Shoes Graduation Exercises and Dramatic Entertainment Pumps, Oxfords Comfortable and Stylish Footwear for Every Member of the Family :-: Downers Grove Electric Co. We do all kinds of Electrical Repairing, Machinist Work and carry everything in Electrical Goods. ~(Tower Belmont 8: Forest Ave. Telephonc 369-1 Try a Reporter Classified. Vacation Shoes S. Andrew’s Church ICE (‘RI'IA M S()(‘l.\ l. FRIDAY EVENINH. JUNE HIT". I92! SAINT ANDREW'S CHURCH LAWN Woman's Guild and Auxiliary HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BY ALEX. (‘. MISKELLY President. Board of Education of the Chicago Bar Mr. John Friis of Highland area was M'H‘I‘Ph' cut ubuu! the scalp Wml- nesdn) when he was struck by an nulomnbile in Chicago. Mrs. Him».- and (laughter, Belly. of West Maplv avenue. span! the week and mm wkuivw in Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. l-‘muk Counter of [.9- mon! attended the funeral of Arnold Rune. the infant ~sun uf Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Bolts. on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Counter and children, Francis and Marjorie of Lamont, vis- ited with her purenu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trapp this week. Mrs. Green, who has been \‘ixiling with her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Kelly, in North Forest. avenue, left yester- day for her home in LaCz-osse. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Bluel and chil- dren, spent the \wek end in Aurora at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aloy- sius Grouch. Mr. G. A. Hoegren left Wednes- day evening for Nebraska, being cal- led them on account of the serious illness of his brother. Mrs. Hunt Breckenridge and Miss Margawt Breckenridgu of Oak Park spent the day with Mas. Lemon Tues- day. Mrs. W. J. Slants and Betty Jam.- mturnm} this morning fmm Lus Anâ€" geles, California. where they have been fur three weeks. Mrs. Grant of Aurora} and Mrs. The Rev. 1.. B. Hastings. rector of Nickles of Southerland, Iowa, visited 8. Albun‘s school for boys. at Syca- with their sister, Mrs. E. W. King, more, UL, will speak an S. Andrew's of Oakwood avenue. this we'ék. Episcopal (‘hmvh this Sunday even- ing, June 12th. at 8:00 o‘clock. DOWNERS GROVE mom DOWNEBS GMVE, 111N018 Mr. and 311-3. (:em-gu Kenny, MN. Alice Moon- aml M 1's. Anniv Krambs, attendml the fun-ml of Mrs. W. B. Miss Luuise Carling Vof Beverly Hills, sister of Mrs. A. Selig. broke her left leg in two plan-s last Sutur- day in falling down stairs. She is nuw in the Englcwood hmpital. The Downers Grow peoph' who at- tended the Gl'uen~l)i0ndorl\-r \vmlding includml Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staiger, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Broadwvll. Miss Grace l’eu-rsun and Mr. Ed“: I’fafl'. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewey, of Lafirango. visitml last Sunday with the Frank Kid\vell and 0. J. Dewey families at their home on North For- est avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hui? are rejoic- ing over thu arrival of a fine, eleven and three-(manor pound, baby boy, born May 23d. His name win be Marvin Edwin. M11». John Hr-urtt entorluinml for her Him-v, Miss Hestfl Moore. in (ht' country last Saturday night. After a picnic supper the rest (If the men- in); was spent dancing. NORTH SIDE GRMERY MARKET No. i} Farmhouse Red Beets, per can . Fermlell Milk. large cans, 13c; 2 for . Fermlell Milk, small can ............ Libby’s Dill Pickles, large can ....... No. 2': Pineapple, broken slices ..... Grape Juice, pint bottles, each ....... Lobster, lglb can ................... Sunbeam Instant Tapioca, per package Sunbeam Dates, per package ........ SATURDAY SPECIALS ' my your groceries by the case and get a case Int price. Thus Will not nnly save you money but tinw, and you Will have it “when you want IL" And when you buy our groceries you buy the l»0.<t to be had. Is not this the kind you want? Sure it is! Then come to us for them. Fresh Groceriesâ€"Lowest Prices Harry Walker Phone 191â€"?! Pork Loin, per pound ................ 25 Pork Butts, per pound ............... 20 Spare Ribs, per pound ................ 12 LegO‘LamleeI-pound 2% Smoked Shoulder Ham, per pound ..... IS Smoked Boneless Butts, per pound .35 Plate Corned Beef, per pound ......... ll Boneless Brisket Corned Beef, poundâ€".18 Veal Shoulder, per pound ............. 23 Pickled Pigs Feet, per pound .......... 9‘ 71 Georgia Squares, Bacon, per pound. . . .I IF YOU WANT SPRING CHICKENSâ€" WE HAVE THEM WALKER DICKE P A I N T I N G Decorating Paper Hanging Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 GROCERIES MEATS arge can .............. oken slices ....... ....................... inca, per package ...... package ............... The Ladies Aid Sm-ioty of the Con- m'vgutionul church will mom, Thurs- day, July 16th at 1:30 in the church parlors. Hostessos will be Mrs. Ras- ton and Mrs. Shumaker. All mcm’ h‘l's‘ um! fliq-mls are cordially invited. ............... ............... .............. l Beef, pound Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Farrar left on Monday night for Niagara Falls. N. Y.. Philadelphia, l'a.. and Washinw ton. l). (7. At Washington they will see thoir (laughter. Jewel, graduau1 from tho Anny School of Nursing. Eur) Klvin returnrd last Saturday from thv Augustanu hospital whom he has been a patient for vk-ven weeks convuloscing from a serious oporation performed by Drs. Edwin Osrhner and H. L. Gregg. I’ruf. Donald (‘lark and wifu of New York City haw been guests at the Lemon lwnw this wen-k. l'mf. Clark is a nephew of Mr. Lemon and is :1 number of the faculty of COL umbiu L'niversity. Mr. and Mrs. Louis l-Iggort, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Eggnn and Mr. and Mr~z.\\'m..1'att\ and mm- daughter. Jenn. drow- uut fmm ['2' .u'onsmxnl on Sundu} and “we grunts m the Lev mon home. ' Winter at Cicero, Thursday after~ noon. Jim. Ed. Frank and daughter, Vora, Henry Dicke Phone l2‘3-R 17c 12(- 38c 180 1 1c 18c 20c 25c 4c 27c 35c '17 c 35c 10c 20c ANITA STEWART in “PLAYTHINGS OF DESTINY” ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in “Miracle of Manhattan” CONWAY TEARLE in “BUCKIN THE TIGER": ' "Hr‘ninfl 7:30 9:00 Alimi<-§nn and 25m inc'udinz war 2m: You read thi< story in the Saturday Evening: Pmt .Hm‘n Chester Outing Picture “DREAMS (‘OMl-I TRISH" Vanity (Iomedy~â€" Pan-_\ (YIN-mm”. Mm aid I “w l’ariâ€"ian Shay. and Mn Trmr, Lht‘ famnn- "nuwmniol «rm-n“ miuhl I‘hu- bu-n lum lmnkr-d 4) many allklu .\nvl what [WU-d .(H “W" I'vrrl‘t't‘. fun a? fin" iwmz "Ik'n :‘a !h-‘ 31min, an!!! *1": tan- rul'ml I" do In" l::flvr'- 1'" «d h' ' .;, Fur l’nmâ€" . L’Ut mm! an :1 Mai LIKE TWU l'l-Z‘h‘ |\ \ PM) “The Good Little Bad Cir!" “Two Weeks With Pay” Event“ 7:30 1 9:00 BELMONT AN!) FOREST AVIISL'IIS ”OWNERS GIOVK lunco. The Dicke Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amim‘son of Chit-alga \wro tiu- guests at tho A. E. Olson hump. on 'l'hursday. AIM! Bliss Brown from 310“" York City. who is om Iwr way (u YDHIHVSUIIII.‘ National Park \\‘lu-n- slw has u “no position : Ravnmml Iuhl, M'hnlur hf Cunt“ Ca.“ School, attend“! the M1100! the full term, new! mi.~.~ing a (In) no: was he tardy. “9 will vnlcr the 4th grade next year. All crmlit 5}"an be- given the ‘trm-hor, who is Mi»~ Georgia ngury. left Tuesday for a visit with nil.- tives in Whitewater, Wis. This Is Mrs. Frank’s hinhplace and she will see many old friends she has not seen in yours. Your Last Opportunity of Seeing Murshall Neilln'a Greatest Production “Bob Hampton of Placer” Now is the time to place your order for a S U M M E R S U I T Made-To-Measure Latest light-weight fabrics in great variety now on display in snappy up-to-date designs and colormgs â€"â€"guarantoed 100 per cent all pure wool. STEP IN Your Inspection i5 Invited. BEBE DANIELS “SA 3? DWICH ES" A LS 0 COMEDY AND TRAVEL PICTURE Vacation Clothes Thursday, June 16th Saturday, June 11th J. MAZZA Friday, June 10th COMING! ha Z-Rcc! Mermaid (‘omedyw- “APR". FOOL“ Tan‘u «album It“ fur me In 60 now but and Im- lifv. You". i- Mhéng if M MM!» mane. Jury Ina \‘uufl‘. "vent". lw (uni "vint- MM. Egyptian] but. Al "w an mi-umlv-r-umlin . :4!» am- n-ady In NM 0" and mommime thus-waif. Dr M but lim‘ v-vmflnly I 41w by "rt-£000.“: In! In with of Jrrrv’- trntir «mm-n. ymo'" find "MM": mnrh‘l how fun "min: Mum! llliâ€" wright” r ‘mody. Adah-lo. 15 t 23 d: be. Wu Tu. ou'mnmimem manual tru- "no my ‘me' “NUW 90“.}: WONT WNW}: DUNK! MatyMiIexmm Mr. Fred Wt‘is is back to work n‘f‘ tor an enforcml layoff of several wnvks, on arcuunt of an injured nrm. The ofl'lcers and M" of the it Andmw s Church School attended t ('umocutlon at. S Timothy's Chunk; ‘Chiwgo, last Thursday evening. Tl. ‘conferencv was held under the jus- pit‘L‘s‘ of the Commission on T504331” Training of the Diocese of Chicago. 'l‘ho Kinlm-H Garage Co" has no ceivml an announcement from tho_ [Milw- Bros. Motor Car (30., of I wry substantial drop in the price of this pnpulzn- cur. With the mw' mil-c the benign is one of the 5688 buy4 on the market. ruin! With the Government. L‘- mu! I'NTOIH \I. LIFE 7“!“ and 9:00. A Telephone 355 A'lmiuifll.

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