Downers Grove Reporter, 17 Jun 1921, p. 1

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"DOWNERS; GROVE REPORTER? A true friend is distinmfishrd in the rrisis of hazard and necessity. when the gallantry of his aid may show the worth of his soul and the loyalty of his heart. ‘ ‘ tho $23. $100. :1an $1.00“ (‘m'tifiratos yil‘M 4’} mmfmumimI (mar'orly. Thousands of Libnng T-nmi Ptoidr-rs an converting thvir inztrm‘. mupnns into .- Trnasury Saving: .=n-.:ritics twice a year. realizing that it 1.: thI‘ safest investment. in the wm-Tri. Pommastm‘ Dn“ m r :.n (':.ncr‘~ that; coupons will ho awry-art} \mh mi the Post Ofl'ir‘o in pajcmrn‘. “m Troa-r snn‘ Savings securitim “€505 aw i<â€": sued in dmmminatinn: of from 2.3: cents to 3L0“). The $3 Smmn and] tho $23. RIM. and $1,000 (‘m'tifiratos‘ yield 4’} m'vmrmum‘m1 Ignnr'orly. Thousands of Lihon ;.' Erridnl‘s 0n Junv 15th 842.000.0111 “n; paid to holvkrs of the First Lvhfrty Bonds and Victory Notes m the Sm‘vnth Federal Reserve District. This is the “mi-annual interest due nn'tho two issues, of which $1,129,242.50" worth was subscribed for in this dis- trict. Holders of lamc Marks of these securities am taking: advantage of the low maria-t rat! on Liherty‘ Bonds and purflvasine more of the Government Bond ' ‘ 'heir intm-- aft cnupons. Ev rmmvn rnm’mry has the same oppv - :5. Err-n the holder of a $50 or $100 Band. Twas-1 sury nfi'icials point nuf. nml not hr, doprirerl of an oppnttmity tn Iotf' their intmwt monm' n‘nkr rat. nrjr t‘qu' them. ”it"! "and Calm. .\cr¢ptrd Is ('14. on Pun-haw a! 01h" l'. S. Securities. MILLIONS PAID IN INTEREST CAN BE RE-lNVESTED Spam is not m'ailabh to mumm- no the may pwfly and awful nr- ticles MM. That "w chvhlm and their intruders an to I'm congrat- ulated for the showing mndp was ap- narml on all prommt. it hu- boon «with! many than. among the ofl’icvn and Inch-n- M the "hook of Down": firms. Hun! 1M parents and mumvalc won- mfl ntipfldmily "mun-6w In any new (autumn. TM Junior ”I." mommy Sdmnl was drimhlfll with the N‘ld," and alum-lam bur {mm the mwn wk. [Mic-ion,- "mum.- of flat kite-Mn [mm-d in for «worn! hours. and than who law from "Mr pm: will in plan! in how um "Inch-M IC'I’QV‘.‘ warn Irft to mh n man»:- in arm! (to sun barn full to the mmtnl districts M ”mam“ Toward the end of tlw school year when the children have amulml some proficiency in handiwork through the articles they have manic “to take home." I ml for a larger. more ll- truiuic motive is felt. Hem one of the advant-gw of being lomml in I mull town with it: wily understood community lntrrwu. is M‘idvnl. The children an- mon- than nmly to help with the familiar. kindly Library. and with the nw-iwplriux fin truck. The rchool than Mom-v A work- thop for the community. The product:- nrc rriticinrl (mix lay (flint-worl- m u tn their perfection Innl uln- hility. A mmparntirrly hiuh mind- nnl is uutmnntnrnliy «I up. Then follow:- n sonar at nal mn-u-n' whom - rhilci mm mm on "null-lair thr flrniiy." huy s-ornrthlmr hr has ntuak‘ brie-nu it in truly damn-ubiq- nml rn- ‘ "hit of bring put to \m'. The Junior Elvmcnmt'y Schml closed Friday, June 10:!1, with a, ba- zaar. The bazaar wtu entirely satis- factory financiallyE rupplyiug funds with which to help the Library and to Eecrease the Fire Truck (lt'ficit. Its main purlmso, however, mt." educa- tional, that is, {or Lite (lovt‘lopmcnt‘ (-1" the children of the whool. The chihlmn have about an hour each day throughout the your fur con- structin- and creative Wurk “ith ma- terials, wood, clay. cluth, paper and 20 on. Thin in not fut the purpose of making artisans of 'thom but of making planner». think-re and me- (‘utorm people who can initiate wine- thing and put it through \t'lth judg- ment and persistence. Promeds Divided Between the Public ”bully and the Pin- Truck Fun¢ JR. flfoNIARY ,- S(l|00[ GOSH) WlIflA BAZAAR .VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 21 ’ Come and brim: the kichlim to .<nr- ' per at Library Hall. Juno 30th. any ’ limo hetwrrn 6 and 8:30 p. m. Tm ‘ Tampa-hon Camv Fin (viris “vi! ‘seno and tho rrnrrmls “in help the girls an camping. Ticket: “m bra sale at 75c and (an be nhtainn! from film Campfire (35-15 any timr afttr ;Thur.=da_v. the 16th;- This is but anmhcr drmonfirav (ion of the power of fiw press when rightiy applied. “70 attri- huto mx-ora'} improvement: armmr! the final" to Reporter Mitnrv‘ak. hut in no case i» the infer-mm a; dimfl as" it was in the fixing up of this crowing. In thia inflame we were informer! by thn investi- zator that he was sent here thru the article. The Reporter is a constant booster for betterment. .-\ chnnrr (-riitm‘ial is www.4- Mr for the fixing of the Forest avenue railroad crowns: hnro. T‘nr crossing was in .mploramo cnndi- tinn and ”w auemion of (hp rom- pany was raliw? to it in an odi- tm'ia). An invcflip‘ation “a: made. the fart: ascertained am! a rrvw of men immrrliatpb' dimmchor? fm_rp Chicago to fi\' it. Frank Schwartz. pn‘sidom of IN» company say: "no incorporation has. Mn mmpktm! and rrrrythim: is in' rnadimss to start as soon as the litiL. "in: Commission will grant them a‘ charter tn owrau. Hearinp musti first hr hold and he "pm.- no or position to 1hr plan Tiny will mm: “10an "w «min In ”0‘“er Gr‘me. This will pix-r [romp wioh bnsémss in Whmtm a mam In gr: thaw without yum: either by way N' Aumm or (‘hirnm‘ a." hitherto Fm hum ”11‘ 6330. EDITORIAL FIXES R. R. CROSSING hat in (Ix- la-t {mt month.- carried- humlmln of maple brim-r» 'Mif hm: (“id-.4. and Aumm: N-pmmn um! flown-n €6er mm“ ”unwed at mm- fimw; and Snwrvillc and thmm "'f'v‘fi WINK“! IflFMI. JUN II. and Aurora and Norm Amman. "I‘ll. ll "v MN?! Mme Of It. and The mmpany hag Iron nwm'ing' ”N. E. N. \‘Inl. "M Gates. 1.53%. hours hrhrn'n Amman ml Namr- "mm-‘- W I‘M"! the ”8'7“". 9' rinc aim Ind Janna”. my up ”5." FAN” Blinks”! Willard Ind If. "an on 2 hr hour While. Int-“"09“." PM?“ M". bulk of in! N-prrrillr on Ihv 0-ch hm» nml'no‘m"! Grove, lflinm’s. Mme? Aumrn on the um hour. It is "MM. E. Nannamhr of North Western in: mm". pant-rut Rm buss“ aMrCollrgr. N-pon'ille, Illinois. ommw [ An nwliralmn In" horn made In 1hr RIM! I‘nblir l'b'mk'! Communion by the saw-n: Autn flu.- Imwn. Inc. 0" Nay-"Tint. f" flu- fi'M to «pry-- atr motor bums Irma-n Narnillr‘ and Ann-um: Karenina and "mun-n Grow; HM Sapnvillr and “10¢th and Aaron and Norm Aomru. (bum) Mu- Rnnbnu “cum \u- nt- 5“ Nauru”: to hind UM to [harm 82 00 Per Year. In Adv-w. CAMP FIRE GIRLS' SI‘PI‘L‘R APPLICATION FOR AUTO LINE FROM NAPERVILLE HERE A Mr long who: of the May-ml: onbr. while living in the. Grove ht took In mm intern: in Gnu- Punter-l K‘I'Vifl'l were hem \\'nl- "any. June lat. and burial undo in Pal-(kn. flu- nn. J. H. HuttNu. Win: the unit" “d Ibt r“- ude marl; of the G. A. R. bfln used It the grave. In the spring of l8“ hr \vns mur- rim! In Miss Mary kar of 0mm- “. New York, and with his wulmr he leaves ("0 children, Col. H. W. Sticklv nf Bay City. Mich. and Mrs. 8. ll. Muzu-y o! Pmmku. to mourn A natiw of Maysachusvtn an an‘ early age he moved with his pun-cm» to New Jun-y, where at the age of: 18 hv began tom‘hing; “hich p:'n:'o.~~' siun ll(' {allowed until the outbreak, of the Civil “m. (In April 17. zxm.‘ Ju- clam! his «hm-I and mum-u 1an ‘tlw 70m New York Infantry; scum; llm‘c yu-ars am": ”worm-rod in {‘10 3.1; Now Jcrsoy (mum. in ulmh (Imam: izatiml ho Mnmi unhl Un- rlvso pf! the war, huhh'mr mmmission» n.- M'-.’ mud and flu}: hum-mm! and cupfllin.l He was u-vn-oly \wnmlt‘d fur tum-if and was discharged in Augnrl. 1865.; ICAP'r. A. C. STICKLE, {- FORMER RESIDENT, Capt. Augustus C. Stirkhz “ho :‘or many years made DOWIICI‘F Grow his home and who will be remembered by the old timers here, died at his homo in Pasalenn, Calilomia, Sunday. May Was a Val-ran of the Civil Warâ€"- Sen-ed Four Years and “'ar; Wounded Five Times. - DIES IN PASADENA DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 A NEWS PAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY Both of the=e fei'lows were with the Chicago University team which trav- eled through the Orient last year. (‘uztl.â€".-' Ranker htars eight starsz; thy-r0 :‘rr flag-in: first base on flat“ haHhaIE k-am; thme for his work on} tho tmiwrn-‘j: trark team and two: for hakkct‘nail. Morht'l proudly poinis; to throw war:- which he won by hold- ing dnwh th" third Fark on the bask ball tt-am. ‘ I ; Tod Cums; am? John Mocha! worry: In th' ,atrâ€"t “Kmart-d Tract.“ nf Inn-mug :“wm'x- mI-n awarded “C" blan- Haldom-FVLIan ('nws,” published ‘kms 2: the University of Chieaznfhi'WTHF hi: ”3’00"" "- Garvin". ”'Shm" hm? '.a.<t Friday night injf’olamn. “urcmm, Superintendent Hutrhinmn ccsm on tho midway. "Of Ad‘varr'l? thtistry of the Hols- This maroon blanket. with a stav-,"“In‘r““"a" -““"“ia'i"" 0’ Amt-"‘03,! for each Inter won on track or fieldeh“ I'M" ‘mmc (”1 M "in," "”"U x: a cow-:r-d' trophy amen: the ath-Tm“ “'3“ ""' "‘- 3'“ r'"""‘h"fl‘ "75"? No- of the ['nit-vrfif)’ and tn hawjtvm!‘ rimâ€"f4 p‘r'tfi‘ MW: . .' two N. unr 1\ Gym?» mI-n prt‘su'wnrwfE Tn;< “"‘- / " amha Math k"m"-Vl""l .1 " ‘ - "" ' with who a: :Pw same time is quite.“ ”Pr-"m 54""? "‘3'!" 3‘ 1h“ an ham ,1 gun"- a“ «an {"11“ and (Am-en months! (‘urti.â€".~' Ranker hrars eight scary“ rprnm m‘ an? pmmm of milk amlé‘ : . ‘ __ ' '12‘2 [thumb «i t. m” fat in seven dayag‘ 1hr“ ": pawn: first be” O“ a" r-quivakvnt to - i munds of butter.' haubal} k-am; thwx: for his work on} 1,93. (:5 v.5: kind are pupcn-iged by tho iihiYFFTI'If track team and twofr-m‘ 0 "MW rtylrmontativos from the 5m: hagkg‘na]. gumbo} proudly mimsmairg. Imuion of the College-ofjtg. m mm, a“: which h e won by homflmjmituro. wear: at each'feedmg and _ _‘__ l h k h mmnng. to wmgh the mvllr and test ng drum th» .mrr :ar an t «3 base- it for butter fat content. A dupli- gall. tf'am- rate sample of this milk 1': forward- Both of theme feilows were with the ed m (ht; State College, where care- Tori ("urn-s; am? John Mocha-I wrrr‘ among: many mI-n awarrlnd "C" blan- Ims a: the University of Chieazn "sum" Tami Last Friday night in Hutrhinmn scum on H)» midway. LOCAL ATHLETES A: thmgrin was played. the brick cam¢ dam: the Ash-way intn Hm drawing: mom. She was awaited by thr groom. who was served by hi: hs-nthm'. .‘lr. Herbert C. Radon, as (Continual on page 4) Mr. Mien Steam: of Chic-am). l"â€" innis. rousm of the bride, mtg ‘Oh Promise Mt" .‘Iiss Lw'a Willard of Napv‘nillo' Illinm‘s rm.<in 0! (hp hflde-maid of? Manonâ€"\x “a: «Mind in pate gmn or- yand} m-u whin- silk Ind nrrml :1. Mn! nf Ems-min “wet peas. v The rimming bride was gunned in :1 Nautiful "ration of while (vor- who (We? whit» s-tin. I long tullr wil falIinr from a wrath of lfllios of (hr Halley. ic- rarriod a shower Mun of brick» roses and lillios of "w \alk'y. using the single ring wmmy. r Fm" Dnmwr- (inw- [irh OMI- led to «M altar um week hoping up tho nwufinu a! June on "to munch of "Infar- and vol-m." Add!" to than “in but bun martial 6- IM- post 1’“ Herb males Dov-en (imw a} bridal mmmunil). I 1w. Mouth 0! EU" I“ l (‘allu You. Pugh Fu- flnflc Bum-duo». GET “C" BLANKETS FROM CHICAGO “U" WUR MWIIRS GIRlS BRIDIS Wllfllfl WEEK kg§g {gggfi @ggg kggg kagg FRANK A. ROGERS, Pioneer, Soldier. BuriedSnnduy HEEQEEERQEEEfiEEERE unammmaunxaaannnnn nununnknnmnnnnnnnn flfiflmflwwflMflfiflflwwW%fl wwwwwwwflwflmflwwwMflfl fiflfiflflflflwaflflflmmwflwfi \\ ll.l..\IH--RADEI.I. in! check is made before the record f The Fowst Prv-cen'o is thqtract of hm! hm: muth of the tracts and lrunning thrnor‘n to Maple avenur. It Eras purcha‘m by the County Board inf Supt-nimr» and will he dwlintevl in: a perutuai forest for the pkasnrr? 'and pram rf :Pw people. I LISIE FHRMS C0. (OW MAKES HIGH BUTTER FAT TEST Tho fiw department had made no plum for a picnic this war and by mum-q m’ the rommittw' have sensed to fmnirh nâ€"vrral amusements for the affair and arrange for nfrwsh- mail», in (rt-am and soft drinks. 1‘. Joan. M: c-fl'nrc will In- mado to combine NW ('30er of lbw (batches of IM “an: 3"“. with "n- Mlp 0f m-vrpnm. patriotic and othor uonxe will he sunr. I Tonulirely the mural» all: for ‘- parade lwulnl by the fin- lmci hum Me downtown mum to flu- pnp-cn-o I"?! the ball game in U» afternoon. l-tvcvym will he lunch! «lawn with lunch tn out in nu,- woe-ls and the calm alhir will lulu.- fm tho-1 awed or a rommunuy plmir. I Tin-n will in cut-akin; by HM Row. "wine and Gun-twin AM by "award ’ Tim who. wan uh- II a miâ€" [In of m informal commuter WM- MM» cumin. ullnl lmthor far «he purpo-e. Thou in chum a! un- nrnnnmuln an I". J. uukfonl, Chairman; W. N Illa-In“, H. l'. Jon", Henry C. Dick». flavor WIN I" ( "avian and 0» R0. Run: II. ‘ Goodwin and "w Run A 3. "hips. Dunc-u fime'x l-‘omt Pic-verve will be damned to the m 01 the punk and future mfibuu u! 006- mmmunny u I (immunity Pic-k the afternoon 0! July «it. Stunting. 95.15.‘ and “I“ Neal: 5. South Wall.- to W- Pnflr'u Plug!“ 0EEl(lAl OPENING EORESE PRESERVE HERE llJlY WEIR"! mmwm ”mam ammm Wynn wwmm mmmm mmmm Hymn Reporter classifimls are road ov- ery week by literall thousands of folks. These tea .rs all soak something or they would not con- tinue to read them every week. If you have something to sell “tell the world about it” in The Repor- ter. The cost is small and the re- turns large. Sonic-r»- at tho East (hove Chain-l, Sunday, Jum- If). will ho as fnllowy: Sunday Srhmd, m a. m. Church .:(‘T~ View. II a. m. Tho Rev. John (Judd, of Chirazn, will prvarh. Evrvrynmy writ-om!» 1! i3 hoped that many will1 avail thv-mrr-lu-s of thr- opportunity of hearing thix rexmllent spvakr-r. I work its a last article rrturm-ll to its rightful owner; another a room has hem rented; another four or five article: have been said; ann- thm a man who wants work and another who wants: a worker have been hmuzhf togvther; a" thruuzh a row limes in the Classifier! colâ€" unl‘n of The ‘Rt-pqrtqr. [put an 0r luv-hm yours. "is ding» pm'ntmont Moon ”w mmmnnity Ha ’wm lumnl clown Inst fall by Hu- m!- Icrs of the [mun-sod tliuh‘ifl was nnly (no patmt to: those who Dun-w him. Thom am away mph in thc- vi!- ‘laxe who haw», in "w hurl span of‘ time M hm Mn Irv-r0, mm in law Mr. Sham: and his way of handling the schools. "1- will hr missed and our wishes: fnr his smorss in 00m fichlx is joined to by the many flirnd‘ be has made in Downers Grove. Thorn is not a \w-r'k gum: by which drms not contain a Ill-mon- stratum of the puHing war of Reporyyr (Ilawifiml A! '4. 0m A DEMONSTRATION EVERY WEEK {one at lbw tuwnn this: went win-n- um- of {In pmspu-Is has Iron bond M tho MIN»! sysum. Hr. Knapp Oval 3 (no war man-fl with the Inn] "and. "P am how- with lbw ":ng that he wank! In- tho» but! of I Fammunily High Sit-ho»! as this had Inn-n My wart luv the ‘ hr mmnm- of but”. M. Sun" as Supâ€"drum of Ibo lbwmn Grow- Schools. wu W to "u.- ”an! at Manda n mm mung 00 Tuna-y "will. nd by "own nmptrd. His plan: has .0! yr! hm. ."H but now-III m an in‘ ”film! I'M the mum!"- vi" Viv-M} SCHOOL BOARD ACCEPTS RESIG- NATION 0|" SUP‘I‘. It. Castor ah» the plan a! W. ILRkhkwhohumt-MMNI 0M houn- in New ery. .‘lr. (:'u.~.lm' romrx {mm 'l'mu‘ku, Kansas. Mr is u nraduulv of Misa- uuri Valley Conn-go uml llw Y. M. C. A. Collrge of Chicago. For five youn- Mr. Cum-r was a lmwlinx mleumau for (hr Midland Lynwun llun-nu‘ n!‘ [x-moinos. l-‘ullowing his imam-tum from rollt-uu' he was «lucadonal di- mdur of the Karma» (Ilty Y. I. C. A. Five yearn um spent in Ikhl- mm, chm yflux u Wu» 0' 0» Sun! .‘k'cmury. L B. "nu-l, and two yum u County Mnluy of "illu- dalm County. For the past lour yum lll’. Canter lax In": mitt? snarl-(y a! County Yovk in KW. Ilia funâ€" ny confirms of In. (‘uu-r and Mn young m. Willlam. SERVICES AT EAST GROVE ity. Churk‘s A. Castor, new CouMy Y. M. C. A. Secretary. who assumed ‘chnrge of the work in DuPagv: Coun- ty on Monday, and Otis B. Read. Rural Secretary of [lu- lllinuis State Association, made a pleasant. cu" at Tho lh‘poru-r ofl'icv wot-mummy morn- ing 1th were on a mum: around Hu- county getting nrquuintcd “ith local folks and making plans for Y. Graduate at Missouri Valley and Y. M. C. A. Colleges Took Chang-v Monday. CHARLES A. CASTER NEW COUNTY Y. M. C. A. SECRETARY C. A. ut‘th'itic's in may commun- Th! Ir. NM” Imam Villa]! Pouc- u W (0 lb! Sir-uh C colon. Five Cent... This day mi” ht start"! by n m (or mmvlr- at mm a. m.. {0"on . y band manna yam“, races. box- ling, upon-Ms by mm of naticmal "promim-ncr, and many; quv and in- tt-rmlinz ovr-nts. Cnmmz-m-ing at 5-00 n‘clnck in the ' owning, Mariam Thur-a Banger. 'thn omimnt nun-away). w'li conduct .1 _ Historical l‘anznt. unrk-r the auspi- cos of [hp Naywnunv (‘ommunity Sara \‘ifl’, tlepictinr th- hiutmy of Nap!!!- vilk- aml nunm f‘aunty in pageant fun-n. Thorn wifl he mmic by the Napervmr: Community nrdwstra and Chorus, and a domrnstmtion by the Communty Emythmvrv (’32-'52. ~A handsomn mw Ford coupe will 'be given away fru- m 21m gmmds. After rlark thrre wen be a" the fireworks in thr- world to delight the hearts of young and (Jr). An u: eaâ€" tim city block ml? he fcmed of! for 0pm air dancing. rho music to he fur- nished by .1 Hum piece milihry band. Lunch and refreshments rm 0 ~ Smile this morning, Smile this noon, Smile all you an. For the any is [on non. Th!- larm ‘1 meh hf July picnic um aurmptrrl in Dul’aw County. h bring plum"! h, Namnme Post No. 43, Amgrirnn ”prion, to he MM in the heautu‘ul City Park. ‘in-worhs. (ism. Rating. Du Are Antonia!" at Indepen- dflwe lily rflfic. N A ERVIIJE POST. A MERICA N LEGION PNEVK‘ JULY 4 1' H flr 1-th to (Tammy I: d (b Emu. mind- Cavalry, W M. "Kl. nut. in hunt"!!! not . some»: an». m4. "0 In iii In. mum in am an hm:- all skirmishes "I "w Palomar DOM. sari-Mung hum-Inn and (mm Mun u rummaging. stun "17 hr ha- um up (“ovum-odor of Nun- ‘l'ufl. "mud Amy «1 “to W ”o- In on M "’0‘ vpnhn ll ‘5. #Ms rw-vy Mrmn'al "I! for I“ last Irv-My nun and just ”lb m MM I.» «NH». a! on of u- M mien-fling "uh «mir- 0' UR My lift- of I!» cumin-mitt. Mr. Run-n- n! mania! 10 Katy A. l‘lnmmn M Ninnbk. July 7. 1m. fivr chiMn-n hing hum In (firm, In. Humiv- Torr-do of nmhum. In. Muy F7. mummy 00‘ “Main. Ch“. H’nniinmd on pan 2) [null- [In any to m but of It. \Rmn’ “homo-lav. Mono» AH- vkfi. who Ind - In mn- hhn lo- aud on mm nub of [he villa“. Mm Funk mm for my nus. IUMMI "H M of ID. WWI-hrdhu.nm whoa! It Roman. In lkl‘m Cl.- pastor "f HIM. Hvunxrlicul Church, ofl'iriufing. "min! was made in I“ W05! Sub «mt-wry, member: a! (Imw Imago, No. “24. A. I". ‘ A. In giving (ho ”whit run: at the mu. Francine Aldrich Ron” nu lion (n Mon'bdown. St. lawnm County. New York, Jun 21th, "Ml, the mm mm of prh lw-n nod Cant“. (Smith) "mm, old New kw 71mm". Tho journey fun ’6' York a. Illinois In ninth in IO“ 0. “may law-Mug (M- 8!. Law ‘rivvr in the ale-about M to ‘Mmm. N. Y.. And than by no- un ha Bums. From that my a. bumpy um M ulthddflb that “any ltuouri. Landing at (Me-go lay I. It“ (I. (gully ammo» but to.” uni Nrws of the dvath of Frank A. M gem at his homc, 17 East Maple ave, hast Friday evening, came as a shock to his many friends in the Community. Mr. flown; died from double pane- munia and wax acumfly seriously m but a few days ln-fvw departing to that land [mm whoxu bournc no tnv- c-lvr (‘W'I' rvlunw. . Funmul sa-rvin-s wm» held at the humo at lhfl'f' o'clock lust Sunday I!- tvrumm, the Rev. J. Alfted Nansen. Commander of Nana Pom. G. 1 Laid to Rest at West Side Cenwlety, Sunday. fRANK A. ROGERS. PIMHR, SOIDIIR. ANSWERS [ASICMI WHOLE N0. 1942’ ‘

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