Downers Grove Reporter, 24 Jun 1921, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tomlinsnn and family of Willow Springs. span Sum day at thr‘ Laurmwp rem»: homo. ”rs. Collilw Goodrich “'85 .1 [Host a! a hmvhccm givnn my Miss Flor. 3m Shafor of Whonlnn. Tnnsday. Mn. Adam Divh‘r and daughter. Louiso and «m Edmund. “wt mlosts Mr. Algrmon llamnul lrfl fur Um “is! .‘lnnduy vn‘ning. oxmrtim! tn work on Ihr Kansas whc‘at fic~M~. Mr. and Mrs-x Strum-n Knny {mm Indiana. :u-v visiting at Adam Kuh- 90-1-2. Mr. Arthur l‘fafl m»- .qwrnml M: for npwndlrilh Friday. Mi.“ Agatha Fanllvnlu-n “i!" luv- hm wry i" is mud: impwunl. Mi;- SIo-rihah 3111‘s" in n‘nkim: n ‘hnri vigil M "illrrrsl . ”n. Kim: 09' (Mayo. is vi-ilinxz Mr 46st", 11H. I’nuI "“032 Mrs. Narrv Fnflvr vmrnmnml at n pvrnir sum'vvr .‘Inmlm'. .‘Ir. Elm" Kampm‘grrr hm ic-inul "w mnlu and ran nmr hv .v-vn swiftly mesh“: in lvi< now an'. SOIITIIâ€"flf-USLEMTES Ahml ‘10 ('himm- rrfirwh mum-ml Ir. a." Mrm Frank llullrr. Sunla)‘ hringimr with IIu-m a l-«unmmn Inn. in lunch that ”w Ours-Ins mix!" up jay IM My lhv' mom. Mn. it. Tlm-« of Mllwnqu-r null mm, Jnhn nml INN», spud Huv “wk nu! M "w harm of Mr 44w. Mu. K “and. .‘lr. Alb-n Ummhau- and Ho-Im of Down-wt (inn‘c'. wvrr lbw rural: of Mr. and Mn. "vary (humhamn. Sun- My. Ran-"a l‘urtrr \‘Hlml Mr. and Mrs. J. ('umpbrll n! (M Umw. melly and “‘wlm'nlay. - Huh"! "ebb be spending sou-u] Itch with Mr. and Mrs. (in-hum \l'yllio. M». H. Yam-l slI'fl' melny with Mr. Yam?» nmthvr in ('htmxu, who u I". A special mot-ling o! the ommn‘ n! the Linlc Church will be ht‘ld at "u- church Sunday c-vcnlnx. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plumb of the Gmw spent Sunday with the home folks. Ir. Bit-mt Huumwwr o! Juliet. visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I“. Hnumsmr, 83:. Sunday. The Burgess family is now out o! qulnntinejfter a siege of scarlet Th; Ladies Aid Society met with In. Harry Barnacle Thursday. ltâ€"is earnestly desired that all friends and others who are interested in the welfare of the church will at- The Sunday School will be held at 10:30 a. m., new time and the morn- ing service will be cancelled for this Members of the Lisle Congregaâ€" tionhl Church will have a special meeting at the church next Sunday evening, June 26th. at 8:30 p. m. new time. The meeting is called for the purpose of selecting a new pas- tor to take the place of the Rev. A. I'll Anderson, who has gone to a new charge in lows. ‘ LISLE CONGREGATION MEETS SUNDAY T0 SELECT PASTOR NEWSY NOTES “TO! LISLE ‘ MO BELMONT Mr. Henry Grumhans is on the sick Hts. E. Barnacle spent Monday in natmjg- Motor Vehicles Can- Prices Dodge Brothel- At the new Reduced KlDWEll. GARAGE (30. Telephone 284 c‘ur w’vwm'ums. Hv rlnimn that in a rnw r! thi< kiml Ihr rvt‘vn‘mlnm part of Hw- (‘nmmiscim Law is not nprrmiw‘. In :1 similar raw In l‘rimcnn. whom .‘lr. fluncr was the allm‘m‘y of thc l'mmril. lw won the raw h-‘furv‘ (hr Orin! jmlrv and d0- i'vmml mmr 0f llw in»! ”films"! tumor in thr- mm. 'l'hr mh irv 1MB M Mr. lhmgv WI! that "try slumhl rural "w unlmanm “Md! 1hr prnplr harml olmm: papa nnnflwr. "w aanw nat- if va wished. and Hum Lgmm‘ all Iu‘lichmp Mixing I A ywliUun wmt pmwnu-«l Ilse Bonn! ‘nrk'mu for n rrh-nwlum on the lflfl'l- Iiun; Win-Mun wnrkinx umlrr "w ('nmmb-iun Purm of “mt-tumult; uml u: ”w cit-«ion lhr prnpnmiou u'u! Imor‘uwl om. le Slnlc- mm hark Mm u mm known-rung. They nnllnl flu- (‘mln I‘M nn .njnnd‘mn nun naming ”w my from min: in man'- rn. If lhéi wan grnn'ml il wmllcl put "Ir gwnplv In am «I "w worn! .m-aiimlmnt- purplhlr; n mmplflv u'ul‘r nuvm and not "No In "no N. Mr. flungr hm maula- qufln a num- (Minn fur hinm‘lf in "w handling: 0! "Ir Inn-l ‘idv «f municipal "fair- and Wm. Ihiy in mind Hu- Wlmmm ('mmdl mllul him to a ~preml mm!- inn. They were ordered several years 130 by tlu- suu- Department of Health to twat the :‘chm' in such a way that it would my! polulc the rtmnm into which it rmptim. After munlhn‘ of work [he (.‘num‘il pulled an onlinunm- nml ppm-momma: {or a; m-w alimoml plant. and canon-link wm-r. flu- \\ark ln ho Ilnm' immml- Sandy. Attorney G. H. Dunne, o! the Vil- lugv. was called to Whvaton last week Saturday awning by the City Coun- cil to help in the unficrumbling of the fight they are having with the State over their sewage question. PHONE I” (:3 S. MAIN ST. Ink-mating! Tractor.- and Farm Called Ivy Fathom of nghan (‘in to Unscramble Saver Fight Will: Sine. ATTORNEY BUNGE GAVE ADVICE T0 WHEATON COUNCIL Mrs. Eleanm'e Schmitt and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Dom-r. and Mr. John Doerr, were guests at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dieter of Nana-ville, on Sunday, in honor of their daughter, Agnes. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kohley enter- tained about one hundred guests at Sunday night supper in honor of their son Adam, who was a graduate of the parochial school at Naperville. The Adam Dieter family attended the parochial school graduating ex- ercises at Napervillo Monday evenâ€" ing. Anthony Egermann being one of the graduates. Mrs. Harry Foster entertained Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pater and daughter, Margery, and Mrs. Adams of Down- ers Grove on Friday. Mrs. Joseph Dieter of Downers Grove visited her sister, Mrs. Elmer Kampmeyer on Thursday. of Mr. and Mn. N. Schwartz. of Na- pervifle at dinner Sunday. Mr. Herman Ind Fred Stafl'eldt of Wheaton, had Sunday dinner with the Fred Stafleldt family. lmpkmcnn of All Kinds. I\IPI,F..\I EXT DEA [ER R. C. ELLIOTT DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DQWNEBS GMVE. ILLINOIS Witch yawn-If. don't “top down Cm hard on that "M an. 'l‘hiuy mllea an hour will be allow- ed and xnutor spam] {or Mmtvlmh not. to exceed one-eight of a mile. FIN- tor than thin will come ttw unwary a trip to the Justice Court nml n fine tn help ka-ep the ton] in good mn- ditto". Mot-tun “rulers have boon taught uml MINI to date, thin below the po- lirvmon wrn- on the fab wuulnrly. Th tame in homy and will be much heavier, it in uxwtfll. win-n the M“ tnriclm‘ over the Dul'lalmw i1 com- plflml. Autoists on Roosevelt Road rimuld watch lhvlr xtep hemafter. The noun] uf Supervisors have mdc'rwl the Sheriff tn add two motorcycle com to hix dopnrtment with the idea of holding down the xpoellors on this highway. I'm ready to devote considerable time to the project and think there are many like me. If you're intnws- ted call 1884 and ask for “Walter." ROOSEVELT ROAD . MOTORCYCLE COPS ALLOW 30 AN HOUR How about it? You regular fel~ lens who like to swim, let’s get to- gether and start something for our selves and for the many kiddies of the town who should now be learning to swim and dive. j Smaller communities than Downers Prove have accomplished this pur. pose. There are enough men with initiative in this community to get behind such a. project and push it to a successful completion. We believe the people are rehdy for it after sev- eral years of talk. Let's mvive the scheme to clmvelt “the lake" into an‘ ole swimmin' hole. If this isn’t [mmâ€" tical, let's do something else that is. For a “dry” town, not in the usua! meaning of the word, but meaning-a town with no available place to swim, Downers Grove has more beach en- thusiasts than any we have ever seen. There is here a real .need for some place to swim. Can we have such a place 2' Acldmnml l'ormmuls- an A SWIMMING PO0L? Bunco and Card Party Tickets. 351‘. dependability. lts NASH PERFECT- ED VALVE in head motOr is a dis- tinct achievement in motor engineering and is unusually powerful and econom- ical. Let us give you a demonstration. Before buying a light ca see the new NASH FOURâ€""$1,475 delivered Given By ST. JOSEPH A. (7. Saturday Evening. June 25. l92l. at 8:00 P. M. At CHURCH HALLâ€"MAIN 8: FRANKLIN S'I'S. The popularity of the NASH SIX with owners is due to its all around Dependability Owners Like The NASH SIX Because of RUGS AND CLEAN IAOB WE WILL MAXI! THE! 0V3. IN- TO BEAUTIFUL HUGS MSND IN YOUR (".0 CARPET” Domscmc Weaving“; Following the m-mmony n weep- t’on was held at Hu- thumb and re~ fmshmonh were Neru-d w the 140 minds in tlw church park-m whom a short talk was made by the Rev. Clafl‘urd and brief malaria by A. I“. Winter, Mr. Slum and H. P. Luna! [ Miss Corinne Odean. acting as maid ‘of honor, wore green orgnndie and curried a boquet of lavender lupines and yellow snap dragons. She was [allowed by the groom who was nt- u.-mlml by his brother, Mr. Adolph Winter. The bride, gowned in white1 lace and channeuse. wearing a veil mught up with "Him: of the valley: and carrying a shownr boquot of lil- tics of tlu- vnHI-y and white sweet was, entered on the arm of her fnâ€" lhor, who gave her away. Mr. Axel Wonborg arm! as mush-r of wre- nmnivs.‘ In tho presence of many guests the bridal party entered ihe church to the sweet strains of Lohengrin’s _Wed- ding March. First came Miss Esther Odoan. bridesmaid, who ware pink organdie and carried pink roses. She was attended by Mr. Harold Antler-1 son. brother of the bride. ‘ The Rev. Theo. Clnfl'ord, President, of (lu- Presbyterian Thoolugicul Sem- inary, an old friend of the bride's family, performed the ceremony in a bower of palms and ferns. A very pretty church wedding was celebrated Wednesday evening, June 22d. at the Edgewater Baptist Chair): in Chicago, when Miss Ethel E. An- derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson of Oak Park. became‘ the bride of Mr. Albert R. Winter; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. '1‘. Winter of Midtlaugh avenue, Downers vae. The [mom is wall Ilnuwn in Down HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN M ”J was '03 BALI ANDERSON-WINTER Refrcshmcnts Served ALSO A SUPREME COMEDY NOTICE-As this is the second showing of “The Wonder Man,” at the Curtiss Theatre, the fifth episode of “The Avenging Arrow” will be delayed one week. This WE V done so that followers of “The Avenging Arrow,” wlh 1'3 have seen the “Wonder Man” would not be obliged to I“ it the second time unless they so desired. Tuesday, June 28th George Arliss in “The Devil‘ “The Wonder Man” UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELMER UHLHOIN Georges Carpentier A GOOD COMEDY AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS Curliss Theater Tho Woman's Society of the Bap- tist Church held their annual Mis- Downors Grove peoplv at the wad- ding wen', Mr. and Mrs. A. 1‘. Win- ter, Mr. and Mrs. E. I“. Lacey and Hubert and Robert and Roy Dirkson. HELD PICNIC LAST THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Wintrr have gone on a wedding trip to Colorado Springs, Estes Park and the Pikes Peal: region and will be home July 7th at 717 So. Harvey avenue. Oak Park. era Grove when: he his lived all his life. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in June 1917, and served during the period of the war. The bride is a charming girl, with a wide circle of friends and also was in the govern- ment service at Washington during the war period . 4 1 Prairie Ava, nea r Highland , Telephone 136-1 “The Testing Biock” Williamx 8:. Hart Tomato Plants Wednesday, June 29th John Bear Variety 50, 60 6' 75¢ per doz. Saturday, June 25th INTERNATIONAL NEWS AND A COMEDY C. V. WOLF IN aionry Pic-k Thumb: at a. _ of am. Home: Whitman. 10 II! street. about eighty being M1: the afternoon Him Daniella. I I‘- turned missinury from Janna. I“. ‘ ' an interesting talk. Hinsdale Illinois Basement Excavating “and Grading Phone Hinsdale 470-114 WILLIAM FERNS

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