Downers Grove Reporter, 24 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Other all star combinations to ap- pear in pictures now in the making 191.“! Dorothy Dalton, Mildred Harris and Conrad Nagel~Elsie Ferguson, Wall-cc Reid, Elliot Dexter and Mon- hg-ue Love. Continuation of the po- licy of using more than one famous: doubt, on the reception these pic- hnl an wedded by the public. “The Afl'airs‘ of Anatol." the great Paramount picture to be given its first public showing early in the fall, has been completed. The list of the stars apeparing in this picture in- cludes Wallace Reid, Gloria Swanson, Elliot Dexter, Bebe Daniels. Monte Blue. Wanda Hawley. Theodore Rob» (-rts, Agnes Ayms, and Julia Faye. ‘ Mr. George Arlise, whose picture. “The Devil.“ is one of the photogra- phic triumphs of the year. is one of the greatest actors of the speaking stage. Playgoenr mention him in the same breath with such artists as ”and Adams. David Warfield, Mrs. fish and the Barrymom. Before attaining stardom many year.‘ ago he‘ supported er. Palrick Campbell ‘ Blanee Bates and Mrs. Fiske. When‘ he played "The Devil" on the speak- ing stage he created a furore, and ever since then his appearance in a new play is an event of moment in the theatrical world. In "The Devil," Mr. Arliss has sur- rounded himself with an excellent cast including Sylvia Breamer, Lucy Cotton. Edmund Lowe, Roland Bot- tomley and Mrs. Arliss. of Wm. 8. "art in “The Testing Block." Eva is a sister to Jane No- rah, who has apppared in previous Hart picturm. Eva Nm‘nk. who has been appear- ing in Universal pie-tarot. is now un-‘ der Hw- Paramount banner. She plan“ the loading feminine part in support} Georg" Carp-mu", when 91mm. ”Duo Wonder Man." In bring unoccu- iully uhown I mom! lime in many of Ann-def: lcuflng ”Intros. Ii“ mews Hensley is taking : anchors roume at Wheaton College comm" uhool. ' STAR DUST Miss Lucy Sangster of Chicago. vmu-d at the home of her sister, In. Houseman on Thursday. Miss Margaret Blodgett of Saint Limits, visited last week with her un- clt, C. B. Blodgett. Mr. Frank Schultz of North Forest avenue, is spending several weeks with mlatives in Springfield. Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heal left Sat- unhy for a two weeks vacatiun, vis- iting in Califumia. Mrs. George Bridgman and son, Laurence, are in Duluth, Minn, vis- iting the W. H. Jones family. Romeo is a favorite spot this hot weather. Swimming parties are quite the rage. Jess Agee left Wednesday morning for Springfield, 11]., where he will spend his vacation. ‘ Miss Ruth Henderson, who recent.- ly had her tonsils nemovcd, will soon be able to be out again. Roy Running is enjoying a two weeks vacation from hia ofl'ice. Mr. and Mrs. Lanphere were Sun- day guests at the LaCharty home. ‘Mr. Edw. Veuard ls out again af~ ter a siege of rheumatism. Mr. Robert Swanson is enjoying a few Weeks vacation. PERSONALS F. B. Towsley has gone 06 New Yotk City on a business trip. (Advenh-emeul) We have students enrolled from 12 different states. Seven Instructors. Following are Subjects Taught. Bookkeeping English Commercial Law Multigraphing Penmanship Common school branches Touch Typewriting Business Arithmetic Dictaphone Business Practice Comptometer Punctuation Shorthand Spelling Banking , Rapid Calculation NOTE: A special art course under the per- sonal su ervision of a noted rench sculpâ€" tor. Clay Modeling, Designing, Commer- cial Art, Conversa- tional French. Very reasonable rates for summer months. Big Summer School Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins and Miss Bessie McCollum motored to Madison, Wis., Monday for a few days Charlotte Dmes. nne of our Dowa- ers Grove girls. received her Bache- lor of Arts degrvc at the annual Commenwment exercises; of North- u‘éstern University last week. Mrs. 0. J. Hemphill and daughter, Winifred, have returned to their home in Chicago, after a visit with Mrs. Hcmphill's daughter, Mrs. Jay Alli- son. ' Deposit your money for SAFETY in a bank watched by the United States Government. Talk No. 12 Mrs. H. H. Ullrich and son, of Berwyn, formerly of the Grove. and her brother, Mr. Wm. Ostlund. visited at the home of Mrs. C. W. Brookins on Sunday. Q The Great Bank that stabilized finance during the warâ€"prevented possible world bankrupey and is aiding so wonderfully the adjustment period. The Rev. Arnold H. Kehrl, pastor 05' the Baptist Church, is attending the Northern Baptist Convention, at DesMoiri‘cs, Iowa,_ sent as a delegate from his chu mh. Mr. and yrs. Emil Wander of Hinsdale, formerly of the Grove, are receiving congratulations over the ar- rival of a nine pound son. born Mow day, June 20111. Mrs. John G. Hanchett and Mrs. Kate Morris are delegates to the Baptist Convention in DesMoines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sherman of Prince avenue, entertained the Misses Helen Sherman and Gertrude Heymer of Chicago, last Sunday. Born to llr. and In. E. N. Hart- sock, June 15th, a ten pound daugh- ter. Mrs. Hansock was formerly Miss Edna Raidler. at Paterson Business Institute La Grange FEDERAL RESERVE BANK - FIRST NATIONAL BANK THIS BANK IS A MEMBER OF THE Downers Grove. Illinois. Letter Writing The C. C. Parks and A. P. Nelson families motored to Fox Lake last Sunday for a session with the finny tribes. They ran into hard luck on the way out, breaking a rear axe] on a smooth road and waiting five hours for repairs. Several people from the Grove at- tended the wedding of Miss Mildred Venzko to Mr. Anhur Barn at Be. the! Ex'angelical Lutheran Church on Saturday evening. The bride is a frequent visitor in the Grove. Fri'd Mértz. who is a member of the Internal Revenue staff of the Gov- ernment in the State of North Dako- ta, arrived here 'l‘uoquay for a two weeks vacation with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mertz. Mr.“ and Mrs. Langosch of Fair- mount avenue, entertained a party {mm Cicero at Romeo on Sunday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. And- mw Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kelly and fam- ily, attrnded the wedding of their niece, Miss Irene Kelly, to Mr. Wes- ton Davie on Wednesday evening, June 22d. The ceremony was held at the Drake Hotel at eight o’clock. Mrs. Souls of Berwyn, has leased the property at the southeast corner of Forest avenue and Railroad sheets to the Arcadian Club who will fix up the present tennis court for its mem- visit. He mums this morning, the others shying over and will muke the return trip by train. Mrs. Hattie 'l‘ifl'nn)‘ has retur‘ned One half pound can ........ Jelkc Butterine, pound ......... Brooms 4 sewed. each ......... Large jar Preserves .. ......... Marshmallow Cream Filling, per --â€"y‘. Lgear Jar Pmsenes ............. 25c .. Juice. [Mulberry Juice. Cider and Marahmallow Cream Filling, per jar ...... 25c Goodrich Assorted Fruit Syrups Lehmann (9 Michels Store 10 lbs. 0. C. Santos Cofl’eo with heavy tin milk pail .......................... Booths: Spiced or Tomato Fiavor Cal. Sardines, largo oval cans lmpoytedyBopek-ss Sardines in Olive Oil Mens White Canvass Oxfords, Special at per pair ...................... $4.25 Mens “Weyenberg” Work Shoes, “Quality is what you want” and you get it in “Weyenberg” at $3.75, $4.00, $4.25, $4.50, $5.00 and ..................... $5.00 APRON GINGHAMS, Special per yard ........................... l3'/zc Womens Silk Top “Munsing” Union Suits, $2.75 garments at ............ $2.25 $3.00 Garments at .............. $2.50; $3.25 Garments at ............. $2.75 222 Film. An.-â€"Me lat-Jot J. H. Dms has been appointed as local sales‘ representative for the Whole Grain Wheat Co.. of Chicago. Two of our own boys, who have been attending our State University, actv ing for Mr. Drees, will introduce the product to all Downers vae famiâ€"‘ lies within thp next few weeks. ‘ BRUNET DONKIN Hinsdalc Phone 848 l l Stay home July 4th. Help with ‘the rest of the people of the commun- ity in the dedication of the new For- est Preserve west of the village. There will be speaking. singing, and other good things. Stay at home and celebrate. ‘ You’ll find Sound Values and Real Econ- omy in Buying Merchandise Like This. Men’s Won Shoe Spedals A SHOE MADE BY MlSHAWAKA RUBBER CO. AND FROM THE BEST OF MATERIALS OF LEATHER AND A SPLENDID GOOD STRONG SOLE. , THESE WERE BOUGHT TO SELL AT $5.50. ' ' ‘ Our Special Price, $4.50 . Miss Sarah Maud Smith has re- turned from a delightful two weeks vacation spent with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Burkhardt in Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Coleman of 85 Fainnount avenue, is visiting “ith her sister in Minnesota. rmm Fnoport, lll., when: she wont to attend the fumnl of her aunt. Mrs. Mary Whitney Sellofield. Mrs. ‘Schofield lived here many yearé ago and will be nemembeml by many old timers. MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE Moderate Charges Phone 134-W 92 E. Carlin St. Carpenters JDBBING ATTENTED Tl) ESTIMATES FI‘RNISHED C. E; B R 0 W E R Paintingâ€"Decorating 26 Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 82-R Builders “Lady Sealpack” Athletic Union Suits. Garments that sold for $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50, in fine mercerized and silk finished cloths. flesh and white colors, as long as they last you can buy them at Per Garment, $1.75 Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank If you mm- inlvml In hr financially imlc-pcmlvnt. Hunk up your M- zino TODAY by "pt-"in; a SAVINGS M‘COl‘N')‘ in IN. STRONG HANK. as a well lubricated automobile. But no one has yet inventedâ€" Your Manicure Instruments made as good as newaâ€"no scissors or knife too delicate for me. Le an experienced Instrument Maker do your work. Office: 81 Benton Ave. Downers Grove, ’111. Factory: 110 Blodgett Ave. Phone 248-J $3.50! A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 15c Manufacturer of Metal Products QUANTITY PRODUCTION MY SPECIALTY LET ME SOLVE YOUR MANUFACTURING PROBLEMS CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS BEFINISHED AND SHARPENED POLISHING AND PLATING SAVIIG ACCOUITS [Ill AS SIM'I'BlY Julius Severus SPECIAL Big Value A SELF-STARTER FOR THEM Large Cans Libby Asparimns, 55c \‘aluo; “43¢ trope Toilet Paper, 6 for .................. 25c HOT WEATHER DRINKS Ginger Ale. Root Beer, Lem!!! Juice._ Gripe l“1__ I--__L--._, IAg, Pearl Oxal Bath Soap, baI. 5c; 6 for ........ Catsup, per bottle ....................... 25 Oz. Jar Peach or (ghee Butter, 65c v.3! 3 Phys. Macaroni or ghetti ............ Lame Cans Libby Asparagus, 55c \alup; .. (f rope Toilet Papér, 6 for .................. 25c

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