Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Jul 1921, p. 5

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WWeek Here-July 28-Aug.2 Guthrie Bonn and Bvucv Bush am I! horm- fmm Ripon. Wis” whole they have been Humming collrgr, Mi» anilda Vlwnon up“! the week end at Ottawa. “L. the guest of old friend». Mr. and Mrs. \'«-rnon Grush enter- uhml on Wmlnesday evening to cele- brate their wmklinx anniversary. Luth- Miss Dorothy Ericwn of Na- pen'ille. was u vimor of Clam Sehrunk's last week Thurs-lay. Mrs. Chas. H. Wells and dauuhtor. of McKinney, Texas, am here on an extended viist with her folks. Mrs. Edwin 8. Strong of Camp Eustis. \’a.. is at homo taking mm of her mother. Mrs. E. (2. Barron. The F. B. Towfley family left this week for Mann-son, Ontario, Canada. to spend the summer. 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Stats and Betty Jane left la>t Saturday for a weeks stay at Pistakee Bay. Mr and Mrs. Walter Kolzow of Lombard spent Sunday with the Zell family. Send in the “Personals" you know to The Reporter office. 0r phone 188-1. ‘ 5 BIG DAYS 5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker of Chi- cago, spent the week end with the Chester J. Winter family. NOTABLE LECTURES 0N TIMELY THEMES Mr. Farm of Flint. Mic-IL: motor. ad here last week to visit with his parents. ,, u--. Hrs. M. Smart entertained Mr. and In John Fitzpatrick and children of Chicago, at dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Sutter and fam- ily attended the Chicago Postal Clerks picnic at Aurora last Sunday. Mr. H. G. Butler of New York, was a visitor in the village last Saturday. Hrs. Philip Wander and children, left for Avoco, Neb., Monday night. Is it hot enough for you? The Lemon family are enjoying Mr new sedan recently put-chimed. Hrs. Wm. Devereaux is improving her property on Belmont. Miss Lila Stanton, visited Paw Paw Lake, Mich. over the week end. “Nothing But The Truth” and \ou \\ ill get Quality and Ser \ ice In CLEANIVG, PRESSIM. and ALTERING. “E CALL AND DELIVER 27 So. Main St. These twoâ€"QUALITY AND SERVICEâ€"are hard to find; yet that is our first aim in nweting our cus- tomers. Redqatn Chautaupua Season Ticketsâ€"$2.50 Plus 10 Per Cent Tax Quality = Service MASTER cmmnmeâ€"Hmomsr sxrmmzmxmr in “JOY NIGHT” Program mgwggsn DUNBARS WHITE HUSSARS Chautauqua REDPATH ALTON PACKARD PERSONALS HIPPLE CONCERT COMPANY GRETCHEN COX and COMPANY GROBECKER’S SWISS YODLERS BEULAH BUCK, Entertainer July I, 1921 BAND AND MALE CHORUS Sparkling American Comedy J. MAZZA DEAL WITH US Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straube mound to IkKulb. lll.. Saturday and vigiu-d with Mrs. Slruubr'n aisler. Manning Sunday. Mr. aml Mrs. James Ferguson and childn-n of Chicago. visited at the Chas. Wolf hnme on Rogers street, Sunday. Mrs. Anna Sutton 0! Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Voth of Dwight. "L. Won- guests at the Sutton home on Von-fl avenue last week. The Junior Infant. Welfare Com- mittee meet» with Mrs. Robert Mac Dot-gull on Oakwood avenue on Thurs- day afternoon, July 7th. tn-giEIVhirch-h" spent .<everal days at the home of their aunt. Mrs. E. 6. Bar- ; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fred- cnragen bf Naperville. Sunday, June 26th. a baby boy. Mrs. Fredenhagen was, formerly Miss Grace Towsley. Word has been received from Mr. Peter Schuster of Friend. Nah, fury merly of the Grove, that grain craps um splendid out thew. .. . an Mr. C. E. Nevin left for Los An- geles, California, Tuesday night, to join Mrs. Nevitt. who haé been there fo‘r some time. Mrs. J. D. Anthony and daughter, Beatrice, leave today for Cleveland. Ohio, to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. R. C. Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Staats aid son, Elon, at-; tended the funeral of 83,011] friend‘ of the family. in Chicago Monday. Miss Gladys Whitney has just ne- turned from a visit with school friends at De Kalb. Illinois. Word has been received by Him; Minnié flash!!! of the death of her mother at Fledonia. Kansas. Arnold and flora Schrunk left on Miss Freda Selig is visiting her sister. Mrs. Lydia Hoflert, at Don- nellson. Iowa. Miss Clara Steflen spent two weeks at home with her folks in Manilla, Iowa. _ Mun-and III-s. John Shame and daughter, Margaret, are back from their trip to Michigan. ififéga Mrs. M. M. Boyd of pe- Telephone 355 F. D. Lindlcy has sold the Clif‘ ford house on Maple avenue, to Mr. Dillano of Oak Park. who will make his home here. Mrs. C. S. Dowe of Oakland. 03L, and Mrs. O. E. O'Brien of Janesville, Wis., are visiting Mrs. W. H. 0' Brien. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. D. Hock and family of Chicago will be the guests of their aunt. Mrs. C. Heintz of No'. Forest avenue over the Fourth. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert W. Moore of Grand avenue, Thursday. June 16th. a nine one half pound baby boy. NORTH SIDE GROCERY MARKET Miss Mayme Engelschall returned Saturday after a delightful sojourn of seven months in Hollywood. Calif- ornia. . The Kaila! Concertina Club will give a dance in Lace Hall. Saturday evening; July 9th. a good time Is al- ways had at these dances. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Burke and daughter of Sterling, "L, are yisiting at the home of Mr. Burke‘s sister Mrs. C. R. Briggs. 91 Saracoga ave. Mr. Will DeWitt and mother. aw building a nice home on North Wash- ington street near the North Side School. Wednesday for Amboy, “L. where “my will visit several weeks with their aunt, Mrs. C. 8. Gilbert. The Woman's Missionary Society, Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, No. 1 tall can ....35c Farmhouse Sardines in Olive Oil, 2 for ...... 25c Thousand Island Salad Dressing, 10 oz. glass 25c Square Deal Chow Chow, 16 oz. bottle ....... 25c Gold Bond Queen Olives, 12 oz. bottle ...... 25¢ Sunbeam Peanut Butter, large size ......... 25c SATURDAY SPECIALS Save yourself all the cooking you can by using our canned meats and vegetables. Our cookies and crackers are appetizing these \varm days. Come in and see the many foods we have that will lighten your work. Fresh Groceries~bowest Prices Han-yr Walker Phone 191- R Don't you need fruits and fruit juices for hot weather drinks? M EATS SPRING AND OLD CHICKENS AT LOWEST PRICES Pork Loins, per pound .............. Pork Butts,perpound Pot Roast, per pound ............... California Hams, per pound ......... Boneless Smoked Butts, per pound . . . Veal Shoulder, per pound ........... - Pickled Pigs Feet, per pound ......... Leg 0' Lamb, per pound ............. Decorating Paper Hanging Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished HOT DAYS STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 WALKER 6: DICKE ' PAINTING GROCERIES I Miss Gm-ndolyn_GritTiths returned home from Oinaha and Lincoln. Neb.. when- >hv has been spending the past week. Mrs. V. J. Morton, her sister,‘ Ivturm-d with her to spam! 9. month with Mr parents and friends. Nina and Dorothy Chester. daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Chester, had their tonsils and adenoids remov- ed at the West Side hospital last Fri- day and are getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staats. and family of Chicago Lawn, metered out on Wednesday aftembon to can on his brother. C. H. Slams and famâ€" ily. - Dr. Sarah Goodwin of Chicagn. de~ liven-d a lecture at St. Paul's Evan- geiical Church to the ladies of the Home Department of the Sunday School, yesterday afternoon. ‘ [off for a few days this week at the ‘M. J. Fox home in nurth Main 5!. they are enroute to Michigan by auto Mr. and Mrs. Harry Case. Miss C.‘ D. Wheeler and Mr. Walter Johnston! are Spending a week at. Snugatuck. Michigan. They report good boating and swimming and excellent fishing. of the Congregational Church. will maet Friday, July 8th, at 2:30 p. m.. with Mrs. Zindt. Every one cordially invited to come. --â€"' vâ€"vâ€"-' -- â€"â€"vwv- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cole and daughv ters. of Union City. Wis., stopped BELHON'I.‘ AND FOREST AVENUE DOWNEBS GROVE. [m Henry Dicke Phone 12'3-R .23c . 19c . 22c ‘ 19c 35c 23c 9c 36c .‘lATlNEl-l THITRSDAYâ€"JHM) p. m. Admission 15 251: including W. T. EVENINGâ€"BOTH DAYSâ€"1:30 9:00 p. m. Admission 15 25: inc. Tn. Tho Gran", Ham Ran Trm Rmcum 51013349: from thn burning .ztable. “'04-"? Bm‘r; ()utrfi'e'» 1h“ (imam-ti Pig. The Big Midway with in Freaks and Fukvr‘. FEATURING WESLEY BARRY. HELEN EDDY DAVID BUTTER 0F NEH. H! [UH-1.4.!" l‘\\10l'S RI'R.\I. .\\"'IRI(I.\.V RHIING DRAMA “The Country Fair” Evoning-7 2:10-9:00 A good many thingy humwnml. many of them honlon’nx nu grim un- gvdy. flu! littlu- Ma'mmllr Lay‘uIIy never onn- {Mu-ml in Mr wlf-wt tank of lawman still and lmllllng thnt family together Hut. Loyalty is the sum in all (In- counln’m! And Jvnnm- cunmxruuxly determined :0 be loyal to "w woman whu haul hefriemlml Mr. nu maul-r what huppvmwl. CHARLES pm: (-1 'NINETEEN "mo: mmfii She «mm {mm nnutlu-r |uml, a bee wilqh-mtl and lu-nnilrr‘s nlh-u Km“! in n Iirh American hump. Slw didn't knuw much about Arm-rim!" mannvrs and customs. and rahc- was mam-Ly a.» pwheusiw about. llw «ow-tum ml" Rucv of a man frivml'who fn-qm-n- In! that homan Mademoiselle Loyalty Eveningâ€"7 :30â€"9 :00. The Dicke Theatre KlNOGRAM NEWS g.- 2 Reel Chrisly (fumedyâ€"“Bnck From the Front” ALSO VA .\' [TY COMEDYâ€"“BIDS DES” BRUCE SCENICâ€"“THE GREAT MIRROR” CELEBRATE!) SCREEN NEWS Thurs., 6: Fri., July 7th 6: 8th Every Day is a Big Day at the County Fair Come Early-Bring the Children! POLA NEGRI “PASSION” MARY MCAVOY “A Private Scandal” MAURICE TOUR.\'EUR'S PRODUCTION VANITY (‘OMEDYâ€"w‘mflND YOUR OWN BUSINESS' CELEBRATE!) SCREEN NEWS 7:30â€"9:00. Admission l5 25 cents including War '1‘“ Friday, July lst THE LAST SHOWING OF THE FAMOUS CONTINENTAL STAR A LS" Monday, July 4th Satin'day, July 2nd Allmimiul I!» a 2.3 mm including War Tul- Matinmu 3 9:13 p‘ m. ALSO Buster Keaton Comedyâ€"- “N EIGHBORS” Tho lv-znrfnl lalr of n lava-dram lamb whn Inn's! nu! wine-I), but tan “1-". Its human nml humnmuno- churkful uf chm-Hm and alive with mnzhd Hu- nnly c-arnml SIR!” a “wok, but «till hv- hall a Kiri. a ”"34 unit. I No. 500 Mgnmmnm ring. and a he rival. MI on 3131' It want In- done? Wald: lfhmlin do it. IN Charles Bay in "IT-em and Pfilis” Pictorial Life Review m. l-Iwninzfiflfl ‘ 230 including W. T.

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