Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Jul 1921, p. 7

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CHURCH WES Sunday, June 28, 1921. Interests Us." 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship at Union Service, Open Air Meeting. Everybody Welcome! 81'. PAUES .EVANGEIJCAL GROVE STREET CHURCH of New York. speaker. and "or Task". Hymn. Benediction. Postiudeâ€"ln E Fiat .......... Road Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Union Service on the M. E. Church Lawn, 7:30 p. m. Dr. Pl‘tt‘r Roberts Shall Rvap with Joy ........ Gaul Psaltcr~T\\'on2y Seventh Rowling. Gloria Patri. Scriptum. Oflertary-‘Romnnce ...... La Forgn Sermonâ€" “Amorim-Her Inheritance Sunday, July 3. "I‘ll. Sunday School 9:4?- 3. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Hymn-Pre|mlv~Thnis . . . . Sax-send The Apostles Creed. f‘rayor. Anthem-Thvy that Saw with Tears 311mm namnn causes or man GIOVI nmomsrr EPISCOPAI. CHURCH hmday, July 3. 1921. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. 'Morm‘ng Worship. 'heme: "Tho Resurrection of Christ ”Arthur Spencer Phelps. Minister 6:45 p. m. Gui-Minn Endeavor. degree. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. There is a class for you. 11:00 a. m. Morning Devotional CONG REGA'I‘IONA L CHURCH Rm: Wm. Klinubfll will much and the ”minus Smash" at We First Quarlcfly (‘mfrmwv will I» held at the flaw of (he son-fin». HM Wrok Son’k'i‘. Wednesday fining. Juty am, ”2!. The Rev. Wm. Grotefeld. Pam kg: of July and Aunt-t. Evening ‘en‘ku \flll Ir ("Kenn-nod in the church «luring thou two MM u we \vm punk-Spou- in (M open nlr mice: to he MM this your on the: I!" of the Nahum! Chunk. 6265 p. In. Join: looting of Jun- lor and Senior Allin-cos. Mr. Hm Tholia. head". The «wing ”n’lfl' will he held M tho open air. Find in writ: of lin- k. 80m": to “mum” Hominy evol- Sumh)’, July 8d. 1921. 9:45 I. m. INN» School. ”:00 I. m. Mowing Worship. Such! music and patriotic mea- Wook Day:â€" 8:00 a. m. Mass. fitnmhy Eveningsâ€"8:00 9. ll. Bone- ”.81" EVANGEUCAL CHURCH 8:00 3. In. Mass and Sermon 9:00 I. m. Bible Study. 10:00 n. I». High Mass and Ser- All are Sunday School 10.00 I. on. Church Services “:00 a. Daily vacation Bible school Tues- day. July 5th. registration Friday. July lst. from 9 to 11. at the Bapâ€" tist church. All children are welcome, ages 4 to 14. ing, be put away from you. with all malice; and be ye kind to one anoth- er, tenderhearted, forgiving one an- other, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4, 31-32. “Let. all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor and evil ’Speak- 7:30 p. m. The first of the pummer union services on the lawn of the Methodist church. The Mews Bible Class meets at 9:45 a. m. a cordial welcome to‘ strangers. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. Trinity. 11::00 a. m. Morning worship, 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. Theme; “The Lordship of Jesus". The 9:45 a. mi Church School. celebration of the Lords supper im. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and mediately following the sermon. Sermon. The 1!". Arnold H. Keltl. Mild-tor 8:00, p. m. Compline. Benediction, lav. Emu B. Goodwin, Pastor In. J. Aunt Nana. Put“. Gilbert [1. Ne'luul. Pam Prayer meeting on Wednesday, ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH mmmmsrcnvm ', J l, 1921 Sincerity is one of the most proâ€" gressive lodgps of Chicago; That hospitality is their foreword can be vouched for by the visiting brothers from Grave Lodge. Sincerity will come to Grove Ladge in the near future to confer the third v A number of local Masons were guests at Sincerity Lmlge. X0. 98, A. F. A. M.. of Chicago. last Sat- urday evening. John W. Jenkins and! his corps of officers cnnferrerl the third degree on the evening candi- date in a very impressive manner. A vhicken dinner was served to two hundred. Brother Russell of Sincerity furnished entertainment with his very pleasing voice. Bro- ther Christianson, who is heml of the School of Ragtime bearing his name, pleased all with his interpretation of real "jazz and snappy story telling. Now York has adoptml <tato orn- snrs-hip, which moans that {bore will be no Shakespv n ‘-* the movie: a: far as New Y* -: i.~ (-oncvrnml. Gonnuio llmstnml, winnvr nf Um Elks' $10,000 beauty contmt. is still playing in two rm! Wmtem pictures with that amiable cowboy. Hoot GibA son. "Tho Kit-karma." on» of their latest pictums has boon such a me- m-ss. however, that is possible slu- will soon he elevator! to feature proâ€" «luctioni. ‘ l-‘u-w son-on stars hau- land the ra- piul risv to fame mat luu befall": Gladys Walton. Only a few months agn she began lwr «rm-n ran-or as an unknown girl of mwenteen. tak- ing minor parts in Universal pletmvs. Today she has In hm- cmlit six fea- luru pivlun-s. all of uhirh haw met with lho nmwalifiml praise of the tri- 'icn Lois hope shv maintains the wrfrcl scam. The Work of Priscilla Dean in "Outside the Law,” was a svnsatinn hut in lwr lutvst picture "Reputation" hor Work i< of such calibre that lwr pl‘l‘ss agents soom jmliflml in calling: her the gnalesl actress on Um Amvr- iran smvvn and at least m1 know nf no othvr star rapahlv of playing thv‘ typo of rule that Miss Dean play: '11 "Rvputation." as otTndiwly and waliafically as she has “0“". Dorothy Gish. 0w tannin“ giri on the Km". has outshon- all her for. mu work in making the “Ohm! 6n the Guru-L" This is one of the fun- nimt fcnluw pit-tum owr mach anal in mw‘lilut with roan ul' laughter I'Mfl'Vt'r shown. ‘ Sew-ml year: ago I Mm wu mutt.- under tho mpcn'htoa of Col. Cody. (lluflulo mu) mow... life In the mrly day» In the Want. Owunhlp of the picture. bowrvor, was dtnputcd and the dlnputv carried to the scum. At lut thr cm In: ban mtlod amt the pktum "Ir-Md to the public. It would be one or the most inn-mt- ing and educating two-ml: ever Elsie l-‘crguuon will DWI-I Input in a Paramount Picture with Wnllm MASON'S VISIT IN CHICAGO The public In cordially invited to attend the services and to visit and mule Reading Room open Monday and Friday from 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday Service at 11:00 a. m; Sunday School at 9:45 a. 111. Subject: “GOD.” Wednesday evening Testimonial fleeting, 8:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Evening Prayer am; Sermon. July 4th. 1921. Independence Day. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. July 3d, 1921. s. mfiuws EPISOOPAL enuncn no I". Huh M. 31qu FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. STAR DUST (Advertisement) Libnry Hull Sixth Sunday after WWW ! F7<mtn of Xvi: mevm. Damamd. I The umlorsignpd. having horn: zap-i poimvd Administratnr of the Edam! nf .‘q'ol: Larson. Dfit‘vasod‘ harem" zirri notirP that hr will appear -, forn the (‘ounty Four! of DuPage County. at the Court firm»? in “'hea-‘r ion. at the Auzuzt Tom. on tho fimt‘ Monday in August nevi. at which; time a" pormn: having claim: ad gainst said Edam arr notifio‘i :mri’ rvquestetl to nttnml for (7-1» pumnw of having 1h» =ame' adjumvi. A” person; inrinbteri M zaid mm"? an” requested to make immpdinte pay-‘ malt to the nnd‘ergigneq. _ A v Range. Harb‘u" cchmnWAEH 647-3 Dated thi: 11th tin} of Ju 9 I921. W XL TER EOVTT O EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE “my Accident turn! for the put-{20.9 of having the sam» adjusmvl. . ll perm: indebted In said 0518!!! are mquvshwl tu make immediate payment! to the unrlar- si . Mod thii thir-tuonth day of June, .\. 0.. 1921. (Aime-Ewe. Wabash ,6210 ’Bxéc'uz'or. flange. Hnrh'vjr 8: Schmidt. Atty; 647-5: Summer drnzsn: in Orzamlim. Lin- ens. Voiles. Linom< and flinzhams. Tricoiottn and Taffeta rlrns:e.=. A full “ms of beautiful Conrntte waist; Cal! and :00 whethnr you wish to buy or not. Barclay Corsets â€" with one year guarantée. Estnto of Mary Ann Diver. Demu-d. Th0 union-5M. having been up- llv-ointnl Exmtor of the hut Will and "tunic-m of Mary Ann Davey, late of the County of Dul’a and State of Illinois. deceased. rob given notice that he will agprar be ore the County Court uf Du age County. at the Court House in Whenton, It tho Augunt Torm, an the first Monday in August next, at which time all perv sons having claims against said Es- tnt9_ are notified and myqstod to qt- Nifty Bathing Suits For Ladies and Misses The VIII-t1- Council nun-m (In right to "fit-fl any and all MIA. Spa-i- flntiona will he furnished by Chan. 3!. Hitch. Villnn (TIME. 7-l-2 {or two 200 H. P. or on 800 H. P. 060er or Semi-Diesel Typo Oil En- fiim Ind two I25 K. W. or on 200 . W. 2300 volts. co cycle engine lyE ng‘nlor. be; "w VIN.” of Down": Grove. H ()ll. ENGINE AN" GENEIAT‘IU PROI‘OflAI. POI! BIDS SECTION 2. That will several worm-x of money are hen-by apuma printed from moneys received and to be melved by the Village of Down- er:l Grove from all women. SECTION 3. This ordinance uhlll lurk: «fleet and he‘ll; (om fro'm and a ter its pump appma . l'uuml thin 27:» day of June, A. l). 1921. Approval by me this 27th «lay of Juno. A. 0. I91". W. C. Barber. Mayor. ‘ ATM-281': Chad. M. Hllrh. Vlllm Clerk. [fumedâ€"Jun}. 27, I921. , Ap numb-4mm "27.1921. Pu ilhalmJuly l. ID2L Total Dept. of Public Prop: Operating Water Light“ Plum, (including all sal- aries aml wag“) ...... 1 For Repairing and Main- . . mining Water Light. Hum (including rehabili- tating and warning; .. Water Mains J: Hydranu. Rent [’urchme of Rtsul.. Estate ....... . ........ 'l‘ntal ments (gen. exfi.) Sewers ............ Total ................ Dept. of 315. Public 1‘ Sweet’s Sidewalks Board of Local Improve- Dept. of Health Health Safety ...... Fire Dopzmment ...... Police Depuz'ment ..... Total .................... $ 3,250.00 Dept. of Accounts Finances. Salaries ............. . . . . 8 9,000.00 Auditing ................ 300.00 Special Assessments ...... 500.00 Miscellaneous Villag e Indebtedness. Village Indebtedness, 8min! meals will he nah-«l , Hm VI I... n! In-..“ 12.....- Downers Public Library ........... Printi 6; Supplies ...... Public tilitiesp ........... Parks Public Grounds. Miscellaneous Expenditures SECTION I. That the following sums or so much thereof as may be necessary and authorized by law, be ‘and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes. of the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois. to‘ defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village of Down- ers Grove, Illinois, as hereinafter specified for the fiscal year, commenc- ing on the first dav of May. 1921. and ending on the 20th day of April. \D‘llN ISTR \Tl)R‘.\' NOTICE Be it Ola-ind By The Village Coun- cil of Downers Grave. Illinois. 75 No. Forest A'v’e’.‘ Not A: Home Monday: MRS. EDW. EMRICH IZXIICL'TOR’S NOTICE VILLAGE ‘ ORDINANCE (b.1240: “'. OhlfinM 1. of Public Allirs. Elmer Larmn. Adminizkrato" lfropefly. prin. int. lmpiovéments . . . .3 4,000.!” ‘ 100.00 2.00000 . . -$ 2,800.00 ' 2,000.99 . . .517.500.00 S'rPULA- _- Ill-M $56,300.00 $ 6,100.00 80, 000. 00 700.00 mmm. mmm. 39ml SEEN!) IN YOUR OLD CARPETS AND CLEAN BAGS WE WILL MAKE THEM OVER IN- TO BEAUTIFUL BUGS Downersctm Weaving“: HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN Plum 82-1 .008 I'OI SAL. Two" IB') 0mm nouns.- IMUCQJH. I mama. Alma... ...... . .n "In-gt County. at (he Cmnt "011% la Whaâ€" ton. M the Sopumhnr Torin. on the first Monday in Septomln-r mt. at Mulch time all persons lavin claim against salt! Beale are no“ «I and requested to “(and for the gamma of having {lu- same acljustnl‘ ll per- sons indebted in said «stale Il" "- questod to make immediate payment tostho. yncjersiml. \ CARPENTER CONTRACTOR All Work Guaranteed Sliddaugh Ave. P. 0. Box 751 DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS "“941“; finicky of Juno ”2!. Olin. Farmers Merchant: Bunk Building. Tuesdays. Thursday: Saturdays. 9 1. III. to 5 p. I. Every evening. 1 to 9. ,, ___.... _. -_-â€"wâ€"u mm The mun-mi ml. Marin: hem Ip- pointod Admin stmtrix o! the mm.- nf WIN: 1. Tull-aha". Denna-d. hon- by gin-s notice that sht- will apps!" hrfm'r w County (‘an of_ by)" I‘m.-.“ _. .L- 1‘ Thu- 'rn-ou, the Input then"- in the worm, L4 «Inning Pol: Nexn' In "Pension,” this week. mer, Hum in no and at plying I My pm. to not this wondvrful picture It the TI- vofl. in ”w chh Theatre in uhowiu it, right In your own how town. on June 30 and Juiy I. at "w regular price of 25c. 't-I-l ...-..~...u-wn .v nirll‘ l' Mlle of NI" 1. Torah". [hen-d. Don't mlu "flu- County Furl at. "w Dick» Thain Juiy 'l and 8. It in the Man»: thing of the Hm! ever ”ton and two ull the fun and ex- cluwm M a clay It the fair crowded into a tale which tut-hm its cllInu‘ In the but horm- race "or flanhod balon- the rum". 7-l-l If it in hot on July “II, it will be cool in the Dicko Theatre or if it should ruin. it wéll he «lry In the Dic- ke Thcntn‘. In either cue you will we a cmking good pMure~Chnflel Rly in “Nineteen and Phylum" 7-H; "l-l-Lm'c you-u," he faltoml, "will you marâ€"r-ry mo?" “l'ooh H00." she scoflml. “You'w only nineteen.” But they «lid get engagedâ€"to each other and to a lot of trouble. Chmles Ray in “Nlncwen and Phyllis" at the chlue Theatre. July “it. 7-1-li “The County Fair," at the Dickc Theatre two big days. Don’t forget the datesâ€"July 7 and 8. 7-l-l Photog {or anything photographic. portrait, flow and commercial. Phone lOT-J for appointment. Finishing for amateurs. quick service. good work,‘ lowest prices. l-‘llms developed fret-l of charge. Edgeworth, 44 B. War- ren avenue. 6-24.12 Lam mowers sharpened. All kinds of machine work. Repairing of all kinds of tools. Expert workmanship and the machinery to do it with, Paul Shrokn, Belmont Forest ave., phone 369-.1. 6-17-tf - Dow-en CfovVerfil‘. “<0 Ind Rflidvnce: '5 Hid Hinsdale Upholmflng Ind Furni‘ hue Repair Shop. All work Ill“! ‘dolo at moulds prices. Phone 635 or land poatcnrd. Will cull and do- live! free of charge. G.__B..'l“01fl'§. M. n. Gefaniums, Pansies and a variety of Bedding Plants. also Vegetable plants of various kinds at Gollan‘aj Greenhouses. Phone 2104. adv/tr. A full line of the celebrated INDU cosmetics for; sale at Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP, one door south of the Ross Bakery. adv. tf. For Saleâ€"$225 Oak finish Victwla, almost new, 3150;. Phone 14 6-17-3 OFFICI HOL'Rfi one... Ionian map-n fi‘mdayh vawm Kleinfs Cash Market will be open at 6 and close promtl) at 9 o'clock Monday morning July 4th. A nugslmAmn's smart: 0‘0 M Rn‘rkmp GEORGE A. FOSS DR. w. w. GOEQLEY Physician 6: Surgeon RUGS WSMSS mm G. H. BUNGE 'mefl Lawyer Mary I". TurMmll Adminisuator. AW. and Frmllin SO. Advertisements l 5 ”‘41th Ave. 28? Said oloction will lw held at ”we followimr polling plare: the village Hall of the Villanm of Downers Grove. T‘ounty of DuPago and State of Illi- nniz. The no“: will open at neven o‘clock A. M. (standard mntral lime) and close at seven o’clock P. M. (standard central time) on that day. Dated. Downer: Grove. fllfnols,‘ June 7’“. 192]. 1 DAVID HARRY JENKINS. Clerk of Downers Grove NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that, in nunuanr‘v to an nrrlr-r rluly marle and v-ntmed by tho ll’llntl‘PF nl’ Down- pr< firm-'0 Sanitary Distrit‘t. an (-loc tion will he MN on the ninth day of July, A. D. l!)2l, for the purpose of submitting to 011- lnzal volt-rs, rmivl- ing within the boundario: of the Downers Grove Sanitary District, the propmifirm to lv-vy a tax of one‘thlrd of one per antum on all the taxable property within tho corporate limits of the Downers Grove Sanitary Dis- trict (as assessed aml equalized for State and County taxes), for gI-nor- al corporate purposos. in addition to tho nmpfiairvl of one mr centum now authorizml by law to be levied for the urge pumsgs. Said rlmlivm will ht! hill at the following polling plat-n: the Village Hall of tho Villag r- nf Down"; (Ir-M County of Dul’agv and Stutt- nl‘ llli- noik. Th9 pnlla- will ho npv nal 4mm o'clock A. M. (standard ornnlral timfl) and clasp at “av-(n o'rlm‘k l’. M (standard rnnlral Iimn) rm that day. Dated Dounl-n (.rmn. lllinui4, lhi4 7th din of .,lunn A. l). 1921. '1 DAVID HARPV «Ill'NKlN'S, l ClPrk of nnwnnrs lirnvn‘ Sanitary l)l:-‘lr-'r‘t l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN "at in unsure to an tanker duly mule am chum! by ”It tmtma of (he Downers Grove 8.051.? District. lo- rzntrd in On- (an1y 0: liul'ngv- and SM“! 0f Illinois, an "Indian will be mm on the ninth day of July, A. “.3 ”2| far the pumm- of snhmiflinm tn the 10-qu voters n-shlinn wilhim the Mandarin“ of said lhwm-rs Growl Sanitary Hiahirl, Uu- proposition of] issuing hands to tht- amount of $75,000, for tho purpmr- nf «Mnyingl the cost 0! mnstmrtimg n wwngo dig-l pusal plant and omit-t .u-vw r, Nmm-r't- inz the prwvnl syetvm n! semen n! “w \‘iHagr nf Dmvm-w (1mm “ith said sowagr- disposal plant, and to, acquiro thv- nvcessary In”! and right of way then-fur. all a: is provided in- aml by an Art of ”w Comm-l A «Wmâ€"z My of tho Stat!» of Illinni= mHL-vi,f “An Act In rrnnlv- :ml‘wr,‘ Ilistrints' and tn prmirln for Mam"- vlispn ml"! approved Jun" 22, INT. in forcr‘ July' I, 1917. am! a“ (\rt- :munrlaluyi thownf or supplrmv-ntnl Hum-tn. ‘ PIANO TUNING end REPAIRING. L 1'. "onion-.435 No. Remington mm. name» phone Leann“ IIO. ‘ee name in dludbed Net of" phone Gardens plowed. puma mm". If C. Rehm, phone 1604-2. 44-" ron mm 4 man... mu both. «Ta an a! ground. mu "muck-«l. nut 3‘0 mat-r month. (I. H. Whitney. ”:0" ~l-l Sell our guarantee”! cm. fruits I gal-Mu. Buy cork. Highest! comâ€" miulon mid verily; pun "me Experience unwary. Fm nup- pliu. The "th Numry C0,. Wau- wntou. Win. $244 ron RENT-MO" (mum: Mm. an. L. w. Wm». 44 N. Pom! AG BNTS WANTEDâ€"Walt a WANTEDâ€"J2 Cots. 50 or "NHL. on paved xln-et. Ninth HM». lmiuiné Lock Box 636. Downers (how. "I. FOR SALEMSinglo register but air furnuw, in good condition. usml lwo winturx. Call phone 188-". If FOR SALE~F§m~ Jrrsoy row. 5 yr». old. plume 1144M. lbfl Highland uwmw. 7-l-l wagon; I wait} binder. Hedi); Gunshrrg. (ioowvy and Grant 51.4.. East Grove. 6324-2 kcrt‘ls, phone 25-51., '16:; Nb. F6}â€" esl ave. 7-1.2 FOR SALE»! hay r_a_ck_; l igruck FQR SAI.E~â€"Whiw_ _Wynmlouu Cor- fixtures, cheap. Inquire "8 (far- m‘nter st. 7-1-1 FOR SALEâ€"Oak Davonport, Mrs. Boydston, 7 Mapln ave. 7-H dresser; white bed complete all without mattress; china closet and kitchen linoleum. almost new. 53 Middaugh a\'e., phone 3704. 7-1-2 FQR‘ SAI.E‘â€"z ingortegl gag 1.3m]: FQR SALF¢L3m9 _white _enamtj! 4 months. femile, thoroughbred ’l‘oâ€" genburg male at stud. Robt. “ris- coo, Madison, north of Ogden, Hima- dale, Ill. 7-1-3 and l sanitary couch. 'honé’ 65-R. E. G. Barrett. L36 E. Map 0 ave. _ time payments, also 'stock bulls. John Nicholas, phone 164-W-2. 7.1-3 FOR_ SAALEiâ€"One roIl‘ ton oak fiegk FQR SAyEâ€"fz gyudg‘ milk gqats, gne ive Store Stock. Terms, Abfrly to Lock Box 636. Downers Grove, lll. FOB SALEwFrosh cpws, cash 9r on RATES: Five lines or In: â€"â€" 85c for one week or 15: for three week: if paid on or before dale of public» tic". If chargedâ€"JR for one week} or $1.00 for three. 1 F'Ql! 514118â€"220 §hmgs of Co;0p_erat- Classified Adlets! ELECTION NOTICE Help Wantiewdr ELECTION NOTICE For Rent W1nted For “alt 6-10-4 7-1-1 , with [0 arms, has modern build- ans, vnr‘y fine on'harrl, old shad. “hers, and is on a haul road hand! ‘to statirm, with the fith 0! loca- :Unn, prim $22,000, (rt-ms to suit. in»: SAI.}Z«:{\_§'93‘y choicg 1 .ch WANTED~Property of mry da- _cr§pti_on to sell, Ah_a_ve_ yon hid 1% story house, has all over hart wood floors. steam heat, mm across the front all windowed n, In close in and near to station and H school, a very neat little modal ":1” at only $5,500. Terms can II. a . house with all living rooms And bath donwstair, and 2 spare rooml up, all modern conveniences, gnod new, improvements a" in and In!“ for, so easy tezms can be had, tin lot is south front, close in, and in i very good location. 50x142 It. in“ same fruit and good shade. Prim FQI} SALE~_~Very gttmgive 5 gang rooms, all light aml well arranged to accomodatn a large family, plan” of closet room, corner light kitchen with large pantry, gnovl mllar. cis- tern. well, ham and garner. awry- thinz in fine condition, and immediate possession can br- hall. lnt 120x132. 3 blocks to stafion. Price £5,000. Terms easy. Tell me what will suit you, owner moving, wants to sell. FQR SAlffir-Cg‘ix. rebuilt cottage lot on a Run". high and well located convenient to East Grnve station with watnr. gas, electricity. price way down for quick saln, want an offer. shown any time. FOR SALEâ€"4V9" built houce of 7 ham-0 with 5 Unis, has rity water. an“. olM‘ric lights, is! alloy cow. and would suit anvnme needing to ho Mar thn trains. scorn. «4100!. and (Tnthnliv Church. Prim! $3.800, rel- :unamr terms. FOR _3‘ ALE- rVr‘ry‘ fim’ rongy 1:199 3 blocks of flu- Mlin st. mm)“. H handy tn Kindnnrhm and High Srhool. in but Walton, an ”M stun-t, with overything paid. We! $6.1m am! around 32.000 will ham“. 5|. an $50 mummy, including ll: (and. Fl)" SALlf'frâ€"b‘G‘ rqnm. 1": up!" tin, centrally lot-acid f» Emu: bun (Mow, has luxu- living mm 1112.. gll__koet up!“ Iggy. and is yithip bnly um. .. ht. arms to will. FOR SALE-.10 In“ joining WM- mt, (hurl have 30 mar 0H tun. am on the no" nun-Hooking the Villa lay, 1 mm: «mm.» Imuon. Pl.- pt-ny joining bu doubled in ulna h - your, all (M.- nenin in an m. why no! spatula" and live hen Mo. 81000. (0mm. “in tho champ. prim POR SAIJZ‘fiMqlem. ‘vgry “gue- I §- "1" i W, {Ul- "g um! II- n imp moments rm al.8- bodmod built up chm a- «auto-1.." cool boon-u heath. I. “d prim right. 820 a foot. would all ”you“. FOR SALEâ€"Two 6 acre Ion. wro- lhor or unnu- they are ":0: xmuml, In! uurmunvkd by mighborl. prim woo. r um. "I- «rn live in (Thiago w m to no“. main «Mar. sell 3ng or all inch mo. half min. mu SALEâ€"Well built on atoms Int, 60:132. m um"! boa, m an auto .I summon-1.21M mmJu t 3 blush hands «have. :4 on "Is pent R00”! dds fins! .3? "I! chap or may trade. W! m yo_o_? Prim m clear. or (am I! ['08 SALE-Chm neat. twp III-III .Il uvvl. tvrtyullfl“ wlll. II that you cook! out (or. is out front with port-h windowed and remand for uummcr. oil on! loin! In Punch doom and plumbing, I build": but. m] with good, lol. our in. PM now home 0! '6 $0M»; In: ’5er fog! I" ovqr2 qufythlpg bu!!! ll 1 is good soil. all tillable, and conven- . ient to walks and neighbors. Prim $4500. 'Easy terms. . FOR SALEâ€"~A right modern cosy nearly new bungalow on a beautifni F timbercd lot 75x300. is in a lion ton , «neighborhood with paved stmet Int! 1 large oaks and forest trees in front ‘ of lot, and fine garden lot and poul- try house and yards in nu, with shod garage. and all kinds of im- movements in house. like hot water heat, electric lights etc., and the prim is but $4000, (or quick sale. FOR SALEâ€"0m- of the best 10-min houses in town. has one sleeping room downstairs. double act 0! plumbin . up and down, and is supplied with garages, side drive. with very flat south front 75x25!) foot lot. with plenty of fruit, shade and shrubbery cosy port-hos, and is in the best at noigiihorhmuls. l'rioo $10.0“, term. to suit. rFOR SAl.l"â€"~Vory attractive cosy little form of your own right in to", hue.- the maxi fruit and anion you have sum in a long time. with u lot I00x200, or the bout of black soil, nil as nice a bunyf‘ulow as you would want of 5 room». us I" modern maven- ionflm. in in good repair. handy to school. ml for solo on any um. price 85700. FOR SAIJ-‘râ€"Voric high clung modern (wattage house wiE Vfuâ€"ll acre lot I: 5 good rooms, has gas, electric “5‘" furnace;- hegt, a_!_ul_ £51m“ tljees, “A 8-mom house, Wins several features to improve on. like 3 entran- res. opening on shady porches with beautiful timbered lot W297. creel thru rear with chance for lilly pond, and good fruit and garden, is on paw ed street, south front, near town, ahc tion. and in best of social section. Ind the price is only $6500. with emu for terms. _ FOR _ SALEâ€"One RndA ope-half, stow 22 5.. bid- Sc. Plan. “I Residence 27 S. Falwlew Ammo East Grove Phone 101-! F9}! SALEâ€"A right good we!) oowum 630V! REAL ESTATE m W 5v V. FREDENHAGEN has madam build- orrharvl, old shad. .1 hard road handy tho finmt of loca-

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