Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Jul 1921, p. 2

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“menu-m The Inc-Ii.- salami "units in the eighnn. ("perm-r upnnod vi"! - sin‘ (b. Ehnincer tripled 9n rc-nu-r, pul- ling Carpenter am“. fur "1" winning run. Kingsley follow-d «n6. sorting fining", Knish then [Mk-v, am- to East firm-e for four sarlw. The I»- n}: zaihorm‘! nine stats, Hm.- l'-ms!rr:4 getting an 0‘1"! don-n chl Sunday tho- fast. \Vn-ukezan m'nc m" "nam- in UM- Tamrt‘o noc- Nlfllu-r team could tally In the can; I, lnnlnn. although both [and cxwl-l lent chums. llcrb weathcnul I had; ant and rum won only nipped by I: loan dnublo ylny, (tantrum (0 Bender; Io Huh. Hub u-ttlovl dmvn and In:th Nun lively. Tho l-v-«In uumvwd I’ count" in (he ninth when Carpenter “In! I'Yd vent to thml on Illndcr'n' ht drlvr to right, .u‘urimr a manic“, hm on Klnmky'u ull fly to Ink, 1‘. 8005!": owned thimu up in {he mt frame «I! new given a hlly 0le “no had lunch. Ericks-m clmu- ta, Tod wlm hand In 2M «lunch. “in- d" rrmvvrnl Mul hm ml 0 bad um- ” Wind, Erikum (whim' UHH'. Huhâ€" 53 Canton!" Truvflml ll. rule's (munch-r and |.:0'("l. Mm rm may n'n‘ ‘ Ml hand inlu Hw urn uh, alhwim: Eriknnn to rmml. l-mnz llw mow. The Chicago lads were poor in all phases of the game. Butch Klein evon managed to hunt, so just think it out. for yourself. The old apple was babel-“tiled quite a plenty and the l0<l cais won hands diwn. In the third inning the Legionuirers soc-iced the mis- sile so maliciously that the scorer hollered {or help. A brace of doubles, a quartet of singles, an error and a tree passage netted the home outfit six smackers besides {our gathered in the second on live-"solid singles. Cur- tis: was hurling, but was relieved by Eddie Barron, a coming youngster of sixteen. Eddie was then- plenty al- though tapped frequently for safeties. With experience Eddie. will be a regu- lar comer. Eddie aim is a real util- ity man and more should be .een of him in coming tilta. in the last live 'Wagner, 1') ss ........ a 0 x 3 0 Skierku, if .......... 4 l) 2 1 0 Frikson, 3h ........ . 4 l 0 5 0 Horatio, e ........... 4 0 0 6 0 “MT, (f ............. 4 0 0 3 2 ii‘ors. :lic, 53- p ........ 4 0 2 3 1 Totals ............ 40 l 12 34 4 Three-haw hits, Ehninger, Kings- ley; home run, Knrish; two-base hits, Aumiroia, Curtiss; struck out, Ehnin- :er l0, Curtis 1, Porsche 5; double play, Carpenter to Binder to Nash; wild pitch, Ehninger. BLUE LODGE WINS i SECON D BALL GAME FROM THE CHAPTER innings the local: starred a nupponetl l'mpirc John finish} and Ten Players comedy, with everybody playing mun- place but their right plane. The final scorn was ii to 9. Sunday's Gale a Whohnrrdopn. Responsible [or Deli-at Says Inning Outfit. in a tilt {or blood the Blue Lodxe Thompson's City Hall outfit put up mmin put the (‘hapter to plume for a nal brand of inset-all Sunday.I the inuunn-ruhh- timv the morning of Snappy fielding and ht'ldWorIt in the th- Fourth at indoor. A big: ninth in- ml‘lcld kept this bunch of clouten. him: mils «polled the nod“ for the from authoring a high more. Although « hautthly Chapter ton. With two down meaning )2 aaletiu, they wero mut- v in the ninth and no one on the who and And keen [liu‘hlltfl when in their“! trailin‘ thm mm the Blue Lodge hole helped the locals. keep the Wolfilllnl up and lmnxled thing: badly. from the door. Alter the donut had nettled and the ball Noitiu-r tum could tally in the our. ; “as found rot-mint! the nethervnou ly inning, although both had umLH-arln of iefl livid .1 rulllll was taken lent chnma. "er wrath-rod I had and tin- illue lmlne wuss om- nm in that and rum wm only nipped by a 'tln- wood, thank» to John itolnhy. The ham duuhla piny,('arprntrr tn Bender tinni nrun- mu 1'1 to ii. The game In Nuh. Huh "-2th down and ita-pt . mu excl-«linlly inn-renting and snnp‘ INHI- lively. Tho l-v «In warn-owl . ’ py pinyin: was witncsued throughout. can!" in the with when (Tarmnter "The old pill wu lively. but no ranunl- singled and wear in Hunt on itindcr'u'tin were welsh-roll. McWhorur Lot drivr to richl, wet-rim: a moan-1t . twirir-l for the (hunter, showing Rood hm on Kinmloy'u Ll" fly to lcl'LJorm. limrry Kli'lll played his mun- Tha Boonfnn cvrned thing's up in tho lnr 12mm. D. llan‘) Jenkinn man nfll- m-It ham nnd View (in-n u l'aily "atrial wmvr. nnd \nn lth at 15mm. The . than had haunt, Erickson timu- toflull'mim: slnltitm. and otherwise I'M who hut-rd in tho utarul‘. llin- werv enmpiird by him. Those en- !" rrrnvo-rvd nml hon M a lull on» draw-rim: :v pm, 9! -,. were: in wand, Erikwa Minor lmvtl. lluh- lllm- lmclqnmlhrlm-r, p.: Srhultz, b) (‘atpv-ntrr 'J-‘Idlml ILrndo't n. Winter. tin: D. Jenkins, 2b.: Geo. "Mimic-r and l.~n't~l Lln rm may '1'", Johnstone. 3b.; (5. A. Elation, it; A ml hnwd inlu rhv li'tfl'fi, alivmin: \‘ix. lam; 02mm. 3L; J. .lenkim. (1.: Erikmn ln mum. i-r-mz tlw warn. Ravnzo, rf, ' A. C. on the Fourth. Monday's tilt was a neat farce as far as baseball was concerned. After putting the kibosh on the Thompsonians Sunday the locals took a miserable ball game from the Araby We also have all of the modern sick-room neces- sities. But we have articles for the healthy as well as for the sick. For anything in the drug store line COME TO US FOR IT SEIBERT NORRIS THOMPSON’S CITY HALL “BOOSTERS” SWATTED AGAIN Thompson's gang of (‘ity Hall Boosters brought. their horns all right, but faiied to realize that they must bimmer to win ball games. The hard inning Imgiun nine again linearised its guns on two Chicago out- fits over the FoLv:"h holiday and merely ramped homc “(ch twu neat victories; Flue 9n the Fourth When Araby A. C. Took the Count in Third Inning. When your physician hands you a prescription, you should bring it to OUR drug store to be filled. The physicians of this community have learned that we fill their prescriptions exactly as they direct. r'~‘o p9 (‘hamer ~~ Hugh Mm-Whumr, 31.: Harry use. a; Thwu‘qrc Drank-I. Jr., 1'! - R. IV. Hzm .m, 21).; Emery Klein. ”5.; {inn-ry m, k; Walt" Juhmiuno. 1%.; (has. Xruh'nurh. Bah f uzyt: ‘, .,: iws I)»: '. “I; W. H. Hem» zu.. 3'. Home run, Brenner by; time, I I: m‘ l3 r. rltwk. MN MW?! '1 km: ‘22 and 0mm:- .Ulisnn J In a tilt {or blood the Blue Lodxe mmbn put thc Chapter to plume {or the inuuvm-rublv timo the morning of the Fuurth at induur. A but ninth in- .nim: rally spoiled the wutkl (or the «hausthly Chapter tvn. With two down ,in the: ninth and no one on the sack: :and trailinK thm mm the Blue Lodge Tum!" ............ >10 1 1234 4 Three-base hits, Ehninger, Kings- ley; hmuc run, Karish; two-base hits, Auymrola. Curtiss; struck out, Ehnin- m-r w, Curtis 1, Porsche 5; double play, (‘arpcnu-r m Binder to Nash; wild pitch, Ehninger. Totals ..... Boomers Eisenman. 2b Augumla, rf . Hennesy, lb . Wagner. 9-” time with the locals. Due to the hot weather the attendance has not been large. Some good clubs have been signed to wiggle bats against the lo- cals and the attendance should pick up. The local outfit is hitting a good stride, although a few of the old- timers are not playing a very heady game of ball. Downers Curtisa, 3b .. Carpenter, SS Ehninger, p . Binder, 2b . . . Kingsley. c . Karish, If. .. Nash, lb , . . . Klein, rf Eimingur, J., k Hunmdaiu has been signed for a se- ries of tilts. :Impirv, Boise inuh': 03!; "If AB. R. H. C. E. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS Prompt Attention Ladies Especially Invited Lekachas Orfanos 25 Years Making Delightful Confectionery Cooling Confections You will find on our menu all the old stand-bys in the ‘way of Sodas, Sundaes, etc., iand many new ones. ‘For instance, our Sher- bets are a delight to the pal- ateâ€"they satisfy that long- ing on hot days for some- thing to quench the thirst; and at the same time are confections of pleasing taste Have you visited our beau- tiful new Palace of Sweets at the corner of Railroad Main Streets? 27 8. Forest Avenue Trig-phone nos-w F. W. KETTENRING Contractor Builder flaunt“- furnished on an or old ‘Firul Hamid Church. who had the mnxmgalimml singing at the flu! mung. July 3d, ha» consented to din-ct tho singing during flu: wholv .«onmn of "w 03"“ air services. The Rm; Wm. (mutant. [tutor at St. Paul's [Guam-“ml (hum-h. Mll pre- shlv nut Sunday. ‘ J Rn. J. ll. Schick Nut Spain at Open Mr l’n'oa Souk-u )ll'NlCll’Al. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR M Salmon Ave. Plume 3.2-3 Damn Grove. I". was presidont of the Indiana Dist- rict Cnnfm'onco and is well known as a loader of his denomination. pastor of St. Luke's Church at Evan3< ville Indiana. For several years he ATTENDANCE GOOD SUNDAY AT FIRST OPEN AIR SERVICES It has come to my attention that quite a number of cases of whoop- ing cough have not been reported to the proper authorities. Parents whose children are afflicted, am! whn have no medical attendance». MUST report the cases to the Vilâ€" lage Clerk or Commissioner of Health, ‘1 Charles 'Hnller. Immedi- ately and not allow the children to leave their pmmises . Failure to comply with this nu~ tice will make the offender liable to prosecutiun under Section 5, Chapter 17, of the Village Ordi- names. The Rev. Arnold H. thrl of tlw JOHN S. LOZIER (Continued fmm Page 1) NOTICE W. C. BA “BER. Mayor. West Suburban Motor Co. LaGrange, 111. Local Salesroom, Curtiss Theatre Bldg. \1: Ike vour DUIChdSQ no“ “bile the hot \\ eather is hero and you can enjoy :1 respite fmm the old Cook store :quits heat. We have been appointed the exclusive sales agency in Downers Grove for this wonderful stove. Retailers of High Grade Merchandise .l. D. Gillespie Co. Second ('omvetiuon. all members eligible. seven prizes were awardml in ")9 following order: R. C. Briggs 45. W. F. Heintz M. Edgar D. Gun 41. Goo. Binder 41. Geo. MaoDflugal 40. Frank Rogers 40. Wm Kramhs 39. Kranbs won the {in with four omer mml. This was also with high power rmv. 10 shots. same as first contest. The high powered Springfield, .30 calibre rifle was wed. Git Binder. R. C. Briggs and Geo. MacDouxai tied for first with a score of 44â€"5 shots standing. 5 kneelingâ€"distance ap- proximately 200 yards. One shot de- cided the tie, Mucnougal getting sec- mxd. Briggs third and Balczynski 4th prize with a 43. Gilbert Binder carried oii’ fir»! prize in the first competition in which were eligible only those men activo in ur- ranging the affair and who worked on the construction 0! the targets and otherwise making it a success. RIFLE CLUB HELD - SUCCESSFUL SHOOT 0N JULY FOURTH A very successful shoot was held by the club on 4m 01 July in a series ul competitions at the range con~ structed in the village gravel pit. l'fize Competition at Gravel Pit Brought Out Good Scores Will: Large Born. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM E E PERFECTION Slat-sandman: bumil'rwumw tthchufudonfu-my mdmkthehavethc NewPafecu'mOvenaboâ€" and it hku perfectly. you act it. We'llde HERE’Sno-molwmd Mmmkediagnc- Phone 30 Buick predominanee mnong business men means but one thingâ€"- Buick is absolutely dependable. It has proved its dependability for twenty years. _ You don’t need to try out a Buick for dependability. That is universally known. But you should try out a Buick to realize its comfort, its power, how easy it is to operate. There’s real plea- sure in driving a Buick. NEW sanms AND PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE I. 1921 Model 22â€"44 Three Passenger Roadster ................... 31495 Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring ..................... 1523 Model 22â€"46 Three Passenger Coupe ...................... 2135 Model 22â€"47 Five Passenger Sedan ....................... 2135 Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe ...................... 2.123 Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring .................... 1733 Model 22-50 Seven Passen r Sedan ...................... 2635 F. 0. . Flint. Michigan Model Model Model Model Model Model Model The club ls organized. has the equipment. Issued by the government. and only noeds a few more good men to make it worth while. The making 0! a good rifle club ls right Ina-re in Downers Grove. just a low mow men who are good sports. and willing to land a hand at the game. It Is mlghty good recreation, lmemsllng and a test ol.’ skill. as in no other sport is required. but, this can be acquired through a little prac- tice. _ Acknowledgement is made to the tiring and individuals who contributed generously to make the prize list at- tractive and well worth striving (or. Among the donors were Mertz l: Mm-hei. First National Bank. Lehman It liuvhel. John Balsby‘, “'In. Blod‘ :19". Alex Jiudjeska. Geo. MacDougnl. Stewart "runs. Vic Thoilu. Maul. Hurold Clarke. R. Q Elliot. Kidwell lamge. McAllisior. Shroka. Kidwell Florist. A. P. Store. D. H. Uhlhoru. Chas. llaller. Leliachas Orlanas. Ziudt. Emmerich Bros" John Nash and others. money making standpoint It was not a profitable investment. ___W _ IN THE woons. JUST WEST OF nowxms (move ON THE NAPERVILLE ROAD LARGE. NEW FLOOR 2001) MUSIC REFRESHMENTS GAMES DOWNERS GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT Moonlight Picnic Saturday, July 9th There are more than 3900.000 Ford cars in daily service throughout the world. and fully tighty per cent of these arr Ford Touring Cars. There are man)‘ rcawuu l‘ur this, nm the lcast of 'which it the simplicity in thc tlcslgn of the car, so easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate; and mighty incxpcnsivc cumpaml to other motor can. ()n the farm, in the city, for business and fur family pleasure. it is the car of thc people, and the demand is incrcning every (Ln). Let us have your ordcr promptly if you matonc. um fleck Bucholllz INS UNIVERSAL CAD 'ECTIVE JUNE I. 192] er ................... S I think that I shall never see Anything lovelier than a tree. A tree who looks at God all day And lifts up leafy arms to pray. A tree who may in sumz'uer Welt A nest of robina in her hair. A tree whose hungry mouth is past Close to earth’ 3 sweet flowing bunt. Upon whose bosom snow has lain, Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by tools like me, But. only Gad can make a tree. â€"~Written by a young man who lost his life at St. Mihiel. in a variety of colors at very mod- erate prices . SUMMER DRESSES on sale at re- duced rices. STOU LADIES should wear a Ban-lay Corset fur comfort. You cannot break a Barclixy cog-sgt. HANDSOME WOOLENâ€" BATHING sun's MEMORIAL TREES? 75 No. Forest Ave. Not At Home Mondays 31495 1523 2135 .2135 2323 1733 2535 Friday,}uly 8. 1m C’EHW; Einrich (Bl596)

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