Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Jul 1921, p. 7

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Sunday, July 10th. 1921. Seventh ‘\_, Sunday after Trinity, b 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 945 p. m. Church Schooi. 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and CHURCH muons S. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7:30 p‘ m.â€".\'n ewninx sen-ire in the chunk during July and August. We are glad to do an In our power to lake the Union outdoor meeting a 6:!5 p. m. mummy. Endmror. A live mung by live young people for live folks. 9:45» a. m.~-BIM¢ School. Splendid Inter-ml In spin- at the how team". “:00 n. Innâ€"Devotional Sat-vim). Swlal music by the choir. and sham. sermon by the minister. 7:30 p. m. l’nium finite an lawn 0f Fir“ M. E. Chum-h. Swakrrt The "0". N. J. Semi-k. Prushlont of Elmhursl Academy and College. Sun-lay. July "Rh. 1921. 9:30 a. m. Sunday Schml. 10:45 a. m. .‘lmuing “’owhip. (German). n. mums EV kNGEMCAI. GROVE STREET CHURCH AmmmnIIâ€"Rn’. L. II. In“ is to Ml "w Slc‘lhmlm puipu Sunday morning: during the mmm nf July. while the lmflur is un his uralium. Sermon. "Hmuah and lo Spare,” by Ru. 1.. II. Ian. Hymn. Benediction. “Cm“ndo“ (La-nan). Pouludr. [-39th lane. 6:30 p. In. Topic. “LN. Clou- w Christ”; lender, Mn. Warn-n [Auk-(uni. Sunday evening um". 7:30 p. In. Community “up" nonh- on Me":- odllt lawn. MOD!“ EPISCOI'AL CHUICII Hymn. The Apostlml' (Tn-ed, Anthem, "0h. How Blast the Hour" (Student). Mina Mildred Potter and choir. halter. Glofl I'Mrl. Scripture. Oflortory. “Remembruuu” (Cun- My Service at 11:00 a. II. My School at 9:45 I. a. Sunday. July N, 19:31. Organ prelude, "Love's Greetinx" (Elgar). UNITED BRET!!!“ CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Sunday, July 10, 1921. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. Quarterly observance of the Snort 'ment of the Lord's Supper. 7:00 p. m. Young people’s service. 7 :80 p. In. Community open air service on the Methodist Church lawn. Midweek prayer service, Wednes- day, 8:00 p. m. Visitors are welcome to every serv- ice of this church and are invited to worship here regularly. ml”. Bun M. Mum" Prim-balm M p .m Evening Prayer and Ad~ Woek Dunâ€"v - 8:00 a. m. Mass. 3mm, Mags-4:00 p. m. Bone- man i. m. mm: mg Sermon. 9:00 u. m. Biblb Study. 10:00 I. In. High Mass Ind Sen INST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Anhr 8m Help. Minister CONGREGATIONAL causal Sunday. July W. 1!": no In. Win. Gnuldd. Put-r FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Wednesday. 7:4?» 9. m.. prayer meet 8:00 p. In. Compline, Boneéiction, luv. 1. Alfred Nun-ea. Pam. Gilli"! fl. Ncwhlll. Punt 8T. JOSBPB'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ”bury Hall Pater of Fourth" (that perfect bunt again). The crash of glass Monday showed that even a Dodge windshield cannot withstand the shock when a hard hit foul connects. Jerked in Fonrth"-â€"-"ank Allison Two Nick Alum-he were present Monday in the noble personages of Herb Ehninger and Charley Mrkvicka Ted allowed one hit in three inu- ingsr but mtirde to allow a recruit pitcher to unlimber. The lively pill was responsible for a smash at Bobby Carpvntor’s face. No damage was collected however. t In Dul‘ugv County, 47 per ml of “he mtim manly wool produdiol m i.poolccl Mum! 63 on own or flu- wool ;pmluflim Sn Hw- Iomlinx do produc- mg counties 0! lb:- ntau- mu into 1%! pool. 100.000 mumk 0' 0w '3“:th «no! m'm Into blankets for Manners. Nam \vvm behind tH‘ plate due to Kingsley's absence and Norman An- (h-rson hamllnl "19‘ initial sack in great style at Mommy's fray. Hutch Kh-in‘s l‘vrfcfl hunt in Math day's tilt was a revelationâ€"III. for hutch! Thv ~mall nurmlnntr at the lad fmv games is Ilisamminting‘. We hope rumt' wild zqvh} ra m" journey this way and mo! things mt. hwy hr mulul this your even though a lower slatr prmhwiion In anticipa- lnL 3.11:3 suck-- “me nnkrrd from Hm I. A. A. last year. while 5,236 sari“ haw been urch‘nwl so far this real r. Twa thirds uf mo wool in I'M! pod was mm at from 27» to 3| mm.- a It is expo‘rlml (I'M an even larger wrm'nlagr of the nlate production Moat pollen of the pool were sold nwrul months 530. but the check- could not. be men! out until the clam wol was :0ch and the money pro-rat- «I among the gmwen mull" lo the amount: they pooled. Omen wham- wuol was sold peverul months Beginning on the tint of July. the wool growers of Dul'nxe County l-‘um Bureau. who are among the 7,313 wool growers in 89 Illinois counties: contributing to the 1920 wool pool. will twelve elm-ch to cover the um- ounlu of wool they pooled. TM In! 30,000 pounds of the mllllon and I Ml! pound: In the pool wum DOM last week. ‘ v And once moreâ€"kaégnn Sunday. l. A. A. WOOL . POOL'ALL sou) IN nu PAGE co. 10:1 Pouch Closed 6:45 a. m. . 8:10 a. m. Waukegan is here Sunday. Time 5:57 a. Prayer. and, adjourned quarterly business meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00. “By this shall all men know that yo are my disciplea. If ye have love one to another." John 13-35. 9:45 a. m.â€"â€"Bible School. 11:00 a. m.â€"-Mornlns worship. Top- Ic. "Echoes of the Convention." 6:80 p. m.--B. Y. P. U. 7:30 p. m.â€"-â€"Unlon service on lawn at Methodist church. The Men's Bible class under the leadership of Mr. Toumba and the teaching or Mr. Kehrl 13 Increasing in Interest. Come in some Sunday at 9:45 a. In. and en- Joy the hour. The Rev. Arnold fl. Kohl. Mini-hr mthcmdingmm. lad-3.8:oo pm. Reading Room open Holiday and Fddayfmmatoflggn._ NOTES "I" THE "\IJ. G.\)IE§ will FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Central fime Incoming Mails Week Dayâ€"Except Sunday SCHEDULE OF MAILS n‘mh-e ink-mt on their Outgoing Mails Sunday. East Well Direction The Committee, also went on meord as endorsing Chas. W. Hadley of Wheatvm, for L'nitr-rl States District Attorney for this district. Mr. Hadâ€" ley is a lawyer of ability. He recent- ly retired from the States Attorney- ship of DuPage County. He has a large law practice and is qualified for the post. DuPage County is surely entitled to .everal jobs and should this one come to him, Mr. Hadley will be able to handle it. The rmignation of Mr. Reu.-- camo an a surmise tn his many friomls thrlmg‘hout the County. "0- has «Iv- x-otv-d many hours in campaign times â€"â€"â€"and out to the inn-rests of thn Re- publican P3"); of the county, state and ‘nation. He has been at. the when! during many a hot fight and his guidance will be missed. 21> Chairnnn of the llul‘am- (Icyunty (‘vntral (inmmiumr. rv‘imml the plum wstervlay at a meeting of that hndy at \Vheaton. He has: been sumlml by Major Emmi-fl, 0f Lombard, a young man with a rerun! of senior for (he l‘nrty am! 3 mm"! of son-icn fur thr- mum-y during thr- war. Jun-Ml Rem-s. of Nam-nine. "nun.- M’I" Long Servicp-lladlcy (Sch: Hermann-million erph Luls- of \‘nwnilh-, film has ~1 run! faithful” for mam \oar RESIGNS C H A l R- MANSHIP COUNTY CENTRAL COM’I'T’E All the myfltertoux. hobwntor phe- nomena mul other 'unmntclml unru- ;tlons of this Wonder Spot of Ameri- cn are nlwwlnx on in tho [tumult-It. of style. Old Faithful and all tlm otlmr Mn (ml little p-yseru urn "myt- imz in nmslutout fashion. The fum- oml ll'l‘l‘llt‘l‘ at Mammoth "at Springs on- mil tn pun-9mm unusual color and bvnuty this .‘Mflofl. whilv ll"- sprung: mv mow «the than at any time In thirty ymrs. l‘nrtlculur activity is In m‘iulrm-v- in llw "flavor Cobalt... ”- ;wially in the vicinity 0f Camp Roon- m-olt. Mow than 100 nuflnlo calves wow born In the park this spring and "lo big bowl»: tlmle pander-nus animals now numbers npproximatrly agoâ€"Phone stash 8210 WiALTER S. OTTO smnmm: m msuuxc: A moor! nmiml at. the headquar- ter: 0! the Budlngtou Railroad mm that M'crythlng In Yellow-tune l'nrk wu “all inlet" for Manon when the amt nun swung open on Sunduy morning at the command of (hm-m- ment Suptrlnhmckm Albriuhl. (icy-on. not Swings: and the Other Nolan! WM an Mme Active nu Hull. Saturday, howaver, the club was defeated by a team supporaed to rep- resent the Royal A. C. of Downers Grove, but their membership seemed Ito include every good player who happened to be on the diamond. i It was lucky that none. of the Le- gion players were there or they pm» bably would have been put in the op- posing line-up. Line~up for Sunday’s game was: St. Joe A. C. ”Name A. C. Baron. l’ Roller, P Brady, “1. (‘ Panosh. C Sal'mnski. IB Stalin-l. )8 Brady, 6. 28 (:ubhlns. 2B Bender, 38 Willis. l"., 38 Meyers. 88 Willis. 1.. SS Riedy. LF ‘ Dunning, LP Wimmer. CF Gebhnnl. CF Cauty RP Gutko RI" LIVemc ~â€"20203l010â€"â€"9 SLJoe -304"2017 0â€"19 BUFFALO HERD IN YELLOWSTON E NOW NUMBERS 700 Bender astonished the fans in the seventh inning when he drove the ball to deep right for a home run. Brad- ley also deserves credit for the great catch he madmback of second base. Baron’s pitching as usual was too much for the opposing team, fifteen strikeouts being registered in his i’a- vor. Although his support was weak in spots his team-mates rapped out sixteen safe hits for a total of nine~ teen runs. Saturday, however, the club was defeated by a team supporaed to rep- resent the Royal A. C. of Downers Grove, but their membership seemed to include every good player who happened to be on the diamond. It was lucky that none of the Le- asked the employer. The amount was stated. the total being but a few hun- dred dollars. ' ‘ “Can you aflord to loss it!" was the next question. “No." the young man replied; “it is all I have except my salary." ‘ “Come with me." the financier mid. De led the young man to a vault ad- Jolning the oince where accountants and clerks were at work and pointed to a pine be; in a corner. Box Full of Dianppclntmont. “rm box is full of mining and oil stock." he remarked. “it is the ac» emulation of about twenty-five yearn of speculation and the par value of the stock nggmgutes several million dollam. Of course. I did not buy it at Its par value; some 0! it cost me about what you are asked to pay for St. Joseph A. C; piayed their first Sunday game with their new unfonns defeating the LaVeme A. C. at St. Procopius diamond. The game was never in doubt of the third inning when {our safeties and a walk gave the locals four runs making the score seven to four in favor of the local team. ST. JOSEPH A. C. GARNERS l9 RUNS IN SUNDAY GAME Wallop LIVerne Nine Getting Seven Runs in Eighth inning-- Bum: Fun 15. Umpire-Moran: scorerullelfl. Stalin-I. 13 (inbhlns. 2B Willis. F» SB Willis. 1., SS Dunning, LP Gebhnnl. CF‘ 141-. Th9 inIiividunln who rr-nily do count, who M‘fT" as mnstmrlivg forms, who take an active part in tho building of [cummuniiim by aiding in (M rxpan- who of industrim and in the solution 3 of indvstriul and I-ommorrinl prob- , Inns. arr thou- ulm noliiwr waste not : hoard; Um pomp!» who sown what they ’ m. and main- llao-ir ravine! work. i Living Up to One'l income. , Th0 firm! l:l:.;i'i':.". uf it". Amt-rim" ’peupio (-nn i.’ sill-v wi'l liq-ion: to this :clnss. I: is mvn-iy n mulu-r of the ist-nrlani ur inn-.1 .1?)le whirl) then.- i has bt-r-n so mnrh 'nliz. As a matter of ‘iact, the NlanvL'irll of living in many [ mm depends sou-2y upon-nut the ac- iuai needs of ["1" familyâ€"hut the six:- of the family inwnm“. A mun earning $1.2m :0 3m!) in ma! times xnannzvs M support his family on his incnmr. When, or if. his income or salary. :m ”an ram may be. increases. to $2.500, thv'n $5.0m Ind, finally. stoma his standard a! living m of livingâ€"iywrnnsns in propor- tion 1nd ihe entire income is amended. "Ionic Comic!" the Future. The size of the momma mm! be taken in!» account. of course. In i‘ixlng thP mndnrd of livingâ€"tho. annual budgei â€"â€"but it is just as important to pm wide to.- the future by setting aside I mummensitistoprovide for the present by porch-sing the net- eâ€"ries of life. The tumble with "Coaioil Johnny" I’ll that hit income wus not what might be called regularâ€"he did noi have an oil-bearing fun to call every three months. As I consequence. when m may received for the ill-st an mmnmonhinnne‘n. Oil had been dim-rand on the inr- rrn l‘t-nn-ylvanln farm on whlch ho had been mud and he womanly he mm possum at “nothing aver hit a tnmlml doll-rs. whlth hl! Immanue- ty tuna to unload. Ho Hung Up a M loud. After I prolonzrd Mandi, during which he run guilty of every mm Ihle tom of nslnlnity. he came to his sober names - plop- r. He had nude I new mark as a wonder which still stands us that rem-rd. ”(‘oaloll Johnny". Is the accepted typo or the extravagant master class of fools who stand at one (3!!me of the smlal scale: at thv- otht-r rxtremo stnmls llm leur who lows money for Itself and hourds it. Neitht-r waster or misvr Is at any particular sonic: to himself or humanity. “Coalotl lotmny's" Attempt to UV. Up to HI: Income. .y IDOAR TAVLOI WHIILOCK. worn-In. "1!. “mm pm. in...) Do you remember reading the story at "OOIIMI Jammy?" It mun marl: If not «It: half a century nun um am much! awn-a mum um the «turn sky um left n cnll of very «Manual Banknote: MIMI Mm. The young man took him employer! um" and I Mr your» Inn-r held a nub-Inna.) financial Inter-mt to n proo- poms real mate nm you cln mm! It; don't give I! to mm to play with. “I can guard to like alum for In the long run I am Ahead of the pine. but you Ire not in my clan Ind should play are." CHAMPION SPENDEB when you will have an opportunity to Invest in some balm with which you are familiar and in which you will have something to a, about the management. Knp your money when @1593:mede recimmeaded by some unable- tantra-w company or nuan- “My advice to you. however. In to keep out of mlnlng and on stock in- wflmms until you have accumnllted enough capital no that you can nflord to lose. for the chances m ubont 100 to x that you thI lose. - 60 Slow ml Plly In“. “Put your money in Investment In- the stock you are thlnklng or buying and some of n less. It It in mining stock you want. you can hire an ex- press wagon to curt the box and In: coon-Ina to your home and you will be a paper multimillionaire (or you can have It It you will take It uwly. Can You Allard to Lou! “How much money have you saved?" liked the employer. The amount was stated. the total being but a few hun- dred dollars. \v-ygu‘wn .-.., â€"â€"....â€"â€" â€"._._ r,v_ Some years ago _a young man who had realized I profit on a mall real estate deal applied for advice to m: mloyer, I man or many millions who won noted for taking chances on new enterprises. Tue young man was con- sidering making an Investment in the stock of a company which won about to develop a mining claim. “Gnu you aflord to lose m" we: the next question. “No." the young man replica; “it Is all I have except my anhr‘y." ‘ I, ‘DGAII TAVLOR WHEEL-06K. (69mm. “ll. Ann-tun PHI. halt) Man Who Knew the Ropes Talked Comma Same. DOW!!!” GENE. ILHNOIB A PAPER MILUONAIRE 31110 “no will dune, It shun dou, sén's} iiidebiéilto '7 said estate an re- quested to make immediate payment to the undamaged. Dated this h day of June A D. by gives notice that s-he will app" before the County Court of Du age County, a! the Court House in Whea- ton, at the Se'ptrmber Term, on the first Monday in September next, at which time 3" persons havin claim; against .gaifl Estate; Ere noti ed nth Fé‘iiEééied'ié Read for the purpose. of ayingth same gvjjuspecj. Aljrpgf- 1921. Estate of Ellen J. Tlrnbn". Damned. The undersigned. having been ap- pointed Administratrix of the Estate nf Ellen J. Tumhull. Dncnngcd. here- be~alml pmpnul- will ho rornix'v-vl ythv \illmgc of “ham!" hmvn, [bilinniu until 6 p m JH' v 16th l'rll. for twu' .200 H. P. m nnn "00 H. P. Div 0! m S: rm Div «I 'l\pv 0H l-In- gim‘: and Inn 12:3 K. \\. 0! nm- 200 K. W. 2300 \oltq- 60 (”\(‘h‘ I-nzine typo Cenvrator L Thr- Villaxv- (Tounril rv-mrww {he right in raj-rt any aml all birl~. Speci- ficatinm will be f-Imhhorl by Chas. M. Hitch. Village Clark. 7-1-2 Oll. ENGINE AN" ‘;":NER.\T‘,R"-hr}w'n any" timn. PROI’OK.\I. FOR "HIS l‘nfl (-(I 1- "a: D was Grove Weaving“: HIGHLAND NEH! LINCOLN nom- 32.1 RUGS FOR SAL. hI-IND IN ‘1ka ”I.” (HH'I-ZTH AND CLI'LLV R105 WE WILL MAKE ’IHBM OVER IN- T" liEAl'Tll-‘l'l. RUG?! Physician 5 8" n WW9. I. Macadam I5 W An. Tink- I” WEI IMI: m.l... '“II... MCI... L. 1'. Hooker. 435 No. Konxin‘tnn ave.. LnGrange. phone manage ”9. ’0: name in Classified list of plum 'irectory. Gn§dé§u plow«|,'gie'mnl aiming: H: C. Rchm. phono' 1604-2. _4-l-t! Miscellanoous” PLANO TUNING and REPAIRING LOSTâ€"Ono 2 hook lock «Min. Find. or tilt-mu- phone 9| nr rMm-n tn I). H. Uhlhorn and mim- n-wnnl. 7-fl-l Sell our guarantml trN-s, fruits plants. Easy work. Highest com- mission paid wet-Hy: part ”wens”. Esperiouw unnrmsmry. Prov mu» plimz. 'l‘hn Hawks Nursery Cm. Wau- watosu, Wix. 6-244 drawers, phone 370-J, 53 Middaugh ave. 7-8-1 WANTED-n4 young lady tn work in store. Phone 94. * 7-84 time paymonts. also 'stnck bulls. John Nicholas, phone lMâ€"W~2. 7-1-3 WANTEDâ€"fiifi'mfior or chest of AGENTS WANTEDâ€"â€"Wam a job? 4 months. female. thoroughbred To- genburx male at stud. Robt. Bris- coo. Madison. north of Ogden, Rins- dale, I". 7-l~3 kemls. phone 25-151.. '16:! No. For~ est ave. 7-1-2 FOR SALEâ€"Singing register hot air furnace, in good condition. used two winters. Call phone l88-R. tt‘ ave. 7-8-2 Pan’sALE:M.l‘ilfifiiéH.â€"”Mrsi Boydston. 7, Maple ave. 7<8-l iioETV'If‘J-‘riédléoéfifir' bu? ink or $1.00 to: “flee. FOR SALEâ€"“Fresh cows, cash or on FQR “SAllfijâ€"Lfloll tog fies}, Rhmge CARPENTER ('nx'm.\(rron MI Wart Gulfanoml Middungk A". l‘. O. "on 71' ”OWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS FQR SALErâ€"Whqu_W)’a_l{dl!€te goe- Lawyer 0M. Farah: Merchant. Duh um." Tani-n. “III-don I Bum-Inn. O I. n. to 5 p. I. Every evening. 1 to 9. RATES: Five [Inn or less â€"- 85: for one week or 15: for three week- if paid_9n _or beforgjlge of public? FQR‘ sawâ€":2 grade; milk gents: gne A DNIINISTR;\TOII'S NOTICE ‘6541'. E. G.'Ban'-eu,'236 9:51am.- G’...B‘ . 102%, M‘ D' “a M Rafi-‘0 - Hum 201 N. Fm An. and Funllin $1. OFFKT "films 0009.- hnh-n 19.0.- Minn-yin“ on. w. w. GEORGE A. FOSS Help Wanted RUGS G. H. BUNGE May E. Tumbull, Administrator. For “ale Wanted LOST 7-8-2 .‘mn SAlJ-Zâ€" “'0" h..." home of 1 ’ rrmmq. all light and “1-" arranged "n armmovlatn a larw- family, Monty inf rlntnt mom, rumor light kitchen :with large pantry. gun" cellar. d3- ?Iorn, wv-ll, barn and gang», enq- fthinz in fine mmlitinn. and immediate Mouse-film ran ho had. Int 120x132. .32 blocks to nation. Prim $5.”. :Tfifll‘h‘ oasy. T0" mo what will all. [yum owner moving, wants to sell. WANTEDâ€"Props of eve II.- cflption to «Brynn you" I!“ finch, "a ”My" ' ”imam. H‘nR SALE, A a mm». m. FOR SALEâ€"Very nttnctive 5 run 1% story house, he all over [and wood floors, mam hat. new lens; the from all windowed clooeinandmrbmfionldh uhooi. a very neat jmle mod.) I house with all living rooms :31 bath donwstair. and 2 spare man up, all modern conwm'ences, new, imprnvements all in and for. so easy terms can be had. tho lot is south franc. close in, and In a very [and location. 50xl42 1%. III gone‘fmil. and goodshade. Prle. FOR SALEâ€"Cosy rebuilt com H. .u... lot an a hm". hid: aw” N!" Iocfld "mm-Meat to rim-t firm-e station with watnr. gas. rlprtricity. price my rhwn for quirk sale, want an of". h'm'r- with 5 lnh, ha; "i'y WIQCP. pn- nlv-r‘ric "1th i: alloy mm.’. in"! ‘40le unit amnm‘ mwiingh ha mm "m (mint. «turn when! and ('ntl'm'fir f'hurrh. Prim 83””. f2.- mmhln comm. FOR SALE-J w‘ry r' .. m._ j mnnI Ihrv haw- 'm wnr «M In”. «re um I’v- Imn" ov-rlooltmp Hu- VII- In. .1 MMI vlnuiva lnmIion. pf.- mfly jninint I‘m duqu-«l in 2.110! It .1 war. a" ”vi- uncle -': an owner. "4‘" "’I'. rut-ruimn zlwl Ii'I' hnrv‘ Inn. 91000. dawn. [alum- Ihn r'vnnrfl. pr!” nnly SIM. a lot. Iv-rm~ In wit. FOR SAM-21.4! 5 arm lots, in (Mr M sonar-tn. Uri-v an toll‘ zmuud. and «urn-"now by (I neingn, prim 8300. run at". m r-r~ liw in Chimm and want to l maln- nflnr. now hum- of 0 mum. bu MM wood II" M". "(naming mm I. that ym: mold ”It for, i.- mt f with non-h “Mam-d nwl u- l‘nr mmmv-r. a" (ho MM In PM doom Iml plumbing. I build"! ”’9'. MM with man! Int mar In. Prim m. M" rash. FOR SMJ‘m mom “mm. “to IQ fl. 1M4; may Mn. "IMO (and. imnmw-mv-M4 In ml and hr 0.".- horhmd hum up and rhnnfl" w mh‘h’ml. 3" (mo! Imus" location I. and prim rixM, 820. I {not would all «murals. , my: gunman um jnininpu‘fvasb FOR SALE-A right good wall but" fi-mom hm. hm never-l mum to impmvo on. like a altru- rm. owning nonhufy non-Mn with Mauliful limb-m! Int R012”. cm! Hum n-r with «ham fur filly pond. and gnarl hall and nah). In on pv- ml sin-M. month from. near Im. a“- lion. and In him! of mrlnl Minn. Ind 0n- pvlw in (ml) “rm. with chm for "my. FDR HAM-LN"! Mp}: flu} mogloq l-‘OR SALE-~Or l-Ixrhulgu- (or La» Grange hunnulow. an old 7 room homo on 3 ml lot. No. MO Bub ington Am. La Grange. would In" far a stun" Imam-m: or hip to fill yours. if inn-meal. drop a "no or call Damn-m Crow 36!. FOR SALEâ€"4h trade for Lnflnm hmue, two well built houses. I of 0 rooms. and one of seven, with lot ummn, corm-r, has way flue Inn. and is new the satin», ran make an "on lmclor fur (mo malt-m R mm hnum if high clam. at my my dim-mm. rlam home in n «loslruhle location has vvry good builclln s. all heated by steam. well armn fur help ad with a mmnlete‘ poultry plant. the. garagt- hnilclimzs. fin» orchunl. comm: drivo and walks. and one of the but in town. Price around 820,000, term- nml smaller property may be take. in lruclv. ‘ largo porch bungalow. on a hard road. is in a good neighborhood, I!” good shade trees. and is near the sta- “on. Price $2800. terms to suit {1 reasonable. FOR SALE‘e-Cosyrone. a-nd one-hi1! story 6 room cottage house, on i corm'r, only 2 blocks from station, near good neighbors. and very chain. owners has left town. Price 82900. half cash. or your offer. FOR SALEâ€"Non-msid‘ent wm 3mg his 7 room house on 100x182 foot lot. with big oak trees. on a paved nth-rt. in a good location, for a bar- zuin if each or half cash can be had. Price 86500. FOR SALEâ€"wk clo$n_in_veyy {3}in residence on Maple ave.. ha 10! 50xl50. comer? is modern with sum bout. hardwood floors, electricity Ind large pom-hes, owner needs a lam! home and will trade or sell vow cheap, property is clear. price 30000. FOR SALEâ€"TAyery gosy 4 ")0me FOR SALEâ€"ucentleman's Cou Home will: few acres. beam!!! grounds, orchard. big shade trees. I very slightly close in location. am well built buildings. blue 31'!" pasture. rich black field for cm”. and a right price. $18,000, terms rev sonablo. 22 80. ml. 33. Plum II! Residence 21 S. Fain'iew Am East Grove . Phone 101-. won SALEâ€"Rig!!! We" built _1 my! , a very neat mue man-- at only $5,500. Term an in by v. manzxmaw

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