Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Jul 1921, p. 8

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‘V 1|“ "0 ll ”194:1:an when”, they Mid In short. stout leg! Ind fun breasts. a. comb In also a good Index In judg- hg the mm of a we. n-me are far ahead of other: hatchd It the an Uma. Good judgment goal a long Inn III-d Should Hm M sun I... and Full Bruntâ€"Comb I: hammhymtwo ":1";th no one shmld M um. A with- .dul reflector that will throw the light to an parts of the building aE-o helps to get the m mnlts from the mount of elmtrldty used. To «no Mmflon the windnws 9710qu hp ficed whm feasible on the mmh. mt ma west “dos of the building. 8ELECTIIG BEST COCKERELS ” rm be frown or”. The Mn)! will not do well If think Is not avail- IMO Ilsa. A mm" oil lamp under a ticket. an Nov-Mo atmr-hmmt for my hosting the water. and I “wring tank Insulated mowhat a!- 0. methods ace-d for taming the cater for the and at a temperature To m tho (balm! mm It is mar: not only to mnvlfle fund may for paring whom the birth min. but plan wav". In wry nM weather some finial means of hunting It Inst he pmvldod m the watering msm. to Apr" I is the time when “ng2 Is usually provided fur fonds. Klfvv ._ ' WAâ€"Qap’g Coop um by am 4/ P070!" Fun In Afllflclll By means of m ordinary alum clot-k um Mon-Mr mvurh Is turvml rm Ibo!!! 4-30 In ma nmulnl. Fun is (“an m henna-o "w In no. of ":9 "M of lllnmlnnnnn gradually or Hm «I’m on "w Mule «011le he abat- mus. At the dump of mo "awn the 6mm” must he made slowly. Pram Novomtwr I. the try-min: M "w ml'M The Mflltz nml In the mwvmmt awflmmh nrv fwl rm" mm"- a may. ll eight. hwhv, rum and mm» Hm! Iflnr dark. This In-d luv-d l.- fnr "to MMu' hmtfn-c. In mmmam 10 0h! {am from u dry much i.- kpm mn- n-ntly Man the Mnh. fixpwmwnu um- Inn-ml Iarflfll m M the Palm] 3mm ling-anion" at Autumn“ u n» gmvmmm {mum-y form It lhlhfllh. MIL. Cur "w [Mr- W a! comma mon- mm. an IN:- phase at mun myth. TM nun"- mrpd nm- fnr mrrdmlr "w Imu- my at "HWY"! n.- m "w value of "- ltmimflm in hon hum-NI. Army. on mu "ow-r, many poultry 3mm Dun-a- {mum It prunmhh- Io “am "Mr lumllry hnmn 1M nvml Mum and» day. TM:- lranm-d thy. (”other will: 0M "2M him! of h-ml Ind unholy nf nun-0w. hm hm: found to harm-«v m u math-cl drum "to lumber u! v“:- mm by [mums In Ilw fill mu! Mun-r. I: dnvv- nnl W! m phn‘mo- "2M Inf om" ho'nl. .\ ”- Iour day fur nu- laying and: during tho- wlnlw nun-flu u- Ilw Mm n! chose who no following this pmrvlw. V33»? 3310?}; rim an Annual UM». Kluflmnu. were during the full and winter the ma are (mm 13 to )5 Uncut: lung Ibo tnmplmunfl «lonmtlc fowl hum the tropics hm: changed her mm» but not her mum". During thln Um Ibo tum her vacuum: when IN M! (be least to nu and lo a... 11m II from now-”Hy rather than {mu (Dolor. (or. slum an ommmmlu lo at. "WM-w. and MI)": bur-v" (M 12 loan a any. Ibo Inyn [mu-U. If nul «up no wan. u during the mnmwr mun. Domestic {owls originated in the tropics where the days and nights tire I about equal length. As a result 01 this. the reproductive and digestive gnome of the hen are developed to It the environment of a 12-hour day III! I 12-hour night. For this reason ‘0 in somewhat like an alarm clock. meant that she must be wound up About every 12 hours Instead of every 2‘. In the winter in the North. her «native system strikes at about 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. As she is unable to locate food in the dark she in no alternative but to wait until ”light 0:- until the caretaker gets around to feed her. Habits, Not Nature. changed. Up in :h» north-temperate zone Illy Farmer- Find it Proflulflo (o Illuminate House- for Several Hour- Each Day to Encoun- aoc tho Pulleu. INHSES EBB Pfiflflllfllflfl hum Flock Given More Time .yfor. Eating and Exemislno During Winter Season. WIOIAI. DAY FAVORED BY HEN gum. unless the mmmvr's require- ments are otherwise. Should Be Packed Sundry. When .me birds have been mor- may mm. (boy are ready for packing. Packages for are-am poul- try vary. but they shonld be neat and an“ enough to be msny hunched. Line the Inside of the boxes or bar- ldtwlth clan. unprinted paper. and pack the birds solidly, no they will not shift In the package. but be cure- rcl not to bruise them. For dam to total] customers. Dumbo-rd m of ancient she m hold one or two m m m Inactive. When poul- try 0 Poultry which Is to be mid direct to the msumer should be drawn I!» tore It Is moral. Poultry which 9: mid to the market should not be dawn, as it will keep better not drawn than If drawn. A slit large mg}: to admit the hm Is made rmm mt the end at the kw! hone toward the cam. Then out can-fill]:- 3mm! the vcm and pull out the m- tmlnos, leaving in all the other or- not '0 Mn“! the skin. Be careful not to «mid, as this will mane the cum surface of "K' skin m rub M1. Then it is plan-vi In mid wan-r. u-Me u should "mum for 15 to 20 minutes. n ma- fowl is to he shipped ty‘ it mm he Mm: up mm the skin m mum-12M; dry. When Mrfls :m' snide“ beta“! re- mmim the human. "way an Im- mo-rval in water slightly W the boiling mint. u soon as (In-y are (hm-.119 Mew-ding. Th» Mflis should I»- Immwml chm nr rm" um and then tucked clam. can» [wing when mm. nmmImr «he "when «m h- moro mm“. M man as Melted. tho (mus «Mum be hung In a nml Marv arm Ilmmmthly mm. It the «amber Is warm and the fnwh an m up puckfll in In. they nlmuhl he plum! In I "ml of k1: mum and lo" mu" all the! 3mm! heal ha.- Inn the may. rm cad-rum Anamtcmpmo- [lock mm d mum 'NR'Y "' mum an away Dom WM“ '9' 9.. In... Wm PM 00- oeflbu In an AMMY'N "m" In mm: nun-hm dry-picked birds are pn'n'rml. hmmnlluely Ifu-r klll- Int. “Mun flw Mnl In all" hlwdlmt. tho pk'kor mmwm the («them Mn: mwtul mu m mu llw ukm. If m picker I'M!- umll Ilw MN I: m-m'ly Attractive upponrunce is of much Importance in selling poultry; there- fore, the producer who plans to market his poultry dressed should study the details of killing, dressing and packing. in order to prepare the products in the best poullde manner. Require- ments for drawing and packing vary wmowhat In dint-mt mums. and it will pin)" the producer to learn “3' special Gerunds ot the distributlnx point to which he intends shipping. Killing, Dunning. and Packing. The birds uhouhl he lutpt without food from It! to 24 hours before killing, unlete they are to be drawn. upcom- nits of the United States Department nf Agriculture say. In the latter cue. they should have no food (or at loom IU [owl-x; inflow killing. When ready to kill. auxin-ml tho fowl by "to low unit. using it knife, cut the win at tho hack 9.! list.- throat through tho ioouth. ii hoop m; ihls ""19 in cut run tht' point 3! the ignite "mean the roof at tho iii-mill into the brain. which mum»: tho hint to lose all u-nio ot (callus. The lowi can hr tnrulywd thug h; a_ Ill?!" on lht‘ hull. luneud of i"" I. prét‘clfi; the brain: 373'. I-.. .,. . (Prepared by the United Butc- Depart- ment 01 Agriculture.) Poultry proflts‘otten depend larilt‘li on the marketing, and the producer should study demands to learn how. where. and when to dispose or his products to the best advantage. It often pays to dress the {owl at home for certain markets. the diflerence be- tween the prices for live and dressed fowl making It worth while. HEAT PAOKABE l8 ESSENTIAl Imlallm of Departmcnt 01 Agricul- ture Olve Directlonc ior Killing, ‘ Dru-Ina and Packingâ€"Dry Picking Favor-d. Producers Must Carefully Study and Cater to Peculiar Ro- quiremenls at Market. POULTRY PAOKEU FUR GITY TRADE DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILIJNOIS County Judge [{1th has not yet said whether he will be a caulidnhr to anneal himwlf ml no other can- dhlnms have Ippcaml. It is expected that Lewis V. Mor- gan, recently appointed by the Board of Supervisors an Superintendent of School: to fill the unexpired term (If C. B. Bowman. wlll be a candidate lot that office. He is well qualified for tho posltlon. No other man hay mmlv any announcement and them on not even any rumors floating :- round. (‘ounly Clerk A. A. Kuhn will'be in "n.- lhlu to uuccml himmlf. Xo This is the second time that Hes- terman and Hattendorf have been op- ponents for n county job. Four yours no they were both candidates {or the poxition of Treasurer. Hesternmn winning. Two men have announced that they will go before the voters in an eflort to be Sheriff of DuPnge County. They are John Hesterman, present Treas- urer, who has already served one term we Sheriff and Lawrence Hat- temlort‘, pit-sent Deputy Sherifl. Mr. Hattendorf is acting in accordance “ith the unwritten law of the county that the chief deputy shall be the next Sheriff. According to reiiable information there will be a three-cornered fight for the nomination for Treasumr. George Fix, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, has announced that he will be a candidate. N. E. Matter, of Naperville, former treasurer, his friends say, will also be a candidate. Then to carry out the political tra- ditions of the region that the man who was Sheriff will be Treasurer, an unconfirmed rumor says that Sheriff George Lcinekc will also go out after the job. Five county ofl'iccs become vacant â€"â€"Sherifl', Treasurer, Clerk, County Judge and Supén'ntendent of Schools. Simmering of the DuPage County political pot is evidenced in the an~ nounoemem of several men of the county with aspirations for the of. faces to be filled at the next general election in November, 1922. Two Avowed Candidates for Sheriff and One for Treasurer With Three Possibilities. POLITICAL POT BEGINS SIMMER- ING "IN COUNTY G. B. DAUGHERTY Painting Decorating First Class Work TEL. 30â€"DAYS TEL. Mâ€"DAYS TEL. 217-NIGHTS . TEL. 217~NIGHTS. See this wonderful- . new- all metal THOR J ‘.D. GillespieECo. Agents 8 Distributors - 1-H No. Forest Avo. Downers Grove, Ill. .- wflecm‘c Washingmhme 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. thtleford Nurseries Landscape Gardening our Specialty Bird flown Leaves With sun. The wlnu-r .is u 40ml [mm m and blfdl' nests. n! the Ilmlgvs hm hm!- lou. and um:- may he fauna in places which have lu-o-u run-fully wan-hm] in win In sumnwr. Tho' klugflsher's nest Is a wuwlorruI lhlng. hvlmz mm- posed of Ilshhmn-s. It is )nmsihlv Ilmt the-1w hum-s urv nu- n-umins of trusts. the bird twin: In th sumo lmlv ymu' ul‘u-r yn'ur “'lwn m-smng. Still nmre “oillh'l‘flll is 1hr u-rnnmnunship of the noisy tullnr him: of India. which with their Nils ”WWI-I Ivan-s muo- lwr will] the silk of ruh'l'pillur COU‘flIIlS. The new primary law brings the primary for the next year in April instead of September and it is this fact which brings out the political situation so early in the season. Mr. Copley has many poiitica! op- ponents. He has been in more bit- ter fights than pose-ibiy any other man in the National House and in spite of this hasrbeen re-elected each time. The thinking men and women of his district reeogniie his merits and the real power for good he has been in Congress, disregard the inâ€" sinuations of his enemies and continue to vote for him. other men have said they will make the race against him as it is gener- ally conceded that no one can beat him for the position. . In addition to the County offices. it will be necessary to elect 3. Con- gressman from the llth District. It is generally believed that Hon, Ira C. Copley of Aurora, who has repre- sented this district so ably, will be a candidate to succeed himself. ‘ George W. Slauson 8t Sou am not wwing machine agent-I and have nothing to flu with the rule of mathim-y, but me pimply men who haw want a lifi-va in the bmimsu of sewing mnrhino ml- jumng. 2252 or «ml 909ml and they will mll mul oxnmim- it wllhmt chnnn- placinn‘yon umk‘r no nblinlion. Ofl’h-v 20011-1! Irving I'm-I: mm. Chic-mm. Illimmn. Humimh nl’ vrfrrvnrcs frnm pmwo you knmv. If your nurhim mmm ulilrhm. break: “mud. mm ban! or (he; you any trouble. plmm- Wellington SEWING MACHINES Rebuilt Phone 312-1 Next Sunday the team is scheduled to meet the' Royal A. C., alocal club which handed them a lacing a short time ago. The St. Joe’s have been practicing hard and if the Royal A. C. will confine their lineup to the actual members of their club a great game is promised the fans who make the trip. The attendance~at recent games, although not as good as it should be, has been fair. If a few more peo- ple who own automobiles would turn C. This was to have been a return game and as the local team had al- ready defeated them in the first game they had little doubt of their ability to repeat. Hinsdale A. C. by failing to show up at St. Procopins College forfeited Sunday’s game to the St. Joseph A. Two Local Teams Ara-nun Gume at St. Ppeopius Diamond in Anemoon. ST. JOSEPH A. C. AND ROYAL A. C. TO PLAY SUNDAY 19 W. Railroad st. meemmeOIaBeany We have in transit and also in stock all kinds and sizes of Coal. Added to this is the danger of a serious car shortage. Grain and other things are starting to move very fast with the gradual resumption of business, leaving less ears for coal. - Coal will not be cheaper, in the fall or winter, than it is now. So get your next winter's supply in your bins NOW and be prepared for anything the winter might bring. Conditions are gradually working themselves around to the same as prevailed in the early part of last winter. The mines have not been worked to full capacity during the summer months which makes a shortage at the mines. Our advicl‘ is “Order Your (foal While the Getting's Good." “Get It While the Gemng’s Good” is a slang phrase but it applies to COAL right now. Lord Lumber Gompany Resident Member of the Lumbermnn’s Pubiicity Bureau Buschmann Bros. GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MOVING AND STORAGE Our best grades areâ€"â€" Pittston HadJCoal Pocdmtas LUMP, EGG and MINE RUN N E BETTER IN ILLINOIS ORDER NOW! Downers Grove, Illinois Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J In announcing the a’dvent of a. new son at the Stewart Burns home last week we said he arrived Wednesday. The date should have read Thursday, July 7th. Beg your pardon youngster out and make the short trip it would do wonders toward encouraging the young fellows and showing than: that their efiorte were being appreciated. Remember, Sunday at three o’clock' at St. Proc‘opius. Go west on Maplo avenue past Lisle and turn south in~ to the College grounds on the road just past Snake Hill. All Kinds of INSURANCE Choice 1 Per Cent First Mortgage- Farmers Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 225 Edward G. Lemon ' Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS BEG YOUR PARDON Mam Telephone 11 INVESTMENTS

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