Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Jul 1921, p. 10

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Mr. and him. Chas. Parks and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Nelson, rammed last Sunday evening from a two weeks automobile vacation Um: Wisconsin. They fished for the big ones in the lakes around Minocqua but the ex- cessive heat thmugh that region was against them. On the return they visited the Dells of {he Wisconsin river. JUDGE GEMMIL IS NEXT SPEAKER AT OPEN AIR SERVICE llr. and Mrs. Wniter Curtis: re~ turned from Cadu- Lnkc. Ind.. when they have been nuying' with rein- tim. to meet their daughter. Mnry. who arrived from the cut when she has been for a month. The family export to motor to the lake region in the vicinity of Omnomowoc. Win” for the hint! of their nation. Mm Ethel B. Johnson Beam to- rnomw night over the C. I. C St. P. for lrrirann. Alberta. Canada. for I visit with her Iiflef. In. R. A. Bunsen. Min Johnson expects to stay until Christmas when her six- ter and baby daughter, Doris. will accompany her home for a visit with her fathor and mother, Mr. and Mn. Gust Johnson, of 13le“ avenue. Pa;l‘s Church, read the_ stfipture. Anhur Schlludcr attended the are. «and nuns! reunion of the Blame Division at Milwaukee. Wisconsin. on July 130.. 14th and 15th. meeting my old pals (mm the data 0! his calf-twat. Mr. P. Reno. 0! Gun, Park. Little Rock. and Mr. Ed. John- in, Vol Rockford. returned with Mm pad upon! the week and In his guest. “can. Boldebuck. Frfln. Plunkeu and Cox, men of Highland avenuo {mute In an Fuller block. luv. ouch punhuod the lot adjoining u Ticket A. s Phelps, of the Congre- gational Church, gave the invocation. One of the pleasam features of the evening was a solo by the Rev. Ar. gold H Kehrl, of the First mptist the rear. This cleans up the Int of 0m: two Moth which F. D. Uniley' m Intrumeum In subdividing 8 yum ago. with on axe-puma of two A concert will be given at La Grange Fifth Avenue a Week from Thursday night, July 28th, by the La Grange Suburban Band. Downers Grove people are cordially invited to drive over and hear some good music as several of the players in the band are Downers Grove men. About thirty members or Downers Grove budge, No. 760. I. .0. 0. 13".. surprised George Schindler, Sn, last. llondny evening at his home, after the lodge meeting. the occasion being his 57th birthday. Snndwiches, col. fee. coke, and ice cm were served and a jolly good time was had. Regi. Alfred Nansen and the m. bers of First Evangelical Church. Mr. and Mrs. J.'F. Kidwell left om‘ loudly evening for an extended trip“ of the west, they will go as far as Vancouver and will visit Los Angeles and intermediate points. The Woman's Guild and Auxiliary of S. Andrew’s Church, announces an Ice Cream Social for Friday evening, July 22d, on the church lawn. You are conlially invited to attend. In case of rain the event will be held in the Church School Rooms. Mrs. Maud Allen, of Desl’laines, came here Saturday with her mother. Mrs. Laura Smith, who has been vis- iting her for a month. Mrs. Smith makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Edw. Emrlch and Mrs. Allen visited with her until Wednesday. Tuesday evening, July 19th, 1921, members of the Somper l’aratus Class to Belmont did hike to see Arthur Tylor, who works there with all his might. Then they journeyed to An- ton Bfobelfg’s so fair and so tall, where‘homemade cake and cold milk was enjoyed by all. 8! pm Am 104-14 BRUNET DONKIN Carpenters Benin. Wm. Grotefeld, of s: PERSONALS JOBIIING AmNTED m ESTIMATES FURNISHED (Continued from Page 1) in charge of the . Slow flour for Chaim In mnlnm with the long tund- lng policy of the Bedpllh man-gr- mcM I sped-l story hour wlll lu- condnaod each morning or Afternoon for the children. A chomghly (ruined young woman will have charge 0! (Ma work. for which no admission ls charged, The static: are sum to more 0n the firth (lay “Dnddy” Gmbeck- er. u he is nflectianately called by his people, bring» hi! compnny of Swiss Yodlars for a full diornoon program and an evening pmiude. The company is componed of genuine Swiu Yodiou and prawn: a program of novel education! an?! entertaining (alum. The last night, widely knonn :5 Joy Night. come: u u lilting climax to I distinctly up-toctheâ€"minuu pm gram. Alton helm-cl. Inna-r car- toonint and humorist extraordinary. ammonia I comedy musical Ind car- toon rem. Mr. Packard in known the country over for hi: plcium-qum humor. him pictorial philosophy and and is notable for the large number of return dates he is called upon to flu. ”Nothing But the Truth" "Nothing But the Truth," widely- known comedy success. will be pre~ seated by a New York cast on ,the fourth night. As a novel'by Freder- ick Islam. it was mad by millions. From first to lose this rollicking oom- edy inspires a combat gale of new rlment. fun. Fine Music. The Hippie Concert Company, that appears on the first afternoon, gives Following a prelude by the Hus- sars on the thin] afternoon, Beulah Buck, dramatic leader ,will present a thoroughly delightful program of well-chosen selections splendidly ran. White Hussars A musical event extraordinary will be the appearance on the third day of Dunbar's White Hussars, band and male chorus, directed in person by Harry Raschig. well~kn0wn cometist and band leader. The name of Ralph Dunbar, noted Chicago producer and organizer of the company, sets a seal of superiority on the musicianship and entertaining ability of of this splen- did aggregation. a program of unique musical variety. Earl Hippie, feature artist of the company, is widely known as “The Wizard of the Xylophone;" and the other members of the company am experienced artists and entertainers of proved popularity. Gretchen Cox, appearing with her company on the second afternoon, has captivated audiences in all parts of the United States. Popular ensemble numbers as well as a sympathetic in- terpretation of the best in music ren- der the program a distinct musical event. The company also gives a pre. iude at night. déligM and I treat to the young- Our deposits have reached the figure we have been striving for. We now start for the nexf mile post. ONE MILLION DOLLARS - Are you with us? Hall A Million! (Continued from Page 1) FIRST NATIONAL BANK nownen Grove. 1111M"- l Advertlscmnt) l hemby ml: for your vote and uupport In Republican Candidate for the office of County Treasurer at flu- April Pfimnfin. ditlon. The people of St. Joseph's any unit- ed on this prognm of better educa- tional facilities for their children in a way that bids (air to set I new record and the next few weeks prom- ise to be chock full of activity for every one connected with the church. This concert is free and takes the place of the regular Open Air Ser- vice on the M. E. lawn. The public Is most cordially invited. Woman's Club and St. Paul's Evan- gelical Church Co-Opernte Music“ Evening. The Union Services of Sunday, July 3lst, will be under the auspices of the Wo'mun’s Club of'Downers Grove and St. Paul’s Evangelical Church. By the courtesy of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau of Chicago, and the Ameri- can Legion of Downers Grove, who are conducting u. Chautauqua here, their lent will be turned over'to the Open Air Meeting for the evening of July 3lst, free of charge. The 'speaker of the moning “ill be the Rev Fred ankonficld of Roches- ter, New York. PLANS FOR NEW PARISH SCHOOL WERE LAUNCH'D A two-purt program will be sup- plied for that evening. The first pan of the program, in which the Woman»: Club shares the expense, consists of music. The Civic Music Association of Chicago, secured for us the ar- tists, Mr. Frank Parker, baritone soâ€" loist; Miss ‘Ncsta Smith, violinist; and Miss Margaret Wilson, accom< panist, who will furnish the music for the program. The names otthese artists. alone give guarantee that a rare musical treat will be fumishs-«l to the public of Downers Grove that evening. fllmdale Phone 818 For County Treasurer C. E. B B 0 W E R Paintingâ€"Decorating 26 Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 82-R (Continued from Page 1) N. E. MATTER. 7-224 Hinsdale Upholstering and Furni- ture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at reasonable prices. Phone 635 or send po:=tcard. Will call and de- liver ftee of charge. 11-26-21. Lawn mowers sharpened. All kinds of machine work. Repairing of all kinds of tools. Expert M'orkmahship and the machinery to do it with. Paul Shroka, Belmont Forest a\'c., phone 369-1. 6-1741 A full line of the celebrated INDU cosmetics for said at Marlon Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP. one door south of the Ross Bakery. adv. tf. Geranium, Pansiea and a variety of Bedding Plants. also Vegetable plants of various kinds at,Gollan’s Greenhouses. Phone 2104. adv. tf. All the impoi‘tunt local events takâ€" ing place in Illinois are shown at the Dickc Theatre. 7-22-1 "Nobody," a unique drama of mys~ tm'y. featuring Jewel Carmen, will be shown at the Dicko Theatre. Thurs- day, July 28th. It is a picture of romebodies and nobmlios and what happened when u somebody coveted a nobody’a wife. $22.1 Remember "Srap Iron" in the Salâ€" unlay Evening Post"! A great yarn â€"â€"but greater still when Charles Ray gives it movieâ€"life m the Dicke ‘I'hvatro, July 29th and 30m. 7-‘ 2-1 Olin. Funer- I Men-luau link Ruining” TIM-n. Thad-n Baum”. O m u. 105 p. a. Every cumin. 1 lo 9. Chicagoâ€" Phone Wabash 8210 WALTER S. OTTO mummc m Immune: CARPENTER CONTRACTOR All Wart Gun-Ind “Waugh Ave. P. 0. In 15! DOWNEIS GROVE. ILLINOIS Don’t miss Lyman H. Rowe's fam- 'Domw vri Groveâ€"Phone» 141-! Lehmann 6' Michele Store GEORGE A. FOSS G. H. BUNGE Lawyer Ute? 5 Pounds Purity Soap Chips ...... 90c Fresh Vanilla Wafers, per pound . .33e 8 Oz. Jar Pure Preserves ......... 20c 10 Bars Swift Pride Soap ......... 43c 3 Bars Kirk’s Hardwater Castile . .25c Marshmallow Cream, per jar ..... 25c an. Raspberry or Strawberry Jam $1.98 5 Pounds Pure Honey .......... 31M 20 Oz. Jar Peanut Butter ........ 20c 18 Oz. Jar Prepared Mustard ..... 18c Seashell Macaroni, 3 pounds ...... 50c lemon Castile Soap, special, 3 for 25: No. 1 Tall Cans Asparagus ....... 23c Ginger Snaps in Kegs, special at ..3-3c Dining Car Blend Colfee, mud ..45c Roxane Cake Flour, per package . .35e Large Can Mustard Sardines, 2 for 25¢ Booth Sardines in Tomato, Mustard or Spice, per can, 19¢; 3 cans for ..50e SPECIALS There is no doubt but that Down- ers Grove is among the foremost in obtaining the latest and best in mov- ing pictures. We have noticed that “00': after week the Dicke Theatre is shmxing the same picutres, and at the same time, as the famous Tivoli Theatie in Chicago, and in some ca- ses the local theatre is ahead of the Tivoli. 7-22-1 ous Rlde on a Runaway Train at the Dicke Theatre next week. It takes you for a. bewildering, smashing, diz- zy ride on a runaway train. It is called a “Screen Novelty," and it is. you can pick out the men with bank accounts. Their houses are well painted, their grass cut, their fami- lies well dressed and happy and their “gas wagon” hitting on all cylinders. BE A SUCCESS! OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN THIS STRONG BANK TODAY! Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank IN EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 bEND IN YOUR OLD cums AND CLEAN RAGS WE WILL MAKE THEM OVER IN- TO BEAUTIFUL BUGS Downers Grove Weaving“: HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN Phone 32-1 BUGS FOR SALE RUGS July 22. 1981

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