Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Jul 1921, p. 7

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Dr. and Mn. I). 8. "arm um! MN. J. P. Nickolas. Sn. loft last week for Lon Ann-lea. (‘nHL when- they will makc their futurv hotnv. Mr. and Mn. Arthur M. Hvum. of H‘nckk-y. Il|.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Homer 8. hum. of Sara- lon m‘c'mu‘. L. .I. Dub. 0! Tuba, 0th.. united thin week to join his wife who ha: been vinnimz hem with her mom". Mn. C. R. "flap, of Snmtogn aw. Wlllinm Wrimorber of Port-st l‘m‘k has purchuod the Dnrwent farm a! flower, through 5‘. I). Lindlvy. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1!. Ray and mm will occupy thv Allen house on “it'- daugh avenue. Mr. Iugcm- l-‘nrrar..of anh- nun, who has been ill for sewml months is wry low. Miss. Commie Dowle is spvmling her vacation at l-‘ish Creek. mar Green Bay, Wiscomdn. Mrs. Anna Ziwow sold her home at North Orchard and Fuin‘ivw avenues and will move to the Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Rice of Chicago, were guests of (h:- Irwin Howe family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Plumley are entertaining guests from Muscutine, Iowa. Mrs. Bert Moore, of North Main st. had her tonsils removed at the West Side hospital, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Skinner are spend- ing the week in Cleveland, Ohio, with their son. Mr. M. Garland is now employed in the local freight. ofi‘ice, taking the place of WinSton Roth. Miss Esther Zell is enjoying a two weeks vacation from her duties at Marshall Field's. Mr. Frank Spencer and Mr. Victor Schultz of Chicago visited at the Shuts home Saturday. Mrs. Ray Craigmile has had a very severe attack of whooping cough and under the care of \a nurse. J. P. MacDonald's mother is seri- ously ill at the MacDonald home on 'Middaugh avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Barry and son, leave Saturday for a three weeks vacation in Middle Inlet, Wisconsin. H. S. Dum left Wednesday morning via Flivver for a business trip thru Indiana. [ PERSONALS l 5 Passenger Touring Car 2 Passenger Roadster ........ 3 Passenger Coupe .......... 5 Passenger Sedan .......... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf of Him;- dale visited here over the week end. 5 Passenger Taming Car . 2 Paqscngor Roadster ..... 4 Passenger Spar: Model 7 Passenger Touring Car . 4 Pusqnger Comte ....... ’7 Passenger Sedan ....... No car selling for the prices below gives a larger and more honest valueâ€"more performance, great- er comfort, durability and driving pleasure. The very few changes made in the mechanism and de- sign of the Nash in the st four years is evidence the NASH of today is P RFECT. WHY BUY ANY OTHER? Here Are The New Nash Prices ms" six mucus VER one hundred Nash automobiles in the Hinsdale distributor’s territory! Many of these are owned by men who drove Nash cars befm e, and would buy no other. Each season finds the larger percentage of Nash cars in this territory, as it does all over the territory. LINCOLN GARAGE All Nash madels. both open Ind closed as Mmdard equipment. H. C. KAMMEYER, Prop. THERE’S A REASON NASH FOI‘R PRICES Summer [Mm-cu. Cantu. Balls. on. M Gunny Ila-dual Pump. I lum- a number of buntlful Dru-u MIMI. mnny minced half price, that will go fine with hm year's nun coat. Buy Bung-low Ayma- for house (hm-non. Woolen Bathing Salu- in many colors. “Inlay Corn-Imam fur gunmmm. Mid-Summer sale 0 Fun. Conn. Neck I'M-w. Etta. at nbom half prion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stcib and (am- lly left. last Saturday for Tomahawk. Wisconsin. for a visit with Mr. Steih's brother. They will be back about the first of August. ‘ Mrs. E. E. Enston and daughter, Hazel, of Highland avenue, with Miss Florence Dayton, of Herington, Kain. left this morning for a two months visit with mlutives in the east. Mrs. George M. Allison. son Ben- nett and grandson, Junior, and a niece from Indianapolis, left Tuesday for Klinger Lake, Mich, for a few weeks \acation. Mildred, the thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Mochel, is suffering with a severe at- tack of scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mocha], of No. Main street, were dinnep guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mo- che}, south of the village last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox, Mrs. Dan Dunn and Lawrence Cbx motored to Ydrkville Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lownzo Stansel. Mrs. Lawrence Cox delightfully en- tertained a number of friends at her home Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Clifford Siebert. Vesta Chapter No. 242, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold their next stated meeting on next Tuesday, July 26th. ‘ A Splendid Time to Buy Rev. and Mrs. A.'S. Phelps and Mn and Mrs. J. W. Adams motored to the Fox river for a days outing on Monday. Mrs. J. P. Nicholas, daughter and Jason Littleford, of the Littleford son, and Mr. Otto Kremske and sis- Nurseries Cm, mceufly gave a talk tor, Adeline, spent Sunday at Starved before the Woman’s Garden Club of Rock State Park. Hinsdale on the theory and practice of pruning. DA" nun! MW .1 .Q 111...“... -_.I Miss Bessie Papa is thoroughly en- joying southern hospitality of friends on a 640 acne plantation at Macon, Len-inn. «laughter of Mr. and Mrs. SIRS. EMRK‘II. 13 No. Pun-It A". No! M Home Monday» Factory have cord tires . .81195 . 1175 Electrician $154.3 Grove 3 l 265 3162-5 2810 DOWNERS GROVE REPO DOWNERS GMVE. MOE The members of Bluebird Rebekah Lodge, No. 147, will hold 11 Moonlight Party next Saturday evening. July 23d, on the lawn of Mr. Victor Hand- schug's place south of the village. H. C. Boldebuck left Tuesday morn- ing for Los Angeles, Calif.. where he will join his wife and daughter, who are there for a visit with Mrs. David Miller. of Cicero, is? about to occupy the A. C. Lynch home on the corner of Franklin and Prince, having bought the same recently thm F. D. Lindley. Mr. John H. Dmes has purchased the Magdalena property at 101 Lin- scott avenue, and is, now occupying it as a home. F. D. Liudley handled- the safe. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heinke, of Highland avenue, entertained Mrs. Wm. Heinke. Miss Louise Heinke and Walter Lehman", of Hinsdnle, last Sunday. Julius Oestmann, of Elm stregt, had her tonsils unmoved at the 8!. Eli- zabeth hospital, Chicago, last week Tuhsday. ' NORTHSIDEGROCRHMRKEI' Ferndell Milk, lar e, 130; small ............. 7c Beachnut Baked eans, medium can ........ 14c Sunbeam Pineapple, N o. 21/; can ............ 40c Modesto Apricots, heavy syrup,‘ No. 2% can 40c 12 Oz. Jar Thousand Island Dressing ........ 25c Ferndell Tartar Sauce ...................... 39c Libby’s Spinach, large can .................. 24c SATURDAY SPECIALS Use our smoked meats. You will find they have a “different" flavor. Once you try them you will buy them again. It isn't hard to know what kind of meat to serve, when you come to our market. Our steaks and chops are out just the thick- ness you desire. Our masts are delicious to the last bite. Pork Loins, per pound .............. Pork Butts, per pound ............. Shoulder Hamgpe r pound .......... Boneless Smokedpe Butts, per pound. Leg 0’ Lamb. per pound ............ Pot Roast, per pound .............. Plate Corned Beef, per pound ....... Bonelm Brisket Corned Beef, pound Home Made Corned Beef, per pound Stewing Chickens, .per mund ....... Steam Honing - Sewer Building Gas Fitting? Telephone 885 STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 Fresh Groceriesâ€"Lowest Prices GROCERIES Fred D. Heinke PL U M DING MEATS W. S. Wilsén, who was in the tai- loring business on Main street and made many friends, died on Sunday and was brought to Downers Grove on Thursday for interment in the West Side Cemetery. Our 'congenial .arber, Emil Hoehn, who recently underwent an operation at the West Side hospital, returned home yesterday afternoon and will soon be at ‘his accustomed place in the'shop. 1 Every woman interested in our government, and everyone should be. is invited to Library Hull next. Tues- day afternoon at 2:30 when the or- ganization of :1 Citizenship Class will be discussed. Bdldebuck's bmther, Albert Beidel- man. formerly of the Grove. T. J. Grotefeld 94 W. Curtiss Street Downers Grove, Illinois EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING SCREEN NEWSâ€"Showing intemting events in ”limb. . Two Reel Christy Comedyâ€"“MOVIE MAD” KINOGRAM NEWS Thr-y rallml him "Scrapvlm," when his name “-3, Steel. and he an Luv-t}. hath _\rhrn he fought Batflinz Buflcq. > Not an drama. mt alv'l' comi‘dy; Jot? illrfight, but a ctirringr blend of all Hm»- m’th mam-h that‘s dramatic and fistic. Not as a ruhe, not as a dude, but Charles Ray as a boy who settles trouble in the roped ring. EVENINGâ€"BOTH DAYSâ€"7:3. l 9:” p. n. Allis-ion 15 I 25: U. TI!- Lyman H. Howe’s famous “Ride On A Runaway Train.” A wonderful pit-tun- nf A Ride on n Runaway Train Vanih- (‘omedv- “AIN’T DOVE GRAND?” Chester Outing.â€" Eveningâ€"7f!" and 900 p, n Admission If: 6' 2-3:- inrlmlinz WDNKMDle» Ilonmorr. I|n~ buil- Homirr will! too much mom-y am! too many mammals. "NOINDDV”~-Juxt a ham!) liulr uifr ofn "Nobody " “Ito Mum”. fluvhml with m- um" of Im- fln-l «a, in a world of m-nlth. and “500 How llnlh-I- In uf n “Somv-bmly.” Eveninxâ€"‘lflo-omo. Admiu‘on 15 h 25 cents including Wu ‘hl. If you didn't saw (his picture Thursday he sure and do so tonightâ€"[C um't. be beat! Eveningâ€"7:309:00: Admission 15 h 25 cents including WI! Tm rurtru)':e a girl who chum! flu- Now York Mm and beat it. Shows him [In aux-null! of u woman's faith and why you shoal-tw- “TRUST YOUR WIFE” A drama that delights. A ronmncc that's real. An en- tertainment that’s Lexhilerating. A L 8 0 A Two Reel Mermaid Comedyâ€"“HIGH 8; DRY” KINOGRAM NEWS BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES DOWNERS GROVE 1m SAIunnAY, JULY 23m Katherine MacDonald The" Dicke Theatre Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lundy of Wind- sor, Canada, who have been ntteml~ ing the real estate conventioh in Chi- cago, spent the Week end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Emrich, of North Forest avenue. Mr .and Mrs. N. 0. Peace left last Satuhday morning on an auto trip to Marion, Columbus. pringfleld and other Ohio points. 0n the way they stopped ofl‘ pt Urbuna, "L. for a vis- i: with Mr. l’curce's mother. ‘ FRIDAY and SATURDAY. 10! Y 29th and 30th FRIDAY. JULY 22nd CONSTANCE TALMADGE in “WEDDING BELLS" Mr. and Mrs. Russell and daugh- for-- “BEAR WITH U. 4" 1 Block East of R. R. Station on Quincy Ave. WESTMONT; ILLINOIS Address DOWNERS GRGVE R. F. D. No. 2 ALSO SEE Wm. Specht and Son “THE AMERICAN BEAUTY” II" In ”oi-fem? "£171.55? \v. 'r. NOBODY THURSDAY, JUlY 28th PLASTERIN G (i - BRICKLAYING O‘e and Reduce: I5 Hui-Ind An. TIMI. I35 - . 01m: nouns: Wilma... “03mm. may... m. at Cambridge, m. luv. bar visiting the Olsen {wily in Och wood avenue. Mr. Russell m II express messenger for several m\ and was a resident of Downers Gm. some fifteen years age. 6:73.103; 51. D. Physician sin n . Downr- Grou. n .

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