Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1921, p. 9

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I CHURCH NOTICES I’l‘. PAULS EVANGELICAL GROVE IE‘I‘HODIST EPISCOPAL CHOICE ' ”In cum Wt! Hm he vice-run! lodl‘ in DIM: I fl private home of the lord “eunu- ut of Inland while he holds m no annual renames In Dublin castle, when all receptions. balm and other human": of flaw an" Md. Epwarth League 6:30 p. m. leader Mrs. G. H. Newland. Subjects; Com- acime-Quickening it; Training it: Obeying it. 72-30 up. m. Community Vesper Set. vice on the Lawn. Sunday. August 14th. 1921 Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Sub- ject. Sources of American Civiliza- UNITED summer: CHURCH OF EAST GROVE 8:00 a. m. Mass. Saturday Eveningsâ€"8:00 p. m. diction. Viioo p. m. comptine. Medic-Hon, lemon. Week Dnys~ anlay. August l4. lll‘Zl. 9:15 a. m.. Bible School. ll :00 n. m.. Morning Worship. Sermon subject. "Chrisxllan Expat- lent-o Thvmmh Faith." 7:00 p. m.. Senior Alliance Mot-ting. 7:30 l'nion Srrviec. "id-Wfl‘k sen-ice, 8:00 p. m. on Walnrsday. Visitors Warmly Welcomed. Sundayâ€"4 ‘ râ€"â€""' ,, «Cid the Iervicu Md 1o vim sud no the tending room. after Trinity. 9:45 n. m., Church School. 8:00 p. m., Evening Prayer and "EMâ€"58! ch'urch piénic will be held on Saturday, August 27th at the Zina R. Carter farm. Sunday, August 14, 1921. Sunday School at 9:45 3. In. Sunday Service M. 11:00 a. a. Subject, “Soul." Woduesdly evening Tutimonhl fleeting, 8:00 p. m. -- . 1 9:45 a. m. llible School ”:00 n. m. Morning Wonhlp, Scr- mon by Rev. I). 0. Hopkins. 6:30 p. m. ll. Y. I’. L'. 7:30 p. at. Union service on lawn at lehoulint chun'h. ucrmun by Rev. J. E. (‘unnnt of Chicago. l-Ivnngeliat Incl lliblo Tmhor. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL cannon The Finance Committee requests the attendance of all members and friends of S. Andrew’s church at a meeting at the church on Wednesday evening, August 3lst at 8:00 p. m. Mr. George K. Gibson of S. Luke's church, Evanston, will address the meeting. Friday from 3 to 5 p. m. The public in cordhfly Invited to The Rev. Amid ll. Kohl. Mini-(cf "Vt'aH unto mo. and I will tam-wt that and «how thw- grv'al and might)- thinz< which Hum I‘m-M‘s! not." Jcr. Sermon. The Womans Guild and Auxiliary will meet on Thursday, August 25th, at 2:00 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. A. B. Snow, 173 Highland Ave. him: at N o'rlock Myg,,flmt_l£9_1Â¥1 Sunday School 10.00 a. m. Church Services 11:00 a. ll. All are 00 n'. m. ”as: and Sermon. 9:00 a. 1». Bible Study. 10:00 a; m. High Mus and Ser- Arthur Spencer Phelps, Mini-tot The Rev. Ruth M- MuWIIofler Priest-InoChaue CONGBEGATIONAL CHURCH August 14, 1921. Twelfth Sunday .\lon- rlnsn m 01» ununl hour 9:45 Ru. 1. Alfred NIIIQI. PW. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST ‘myc-r tum-tin; mu Wedneulay ew- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gilbert 1!. Nevin“. Paola ,_ Emu IL Goodwin. Puts '. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH EVANGEIJCAL CHURCH ers Grove, described as follows: be- ginning on the North line of said Section 7 at the Northwest corner of the present limits of said Village; thence west along the North line of said Section 7 to the center line of Lee Avenue "as shown on plat of Branagar Brothers Wooded Homesites as recorded in the Recorder’s OMce of DuPage County, Illinois; thence South on the center line of said Lee Avenue extended to the South line of Chicago, Burlington Quincy Rail- road Right of Way; thence East a- long said right of way to the Easterly boundry line of Forest Preserve prop- erty; thence southerly along said For- est Preserve to the Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 2, Mlple Grove Addi~ tion to Downer: Grove; thence East- erly along the North line of said Lot 7 to the West line of Lot 6 Block 2 Maple Grove Addition; thence South along the West line of Lot 8 Block 2 to the Southerly boundary of mold Maple Grove Addltlon; thence Rant- erly along said Southerly boundary to the Southwest corner of Lot 81 of the Asst-work Subdivirrion of Section» 7 k 8; thence Easterly along the South- r-rly line of said Lot 81 to the present “'t'flh'l‘fl boundary of thr- Vlllngc of Downer» Grow; thence North along mid Wentorn llounrlzrry tu tln- place a! lx-xinriing. 0n mll mil Communion": Noam. Hum-r. “are. [trader and Map-"r Harlan-r you-d Aye; Nnyu MM; Motion carried. (.‘ommisnicmor nomlnr mow-cl to ml- joum to Um no“ regular mmimr dzntv. Augmt th. mm. (M ml! roll along the north line of said Block 10 and Block 9 of Richmond and Whit‘ ney's Addition to the center line of Highland Ave., thence lsoutherly along the center line of Highland to the center line of Grant Ave. in E. H. Prince 8; Co’s. Addition; thence westerly along the center line of said Grant Ave. extended to the west line of lot 1 of the Downer EState, being across and to the west line of pr0p~ erty owned by Geo. F. Repp; thence southerly along the west line to the center line of said Chicago Ave.; to the center line of Fairview Ave.; thence southerly along the center line of Fairview Ave. to the place of beâ€" ginning. (‘ummiunimwn Howl". Brynn Ilnllm "mm and Mayor Barber \‘ok'd Aye; Xayx. Conn. Motion rarriod. CHAS. M. HITCH. \‘Hlaxr (‘Iorll 0m! an am that “m W wnflh of Mrs mrh nut. .. Alsovthe territory which is bounded and described as follows ,to-wit: That part of Section 7, Township 38 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian lying West of the present limits of the Village of Down- OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D We wish to announce that on June lst. we secured the agency for the “Badger De Luxe All Season Tops” Automobile Painting, Trimming and Auto Body Repairing Our Specialties KASTORY MANUFACTURING COMPANY PHONE 647 LA GRANGE, ILL. (Continued from Page 4) These tops are made to fit most any make of car. We willhave some “BADGER DE LUXE TOPS” in our DISPLAY ROOM within the next thirty days. we 1'sz 030m now ms nu. DELIVERY DOWNERS GROVEVILEPORTER. ”OWNERS GMVE. ILLINOIS NOTICE! TWENTY TWO YEARS AGO IN THE REPORTER W. S. Carpefiter and Mrs. W. H. Ra- dell arrived Saturday at their camp- ing place, Cedar Lake, Wis. Howard P. Jones is noted as a long distance runner. Last Thursday a. m. he lingered a trifle long over break- fast and the warning whistle of the 7:07 was heard as he started on his morning sprint to take the train for the city. He was reeling off the dis- tance in fine order when he made I misstep and was doubled up in a heap on the sidewalk with his left foot doubled up under him. A twinge of pain in the foot, upon investigation, revealed a sprained ankleâ€"painful, but not necesxorily fatal. He now rides upon a pair of low-geared crutchea. which tho short, are a suc- cessful means of locomotion. Mrs. H. E. Strong has arrived home from Canada after an extended visit. One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was the informal reception and ball given last Saturday evening by the management of the Glen Ellyn hotel. Those present from here were the Misses Minnie Willard, Agnes Wetten, Lulu Smith, Laura Hughes, Edith Graham, Mable Hunt, Mable Gesner, Isabelle Bliss, Lena Slark; Messrs. M. K. Bush, E. M. Gallup, w. H. Jones, R. M. Bateman, W. H. Blodgett, H. P. Jones, G. R. Earnest, G. W. Edwards, I". A. Wil- lard and E. H. Huntington Jr. From the isxue of August 10. 1899. The outing patty composed of Mossrs and Mesdames John Ruther- ford, M. B. Downer, C. R. Caldwell, R. W. Bond, W. H. Edwards; Mrs. Pouch (.‘lonml 6:45 a. m. . 8:10 a. m. 10:30 Rhino. QM rm. mo mmlm. rm IMn cm" Mu Ind plant! In "N- klmlllnt In "on HUM!" rm». mnkv an o'wn hunt-f mflhml nf tmery «Infilmr Hu- Hr“ In "W Vm-rrinu Ilmn "rm: kph-«ma. And N ' hm, n. ..-«-n nu ...1 Cour-I Tine Incoming Hui]: Wool: Dayâ€"Except Sunday SCHEDULE OF MAILS Outgoing Sunday. ........ But wm Mnflu Dimlion From To lrlohun Corpus. nmmm yum- rumou- urn-r I'Il! mm hm hum bums-n "m M ”mm M w-m-I h'rlmr MI IIn-m tnl" n-rvnl mix-«I \th MIL nml "w" ~ nu-pm: "mm ufl'. 911mw mm In" rmmou-nl M 'lw u-w "1‘ nt- gu" ur :|!l7lll'~l m-ol huh-r, Pnhmoflo Alma-c. In "to Ill-HM» mun-um IIu-n- In M ho u-o-n an nlmn‘uu- “'l‘l'h l- LL!” yuan "Mo-r "mu Ilu- l'hrhmm "m; N -nc~ l-m'k m ”w W an '0 H»! Eunulnn Hm! “mum-w 'In- '1 vM. Famous Poem Founded on Flo! Mm. Helnuux' Inn-m “(‘usuhlum'a" ls fuumlml on the llvmh of lmuls Casablanca. u Frmu'h mun! ulliwr. As cupmhl of the flagship uric-m. he ('onmmmlml [Ini “CPI. whlrh traum- porvvd Nuluvlmm I0 Hun-t. In tho hnltle or Almklr. Admlrul “rum-es was killml and (‘usnhluum was pm In ruummnd. He was wounded and the ship caught fire. but sllll hp rev malnml :n his past. His llLyc-ur-uld sou wuuhl not h-un- his hither and both wvnn klllml when the ship was blown up. Chou vs. Checkon. (‘hoss umwuls tn muluru- mluds, and wood supplies must of the ammutreâ€" mvutu with “'Illt'h It Is phu'ml. Same of tlu- best are at ebony uml Imxwuod. hut wry satisfactory games may he played with yellmv poplar. basswood, wulnut. maple and l-lrrh nulfllu. 'l‘he mum- lmhls "mu 0! «hm-kc-rs. but that Imam usually In mm! at little lower than clwxu In M'lentlllv points; though no law an uutlmrlty than Bum" Alhm l'm- holds tlml ml at uwnlul «AI-rvlw of tln- hlxlmu mu! purmt Kurt check- on; xunmusm u-ln-su. Mont-my 0' Tropical Pooplu. 'l‘lw wumlmml Im-mumy u! Iruplml pouplnl ls Wc-ll known. I! In nut uuly 1 reumrknhlc- Iu-MH, but u hm many denim-uni“! l-y M‘IO‘HIHIG' "hm-n‘ullun nml will he pruvml Ilml Ilu- uxn-vuulvo u-«- 4:! sugar mum mmlun- «nu-h m mum (Duly rum-"ll: u ”(manic-2m Iu'lc-mlul 1mm fuluul "ml the hlmnl of tmplrul "mph-u mnmluu u Muller pvt com u! nugnr llmu unbornâ€"«MM Yuri IlwlIrul .luunml. To C'cnn Wmdow Bin-don. Tu .l-‘y I-lmm n u 'lulu“ .t ml». ’1]de It full lvmflh mu "w klh'lu-n Inhlv ur mu Ilw 'lum' uu-l ml: II I' -r #:th ull m-r um: air) ~v|l m-I r m mmfl. r»- nvnluu Ilu- mh’lurv M II Inc-Willi!" mllwl‘ Tho-n uln-t m-II wllh n you“ dun-Iv" 'l‘lu- plunln- m-«l 1m! Ow n~ mnrwl fro-m III“ I" + ‘n 1 [Mn Im-Ilmul llm'w lull pull it u... u . .mpo- ur run-m N In a-rm-k. Fraternity the are» Need. It was \‘lmor Hugo who rum-owed this thought: “The true rimmmnce of mun against (-nlummhhos Is an aux- nwhlmlun of lmhluhlty. have ”he an- otlu-r. uld one uhmlu-r. Solidarity or men Is (he retort to rmnth-lly of mys- terious fut-ls. ll is thus thnl ls «stalk llslu-d on vurth the 1mm u-rm of the grmnl human formula, {run-run): Gov- ermm-uls put ulmtm-Iq-s In the way of “bony and equulny. they will come In (ht-Ir UIIII', in spite of (lu- Inonarrhy; eqlmllly in 3pm» of flu» urlslm'mcy. But fraternity ls me OIK'IIIIIB dour. the emptying purse, the helping hand." mm “films and REPAIRING. ‘ L. 1‘. Hooker, 535 N_o. _Kennington ave. IAGnnge phone uunn us. ‘fge’mme in damned list oflhm "1:510 re;varI'-dhi17vrirll be paivl for in- formation regarvling their whene- abouts. R. H. Bateman, East Grove. P. 0, Box 471. 842-1 LOST :- A square! gliaqmpd set, gold “pvin between Highland Ave. and tho Plank road and the dwpot. Finder please return tyReporter ofl'ice l der," puhiished monthly by The National Masonic Research Smitty at Ananiosa, lows. It contains the things you want to know, written so you can apprecinte them. Address F .W. Satterflcld, 620 No. Catherine ave., LaGrang-e, m. L3§T â€" Two smafl brown_v!og§s, spi- MASONS~Subsqribe hymn? 31n- fiiuling of all kinds and expressing. Reasonable prices, phone lal-W-I. 8-5-3 WANTI'ID ., Hard um! \tuw in (mud romlitinn. Phone 225'. 842-3 WANTED-- Mrfiufiey'< Firvt Rraulrr, published about 1861. to nymph-tr a set of old school books- for library. Marcus Hitch, 92 E. Prairie awn. phone ”4-K. 8-5- éaide ' {oil} I W â€"E 0. E133? phonemlea-J-z. {in A Louisville man an the soc-lied www"llonlynmtoof and. That in” be, but u a fine when we think we are bran. we are. WANTED â€"- 4 pin hay-:4 M wlarl \‘snrk S“ 1. I4. "UHF“ 7 in H p. In. An- ly “Mu: Bowling Mloys mu Satur- day aflrmmm. macâ€"I WANTEUIâ€"-~:\ mad nr hrnaking m”. John Nicholas. l'hvml- I'M-“52 I FOR SALI-L-«Vu-nt Napk- nvo. loin. Threw lot». 08““) feet. In‘. excep- tionnfly well located 1nd dimly op- polite Methodist church on Mlplr mm. in one o! the but n-sldcntinl tliutricls of Downer: vao. (Ilom In to chunk-u. uchool and bani-mus «m- tcr. l'rnpt-rly in rlc-nr and has all impmwmonlx in and paid for. Will 14‘" wholw, or divide In unit purrhnrr. If intrrmlml, write for {win- nml Hu- km» '0? quick min. I. I. Snyula-r, 12m Ilullnlxfl at, Gary haunts“.I iron sum: -Hinu!o "mm but furnnro, in good conclilinn. mm] winlvrs. Cull phoncrlRfl-R. rm: "+2941an Tumidwcl mom. 1:" mmlrm runu-niv-nrw. mmoni» ml to train» Kn-frr tn 'lI-Imrh‘r. I! '1 . WANTED , olhv-r light Village limits, between Maple ave. and Orchard street. $1, 000 per acre. Terms. I". D. Lindley, Farmers and Merchants Bank Building. Downers Grove. 8â€"12-1 l‘vn ulIu-a v.1 -v--.v _ IV. miles math of Lisle. Phone Downrrx Grow mum. 8-5-2 FOR SALE-Jib nettle In «mute, we will sell a deuinblo. well loculml house of 6 rooms with entrance hall, bath, nntry, luge closclx. hot wawr hunt-1. all modern convvniemu um] good lot. llm-e blocks (mm nlltlon. north sillo. for $6,500. Idwunl G. Lemon 5 (30., l". (r. M. Bank llldg. unu fur horn. for baby good condition, $500.10!) South Washington street 8-12-1 FOR SALE -â€"â€" Large Royal Acorn base burner in good condition. $15. Geo. Vix, 12LCarpenter St., Phone 90-W. 842-3 of position compels me to sell new two story and basement house in East Grove. Corner lot. 60x225. Price is only $3250, $800 cash balance on your own terms. Call Reporter office. l roll top tleEsk, 23836 inches. Phone 242- W. 23319 .Maple ave. 8-12-3 I :;,wj-u_s? heel} .ihomdizhly over- hauled. many extras, $475.00. The Lincoln Garage, Hinmlalo. 842â€"1 F0 R Classified Adlets! FOR SALE '1‘ 'o 2 acre tlgqctg inside FOR SALEâ€" young pigs. Phone 167-1â€"2 FOR SALEâ€"A m1 bargain. qpange mm11' of? lot. 7 Inquire Mrs. 1 5f- !ord, 61 S. Wash mz'on St. is 12-: FOR SALE â€"â€" 5 passengqr Aubu; l-‘OthngfilLEV 4 First clams. good an new, grey overcoat. 42 inch bust. worth $50 for onIy $20. Call at l2 uIAIQ Wes! "uplc avenui‘. I-‘Olt éALi: on IQEN'EKâ€"ffolncm mm In. -_.‘ Hm Ill-INT 'l‘wn panlr family ”man 3091.)]. rm: 1mm FOR SALE 4 Five-burner Acorn gas range, $18.00; Hot blast Move, 87.50 R. McCollum, Prairie Washington. 8-12-l FOR SALE â€" A Sidney folding cab FOR SHE 7â€" '4~1_1mm_ ho|_1§e to ,\ ll mmlm Railroad 3‘. ma 7' “if.“ F0]? SALE â€"_â€"â€" AQnglngcdjum iized. I-‘on SALE L Fresh cows; also stock food. John Nicholas. Phone.» 164- L. 1‘. Hooker, 435 No. Remington ve., LnGnnge phone Luann 119. in name in Classified list 0 phony n F RENT â€" ()m- Tumulml mum mmlvm nunwnumrv-x. Kl ’1:le nun: l\' ’ . , unmm-ntmr'mwm Gm. Zc-ul-r- 2m WM vn l'lnrv. H-I'I-l «7 .vmvl I'nrll . ‘N-Olzm nr {M rm, $500 to 3700 All- c n W purhr oflirfl. X- lZ-l For qale. 'WTIi t e d fir Rent Lost I-‘unmslufl mum wiflu 00 H, Maplv awn. “42-! hum», miluhl" in growl 8-12-1 K-l2-l N-I‘Z-l 8-5-3 air lwn ‘ mom, va haw rm ymr 0M treat. me an the km" ow-rlnnkiug the val- ilI-y. :- mn-‘t clmiva lorntima. p10- .porly joining hau :luuNr-vl in Vila. I. 3a war, all Hi: nowl': is an 0M. iwhv "at “W" lint» aml livn hen, too, sum. clown, 1::qu tho chance. pfla .cmly SIM. a lot, turn“ to suit. ’l-‘OR SALE~A 6 mom, l'é story homo with 5 lob. has: city "m, .112. elm-hie lights. is alley eon“, :aml would suit anyone needing h ’hv near tho trains. stow. sthool, cm! :Cathnlic Church. Price $3”, reo- Emu-hie terms. Iron SALEâ€"5 yer, choice 1 nag rooms, a" light and well arr-nag“ to accumulate a large family, plenty of closet room, comer light kite). with lar pantry, good cellar, dc- tem, wel. barn and gar: , mn- lhing in fine condition. and tuned!“ possession can be had. la! 120x138. 3 blocks to nation. Price $5,”. Tot-ms easy. To." me whnt will I!!! house with all living room: lid bath donwahir. md 2 spare room up, I" modern conveniences, new. improvements all in and for, no easy terms can be lad. '8 lot is south front, close in, and h I very Food loatbn, 601142 R. u someA mic and good shank. m l x,“ ”nun: . lot on a non". hSJaAJQLiI W convmient to East Grove station '1‘ water. _‘as, _ glectrjcity. .pgice my ll'rrns C's, Icu u". .. ..._ you, owner moving, wants to all.“ FOR SALEâ€"CESL rebuilt can!” vivaâ€"qufoTréuick sale, iant‘ as shown any time. FOR SALEâ€"â€"-W_ell bujlt [\qu of z 35,000. r03 SALETVery gnu-ugh s M residence on Maple ave.. hu 10¢ 50xl50, corner, is modern‘wlth stall heat. hardwood floors, electric“? and large porches. owner needs a up! home and will trade or sell v cheap. property is clear, price FOR SALE-_-A_very goay 4 room Ill L--‘ FOR SAIIEva right goo-I well be!!! 8-mom haw". has lever-I (00‘ fawn-n to Improve on, lit» 8 mal- m, awning nn uhuly non-hen um: Muttiful Umbra-4 Int Mxm. crook Hum roar wm. chum-w 'nr lilly find. It!” road huh and ”Mm. h on pav- «I sum-Q. um"! hunt. our tnwn, It.- “on. «ml in but of nodal Indian. Ind flw mlrr in only sun, with dill“ for terms. FOR SALE Vrry high (Ian I" now Mama at 6 mama. ha: ha wmwl nll ow-r, everything him In "mt you multl Ink for, in but has with port-h wémlnwml nml pen-Md rm minim-r. all "no lair-4 in PM than nml nhlmhinl. n hunch-r! MC. and with ml In! nI-nr III. Ma Sm. half ru-zh. FOR SALE l'hnirr \‘nmni. ('0 fl. Ion; Hwy Irvin. chm-O hand. a imprnw-mnnu in and paid for neigh- borhood hum up and charm-Ur C.- Iahlidwol, all (and hnmwu lowflim I. am! prirv right, $20. a mu, wnultl flu "pariah. ground. and mrmumkwl hy m-i‘hburi. pvifl‘ sum. [wt If". m- ow “W! in Chicago and want tn main «fin. rm: SAM: rm lnk juininxuww Home with few acres grounds. orchard, big shu‘e tron. O very slifhtly close in location, ern we! built buiidings. blue pasture. rich black field for cropl. and a right price, $18,000. term! I“. sonablc. class home in a desirable load has very good bulldln ., all he. by steam, well arran for help with a complete poultry plmt, (hm garago buildings, fine orchard, m2 drive and walks. and one of the but in town. Price around 820.000, term- nml smaller property may be ln hallo. FOR SALEâ€"Or trmlr far unnu- home. two well built houses. I of 6 mums. and one of "van. with lot 100x190. comr, has vary the In”. and is near the station, can make an awn lnulo fur one mmlorn 8 room lmmm if high class, or may pay all cliflorrm. FOR SALEMOI’ Exchange. for L. hing!- bungalow, an all! 7 room hauw on I [nod lot. No. "0 Bud- lmzton Ava, la Grange. wouM “I. fur a mull hut-5mm- nr help to all ynnru. if inlrmutml. drop I NM 01' ml! Damn-rs vav 3M. 22 So. Main 81». Plan I! Residence 27 S. Fairview Am East. Grove Phone 101-' FOR SALEâ€"mm we“ built large porchrvbunfgnlowi. on I haul road, is in a. good neighborhood, fill good shade trees. and is near the It.- tion. Price $2800, terms to suit I! reasonable. FOR SALEâ€"Cosyyne n‘nd one-lull FOR SALEâ€"Gentleman's _Co\ u v“ ...._.- story 6 rooatwgotfirge rhouse. on I corner, only 2 blocks from ntuflon. near good neighbors. and very chm . owners has left town. Price $29“. half cash, or your ofl'er. FOR SALEâ€"~Nowmsidelflu will pl! a v“ ”I.” ................ his 7 room house on 100x182 foot lot, with big oak trees. on 3 [MM street. in a good location. {or a hub gain if rash or half cash can be Price $6500. FOR SALEâ€"A clogejnnveyy hlgt FOR SALE iTvlo 5 turn Ink. REM. ESTATE Wk SALE by v. FREDENBAGEN ~ DOWNEBS GROVE

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