Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1921, p. 1

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The Reporter has secured from the Chicago Daily News 100 of their 1921 "Motor Guides" for the automobilists of Downers Grove. These have been taken to J. L. Sweafingen’s news de- pot on South Main street for distri- bution and you may secure your copy by calling there and asking for one. This motor guide gives 44 different routes all over the country, arranged by actual tours and will he found very lmble. In a pocket in the back cover will be found a road map of Illinois; sud western Indiana which my come in handy when planning your next Emery “Butch” Klein is enjoying a weeks vacation at Quincy. m. He'll be home in time to get in the gums Sunny tho’ :3 his butting avenge need: {Ming Ind he's right in the middle of a him-g strut. Call at Swaaringen’s and get your copy of this guide. They are free and when the supply is gone The Reporter is unwed of another. Reporter Seem [)3in Nova Motor Guides for Mrs Grove Adu-oln'lim , - Supervisor Wm. [llmlzru is‘ Imp orgnmw. the County Roan! Inslly inh‘rt‘slfll; Tiw legal Ilmmipu'nn of [mm of i“ “‘9 MM "‘3" prngram "" " ""' [from pmpnml nnnvxminns m) h? lug moi-“hing in hi< mum to mnlu‘ifmmd in (he pma't-Ilinga of the (oun- ”“3 dream 9' pmmanon' h'lh“3.‘"¢i| for August 8th in anoflwr part of become a reality. Mr. Rimlgvu has "fi‘ “00k Romder I road "NIP I" h" oflia‘ “‘u' "‘"l Indmk‘vl In "It! north “00'" PW“ WM road: ma'k'“ "" m" I” is all the properh' in the Dmnagar 8"“ to ”M" " t" ““3"" "'“V'S'l'd' additmn on which building metric- " if! “1""- Itinns ham been put into the sale kmntrads. MOTORISTS - GET YOUR ROAD GUIDE AT SWEARINGEN‘S Yovk, 17"; “Fun. "3'2; "Imm- innhlo. 12'2: Addison. 2; Winfield. ll; Milton, l7'2: Xaprrvillv. 12: Lisle 14': and Down”: (Irma approxi- mately 2|. roads to ho hum. I’m-ml plum call {or "to Grant of (he munly work to lav clam on the WMuon-ancn-llle mcl Io mnmd \rlth 0w Cnnnon “all. If llw plan "alum-n. an it in export- v' to. this ml will he bull! brforv Mater Mop: mull mmtmfllnn. Thou- manly mule “ill comma \w ”w «an roads with each ollu-r and thus «no will ha Nlnlrlml In lnwl from my pol"! in (lw manly tn my other point and never law a lunl surf-ml marl. Thv Snpt‘n‘isor! aml («mom who wally inlrrmlml in haul malls. belclm that It u,- mm to pull in (hear run-L nml "~1- llwm uhilr "my on Irwin: paid for "mu ml to put llwm in at all. Amnlinx In prmvnl plan! mul (his is llkolg‘ tn hr carrinl nul. 0w mllr- am: will hr ulinlrihnlal among the townshipe as (allows: Toklng the figures of Governor Small that not more than $30,000 a mile should be paid by the State {or haul roads. this would total {or Do Plge's proposed roads. $4,035,000. 'lhis sum 0! money would net-twink n uolul inue and We believe a vote 0! the poeple to authorize lt.. llowevcr‘ The Supervisors an unions to get thing: started. They have the war: am of the stat:- thlt the (human Ball trail will be put through by thin full. already the ntrctch {tom Aurora to Napcn-illo ix included In the next “on would carry. There was no change made Tuexâ€" day in the proposed mutt-fl. One more, the Jolict road where it runs through this county. was added. This road is about sewn miles long and makes the total of contemplated improveâ€" ment 134' 2 miles. I roads, ir'bum, will make this little county the envy of the state as re- gards road improvement. The plan. as outlined several weeks ago in The Reporter, calls for the building of permanent concrete high- ways to connect the Suite-aid roads and every town, city and hamlet in the county. This netâ€"work of cement DuPage County’s system of hard roads is nearer realization as the re- sult of a meeting of the Board of Supervisors at Wheaton on Tuesday. .VOL. XXXVIII. N0. 29 SYSIEM 0f IIARD ,_ ROADS f0R (0mm NEAR REMIIMIM First Stretch, Wheaton to anerville, May be Built This Fallâ€"~â€" Means Bond Issue ‘DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER , m doubt that the proposi- 32.00 Par Year. In Advanm. ments such as street: and sidewalks by special assessment, if they so desire. Tlmse who own their homes in this territory are seeking admission so they might enjoy the advantages of village water, light, fire protection and have a chance to put in improve- It is almost a certainty that the pmple of the village will mte favor- ably on the pmmitions. The vote on the Bunny addition being so overâ€" whelmingly favorable several months ago. The «mom! petition is for ”In laml running mud on (he pron-M north \illanr limit-I In lav aux. five Marks mm! of Onlmoml. an south to the south line at the "Q" right of may. taking in Um \‘illngr- pmporiy when "w smart omnfivs into IM‘ rmk and llw Maple Gmxo au'nlition to [)nwnors Gmw. The flu! volition wan pmmltul by "w Mplc whu m-Iu- lbw-Sr homes Nut and north of the will-xv; Nu: sec- ond was "we nnnmr Bros. nub-IM- mn in the nnflh 3M1- wood-I. The first take! in lenitmy uppmx- imutcly than Morin: out and (hm vmflh of Um [mt-0M \illnge limits. Thit pmprvly in war" improved with :h-rlling houses. "w tropic living "ware. haw in many "we. boon claw- v-I as vwivlrnts n! [hunt-v.- fimvr for yrnra I! i-x q-ménomly «ksimhlr that Hwy should hr mlmiunl 9‘ “my am a unit in rksirinp ii. The Village Council at u» meeting an Monday evening not the date for the election on the propoaitlon of In- nexlng adjacent unitary {or Satur- day. September 17”». Two pelitlom wcm prwenlal NW- rral wwh ago and nth-r an inn“- uuuon the vim-lion dale hm been not. inn-.30: HIS. 7.0:: plâ€" 31 on 5.7: $3.5 >slrui|| it... _I!3(ola:n Keeping in touch with home town affairs is very eas . All you need is the desire and 2.00 for a years’ subscription to The Reporâ€" ter. "The Newspaper for the Comâ€" munity." In what other way can the We of this district get the trut the every-day happenings of the community in which they mete their home. How else can they separate the "wheat" from the "chm” of the man rumors which every dny_start, w hm!!! as they travel. A newspap as necessary to a comma“ grocery store: and meat mm ubscribe for The Reporter, 82.00 for one year. BMRD SHS SEPI. IZIII f0R ANNEXA- IION RHERENDIJM ONLY $2.00 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR-â€" DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921 A NEWSPAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY er in (It In printing last week the names of those who signed the Chautauqua contract for the year, 1922. We made the mistake of printing Harry Bryce when the name flan-y Ems should have unpaved. Beg your pardon. The spirit manifested at the picnic is evidence tht the church is grow- ing and striving for better and great- er things for the future. Prince's lawn was the scene of much activity along the time for feeding. The races and games were he‘d in Downers field, a total of twenty of these were indulged in. varying fmm childrens to grown folks and novelty races. An "elopement" race caused much hilarity, it being indulged in by six couples, unpacking. packing and dressing in the quickest time. An indoor baseball game between the married and single men resulted in a 10â€"9 win for the married tellers. The Congwgatiunal church and Sunday school held their annual pic- m'c last Saturday- nn the Prince lawn on OakWoorl avenue and in Don-net’s field adjoining. It marked a high water mark for the congrppntimual folks in that it was the largest and most successful picnic ever held. Starting in the forenoon, it ran un- til dusk with never ceasing activity and life. Over 200 members and fliends of the church attended. “CONGO’S” PICNIC LAST SATURDAY A HUGE SUCCESS The mam-0‘s dopaflmem will be‘ own lnmr than it was: Inst your and. main- of (hr Mt halter! of "w \‘ir- inity aw mm looking 0“?! thrir m-i igw bunks “it?! lhv miu‘ mom-y in: New. ' Ammomenh will hr furnished and; Lidr is looking forward In an influx; of rnthusimlic visiQors. | Haw largo-«t (‘mwd at Pier-it in Hisâ€" lory â€" Races. Gum Me. Make Them Merry l-levihitlnm of all kind! of «We. whoop. how. poultry and llw other condiments of a good firm will be cullorml. l’mlurls of I" kind- In- cluding grnim, warn-Mm. (mamry mm- will also be cm vxhihflion. The {air Int year In» I phenomen- nl meters and this year's exhibit will far usurp.“ that. Par-menu of the nor- toumllug district have been unlomly looking forwxmi to thin «Inc win: I great dual of enthunhum. All the large hum of "In vicinily will con- tributo in tho: galaxy of exhibitions: and a run "rat is anticipated. Stuck Int-«ling luau mot-Sm! I am! lmpflm «luring tho past year which promirn u hem-r fair. On September 17 Lisle wil thrust incl! Into in second annual “County" fair. SECOND ANNUAL LISLE FAIR. SET FOR SEPT. 17TH. Lille Primed for Gun! Influx of En- lhnsiutic and Modern Cattle Raf-en BEG YOUR PARDON It was «lov-inlml In hnltl mm‘tinak lhr‘! ;‘ Jmnth Turulax' in park month. far ,0. 'whirh an out 0f town .‘pvnlu-r will b0} u 'prm-idml. Alta that a dam: in cilia-1m low-hip under llw diwrtim» of tho! lchairman, to hr appoinlovl. slmultl lu- lil Walled once oath month. «late to be Edt‘fkk‘d by chairman. At thew cla.~< fmmtings it is planmwl tn haw copies {of pending hill< prowntml to each gmomhflr anal efforts madv to familar‘ Eixt- themreolves' with tho bills so that 'thoy niay vote for the man who plod~ are; himself to work for what they lonnsider legislation best fitted to the lrountry’s needs. Cu to Mr: nnd Mrs. bee Beidelmn 1nd daughter, Florence. left. Hondty for a two weeks vacation at Cryshl Lnke m. Aecompnm'ng them was Hrs. Beidelmn’s sister, Kiss Agne- Vanni. ject and it is hoped that every wo- man in the village will 'enroll with this organization and either attend the citizenship classes here proposed or be instrumental in forming such a class in whatever group she may he at present working in. The dues are made low so that they will not prevent any woman from joining up with this work- The meetings are open to the public free at all times. The next meeting will he held at Library Hall on Tuesday afternoon, August 23d. To this owl (hay propose to ac- quaint themselves a: far as possible with the qualifications of those seek- ing olYice to be sure they vote for the right marl, regardlesc of party. There seems to be considerable in- tervst among the women on this sub- TM mum! of ”w nominating rum. miller was an road by Mrs. J. I“ Rommrrs 'wmmmv-mling "w mm- in: names (a Ml Ibo 0mm. as chm ignMwl. I‘Hwillfnt, Mr”. “'. M. l‘au’ish. \"ice-I‘wy, .‘rlrs. F. H. Ito-MI. Socrflary. Mrs. J, B. Jmkim. Trruurer. Mn. “our“ Swim". "imdnrs, Mrs. firm-s! Fishor. MN. .‘I. H. Friar" aml MN. \\'. J. O'Nt-ill. Those- affirm: \u-fl' unanimomJ} IthuL Min-x Louis-e Walla-r of the Woman'- (flty Club, at Chicago. was pn-wnt Iml npnluv on "w uubjrrt of enltxht- «nod titizn-Mhip and the importance 0! naming women \‘otnn In their nwonmbiltty u Mich. It was brnt out that the wonwn .khoulal talu- In nrtim inn-rut in local good govern- mc-nt and became artiw‘ in promuin" Cit‘tl‘ betterment in “Mr mm com- munity. The chairman nl’ Un- commiuw on conflilulltm. Mrs. A. R. Whih-hm-n. rm" tho cnnuitulion as drawn by but umup “hick \mc mlmmul as rv-nd with a frw minor rhunmr». On Tuesday. August 9 a meeting wu hold in Mbmry "all to pull-ct the nmnnixinu of a local branch of the "limb: League of Woman votern. Constitution Adopted and Olin" El- «ch II Nadia: Tonal-y â€"-.\locl Aug. 28 MRS.W.M.PARRISII 10 "MD HAGUE 0f WOMEN VOIIRS Mu. E. S. Rumor ,of Maple ave nue. ha;â€" btsen 0n the sick list the .past week. rhwrlv ~ of ”or \ may». Hath rhnrrh shnuM lul {IMP In mu~lrr an indoor 'l-all {ram and a [and mu- III that. “'1‘ an» lulul Uu- ('vmrrrxaliunnlivl: lLaH‘ aln-ady mmlo plans In lush-r a I! am. Wm hope to 24-9 this sump-stint! mature. If you devcm it a good plnn talk to Rm: Nowhnd. M’s- intrreshtl. A fin.- tram lv-nmw rouhl "wily hr [armed rumbling of flu“ Mothmlist. (Inngregatinnal, Erangv-Hcal, 82mm and Lullwran churrhv-a Thc- rams cuuhl all I» play"! hrforr vim-image fa|1~. A sm-vn-inning fray could be many hanlnm‘l. “'0 «hnulll “RD [0 -’N- mmn games: like Hm la-t um» and ran :wv- nu run- :on v. by tho inn-nut 4':va not in- (ream. .»\c fur 5H ‘rlmlr-nmv- fun fur play- u< and s-pu'laluru, as “1-", we ran «1- nnm- Nth-r, In lhi~ ulay nf ru- upmutinn 'hv- awning lum-Hu-r of in- lt-v--d¢-nI-Ininativ.n» will grvatly aid in NH- wmk. In a Mary in math" part of ”'0 paper will hr found an amount of an indoor ban-ball game hum» UN: maniul nml sinul- Mn of the H. H. t hutrh. Th-nmgh llw NW"!!! at the RM. Ntulaml Iu- hmv howl [iw'u I ("'31 mgr-Jim Why not make um of lhv twilight \uv haw in (lw l‘w‘fliflfl? 2m; valnml mum-sh that a (ti- IigM loam»? he formed ham-m the The trip Tut-why Mu made in Mr. "Mink now Mambo" with Mu son. (it-onto. u! the I‘M-«l. lulu-nut in Inflow (Snu- "Hrâ€"Fl" Tum League 6.- nn ”My Possibility Th:- Iocul board is m-er-u-uloux in hm’ing the clispoxul plant here our of the but in the Male. ’l‘hc-y nn- plau- ninx more town of inupedion so that thicr views ml dixpoul plum: may be xuflicionlly mk-quntv tn rpmbat my uprmlinx ploblemu which may urine. Memhcw of the Bonn! um- Willi-m Bowler, pfl‘l‘dl'flt. ll. I'I .lhlczymli and D. Harry Jenkins. PASTOR ADVOCATES “TWILIGHT" CHURCH BASEBALL LEAGUE In so far us this plant has been in actual operation, the practital prob- lems of opt-ration were freely discus- sed and methods of possible impmwu moms explained. The trusu‘ox of this plant were more than glml to explain everything which the visitors dflfiiml to know. The village of Toulon has had a seu'am‘ disposal system‘such as is mntvmplated here. in sumosl‘ul oper- ation for six years, The trustees find that this plant is still in excellent condition and functioning porfvctly. The plant now being completed but not yet in operation, at Earlville is an exact duplicate of the proposal plant how. The trustees gained much from the inspection of this plant, in regard to cost, problems met and pos- sible improvements. The Trustees of the Downers Grove Sanitary District. aceompained by Engineer Otto and Attorney Bunge made an extensive tour Tuesday in- vestigating several flewnge disposal plants, similar in plan of operation to the one to be installed here. Earlville and Toulon Sewage Disposal Plants Scrutinizedâ€"wMIny Improvements Sew How many times: have you heard soâ€"called business men say that? Several, we'll wager. And did you ever notice the kind of business places the same men try to adver- tise? Prices high, usually; stock piled all over and not in shnpe; poor service; rotten salesmanshi ; dirty stores, as a rule; no thou t of accumulation; etc, etc. In it any wonder that advertising does not pay them? In ninety-nine eases of a hundred the store tint adver- tises is Che store where you get the most {or your 1n . And that means the most enge- mint-vale most 3 and most satisfaction mm the entire traninction. ADVERTISING DOES NOT PAY-â€" SANITARY BOARD INSPECTION TOUR WAS PROFITABLE Single Copies. l-‘Ive Cenu. Two contributions; not mentioned last week, but equally welcome and acceptable, have been paid, vis, A. F. Brevillier and W. F. Frazier. Hr. Frazier, when he learned of the de- ficit, insisted upon making up sum- dent in addition to his purchase of a season ticket, to equal 810.00. Acknowledgement will be made a! all payments to the fund next week when the remaining payments wlll be completed. A7 convenient manner for making payment- is to leave mom with It. Grant Nah at the M m. A total of 8141.75 has been paid to date on the Chautauqua deficit. Tho svrnm- Sunday turning wi" he just number of lhv- finals our church gar-rs arr- exp-orienting on the Mouto- dist lawn. Ur. (‘nnant ha< a spirit- ual and guiding unrmnn for overynm. H0 in movml by the spirit of Godlh ness and preach»- with a hark“ spirit which holrk his audienm. FUND FOR CHAU- TAUQUA DEFICIT NEARS MARK SET rmnr-I rflmt l0 makv- Iliiriplc-w hi all vm-n. Dr J. I. (imam \ull b0 ”In princi- lrh» 1w aIu-r al "w Vu'w-r Smn‘irm on (luv )3. PI. rhmrh hm" m-xl Sunday wu-nifll. Rl-x. l'nnam is a sprint- and u prr‘arht-r M with? and Vlrifil nun-urn"). having htfl-n raga”! in pasturul work fur lhv- lad twenty-five yl‘ara TM‘ la>l Tow yl'fl'< have hp"! .«lu-nt, in vlilin-M «\‘anxr‘lidir work lhmngbou! Un- natiun. Ih- n‘lrd many Emu-m.» «f m-rvrlom wmlu that Mun bun accomplished by mm at may”. "flat." mid hr. "I'mum u nu! an raâ€"y way of or,- rnmplushing zrral rr-ulhz. I! ~58 I ‘wnn-mlmh pvirv- 10 pay. H is Do «Punt ("I In smvrv- ~ 7m Hw- lnly mm. I! L nnl In Iv MIMI-0| the! print will mu 0- find In do our nnrk {M m Im' Hm! It an" [owl us '0' (he [.1 It In: imp” m: u» “MI ruurnfiv and ' 'mfi'Irvwr." With thin norm. in ”w Mixmild, "w swab-r pmmlnl to Inlunn the nun-Um umlirm'v' "In! DIFFICUIII‘ TASKS REQUIRE 'rm: HERVICBS 0F MUM-INT PRAYER“. "a man‘- "I ”w vxnmplr of Chflxt llimu-lf who nflon was! who-Ir night: in payer u lw farm! "in «mu-nu tat-h. Tho-n an n now-ml division 0! his mer Ihr qu-nhor nvrnul Md an!» tva and who! IDIIJUENT ”(AYERS M'UOMI’IJSH IIIF‘FIFVIJ TASKfl. In "mummy rv'murh' hr urxnl the t‘hrislmn pmplv- m gn-t- (horny-Ive! mrr In hu-â€" v-f inhvrrvunry pray"- :mrl l0 t-nupln nm-ul mayor win! warm-1, tvfl’ml In muhv Iliwiplm hf Rev. Schloorb changed tho subject as announced in The Reporter Int week when hl‘ «linemen-d that the service wan to be ht-M inside. apoli- ing on the ambju-rt “A Call to Prayer." It wax an eloquent plea for pay- «rs in tho thumb of Jc-xuu Christ. The dixriplu-n once camc- upon In cm a! «It-maniac pomwxnion over which they hm! no powm mul when the Nu- m rvlunml they reportnl their Infl- un- to cast out the damn, win-nup- un un- Hunter rut him out and In n'sponw to their inquiry u to why they hul not be": “Mr to do no "0 replied. ”Such come out only by lut- inn lull prnyrr." Tho mu: had ba- onlimry pun-«Inn. After an earnest prayer by Rev. Knehrl, ”ll‘ spoakor of the turning, the Nov. llolaml W. St‘hlm-rb. pastor of the Com-go Church, Nupvrvlllo, was introdurml by the vhairmau, "to Rev. J. Mfrml Nansen. Because of a cool north breeze, the service last Sunday evening was held in the Methodist church instead of on the lawn. The auditorium was filled and the Sunday school room used for the overflow. Rev. Arnold H. thml led the open- ing song service and also sang a special sacred solo. The Scriptum lesson was read by the Rev. Gilbert H. valaml. DrJ. I". Conant. Noted. Evlngdm of Chicago. to Speak a! Lawn Church Sand-y BREEZE DRIVES WORSfllPERS 10 (llllRGl SIIEUER Ilia Margaret Kohl: in may on A hall bra-n too clinical! for WHOLE N0. 1928

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