Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1921, p. 3

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by the Village of Downers Grove, which bids Were duly opened on July 18th, 1921, and after clue considera- tion the bid of the Fairbanks, Morse Co., is deemed to be the most reaâ€" sonable, and the Council are of the. opinion that the Engines and Gen- erators of the Fairbanks, Morse 00., nhould be purchased; and be it further resolved that the Village of Downers Grove purchase two (2) Heniom Hubbell. 618 ...... 81.40 J. H. Frankenfield. Bill 7-1 .. 1000 Harry W. Bryce, Bill 8-1 10.40 V. Fredenhagm, August rent 30.00 Busch-Saint Engine Co.. Note No. 20 ........ 300.75 Light Department .......... Public Light ............. 11.00 Pumping 801589.02 Commissioner Bryce presented the following resolutions and moved for imassage : RESOLUTION esolvcd, That of ‘the bids sub- mitted by the several manufacturers of Oil Engines and Generators in ac- cordance with the bids advertised for ~ Friday, August 12, 1921 American Suppb' 0).. I702. Hawkins Electric Co. No. 160] James B. Claw Sons Bi" . . No. B 12259 ............. Link-Belt 00., V No. 72820. .. ItflastewCan Supply Co., .. Bill No. 617098 ....... Raymond Lead Works. 7â€"9 Bl“ N0. ”[50 ........... Monarch Electric (1 Wire ('0‘ Bill No. 77249 ............ Bill No. 76830 ............ Bill No. 77354 ........... Bill No. 77749 .......... Victor Mfg. Gasket Cm... Bill No. 41146 ........... Western Electric Cm, Bill No. Bill 7-252! ............. Standard Oil Co. nm 86584 . L. Friedman. Bill 7.22 ..... Worthington Pump Mrhy. Corp.. Bill R {”293 ..... Zeno Hudson. Bi" 7.23 ..... Iclutcr-Carr Supply ('0. . Bill No. M7009 .......... 17.68 Sinclair Refining (0.. 840233. 104.10 The Fun! Meter Box 00., .. 00". 0! Public Prawn} Petty Cash. July arr! ...... 3 Damn Grove Pub. Cm. R-l Athlmnoxmph Ca. Hill 7-H J. W. Nun-h, Bill 7-! ........ F‘ml "Mule. llill S-l ...... Genoa! Elmtrir ('o.. [lillq .. No. C «an ............. Bi" No. C «7n ........ Engimring Contracting .. Dept. 0! "um: I SIM] mm a Siobcrt, mu n.1,“: :20 u. at Sam“ I lumenâ€"ml: John "('Mn’um. "in 7-30 ”.3 16.00 llmhmnnn “rm. Bill “-1 206.00 Extrn time ............... re. 00 Charley 'l‘crry .............. 20. 00 Earl Watkins ............... 67.50 Andrew Shcbcr ............. 52.00 Frank Budzlk -.- ............. 52.00 Frank Allen ................ 96.00 On roll call Commissioner» llenrtt,‘ Hull". Bender. Bryce and Mayor! Barber voted Aye. Nay» none. Mo- tlon carried. Dept. 0! Account: Finance»: Petty Cult, July acct ...... 816.43‘ Downers Grove Pub. (20.. 8-l 7.50 J. W. Nlflh, Bill 7-] ........ .75 Stevens. lalolwy Co. llill No. 0 {"984 .......... 35.60 Bill No. I927! ............ {.lil Dept. 0! Public Alain- Downers: Grove Pub. ('n.. fl-l ”0.20 Extra limo Charley 'l‘orry Earl Watkins . Andrew Slit-her Frank Budzik . Frank Allen .. Dept. of Public Pmperty IL L. Thompsonâ€"~Sulary ....$ Oln Irwin .................. Extra time ....... Wilber Dunnâ€"~Salnry Dept. of Public Alain-I S. Bmlnikâ€"Snlary-l’arkways .$16.00 Dept. of Streets 8; lmprovemenh S. Budzik (Streets)-â€"Salary $32.00 P. Nelson .................. 52.00 I’AY ROLL July 1, to July 3! 1921 Dept. of Accounts Finances Chas. M. Hitchâ€"«Salary ...... $70.00 M. Venard .................. 57.50 Louis Callahan .............. 57.50 A. B. Show ................. 7.50 William ,Bcnder ............ 4.16 Harry W. Bryce ............ 4.16 Charles llnllcr .............. 4.16‘ l. G. Hearu ................ 4.161 W. C. Barber .............. 10.42: C. Ford Davis .............. 15 .00 Commissioner Heartt pmsentcd the semi-monthly pay roll for the poriod from July 15th, 1921 to July Blst, 1921, and various bills and moved to approve same and have warrants flwn for the seveml amounts as Minutes of the meeting of July 25, 1921, were read and Commissioner Bryce moved to approve same. On roll call Commissioners Bryce, Ben- der. Heller, Hear“ and Mayor Bar‘ her voted Aye. Nays ndne. Motion carried. Downers Grove, [IL, Aug. 1, 1921 Regulai‘ meeting of the Council of the Villnge of Downers Grove, Ill. Prosent at roll call Mayor W. C. Bur- her and Commissioners Bender, Hul- Ier, Bryce and Heartt. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D wmwmwmmmmm 20722 Mllfifiramw I!!! .. ............ :bcr lk IIIâ€"Salary . . . . . upsunâ€"aum ry ’IL‘ ............. 10 rry 2r . .. ...... cc . . .. ... MMMmmm m-Ls‘m. s 41 135 lfil 3.25 48.06 81.40 101!) 10.40 10.80 26‘”?! 41.95 21.60 $6 F .00 M 14.00 9.12 l‘ubllc Library ..... ........ , 1201.75 146.85 122.93 1225.67 [Mon-st Fuml .................. 40423.81 213.00 4258.81 Sinking Punvl ............... 8201.17 305.90 8507.07 Total 48 5 51517.95 $ 4996.26 535817.17 Special .-\.~.\¢ sslnl' In x ........... - I. 1.30 276. 57 5073.37 (Zruml 'l'utzfl ..................... “WIB‘I'IR <17J- .52 LS 4996.26 340891.04 I do hon-h}. \uur In the Inn t ul‘ my kmmlmlgc thin n-port to [)0 (mo and mum-l. ('. Foul l)ax'i.~, Village 'l'H-usurcr. Suhncoilml nn-I m-mn to lu-I‘nn- mv this sub «lay of August. 1921. Chas. M. Ililch,Nolur,\' Public. how. of Public Afl'uins ..... IM-pt. of Acruunts A" Finann‘s lh-pt. of Health Suffix hum. of Strut-ls l'uhlic Imp. “(-m. of Public Prom-Hy l‘ublic Library .............. Intern-st Fund ............... Sinking Fund ............... 'l‘utul ....................... Special .-\.»'.<o.<smvnt< ........ (Zruml 'l‘utzfl ................ 10 ('14- Council “I liw V iimgv of The fulkw.‘ inn ix‘ n.) inpfgil Fumls Downers Grove, lll., Aug. 8, 1921 Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Downers Grove, lllinois. Present at roll call Mayor W. C. Harâ€" bor and Commissioners Bender, Bryce llnllcr and llrartt. Minutes of tho mot-ting (11' July 2.3 1921 were read and Commis.’um~x Muller mun-«l to approve mmo. 0n rnll cnll Commissioners Hulk-r, Heart! Commissioner Heurlt moved to ad- journ to the néxt regular meeting date, August 8th, 1921. On roll call Commissioners Heartt, Holler, Benâ€" der, Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. On roll call Commissioners Bryce, Bender, Hulk-r, Heartt and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Mu- tiun carried. Fairbanks, Morse 200 H. P. Engines and Generatom at. the price of $27,- 009.00 and that the necessary steps be taken for the purpose of sign- ing a ‘coutract, and to arrange for the terms of payment; and the Mayor of said Village v.38 hereby authorized [0 sign a contract after and when the terms of said contract an: ar- ranged, determined and approved by the Council. \ 0n the South Lisle Road. lone Naperville 75-R-l Call and See Our Modern Dairy GEORGE PELLING Our milk is the Best Standard Milk; Carefully Inspected By City of Chicago and State Officials S. Andrew’s Church Announces The Second Annual Bazaar High Grade Milk Dicke's Ha" October 25, 26, 27, 1921 Remember These Dates Chas. M. Hitch, Village Clerk. When There’s Roasting to be Done The roasting oven of the new gas Hinges is at just the right height for the cook. It enables you to watch the roast “ithnut stooping m' bending. Fowls or meat come out of the oven done to 2m irresistahle golden brown, (113]) and invnting to both eye and palate. ‘EWestemUnited Gas f" {'6' and Eledr'icCompanY ‘0!“ you’ll get the best results with least effort and attention from a Modern Cabinet Gas Range. 'TRI-L‘Hl ' R “('5 REPORT Iago of Dunm I< (.I'0u‘, Illinois, Gentlemen) Ilplnl fill the month 01' July. 1921. C. l-‘Iml Davis , Village 'lIt-usuI'eI. On banal lou-iptx Fx pend. lust rIeImI't for month for month ..... . . .5' HUS. l0 $ 82.71 35 84.00 ant-IN ‘ ’7 76.90 472.21 y ...... 273.57 100.84 lmp 462.09 529.92 and Hallowe'en Festival DOWNERS GROVE mm nownnnfiaanovn. ILLINOIS 10524326 l-‘orâ€"~ Commercial Lighting Light Meter Repairs Light Meters . . Wan-r Rates {\Watvr Meter Repairs ‘Wutcl' Tapping Fees Sewer Permits Licenses ............ Dog Taxes ..... Automobile Fines Militia Fines ........ Lamp Sales ........ Sak- of Supplies i'olico Uniform aZc .. ‘3'- l~‘iw Insurance 121 (influx-w l')i.~;pu.<ul To the Council of the Village of Downers drove, Illinois. Gentlemen: The following is my re- port for thou month of July, 1921. Collectors and Treasurers reports for the month of July, 192‘, were read as follows: Bender, Bryce and Mayor Barber voted Aye; hays none; motion,car- vied. 1'01 1;! \ COLLECTOR’S REPORT 31!“). ”$6.93 ”6.85 213.00 2205.90 Dixhurst-mc-m s CHAS M. HITCH, Villagv Co Expand. Ball. for month on hand 35 84.00 $ [106.81 472.21 7497.97 100.84 437.97 529.92 2447.94 3686.36 10334 .93 I221"! 1225.67 4258.81 8507.07 . $3337.60 Collector Amt. $2482.43 0.90 84.00 00.33 10.40 245.00 4.00 43.00 5.00 20.00 26.50 1 9.20 1‘ West Suburban Motor Co. ...... LaGrange, Ill. Local Salesroom, Curtiss Theatre Bldg. Commencingr at the soutlwaxt corâ€" ner of Section 8, Township 38 North. Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Moridian, in the County of Dul‘ago and Stuto of Illinois; and running ithencc easterly on the south lino of Soc. 9, ’l‘owmhip and tangy Moro- saiil, to the North and South i-i-nti-r line of Sec. 9; thence northerly along said North and South cantor lim' of Sec. 9 to the North line of the Chi-l cage, Burlington Quint-y Rullrondl Company right or way, to the vast line of the m-st half of tho ‘wst hall! I of said Soc. 9; them-c northerly along Deposited to the credit of the Village Treasurer . . . . . . . .$3337.80 ‘brnced within the territory described below, having petitioned the Village‘ Council of Downers (iruw to be illh uexed to said Village, a special elec- tion is ‘hereby culled fur Satuldny,’ Si-ptcmbt-r IT, 1412!, at which tinu‘ thv question of annexation of said, ton‘itorv tn the Village of Down «rs? Grow be submitted to the legal \0- tons residing in said Villugv and torâ€" ritory. The external boundaries of said tmritou being described as folâ€" lows: said east line to the north line of said Sec. SI; them-e continuing north to the north lim- of Otis Aw. in East Grow Syndicati- Subdivision; them-1- wester- ly alum;r the mirth line of said Otis Are. to tlu- m-ntvr “no of Fairt‘iew Aux; lllt'lll‘t‘ nmllierly along the cen- ter lim- of Fairviru' Aw. to the can-9 m Quality= [\11 A I' Imv A 'l‘Lnnn I .n.‘ 496 Crescent Blvd I. We can wash for you cheaper than you can do it yourself (25lbs. for $l.50-â€"-5c for every additional pound.) The Antiseptic Wet Wash Laundry has come to Downers Grove to give you service and satifaction. 2. We alleviate the work and worry. 3. Your clothes must be dried in the air to keep them pure. 4. We give 24 hour service. 5. We do not lose and cannot injure your clothes by our process. \VIIIQN BliTIIiR AUI‘UMOIIIIJ‘H Alkll IIUIIZI‘. IIUNIK WILL IIUIU) TIIEM' Antiseptic Wet Wash Laundry Give us a trial. -â€" Seeing is believing. Remember the clothes come back Clean. Call Glen Ellyn 56 or drop a card to the-- Think over these Points. You need no longer worry over the problem of the family wash We have come to stop ' your troubles The porportions of the Buick Four are exceedingly _gencrous and you will find the new Four big in comlon. big in luel and tile mileage. It will be a lavoritc among owners who pu-lcr cars ol its type. For' like the Buick Six. it has been built to fill a need in the motoring world and it will bear its share ol the wsponsibility ol maintaining Buick pres- tagc. 22-34 Two fluent: Roadster $935 22-35 Three mm: coupe “415 22-35 "v: Datum: Your!“ 975 22-37 five mm: Seoul 1620 All I’m" I" O I), Find. Mkhl‘an Cord Thu $4".ch Equip-ml on all Modd- Su U5 [OI Sprflfinlmm and Delivery Dole 27 Su. Main St. and y 0n \\ ill get Quality and Se1 vice in CLEANING, L’I‘I‘JSSIN(I dud AIJTI‘JRING. WE CALL AND DELIVER Those moâ€"QUALITY AND SERVICEâ€"are hard to find; vet that IS om first aim in meeting our cus- tomeis. . Quality = Service J. MAZZA DEAL WITH US ter line of Summit Ave. in Stnube's Addition; thence westerly along the water line of said Summit Ave. ml (homo continuing westerly along the center lim 0! (Eran! Ave. to the north line of Block 10 in Richmond and Whitney's addition; thence westerly (Continued on Page 9] GLEN ELLYN Telephone 355

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