Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1921, p. 5

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1921’ oflicer :at he 7 sure wriml 91' get a and time. at he |e fee I like when 0“ l' Mr. and She. Edwnnl SQrauloy and son Wesley of Lvmont spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kampâ€" mcycr. .\lr. and Mrs. Harry Abram- attra- «lewl tho I‘ngonm in (Thicagn on “NI- ntwlay Mrs. H. G. Nicolu and nirrr Sladm‘ Chnmbcw of Gram! Harm. arr "‘9' guest- ul‘ NH. La“ rvncn Polling for_ :1 “volt. Mrs. Kim’s n fi-w your! ago; Iivnl an "91- farm aaljuining l‘rllingsf Mr. am] Mrs. (‘nllins Goodrich m1» Qmml In Chicago Sunday and spout (hr day “5th Mr. and Mrs. L'IIph Fisher of Irving Park. M59: .‘lvn‘hah Md'o" i: spending a work at Mill Frost. SOUTMF-USLENOTES I‘uul Urnmhunu "ml (‘an Shun" took in (he l‘nuvnnt Mummy. ln'm- “huhnmk of Amara is ”I“ mm! H" .\li~s Ell-m Kiwi}: Mr. and .\lr.«. 'l‘lnioz-s and family" of Milwnukw' Hum! tlw wm'k I‘flll' with Mr. nml .\|r.-l. H. Yum-l. Mrs. Thin-:- is u .di-‘Irr uf .‘IH. \‘um‘l. The memlms and friends of the Lisle Sumlny Schnal expect tn law I arm! time at nu all any picnic at Geneva. Ill. next Saturday. About 20 Min-dale frlrmln gnu- Mr. 'I‘hm. Hlmlclnn n n-al ~urplin‘ 'I‘hurmluy evening. in honor «f M! birllu'uy. All c-njoyod u cum and Win-- M" mad. The Milk l'rodm‘n'i Aisoclnlion of Du Fan Co. will hold a picnic. in Mr. Ed. Rimly'fi Woods Wulm-Mlny. Augurl 24th. A big til‘m~ is planned. Mrs. McGinnis has taken a poai- tion as nurse in the Springbmok Tuberculoxis Snunturium. Mn. E. Yagol spent Monday in Chicago with her pan-Ms Mr. and lint; Stem-ml. Miss Alice Rehm was the guest of Miss Hazel 'l‘ntc Tuesday. Ed. Smith returned from the St. Charles Hospital Tuesday and is get- ting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grumhaus and Evelyn enjoyed the Pageant, Tums- day. ‘ The Bible class is to hold an ice cream social on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Friday evening, August 19th. cake and cream 20 cts. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. Jack De Rosa have gone to Cleveland to spend a few days with Mrs. C. McMillan, a sister of Mrs. De Rosa. From there they will journey to Niagara Falls to spend the rest of their vacation. Miss Hazel Tate spent the Week end in Chicago. Miss Ethel Plumb is enjoying her vacation in Vandalia, III. with her aunt, Mrs. Franklin Mey. All Kinds of INSURANCE We: 1 Per Cent fin! Ila-cm firmer: a Ketch-nu Bunk Bldg. The Picnic is to be held at Geneva. Saturday, August 13th. Be at the church wady to leave at :10_;00 a. m. Edward G. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS All appointments by new time; let us be on time. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching Service at 11:00 u. m. Sermon theme: “The Profit of Godli- MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE Moderate Charges mm. mm 92 1-1 0mm 3:. mm nous mm mm mm mm on 9.. .. ' '33:? 'p‘jn.‘ “wk-w 0‘" a! We - Phone 203 N. Fore! Ave. and Frufliu 5'. '2. , A“ Church Notes 12, 1921 ('onnty ('h‘rk Kuhn MM mp that vu‘ry mulhm in hul‘um- County who u vntillml h) a |I‘n~'ion 5! writing it rnrll month. TM‘ is mum llmn can M snicl for (‘nolt (‘mmly “hru‘ (how mv mu r 1100 mntln‘w and $00!) rhild- rm‘ mu ”m “ailing list. llvmy .\'c'i|. llivmlakn I". chi-M Won“ 89.“ Dnddy‘. Fooling; Mariam ls fmul v-f lu-r ulzulol) : m-w‘r “Nu-q In lum hi< [ts-"nu. I «My rho saw Inn murh mulch and m: 'N'V‘W'" In sil'n' sha- has! In ,:n On Iv Flu-n lHHc- uth- Iwr u,.-h'. m-ulvl In In -=u' Int“ «ho- “3*. MP! 111sz “1n" hr “I!” 3". ll‘fw'v 'J' 1.:le Ii The nmemlmtn! to Ilw. llolhcrn' "Wt-lion law that wrnt inlu MIN! on July In! ullous u [u-nsiunul mother to own H000 oqunyvin her own lmwv. ‘Hm limitmiun a! $630 pwr family In n'mmml. ’l‘lw law now Miami tho mmlwr #5 :1 month in addition to 3m :3 mnmh for rut-h nml “my child umlrr H year» of nm'. I fouml Juclm- RatMv \my ‘3’")- pmhrlic with Ihl~ lmr. )ly confi-rcun- at Whoatun hut Weslm-nlny afternoon with Dul’ugc County Judge S. L. Rathjc and with County Clerk A. A. Kuhn made plnln the fact that [)ul'ngc County is for- tunntv in that It has Very few mothers with glepemlont children and all of those (ow who am (‘ntitlml tn molhrrx' Iu‘nsionu am now krtting thrm. MOTHERS’ PENSION LAW EN FORCED IN DU PAGE COUNTY Henry Neil. ol‘ Hinsdllc, “Father" of ' Luv, Mullen lnvestiuuion and Gives Report Mrs. Eleanore Schmitt entertained at a dancing party Tuesday evening, in honor of the Kohleys from Indi- ana. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dieter and Miss Julia Dieter Vof Downers, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dieter and Mr. J’ohn Doerr of Naperville, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Koh- ley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dieter and family and Mrs. Char- lotte Schmitt and family, and Mrs. Elmer Kampmeyer. Delicious re- fmshments wen: served. The guests departed at a late hour all feeling they had spent a most delightful evening. ‘ Mr. O. Kohh-y and three sisters of Renssclaer,- Indiana are visiting Supervisor and Mrs. Kohloy. Miss Louise Ory left Wednesday morning with Mr. and Mrs. John Egermann of Napervilie on a motor trip to Pistakee.Bay. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrssflen- ry Abrams motored to Lockport and called on their brother Mr. Mat Sei- ler. Miss Ann Griffith will teach the Pfaff school and Miss Marie Kohley the Goodrich school for the coming year. Mrs. Eleanor Schmitt entertained Mr. O. Kohley and sisters at. supper Tuesday. Julian and Anthony Egemmnn of ancrville have been enjoying the country for a few dzys on the Adam Dieter farm. Potter Mg. 6: Lumber Co. LUMBER Nails Em, Etc. Shingles Lumber Doors Windows Screens Millwoik Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding "a yr I'I‘ i;râ€"f;»;n|i ulf'lui'r liihhl“ and : “hp" ”H. fivr'mvn “J” “'mn‘ "w _.,_"_, Mum tn hurt |u~ (swung-- Um‘ mu M11» :1 hmrv afi'air. uH- tun rmvh mnul} um! vnwh‘; ‘~__.,,Â¥ ””4, ,, , Eu xil!‘ Ju- hml '0 In 'w-II. mu.- uhdv Im- n .3. ‘ unuhl cu The Tm"! of the Homer. n- Ivvu J..- n ,-. .’ ... a I ”JIM, f lerv i< mm h iwlimI-uirm horn IM¢~ .- nun 4;, Ir. 4 l.- t.,-., 1; M? h 'u-uxuw Inn-V" «lun'o I'M-mu “'1‘ 'u I, ”II I" .11 .mg my. 1! "I! u am! In h-ll ~rnriv< um uf «r‘um'. ‘ ‘ . . “'7 I “T! ‘I-)\:- in I.” 1..“ l: Ivy! lun'vln nuhvr uhr! lu-3:1\I~ ,‘hvh. 1... ~~ ; n... 1111.1... When in Need miles of LUMBER or 033:3: :1.“ Building Brick ‘ Mans 1“--- “1--.. ACHARIESMAIGIE 'IODUCYIZR Manufacturers Dealers ' COAL MILLWORK Building Intern]: of All Kinds of LUMBER or Building Materials of any kind do not hesitate to call on us At Your Service Phone One Five um! mmlfl vv In “0". “’uulvl am '| film" novmnns emu-2 REPORTER. nowxmns (mom ILLINOIS lh‘lp mnkv ”man pimir‘ n surrm~ by coming out In the Fund I'rm- 0H0 mory Saturday “Mil Labor Day “hm tho fiwmrn will climax Un- wa- If you arc in am! of aluminum krIUN. cnflm pots. and other alum- inum “‘afl‘, an out to flu- picnic. Thv fiwmm art‘ ufl‘minx "90'!" cheap am! ”my an. mmlv uf lbw high”: grmlv aluminum. The firemen have been working the punt few weeks to do everything pon- niblc to make (Mr pink-u Mucewnful. ’l'lw one In". Sutunhy man a real «um-MA and a bigmr crowd is looknl (or this Salunluy night in the Fun-:4 l'row-n‘o. Tho-y hnu- urrnnp-d with linschman "rm. In tnkc- Irrm’ymw nut and bring the-m hark. Frw‘! 'l‘mrku will Imm- Hw depot rwr)‘ half hour darting M 7:30] Dancing. mums and n-fnwhâ€" vas nflcr much ph'tulllr. A good game is looked {onward to Sunday when a team of l'hillippinos will be brought out from Chicago. Rciff made his first appearance as an umpire last Sunday, and after the game was heard to say that it was also his last appearance. Brady ‘ c Stoapler Brady p Wiegnnd Moran: lst Paul Baron 2d Shoger Wimmcr ss Yinxllng Meyers 3d Heine “(‘ldy If Lnndorf Pelling-Canty cf Remiyu Sufrlnxkl r! Merl! “Duke” Meyers was on third base in the absence of Bender who is on the sick list “Duke” held down the job in great style, Baron took care of second and got everything com- ing his way, Bradley pitched a steadâ€" 3’ game and is improving all the time, with Baron and Bradley doing the twirling the club is well supplied with pin-hers. In the ‘eight inning Naperville had a man on secmid with two out and two strikes on the batter when the man on base tried to .steal third, Brady refused to, take a chance on throwing to third and Bradley let the batter down for his third strike ending the inning. A repetition 0! this play in the ninth inning would have saved the day, but with two Brady made a bum peg to third and Shogér crossed the plate with the winning run. St. Joseph’s A. C. journeyed to Naperville Sunday to meet the West Ends. A vew gaod game was put on with the some standing 5 all in the ninth. A bit of brain work would have sent the game into extra in- nings and as the local boys were hit- ting hard the result might have been different. \ Naperville West Ends Victon in 6-5 Till -- Philippinos to Pl‘ay Here Next Sundly POOR PEG LOSES GOOD GAME FOR ST. JOSEPH A. C. PICNIC INTERESTING mm-h lvv‘ lw'n'VJ- 1 In In" ~h vflmmhm chm'l I'M Jans-l um Sand Gravel Cinders Plaster Coke Stoapler Wiegand Paul Shogor Yingling Heine Lander! Remiyu Mort: SATURDAY. AUGUST l3 TUESDAY. AUGUST 16 WED'SDAY. AUGUST I7 A pleasant surpriw was in stone for the guests after the games when Miss Helen Wimmer, a charming young violinist, rendered a solo at- compained by Miss Hazel "cant at the piano. Funds, acquired by means of this party, will be used to supply articles for the boolh the Catholic Women's League will fumish at tlw Kinnis in September. Mrs. W. Wolf was rewarded for the highest score in bunco and Miss Jltlia Dieter received a beautiful consola- tion prize. A short address was deliveml on the subject of the Women’s Catholic Order of Forestels by er Dorigan, of Chicago. Sly. Unclv Eben. "l lu'lin~\'o~ In ul'l." “Hid l‘urlc- l-ZM‘II. “on I wxmlu ll lnm-IIrm'mL Hm I hum: 14- hm- » lu r-lwmlm' Mu life 1.14m: 01 pan-r pm‘lm-r \ulu-h lu- lu‘um of born I .mnl uh‘u-Wlhlu-rf' The social committee of the Cath- olic Women’s League arranged and held a pleasant afternoon at bunco and five hundred last Thursday in St. Joseph's Hall. At five hundred the highest score was obtained by Mrs. Nicholas Bret- tner and a consolation was handed to Mrs. R. Gmmhaus. Now in the mountains their old grim fwd was flamingoâ€"and he had to make good! For prideâ€"for honorâ€"4m love! A Blue Gus: epic of politics, of hearts and of the hills. Prizes Given to Winners -â€" Progecds go for Articles for Kirmis in September Lara» furl-SN ul' vim-x nn- (u be («mud in tln- Imummius in llu- Inn-rhu- «f ”uni. hm hu-l.‘ uf Irmw'mrtulion uullu-s H Inna-«Ibu- In tum-u- Ihln Hm- ’u'l’ 141'" Mr .lnuu-min- Iu'v'dfl. Largo qumuimw u! Mm- uru- iuumflml I’mm Nu- I'Mlml Slim-s. .\ Iv“ Hmlll sun'- min urv lm'ulml in \urlnus m-mmns a! flu- I~lnmL I-nl [Puw «:mmn loo-gin My Mum!) n..- l-u-ul umrlmlfi. Ian-womb Irv pic-Mimi. Chief of the clanâ€"and fighting his own ponpln! Down in Capital hall.c at Prank- fort he had fnught {or their good CATHOLIC WOMEN ENJOY AFTERNOON 0F CARDS - BUNCO Beautiful gnrmenh In all maltr- iul~. nlm good» by lhr yucl. Fun. mm, «II-63mm. Willi-Ir. Mivlaly uln-i- w» for Ilium and (iirlu [mm 6 In I'J ‘vnrn. Sv'porulc- drum. skirt“ and knirkrborkvn. Ilmm- dun-um» In om- nr hm grim-m. llunzalnw tummy. Mullen-kn umlrw‘rur nml mournnlrwl hil‘it'f)‘. Ilurrlny cor- .wln with om' yo-ur mmnmtmx 1.1 N. For"! A". Nu! nt lwmc- Rlnnclnyi. Warns” mm Monte Blue MRS. EMRIC FATTY ARBUCKLE Also ' ' Also 5" “ROUGH HOUSE” mm: NEWS SUPREME con-DY International Nevis ROLIN COMEDY AVENGING AM} FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS Haiti’s For“! Wealth. CURTISS THEATRE Let' us have more of these vigorous thinkers in our midst and courage enough to {ace facts. May I express appivciation of the letter by F. J. Milnes published in your paper last week? Dear Mr. Stunts: The jazz of New York and her pleasure-mad spenders. Danced in the haunts of Fashion 1nd Folly while Old Nick calls the tune. Checkbook Chev" It. The mun-Ml mun soon discover: that the low of n wmnun In. Indeed. tmwhllmrâ€"llusmu Tremsg-flpr. "2"” Geoy e . Fl’rzmaun e Am 10!“ nun-vs A 'PAYING. THE PIPER LIKED THE “ODE” PRCMA 1”: Li -] “989‘. FAVE?! unoéu DKOOUCYION There are more than 3,000,000 Ford core in daily service throughout the World, and fully eighty per cent of rhesa are Ford Touring Cars. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the car, so easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate; and mighty inexpensive Compared to other motor cars. 0n the farm, in the city, for business and for family pleasure, it is the car of the people, and the demand is increasing every day. Let us have your order promptly if you -M Fleck Bncholllz Very truly, Mrs. W. J. O'Neill THE UNIVERSAL CAI! (St/let CLAYTON 3 ”«Zé? Pricze’: are executed from a “new 0! u- ceptable denim and every dob“ h looked After by experts. That ll why our monuments ohuyu appeal to (and taste. If you plan 1 memoflul In your plot we will show you a no“ variety of designs to choose from. ARTHUR. R. BEIDELMAN Our Monuments Wanted to Exchangv - A wo- man’s heart for a home. Wanted to exchange â€"â€" A home for a woman's heat. Yet why did they both think the price of possession too high until? A rose-covered romance the netâ€" tles close to the earth. The woman wanted 1 home. The man waited the woman. The who of possession wu Jove. Come and see why neither would pay it an“ According to oldbollef u I. In and of good luckâ€"a long and hum»: In» fled IMPâ€"tor I brlde to flip an Ill. pauses up the alule on her way tu tn. altar. ' Indoor Plants. indoor plums ahnuld be waters. with tepid water. and kept when nor “Me In an own-n atmosphere. 85mph Filth. An optimist In a man who place- I Inna «Ilumnce I‘ll" and lay: flat he will "hold the Nmnw."â€"â€"Arkanlu (lam Phone 36- R NAPERVILLE. WWW A Hugh Ford Mad... (2 gunned”!

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