‘lf’ Snmlay. Sept. 41h. 91453.1". REM.- Svhnul. Why not com-‘7 "'9 fur you. ll:00a. m. Morning â€M‘ntinnnl Servâ€" Sept. 8th, 8. ANDREWS EPISCOPA I. CB URCB Sept 4th. 1921â€"1?“th Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11:00a. m. Morning Pu yer and Subjwl: “An Ancient Prayer Medium" 6.30 p. m. (‘hristinn Endeavor. 7.20 p. m. Song Sen-ire and Sermon. Syn-rial Labor Day Suhjwt: “.“anuhury.†Wedmsday, Sept 7th. Midwn-k Prayer Svn‘icc. The minister will haw returned from the ramp and will be glad to welcome you to Ihvsv yaw-virus. IETINDDIST EI‘ISCOI'AI. CHURCH Sun-H}. Snmu-mhrr uh. Hull. Snmlm .‘h-lum-l file- .1. m. M-dnimg “'ur‘hifl â€:00 :1. fl I,::!wr â€Hy Svrmon. Hwnrl'v Iran-u- “:15 p. m. [nu-hm: l‘lmrluflv "low. Ruhim-l: "Th; “‘6" "1' "mun" [Va-min: “ht-akin 7:30 p. m. 'flmw: “l.ikvmv‘mlnlnms." UNITED “RETRIEN CHURCH 0? HM“ GROVE “Thv l-‘rlrndly Church" nhmyn ban a warm wc-lcume for Manor: and a" with-u! n n-mnlnr rhurch home IN cordially invited to wouhip with an. All u-rviwu Irv conducted cnflrely in the anlirh language. Sunday Eveningâ€"«(hr ï¬rst of a series «If pmrlivnl scrim-nu on â€Christian Ethivs xmd Problems 0! Conduct." Thin «vening srrvh'o is Informal with much u! conuwgutiunal singing: led by u rhurus of yuung ladies. 8:00 :1. m. Mass. Saturday E\'enings.-8:00 p. m. Bene- diction. Sermun "Christian ice." Sermon. Week Daysâ€"~â€" II RST EVANGEIJCAL CHURCH Sundu. September 4.192]. Beginning with the serIiI-ex of this Sunday the full schedule of services will again be ("lll‘livli out. Preaching serviees mornings at H and evenings at 7:30. Sunday Sehmvl at 9:45 and Young Peoples Alliance III 6:45. Be- ginning “'ednesdm, September 7, (he Prayer Seniu- will mIIImI-nee II! 7 :30 and be fullmu‘d Ivy ( H01“ RE- Sunday-- 8100 a. m. Mass and Sermon. 9:00 a. m. Bible Study. HEARSAL at 8:30. Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting at eight o'clock. ééso 1-). m.,' Evening Service; Theme “Evangelism.†The Rev. My School at 9205 s. In. Sundny Service nt 11:00 ; In. Subject: "MAN." The Rev. Ruth M. )1an Plinth-Charge Arthur Spam-r Mun. Cl 'XCRI‘ZGSTION \L CIII'HCH Sunday Moo! 10.†I. m. Cit-mm Set-vie“ “:00 a. AL un- urlromo. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. a SCIENTIST 0:00 p. m. Compline, Benediction, Rev. Eneas B. Goodwin, Mol- 10 TthMens Bible Class meets at 9:45 9:45 a. rm, Bible School. 11:00 a. m‘, Morning Worship. Subject, “The True Lye." :00p.m. Woman's Guild and v Auxiliary at the residence of Mrs. G. S. MacDougail, 167 Linscott Ava; Mrs. W. R. Vaughan, assisting. Rev. J. Alfred Nan-en. Pulot. Who-fl ll. NewluIl. I'll. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rn. -. msm'ws CATHOLIC CHURCH 5. m. High Mass and Ser- Holy Communion. Church School. Morning P r n y e r and Sermon. m. Evening P r a y e r and Sermon. 1921â€"1'hursday. 3.3.3 Thvmv Sunday n. m.â€" Exporivnu- thruuxh Serv- Keln'l. Minister 1921 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday the 17th day of Septenh her, 1921, at the Village Hall in DowneIs GIOIe, County of Dul'a a‘ge, State of Illinois, on Election will be held fox the purpose of voting on the} question, IIhetheI certain territoIiesf shall be annexed to the Villa e of Donners GroIe, County of Du age, State of Illinois. The external boun- daries. of said territories being desâ€" cribed as follows; to~wit= I Commencing at the southeast cor- ner of Section 8, Township 38 North, Range ll. East of the 3rd} PIiIIcipol MeIidian, in the County of DuPage and State of lllinois; and Iunning thence easteIlI' on the South line of Section 9, Township and Range aforesaid, to the North and South center line of Section 9; thence northerly along saidI North and South center line of Section 9, to the North line of the Chicago, Burlington Quincy Railroad Comrany right of Ion; thence westery along said North line of the Chicago. Burlington Quincy Railroad Company right of way, to the east line of the west half of the next half of said Sec- tion 9; thence northerly along said east line to the north line of said Section 9; thence continuing north to the north line of Otis Avenue in East Grove Syndicate Subdivi- sion: thence westerly along the north line of said Otis Avenue to! the center line of Fairview Avon-I he; thence northerly along the cen- ter line of Fain-iew Avenue, to thel center line of Summit Avenue and thence continuing IIestcrly along the center line of (II on! AIenue to the north line of Block 10 in Rich-l mond \\'hitne_I’ s Addition: thence westI-III along the north line of Block 10 and lllock 9 of Richmond and Whitney's Addition to the. center line of Highland Avenuezl thence southerly along the center. line of Highland Avenue to thei center line of Grant AI enne in F1! H. Prince (I Co' II. Addition; thence' westerly along the center line 0!. Fold Grunt AI emu. extended to the west line of Lot 1 of the Donner .IItnIc. being ncrou and to theI out line of property owned by. loomi- Repp: them southerly along the III-st line to the center, of Hill“ Chicago Memo; to the renter line of Poiniew AIenue: them-e nmIIhv-rly along the center line of l-‘nlrvinr Avenue in the More of lmrinnimr. (This lorri- NW“ "0- North nml Pint of the Friday from 3 tn 5 p. m. The public In cordially hurled to “tend the services ad to villt all use the reading room. 8T. PAULS EVANGEIJCAL GROVE STREET CHURCH Wednesday evening Tuflmnnhl The Rev. Wm. Grotefeld. Pastor prawn! \‘illmro "mm-L PHONE 647 Automobile Painting, Trimming and Auto Body Repairing Our Specialties KASTORY MANUFACTURING COMPANY ELECTION NOTICE To The Motoring Public! Orders Recieved for Thirty Day Deliveries Badger DeLuxe All Season Taps also Seat Covers Made to ï¬t most any make of car; seat covers and tops now on dis- play in our show room---come in and see them. DOWNEflS GROVE mm mm GMYE, ILLINOIS We are the exclusive agents in this territory for the 'l‘hut pan of Section 7. Township 38 North, flange 11 Rant of the thin! Principal Meridian lying wmt o! the â€1'80!“ limits of the Vllll of )owner-e (iron- cknribwl as ("ï¬rm-Iv humming on the North Illu- of said Section 7 at tho Northwest comer of the put-sent limit: of mill Villuxe; tlIt-m-v won't along the.- North â€no of said Section 7 to the cantor Iim- of In: Awnun mt â€how" on tho- plat of llrnnn'ur llmthou: Womlal "onw- ‘aitu. m Iwur-lml in the lh-mnlvr'x OMCr of lml'um' (‘ountn llllnnis: tho-mo South along the «voter line at .«nld [to Avenue cxtamlml to [hm South llm- of on- Chicago. llurtlnxton‘ Quincy Railroad Right of Way; to tlw Emu-fly houmlnn' lim- o' For- thnm- PEI-t "long ninl Rlxht of Way SHALL A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, KNOWN AS BRANAGAR BROTHERS WOODEI) HOME- SITES, the EXTERNAL BOUN l)- ARIES OF WHICH ARE DES- CRIBED BELOW, BE ANNEX- EI) TO TH E VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE, COUNTY OF DU PAGE, AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. ‘ The following is a fac-simile of the Official Ballot that will be used at the Election to he held in the Village of Downers Grove, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, on Saturday, September 17th, 1921. MM 097. mag Also the territory which is bounded and described as follows. to-wit: That part of Section 7. Twnshlp 38 North, Range 11 East of the loge of Downers Grove described as follows: beginning on the North line of said Section 7 at the North- west corner of the present limits of said Village; thence wast along the North line of said Section 7 to the center line of [Are Avenue as shown on the lot of Branagar Brothers Woodedpllomesites. as re- corded in the Recorder's Office of Dul'age County, Illinois; thence South along the center line of said Lee Avenue extended to the South line of» thcago.__llurlington_ Quincy RailIoad Right of Way; them-o East along said Right of Wm to the Easterly boumlarv line of Foxest Preserve Property: thence Southerly alum: said Finest I‘Ieserve to the Northstt comer nf Lot 7 Blockfl ,Manle Gl0\0 All- Ilition to “owner; Crave, thence Enstelly along Hm North Einu of Lot 7 to the “est lint: of Lot 6 38 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Princ a! Meridian l in; west of the _pa_ sent limits 0 _the Yii: Sample Official Ballot lhm'ly along mid Forest l’mse-rve In the Northwum comer of Lot 7 Block 2, Maple (Stove Addition to Downers Cmvv, them Radar?! along Ute Noni. "no of Lot 6 Bock 2. Maple ï¬rm-c- Addition: them South along tho Wm: line of Lot 8 Block 2 to the Snathorly boundary of Mid Mlple (inm- Aoklitkm: them-e I‘anlorly .- Inn. MM Southcrly bound- to flu Southwm comer of Lot 3 of the A.~-u-.-ymr'l Subdiviuion of Bedlam 7 a it: thorm- Easterly along the Son- thurly line of aid [.01 M Io "u- N- M»! them boundary of flu- II- lum- n! "autumn (:rm'e: [ht-mo North ulmw, mid Wrutvrn boundary In the plum n! hrglnninx. oï¬. J'l‘l'ï¬t‘l‘f l'ygpgrty; thence Soy- Block 2 Ma 0 Grove Addition; thence Soot along the west line of Lot 6 Block 2 to the Soother! boundary of said Maple Grow: Au dition; thence Easterly alongosaid Soulherly boundary to the nth- west corner of Lot 81 of the As- sessor's Subdivision of Sections 7 8: thence Easterli along the Southerly line of said 01; 81 to the present Western boundary of the Village of Downers Grove; thence North along said Western boun- dary to the place of beginning. (This torritory is known as Bran- ogar Brother's Wooded Home- sites.) Election will be 0 ened at '7 o’clock (Standard Central, T'mo) in the morning, and will continue open un- til 5 o’clock (Standard Central Time) in the afternoon of tho ï¬nnn-Jlay. 7 Gin-m undo! my hand at Dimnels Gr.0\o Illinois the 23rd (in) at Augâ€" ust, A. D 19’]. LA GRANGE, ILL. “BEAT HINSI).\ LE“ VILLAGE CLERK. Chas. M. Hitch, Village Clerk. 8-26-2 L T Hooker, 435 No. Kmsingt on ave†LaGrange, phone LaGran l".119. ca name in Classiï¬ed list 0 ‘ircctory PIANO TUNING and_ REPAIRING. Gardens plowed, general teamint H. C. Rehm, phone 1004.2. 4â€"14! John, son of Martha D and Col- vacn. I’urt- hrml Toggï¬nberg. Madi- =on Road, Lombard, "L, opposite Tile Factory. E. H. Kuttner residence. 8-!9-6 m Form a! Pumice Sun. A form of pumice atom bus hm dimvemd In Japan «Mo-h am he and In mnrrete for boat building. making a mnrrem as strong, hm an p‘ar cent tighter. than the ordlnnry kind. Will nomohwly pit-aw in so kind as to communicate with tho under- :igrml, as to who is mm"! in the lot No. 2!!!! in tho West. Side remeâ€" tm-y. We have triml evoryway to ï¬nd out without suca-ss. Ros-partialâ€" Lv. 11. McKenzie, Hf) Farley Plato, Downers vam, phtme 2H-R. 9-2â€"3 LOSTAâ€"rflan‘: 20M “ah-h than i, h9- (v M-n Summit 4. am! 'h-nu- Sin-«4 Churrh n" 9 Sunday Srlmol. Finder pkafo ~v-Murn In Rl-gmnv-r “Win.- and To wmm rr MAY comm):â€" WASTE" .»\ unman fur [mo-ml rh-aninu. mm- 3 “wk. 0m umbin'. Mr. J. I', fluflrr, M! No. Fart-at awn, phone 2494. 9-24 FOR "EXT "1mm ply {vymrtm "Wm" FOR RENT ngv, furnhhml mom, vwnr «lnhv-n. III-plin- m N Lintnfl m c-mun 14-24 WANTED TO IH'Y .\ luun, WWW .Bli-Mâ€"l. 9-2-8 wy um", Hrdo. ' Om‘ lhvm- ymnn 0M. mu- nix wan 0M. Gum. m- flmr‘. ‘ll'l‘flï¬'ill flmil)‘ "mm. rm high-IN! rn'um In Ilw rmmlry. (full or «me J. R. Shnfl'vr, ('Mrmm Aw. an (:m'wry. lkmnvw (Smw :IM. Zgaï¬trOwnérs Attontiomâ€"At stud, Sir mount um: ull monk-m mom-Main... mrv-twm mmiml. l'lmnr ll‘i-W. Apply 78 FainmmM Mr. â€.21 one and u half )T‘III'.‘ 0M, huosc brolu-n. For infurmuHu-n rull IRS-J â€-2-! FOR RAIJC- 1’: pmm-nxc-r Auburn cur jun been lhomly m‘erhnulnl, MIDI many «arm. will talu- umuilt'r cur in truclv. Linc-uh: Gamma llénmhlr. FY"! RKN'IA‘w-Z! 'tlrn!~hcwl nmm grunt» FOR RENT A fumidml "mm. a" mmoubv-nrvu. Im‘fvr 3mm. lady. um Nouh Fmr I mu. Mum â€fr". â€-2-! POI! SALE~W0 Imus in your vicini- ty u slightly umwl piano. which we will Roll In puny cmnplflinx tho- moulhly poynwntx. Cubic l'iunu Factories, MI 80. Wtbuh awn. (Thiâ€" rago. “-26“: Hm HALE-fray pm Mm! amn- Mary Ann Davey mum. locutrcl on Chicago-Julia Howl. Will bv sulll u! onrv. luquin- (‘hu'rL (mm-M, Ilins- «halo, "1., R. I". I). No. 1., plum» Downers 0mm I56-lt-2. If. l-‘Olt SAI.I€~â€"tlmmhrfll Mn-«Iak- dog. I‘OI! 8:“ I" 30 ('unliunl l' igeulh :uul R'HKIQ‘ Islam! lu-d l’ullflls, thump. (J J". Schmidt, Limecnfl. (‘himgm 8-] >3 FOR SALEwFiHy ï¬m‘ pigoons, all (I’llll‘h. 1‘» Amp [ht-m out, your choir» a! 251‘ c-uch. Nun'ul Dom‘h. Furl-st Chicago awn»: 9-24 romlilion, I'ouuihuhlie. awnuv. FOR SALE-23 acre farm of the FOR SALF~Splvmlid John-y Cow, wac-timlly fresh, giVOS large flow and test: nmrh T 2 buttmï¬u. it is doubtful if a better um um ho fuuml Tm sak- in Dul’am (.‘u. I'. J. \Iilms W. Maple ave. 9-2- yours. $250 rum; 3» “Ir! Mrs. Max- Fairvivw, 2 (ll'pflt. FOI: §AI:EI::i.zll'ï¬Â¢'_gn.‘ rgmgl‘, “004‘ V isiiriuï¬s. $5 oat'h; 3-pivco oak wt. $40: oil stow. $8: M-Wing machine. $10. Call phone 7-“. 9â€"2-1 Fou' SALPw'slu-ing and Hun-braving strzm'bvrry runners, phone it'll-R. :30. Main st. 9-2-3 l'oum‘ FOR SALE~F0rd Svdan, phone 80v W. Mrs J. l‘ \litchell. 9-2-1 FOR" SALEâ€"~wa 'Oak beds-V “um rm: SALE~B0ys bivwln. in mm comliliun. $12200. E. n. O'Neill. 12?; Summit 5L, phone 394V. 992-] ["033 SALE ï¬iQoiiï¬iï¬it-ss;7773601! as new; 13hr gains. Max Brewer, No. Highland Aux, m-ar Plank Road. 942-! F6?! â€SQ-\Illésingle _ Weber Wagon "u. an! For Qale Wanted For Rent ; I?) laying (-hickonr. “5-0 HT 43 Fl. vhivkvn wire. 5... l‘foilrm'. 'l'llh‘ll 4.. Imur him-ks from East (inn-u 9â€"24; Lost 0111- MW! rungv, ust-d v.6"! board. at» was: Linéi'ntl 1H3â€" 9.2.2 H'. Ink: [My jnin. «Irv-M hand, ill 'jimnrovwmoMu in and mid for 0d..- flmr'mod built up and diurnal-r .- OaMhhv-vl. a" (and ham“ lmï¬m I. and mi» yigM. 320. :1 (mt. MM sell [cannula house with all living rooms hath domntair. aml 2 spare room. up, all morII-rn convonioncos, new. improvements all in and for, so my teims can be had. th lot is south front. claw in. and in I very good location, 50x142 ft, h. some fruit and good shade. PH“ 35m). FOR SALEâ€"Very attractive 5 null 1% story house, has all over halt wood floors, mam heat. new P norms the front all windowed . I close in sud near to station and * school, a very neat little mm pllpe at only 85.500. Term an N mumorwmninm rooms, all light anvl “'0" am!!!“ to armmmlatc a large family, plenty of cloud mom, mrnor light kitchfl with lnr e pantry, gnml cellar, ch- tem, wel. ham and garan. every- (hing in ï¬ne condition, anrl lmmodim possessinn «an M hall, Int 1201181. 3 blocks to station. l‘rifln 35m. Tems easy. Tall In» What will III ym). owner moving, wants to sell. WANTED~Pmperty of our: duo- Emmi" to â€'3'“th m UN on 3 MW if not. gnot. we have went all mt last and Dam 0m FQR SALEâ€"C(35): rebuilt eo‘ Home with few acres. beauuful grounds, orrhanl, big shade trees, I .\'(-'l'y slightly close in location, mod- 'rrn \wll built buildings. bhw Krill pastum. n'ch Mark ï¬eld {or cmpn. {and 1: right mire. “8.000. terms my monable. ' font lot, 165 deep, with a I813! !m-:u-ly m-w building, n lot of 3001‘ lumlwr. vnongh for a small house. Inwm‘r wuuhl make a building loan to llmilnl. is handy to station. town. and auto mud. l’rico $1000. easy term. iFOR SALEwolll‘ of the host flnse ill lnuuzulmvx in town. has 5 lnrgc 'moms and wow modem rnm'onionce, 'lhv sll'vvt is pavml, and the price ‘3 lem-ml from $7000 to $6500, or make Ian oll'vr. nwnvr is moving to Chicago. ‘nml “le5 around $3000 rush. moat. the have 30 ynr old m are on the m" ovnrlmking the vi- ley, a most vlosiraMP Mention, pt.- pfly joining has doubled in value b a 31'". all this needs is an m. why not smirk!» anvl live here “0. $1M. clown. uh.- "I†charm. "is only 3100. 3 int, tvrms to suit. FOR SALEâ€"“'1‘" bum house of 7 FOR SA'J'37Twn 5 acre lulu. to liver or wpamh. thv-y In mm gmuml. nnvl snrmundml by 31 noighlmra. min 3300. pm arr-u. o1 ï¬rs “W in Chicazn and want In a make ofler. FOR .‘MLl'iwA ri M [and wall In". l-mm home. In "var-l (alum to lmpmw on. llh a "nu.- Nn. nnrnin nu .ulnul)‘ mn’m- w“. luv-until!“ lmlurn-vl lnl "“297. «mi lhm war with rlmm '0' lllly mod. nml ml fruit uml nnkn. l: on pav- nl urn-l. mull. fnml. nmr Im. IM- NMI, no" in him! 00' nut-Ml «lion. and lb:- mirn 5: only 3mm, will! than for lormaA FOR sufï¬x: 1017-, joining _ wen- V1)" SUM 0r "rule for LVN-1. Sauna, twn wall hum hmtw‘, ' -" C man“. and mu- nf mum, «in. lo. 'Mle. rmmw. hm wwx' (hw- hr... and h m-ar "w «mum, ran rnn‘u- .- mv-n ller (m um maulrm 3 room lbw-r 6! high than. at â€my 'Iuv rah dlflrrrm. FOR .‘MLF. Vv-ry high flu." mm not homo of 6 mama. Ms MM mm! tall mrr. m-rn‘thing mm CI "ml yml rnulll ï¬nk far. i: 0m! 7m with punk windowmï¬ and «mad for uummrr. a" “w- Duh-«t in Viv-Ila. than: and plumbing. n imildc-n Mat. and wiflv Ml Int war in. PM 3mm, half melt. FOR SALE-fhnirn \nranl. hm †4 mum Inmnlow. hm fu'l hau- mont. :qu nomml Mlk awn-r nll. modv rm rcv M err rm] gm. hm Lmod gnu-m- uml w-ry nm- Imullrr Oman. mm nml «Junk. mul a lnru- int. 12.": 1.12. all Mark null. and In a mud, ham Mao-v, h hnMv In «than! all. M‘nhlmr». I'rifl' 34m. 3mm 0"". â€Wu r1 0‘. resitk‘m‘e an Hank awn. Ina lot Mxlm. comer. is modern with m but. hunlwood floors. electricity and large porches, owner ml:- n lam! horm- nml will trunk- or well vcrv cheap, properly is char. price $00“. story 6 room («van home. on O rumor. only 2 Mark» 'rom station. "03" ml mlgh’mw, xmul very the. owners has 1.4: lawn. Prim $29“: half ctr-'5, or yuur "KM. FOR SH)?“ W0" hum. mjnilyAM l\ll| ui\ulni .‘u v“. v- n. "v.1.“ q...- with huge rooms, is the long wuy to the shoot, so has 4 with street frontage, good plumbing, orchu. and a In: 90x1'iZ,oh| shzadgtrm quit. "(m-om, chicken house and yards, shed for car, aml Is near to the Elation. Price onlv$1500.0m1' needs $2000 cash, as he is going in†business. FOR SAI.E~~-Cmy ona qul our-1 FOR SALEâ€"A 7 room well bullt house with all modern .convenlenees. has furnace heat. is nicely am has good floors. and would be a very good homo, has 100 foot lot, old shade trees, cement walks. and : choice high location. him! only $50†and (ex-ms to suit. FOR SALEâ€"An old_st.\;le pungnlow ron SALFFâ€"Rigm well built _7 yoga; 22 So. Main 81. Phone “I Residence 27 S. Fairview Avemu East vae Phona 101C l-‘QR SALE-A vqry choigg vaca_nt 60 W!!! SA LETâ€"Gymlmnnn's _ Cong!!! nowuxas anon ' REM. ESTATE m SALE by v. FREDENHAGEN wilt co rooms spare room. 5mg, in and hem th