Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Sep 1921, p. 2

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7 WESTMONT HOLDS ' A MASS MEETING ON INCORPORATION m“ union will be had on the â€"“II’ o! lmrpornlloo. The ofllmn arr: Mkk‘flv-J. Nmri. V‘N PNIWHI Vl'wl‘M I‘D-Im- BNMI')’ ~S. "urn Munr~-»W. Rial After the weaken-- had left. a Mu- lnl chairman was appoinlod Iml .nmrly «unplug urn-ml 6-! fight-I, (ht «mamm- wcm from! out. the two hodm nut». awn." under the un- ol The Wosunont lmpmvrmeat and Civic Anal-Hon. Often: we"- olodtd and It h thought that Im-J o! the meeting. It W M an old one. known In the “lemon: (Evie Club, wru- wmwhat Mlowt o? the new and a nut amount of battling took plum. A new organization. the Wentmnt; Improvement Association. Ind m; of the Win. It W of progress can be found ln almost every municipality and Wcstmont is no exception. However. a great ma- Jority of the nsidents are desirous of lining things up to date null to do so mliu that incorporation in the} only WI). I A general discussion followed in which several of those who live in the new place made violent objections to the incorporation process taking place. Those who stand in the way‘ Mr. McIntoash, head of the firm which subdivided the propt‘lty, was also present. He advised the incor- poration of the place, but said that his firm was with the majority and anything a majority of the citizens of Westmont wanted, the firm would be with them. We do all kinds nf Elm'h'icul Repairing, Machinist Work and carry everything in Electrical Goods. (‘omer Belmont 8; Forest Ave. Telephone 3694 HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BY Downers Grove Electric Co. The meeting was presided over by Vincent Pastor, proprietor of the Garâ€" ibaldi Inn on the Naperviuo road. Mr. Pastor spoke briefly on the reasons for the calling of the mass meeting and intmluced John 1). Peterson, an attorney of Evanstou. Mr. Peterson told of the legal steps necessary for incorporation purposes and some of the advantages of Westan taking this step. Westmonters crowded the lunch room and store just south of the tracks there on Tuesday evening at a meeting called for the purpose of‘ gauging the feeling and starting a} movement. [or the incorporation of that thriving young place into a vil- Tum: Divided on Project of Peti- timing Conn and Start- ing \‘illuée. If you have any trouble with appliances or with the gas or the service, phone your complaint to this office and it will be given immediate and courteous attention. ted G {a} mesaeggazkomfi it? Gas is no hotter five minutes after the burner is lighted than it is the instant of light- ing. Don‘t light the gas until you are ready to use It. If the gas bums with a long yellow flame instead of a blue flame, or the bottoms of cooking utensils are blackened, telephone the Gas Company and have burners adjusted. Keep the burners of your gas range clean and open. The top burners should be removed and boiied in a strong soda or lye solution, and dried before using again. If lop burners cannot be removed. brush with a wire brush and wipe with dry cloth. the minute you think that gas is leaking at any fixture or on any appliance. It's expew awe to waste in this way. Telephone [or Expert Adjusmnl mosc inlrvmlnl in "w Ila- «an..- ._ umtm [ml-MN! stuut- ozmy (mt-s and punt-II a few boners. Tombs. the muthpaw slab artist of the Filipinos. vuwml that he wuuhl strike out 15 nwn. At the em! or thv mum,- he had eight, With It! strikeouts In hi; credit. Bradley. the stellar twirk-r of the St. Joseph A. (‘.. lost out when his teanh Filipino Team and Nam-"Ilk- Both Triumph over “null” and Baron. l'lll-hI-rs. ST. JOSEPH A. C. LOST TWO GAMES OVER WEEK END velopmout of the town are heartlly in {avor of going right ahead. There is however, a hitch as to the boun- ary lines of the embryo vlllage. Some insist that the Naperville road be the north boundary. others that It be fab (her north and so on. It will take several weeks before anything dell¢ nite ls done and we hope that the pro- gl'wsivc element in the town can con- trol things so that Westmont will be able to have running- water, side- walks, paved shoots, sewers and othor advantages if she wants them. DURHAM GENUINE .. g. .... . nomns GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS 6mm. ILLINOIS Good Time For All! WEST SUBHRBM moron COMPANY Brnge,fll, localSalesml, Curtissmatreslllg. The . .. l-urvy «xumym- I" gam¢ was filled throughoutIcmmisn [ruining An errur. coupled with a hit by 1‘04““!- Score by Innings: ‘ Filipinos ...... . ..... 20?. 010 300-~- R St. Joe .. ............ 100 «Ill (umâ€"4 Batteries: Filipinos. Tomho and Toledo; 8!. Joe. Bradley and Brady. 8!. Joe lost their second consecuâ€" tive game Sunday. when the strong Superfine nine handed Ihoin a (11» Teal 01 20 to 8. Illslmrg. (01' Napa- vilk-, pitched goml ball, and he was ably bawkéd by the fine fielding of his teanmlates. Parmelvy. ‘holdlngl down the short position {or the West Inders, was the outstanding player or the game. i St. Joseph’s Church Hall Monday Evening, Sept. 12. Annual Kirmess Begins The final score 01’ this battle was 8 to 4. The Filipinos put two runs across in the tint inning. with two men out. overcame. Rosario. the “baby boy" first baseman. astonished the fans with his agility and his general play~ tug. WHEN BITTER AUTOMOBILES ARI BUILT BUICK WI”. 3011.! TRIM (cm) “You See Buick Knows how to Build 3 Rear Axle 23 8. Main Street Downers Grove. Ill MORRIS SHOE STORE We also have a good many numbers in broken lines which we will close out at a big reduction. Boys’ Sturdy Shoé's, formerly sold at $4.50, To Close Out at ......................... $2.60 Children’s Brown Lace, High Cuts, formerly Sold at $3.75, to close out at .............. $2.50 School Shoes HAVE JUST RECEIVED A GOOD SUPPLY OF A Beautiful Display of Fine 6! Useful Articles Special Prices It’s a rugged powerful axle built to stand up under all road condi- tions and every unit of the Buick car is like the axle -- strong and serviceable. Buick 1922 models have this traditional sturdiness. Step in and see them today. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS bangs-up... in“- Fonuna e Man Luvky ls lw wlm hm; lam-n mhn'mell tn ln-nr his rum, whnlmc-r il hr. by an early «xumph- uf uprluhmvss um! I uuunlres. Walsh and Scllogvrl Sour“ by Innings: .\'.u)ol'villc ......... SI. Juc Ballerina: Nupervlllv. Hishorg um! Weigund; St. Joe. Baron and Brady; Cum): the‘ diminutive right fielder of the St. Joe team, played a fine gumo. Zeshles garnering three him mu 01‘ {um chances. he nabbed lwu m-muing nits. Naperville scored 6 runs m the first Inning. St. Joe came buck and shoved I run across the plate. ledo, the backstop. greatly helped. This lead the St. Joe team- never with arrow, most of them were made by the Downers Grow team. up...” . 14 ”Jar-37 - it All Princ- F. O. B. Zl-l’nr-ld . g 3 93S In Thack- 975 M75 631 110 303450 122 020 010~ 3 Main and Car“. Streets will be given to the boy or girl who sells the greatest number of tubes of NICHOLS Tooth Tonic or Shaving Cream ERNEST KRI'SE. Proprietor Hill “rand Aux. Do“ ners Grove. Phone -|2|-R I’EONIES MUST BE I’IANTBD IN THE FALL PERI-INNMIS (‘AN AISO BE PLASTIC" NOW! .-\ (’nllm'iiun uf H m' mun' plantsmm pm' ('(‘M diy mum frum :flmn- [wirmz Highland notes Peony 5 Petennial Farm Bicycle can be seen in our window at this store. SEIBERT NORRIS RIF" \IINH'! IN‘RI.‘ .73c Vrry Ink-I vml .‘fxn-lh-M \mo in”. Fummm. 'J‘I'IO‘. Ion-r. an! rum 0. "right hump-pink. rullm mhml with narrow lilac. NM). Strong. up- Iilhl; fvw Muumm. Our uf llw haul cummvrinl ”M. for Dw- unllia n "m: Lam". flat. «uni-mar t)‘ '. l'urv «hm. iii?! a mm o yvllnw utumem around a In" of cm- h-r pom)». limit-d rarmima Medium In". Iplc-mli-l mum-u. 1m bloomw.“ Law. ()m 0! ll"- bnt “Mu- \aflrlhu. FIIII'IJ!‘ Hl'l‘lfiflll \ ('HI'RUXXH INN! Very large. Jim-‘3. rcm- type. l'nlc- “luv-mun meuut. Strum . lull. upright (rumor, (n-r lumm-r. )lul-l'lxun. I‘UIRAI. TRE‘SI'HB ...730' Very lama glubulur. rose (51». Pure while u-ulor. prominently flu'lu‘cl rn‘mmn: outer [II-tab mun-times faint lilac-white on fits! opening. Very (all. strung, Hummus gram-r. Hmly. The more: popular whilc- \arivty for rut Howe”. Very large, flat, Sl‘Y"i‘l'(L~'l' typv. Lilac-white, outer guard pvtals ntripul crimson. Fragrant. Tall. strong run-«r; {rev blomm-r. Late M“ Human. ,1 good Peony on account M gth and mm- I-rul habit. FESTIVA MAXI.“ \ In fragrance, in color, in profusion of bloom; Peo- nies rival the rose, and thrive equally well in the cold of Canada and under the warm suns of the Gulf States. [A 'l‘l'Lll’l-I Peony Roots Office: 81 Benton Ave. Downers Grove, Ill. Factory: 110 Blodgett Ave. Phone 248-J Your Mauivurn Instruments made as good as newâ€"no sci-son or knife tookdelimte for me. Le an experienced Instrument Make: do your “'Dl' . Manufacturer of Metal Products QUANTITY PRODUCTION MY SPECIALTY LET lllfl SOLVE YOUR MANUFACTURING PROBLEMS CUTLER!" OF ALL KINDS REFINISHED AND SHARPENED Julius Severus Cut Flowers Varities POLISHING AND PLATIN G ....... 1.x . A300 Bicycle FELIX I'IIOI‘SSH ........ 730 turn. [lulmlmz typical bomb. "rillimvt ml. Slump. vigumm lrmwr, mmflum Dwixlu. rum Mmmwv, Our 0' "w luv-I ml \ arivlu-s HELIX ('RUI'SRII Mullum 42v, light Hold-run. ('nmmy Ilu’cv mllnr u! namw [Iv-lulu. miuflml with lhe "tk n'nu‘r [trial-t. Fragrant. Nul- lum lme. fnn- hlmmwr. lhriy mMu-amn. Um»! rut-nun" \ar- SN)‘. .UJIKASIDI’IR "I"! \S Medium rixv. globular. crown. l’ure uhilv. n-Mm flrckml crim- mm. Slnmg mu‘ium height; rum thnwr. Slicl-nrmon. Ono an! ”iv but Muh- sariflicu. \l \D.\ “E ('ROI'SSE ..... 13¢ JEANNE D'.\I(' ......... 5.: Lame, ulnbular, bumb. developâ€" ing a (mun. Guard» and cen- ter pulv liluu-msr, collar “vam- white. .~'l£I¢II'I‘ with mlphm. Strong. mmlium Dwight, (no bloomrr. .‘Iuluflr-ufl. Lul‘gv, globular, medium loom. low flown, Milk-whin- guards, tintml flush. n-ntvr rn-am-white. with crimsun spots. Medium Might. ”rung. (we bloomer. Mid-ea ion. QI'l-Zl-IX VICTORIA ......5.c Very large. compact, globular. rose In». Dark mauve-pink. Tail. heavy, mars:- stem, ban-ly Human-ting the heavy bloom. Lulv. (bud “may. .\l.\Rl‘l(‘ll.\l. VAILLANT .50c 910:9. 1921

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