Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Sep 1921, p. 6

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0"‘7 hm Guru- Snv‘whm ‘ Hm {09’ My" Wu- 1"“ 1'! 31.11:“ :i ‘ H ix- w” m new-pupa bun ' hut 1'? ft (rum Wr km“ ”-3! 4m Tfl’lfi" ho ”w \ivl: (If Mr kifiv', 1“ ' N k! "may in cl:- r-w TMng-z “*0 Hr :u fl Dart" riI‘r Tim ”‘1'“. 2m! 6! mn' v-Mrv" i.- m erm- rm um! I! in a zmull-r Maw . We hmr hr: , 2 I". r mm. [mm or other I [nut .h-m durum lbw pod mt. In mm! imlnnrm i! 6' who" dram lm- hi- h’NI-I m- Um chunk“.- 0f .«omr dour an”. "'.19 Umw lo" M“ damn (MI 0'»- v'w avnm on "In mnnmih f." n ~~ 1., v.-. I! i! IMO Had a! «m‘rll chh "like! MM?! (Bran k: u l pl'rv In Which to lho. II n ~ » '; \"-I-u dim-Orr Ml: "- In amm- -n nr nflwr HIM m nulln- ha ."Im' ”w pray-Ir of “w \"l." :-‘ w" '0 Jump in ml help. ' The real kph" of u -mull town was nhown Int Sunday Mg“! and all day Monday who" corp: ur nnxhbon and "Saul: v‘ltlwd in lilu- [ml-I fellawu And Mum! clear lhghlamt nvmur Mm the debris of Sunday night'- 1311i!- "(HIE TH‘.‘. ‘. P (in: ”1" We are always at the moving cross- roads waving the fla of speed and 33 ety. This slogan has become as much a part of our busi- ness as our reputa- tion for reliability. Entered at the llvm'm'rs Grove Post Oflice as second class mail mutter. Advertising rates made known upon unification. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Singh- copies 5c. W every Eriday morning from the alias of the Downers Grove Publish- hg Company, 37 North Main street. Downers Grove, Illinois. Downers Grove Reporter W6 mm mm‘ \mm 3 W we: eons LE‘SUE‘HM ; M \M MB VEâ€"Sf'GERS HM my “9 “MEN‘S u; ‘ZU'JT. Divishm Shuws (‘I'h Supply 'm‘ mama) mm 1 is Very l’urr. A “WOW 6““ 'M ; A Pawn-(E Emma 6W ? Analysh by the Stuh- “'mor Survey WW «Hui? £06, 3.2.. 3.83» in! v mercaamueazaooeaqe m: ca ., $42544? 3r k EVE!“ HUI” IHTIJ'EI’ C. H. STA.\'!'S. EDITOR HARD 949$ In MlCKlE SAYS mat-om; :2) 9m: 00b Ming nf I r au‘rngv ‘1 tun-inn» n anN‘ n-Q m-xin :69 may hr 6 . but [MW lvlmv'imu‘l Mm' in "I! Wldfmhmv- km .44 “i" ' Ha U‘wir 'ur Iriv-V 91¢» in prrr'm rang. Total i A n-purt of thv Rutl- \'\’:n-~' Sup- 3;"\‘ l’i\‘i.~inn «hmr» ”mm-r,» Crow why watt-r10 iw um" ant! rich in miu~ :xl'fll constituents. Fulluuimt is gm)! '0!" the report of the rhomifi who <~x~ :umfnml a samplv nf u'utm- lukn: from phv drop “all on lv‘vbmm'y 22, [£121. l'..tu.~sifim Nitrate ‘~l'u:u.~'sium Chloride . l'otaSaium Sulfau- . .‘ Smlium Sulfate ..... > .-\mmon’m summ- . ‘Magm-xium Sulfa!" . . Magnesium (.‘mlmnntt- (‘ulrium ('urbumutv Silica ...... NumVolalilu lrun Oxide Alumina HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Telephone No.29 } 'l‘huuxmuh 0." [mguls will jnin in ilhis went and our roam-rs \x‘iH lum- fmm‘e about it as ”37W VHI'.‘ on. Ever ”-me tn help in any umsc 1113! is in the intm‘wts UT :1 hvlif'r ‘rnmmunity, lwnvr l£\.:\r (-unditinns, and hotter mwm'nmvm. “0 now fink thu rt-mlm‘s and udvci-ziwrs of the {quarter tn turn in am! huh! :1 Emu! during "Sub‘ ibr- fur Your Hump Town Paper Week, and bowl for us. nowxEns GROVE “:‘i‘x‘: '25]; - WATER CONTAINS :jjgjjfg7f1’g MAN!" IVIIIXERALS m m WESTINGHOUSE MERTZ (3 MOCHEL The ulfivial title for 111: work will hp “Sulm‘rilw for War Hulm- TOW" Paper Week." 'l'be chill days of fall are a warning that winter will soon be with us. Prepare for the cold blasts by buy- ing one of our hot blast stoves. They heat better on less conl than many other types of stoves. The date set is the second .u-uck in November, from the Tth tn the Pith, including that great “'ul'ld (went, Armistice Day. dent, and the Reporter thoroughb- ondnrse’s the idea. KITCHEN RANGES BASE BURNERS ( ELECTRIC WASH ERS (‘OA L FEED PA I NTS P'f” .Fqfl'oޢ; w." vi 454” TELEPHONE 22 DOWNERS GROVE Don't wait for trouble to remind you that your batacry nerds atten- tion. \Vestinglzorwe Aztcntion ward: of;- expen ive rennin. If neces.»ary yo: ll‘ battery is opened. the tzcuble him-'3‘]. explained and correcter‘. Y3" know the cost be- fore the via-Mr, ;:;:u 1 '7' ' tion put: yoz' . rm 1-2‘ no oh‘u’ 3,..Lion. Only when the cost of repairs out- weighs the result will we recom- mend a Westinghouseâ€"not before. You are welcome to a twice a month Westinghouse Inspection. WWIERS GROVE GAME BATTERIES ‘.1' ii .3»! “‘1 ’5,’, sJin‘u'v‘: U?! a A. l {530 Stoves DOWNERS GROVE REPORTfl DOWNERS GROYE, ILLINOIS (infirm L189 .0 I .04 n .1 a q .. rug/914 U‘: n‘ :L.‘ An All-Around A“ 11... “up." lung-”o In»! "My d?!" lwr awn inn-rvna'um, l-ul rah-N them I. '0‘". all other organizations of this 'l'lm' haw Iluln‘ during the 0x- - heat of the past suvntna\l'._thc ('d-l Ft'llwu'4 jmt lwld their regular jmm‘ting: «\‘ory <‘.\lmul:1.\' night withâ€" .mt (11.1: nptin; dogH-c “'nrk. an Hm the cm-lt-x' “‘vutlu-r has arrived ,lltv u‘nrk “ill be resumed and from il‘!"‘~"n{ indimlivns, H103" Will be very .l"l»." all Winn-r. i 'l'h:- Rnfb'll‘l' ("mmuilh-o. under tlw li-mlrrâ€"hip of Pastor Hubbert, hnsi I‘huru‘x' of the affair and promise a jaw! “fwd." 'l'lmy haw planned :1 big night for this rv-upL-ning" and :m» proving thvmsvlvps to be nlivm' The}: am also wan-king nut ideas 10‘ kvvp the mvmhm's inter-(Med during the running fall and Winn-r. 4 Q‘ArH. tlh 73 I «I lerm'lWfllfll'.‘ my! tho In.“ uf Im- vurlh hns Inn-u Ilvler- [Mm-«I In} mmuh of Hu- ’l'urd-‘u hul- uhw. nu ilun-qmu-m l'ur Inn-”Mull”: \‘ury memnu Iw'u-. It} um.» ur Hus luxh'mnc-ut lln- :uh'mlnr l-mr u! n lm'.~- vul l-nH nlvl) mr; ~‘- 'iw .‘m'fal (Md FI‘HLHV lodge has :1 1%“; night N‘hx‘:h}h‘d for next Mun- ' ; maxing, Squomhér l‘Zth, when 13w hiitiuwr‘v lh‘g'oe will be confer- zmi nn t'vv candidate". District Dvâ€" [mix (.‘m‘gill, 01' anx‘yn, is expected in bv pnn'm ii.‘ an» :dsu mcmhm's 0 him only“ from “hi-atoll. > Thu mmninp‘ L to 5131'! of? with a umu-r at 6:110. Af‘mr supper the imign “'2“ in- npmzttl [he dom'cv L't'rtlfm'rw}. 101m FELLOWS RE- SUME worm MON- ; . DAY, SUPPER AT 6:30 "flig’ Night" Scheduled for N All-«ling: as Lodge Begins Dt'~ 31“": Work aflrr’fllwl. PAINTS OILS Weighing the Earth. OIL STOVES lllmnlnv l'nnr ul’ 1‘ .‘- u 'c mun-I3 mrmi- . nu. :hé. luh'l' “m: - mu“ -If I . . v I that Mb Next ,' Luau! Branch, League \\ omen ‘oterni } 'i Iv “I L'~ ’ Will Try for Con-struttin- j " I ’ " :1 -:.' Guy “'urk on l‘ruhk-m. Mrs. :zflph Pom-cu, \‘iw-X’x‘usiclont of the Hinsdule \Vomnsm Club, who has: been Montifit‘d “1’!!! many of tho municipai inmvm'onwms nf that vil- lugv. win bv the speaker of Hm af- tmnmm. Shu will point the way {or a runstrm-liu- program “high the mum-n hom- tu minpt in Downers filiuting “'iih the Vote!" In 1"ll“ «I»! ha"; imitcd to palticipmr in l irl'llSSiOn. S H E RIF F Primary -â€"â€" April 11, 192?. GARBAGE REMOVAL CONFERENCE NEXT TUESDAY, SEPT. 13th T. J. Grotefeld Even those who will not wish these for immedi- ate wear will find the values so attractive that they will wish to select for the season’s needs. Made of fine Flannelette, with taste- ful patterns and thor- oughly serviceable. 9‘ W. Cumin Street Downers Grove. Illinois (I I“ Some Things You Will Need for COOL Weather HMNEIH'IT NIGHT ROBES SHIJCITS YOUR VOTE FOR Candidate For Sherifi' Lawrence Hattendorf cums DEPl'TY susmvr EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING H. E. McAllisler Co. matter will make (hvir r9- thh time. Everyone in U!» ~ invited to be present at Home m: u :ulvjvc! of im- tu all. The hurinvs: men. lfuv'uyn- nah" H!" “S [m m I'nl'l‘vlnfu ‘ whh “lnrh )4 {“13} run! l‘;IH' h I» nunp ~ la. \a'aiiing Uvr \\'heelerâ€"Hamrâ€"n?l'~ chmidt wmuliizg inst \vak we stated This particular group of blankets and comfor- ters consists of qualities that are especially de- sirable for early fall. They are light in weight and of medium warmth. The values are par- ticularly attractive because it is merchandise of standard quality. was. 1.95 to, 16.50 Mortars, 2.25 to 7.50 Although “arm ennngh for sudden chill. this Un- derwear is of the type that will not feel unmm- fortnhle even though the «lays are mild. Yuu will find this underwear (-nrreetly and attractively made with cxoeptinnally good fitting qualities. We have :1 complete selectiun uf a variety nf styles and the ne\" Full prices are very rensnnnhle. Blankets and Comforters For Those Early, Cool Nights One or No pmmnm fur .shnlonl- “Mung In hark way through u‘hool aim at] rut-um“ paid. XO'I'E: ,\ a twin! art cuuue umlvr m:- wrrunal wpr-nhion «( a uoInI I":Mwl Sculptnr. ('ln' mmlrlny. lk‘ixmuz. ('cmmwrrial An, ('nnu"-Mvmn| l’s'rm-h, i‘iuuu. \‘wul. ln-hunwnml ”wit. Dmmulw Au. \‘vry war-mublv m'n. :11 Mix“ Finn-nor Wheeler, the idv, “us 1-. Magnum: of Mr. and . Guy “'h-u-l ‘1', of Fail-mount aw. i: «Imun? hum mud a daughter of '. 1;; 1 Air». ”in Wheeler, of \\'il~ ,w. Manhan BEG YOUR PARDON BOOKKEEI'INU COMMERCIAL LAW PHNMANSUH‘ TOUCH 'l'Yl'l‘I\\‘RlTlXU DICTAI'HONE (‘0.\1l"l'0.\ll‘2'l‘l‘212 SHOR'I‘HAXD RANKING I'l‘.\'C'l'l'.\'I‘l0\v Vests and Pants, 50c to $1.7 5 llnionsuits, $1.00 to $5.00 Imuummwnmwm1immum;a:nmrmmmuummmummnmmmmmmnm:ummmmmmmmmm‘ BIG FALL TERM STARTS SEPTEMBER 6TH PATERSON BUSINESS INSTITUTE Labrange, Illmms ‘ way ch INSTRI'F'I‘IIRS Bookawlxu HAHN (“AII'I'LA'I‘ION COMMERCIAL LAW H-Z'H‘HR WRITING PBNMANSHH‘ ENGLISH TOUCH 'l')‘l'l‘2\\‘RlTlei ;‘.ll'l.’l‘hHl.\l'1HNU DIC'I‘AI'l-IONE onuux smom. IIILINCIIES [‘0.\Il"l‘0.\H-I'I‘I{II II; sI\ ' s UH'I‘IIMH I'Ic :eIIOII'I‘IIAxn III <Ix < II. II III 'E BANKING s: I;.I UNI; l'l‘NC'l'l'A'l‘ION' I'lill \'( ll Night School Mon. and Thurs. Sunk-nu mmflml (mm UM'MY‘HH :UU H:t<'..-' it“ h 1 v- l';|'l' Ha» 1 mp ~ u'. i. lu'w .1. \uy ,u ... ’ Grandâ€"3s; Porcelain. (In ”mg.- M-c-ullw Uu- glaze ("I h 1 v'nmlul v' am!»- M u I‘;In' n2»: Hm r1 \' «4' which up w". .\ munui'uwHIN-r in uL‘L; n '_ 5v lbut ~:o'r 1‘ .-. ’1-‘cnl u.“ mpnnzduu . ],:v-\ in Light Fall Weights TH E REPORTERwâ€"A NEWSPAPER FUR TH 1-; C0)! )1 UNITY. Expert Auto Repairing and Storage irove St. Phone BBS-M Just West of Main St. ‘lflrl‘ Fred Schindler rum! Jam. member 9,1921 W

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