Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Oct 1921, p. 3

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ins .1» “T. “TL? \! \hH T”! TO HIJH'TII’ET Downers firsve Weaving Wks 3E3}, I?" YUI'R ”I.” CARPET.“ AND (Ill-IAN {\(m‘ l “I SOMMFâ€"USLENOTES \v" 3‘! ’mm .\ I'mP-t, Imlv. Mn “uh-1| .l 'l'umwu. v’m un- 'N bu! 5: fr“ «Ln , pnwvvl mun m "w “r-l SI-Iv h-updu'. ('lr-uzn. on Thur-«lay. Sc-p-tv-mn-v 2m». M Hu- Am:- \( :l'.’ \rma. I" luv-MIN J-J‘Mu 9" mv‘mn ln‘. cit-gnulmu'. hh “Jr. «m and chmghlt-r. hi: moflwr. mw hruflwv and "'0 ~h1vhran-u-y ”or film-ml mu MM :ul \‘wpwnmo- t‘uwmrmmqm- .l' Q'hlazv'v Sun-Um :mu' “:1: Imm‘h .1" "'1"le lufrruu'n' u v- ".1va m Hm xnh‘t\ |"' ‘vuvvh'yg .‘C . .u: .‘X-mmrw “v. It .‘lh. 1'. )lvaoh-I uml um. t'lmnl.-..: 'fiau- u-luwwd (u Una-Ir lI-mw ant-r; un-mlmu a In» Nt'f‘k‘ \iâ€"il MU: "vkml. nn-I u-imnn in t'mmmmi. 0.. A-uu-w «hu man "05va m Hu- 'rmn .mvl \'-~v:‘l'IMv IBM"! 1” "nu-l ”I‘lr Fu- uu-l Vanni In mkr Um n!- ’ imn- Du-fnr l‘w gv’l' mm gr! [In-u» ham. [win 0 Mr. Thu.» Duh!»- \\'(~nt tn Sprint ‘n'kl Sulunln) tn allow! ”11‘ fum-rn! M u. bmflu-r-in-luw. Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Schultz and 'I'hu-(‘hiq'zmu Rmm'llof llu- “mm-11'» ”UP"! ‘I“‘"' 5”"“3! with f““""-" i" Inlrmnliunul lmmxm' fur Peace and l‘hh‘uzu. (Fuwlmn will hull! n 'l'c-u in hmmr of TM nnumlw" um! (14me nf lhc “3- ~ .l.uu- Achlum», [nun-annual halt- (‘hurch will huh! :I ’l'lumk "m" ( lmimmu uf/(lu' Lt-aguo. mu 'luw-alu)’. .ug «gm-or Friday t“1'lli|lK-')l1h’l‘l III", a! 2:30 in Rum“ ION) Mr. ('. Shum'r and mm. ('arL “3“")I'im- Ark "(mains nun-haw“ hum Wm. Schunnl. “"‘7 Mia». A‘Mum» uil! glu- an informal ’"HW' WWM')’ “MAP" M 3h" M". mm nu thu- lnu-rnulimml Summer ,\lr-. “- U "WHIP. who"! a! Sal/Jung. I!" ('ongn- ~s- of ,\|n_ ('. “ram! and mu. (len'l""vg\'-unnu. .uul "th I"\]Wlil"flll‘- u! Uw "tMv ”tum“! tn llulr II-mu' J": H “mm” ahr‘ud. ‘ fl’f‘mmw 3‘ m" “”‘k: H." “H“ ,‘lumu‘ “thm lirlu'lr run In! .nrmb un-i I'Hmu. . m 1 memmh. OHM,“ h, rmmmmivulmn ‘ ‘.h .\h'~. W. """"" “"" "f'" """' "_' {1"71. "No-u m- 1m. M. u "'im‘r. Mr. ('. Shum-r and mm. ('arl. Imu- ruu-lm-ml hum Wm. Schunnz. (In- hmm- n-wntl)’ \amlml by Mr. auul Mn. \2’. 0, "0'3u2n P, Thifhr. "030133 l'ul1m' :Hh‘n-k“! 1hr fum'r M uf Mrs. H. II. Has-“Tiler. of N:- pr-nillv. Suhmhu‘ afternoon. ' Mrs. M. VI-unnl ul' thl- Hmvv. 5')?!“ Thursday at 'lhv hmm‘ M Mr. and Mr“. A. l'm1e-r. .‘lxs. E. “are! syn-m wwml oluyr‘ L. luluaukrv whiting hvr >i>(c-r. 4“I'.‘. Hamlin I'm‘u-r is {mu-him: in tho an'n‘illn School uf Religious Edu- (Minn. l.i.~le Chum-h Notes On Friday evening of thin week. 'i:;‘.() new time, a puppy-1‘ is m be surv- (‘d in the Social Rooms of the Church. 'l‘hié‘ will h- followed by a shout mus- ical program, with an address by Miss Josie Horn, \\'hu has spent. six years in Fenchow, China .and will tell «1' {nor experiences in that wonderful country. No charge is made for the. a-upper, but a Thank Offering will be nm-ivml fur Missions. Evrrybody in- vimd. Sunday, October 9th, is Rally Day in the Church and Sunday Schuul. It wiii he observed with a 51min! sew Vice to begin at 10:00 2|. m., new time. 'i'hm‘o- win he stings by the classes .-.ud mi-mbvrs o {thv Sunday School, and the minister will gi\'v."u‘lulk or} The Ancient and Madam Rally” [fit (very pupil and parent bu present. .wd make it a run! rally. Then- will be a Song and Preaching «"vinr Sunday owning: at 8:00, now hmv. Sl-rmnn tlwmc: “Winning Suc- n+5." Young people aw espcc-iully ‘rm'iu-d In this .wrvinr. Choice 7 Per (on! Pine Norman: Pnrmvr; é‘. SYN-thank P-ank “Mg. Phnno 22-3 IEWSY NOTES FR 0 M L-ISLE AND BELMM‘I‘ |.0.\NS Edward H. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE In“, Eriday, October 7, 1921 \l: HIGI". \Nl) .\'F. \R “KIT/LN «w, "u DR. W. W. COURLEY I! Hui “I «I RUGS Phone 32-! RI'GS FOR SALE M'v'l ‘- m| .\Il Kinds M INSI'RANCF. lhhm "Mm-rd 1‘3 ‘.n "1. “u? .. 1:1} l! H, ".1 m1 rd y V: Mm *' n IN VEST.“ ESTS IN [(HTH IN I" ‘l In ‘l-Ium-nr l'l'ufl' and (30mm. Faulhahvrf 5A grout (Iva: m" rrmlit. mm! hr gin-Iv sl'u' hum» m ”w affair was a can». . hahxto --mpr5.<v to the nwn. Tho (-n-v Iniug was flu”)! playing 'zlrds and itkuu-h-q, lll'liK-inkh I't-frt-shmvnts \w‘w' h-rrml. Tim mmsts dvpunml m a late hmn‘, wishing the lln'm- mm many huu'rv surf: humus birthduyc. J XXV ADDAMS T0 E TUJi \T (‘ HICAGO - TE\ OCTOBER llth Mrs. John Egm-numn :md Alisa-s Laura and Emma Mum-(NT of Na- pvrviHv and Mrs. Mary German" 01' Dvmrah. Iowa were mums at tlw Adam Dil‘tvr hulm- Tuesday. Mrs. Ht'nry Fullllnflwr t‘nlvrlaim-ll ammt sixty n-lmiws at a most do- lightful surprisv party 'l‘umday cwâ€" nimg. Thu event was in honor of “w hinluli of Henry I’uullmhm, Mrs. Frank Meyer tun-k sm'mld [H'izc on hnr driving horse an the Lyons 'l‘n\\'n.~'hip Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Collins (loudrivh‘ and Mr. “fishy l'arlu-r spent Sunday vw- “in“ will: tha- Georgr “'visln'uok family. Bliss Carrie Poster of Dmvners has been spending several days with Mrs. I'l'urr)‘ Fostvr. \lu‘mw “idling 'I‘irh-lu ('un Sn-nn‘ 'I'lwm me Mn. \\’. .l. ()‘Ne‘iu nr “n; Prime. Oil Stoves, Small Heaters Base Burners Furnaces O-l ‘nmh ”Mn 5‘" l'l),\l.\”‘2l£("|;\l. LAW PERMANSHII' ”HT” 'l'\'l'}I\\‘RH‘|NH ('H 'TAI‘HOKH (1).“ PTO.“ I'ITHR r-‘HUIITHANI‘ HANKIXC School Re-opens BIG I".\I.I. TERM STARTS SEPTEMBER 6TH PATIZRSON BUSINESS INSTITUTE MEI-angc, Illinois "H\ IZ\ l.\.\'TRI'(ITURS {IHHKKIZHI'ING ILH'II' ('.\I.l'l‘I,ATI().V !'(I,\I.\IFIIN'|‘\I, LAW LI'I'ITIZR WRITING PERMANSHII' ENGLISH I’Ul'l'll TYPE“ RI l'lNH .\Il’LTH?R.â€"\I“IHNC l‘It‘TAl‘IIONH l‘OMIIUN St'IIflUI. IIIIANFIIHS I'().\I|"I'O.\II'3TI‘ZR IlI'SIXENS ARITHMRTIC SIIOIITIIANIV III'SINHSS l'RA(,‘TI('I-I RANKING SI'I‘IIJJN‘H I‘|'\‘('TI';\TIU.‘J FRHXFH Night School Mon. and Thurs. J. D. Gillespie 6: Co. General Hardware ”wan“! {mm tvmnt).«th.~m~ :MTH‘l-m dams. HEATERS nomns GROVE “rennin. nowmms GMVE. ILLINOIS ull mists in |his county upl'll Illt‘ll" season's activitivs with plans for u sch-iv» for n italic! anl tn he» used in nwoling lin- \"illl! spl‘d‘flll sull'm'ing and lured: of t‘X-M'I'Tlfl' mm rhu- tol unvmploynwnt and disability. , In a nut sin-ll. hou- is the lirstl x-Iulse ul' llu‘ Iii-lief l'lzui. ‘ A gvnoml campaign is now unnh‘r: .wuy \o rem-h vvrry disabled maul, inhoso claim has nail hum: takvn earni inf »thi.~' campaign is Iii-inn: curried uni 'jninlly by [510 New Suitlivr Bureau? 'l'l'balml by llw vnuchm-nt nl' thei lSwl-NL Hill,"l'lu‘ lied (.‘mss :Iml [hi-7I . lmgrion. ! I To provide a mums of Hvliri‘ tn: .-.'|l t-x~:---I‘\'icv nu-n nut of funds and; Inn: ul‘ juhs ihn old (imml l'avifiv" jllutui in Phil-ago has lu-vn lvanml by} Etlu' Lmziun and will he (wl'hl‘dl us a! "mm-l for “woman nnly. Men will ho', i't*;Il-'ll'."('ll in ("1111‘ to l-limimilv imni pl)$(('!':~ um! tn prupcriy 1'}:l.~:.~ify thrm', 'u-nwling lu flu-ir «lii’frrv-m \w-uli'ms ':iml trades. They will lw iii-milled lu‘illi :l hml, itlvun night gnu". lnu'v! _n~u! Ith for lI-n cunts. lin‘nki'url ;\‘x|‘l hi- i'mni‘zhwl Tm‘ ill vent and Tulmwr fur '30 cents, making a lnlnl‘ irqu-nw "or day fur rut-h man of 40 Lia-uh; 'i'lmsv whn {H't‘ alilv lo mun. ‘will in- d'NIN‘t'll‘ll lu Ill) so Hull thaw, whu haw no mom-y will he giwni u'i-clli with the undowtumlimz that it L a! Ilvht nf hunnr [hat “my will b!- ll'llr-Yl‘ll tn pay when lhI-y lll‘!’ final»,i Hull} nhlv. iw'uliu- (lonmml for tho-1* non-milieu- l 'l‘hv Legion has found ii. nm-cssuryl himmviilu u large hnumlll ul’ ('lvtllv him to "It'll who hun- bm‘n pmflimlly [whim-(l to 111:» and lo moot an imv will rmulirc thc' earnwl cnuwn‘alinn "I" flip puhlic. Each first in tho finality will plan it: own campaign for r; ‘sing ils qnuv 1:1. Law-I'm- T. l't-rrnlu-l Post. No. 76, 5‘ loading nil‘ with an vsWnsivox l'uumuign in the SM“ of Mulsnn tickn 11‘ to u smius of the high gi‘ullv l-n-l lu-vluiunwnlrz that they will give lhnli 11w x-simrr wasun and is calling upon» :x’l lln-ir runmmniiy orgunimuiuns for; l “mph-Minn. l! is possihlu that. .1 m-norul runnty; l'mul will hv era-atoll to annual cunâ€" ll‘llillllfln.‘ l'uim suurcn-s not covered? hi the individual l'ust vumpuigus, In: announcements will be: i . which Mr“! mmli- llll‘ullu‘l) tln- county mum's. Ihil’npi- County has over been; «quil'li ll- n-spmnl lo >m‘ll railsâ€"41ml; 5 room collage 1 complete with lixl Also Instr \VASHIN ‘ Mfl A general campaign is now uunlvr way \0 rem-h vvrry disabh‘d man uhoso claim has nut hl‘l‘ll takun van- nl' »thi.~' campaign is brim: curried on jointly by [310 New Soldier Hurt-an (-Immnl by the onuclIm-nt n" the Stu-"L Hill, 'l'iu‘ lied (Sims and [lu- Lngrion. To provide a mums of lh‘lirl‘ tn season's uclivitivs with plans for n dr'n'l‘ for :1 Relief Fuml tn he used in nwfling Hu- \"il'l! spl‘d‘flll sull'm'ing and "weds of t‘X-M'lTiCl‘ mm (luv to unmnp!o_\‘1m-nt and disability. In a nut shell. hou- rs Nu: Iir>t x-Imse uf ”\l‘ lit-lief l'lzul. 'Hn- Dul'agc- County ol‘gmnizntiun ut’ the Ameri 1m LI-giou commisinu u” pnsts in Hols county opl'll flit-ir WINTER CAMPAIGN STARTED BY LEGION POSTS 0F DU PAGE 'var‘c'n‘ice Hen Make l'lamx for R1;- l.-I‘ «1‘ Forum-:- Soldiers Dur. in): (fuming Winter. T. J. Groteleld 94 w. Cumin Street Downers Grove, Illinois i<hi- y: 1:) work way through EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING Trlrflm‘w m The equipping of this building to [-mvicle for 1200 men. the maiute~ ham-o, «ml, light and food will I!“ quirc m» small amount of mom-y. A cumplclv Servim- and Hmplm m-nt Human will be rfitablishl'd in tin» luau-l. Thus a Central Employ- uwnl Hun-an will lul pun-Med with which all the u-nmluymont depart- mculs ul' tlw factories and husim-ss ' run ('uopn-ratl'. 217 E. Franklin SI. Phone, Downcm 227 5 mm cottage wired complete with [times (3. W. “'HH‘H. Resident Agent Plume 65-1 for Demonstration, Also .\g;‘(-nt f0!- Thc Eastern Automobile lmlemhity Assn Hinsdale Ford Agency 'l’iw Furs! Sedan ix tlw fm‘m'ilv family car; svuls five (-umfnrtnhly. While an vm-lcmwl our with m-rmam-nt tup. it has Imm- win- (ltms, and may in a minutv In.- rhzmyzml in :I must tlvlip‘hlful uyw; c-ztr \xi'h :zlmu‘s :I {up prom-ting against Ihc: ~qm. in int-Iv- m: m \u‘ullhvr if. is n 4 YIN-Ii (-ur. «hustprcmf. \\’:.Im'u!' «~nicimu...“‘. l’im-Ijr ii}'1'l’!~'l!‘l’- :I must delightful nyw: u [up )n'uhw'ling ugnilifit l m: M, \x‘HIIhvr it 33' :x HIM \“HH‘ m'tmr. ("ih‘l‘hlhni HI. iiquimwd “Ml v-h. lighting fish-m :md ”tut“ 2‘.‘ Tim'h tirrs {rum :rml I H}: (12!: Tim (It-lights r. “iii! ”11- rmnumy "{1th Maintenance and Electric Repairs THOR WASHING MACHINES SumonflechicCo. Also Distributors of WASHING MACHINES and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Tl“; ”82VSREAL CAT! INSTRIBI 'TORS the Legion of thin county knows that while its emu-us have aided the des- titute of Europe, Asia and the many miswflanenus needs at home. that tho cu” for it» uwn zauldiers against hun- gvr. want, MM and tlcslitution win mm! ct-rminly ll'CL‘iTt‘ the [vapour-(- Hwy don-n15 (ARI) 0|“ THANKS We wish tu thank the many friends of Mn. "(Kim-s and vspa-cizllly the M. E. l’hilmhea Class and Nut-hi"! lltrbvkah Lodge, for their sympathy. lwtpfulnrss and floral om‘rings in le‘ mwut tragic death. Mrs. J. W. Rogers. Mr, and Mm W. A. Heal. [In-Elm; Laulius In cull and NM the lu-uutiful (mu. Suits. Dn-ssns. Sepamlv Skirts, Waists. Nu, said by m'n' l'O'Ol‘l‘kt-Wululi\'1,‘-~“NS. EM- RICH. FORALFIT “I‘flfifiifllt‘r and (Tami- sulvs in many styles, also Girdle!- tm: for school girls. Try a Barclay Corset, 01w your gum :mlcv. MRS. EMRICH Victor Ladies Tailoring of Chicago mm! HI "turd \ 75 No. Forest Ave. ‘0! at “IDmt- Momlays -~\:w1im;- :mil :uhh Him with .\ rut! fum- :(- I-YH-H'iv (‘:H' $85 A "Triad 0" "no of the (mun-divs that mad" him ‘fnmmm. The with-s pi'nrlaimed t}: i< the finest cnmody dra- ma m 11111 year. it Lumin- i) i- ; 111(t111o )011 should not 1111<<ns it i.: '.11' 1h0ve the average entertainment Yulili‘, A Cams, Girl's 32mm nuigminmesm Chas. Chaplin Tues. and Wed. Oct. Nth 6: 12th Saturday, October 8th Alice Lake "The Misfit k, Wife" in “Stronger Than Death ('nmedy and Van: :Reel ViOfATDANA m ' ' 'THE CHORUS GJRLS WANG? and Into» ifét'iOflfl' News (‘ 0 M l N G NAZIMOVA A lso III in

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