Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Oct 1921, p. 2

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Foflcminz i< the lim‘ up nf ”19 Lo;- fmn team. Cline, C. R. H. Allison. R. O. B. Mochel. R. L. E. Butler. R. T. Downer, 0.. F. RVEV. Dextvr, L. T. _ Brown, Roth, C. Vaughan, R. E. *Galhlp, Moran, L. G. Roth, Antko'ilk B. G. Stevenson, Vix. L. I. i hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination a. 81mm of DuPnge county at the piâ€" mrias next April. V’ rn‘v is '.h- (Mk a'ru'k Friars :1 fact tv-nm. hm (hm hm the weight and :xpmienrn In play great foot ball. Tho game should be our of tho heM of (he seamn. l‘onn3 out you motors and give the hop ymlr mpp‘nrt. Downs scored the Um» touch- down: and Brown kickcd the goals making a grow of 2! In 0‘ TN harkfiv-M of Un- laul Imam tu wnrlmf mil, wiflv (hum (Wino at H'"! M" and "tr 0M "45an fulL buck "S-‘mry" lim-rmr, and ”w- “! («1111' '0‘" half. "'Mf'l- '0- rM' -~ nu. I'K- (firm-Wm vvf ("me M- 3590" n=:l".l‘f hawk .\-’l .-- ”by". ll ("‘3‘ itmr (ur mw “4m has Inn-n MI! 0f Influx" for «4va ‘h’lP- and "w mam» r in whk-h hr n-im-i lhv play; In: rn-n (a halt upvm. Mn» and "cum” gain-w! many yard I'M" lhv lilw :Ini "llutrh" Mm, Ch?! Ln! .“a_\ fur mud gain.»- ammo-l 0-6er anI. Paul Vaughan may"! he" llum‘ mil [nrw at right rml‘ Loni: Stavrnvnn must hv [Mr .1 hand an in MM :lmrn loft cm! for the fin! ha" :J‘J m rtainly «Hi‘ "ml UI" gunk. Tho Legion tram i~ pmdicing ban! for their next game to he flayed horn Sumlay. ()flnhv‘r Im'rh “hen the) htkk the Oak Park I" ' vafllo. Ill. ‘Hw Wavy lim- «I the Legion ekrm wa- a 4mm ta" MI ”I" drfmflw. "w ram." making won "(”0 gm! "m- Hw "If. «My mali‘ a few 250-! pas-v: which “rm [0" '0' I ’il'lr rrmml’. l‘. 5m: ("w foams." but 810- .lm :‘lv-nwom ”h- Ann-n" IMO. chad Inn-k a In" cm! of "an Mn AIM-hr ‘ Nb 9' (Tim. on "it loal “1-H to ”w NM 0' 2' I. O. OAK PARK FRIARS. FAST ELEVEN. Ill-IRE FOR SUNDAY GAME I" "It wort. TM~ in "W I‘Iy (M Mlh school team hm damn! Hrr)‘ game 015». Mum. In UM flrut quarto-r of half. they cum-t n! warm! but nlmyn' come Inc-II “mug lolvr. Tbr wort o! no loath-Mun! «and: out \(l’, much In In! Ms [W- W lam play- In I tum. my do ’ Making ”H'il' fll‘ht, and unl)‘, tum-Iv! dam in flu- first «mule-r and upâ€" ”n-utly tflmrganizing Mary play Dowm rs dark-cl. 8!. Album ummm-«l to hr "to “inner. "u! - m- a big: 3 butvv “mum rs cunw bark «rung and ‘1 rusty-cl SI. MMM «If llwir furl. recur... in. almou n! will. 1 l’lmiuy unlwalulnh- the tin-.4. quarter llw l 81. Album whqol "I ‘ Saturday «fin-moon at T by "Ir mu'l‘ «or 25 (u 7‘ Thu} Slniglll Wins. Cleaning up on 81. Album whom. In»! Saturday afternoon on; lhe local field nave U)!- I). (I. H. S. t-h-w-n lhn‘v filmiphl \tins in ”mm :51 vs plnyvd for NH- :0 «an. I'AVIDIVMTE I‘Oll SHERIFF. tomb lloth teams are, m u.~uul. cunficlen! of \‘lvlory. We are not very good 3‘ making [)N‘di(’tl0fl.~. but this we will say~Glcn Ellyn will know tln-y have boen in a football game after Sim-I- tllo flaming: Hf tlw high who“) :11 (Hm Ellyn thuro has been keen rivalry betww-n trams, and us- pcciuily t'uutlutliuvwawa romosc-nlilm that school 1Wm. ‘Whilo un- rhnlr; has been‘ eun, it has 3150 berm friendly, the two schools mingl- ing tugothel beforv and. after game» likv friends and brother”. This fact, and also that the locals have a chance to amwx (lu' county championship this «axon, "Lu-km tonmrrmv's game an important unv. ills-n l‘Illyn tln- In. will trawl to that Villa: (“on "I'll “arriurn, lnw‘fiuf UH' big “11ml:- ni' 1er high schuul hwumll M’ustm \xm‘ lu- played Lu" rmw (Saturday) \xf'lvruoon, at and SI. “bans. of Sycamore. Badly Beaten in Last Half of (hunk-st "ru- Saturday. GLEN ELLYN AND DOWNERS IN BIG GAME TOMORROW I m 0. ha roanâ€"I â€"-N M O IN My. (Advertisement) «imminent-ouch FRANK mum O-IH I'm-Hm" aflrr locals trimmed chumou- last anorinl l‘ark “1’." Mus-“t :iL’ll «Riven thv- high llw PHONE l8! 6. 8. 11A!" 81'. Inter-Ilium] Tractor: and Fun [mph-eat: of All l‘lnh. Pith. I'JZI. 3 Thu} wow act-numniml by Ma's. ”ham-r. mulht-r uf Nu- bride. and Mr. .uml Mrs. Frank Ilufildm lo the bonu- uf Un- "m‘. M. It. OI-vn, "XX! South (Mk Purl: «wane. WIN “a: fornwrl) u uml‘hbm nml frwml nl’ 0w [room uml clun- mate of Mn. Iluukin- ul Iliu- Lako. Winona". ‘ nmxm _. Mcmmm INTIMATES FURNISHED OX REPAIR WORK CHICAGO .H' ENUE Maroon Elan Washington Sn. PHONE 197-] TM bride ix "In «laughter of Mr. and Mn. Dunn. 8‘36 l'nhom’ly awn. Indian. Wham-la. all the groom Ilw ~on u! “I. and Mn. ’2. it. Mr (fathom. 0! {Nu flu. and In «mph,» ml al Jmlyn Mtg. (30.. having fln~ Mm! (hr mum-I ongimr'n courw nl “Rwanda llnbwr-Hy Iu-t Jun. Thug will lam at Romp after Now-m- hrr In! II no Hartman Ive-mm 21 ‘7 Fares! 1". Hum “54' 04 MM- and En mm m- nrâ€"o uremic m pm c... mud: mum-Comm In "wa nuilv Irv-O Miw flrululn lN-anm and Willuul Sluifullum m-u- quivm manic-1| at UM: l‘mk. "L, “winch-4h}. 00(0qu WIVM‘II‘.\I. l-ZVGI\F.IZR .r\.\'l) \ 59-“ out. I" Samqm Tudor and Hon I‘ll! NM IDE\IH\<TH\TI0.\ imam turf-shed an new or F. W. KETTEXRING Contractor 8; Builder JULIUS JOHNSON - 3' \h'. and Mrs. A. A. Wilwn. of 1422 ICU-z ri'ilh Mara, (‘hlm-go. \xu.. unendâ€" w; 1" ML.» llx'rth- Snmh H\ maid 0f wm- r. and Mr. I‘fafl'. thu «m of Mr. Sl’lfl'l’. \TIR ‘hran'a A". M 3021! [bum (into. "I. A beautiful service was held in (Tin-ist Episcopal Church, Chicago, hut \\'edn--.â€"vlay afternoon at four 0' wwk when Mix» Ruth Stewart Wil“ .«m am! Mr. Edwin Huff were united in =~'v- hand; of Holy Mutrimmny, by; Hu- 12.x. Hug-h .u. Mur\\'hnrh-r of SL' .\ml*w \-.'- (‘hurcIL I))I\\'Ht'l'w Grove,‘ ‘f'mw. ‘35» “'ilum. the daughter "If uh RomanInuu Carpenter Jobbing IMPLEMENT DEALER JOHN S. LOZII-IR W. B. ROD.“ .\ .V WILSON â€"â€"â€"PFA FF m Odom-h (haunted DOWNERS mama: Rum-rm mum..- 31-1 DOWNERS GROVE REPORT ER, DOWNERS GIQQVE- ILLINOIS I They left shortly after the com- ‘mnny for a shunt honeymoon. destina- fliun unknown. and will be at home 'Jl‘ler the l‘nsl of November in their émuny frivmh in Carpenter strt-el. Our swans. I! l- HII‘I'Mnrr mer Ingram-u "up. M") m rulvhuh- in new mnnh, ln_n~nr In: mu Int-l lu-I'IHI Hum mm mn- Iuvln. o-n-r, run" In! 1r mm- mm! hunch! h-Mmu Hm! 'u‘lcmg- "- uur nmum- I-I-Immul llurk» ‘1 Mi»; Thelma [loo sung two beauti- ful solution». “l'nlil That Dan" and :“1 Low Ynu' and pluvml Hu- Lohen- 1min wedding mzurh to the strains of zwlu’rh Mo. and “vs. Malkhum took {UN-6r plafl‘n‘ at the improvisml altar. ”nae-rum It is a genuine Eastman Kodak. Inexpen- sive, but efficient. The pictures are 2 l-Z x 4 l-4 and children can operate them as well as grown-ups. If your youngster is interested in photography this is the ideal outfit for a start. Later one of the larger sizes can be purchased. Real Gonerouty‘ A rum-40' "I YnuLc-v alum-«um “'01? "Men: uf u prumim-ul HUM-n ul‘ u'hu .- mu'mfln llu'ro- lunl ulna-u Inn-u r- ~ shim-Mole dilfw'o-m-n- nf upiulam. “Wu-H." NIIII lN-m-un I". u, “l lmu- ul\m.\~‘ hnhl Hun llrutlu-r "mun um um- uf "u' Imwl c'lmrlluhh- uwu In Ill“ qun. Fur humurv. l lmu- m-n-r Lnuun him In rumw in IN"! hl‘ Mu: h." b. any- quly u-Im nuknl him Mr it" Eastman Films 0 Supplies 2-A BROWNIE KODAK lh‘lillivfl.‘ and (-hm- l'ric-mis of tho xivinity to the number of thirty “1b m-psml Un- u-n-muny which was fol- luwml by refit-slim?" , A very pretty home wedding was ,cviebl'utevi Wednesday afternoon at the hmm' of Mr. and Mm..Jack.~1m Link-fun] ,in Grow strum, who" their «inughtm; [hunk-0 Viuim became tin.- glii'iiii‘ of Mr. William (7. Markham, Gun M Mr. and .\l:.~. (it'll. ’2'. Markham ‘09' Spring Vanni-5', Minn. The “UV. (iiihnl ll. deawi junta! ut' Mu.- \lotmni‘i. t «Il‘piuupui church, loud the in- 1-14! in! Hum 01‘ ”in simzh' iing m w- mun} uhii-h inwiv liwm man and Thv Link-Yuri lmmo nu» prn-ltily fireman-d “Hh autumn lawn and the bridal pair nwt undo; an arch m" arm-awry, Un- hrislv lmnking wry bvuuliful in a gown of lnuwn mntun raw-1m and carrying a rhou'n-r hoqufl nl' whiw hritla H1395. Cash or Terms Seiberl Norris Markham~Uttleford Ste-m Hauling - Sewer Building Gas Flmng we...» as 'W4fiflfliflm M EVERYTHING IN A MUSICAL LINE A Full Line of KODAKS Garfield Piano Co. KODAKS Fred D. Helnhe P L U M DING Dmdod Fog. 'l‘hv [murmur Is a (nu mmlmqai n! m.» m-wlhw ul' im- uhirlt um'ul“ ill \Iinu-r In muuuluinuu‘ n". w .u' 3..- uamh‘o'u l n'lml Shun. II i~ 0111mm. [0 Arm: |~rm~ In Hu- “mus She lwmmo a member of Honor Camp of the Royal Neighbors. of America in August. 1920. She has lmen a faithful anal loving mother and‘ will b4.- gmatly missed by her children and her large circle of friends. Mr». L‘onlvy lurcamv u nwmbvr of First Evangelical Church of Downers (hfnvc. Illinois, in 1910 and remained fuithful in attendance and loyal to the church and to the Christian life to tho time of her (lecease. (ht-Aide Ind Iii-Mt I'll-krill NEW AND REPAIR WORK gm "lodge“ Aw. I'hono 422-1 HERMAN HESSE J.v.»»io Jnm- Houk “:14 bum Apri? 811:. 1870. in Iknvner.» Gmw- aux-X hm wr-nt lwr entire “(1- how. In 1895 ah.â€" mu married to H. J. Funk-3" and U't'w- duughtl'r'r. M:’.-. H A. Isdu‘l’. l-‘imm-nw, and Duluth}. and tu‘u sum, \\'iHi:nn and Rom-rt and MW broth-2'. (burg.- Hunk. are h-H to mourn hur hn.~.~'. Mrs. (,‘nnloy dim-l Monday, Uctu‘n-r lf'lh, after an ”hm“ dating sinu- the first of July. Punt-ml services were lmld yeah-r- day for Mrs. R. J. Conley at the Con- h-y homo on Railroad Hire-9t. Uu- Rev. J. Alfmd Nannen. pastor of First Evangelical vhurch. officiating. Bur- ial was muzh- in thv \\’e.â€"t Sidr reme- (my. Cement Block and MRS. R. J. CONLEY 13 W. Railroad St. '0‘-" “We a WEST SUBURBAN moron €0le lam-gum. localSalesml, mummy, I III-cl I’I-II I-I ‘l I I I I I I Isl: LIIMRER Potter Mfg. 5: Lumber Co. 1} L. E. FINZEL STOPS AT MILLEDGEVILLE FOR MOTOR REPAIR Moulding l at}: Nails 1m. Etc A [illwork Flooring 'vl' I I? l-' lugflm'lwmxwmq Shingles Lumber Doors Windows Sheet metal Remember 'i‘hc L'LiL-zt SupenSnlukeless' Hot Air System is. \ .u-thy of your examination. The W illiu: son Hot Air F urnuccs meet the most difl'icult requirements wm mm: AUTOMOBILIS m num- Bmcx wm. 3mm rm (w... \ WHEN BUILDING meet every condition. Should anraccitvlent happen to {he Buirk radiator core. the dam. aged section can be removed and quickly replaced with a new section. Yon don"t have to buy a complete new core. (‘ome in today and see the new Buick modelsx. The Buick Radiator is typically Buick ~ strong and ample in its cooling capacity to Place Your Coal Order Now Phone One Five hie} Sign YOUR EMPTY COAL BIN Mr. Coal Consumer INTELLIGENT HOT AIR HEATING Man-future's I: Dealers COM. MILLWOIIK llufldinx Materials of All Kinds Get your cool in the bin, sit back and don’t worry. “Old Ben” Franklin (‘0. is sold exclusively by us in Downem Grove. Lowest prices now for this high gmde coal. Also hard coal. Poca- hontas. “Carbocoal” etc. Everybody will need coal then and it may be hard to get. So why de- lay phoning vour order Now for early delivery. ORBIT J SERVICE DIENER BROS. PHONE 199-R Should be filled now. Its only a few weeks until heat will be necessary. THE YHe writes The Reporter that he will 'stay there this week, working and mo pairing the motor and will start next 'Monday on his interrupted journey. ‘ fit; smut the roads that far have been fine and he anticipates no further .truuhlo .vmco the motor is hitting. Hi5 journey will br- “Hitched with intent-"l. am! he has promised to keep u,~ informwl {If his progn-ss. 21$...“ . 3 935 afoul-.33 . g 15 12-me . 341s Fridayzw ,i U P: Mcfi Fours Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravel

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