Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Oct 1921, p. 7

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Wook Daysâ€"â€" 8:“) a. m. Mass. Saturday Evenings*s:oo p‘ fictirm. "R31" EVANGEIJCAL CHURCH "'$i'é:;§"fiihi$'“éi£.éc men at 9:45 a. In. All men arr cordially invned to attend. 9:45 a. m. PIMP School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Theme: "Frpn From the Law lustrated. 630p.m. B V. RU. Kenneth Morton President. 7:30 p. m. Union Service at First Emu-gallon! Church. _- WAR-rm Servicp Wednesday even- ing at 8 o'dork. 'Smgjl‘ui; "hnfl'uw u: Alnm‘mom,“ “Mar-«Day- ru-nmg Tatum-bl Ivnmp. N200 p m, lt-mlimz Roam 0;». "and” mi ‘lz-wly fmvr- ?! I“ 7‘ p. R- T‘u pqur ;: r-vdiauv {Mind .0 flCIr-J H»- ”mm” and h ‘1le Id .0 "w rnding (1mm IETBODIST EPISCOP‘L CHURCH g...â€" Gfllnrt H. Nowlnud. Pastor Sunday, October 16th. 1921. Sunday SchooI'at 9:45 a. m. Morning Service at 11:00 a. m. Theme: “Some readjustmvuts (or the New Era." Euworth League at 6:30 p. m. Subject: “How We May Apply the Golden Rule ngluty." fl _ _.. LI.,. Evan'éei'lcil Clinch. Wednesday, October 19th. _8:00 p, m. Midweek Prayer Ser- Sunday. October 16th. 1921. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. Men es- pecially invited. 11:00 a. m Moming Devotional Sen-ice. “The Nemesis of Ignorance." 6:45 p. 111. Christian Endeavor 7:30 I). m. Union Meeting in First Octu‘uer lfith,_ 19$! . w. - gnu-u .. be IIN'CSUI’NI .fur (how have been ln~ deed notable. 'l'lw gram service of the Auxiliary, however. has bean in llw unexpected hen-Cu "a: lave come to the (‘hun'lu through {ls min- iunlhflr. , . n II.W y. "I. "-1 u"... -._‘,‘. - , Samoa. (Note the chain in an hour of (Mn ren'ke). 0» 80min}; NM cmhrr 8th. "a Cc!- lcmuul of IM fwmhmm of the Don- e-t‘u- um Poul” moloury My 0! IN (‘Mn'h Mil lu- "Maud. 0:105" mu. um. Tut-«lay. Saint l.uio'~ Day. .. A, l___ nay-v < mum-K'fi "qu ('ommunlol. mob!" lmh. thmuhy. 1:30 p. m. (‘lm‘r Oduhrr 20th. That-day. L10 n. m “'m1n_a Guild and “ulucn l‘ulc I. v“... ,. 7:30 5. m. Union Service at the Fin-'0. Evangelical Church. «Richmond P. Hubson will speak on "The Crisis." The Annual Sunday School Banquet will be held in the M. E. Church par- lors Tuesday, October 18th, at 7:00 a! m. Rev‘ J. S. Ladll Thomas will the speaker of the evening. Dr. Thomas IS just back from London where a conference of all the Metho. dist societies was held. He is one of the foremost preachers in Chicago as the large audiences at the First M. E. Church. Austin, where he is the pastor, will prove. Vlc“. wlu'flv lvtll, -v..-. 'l'kw I-‘iflibth Avmiwrsury o! the foundation of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Minions. The Church in America haw: at for itself a grate- {ul task in mntklug with npeciul thunk-giving this event. There would he uhummnt mum! for this if only on account of the (in: which can be counted ‘or the. wolh which can L-“_ L..-_ Iâ€" 7:30 and 11:00 a. m. Corps-cu! Comma-hm of Ihr member: cl tho 8. Amln‘w'a Branch 0! the Woman'- Mummy. ”:45 a. m. Church School 5:00 p. m. l2xrplu_ [’11ny and .LA Au unmi‘ M 8:?!) p. m. Compline. WC“. 1i '9 .3‘ choir will...s@«-. a. m. Morni'ng Worship. III! \vl’lIlll' Will mug. The Pastor 'i" begin . m of non. mum! nr nnrlmodr‘barlyle. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. Rn. Fact 3. 1M In. Wu. GMrch. P... Arthur Spencer Phelps. Mini-let The Rev. Huh M. Human in?!) a. «1. Sunday School. W45 .1. m. Morning Worship Subjn‘t: “TM (all M Arms." 1:30 p. 1». Evening Warship. 'uhjod: "My Acrmmt." eryhmly Welcome. CONGREGAfiONAL cannon The are for .\ $4ng Schnal at 9:!!! .- ."xmdm aninv M "i” Rn. 1. Alfred Nansen. Putin. 1‘ VHREWS 4FI’ISCHI’AL CHURCH V II?” VRI'CICM (W {'NKQS‘L WII'ATIST I \I Is E\ \NGIYHCAI. GROVE STREET rm'm F'lRfiT BA I‘TIST ('I‘IURCH ST. IOSEPII'S CATHOLIC Rev. Arno“ H. Kehfl, ”Mlle? I‘m-h-CIIVIQ “Mary "III £Mvnnr|irvh r you and your family. Atoflrmt‘nl ,‘_' FOR » Commercial thling Light mv‘tcr repain Light mar: _ “at" mlrs ...... Wat" meters .. Water mm rppair< Watt-r tapping {on Sewer Permits ..... Um: .......... Dog (axes: .. ...... TOTAL (‘ommisisomrs Haller moved to nulâ€" journ to the next regular meeting date October 17 1921. On m" call Commissioners Bender. Haller and Acting Mayor Haunt voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. Polico hm» ............... 16. Automobile fines .......... 96. Lamp sales .............. 36. Dc-posit on sak- 0M engines 4m. Salt- of supplies .......... 10 Salr of poles ............ 18. (Earhagv olispmal ........ 3 Sagsass V [Disbursements ho .‘itml to crrrlic of the.. may Treasurer ....... $3672.74 ('nrnmissimr Bender morn! that the reports hr placed on record. 0!! mu call Commissinners Brnder, Hal' ler, [byte and Acting Mayor Heart: votml Aye. Nays none. Motion pat» (‘ onu-uniom ................ St. l'mcopius College land. . «Emotion ............. w. . Pramium ribbon .......... 'lont transportation from City and whim ............. A llle-ly ('..o lumber, etc. .. Ram! Ilanuy l: 00.. Urgent. .‘limm's nf Hu- MN»: nr {MM-- IM. um. \u-n- wad and ('umminkmrr "7!!“ mmwl In uppumo i:mw. 00 NH gull (‘mvmiukmmw ”vulva "AIL kt. “new mid Acting .‘lawr "ear“ muwl Au. .\' .- mam. Manon rah ('dlvrtor‘~x and Tnaéuu‘r’s repartsjrmllty fnr n.» man") ..r Svptemhrr um.‘ mm \u-rv roml In Inflows: flat 2 r ml.l.l~x'mrs nnmur fu‘ “'0 To "W («when "I the Vilfap of; non-nor: firm-r. Illinois. Ik-nunmenzf Thv {allowing ia my "pan for "90‘ mumh at floplomher [92L ' ('hafi. .\l. "itch. ’ \‘iliap‘ ('Mbrlur. VMitl-Week Prayer Son-ice ~â€"â€" wou- nesduy at 7:30 followed by Choir reâ€" Hau- you “"0" noticed how much! henrsal. more is appropriated for hoe! cattle! â€"- ~~Mw premiums than for dairy cattle. The! UNITED BRETHREN lilolsioin industry rpm-memes as much? CHURCH OF EAST G“ovalwealth as the Shortlmrn industry,g ‘ [There are not quite as many pun“: Re" 4' C. Nansen, Pflnr- thred llolawins its Shorlhorm in llli~l lnuis, lull thoro aru mon- people howl Sunday School 10.00 I. m. idling Holsteins it’ we include lhci Church Services 11:00 a. m. :grude lhnn urt‘ handling Sllfll'lhOI‘Ils; All are welcome. iinclutllnx grades. The amount of illâ€"l “some derived from Holslolns is far in} TREASURER’S REPORT'vaess olt ihlut llt'l'h'fd from short-l urns, ye w DI‘OIIIIIIII money up-' 01“ ”SLE FAIR lnruprlatul by the state for Shurthorns‘ ., .. , . . was over $ while- that offered‘ Colniltfiutii‘gl; étg‘mtfizegf tseexltifls‘on Holsteins was $2.210. The prenlinm’ their thanhs to the many WON“ “my money (ruin the Astute in milking out the countv who helped to malt Shothorus was $2,500. That on Here; the second annual Fair cuch a ma: ford» was ’8'000' Aberdeen Angus: «access. A meetln i: to be hefd in ”'08“ and RN rolled ’2'530' Tho' ' g ‘ ltolal premium money (tom state an», the near futune to discuss ways and:vl‘oprhnionx on all beef cattle wnsf means for making their annual Fan-$320.3”, while we total 0' the “w. t ' . '. , "3:1"::‘rtelf’;n:h:h:°:o"':3wi ;dairy breeds was Holstein 32.240.a “ "" "'Icuemsey $2.010. Jersey 32.25.», Ayrâ€" p‘m ‘0 make: shims 31,810 and Brown Swiss: 31305.! . r RECEIPTS lo:- a total on all dairy breeds of 310,-: fig; 3;” $ 18075215. or hall that uttered «m m.- Iwoif Sept. 17-â€" """""""""" ”. ibreeds. Now we would not have; Gatq receipts .............. 495.00}the premium money on the heel} Sixlhtbuiors .l. bl ............ zillggibreedn a single dollar less. it in fimull: ' e 0 "08? a 9" """""" "0 enough ronshlering the high «out or‘ Sale of Domestic Sch-nee i. 56.00'l . . Shau- of Ford mm- sale . ‘ .. moélshowmg but Ito do maintain that “It“ 'I'ickets soltl ............... 1218.50.116Ur)’ indum'r Is 0! mllul Important-«l Cash received by tuna-Hi0!» 177.27‘nnd should 1m Ire-Ital just an woll.l 333:3; w dale 48-300,! think Iho mson hail lit-en bfit'uuse' Money run-HM otht-‘r' some” 84:79I we dairyme W am told m" WW." w front-Mn»: l we want. th'n lt-Il 'ro'r.u. ................... 82848.2",le u ow. l HXI’ESDI’I‘I‘RRH (limbo: HolHlvln-Pt'h‘slan Associationi “90"“.an .. Other vim-Mn The Fair Committee of the Lisle Community Club wishes to extend their thanks to the many people “my out the county who helped to make the second annual Fair such a great TOT Al. ............. on. to 1mm balance OFFICIAL PRO- tham (‘EEDINGS OF THE “um. ‘- VIIJAGE B 0 A R D “”f!’ 0»- success. A meeting is to be held in the near futune to discuss ways and means for making their annual Fair the big event of the county. [Mum-n {hm-u llL. OH. H). "'1'. Ha-guhu mot-fin. M‘ “in Council at Iho \‘illnnv a! lhmmn lénnr. m l’n-svm nl null ca" (‘nmmin-imww "mo-Om. [Ivy-v. ”All" and "rum. Mnym Had-rt luring alarm ('ommi-'- ‘inm‘v "Ml!“ hmk “w than. in] Rand Nah" I: C... umu. 8099ij- __A It: mmigmu 'l‘horo In m I"! of a min faithfully "amt-d hut Is I We m of “I Ur'clwa'hu TOTAI II. ................ 8M" IIHI. I’. (‘OIILNITY CLUB. F. J. SMITH. Tn-u-urv-r Chas. M. Hitch, Village Clerk. on mm Foundation TmtbslsTATE FAIR NOT Llâ€"-L .. A_A wt: Mm." $3672. 74 .3309.“ . 227.79 $2534.30; 6:00 a. 27.55; 8:42 a. 168-09 mm a. "-3 DOWNHRSGROVH REPORTER. DOWNHRS GM 1932.72 “5.50 Ii.” ”A” f [:52 p M lust. «no man has limdy rushed in on Pm: show "pm-10m by um” :03“ with [m chow! ‘3” mm» man he would lum- muon had there been n» :umuy herd ' i lml's‘l mm HIM not w mmntr: “ m" "‘ZAAH' "w ‘7".ng ”'3???“ flat a rum"! Mn! I”! "If "NW3". The Faun "oath ImI mud not mi-st .13.-." in! n" lo-H haw fifteen. OI Inc-h gnu Ii" mo i0 ‘ ; ,- â€"â€" \uu" find mmt amlhinr um “i‘h IUS'i ' SCHE'HTLE 0r NAILS :30, l'fl"| fut-rot. hm «'1: it! fil'l!‘ To the Council of the Village of Downers Crow, llllnois, Gentlt-nzen: Th0 following is my report for the month of Septomhor 1921. (Y. Fowl Davis. Village Troasun’r. Funds 01: hnml Rf‘fl‘lpts Expand. Bal. last mport for month for month on hand "wt. of Public Aflairs ...... 8 1080.61 3 78.42 8 1M2.” “pl. of Accounts Financrx 7079.24 68.25 489.69 6667.80 ant of Health 5 Safety 563.47 3.30 18.49 548.28 Dept. Ste. 4: Pub. Improvements 2138.94 100.00 642.25 1596.69 Dost. Public Property ....... 12588.29 3501.19 3860.03 12229.46 Pu lie Librarv .............. 1019.39 474.47 113.25 1375.61 "(KL Public Proper-w Pu he Library ...... Interest Fund ....... Sinking Fund ....... Total ............... Time 5:57 Dul‘uv. RMnxh-u. Sauna-0n. In In! loam» "mum-u had wuty hard: It the 81m:- P‘alr‘ II In: tart-Ink a plenum Io M'r [hm-r nmh- roan tn the open Hun" Ill. but (be pro- tmtoulu. for a ton. "no [III-d. u. been "womb-uh. no." [or pun-Mun and bra-don no. on" nmn bun Non "mung h “d “1 (In; Mum-flu all at It. Howflor, we have only ournlru m Mun u "on. "via ynr whom “.681 of [IM- coqu 01 um? IN" to "unm- bnvdnn Wr have annual to nor» win-I I'P haw "Iv rllllc. no! It“. Inn-p IM- umwy a! bum- h: ”w [mun- Tha mam; hrnl- mm! .. m (M- m dor momma-«I alum- In new run, a" Mir. I! In» "If tin-I "Mr the menu- Mcl ham "-9"!va In I hen! In "mm tum rolmh‘c mu, mw ma. had cur 91M!!! .0 "w Muir Fun bolon'. Nov» 00 "n ma hm! ”might 04 showing an”! to IN" to auto-r1 "w mump- hm TM: mm. vi" Minn mm "w romuy and (hr Mrnvidmul a gram dual of ”hank-mg Tllfl' u Hurl- Mouey Antoni-lam! for But rut!!! l'rlm Than for Milk l‘lllk. COUNTY CATTLE CLEANED UP AT ILL. STATE FAIR 11.5%. é’tgfk‘fibfipfififiéméhig 2138 . 94 100.00 642.25 1596.69 Dept. Public Property ....... 125128.29 3501.19 3860.03 12229.46 Public Library .............. 1019.39 474.47 118.25 1375.61 Interest Fund ............... 3967.86 ~ 22.61 3986.47 Sinking Fund ............... 2127.07 520.00 1607.07 Total ....................... 830560.87 8 4169.82 8 5727.13 329003.56 8 dz! Assessments ......... 4189.37 2597.32 1592.05 "and Tot-1 ................. 334750.24 3 4169.82 3 8324.45 830596.61 1 do hereby swen to the best of my knowledge this rerort to be true and correct. C. Ford avia, Vilage Treasurer. Subscribed sad mm to before me this 10th (13 of October 1921. . Chas. . Hitch. Notary Public. Fur NM The lulu-h Mn “N In! 0‘ I'd» low, 7n llll To". 5:10 p. 1:15 p. m. ($.1va DAIRYMEN A “SQUARE DEAL” .‘KTHEDIYLE 0F NAILS foam! Tine Incoming Mnils Wmvk Day-Mfixmpt Sunday HolxI-lvhrf‘rlefllu Asm-iuuun. (f. M. hung. Field Mud-7y Outgoing Mails TREASI 'RER'S REPflRT .. West, nut-Z Emu . “1-31. “'est. . East? West" Direction; West West: moment 2 East: S‘ Ancln-w'- Church Bazaar. Oflfr East hm- 25m. em: and 270». mm East -7 , __._._._ 385" hue-run 1 em to» m... mm. . 18mm '. llvfun- you me-r farm in Jyhl {0r (Mal 5m: haw Ibo lat-24.. We «In- In em am! «pm! twink :M our "AZAAH. "w math-'1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE flame of Allan'WIeeler. Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap‘ pointed Adminmtratrix of the. Estate of Allen Wheeler. Dcwaaed. hen-by fives notice that film will appear beâ€" me the County Count of 1)qu County. at the Court HOllst' in Whea- ton, at un- Decvmlmr, W21 Term, on the first Monday in December next. at which time all persons having :cluims against said Estain are noti- Afivd and requested to attend for the lpul'puso (if having (he same adjusted. iAH [u'rsuns indebted to said (Isiah? .arc requrslmi to make immediate {pflyim'm tn the untiol'siymml. 1 Dan-(i (his Zhl day of Oumbm' A. D. g PUBLIC N0 CE IS “Eur-2m? .GIVEN that by virtue of a decretall ‘ordm- made and entered of mean! in said Court, in the above entitled teams». on the third «lay of October, :A. l). [921. at the hour of twu o’clock P. 3]., on Saturday, the fifth day of gNovemlu-r, A. D. 1921. on the pre- 'mi.~u~s heroin descrilml, in the County :0! Dul'ugc and State of Illinois. ofl'cr gfol‘ Sale at public \‘emlue, to the .highvst and lll'sl. bidder for cash. all (the right, title and interest to the es: State of the said Emil Larson. an in- Esam- person. in and to the followlng ’n‘al 0.4th, situated in the County of : Dul’age and State of Illinois. and dear ‘rrlbed as fullows. to-wit: An undivided one-fifth intrn-st (subjm‘t to the dmwr light of Nine Maria Larson) in and to Lots Flat and Six (5 and 6) in Block Three (3) in Linden Heights Pimt Additinn to Downers Grove. in the (“duality of Dul'ugo and State of l Illinois: the met-filings of said sale to be ap- ‘plin towards the cost at mnlntenanre and nu port of mid imam person. No do»: or GM”! will he delivered to the punhnu-r or pun-haunt until said wlr ha» barn reportt-d tn and upprm‘~ ed by said County (‘ourt of mid I)“ I'll!“ ('ouuly. ‘IlllAno‘lu. .4‘.. A Ortohor Tu-pnty-Firn and Six Ami Sewn, from Seven to Tu'vlw, T'K'fl‘ dalm you shouM be surr to fix And in them Bargain: aklw. A" Entmtainmv-nt thorn Mil Ir Good ”“5“ for (Pv- Dana's; Aml fun for a" (ho family With boob around for Chane». Stah 01 Illinois (30mm of Dul'a '0. 55 in the Cuunty Cnurt at llul‘age Conn”. Uflobfl' Term, A. I). 192]. In tho Matter of the Estate of Emil Lama". an insane person. NOTICE TO SELL REAL EST. ”1-: Known Ivondhvlcbn. mun-mm. and "flu-- «vurfly holokn. new... w. at man of (Mal nmmml M hands. nulf‘laflf‘s. «r "(hot mutilln: Fin! Nahum! flank, Dawn": “mu. m. (I H. HTAAT-q. I'anilnr. Sworn 0n and palm-ISM! hrfmv mo lhis Huh olm' nf (Mnb'r. ”‘21. W. N. ”h'n“. Stun-v Public. )1) (‘nmmisaimn mph" Mm“. N. P'i I-m (‘nndin‘ of aworlml kind varrshmonu a< 5m: sit. men: C. N. Stu-(II. W. J. Stub. (7. J. Winn-2r. (3. u. "Imp. (MIL. "who! ”mum-n “me. I" (‘. (Maple). Aumn “L. L. ("h-omit . T. Mar Mu. . Rf. Rathjr.(3oo.1'bm. W. W. Sun-an. Who-m». "L. Wm. Hmnnwr-chmitll lnmhnnl, I" J W. hm":- Wm! C‘Iiu'o. "I And Hamlh-rrhicvfs "T u" vkumw Wiflv prion. (no. to M. Elizabeth A. Wlwolur, Adminishatzix Hrrmun \\' *lk, Attnrnog. 1H “Pkt Randolph Stu-ct Uhicugu. Illinois. "Kim". P. H. 3mm. flown": Gun IIL. mum". hum-mm (3mm l'ubliwhtu (30.. __D_m\nor.~‘ (37mm. Ill .llnlml “Ii; lhlnl aim of October, A. D. ”2| Edwin Ian-mm (‘omlen'Ltor Hum" . Hul‘mm‘ k3 hum“, Sultana”: 10.74 Hlnlmm'nt of nwmra’llp. mm”:- mm“. riwuhflon. «c. .mwtn-d by the Art on! August 2‘. _l_?l‘2. I" Darya"? Dawn"; (3 I921. Mam- ing Editor. W J flunk. "0“!er aflng. [flinch U Nov Waterfall 1904 Feet High 7,: In -' ‘ IV: ' ST \‘l'E‘lfINT 0F UWNERSIIIP A WORD 0F ADVICE “P,“ m! 6* l"v'" (In \\ :m-rfl". 10-7 -3 ‘ Ind oak flnmh will: 83 rot-«min, $35. H.004 cook ntme. $16. holden Mk bum-t, $30 A. Tow-w. So Mid- «Iauuh and Orrhnnl sh l0- ll- 1 {FOR SAIJ‘I- l'otalnexf‘l. I)._' _S\_uhr- of Han" and VMN. Atailahk- I'm MICEH and mital. AMrv-x 26 film- vmovl aux. La Grango, [IL phnm- La (:rangv- Ifuzl. Mia: POTATOES» For “’Il-tl-r l'..- f "i" hush?! order t ting a “TV"Bolvgn" Wind 1-0-4": i< nwm- and ally tin-firm hrr V1“'ll'll. 11mm 2'"- R--:.anl. IO-ILI Th: umk-rsIgm-d. having hen ap- poinbml Administrator of the Esta!» of LIII'IaII Hadgos Demand, hnrebx give»- nmicr- that ho will appear fr I'm-e thr‘ ( ounty Cm; rt of DuPago ( aunt). at tho Court "aunt: in Whom tan. at the December Term on tho first Monday in Decomher next, at which two all persons having claims apmfl. said hstah: a_rv qotififl and FOR SALE~I oak Davenport: l 12 foot oak dining table. i'hmm ls‘l-R-l. 10:14 1 ‘OR SALl'Iwâ€"Fumod Oak _buflet, lat- suimble for garage, with that up; entails. ('all phone-138 \1-5- -3 FOR SAI l"~_l{o_und dining room table noVw.’ ‘Ako side board and éomplvt'e had. 97 N. Fan-5t are. lO-Mâ€"l. gas cook stove as new. Phone FOR SALEâ€"Gravel for concrete wouk $2 7" -r yard (Mivored. hone 296-1 E( gar D. Otto, 221 1'4. aplc aw. 9-9 If. FOR SALE- Rana“: Bicycle in good ition, new firm and extras, 835 «a only; also 80? Scout suit. L. W. right. 44 N. lowest ave. 10 14-- " an. in not! madman. Wm In." .1 or 4 mama and bun-in. any kind of Int-l. Harm-h. a! K20. White Mum-Ml. Dun-«- himnm-d, N" “1rd had avian and mun-u. “:2. Hair (Any (0103!. 51L 2"! Karl anh' me. .n.., hrlu‘ rm track not! Tm ”3" 04'! 18th two ran of uhitn \mthmn Wihtfllkifl Mtg!!!“ He‘llh- uf Liman "dun. lien-anon. 7 ext styic. alméétrnew ,cheap. 'Mrs. M. E. Taylor. 96 E. Franklin St. 10-14â€"1 FOR SALl'le new gasoline lamp; 1 gondula buggy, blue hos-ted reed, $20; 1 boys overcoat, 10-12 year mile, 58.00. Phone 213~W-L 1044-] , ie‘limthffor :gtovc, furnace or grate, $6.00 per ton. l'honc 296-1. Edgar D. Otto, 22! 1'3. Maplt- ave. 9-9411 mu SALE-«View nmcln‘m- my! qty V "‘5 siélll'mii-j’fi Add. are, not; aim ui-‘h- I’uml wag-m. mule hump” my! one lupru- ruflh-Mor I_!_ g _ In} har- . Van-Hull Vmodrm mmrnh-nvv~. mr rwfl'rn‘d‘ u-fmv-ms Iln‘ in-vl I‘m mu "gsiéfirvrirhrd Imvm. h} Held!!!“ Immin- nl A i I' WNW. 2| 8 M: 94w". it?“ “'AVTE” Shun" I‘r‘a'ifoqr ur ‘_" LUSI' firm" hww n f"" 'filr'h'lj- and kry. funk tn!" m H'yrmls-r 0"va Evan's" inm‘mzw \ x.» Ind!" "Tq. new”! to awoml for the pa rpose of having tho same adjusted. All per. mus imkbtod to said estate are rpâ€" questmi to make immediate payment to the unfiersignqu you SALfiwfluliding, gné feet. F0 R SALEâ€"- Fun! Registry, negyly munn, of (Hidden. WI». will haw- oII Inn-k In.- OflobI-r IMlI, two can of No.1 NoIthI-m Wiscmuin Whflc Slumâ€"Flak? and mm: Red llrhrou potato” IO 14-! POI! SAI I' ~l’oulcn Snatch II‘II-Il nl pI‘I- mur min-s; III-nu Mute-I laying ntion, (fomll_l'nII It} Inxpn-pnu‘nt Katy Arm Duvoy minke. IMMNI on Gnlcagoldoflfl Rood. Will bu mIoI M Ionn Chm. Oklflrkl "im- dale. III.. II I". I). No. I.. whom- Down“ (more IGOR-2. II. Amp In hm» “ml 1‘: Mrs-r (warm! ”Min-m. ".nnnr H m \\'A.\'T*Z" A [girl in lg. hang-It m". In: l‘h"!h~ rang" In “*1: "NHL. Tny' :1. (Ni I". Frank."- LUST Small Mark and white rm lrnim'. fnmah-g an-uw- fin naum FOR swam)“ China chm-t. R. .1. (In-gory. M7 Gilbert ave. 10-14-1 FOR SAULâ€"Combination roal am! Mlll56fu;0:umln,~82.26 ' .r ('“L, cle- liw-n-d. Wain-r Ynung, ‘ahslcw aw. FOR SALE IllnrxnlnLAg-mn Dwnlyn. FUR RENT Tun funmhvwl II-Ifll WANTNI' Small hma‘m Phone 159-“ I I0â€" "â€"3 FOR saw?” an; {any} of if» roa”i‘nǤm m Iggy-g! fishedâ€"{higtfinl day of October A" D. 1921. Alb-ed C. "0y, Public Administrator. Bunge, Harbwr Schmidt. Att 3. 1 7-3 FOR. SALl-3~â€"0ak gm- wood. any '1an mix” rhinirs, Colomial design. Phone 2594”. 10-144 When film moon Mn arm H .Inmy Mrs. 'I‘JAIWM-x rvlin'vt‘hv, Highland mm. ill-t -uu\h of Wluk W. HIM-3 A IIMINISTRATOR'S NOTIFI". Karki, dflivorvrl. l‘hn'm- you! 'I ”In“ now and ins-um- m-t- supply. 3. T. Otto. 10H»! For qale WanIed For Rent igfi} shape a}: 3091} 'ID 1" m' nhml ' (Mdrr ‘7- 2! 3‘ Mum ”Juli: s Nb sum U 1M“ Ht” I" H-l m-Hvl ‘J. E m ”J m mus-a mm. mammal-mi How in Nurrrn't‘Vv- ‘w T-m '. 'annwomrfl‘ 10‘ n" I; m!‘ I: Md; m Foil?! In! Inn-1n w'nnq.‘ MI; "3 M43 '0. 0' fun! "1‘ . “,4- MW" "' 'W" '4!“th I’y'r‘. “m. Jan“. um h" hall 1 . ‘iéruiaizllsiIEE-l‘floék Vinr ”taint“. a money maker, price $30,000, want an ofl’cr, terms can be had. 8- 47mm haw!» has “an, ft-ahms M improw‘ om, HI! 3 "I‘mâ€" npming on sh Mad rum-hes wan- hrautiful limIrer lot ”x211,“ Ohm run with «sham fur filly pond. and zoo" fruit and gawk". k on pav- M droot. mu“! me. near to“, m. lion, and in find. of wofl'al satin», and the mic» is- only $651!). with chance for terms rm: SALE Very high days made"- new home of 6 moms. hm hm wood all over, everything built fl that ymx could ask for, is was! hunt with port-h windowed and screened for summer, 1" the Intret in French flours and phr'nhinx. a builders hat. and arid! (not! lot near In. Price $8800, ha" cash. FOR SALE-â€"20 Ml‘nfi of the best so“ obtainable, is handy to train, stunt! road, and would suit for dun or nursery purpose, price pm- acre. euxy terms. r\1u unun , . .- ~__..“_v__. Meek, store an}l“f'laé§,i-:'I;I old wrll rented. a right good investmt Price $20,000. tenns half cash. nor lot. 3 blocks to_ stafion.‘ harm: (by ugly 0M, price 87. 000. mm. C1") by, , V. WEDENIIAGFN 22 So. Main St. I’ll-n. “3 Residence 27 S. Falrview Ave“. East (have Phone 101-. FOR SALE -â€"~ Hump-ville pydpug FOR SALEâ€":6 Aroom peqighm. gn- 1 with my man homo. ml an: hm .mv-p well and him! mi". rm. '2 mm -( goo-l Ind. luv chm- NM (0 (M Auk»: lad tho- [uko I: right. only 81.5”. km our. ‘ FOR SALE- OM of IM pm ago,- If 4 mam Muzalcuw. baa full bow "4 M, and 0mm. ltHr mr-r ML NM- rn ax In “slot and '3‘. ha (and a- up and wry flan mm," MtQ. mi! and «had». and a hm lot. '25: v.12. an Mack mil and in a rank huill Mm f4 hawk to NW QM mixhhofi. 3'75” $4300 SIM «4|. FOR SAlfFlf‘Rifih!‘ gmgd _ «manually FOR SAULâ€"Large busineal com: on East Mavle mm. in Downer! Grow. fronts :00 feet on link at. Can be had for $5,000, terms 82,0!” cash run mum an ..,.. -.V.. . v with lam room». 6. m. '00. wav In "v 4va. no In- I with "war ftomugzr. pm-I__plumb"‘t. '1 WM .04 a Inc 00033. old Awh- Inw. Imi'. fl-w'v-nt. «Me-Inn home .9! nah. 4-le [M «r. and ‘u r013 h n» ~ufllm. I’I‘fi- anh- Q'V'm "WI and» 325000 end». In in 5- nd»: int. bellman. Hwh nay FOR SALE »-A right ”0R SALEâ€"~Chnict- \Harant m 50 lots; they join stmt lived. tll imprnvemmts in and paid for neigh- borhood built up and rharscter ea- tablished all good houiozx location aw and prgre nght,$20 a foot. would sail FOR SALE-«Easy paymcnui. lots h the new mlditions, many Wu. buy now, or loose the dune: .- ro- perty is aiming. Acre Ms. {no and upwards, we have 1 good “it. FOR SALE-«$8M, First Trut 1:5! Karim on a right Food - demo property In Downers .me. In: 4 yours to run, wflh interest a seven per cent. payable Mini-annually. 00! flfl‘w-l ht wivml n-w-l 9N- nr‘n P M (m WM 44‘“! _r.- ,.. 1-- mg 'rv "bun." 'N A‘IIWWr‘ribwrn-r in N" and mvl‘ mm!“ “W -‘ "with“ on "an!" nun. has lm “mun. mm". 6: mock-r» um. «Wm MnL hardwood flown, rlw'rin'N and hit» pmrhm. mm" north 9 hm-v ham" and will Mark M '4'" van rhr'm, pmprvty i: ”W", prin- W. u nu ll’ll""rv - customer with lnrgc family. want.“ In nude in o mmlk-r home. Ind fly ash aliflerflmn Dmrm‘r.‘ ”me or Laflrzm-v. mun! lu- "N" the «MIDI mu] nmtion. Mnnhwru in Our-V ‘s- ’ V . . mm and «wry madam! «Turn-4w... WANTED -- Collage or bun something small will do. an ha» all rnsh for such a plate. "0M, or ran .ac-ll hmlw and 5 WI, would nnl homo 0r mama man. In I! Hg. FOR 33L}! An ohl_ -t_\.lv Pong-Ind FOR SALE I? at? lay, a most duh-able locit'i m mrty joining has doubled Emu II a year, nll this needs is an owner, whv not speculate and live here ‘ $000. down, taken the chance, only mo. 3 lot, terms to suit. WANTEDâ€"mama.- cflptiontoaell, mm Hal MW“! 'A . ifmgwh Mmhvenent immfidminaguenmn FOR SALE-I0 urre‘. fu'u build. inp. mum. 30 two I want dd. lit-c9 um" and wind puma. I’vicr. MOM. «I! ran m” Dunn» and 5 W}. P0” BALI? A vrly: (he HUM-hr I l-'_()R W." P, Rin In" built 7 nm Full SALPL “‘0" 1mm. '"I"Y_‘Y_m FOR 3“er lotg‘ joining _ yan- - Vmont. the; hat-630 in 3H has. are on the Knoll _ov_e_rloqlling_tho vul- WANTEDWA AIOA mom puff?“ (of .____L_ zrâ€"w'il! 71-9" m mu: nu" M"! 'u‘h- ‘w 7"» ‘. "I Leah. I: Mi"; 1'» i!\"‘"."- ME. (um, .'..'. M4 9; "Mn "its MM.

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