Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Oct 1921, p. 4

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After the service the hungry hinghts entered the moment of the church where a breakfast of hem and eggs. who and other good things united them and to which they did full justice. Waiting on the hues and cooking the ml were the Indies of the parish who struggled mightily to keep the hungry men suficienty‘ gunned with enable. 1 Following the bre‘akfast short talks were made by Dr. Goodwin. and the visiting knights. Memhors of the Knights of Colum- bus: along thv Burlinxtnn attended high Inns in a had, at St. Joseph‘s Church. here. at eight o'doc‘k las‘ Smithy morning. The Rev. Sue‘s B. Goodwin. put." of the church. of:- ciated n! the sorvicp and administer- ed My communion following the ser- This in an Inna-l :flair. Each year the knights attend high mm It sane cinch along the Burlington and the ”together In each year attracting Rut some jack to he" us In. ’Til! the winter «finds! w." inâ€" Oh. my Wu, quivo Hutu-an! 0' Let em t‘mzc- 4-0:. M am hone. They can garner many lvfllitmg For enfnrting pnhulviuou; Thy can squamh-v many fnrtmws On I plane that mum flew; But their prmrnt "Nation In tho ease of compensation In to let her ride, by chowderâ€" Which is what they'd lave tn Ito! r-«Stuav't H. Carroll Knights Rainy Hut and Eggs " ”red by "no lmfiu of As an did in «rnntnn That the man-fl. vie-MM nation Can't nflon! tho mmpnnvmm To the my "mt wart"! Inga-(Mr In tho Ynnluw- war man-Mm. Then an plen'y. Waugh. far parties WM mun-anal rm "In Homing A!!!“ who shim! tho «M mmml wmy Not: the hair «dam Ml us With their pompous My ”am That "to («Mon m4- ain't lafln' TM" III Monty for Hui numb- WM Immutam must it movin’ A!!! Chef-mullet; Al’fN-‘n nltjngin' From Nun "MI: In 8“ Arum-e: And the nv- who um Du- freight"! Can!“ 0“ Lynmmiv mun- WMlo the «Min man vn- Inch If M M - MW-O'! bow. Out.- 0! 0.- Important (to tho- neatly "ma-win: mu) quantum:- 10 mm be- lon um convoudoo will be "In! of Ulla-(«1 cmmathm Wr M all mutt-d. an «Nu-vial an fin quot-Hon 'hh‘h it now xolng tn wNi-h this mi. In“ tho mum». "m:- In 0n Mum-u '4'th Vie-My and" out on In! "toy "plain (M Monica no [rlphkflly W! m- n- print that»; 11w rye» ol Illa "manic: men and mm [milieu will Ur Named to Kun- m City In a few than when the TM"! Anml (Imwenlwa of lhr American We: man in Mu! my. Downers Grove Reporter Enter"! at tho l)mv:mrs Grove Post Ofl'ice ab second chm; mail matter. Adventising ratm made knowu upon spplication. Subflfl‘llltlnn rmcs $2.00 per year. Singiv rupics Eua W every Fridw morning from the Wee of She Downers Grove Publish- Ilg Company, 37 North Main street. Downers Grove. "“llflih. That '0 (Iii-M rm nvm 1‘”; " K. (“8. ATTEND HIGH MASS AT 81‘. JOSEPH’S CHURCH wen maven “cm u; Momma no moms ABOUT ”M' was mm m‘ we. as mmuso mmm" Immune A mmw \s A sew-name me M\W.$AHE As A BANK. m we ANT LOOHNQ Fen no www.mui we oowr new n". SEE? ,J H. STAA'I'S. EDITOR ('(HII'ENSATION MICKIE SAVSâ€" the Paint. Walk-r Schmidt of Hinsdale, was”. mm- ratn for Legion members and eluted ('huilmnn of thl- Caunt) (Ida-4mg,- immediate familiex Kansax gatiun; l‘lnruncc l-I. Kendall of GIL-MC") is "figuring for |00_000 of (he ‘I‘Illyn. Socrcuuy. Due to the olicien!‘ rank and file of the Legiun. iwurk of Kemlufl, all Irunxpomuon Mon.- (Iixtlnguishcd military and ‘al'l'uflxf'mt'fllh wow nth-«ml for main“. ”my...” will be numnbled in the «Miro county Nplfnl'll‘flfiofl -â€" Mtbpmwonxinn (7in than wow m'er in gain]: and coming. 'one city in this country before. I . . ‘ Haul [Ru-d. of Whuatmn. Ink-fled Dole- gah- l'rmn Sumâ€"Jinn“ 1 Two ('ar Lands. “an bathing, it did rcgiau-r maria” uima (or IM lmglonmimu. Among Hm mustmdiw menu!!! adopted! by "n- Convrnuou were thirteen min-r lion:- lntmluml from Dump. Out‘ of a total of ten teptem'uflvon n" 'Whllo the Dul‘um- umuniutiun was not as nucmxful as it wished with wan-M to u numb-r of menuuns it Thu fulltmhu: l’n.~l~ we.» repre- >(‘lll(‘(l2 l-llmhurdhy proxy. Arthur Mar-j i riott. ‘ l (llcn I‘Illynâ€"-(,‘lnxem‘c Kendall, Les-l l ter 1'. Infilrssuriur. ‘ l "numb-“c. F. I). Mt-rrill, J. “a; l Knox. l Lombardâ€"«Humor Micluwh, W. S. i Maplt-s. i Nam-rvilleâ€"«W. (l. Knoch, George Ester, Robert E. Bradln-e. James. l l a 1 I i Shut-luau. West Chicagm-Gortlon Leonard. A. Bradley. , Wlu-utmI-wfiail Reed, Charles J. l Schulz. l (‘ounly Commander Marriott, of‘ Lombard, as Sorgm-nnLat-AIMS for the, Slum. recruited a very capable and‘ husky crew of axhistanls from Dul Page. who hold the liveliest confirm; linn m-or smut-1| in Illinois Legit)"; annals. in porn-rt control at all firms w~.\larriotl was particularly com-f nu-mlml for the mnooth handling of! the lamp number of «leleguti-s. l LEGION CONVENTION - TO DRAW MANY DU PAGE COUNTY VETS Dul'ugo Count) \Hh \x'ul! reproâ€" ,~c-nlu4l :11 the Stun,- ('um‘n-utivm of the Amrricau l.(“.':km, h..-M 3:151 wgek at I local u r. Fully guaranteed for 3 years. You cannot spend money repair- lng the Wickey Battery. Sales Agents Any make of Battery Rental Batteries Reunited-Reeling“. for all can. HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Telephone No.29 JEWEL GAS STOVI'ZS MERTZ Cd MOCHEL No Mote Battery Troubles Wicker: Swim Wteezable Rechargable May Full 0 Pep and Red Comb Poultry Feed Dom: time Battery Station. “Humane. M311] "and and Electric Washing Machines HEATING STOVES AND RANGES HARDWARE. COAL AND FEED nowmms gnaw: wrongs; DOWNERS caovn...mms_ {menu in fnru-I-izh'. dates and a- brmul. mcnane of ”I.- mole than 10.< :000 I'D-'1.“ «attend tthughout {he ,Lniteul States. the national omnniâ€" .zulion aml all the committees \Ihnh _ar«.- \Iorking to cmry out the Lug inn' .4 ' aims. With the railroads {mm all parts of the country making In one mm! a mile ratv for Legion members and their immediate families, Kansas The 13w.- M‘ :‘3 Lo :Eiam' , m\\‘ \unwd Luv-na'wl sz~u~ (1,}; where lhl- Natimm‘: (1x wonuon i: :u. once the (5.1;: v.“ u-ui rkqnomt (‘uurt uf the Amznczm Log: :2 H w mori- than (hut. fur i! 1:? 'ts du- Nmimul ("umnmmll-r. 'im \: [maul View-(k numh‘h and '310 nthor null-1rd on~ 11,». Who am (‘hm'qfl “'th can'rj‘imc out the will nf [ho ronwntiuu. (fumâ€" pused of wpresvntutiww from cu-ry rune. chow” an UH: b.mi< of propor- tional Legion nu-mhelship, the con- vention each year maku-x the policies, and maps out the procedure which will guiclt- the Legion (in 61> ('uurs for the ensuing yvur. It i4 for thpse reamms that the Am: orican Leginn'v'l'hinl National Conâ€" vcnliun puxsvsses an importance which can hardly be exaggerated. The i§.-UF.~ that will be setlleul at Kansm City will govern the view- point. ymlioies and activities of the whole American Lt-glnnâ€"dhv (lcpurlv the four counties cnmprhing the nth Congressional District. Dul'uge mm places for thré'c-l-at ”I? National (Ton- :‘enlinn \vhirh will be lwi-l In Kan-us City, Octohor 251:1. Nuw'm'oL-r ht JUM till, Gui! R-“I'IL 0f \anttun, gouty (I duh-gale. \\'. H. “Hui... .,~' Nam-n l-, and \‘I. .‘l. .\?(-.‘~.'5--!x:", “1‘ ~ MUNICIPAL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR M Bunion Ave. M 802-0 Dov-on Gnu. Ill. No adding of water Will not heat up Will not freeze JOHN S. LOZIER No repair bills HERO FURNACES Marsha! Foch. Genetalissimo of the All'ui armies, will be there. as will Admiral Benny, Couunandor of the Hmbh I'm-t. Hymnal [)iuz. Cum- mumlcx'dufi'hic." uf Hu- l'ulizul armies li‘Jih'l‘ of the :mi 1: m." .1"; 4n ;.,. l in. utimh Ln intend Dun’ugt- (Hunt, (wpech to fill two wounl v.11» and 1: ix desired that the "tuna“ 01‘ all ngiummlws \\'lm 0N- peel. tu attend will be forwarded to the (‘numy Covmnunder. Arthur Mar- riott. Lombard. Illinois. .‘lx. and Mrs. George R. Smith have mm thriz' beautiful houw on Highland are to the Geo. Phelps family and will move to Chicago Nov. 15th. Belgian .‘uwin h LIM=5»U -n "ION! I” 03 8. IIAIN 81’. 'n. { urn human-an! Tudor- nd hm- lnplulnh 0! All III. ESTIMATES l'l'RNlSHED 0N REPAIR WORK CHICAGO AVENUE Between Elm Washington Sn. 21 S. Forest Ave. Phone Wei-W Estimates lurinxhed on new or old Work - ‘.\'m'.i \‘Cu'. "In-J I-nl Huh .;‘_' vrm‘ Only will be thin U mum-3, but it ;, likeiy he probably Z d :. Winn-mum F. W. KETTENRING Contractor Builder Whether it be Medium or Heavy Weight. Cotton or Wool, the garments we sell here will give the most possible service for the price paid- We can supply any style you may want in either medium or heavy weight. Childrens'Unionsuits, 75c to ............................ 3225 Separate Garments, 39c to .............................. $1.50 Womens Unionsuits, $1.00 to ............................ $4.50 Separate Garments, 60c to ................ a .............. $2.25 For those who have waited until now to assemble their Fall and Winter ward- robes and for those who still have one or two things to get. either for them- selves or the home, this store is ready with complete selections. Now is the time when on hegin to think of heavier Underwear. Wool Hose, Gloves. Sweaters and t e many other thin needed to keep off the chill. And at this Store you will find the prices on t ese things lower than for years. October Needs are Urgent thin ‘1 JULIUS JOHNSON Carpenter Jobbing I\Il'l.l-Z.\"INT DEALER R. C. ELLIOTT I‘IION lz‘ 191.1 H‘ ill Underwear for Women and Children .ii-x'nguished uiin b0 Con- a'mn.‘ and m 5‘ ark-r.» u!‘ alto ;« Many will wear low shoes again this w i n t e 1‘. That m e a n 9 W001 Hose We can supply you in most any of the p o p u l a r plain or fancy at $1.25 tn 82.25 Word was mcvived Monday that R.[ (l. Munlen, formerly a resident of; anm-ls (Elmo. tried at his home all l-‘ruitpurt, mm, last l'ridav morn-i inst. Octulwr 31th. Funeral senices§ rnn- lwhl .‘lnn-luy afternoon. 3 “Dick" ,‘lw i'-- . as he was known: M (ho enliw mmmunity when he made his lmnw fu-rc, lived On Main} “DICK” MORDEN either We believe it our duty to let the public know the real nature of our business and the aims and ideals of the men engaged in that business. There is no mystery about it. nothing that we would wish to cover up. Then why not advertise it? Like the man on the witness stand we can say: “It's the easiest thing in the world to tell the truth when there is nothing but the truth to tell.” ‘ ' W t U 'tedG ' $.19 anise?§é’m2'comp§n§ @- The other day a f! lend said to us: “Why should you advertise? You get all the gas business there is.” It is not sufficient that we merely give good service, be courteous and make friends. We want to dispel prejudice and misunderstanding from the minds of the. public by continually stating the facts about our husmess- Why Your Gas Co. Advertises We are glad he asked this question. Per- haps you, too, would like to know why. Here is our answer: A communily enterprise, we look upon out busi- ness as a co-operalive eflror! in the best interests of ’Domncts Grove and her every cilizen. ................ $2.25 ............... $150 ................. $450 .............. $2.25 walking or for driving in the cold, we have what you need. The prices too, are very much lower than last Whether it be a glove for dress warm glove for street near the Plank Road. He was always interested in the young fol- lows and their sports. For several years he was the manager of the baseball team in the Suburban League and it was due to his efforts that the team never lacked for financial back~ iug. many t village. 3112'. Murden will be remembered by any of tho uhlm' residents of the mm ‘11!" WM WWW!

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