Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Nov 1921, p. 8

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g1“ WOMEN BOWLERS {5' “HIT THE woon" ~ “ ON. WEDNESDAY on your suit or overcoat No overhead expense to charge to the pnce 0f suits. Call and let me thaw you how I can save you $10 to $20 It. “on!!! OldM-M of D'ninlll. “a. ll dam-g with the Geo. March-t family and "w (7. P. Rm family In In. J. 8. Hamilton. 0! Bangor, Itch. In mum with her mm.‘ In. G. C. lurker Im week. lax! Friday a new minim and {via-nah “them n Hm Hunter home for | Vii“. s Your SUIT. OVERCOAT or ULSTER Made by the Kalm Tailoring Co. All wool fabrics, best of workmanship. Fit and style guaranteed. Pricathe Lowest “ally and Ilr. wm Klein attended Ibo box will In the ally-um. 101 taboo. house and had I jofly “M van the million!» a! that dlutrk‘t. Il- Ruth Vial in the when Pfim for the 11mm were won by Nina Glulyn Erickson and Dr. George F. Tlmplte. TM consolation uwunln were made to In .000er Timpke‘ and Joseph Neath. Monday evening the Lynch hOMI' was the scene of the annual afluir when a chicken supper started mm of the most enjoyable llallowo’l-n par» ties held thin year. Games of all kinds were plnyecl in the harm Whil'h had been pnttily nlm-omlml for the ocusion and I happy and mull-MM party «if gueslx snl down to a lunch after midnight. In. Kin-ch In an "m nick Hal rm: Nine yt-ars ago, on ”alknn-‘c-n. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lynch moved inlu their present homo in Plant Grove. and since that time have u-lehratccl tlu- anniversary with u Hullowe‘t-n party. 185 No. Chicken Supper and Games Enjoyed by Guesln l'nlil Lam» "am Monday Evening. ‘ Mr. and In. Chm. Mocha! and MR. AND MRS. J. J. LYNCH ENTERTAIN HALLOWE’EN EVE Those phase-It Wednesday wow: Mesdames Parks. A. P. Nelson, Rais- ton, Schwartz. Stppheus, Coles, (I. Mochel, Downes, Burns. Briggs, Bul- czynski, Mitchell, Clarke. Tank. Ausr tin and Barry aml the Missvs. I'm-tor- son, Winter and Baer. 1 A BUY NOW! Later the women will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Tank where a league will be organized amt rulm adopted. Twenty local ladies met at the Dicke vAllt-yx (Wednesday afternocm {or the purpose of “hitting the worn!" and getting vauainted with the pro- per way to hohl a bOWIing ball for good effect. They rolled for xcvorul hours, just practicing, no scorcss be“: in: kept at this first attempt.‘ 'l‘o Med at Home of Mrs. Tank in Nut Future and Organize Bowling League. SOUTH WES'I'MONT ITEMS your has there been such an opportunity to invest in safe Stocks and Bonds which will insure a good income for life. Consult this bank. mmvbfifbiimsm 0M Ind “'th 18 K0. Pm. Ann. Luann: Wt. Mamie Tm a m mm... I Ilenethemu m-uv served at a late hour and “IQ mt: denim-4| mak- ing llw uir vlbnte with new: fmm‘ the favors (lixtrlhuu-«l a! the party. 'l‘lw gum!» were mask"! in cm- !umn-s which «la-fled detection and flu- m'onivm passed all In rapidly in the playing of nppmpriatc games. Danc- ing was indulged in. "w. «Mumps of the guests. 1M mmlk light. and the ‘weinl atmosphere induced by "to do- mmtlmw, making the shifting mm- ono of Malay. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Craigmilc wvrv ‘hosts tn thirty-{nur young: people on Monday «WI-Hing at lhr-ir home in No. Pun-st uu-nuc. Tlu- occasion was a HaHuwe'l-u party and flu.- IIIMIH' was pwttily (lt'rul'fllod for the occasion] Autumn loan-x lint-1| the walls. with little devil's heads. black can and. win-hm peering out from every shle.‘ Not in a Generation )lr. and Mrs. Ray Craixmile "0st In Gay Party at Home iu varlh Pan-M Avenue. ENTERTAINED FOR THIRTY-FOUR 0N HALLOWEEN EVE The talks-t were impiriug and flu- wholo atmosphere of tho hanqm-t and lho informal root-ting which followed shown] that this sociMy is working tum-[her and working for good. The Rcv. A. S. Phelps, pastor of tlu- chum-ll, m‘tml as tnastmantcr. ’l'lw speakers were Walter Johnsume on the Past; A. C. Miskc-Hy; tho I'm-soul and Jack Reed. “10 Fumw. Basement Excavating and Grading During and Tollmring t ropus-L music. was lemh Sunday Schonl archestru. The past, the present and the fut- ure of tho Christian Endeavor Sovie- ty of the (Jungrogutiunal Church. was 101:! Wt-Ihwsfluy morning at a bun- quct led in the church patio»: to «'I-lcblutu llu- sccoml nnnhersary of Um founding 01' Hip (.‘ongn'g‘atioml‘ branch of tho society hero. During and following (110 azimuth“ ropust music. was nemlurml by tho WILLIAM FERNS Pam. I'm-um and Future ’l‘aId in Talk» a! Church on Wed- nd-uday Nixhl. CONGREGATIONAL C. E. HELD ANNI- VERSARY DINNER You can not buy now unless you have saved DR. S], l. KANE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Downers Grove. Illinois. lying”. Ill Ion “(uh-d. Those summed. fle‘c at" n oMuinnhle and an“! m-Mflu x In all gamut. W" are Invited to all anal see the Cult-s. Suns. Drum. on. Ralph-Wear and “Barclay (‘nh um; “Format” Braden: anal Qinllcilflanm fill! hon gym:- Victor Charles Ray in the “Midnight Bell". This picture will show Ray in a role. that of a traveling sales- man . Later he becomes a clerk in (he amen! store In u small town and 'Nu- hum-t mnhnlmlrunm, “When Dawn Cumin" has been anmmm‘ml the h-aturr attraction at the Dirke Thra- lre Saturday, Nov. 5N1. It is (1 pro- cluct of “ugh Dim-kn. taken from tho startling story of the slum name,‘ by Mrs. Hugh H. Dicrkcr. ll-l-l} Order your muleâ€"twmeanun, 1"- weather Top Cantu Ior ull mem- bern of the “wily. CMMnn'u to» and cup Mfltu. From the Ill-weather top «an agent. Mono ’0'" nppointment In Am-llwr hauling lady for Charles} Ray. What! Again? Surr, she's ' fittlu Doris Pawn, you'll plulgv your‘ heart to her and now-r want to u», «from it. Friday. Nov. 4th. in 1110‘ “Midnight Ilell" at the Dicke T'I(Ԥ|-: tun “4-1! PREPAREDNESS IS THE SLOGAN Lawn mowers sharpened. All kinds of machine work. Repairing of all kinds of tools. Expert workmanship and the machinery to do It with. Paul Shroka, Belmont 6: Fort-st ave., phone 3694. 6-174! Hinsdale 'Uphozaterlng and Furni- ture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at reasnnable prices. Phone 635 or send postcard, Will call and de~ liver free of charge. \ ll-26-tf ~Cumiuu; Ncn'nmbor 10th, Katherine Mt-lhmuM kin "Hc-r Social Value,” at the Dicke Theatre, T burs-lay, Nov- ombm' 10m. 11-44 A full line of the celebrated INDU cbsmelics {or sale at Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP, one door south of the Ross Bakery. ' adv. tf. “llamlcufl's or Kisses" was written by 'l'homas I'ldgelow and ham for its background a large wformatory for girls, at the Dix-kc Theatre, Nov 7. Comingâ€"Dorothy Dalton in “The idol of the North." 114-1 He's coming backâ€"Huckleberry Finn. Curtiss Theatre. Watch for it. 11-4-1 ALBERT NUNAMAISBR Agent “on lfl-I Down"- Grove. Ill. 1! No. Fan! An. Advertisements Apples; Oran as; an” Fm"; Satsuma Omn- One Wam with 2 damn No. 2 can: "nigh! OI gas; Grapes; nan”, eta. assorted Sim and lands. Ask to see it Lehmann 0 Michele Store Full line of Jonathon, Rome Beauty, Delicious, King David, Winter Banana. Show and Baldwin Sweater, cap and legging red color- 27 inch dark outing flannel, special ed knit sets, close out price . . . $2.50 price per yard ................ 19c commas "MMEI 72x78 fine grade cotton filled comfor- Flannel “Em tel-s, well covered at . .' ........ $3.45 SNOW ------- [ Wilmette has put it stamp 'of ap- ‘p'l'uval on the chapter play, “Winnew of the West." The picture wceived its recommendation aftor a pre-view- ing by officials of the schools and Woman’s Club. This will be the first serial evm‘ to be shown in “111110th “\1’iuners of the West" will he slmwn hm.- at the Curtis» Theatre overt" “'mlnestlax. 11-4-1 I Hinsdale ~ Phone 848 i 114-11 Lytoli is not a mere moviel horo~he is an actor. In the "PriceI 01‘ Redemption," in which he appearsi at the ()urtiss Theatre Saturday: night. he displays acting ability that; places him in the mnks of Ameri-E ca's gmutest entertainers. He is ablyl supported by Seena Owen and Cleo,“ Madison}. I LL- I Money Saving Opportunities. shown at the Curtiss Theatre every Wednesday. It is the picturizalion of John C. Fremont's famous trail breaking exfiedition to the gold fielda of California. The heroic deeds of Kit Carson are also recorded in “l manner both «lactating and cutenain-‘t ing. 11-44; I “Winners of the West” is benig‘ r CHILDREN ’8 KNITTED SETS mm a bunch uh. which Incom- ¢he talk at the town. At the Dick: Theatre Friday, Nov. uh. 114.1 “Winners of the ngt” is benig‘i , L C. E. B R 0 W E R Paintingâ€"Decorating 26 Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 82-R which becom- Gigantic («tum picture. produced At tho Dicks on a tnmemdous scale. “Winn uh. 1144 Dawn Gamer combines high clus‘ ,, . . \ society drama, thrilling melodrama. 2331:“: 23:8 a human drama of the slums, a bear h pi cturizalio: tiful love stow, a tense drama of the " famous trail: underworld and a‘big speclacnlar his. the gold fieldag'turlcal production at the Dicke The» Womens flannel pajamas, while they last, to close out ......... ”c Womens union- suits, vests and drawers. all styles, the best grade underwear to buy. Priced low, gives entire satisfaction. fits exact! . all sizes from .» to 48. Telephones 177 6 I78 114-! Ire Sntuulay. Nov. 5th. 11-4-1 Popular star soon to appear in “Handcufl's and Kisses" at the Dickc Theatre, Monday, November 7th. A photoplay which afl'tmls any in which; Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank tre Sntuulay, Nov. 5th. unite. - l - "em you will llml a bank that lakvs a mhblooclml. warm-hearted in terms! In YOUR wolf."- uul uneven. If that In the «m of bank with which you would like to «lo humps come in! \‘our mum"! will b6 welcomnl and wolltrntml. Thu! 6: the. mono nml policy a! (MA hulk. In all of our relation! with our dopoahorx we emu-aver lo rander REAL uml DEPINITH We, Ourselves’ The Better Serve, By Sewing Others Better A State Institution under State Supervision 30¢:th 1892 Linen and cotton mixed crash, 17 in. wide, good, fine 25c quality in shnrt lengths, l to 10 yards. Buy as much as you need at per yard ........ 17c INFANTS 8: CHILDREN'S SHOES About 20 pairs, sizes from 3 to 7, black, patent, tan and cloth tops. White buck. canvass and plain black button shoes. $2.50 to $3.50 Values. Special closing out price, pear. 51.45 FLANNEL PE'I'I'ICOATS (‘RASH TOWELING FLANNELS ‘she has More unpaved ind an. an engrossing story of life in a girl’s Monmtory. In Elaine Hammer- slein’s latest picture. "Randall: and Kisses." ‘n-câ€"l Wtklm Electrician petticoats, [OBS to I, tops. black dues. 51.45 l.) 1/

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