Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Nov 1921, p. 1

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‘ DOWN ERS GROVE REPORTER In addition to the shove. many social events will he planned for the winter months, and it is hoped by all then active ir this movement that a new spirit will be created and that all exâ€"servlce men will be much benc- M by thug numerous activities. I An employment huroau wa> aka nixed and at prosent can phre a goorfly numhv-r «11' men. Those needing emphymont am requester! to communicate with Harvey ”wt-ford whe has been appointml the tempo- rary employment ofiicor of tho Aim-- ander Bradley Burns: Post. 0n llrr. MIL u ~mukm M" [p lu‘ltl ll. the Wrstom Sprinr l'lub llmtw. This “ill Ir :1 rrzular EM tng'rtlwr and H‘uninn "f a" "llurltlirs." 8'0". "'0 firm. Earl: l‘ d is respmsiblo for «no numhm un tho prngram. Much tnthmiam i: amwaring in all ”It snlmrhan 1mm: lhal will takr part and a tipping mull prntram' is sure to be the out mmr. .lmlg-r. Landis is («mind tn lw‘ (lu- syn-aka" of the evening, and m‘rry [pginn man will surely wzml to lwar tho \‘N‘K‘F; able judgr in action. In addition to} all this vats will he .mnwl. All 50F? vice and welfaro 'work will be a»; M'dlnatml including thr “01* at the! Speedway Hospital which will he sol organized that it will be can'ivd out, uniformly lhruout the ynar. This is a great step forward in this nndeavori ”I! should mean much to all rx-sr-x»‘ vice- mn needing help and informa-_ A cnmtrnflim pmgmm «f acfi» vity «as: inn-val "pun for Hu- roming vim" «mum. Fullmving arr n rm 0" "w artifi'ins whirl: wi" marl: a mu an m 'A'viml armilim alum: (hr I‘m-Hugh", On "ma mh, u mmkm uill 1r 'N‘ll' I! the Wrstem Sprinr ('lub "mun This “in hr 3 rocular E1“ hygrflwr Th- :n’mflmrx rmmrfl 01 Logic"! "nsls, drama“ of all ”w l‘nsbx Irnm [lent-ya In Namnillc lwlvl iL~ "mull"- meeting at lam-nun nn Not. mh. 1dr i. ‘l. Landi- ‘u Pam-d I. he Spain a! tuning M ' Noam Syrian. SUBURBAN LEGION POSTS PLAN (SET' TOGETHER DEC. 9 We are banking on "0an WWW high "Mil bring‘ I homr the ‘wn Ind lath-mate n you! “mo of {M'- llull no matter how 0w «‘nrr ("0‘- m squad plan Um (an! «IM’N' of (ruminant uh vam- my Wheaten wm mm. In the gamo so? confident of victory that this mom' fact may unmet them They am, rather on egotintir-I rrvm nut their only uput thin nth-on hm been than trip to Toledo, Ohln. They have never-l individual mu much u Gum. "ammo? nnd (:mtamm. who apparently pain ground whc-n- own they “Mm 'l‘r mm thin nu- local» have h It nhirh play: up a unit um! which. «hm they an- (and. hum thoy will Imu- to fight and flxht hard. if they m : to «in. Downers Grove high boasts of a great team this year. They are fast. shifty, follow the ball at all times. and Ire quick to take mlrantage or every opportunity. however slight, tn gain ground am! make Winn. II. is thin fact on which urn! hopes any set. “my haw another mh’nnlam‘: the fighting spirit which wins the Neither elevan has loan a game to date to any other county team. Wheaten is admittedly the stranger eleven. They have a team of vewv rang, players who have pmven them- selves on many a hard fought field. However, they will not walk awn)" with the game and if they win. which local fans consider (IOubtful, they will know they have been in a football‘ game after it is om-r. ‘ Football enthusiasts of the county, especially those who have been fol~ lowing high school football, will be treated to a real game at Memorial Park at ten-thirty on Thanksgiving morning when the elevens of the Wheaten and Downers Grove high schools meet for the championship of Dul’age county. mum lllfill f0!”- BAll (flAMPIONSIIIP GAME “HT? NOV. 24 VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 42 Wheaten-Downers Grove Elevenu Grid Battle Turkey Day at Memorial Park. $200 For Year. In Adv-nee. "or" In Mr. and Mn. Juhn ('ampâ€" hrH. Sunday. Nmnmbm ”\h. a mu. (‘Hfl'nr-l Rayon at ”w West Fuhfirhnn hcwnita' INK mvrrly h-k-phunr numb-W Fmpkfi'm" \\ ho “HM Ir "Ili‘fi‘r‘l' in ”5M" unlirr-x In “in {n \pvufy Hm kind M want clvmn. and (hr wnur‘ Yuu knn“ n? husinrss when a man shows signs of being on the job at all “mm, is mining in tack": hard pmhlrmv and bring (hr-m to a S‘JPCPSS’fH, «mthwimi. Iw is of- Mn reform] In as .1 "Go-Got'or." It moans all that our “null! natuw ally expect rurh an I-xpn'uinn to "Man and Ir havr- mlnpte'l ‘. :l.\ an oxpmssiro phi-me «lvscv-iptirn of Reporter Classified Ads. Tkry arc "(m-Geflrrs.“ Working from the vino tho paper is of? tho [nu-<5 they so" furniture. real «rate, waxhing machine.“ and piano: Find buyers for 3.0m and saline f.r others They make their r-i-v. iv- a day. A Reporter Claqsifiod is one of the best iflVEE‘tMOVNS in our town. If you have anything in mi- vertise, use the Classifieds. THEY ARE READ and the cost to you is very low. 35c for one week if paid cash am! 50(- if charged. Try ‘ ime next EMPLOYM EXT Bl rREAU It Wm 0110 «If Hqu‘ mnmngs "M mull forgone" mu? l’n- which firm-r [,lwlgl' i: mini. QHHF a gathering 0f "1' hvr'flbfim 0" firm» and n<itms urrr- ptv-VM 33. "ml , . G. S. “'. "fury Turk ‘8. n. "'1'". Knuhlmwh. A. l‘. Vvlmn am! Pal Hmvm. Tyrmm. Juhn H. .h-nhins. PM! 91, Ilmw. and Um. Pride“. Followrrafh. ("mm (Wm, San-Mary and flu Carr lain. j l'ur‘l Masters (If (:I'm'c- uml nthr-rl HIasonir lodmu “'c-rv mum“ of Minor: Alas! Sutunluy Honing n! lhc unnual_ CLASSIFIED ADS ARE “GO-GETTERS" Hon-3‘ Tank .. (3ND. I'rklu'fl Jnhn “mun _ ('lvnI. KMMnm‘h In tho ovomnx .hun lulku were mmk- by PM! Mmlrn ul' tlw lmlgv “hich mu fullmuul m Nu. wml‘a-rrinx of flu- "nnl tic-gm: Work “anal at four o'clock in the awning and n won was lulu-n a! “:30 to _unj¢ny iho- supw-r wrvnl by tho M. H. l'hilatluuv. l’xuzt Maul-rs Night of Grow Lodge. No). 824. A. F. ‘1 A. M. ('onh-md Thin! Drum in flu-Mm: Following Banana! on Annual PM! Marion Night. PAST MASTERS OF GROVE LODGE TOOK STATIONS SATURDAY Special music for the occasion was furnished by Miss Gwen Griffiths and Miss Margaret anpko, accompanied by Miss Dorothy Towsley. This and the sermon by tho Rev. Arnold H. Kehrcl were uppwcintmi by the 9x- servicemen. Members of tilt-local post, Ameriâ€" can Legion, attended a Memorial sew vice at the Baptist Chuivh last Sun- day morning. This is in accord with the plan adopted jointly by the local post and the Ministerial l'nion ol' the village. that an annual Memorial ser- vice be held in tho tlifl'orom churches 0n the Sunday noun-st Armisfico Day.‘ November llth. Veterans Apprechte Special Music by Young [Adieu and Sermon by fine Rev. Kehrel. Eli-SERVICE MEN 4 ATTEND SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH "VP" [MUM l. DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1921 ' ”W331” WHOLE NO. 1969 iznml A NEWSPAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY m" This is one thing which The Repor- ter has tried to bring about fbr many years. It gives us much pleasure that the idea has been adopted. M nim-‘hirty a union Thanksgiw ing sm‘rirfr‘ will hr hold at thr Crow: strort Church in which each donomi- nation will have pan. At temthirty time will br- called for the start of tlw championship game for county high school honors hem-6m Downers and Wheaten on Mwmorial Field. Football fans can go {mm W ser- viva to the game and see all of it. l'nr 11w first time in years lava) monk can aHr'm) both the Thank» giving church mum-,- and {MI foot; ball game. Thr- hullh‘ of both have been «A arrnnkml that this is musi- Mo. ' “man «If Son-i" and Grid ('mm-vd .\rrangul an "In! Poop“- (‘nn Mil-ml Mk. H “as an hr mu. “lurk mm In lw‘m‘fil (n a". meI-n n!’ I'M rlmnh--~ l1l~"l!».~'ll' ”w Il'~:lrmmm‘ut ["0an 7mm "W Vimuvuint "T HuxlamL Franrv. Japan ( him: and U» Amwiran w‘nnam as nuliinn! Pu- Swwtary nf Sum Huzhm. Thwv‘ minutr lull-s Irwr mmlc h) 1hr mun". “H. 1. ANN Nun-«n -|mh- [rum 1hr upflliul. "L n “arid wick aluminium or union: for Ilw maintvmm‘o of «mm m undiâ€" ran." It”. {Cc-«land cm "hm-s I'M-Jun patriotism m-mmm Ihu pranm- at can! u m nmmuy "HUI-Oh T" Rn, I‘hv‘llb M "('an nations whit-Tr [rm hrlf‘ilu‘. arhimx- [rank-«4 and mummm hmu! . ‘Md than". and hanfi-h «Hit-v a: "mi rhnrfing in "w vurwa- M “w planning “That scum" has. con!» whm. alike in pur.~unnm- of u devout pt-opk-‘x ,‘timvhonoml mutt-m and !n uratoful {recognition n! {noting nttiouli for- Ktuncs. it is proper that the Pun-idem. ;.~lumhl numm-m the nation lo 3 day of l'a-l-m- um! luynwl of "Ir 0w mu That Ih- uiuu-r mu-fluimm-ul upwutmg rhurrhv- le-l a may in-EMIhc mil in- u wen-u from a low-din: uml imtwrhu- clwu-mlouihlmulpvml of Iofl'h-Wh“! nuptial". \“u-vlnruluy' "ruin; in Ilw (‘nurrvumwM ml.- ermumml in "u- first mammal Hum-h. II was mllnl “numb-v at lho- mum Tho-at" on "Himrmmm-m l'myu Nov-Hut" nml'Nnmla)‘ "Hung film: "or "0"wa (hr dhru-‘icm was on "w mum mn‘TrV‘ mun! UV mum. Tho,» "mm fa nnn- nllml h) I'n-culc-nl Hunting )‘mml 1mm". Alm- lum- “tam". So. mu! m-w mrrunu in “’uMnmnn. 1mm". NHL-hon: Run. lit-mam- Th 3!". Unwind. mum at Sln'h‘mhr um! Nah". (Ira-r. Pianist. Paul" l‘hun'h. pnmhlnl and upluiumllsz Hm mulionn- an o-wm'nl 0‘ mud. Amm'imu pcoplt- um‘tulnly have much tn ho grateful for this year and ‘5! is wry fitting that a part of the May slmulol bc- spent in the Hmnse ul' qliml. tlu’u'ohy remgniziuu Him, a» the fgiver or all gum! and perfm film. ' Thankuxiwlux Paella-lion. . In awning 8534‘? the Ila)" for am- of "lumkmiving l'n-.~i~lent Hamlin: will the (olluwiug: lulu-run». Dhrmh WMI’H'H Sunk-r o! (ha-u“, lint" 0:, PM I“ Lay.“ on “km! (W Infill." Wald (Jo-Invite. _ Semar- Harm; ("URGES fl0l0 ! Gilâ€"IMUIIER 0N DISARM HHIMGE G. H. Newlaml will pronounce the bt'flf‘tfil'Ullll. it. is cuxtomary to hme the mess- age delivered by the latest arrival in the membership of the Ministerial Union, hence the flow. Arnuld Kehrl, pastor of the Baptist rhurch will b0 the speaker. Rev. Wm. (imtefeld will proside, Rm'. A. S. Phelps will ulTA-r prayer. Rev. J. A. Nauru-n, Scripture and Rev. A cordial invitation is hereby ex- tended to the people of Downers Grove and community to attend the annual community 'l‘hanksixiving sop vice hl‘ltl under the uuspicés of the Downers Grove Ministerial Union. It will he held in the (iron- Street church on the morning of Thanks~ giving Day and will no limiuxl to one hour, nine-thirty to [HI-thirty. um SERVICE NEXT THURS- T0(‘HUR(‘Hâ€" CORNER smeor . . THEN SEE GOOD BLUE ISLAND MA» FOOTBALL GAME nsu‘ TEMPLE LAID 'W nupir‘vnt m-Nmz :mvl hr vv‘prmnl with 'rpnf DA! AT 81'. PAUL’S CHURCH "mm ”mm Ammiran Lrginn mom'rr;. m as “w onltflumm-M rum» 1« V Sh." \V'h'k’. 5' brings [alt-"l {n ”w \1 ‘nhu-h mould "Hum“ 1w nnl runwa '1 up h) huymg )nm 4mm- nf F. H. Hammond, who hwllor the «Ix-prose, at the depot, is a chute: lmrmbt-r of (.‘ainmet lodge and at- ftended that rpremonies accompanied gby ('. H. Stank»- Information as to {the methods 0! financing were gm “hem! to prawn: to the local lodge. 'the building association for which meet. next Monday evening in the lodge parlors. ('alumvt Masonic Lair», of Bluei Llaml. had a big day, Saturday, Now! «:mhrr 31h whv-n [My laid the corner. stom- for their now ”(H.000 wmnly in that rity. This is of more thanf passmg inten-st to Downers Grove' Masons who arr- now busy tlevising‘ “IX! and "If-ans! of raising money" toward the building of such an edid ficr here. I F. H. Hammad. (Thule-r Monk-r of (Ilium-I lndmr. Attends Ilk- («remit-n. fmm 1h: Thur it a «pmmn ”all It'- nourw “in h- n fn‘vlurr [mm In momhry vtnmlyminl as not mfl‘vr'w-M «mum livid: Mm im-l- «in! in an!" 0w mmmnlw. Hmym pr. «In-n Ion! pro- plv mun that [ht-y aw rating :- haul Inn «It-"m- “an" 0" lerrlain» Inc-M luv lm- Inner n! In" immll‘»; Hwy um um hmflatr k- hu}. le no.“ numhw nf hw mun-«- null h- th-phzmia Srhutuu on kiplinx Flmirs, nu Hmpvnlry ”'Ul. Hv-t yum “Thus [be-lining. wo can do no loss .than hllhl our nation the willing in- ! xtrument of the provldl-nce which has [so wonderfully favmvd us. Oppor- tunity for wry gwat m-rvicc awaits ins If we shall prove equal ‘0 it. 14-! sour prayem be raised. fur direction gin the right path». lindur Hod. mn- lrvupomihillly i» am»; to our own firm, to all men murmur-l; to: u“ jm‘lnkiml in God‘u own juutbcu." 0n (irkrl s plenum. Thwr H “ill 'I' a . “Ours has been a favorml nation in who bnunty which God has bestowed gupon it The great irial ul' humanity. 'though indeed we bum our part as ('wc-ll as we were abk‘. left us com- Ilpamtively “Me S(’l\l'l'l‘1'. 11 is for us 'w mognizv that we have been thus flavored, and when we gather at our (altars to offer up thanks, “1- will do .wvll to pledge, in humility and a” sincerity. our purpose lu prow «lu- ,surving. We liaw- bet-n raised up and i'pl‘est‘h'ed in national puwn' um! H)“- ‘.~'equenn*, u.»- purt of a plan whose wisdom we cannot question. ‘ “Thus believing, su- ('ml do no loss} I'Mâ€"ll" lirkvv- mm flUllYWOflD IRIO PlfASfD MONDAY M "It ("MISS “Forenmst among our blessings is the return of peace and the approch to normal ways again. The year has brought m- aguln into relations of umity with all nations after a long pm'iml of thrugvglo ‘antl turbulence. devotion. of thanksgiving for bless- ings bestowed and of prayer for guidance in modes of life that may doserw continuance of divine favor. mm nf "I" Id rilhv-r hunk rhmrhw nr ”w \ ”Ian rumoa Bark '0 1‘ x‘ 0'”! J m" Ffilh (h. l Tho lny-Iuwn hou- MI tumult-ed It _«t'\’mul "mums. and mun-ted khan-x haw ban-n musk. Thus-r win fir hmlflll up for nufluu‘m Ind In Imon nu 0w ruling 60:4li in ‘mlnph'tl "w ”0.",ll program will hr rinlliulml. Thrm an at paw-Ill. mu In" (I! the hillam' Imm- c-m-u‘h I’m a My mod "mg M "w W!» lnlxr. ”up!” on I‘dmn 8hr. "will” IN! the as». "m mam furllmrs 'n limited in "yo-j inn-«ml "oath-r- "w (n Ibo-«v hr!- fl “n-"Hir ""“":-'r- I- rum-Ml: ml xl Htil‘ hut éhein for' the list ’iuuiii.‘ m by this kind bf mam ."it'fia's been established that 99 of the Mg regd t-he Classlfieda. Use Tm Wm in lint rflwr zoex- INTO THE HOMES, when it ran be read at leisure moments This is the kind of advertising that pays, not only the advertiser but the men and women who pro- am pm! just about fwd enough to ma (- a jammy thrnugh the man- try just fast mug)! to read :1! the signs. In the days at the mm). however, we go too fast to do an - thing but, hang onto our ham. 4 place for ads i in grmgglriqm which “Who wants In «any a [Nephone yolv- home In read Ch" alb- 1’" In the long ago days whvm avh'urtis- in: was Run in its infancy it wan rnnsickrod a rlnvnr stunt to tark ads on the rides of barns, renews, and trans tha‘ a" who “ran might rad." In those days travel was a great deal slower and old DOM“! Val vmh n Own-- ily, In! whom "w Imilmn. u mmphdn! 6! will in an mHvd Mlmrl'um In Ihh huulilu' n1- lnzr n1 mlrn. Something _thl mu hr a landmark In our pram-Ne m a tit) harmful. l’rmc-nt plum m" fur nu vloflnitr n .“ann urn-u“)- LITTLE MICKEY HAS SAID lining a puny-d that" tn \M In." of l‘\’l'f,\' flown-n- Gvow lama. it in onward that many ml! nvnii them- u-lum 07 n»- npponumly In but fit! lute-l vrxunling "or building of I Mann-fir 'l'rmplo in "mantra “m. Organization of the Dow-oer» (imve Mammic T‘s-mph Awiulian will I» complain. m. u mwting In In halal in 3M parlors or (:mvo Lodge nut Mumhy evening, Novembvr 2|“. Permanent omen-n: uf lba mum-iaflon um lu- «hard and W con-dilution anal hy-lawu mum-d. "I- H! COMPLETE ORGAN l- ZATION 0F TEMPLE ASSN. N EXT MONDAY Local anu (7." Mating in lodge l'arlons lo like! "flu-Pu and Adapt My-lawu. The Library is an opportunily in Downors (lmvv to bring the best world story. picture and knowledge of things to our children. Let us help in awry way possible and particu- larly at this timo by purchasing lic- lu-ts to the Saturday Matinr-e. xoltLhy the (-hildmn o! the M'hnuls and also at, the Library mu! the Junior Blo- montziry School. It is “(fhildron’s Week' at our Liâ€" brary and in every Public Library in the country. That means especial atv ‘entiun to the pmcnring and circula- tion of good houks~light reading for "In children. wrung “Huckleberry Pin” to be Shown in Connection with "Children’s Bank Week" Here. LIBRARY BENEFIT .MATINEE SATUR- DAY AT CURTISS l h: TROOI' THREE NEWS u! Owing wruml. "w ' um Palm! I and ”W lh-aur I'Mml runn‘ mu a“: d M lumuwt fl'u'u h); tlw ("mp In pm'nl- mum! and "grout n! {ht- nf lvvmp !hr:w\ um h- (urn , - ; "int. ,\'-r rm?!” ”‘0', a! nerv’vzzdimnw f‘hurr!) at “in. mm hrlalint ”ml ”I no! wnn five! hum" um!» I. I pmmm "I “I l~ cm rumpl- 1' Highland Huh ".1, Vin h} tho '1 ~i>'(l'. Mrs. 7'10 “'1'" Hereaftcr the citiunship classes will be held in the evening giving the men equal chance to Luther "an facts'of our government, with the women. If they are m enliditming Is the mating m. they should prove popular in .1 community lift (mm-hip and county gm-rrnment. Mombr-u of (h- (‘ivm claxs of tho ’HR'Y «drool, with Meir instructor. Hiv- (Qalbn-flth. a!!! mind and took I yr-nuim‘. interest in UN“ rut-fling. Tlvr rral hum:- was the talk by Mr. Kuhn and the I'm-sum um him from a" my“ at n... .M... -rx_- M5” Jv»~u‘v- 8mm! put-44H! in "to .‘nhvm'r H! ”p- W, 1. ”NM". I'll. ut' Hutu! 9Ew- [whim 0’ ”it Iner- nmm. \l! _ (Swing-r 1'. Why. 01' "P t hiwagm “nman; "’uu. 35’ is CM!" n‘av u! ”an ritinnvhip mum"!!! of that nrranizatin'v and {mkr on the miym. «vrm-tnrv arr! fuminm‘ng of Inn" "at". Ash In, Q. "I Rocco" Ann»- .1 “Mb; Tunic). Mm. an’m spoke of Jun-'- wmblem not not. imaginary u no €m-ny or an mull. "or pkg (or cou- mtrutlivn Mam. induct offic- ‘U'uflh‘o. "Mining-ad h" Mun. hr [mum xhc CM that the an: of use bullwhip would endow {our l'nivonitn-u Illa MW .14 build 8.6600 humor. Knowing that "cum I. out" of m. horn». of war, duo to on: MV- ing Div-w! in tho up whi- no mt nowwufu‘mmaflnad'dl nu (Mu Mun 0! 0n- nubkd but din- run". H (mm a tin! of the «nor- mmn: nut. Sh. "v: Ml Old 0'- unm wading lb: tun-Hon and mom-l how 890 a! awry DIN uh. a» by m Peder-l m‘n'mmnt no; for [nu-l. pun»! M “NH" VIII. FIRST CLASS 0N CITIZENSHIP IS GREAT SUCCESS lnten‘hg fleeing A rum Ina-t m en'joycd by the momborn‘ a! the Woman Club at it: n-Kulnr meeting on Wedncndny unorâ€" noon. when In. Jam Morrison. of (Noam. Viml’mident a! the lam. of anun Volta, woke on the Db- armament Conlcnm M the hope of tho- world. Those in charge of the wards are as fuiluws: Isl Waldâ€"«Mm. J. D. Gillespie. 2d Wankdlm. W. C. Barber. :m Wank-Mm. L. E. Jones and Ward chaimwn have been named by the Philanthropy committee of the Downers Grove meaus Club to lulu.- charge 0! the annual Red Cross roll call in the village. The “call" II from November 1th to 24th and n committee will be at the posholfice Saturday from 10:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. and at the Library during li- brary hours to take memberships. Wumam» Club bio” Rare Trent at Regular Meeting On Wed- nesday Aflcmmn. WARD (IIMRMEN . NAMED MR RID (R033 R011 (All Womnn of "u.- Mrs. H. II. Huntington. 41h Wankâ€"Mm. A. B. Snow. Emu. Crove~|lrm Arthur WM“â€" hum. “amourâ€"Mm. Mire lat-0y. sttmonklm P. 1!. Hill. wed. («a

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