Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Nov 1921, p. 6

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thoroughly at bomb, has again been demonstrated. Last summer whon the Chautauqua was here for a week, "Chautauqua Bill” Wright, own-wine known as‘ Willlam S‘ was thé platform manager. He said then thatdm was never ac- col-fled a better reception in any town and that the peéple made Mm feel more at home than ‘11! my place he ever hnppened to be; that the village hdaspifitlmdtobutudml That, Downers (Hun, peopie have a certain way of mak'mg the stranger Look out folks. if you don‘t like. in be patted on thn hark. don't read THE “DOWNERS GROVE" WAY Taking "we things into mnsidma- flan, we suppose length-hing m- apâ€" proaches is about al that an be dnne at prvspnt. However, who!) Maple avenue is pawn! {mm the pit: and: end of the paving to the villmi limits some pmviskm will undoubted-; Iy be made for a subway at this point.§ Before saying anything In The Rt:- pnrtcr as to how tho crnwing was to he fixed, we had a mi with Mayor Barb". He assunfl 0:: that every- thing had bum dam in the dimion of getting lbs "Q" to hiM a nbway‘ .: w: rrossing. Hr! said um at it} Ia: built now the Mm would he fan-Pd On pay pan of 1M mt, a 6- nnncinl obligation which they werr not prepau-d to undertake. f Wc- hvanily an.” In": «wry Ionl Ir Wyme has tn say an 1M: «ub- jI-fl. TM prop" thing at this time wait! in a subway. “a! is "w only any in which thin musing can In mad" many sail- and "rmemo'." In TM Knpminr "D69. “11" is (ll hurt (mm "ugh I). Wyllir mat! ing (ha fixing of IN flat-Ir HTV‘nfll'i rrmsing m "on! It nu hr safer for' lraflir. ! 7;“; ‘I \I‘IJ'I ,\\'ri'\"l~: ('RHSSING lint-h your "w l'a‘-!'-nl uf Ilia" I'nttnl SIM/w tum-fl a purlnmutioné alum: "w mph in arm. (hr an}; in n Mtiur: mmmu 33.. um Inc-ml? uni what ”not mm..wr Is "In “ huh“; M M. if «and I: L. in ruuiaiml if "or nun! via-If. If v'rw‘hwl into I\\v-! Mir :1 anl runny nlhvv. mam“, ”w nhsrruuuv- m Mn (1')) hm air-i .I'hl‘nlh‘l'. Nu“ ~l. m. in mm! l‘flll'y,i "lowly u day uf {unflmil mum-u mu” Ira-Mug vullr-ul that plum lum'h' whwh ulwuhl mall; 61. 3 wu_ u H: Um Ir. 1hr 03: 2 “HM. n! Uh ”whim: u! lh UI huh‘ll.l,\'. The Ind TM.” in ”w III)‘ 0' III alur In Ur-ir purl) Ila) l-n [hr ”In! Nu-or m.unl'u|d D". .«rnr M "Illdy. INH'M‘ M THANKS GIVI 3w Tho- ”Ill Entered at, the Downers Grove Post Oflice as second class mail matter Advertising rates made known upon application. Subscription rates $2.00 per yuur. Single copies 5c. lined every Friday morning from the dim 01 fine Downers Grove Publishâ€" hg Company. 37 North “tin strut. Downeré Grove. Illinois. Downers Glove Reporter ‘ am TME Wu GENE) ~'ro momma «own FER A JOB ox: PR|NT\NG . VOU‘RE mOOmjzm 4:3 .622 P75 xzoaéz. zmn 02: m HI “'I'H.\ \hS .IVJ IL Lumilu wad uh-‘fl -‘ MUM Am! J "um-u I "-0- II'J I Am! \ “0rd. nu- wu’l, u: u! 1h In .1 ul C. H. STAATS. EDITOR Th.” '. -m\ I w u;:' M ”w l’uluum» mu! purl) HI u-Un-I' and! thnuum: 01 “wt". 1.! Div-nu , HIM H MICKIE SAYS- In .1 ul' um aniam l xx hmk~ vhlh-u. "Thank-- unuum H! m Hui I Jul .“ urn-n1 m. wit", nmh- wamL w ml, _ 5"! «wuhru; nh- “Ii uh Belated Junleo. It has alwnyu seemed to us an In- justice that Adam and Eve should gm an the blame for orlrmml sin and flu credit fur the virtues. which nrv equally orlflm". Why I! I. “Met! Wan Strut. Wall straw. \‘mv "vl‘k. derives its name from Hm um wall that v‘xfemlm along It in tho um hutch whys, and marked the nnan-rn hmmdm-y of the town 0! New Anwh-nlnm. A Canoe War. m» M "w ”fit Indian wnn in the Milton of (-ur!\ K:NI\:!~ is «Md '0 haw nflrfnzuml lwmuwu :m warm mid va lmli'nw :. g-i-w‘r- uf mum wlfh L'w «rim nnm Ihw u'rm‘n: way. ck'adn \. h"! [M a: Human Fwd SPYPNH kind: . .' Hive" '~ :--n F! ”W :"W‘vfll "I u“IV\ _ I: w Rmuum. Val: 'l‘. ”w UK'v'hh H '"w "ham-«Ir wind" i\ :l fit-livid" flml "90mm! "I mum-mint: I'w «mm o! pvujm-Iilw m nun-u Hr!" m1... .1. furl or "w «huh :qu .: Wm", "nun In: m «In :hrtn'H-nvl mm": a, Wnrld war. le Hum“! Malian l'iflmv MUN! m-rr $3.10!! Forty rhiMn-n {mm "Iv ar'mvvh tank lickrle In so" for it. lhullry Eng" min-cl a beautiful um} 0' Tom 3.! yrr fur mllin( 5"! “rich. ml. From the Ncégnbon TIM-h un- ffiw HIE .:< murv luv-Vuln- lr: to a "um ”um In in I”... | ,n, ultmllvi'u.’ I!" Ini- In'ml luv u.. I" “um alum: mod "ml ' "nur'm '~i SM! ‘n- :Ifll' 'w- I ' J Lu '0 ' , lu’r ‘!~.I in!” P Wu" luring :d'l'k- l‘lw m' mu 1:" ‘uIJJm‘tiv-n (rurt- hunk: "nu-"qrmr (Kur) III I) tmvur-l Eur»: 511‘ mm :vlt'l' 4'n‘, . 1T Vuriq-d .M‘lhiliru 01' Week Fncllsv AIM-Mimi ul’ («Immunity on Local Instilmiuu. CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK AT LIBRARY WAS BIG SUCCESS ' Since then, we have heard from two different sources that Mr. Wright 'is spreading this propaganda in varâ€" iious places and Tuesday we received further evidence of the sincerity of Mr. Wright’s wards. This was in the‘ form of a Thanksgiving post can! to The Reporter in‘ which he says,‘ “Greetings to the citizens of Down-" ers Grave for a pleasant, thankfui Thanksgiving, they deserve it." Mr. Wright, we thank yuu. i w.» .AH other complimentary assertions. At the time we thought it was his usual “line." That he used it everywhere he went and so on. l,- I'- [In] kw .,...( |»- h ' " A” !' '2' I .. h' : 1'". 40. ~ i'rmd l'u- ! :I' '-|- hinh-V‘ IE' .1 'rf.‘ «p- I'l‘l' n‘ m , ”w \w 4 Ir H u-Al in 5w .1 3:: .':.llh- n'l'I~-.~ In .-.'.vn- u; ""1 4n vr. l'. 5’ rulrhrm I“ llflm' In in \I‘l mm‘lmu \I u an!” . -.\ . ll!) llu' "nl‘vlhlu h" kills. 'u-k u! Illi- - m H. Huyl S "salami: WIN.” Ht vl- 'a‘_ Hn- I'm-m h HIIII'VVM- v trio-l .u “Rh 1»! ranks-11f l‘mmcl thorn unmlnm-n. : m ln hulvmm'f UN" \"unlz;n',- " H" m: nu, 4 m1!» m'ruvinn. “ m a- 11km: {m vlw lvhm ’1 «IL-1 um Hull Il'ly. - mur ni‘sh Hid viuruzlr ;h¢' hi .‘ ’. "may H154. h “pl-nu 'I'“ ‘ll-"l’l' "calm“ .. . Uu- \ o-H hmuuhb n-«I 1.. hr u haul“) mâ€" .tu.~ vl up (n \HL-h X'wir gun‘s nwr. 1114-; :ulm rllh‘u'H lu-fun- “0|vi Ling .l')‘l'.:. u hi! “my in- rlu'uivvvl'~ .lrM-v and -:-«I [will xlmltlu-tglm) u- :m "ml-Ir) qu|¢lv'lfl, LU” x! Iu Ill \\ 1+in! nu kuv “u 'lI‘ llzh u u:.,:':‘.'.mitj.-‘ \\ i!h‘ ii‘ (lili- h! ilh 'H- n-MOR hHN’erl‘ m :1« Hum ,« v'r IQ'II“" -.= butt]. 2"? um-nl c-luimlng It un x Mm" 111»! l'vl" ”OWNERS GROVE BEFORE g5 DOWNERS ('6ng ILLINOIS h n Ship Anesian thcr Always Warm. “'ntm' flowing from down arrest“ vmlx is aux-an warm, rm account of the iIm-rnnl heat of the earth. A Belated Moral. The mural In the story about the prodigal snn and rfl'N‘d rnH‘ ‘11 that n).- m" didn't (M a square don}. The a!" had boon wry rim-rm. hm w e Ilium in hnnnr of lhv mn whose lift" was a riot, Arr-him" Globe. Widow. Lies in Corrccfion. Don't maln' hm Pun-h u" Hu- and finvllny ur H.1- u- Ju-umi 31."; h- gum! In )nm‘u'lz' I! I'm“! your sun! m-vr ,vuur n Mnmh-r mktaku -â€".\da l" Nu'm-L n Siam-r6” "or" I)". a. .luhlv. Flu-Ikm-rM, .“Mle' H :‘iu‘ ' 3U Lli'nzl. N9, 98:. ‘L V. I.- .\. .‘|.. “him“... will Mn! nhunl an, u.’li~'v;~ .uv'l hwnl'H‘I-I i" that huh!" In v-l‘“ n- ' ~r- w .: Saturday mm-iuu nn :2 [1" 'mn ‘i,~“ In Him» Lnthtn, .‘l-"m‘ irn «I Hw Inca! Indy :nttrmlml :I qw- ‘ rial mmIimz m Sinnvily Jnm- 2.3m fiakinx (ho :«lzllvmw fur the roufmrinr ‘nf tho drawn um. 853:?va will now [my in "whim ran." Sum-w will luv ~unrv! tn llw nu-m- luv" a! firm-'- lntlgv and Hutton It 4“ u'rhvclr. Al night nullr “ill hr railed and “w "flaws: of flu- visiting ~urganiaalinn will take stations for the rnnfmring of (M third Ilr‘km. . Those enhanm- \isits haw bran at. @mnml by .1. 1’. Nelson. 3 Past Masâ€"y ”or of Simn'ty Wm». but "our ai ’nNidrm of Downeh- (Irma. f No More Walla. t‘amn'm Kidd drink from the mud- OnI “Huh-nah! ‘rilh 2v Tone}- M angry mm: mu! n Sic!" grin an M1 mun-xx “'10untls",“ ’w vv'laiml-d to his "mum- llm “I": hmmaslh’l‘ far a man '0 hr in [av-Me in thew mmlnmry Hm. 01w r-nn't «m «Ram a wank!" gm. 0"qu Heads l Win: Tai'... You "“ [um am I vh-inx' 'm ~| than H il'v lwml- H! L. lulu H ll‘~ wait; 1'" L'u :lnv Mllhnw' ‘ml' h v: \\ mu Hn-n -m: now hmmu m Imb- M) 'l‘lu- mll'Hu-r ”mug!" ”m! flaw- "I mm' 1hr FIN-'4 how-min; In in. mm I Vm'r Mum)! fidurv'd (mum-n 3" we mull) rnm'mmnim-vl hy putting an «m mm u min In " ”um ~ (I: hi .“l' . "'HHL- for v ‘3“ Hum haul Nubian? ward aulmitl l 0‘!!! Illlnn' ‘ml' h Hr mun ~ :g‘l'_ r” a.” Inv'm- “"'l ‘1'". M MASONIC OFFICERS 3:; ENTERTAINED BY RETIRING MASTER Plumm- John B. Jenkins, who I'fltirex no.“ month from m'tive Ivadcrship of :Grow Lula», No. 824, A. F. 6': A. [M.,.ru_'aHy entertained the of‘l'icrrs of {the Ul'dl'!‘ with whom he has wurkvd lf'm' thv lust your as Minter; at his I h‘uutiful ho'm' in ()nkwuml awnuv, 'a; dinner 111:4 Saturday evening. ~hT_n \'.‘:-.~- Um :nfivz' 01' ”to m whirh mzu'kI-d mm of (oh host, (irm'u Lodm- has m'vr vnjnyod ova-rs \\'l')'(* 122M for {nurtCmm um! flu» dinm‘l'. in Um word“ of our 01' tho gut-s “was cooked um: ‘n-rvml to a qur-vn’ L’htv." Sat-i211 mum! {HUM- ~hT_n \ Um :mivz' 01' Hm “ravioli which mzu'kI-tl mm of [oh host, ) ll‘h‘ [m rm': .\l Sinccrity Lodge, of Chicago. Will Pay Return Visit Here Next Saturday. 'H (‘H' pie '1’)! ml H "II \\"‘! Fina! Choict \\ .piu mu mull .mn I’.:m .H‘h. n MI 1 S .1. (u'1,'m"..-';. mn-«H h‘mliii my hur- 2m In ‘h n!“ Hm faults “um? um: PVC!) mi "In“! ham n Mnmh-rs and I” I 'm ”filming I I'Ll I!“ 1PM": (u If. v- Humb- tn ' "lulu-If. in l tullpu'v‘num hp \rr)‘ lin- Th!“ urn-v nothing (hr;- iu‘ In H. .II': ll" lu HM hmlu [In til I": H. E. McALLISTER C0. Make out your listâ€"-get out into the bracing airâ€"come down to th's t select those gifts for friends and loved ones. ' 8 0"â€" and Perhaps you have made up your mind not to give so many presentathis yearâ€"remember you usually do that every year and along about December 23 you receive a present from some one whom you had de- cided to leave out of your list. Then a rush at the last minute to find something when stocks are all picked over and time is limited. Rememberâ€"~Start Todayâ€"Because Tomorz-nw. Today Wn‘l Be Yesterday. The Christmas Goods are ready in this store â€" the stocks are new the days are bright and the clerks are able to give you undivided attention” V pus-£19 .-'vk- ”1' thu mih'mul pm at this point would in- 13:? Hu- w w) HIM-1' “'4' milruml tmck> WELL * NEXT YEAR IS HERE Nowthr mu INTENI) TO KEEP mm: mm YOURSELF, IT IS NONE T00 EARLY T0 BEGIN--N 0W! â€"“l'l.l. SHOP EARLY NEXT YEAR AND AVOID ALL THE DISCO.“ FORT I HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS SEASON!" Yuu' unit-Iv nniml lfigztrding whit Hu- liurlingtun H. H. is planningr m (In roluth‘c t-I .zxukin}: Um “Ilvzllh Trap Crossing" on East Muplo ave. Editor Downer 5 Dear Sir: m“ Hugh Wyllie Writes that Slogan. “Safety First" Should be Fraud in Every Instance. ADVOCATES SUB- WAY AT MAPLE “AVE. CROSSING Haunts;- Crow. “L, N--\‘. 15!. “’21 .\- (:- lhm. Irm‘v Rvportor -l m M [Mr m 01‘ “HH’ ‘10 hP 'Hli MM 1M! Hl -~ ~â€"-uu..â€"-- .mw \':Z-- I‘m’ ;« .i ~hn'! ('I'hfl'y fn-m (“Ulllhl'l'kllut sum 3“ 13;"- h Silu'r l‘rm. .'-‘l:u!v; lhn'i.‘ hvmin. (SH-p ('oth, u nu! m'uphitv i< n HUI-J Lu :H‘ 3' . K 1mm ‘I‘II'L' I .' <.; an ”iv pump“; 2"" flu k, "1m 1'“ ~; F’AK' WARE; 31') "3' Wain Street 'K'clc unfortunate who might-be caught in the future befme some onmshing fo- comotive that the cltizuns' of our vil- lage will rise up and take the neces- sary steps to assure positive safety at this most dangerous crossing. um! .1 ”Ln. .~«:Il‘ Al'lilit'ifll 'm hum; mmlufm‘lm i< ::;;l and i Guphite. ‘. I'Iir’|:10‘ “'11: uhluim’d l- [Em-rmnluh- min" In Inlnmi, Sinm- [In-n .1 drawn from n-usn'm amt-run . NI-w Vm‘k ‘- ‘I. ‘th‘lm': um! [up ‘ ‘ Is wl~u prudum-vl in «'m‘. Al'lilivifll ‘.i;.:l Respectfully, HUGH D. W YLLI E. ”J?‘ And you help the sales ple b easing the strain of the last ays. ' You shop at leisure and a- void that terrific last minute rush and jam. Think of the advantages of early shopping. You get the pick of the sea- sonable things. ' You choose from almost an unlimited variety. T i“. 'C “if 1" L Hogarth's "Marrjago a la Mode.” “Mnrriugu- a In Made." a wries of six {admin-:5 by William "wan-m (lofifidi‘un. \H'l'v :u-quirml in 1824 by thu Nanim'u! Hull-'11 in Luna-m. The paintings lh'pin'L uilh run' mflm, a “my-U "1' ..wnrn-nu-~ m Ilw hiuh life (If thv HUN“ 'l'Lm un- :cm‘l'ully no“. sivh-nul In 1.0 Hu- : -;i~r‘~ (”urn-xylem, till Mr. End Mrs. Wallace win he mm. to their friends at Wallace Hill, Fail-- mount Road. after December lat. Mrs. M. B. Wallace aunoama ch. ,marriage of her son, W. Kyle Wu. lace, 3rd, of DoWners Grove to Mb. Lillian Caldwell, 01’ Oak Park, Tb! marriage luck place at the home a! the bride in Oak Park last Saturday evening, November 19th. Friday, November 25, 1921 , CALDWELL -â€" WALLACE Telephone No.29 \i'i no)! 5 Y‘v' :‘!\r' Q‘l‘ Many We...‘ In “n J thograph 'JHC the Ribbon. I'lll'fiw ) Mom. In Imm HI-‘ll :ll'fi 00* v l‘HIImH III. “)8 .am- 1;. ¢'\n~r,\' fifty r d HI run ‘.l..r ; l; 'I".I':Iin lrLunsus Ltlh u ‘ um- ' H um

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