Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Nov 1921, p. 7

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h‘l‘ :Ina Ill'th I by The l i to mn- the lfly 'nin mus ,- Scnroâ€"JA‘lwntnn, 28: Downers. l. Baron brought tho hall back twenty yards on tho kickoll‘. Sedgwick skirtâ€" ed left om! for seven yards. Rogers added one through right guard. An end play lost three yards for the Purple. Stoplwnson kicked to When-1 ton twenty yanl line. Dollinger made three through right tar-He. Gust“- son added three more through center. Frazer made. it first down of left tackle. A page. Gustal'son to Grange netted eleven yards. Grange made it first down on three plunges through‘ the line. A bad pass from center went over Grange‘s head and he re- covered after a twenty-three yard loss. Grange skirted around left end but fumbled on the tackle. Don Ste- phenson picked the hall 05 the mount” and raced ninety-two yards for 8‘ touchdown. Baron kicked goal. Scoreâ€"~Wheabon, 28: Donmers, 14. r Smith went in {or Stephenson and ‘ Klein for Rogers. Baron kicked to ‘ Grange who was nailed in his tracks 1 on his twenty yard line. On three'} attempts through the line Wheaton : made only two yards. Grange punt- ed to the Purple two yard line. Boone I slipped and was pinned on his five 5 Thin-l mum-t Slnplvl'uu :' kil‘Kt-li lu Fun/l r N" his thinhflmw‘ .mnl Hm» \‘ihfl rmriml it bad; tux-1m _\;|nl~, “54'3th riyh ml at? mm )rmls m-mm-l tlw rid” flank nml Hu-n tun fur Ihnw marv- fur fir-t damn Hn-u h‘fl muml. ”rang? mad» six 1‘:ml,~ ml .1 uidv run across llw mm. “'hmhm w» prualirm! fln- rauh fur niTchlv. (:rn-wr' romp- otl fnr hwh'v )zmls around lt-fl end. Gustal‘snn warmwl thmunh (hr left side of the line for nine morn. Crank? added [hm thmugil right guard. Gustafson fail"! and the hall went to Downers. Bum" gained the yards on two attempt: tin-mg!» the line. Gum intercqfled a piss on his own thirty yard line and sprinted seventy. nuts for .1 (onchdown. He kicked, "nu m- r 3hr yard l .1 lirlr? lufm'n riyhl l flank flu aw unwind-1v.) 'unl .‘iu.v|‘\ !'-H hwu'wl um- In "‘h" H In! c 'l’:' ).~Ivl . lhm [unm‘ci I: (m LL \:'--| " hvrr Prmnr lu'whhwl pm! 5" 'ttm‘h {I'll on thn In" Iwhrml flu- umul fur a l‘molr Iu'u‘U'I’n" n on u w. (bun-Jr Mr. t?» “id; ("1‘ pump! In ()’.\' "'3‘ vhf“. plan UHI' Scur‘v nm- .0 1 lm'kII-. Huron tm‘l' fur D4“ mu \\ Y , -'-‘ it h: Sh I Wheaten line a stone wall and failed to make yanls on two attempts thru the line. Stephenson punted to his own forty yard line. Grunge made three yards around right end. Put- nam’s back was wrenched in making the tackle and was taken put for Scdgwick. A forward, Dollinger to Grange, was incomplete. Dolling'cr made a yard through the line and Grange ripped oll‘ fourteen through left tackle. Elklic Baron broke up a thirty yard pass from (lustafson to Grange. Gustafson faked a pass and skirted the right end for u thirty yard run to a touchdown. Grange kicked goal. ScorewW-houtnn, H: Downer. 0. Whvnton lziv'lzz-J tn ll-rl-n un :h<- thH‘C \(lnl rim», “5': h‘uwrhl if." lull! back in Um lwm‘lty zigh‘. yaw! linv. Slr';-In-u~ ...hh~.a «m.- llnm'uLL I'M 1:; Hr. \HHHMII “.l- "1" .:II‘ 1’. far Hr Hr. \Hu'utun holding: winking lhm'uriw T-nty Nrun‘ “'I H WflfAION IIIGII mum (flAMPSWflN “SIER- DAY ”20M PURPlf h' Ina-u (Nu! 1.: ur u‘.‘ n I'M). (lmw yanl nm .!.lr'"-hmn. "r "'"kul l"‘il‘. Whn‘ul--n. L‘I: "mun-n. 7‘ :v Ir'vl-ml lo lb! In. :‘zml livw uividh Mr“. I" 'l "J” "-\"Nz'hm 2|; 1m! 'VI ,V w ,n ‘ L! llu- fin.\ um an!» (“MW in n I”. “ramp elm n l'iI1)- Hum (Qantinued from page 1hr lit fur“ «in: November 25, 193.; kirL ‘Im-i tn Zi'II'un ull tho- .' “h 31'1”!th 1hr Mal! II‘. 31ml lino. won t .‘.' ( u' .;- llhnmJ; I'M ”I \‘d' |'w :215' d fuv it h» r, .imm 0:; (2r . : \ \‘mi Hun. .C \ 't‘t‘ I'll (AU n. ['11- Hum ‘n \xlm himlzh' Jul Iim‘ I30" 1 n .Irnuml flu- knh'd t’w Iv" lh .. m, u-zh 1!!“ l) hm Committees from both bodies are now working out the details of the aflair and a good time Is antidpcted. [ Alexander Bradley Burns Post, 1American Legion and the Auxiliary are planning a big Christmas party and rally for the evening of Wednes- rlay, December 28th. Every ex-ser- vice man and woman of the communi- ty and their families are invited to the affair which will I)» held in the Ugion rooms. Belmont and Forest avenues. I LEGION-AUXILIARY PLAN A CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR DEC. 28 All Fix-Service Men and Women and Their Families to Receive Bid to the Allin Referee. Krafft, Northwestern Col- lr-gt‘; Impin. Mount. Armour; Read Lincfimafl, Carpenter, Knox . Tmmhdownsw-Gnnge. 6; Gustafson l; Frazer, 2; Sedmrick. I; Stevenson. 1. Goals after touchdowns. Grange. 9; Stfl'enson, l; Baron, l. Frnm‘r Cunafson Grant? Dumnu‘vr to Lr“ IS li'osqlp l‘rm imzm Krnmly "madam: l‘lmmm- H' ‘u rn. Smiflv ‘ 'ln H. 5L9]: Hun n" '1'. , yard line as the third period ended. 'Sconeâ€"Wheaton, 28; Downers, 14. . Fourth Qulrtel' Stephenson and Rogers went in a~ gain. Don made a bad kick'to Grange on the twenty-three yard line. Fra- zer made one through center. Grange found a hole and plowed for fourteen yards through center. Frazm hit ofl' tackle for a yard. The Purple braced and held Wheaton for two downs on the two yam! line. Grange hit hard and slid through for a touchdown. Ho kicked goal. ’ Scorev~Wheaton, 35; DowneIs 1U Grange kicked to Baum who brat: iii. back ten yards to the tucnty~fivel ‘yzu‘d line. Gustafson interfered with .Bm'on on the receiving end of u forq Ewurd p335 and the locals netted a! ten yard gain. With Don passing- to; Baron the Purple gained seven yards in two attempts. Two more passes. were incomplete and Wheaten took tho ball on tiwh fortv um! lino l‘lungvs through the line by (.Innge,§ 3-‘ null and (.ust-ufson netted Wlwu-~ ‘mI uvenl} yards. Willi (imngc (in- im: mml of tho work and touring: ..-"' t'u- yard.- \\:‘th I-uw ‘IYiI-Iutun wont .ln-iglv‘. down “10' firhl i'm~ u tom-ll» tit-MI. Fm'tm' ~-}I§I‘,:ml nun->- 1mm 71' 1‘" _\;llli i's, ($.3ng khkmi rpha n Ste m NYM-mun. 4 I: l n Lam-gm [in _',.,' '- am "1‘ Lu‘ 1 ~..’ - bit-u. lnml «um»- \Hm (H. U'er'l m )- yh \o.‘ h) “nu-n m- 'uhv l'urph- fatty-Tn.- “Mr. Sltjvi'l'nr. ilmu In lint-nu inn-uvuvlc-hn (haunn p’wlud n hum Su-plu'n-- out a! (ho air 'uz'wi #le ytmh in u lum‘lulnnn. “+ch gnnl. ”n Smk'witk u} “In an hvrmxwl- \\' hr \\ Thc- lmr l p- lm m ur'alml ’1'" 0'“ UH ,u m r30“: J” In! I nllh \"huulon. fit! uh H uln- u'hnlum h ...n u-i lir- llm meu '1'" 1“.le Ir" Tufidv Imfl Guard ('vnlt‘f Rum Huani Right Turkic Right Flu! Quarter Bark lmfl Ha" Right Half Full Bark H'L'I NIH-H ml 1.." Lt‘fl Tnclde Loft Guard (‘vnter Right Guard Right Tackle Right Em! Quarter Left Ha" Right Hnlf Fall Back. 3'1“ l‘cnwlvv'h. ‘4. 1" buck hum n~ l!-.- flnul “In. um UNI'H Him l."l|-'u "xv l-twd [Ml-r. (2n 'Wlwmon vm- punlml _\ ‘Il‘i '1‘" End ll.- w I .. luck “out! lo flu WWNERS GROVE REPOI NORTH SIDE GROCERY MARKER The “My“! Nt-ighlmrs are giving :1 Hunt” :lIv Zimh'r Hall on Juturllm awning. Ill-c-mbvr I assorted, 7 packages for ............... 50c Sunbeam Baked Beans, No. 2 can ........... 10c Early June Peas, per can .................. 15c Ferndefl Stringless Beans, can, 29c; per doz. $3.20 Ferndell Corn, per can, 23c; per dozen ....$2.60 Robert Anderson, a student at Be- loit College, was homo fur the 'l'hunksgiving vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, of Oak Park, spvut Thanksgiving Day with rviuliws hora. Howard Steele. of Kcnosha, Wis., spent Thanksgiving the guest (if Miss Frances Bristow. Groceries SUGAR, lOTbs. for .................... For-tuna Spaghetti, Macaroni or Noodles, Nettie Joan, infant, daughter of Mr. and Mus. W. J. Slams, has been ill for the past few days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edge- ton, Saturday, November 19th, a daughter. Spring Chicken, per pound ...... Pork Loins, per pound .......... th Pork Butts, per pound Fresh Pork Shoulder, per pound . Fresh Hams, per pound .......... Leg 0’ Lamb, per pound .......... Spare Ribs, per pound ........... Veal Shoulder, per pound ........ Smoked Boneless Butts, per pound California Hams, per pound ...... [PERSONALS] Don’t forget the Bazaar to be held in the Congregational church on Dec. Mrs. Ray Clarke spent the week end with mlatives In Omaha, Neb. \h The poultry We have is fresh from the country, dry picked, TENDER and SWEET; just what you want for your table. Buy our high grade poultry because you get more for your money. Fresh Groceries; Lowest Prices and ,y of wk Mn. 11..» lln'.“ I. (A Nu in I mi )lx Saturday Specials Meats <1] \â€"\ I {W k , FMJ (2133‘; .3-13' FOWLE- in u-uuu STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 fru 1n.- \lh-i: l‘L-u I I u- ' and non, ul' \rxllfil l:n.~l Sunday .-. LN :1 ucr llt-m-r ul HI apartment at Oak I’mk. .Hl'kn, n]! have mun-ll frh-ml, and (VI lutkt') w. Drirxh-I'. li' 5 Fresh flow the mu 1‘ ml 1 Sin members of the Nature Study {Chm-1 have been enjoying birthday celebrations and congratulations dur~ in}: the mouth of November. and )1; \ l-II ;,- i'il-t-lu-l. HI ‘3‘ Tim! I: ;'L'.'i a: Ilium-r Imm- nf Mr. and .\lr~'. Emil Morvillv Mortnn and Vernon Fuller will uttmni [he “()luh-r Bay‘s (V‘unfrlu mx'u" at III-(th‘, l“ri<l::\' and Suturâ€" thf. lh'h‘gu s-rh'ml. {rum flu- “MAM Sum lhm'l Mrs. Hunt Breckenridge and Miss Margaret Breckenridge, of Oak Park, were guests of Mrs. Lemon last Wod- nemla)’. Mm. George Covert, of Chicago, spent two days in Downers Grove last week, the guest of Mrs. Guy Bush and Mrs. Edwaul Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bartlett and Roy, Jr., of Wheaten, npent last Sun- day here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. A. '1‘. 05¢an attended a reunion of the Ogren family at Lockport last Sunday it being the 75th birthday of Mr. Ogren's mother“ W .P. Kuegemn nturned last Sum day from a ten weeks business trip to Topeka, Kansas and Rules today for Boston. \‘." .l‘ [1' St i-m A ‘n” .‘.-‘ 2'1}. ml uH \\ urn 'Jrl 1“ :xml 'Lu (In. thix ’-'m)llmil pr Him Sunday The: u'u l'H‘ ‘lH-IIUL HI .180 .21c .19c .14c 16c I'l‘ may}! 3‘. [in Mr A' [HI -ln| Lulhm p’mimud l'. lllrlty rnjuyc-cl :1! Un- ('hf (Ill ill! isclu-i Mr. and Mrs. Carter Deflaven Thursday, December let A‘ Well Constructed, Artistically Produced Farce Comedy “My Lady Friends” 3 EH A comedy of rural life with the screen's most popu- lar star. Eug’ene O’Brien 0 u: 0! the mm! (njmnl lc mum-o, .1)! H: has! is ext-optic)": My ('.'I}M’m' :Iml [luv u m: . ‘ .k‘ In ymvl qm: linu “Beating the Game” In a dramu_of HanD)’ action and strum: human 3:912:03! The Make: Theatre Unlll 9 a. In A PHOTOPLAY OF LAUGHS AND ROMANCE A L S 0 KINOGRAM NEWS AND CHRISTY COMEDY Don't {orgét the post-season foot- ball game next Sunday afternoon he- tween,the local Legion team and the Hinsdule heavywefg'hts. The game is called for two o’clock and will be played at Memorial Park here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, of Chi- cago, Mr. and Mm. Fred Wblf, of Hinsdale, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stains and son ,Elon, were (Inner guests at the C. J. Winner home on Thanksgiving. MnandeEaflHydmoanir-Sodctywiflmtonmr’ mount, Minn. who am on their honeyâ€" embcr lit for In all day “6.; ,. moon, spent Thanksgiving Day with is the lust meet!" before the M Mr. and Mrs. AL Michel. Mr. Hyde which occures December 8th 90 y‘- is a cousin of Mrs. Michel's. [large attendance is dosh-ad. Huts-id‘- and Inshh- l'lush-ril \l'l‘" .\.\l) IUH'UK \VURK HERMAN HESSI'} SUPPORTED BY AN EXCELLENT CAST IN Tho Congregational Ladies Aid "Clay Dollars” ' Down": Grove. Hf 05cc mid “cadence: l5 Highhud Ave‘ 'lvlrplumt 3H5 6.73.10313, M. D. “hula’f‘u l‘\\1 Phygician gi shmeon (‘emcnt Black and Mason Work A L. .- l) . Two Rec! Comedyâ€"”SA VE 0N !:02.1.i'2n.". Tom Moore aturday, Hum 111er 26111 Friday, November 25th OF“ I! HOURS: I to 3 a. In. ‘lwllL' 4 FEATURING Plush-ring: um 00. In. .m tainted last Sunday at their ham, in North Main street, Mr. and Mn. 3. Peckman and daughter, Bertha, It. and Mrs. Nehring, daughter, Ethal, and son. Harley, of Aurora; and It. and Mrs. Al. Nelson and Mr. and In Blair Hubbert. of the Grove. Noh-n-nn-z .\m: riwm Tonucrvutory of Huxir, (' ' ago ADELAIDE A. WALTER Teacher of Piano lirmnm': Hmvv, Ill. Phone rug-M. ESTIMATES FURNISHED 0N REPAIR WORK CHICAGO AVENUE lit-tween Elm Wuhington Sh. PHONE 197-1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sweet enter» JULIUS JOHNSON Carpenter Jobbing v ‘.‘ of

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