Downers Grove Reporter, 2 Dec 1921, p. 5

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Mr. and Mn. J. 1'. 0H. uml wn 7N“ '-“ V John, M North Mum dtrm'l. . ml! onn’tuouns Sumlu) In l'lu‘vaxo um. volulhr- .dnlllbo.-. lion...- )Irn. Don l-imlman Kma- a luncheon in“. week at her l-mulirul uvw hum.- un FAN. Mame nwmw. Mu. lt. II. llulvu‘mki lm .‘lnmiuy I'qr n mwks \‘i-ll Mlh frivmh m 51‘ Louir. Mu. Mal. (u. u. Anglia; and mu \Mte‘l luv! l-‘rhlm with lu-r mumor at Aw.- Iin. Mr. and Mr». John Wells spent Thanksgiving with their son in Ln Grunge. Mr. and Mn. Pdwunl Fireman. of towns, were (he gucuts last week of In. J. W. Roxana of Highland ave. Mrs. Wilxon Blake. 0! Burlington; lawn, spent. Thanksgiving wi‘h Mr.‘ and Mrs. Wm. Bollow. 5 Miss Esther Zen spent the week and visiting with her cumin, Miss Xildred Hackemkwf, of Chicago. Mr. Rupert Bateman has recovered Irom his recent Hines: and iii at bus- iness again. Mrs. Chas. Blodgctt, of Park Place has bee neutertuining guestx from out of (own. Mr. Frank Konxuck has been on his run this week, confined at home by sickness. Mr. Wm. Boon’s sister is visiting his family at their home in Oakwood menus. Mr. Singleterry and Rab. Blo'dgett are going to California in spend the winter. Guthrie Boon came home from Ripan College for the holiday and week end. ~ COME IN AT ONCE! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Schultz, of Unscott avenue, spent Thanksgiving the guests of Oak Park friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drissler, of Oak Park, spent Thanksgiving with ’her1 parents, the George Binder family. 1 Mrs. A. B. Cole, of Oneida, is vis- iting with her mother, Mrs. John Stanley. Sol Iehl, of Rogers street, who has been very m. is now recovering. Fred Howe retu‘med to Champaign on Monday. Miss Anna Tack spent Thanksgiv- lns at the Chas. Peterson home. [PERSONALS] LOOK! g THOR Remember that the $10 you pa down is your only cash invatment n your Thor. The machine will easily save its own small monthly payments. Don’t waste money trying to get along ano- ther week without a Thor to do your washing. J. D. Gillespie 8: Co. This is the chance you have been wait- ing for. Don’t delay. Don’t risk miss- ing this real opportunity. Think of it! A Genuine, brand nee THOR Electric Washin Machine for $100 The machine wit the wonder- ful revolvinf, reversing washingocylmé inder just ike those in the? Thor: which are mug?“ gsuch splendid service topa housekeepers all over the \\ orld. DISTRIBUTORS Mr. uml Hut. 1.. C. Hod and flunghlgr,_ Rather. am|__.\lr: Im_ Mr». Brown. in Chimp. F7; libk'kerubi IEpé'ntV Turkey day. I! flu- homo of Mr. Iml Mn. E. C. Rev. (Bur-tn Pam. fonmrl)‘ pastor a! me flyove- "no! church. upon! Thnnkvgivin day with Mn. Augusta Selig and (augment. )lr. mul Mn. George Smith and family. of East Grove, Ian on Tue:- at? far their new home in Califor- n . Mr. uml Mrs. Chas. Curtis»: and fan-fly. of Maywood, wem Thanksghn inn guests at the George Bridgman home in Oakwood avenue. 'l'ho‘Gomge Machougun famiiy and Mrs. Hem. ware called to Aurora. on Wt-dnesdny to attend the funeral uf- their undo. The J. ( Repplinuer famih, on Linscotl zu'enue. entertained a num- ber of guests at a ThanksmUng din- ner on Thursday. Miss Hope Norton, of LnPorte. INL. formerly of Downers Grove, visitex! gistlweek with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. om. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bung, of Chiâ€" cago, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Nelson at their home on West Railroad street. Alpha Perry, of Chisngo, and Mrs. Geo. F. Brown. of Jacksonville, spent the Week end with their sister, Mrs. Chas. Parka. Dr. M. L. Pufi'er is spendin a few weeks at Bradford, Pa" for t c pur- pose of studying the Electronic Dli’ag ~ nostic methods of Dr. Albert Abrams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanford and Mr. Elbrit Sanford. of Polo. wele Thanks- giving guests of Mr. am! Mrs. J. D. Anthony of East Maple avenue. A pumpkin ‘pie social and aprvn sale and fancy work will be held Fri- day evening, December _9¢h, in the Baptist church. How those school kids do mob us between three-thirty and five every aftemoon for “cheer checks." Mrs. Elisabeth Wheeler and her daughter, Miss Dorothy, have been quite ill. ' cm are". "r “a “J "walnut: H HquJ "If I'M Illa I95 Mrs. Hazel Wolf, of Hinsdale, spent the week visiting her slatel. Mrs C J. Winter and family. 6., 73.10131; 5;. n. Mr. and lira. E. W. King spent flanksziviugMay with friends In Anton. Phy smut: 6 Sn Dom are“. n Only $10 IIectflc Willi-d ”In Go. I. DOWNERS GROVE “Pom ”OWNERS GMWE. ILLINOIS The Chm. Lacey family are mov- ing to {mm and will occupy the apartment on E. Maple awmw re. cemh \ucauxl In Mr. and Mrs. FM- ton, who are mming to Milmnukee, W iwonsiu. Ward was received by Mr. Chas. Peterson from his son, (Haas, of Pine Cfly, Minn.. formerly of Downers Gun-v. that he was ‘a iuvky man in bugging a 150 pound deer last week. l 11an UIWPIUI', U- lb. 0., vulnerreu the degrees of the order on two teams at a special meeting on Tues- day evening. TWo classes of candi» dates were initiated. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Moelling. of Kenosha, With, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klumluck, of Chicago. visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roger. Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Landorf. Miss Lillian, Bobby and Florence Wander, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stats and chiltlmn, motored to Chicago last: Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.‘ Chas. WillmEd. ' Mrs. Lawn-a Hannum attended a Colonial Tea at the home of Mrs. R. n 1‘..- -A Dunn -..._L..... ”A“- __.. a..- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ferguson. a! Chicago and Earl Ferguson, of Au- rora, were Thanksgiving guests at lthe home of Mr. ‘and Mrs. Chas. ‘Wolf, of Rogers street. Vesta Chapter, 0. E. 8., conferred the degrees of the order on two teams at a special meeting on Tues- day evening. TWu classes of candi» dates were initiated. IORTII SIDE GROCERY R MARKET Mrs. Chas. Heinke and sons visited relatives at Hinudale on Saturday. Miss Hope Aldrich, of Hinsdale, vis- ited with the. Heinke family on Sun- day. Baum film I: Wat-Mule: 810. PHONE "7-1 3 packages for ........................ 25c Femdell Pancake Flour, per package ........ 15c Ferndell Apricots, 21/; can .................. 40c Fancy Bogota Cofl’ee, r m, 35c, 3 Tbs for 98¢ Scottish Chief Sweet m, 2 cans for ...... 25c Medium Red Alaska Salmon, 170., fiat can ..25c Monsoon Apple Butter, large jar ............ 38c Republic Brand Preserves, 1607.. glass ...... 32c ESTIMATES FURNISHED 0N REPAIR WORK CHICAGO AVENUE Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Barber and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wyllie ate turkey Thanksgiving day with Mr and Mrs. R. WV Bond at their home on Railroad street. 101113. Corn Meal, new stock .......... Fortuna Macaroni, Noodles or Spaghetti Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Show and fun-- ily spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stalfeldt. BUY IT. TRY IT. YOU‘LL COME AGAIN FOR IT. EGGS. T00. They ere in our store soon otter the hen: tackle. Fresh Groceries; Lowest Price Meat Specials for Saturday Smoked Shoulder Ham, 4-6") average, per ll) 18c Fresh Ham, 810") average, per pound ...... 22¢ Armour's Star Bacon, whole or half slab, lb 3- Armour’s and Swift’s Box Bacon, per pound 48c Pork Loins, small and lean, per pound ...... 18c Pork Butts, per pound .................... 17¢ Fresh Pork Shoulder, 44m) average, per lb .15c Spare Ribs, per pound ..................... 15c Leg 0’ Lamb, per pound ................... 28c Veal Shoulder, per pound .................. 24c Leaf Lard, per pound .................... ll 'éc Boneless Smoked Butts, per pound .......... 28c Swift’s Brookfield Sausage, per pound ...... 25c Armour’s Devonshire Sausage, per pound . . . .24c SOMETHING NEW IN SMOKED FISH Kenflworth Smoked Tuna, per can ..........30c JULIUS JOHNSON Carpenter Jobbing STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 ' Groceries 'l'hv Philnlheu Class of the Congre- Ltationn! ehurvh \z'il! meet Friday Waning, Doc-ember 2d. at the home of Mrs. M. Ii. (Yallim', ll? Suratoxa n\‘l‘n\\(‘. Mrs. AV. E. .Chessman will wrist. numbers and friends are ln~ filed to attend. Mrs. Lawn-a Hannum attended a Colonial Tea at the home of Mrs. R. D. Cunningham, at Evanston, yester- day. The occasion was the monthly meeting of Fort Dearborn Chaptor. l). A. R. and Mrs. Hannum was call~ PM on for a three minute talk. k ...... I} ........ 28c orSpag etti ................. 25c The next regular meeting of Blue- bird Rebekah Lodge, No. 147. will be held Tuesday evening, December 6. Election of officers is scheduled for this meeting and all members are urged to attend. Mrs. Lawrence Feltou entertained the S. C. 500 Club, of which she is a member, on Monday afternoon. The prize winners were Mrs. Ogren. lst; Mrs. Damley, 2d, and Mrs. Felton. consoaltion. Mrs. N. C. Pea Mr. and Mrs Prince avenue. relatives Thank: of their tenth Manny and beauti lmived and th‘ greatly enjoyed. There wil be I organization of day afternoon, home of Mrs. In county president _-_ .. “n Mr. and Mrs. ll. Lloyd Norris us Mr. ond I‘m. George 0. Puckett moving this week in their new home entertained gt Thanksgiving dinner in North Forest avenue. Mr. Norris Mrs. John Gigmr._of Ridaevllle, Indw is a member of the firm of Seibort 5 Mrs. J. W. Gigner and son, Lawrence, Nah-is. proprietors of the drug store of Rogers Park, Mrs. Guy Harland’ at Main and Curtiss streets. ‘ of Grand Rapids, Mich, and Mr. and The next regular meeting of Blue- M” N' C. Pearce. of the Vim!“ '25 Pounds - $1.25 Hinsdale Laundry Co. Phone Hinsdélle 2 WET WASH ............ 24c ......... l l 9'} c d .......... 28c round ...... 25c rmund ....24c MAGNIFICENT SPECTACLE OI" APPEAL FILLED WITH LIFE AND FIRE The Dicke Theatre. There wil be a meeting for the re- organization of the W. . '1‘. U. Fri- day afternoon, December 2, at the home of Mrs. Irvin Hearth The new county president, rs. Edith North- rop, of Wheaten. will be the speaker. The meeting will convene at 2:30 and all inmrested are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Weiss. of Prince avenue. entertained about 20 relatives Thanksgiving day in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. Manny and beautiful were the presents rmixed and the turkey dinner was‘ A la 8 0 Two Reel Comedyâ€"“BANG,” with Jimmie Adamu And a KINOGRAM NEWS Phone 366-1 Downers Grove, Ill, 145 N. Main St. Two Reel ('m'. I; 3 POLA NEGRI Thursday, December 8th AS THE WILD DESERT DANCER BETTY COMPSON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES HOUSE WIRING. REPAIRING Saturday, Dexmb: r 31’ TOR THOSE WE LOVE Friday, December 'Zd MOCHEL BROS. mum harm” In... I 'OO‘ICI‘ DI COMON ALSU from her recent film“ “fl? home from St. Lab's hound a? Sunday. Her many friends hop. M her speedy recovery. Outside ma Inside mull; 153 Blodgett Ave. Phone 4224 HERMAN HESSE wu Hark Ohmi- NEW AND REPAIR WORK ..4â€"~- .. ”mu-up...” ‘4- u, 1."; .\ . 0 I ‘- .1 '1‘?" Cement Block and Mason Work 4."

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