Downers Grove Reporter, 2 Dec 1921, p. 6

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II A" ARM!“ THE HIGH SCUM]. ,..,_-‘ - .v‘vu ‘. .lr. \u "lml Don't bin". You I"! {ml ml)‘ MIR" if you do am. You my stumbh um! fall hut than is no ox- cm for lying when yum fa". in "fa. It dam-uh n» bmr the lever 8m 7 7 «m. alriw "I‘ll egaMITtg: {mm or Mlmnl. mom will M‘n by 34".": up in_ lift- on down Ali'sâ€"“What M I Think about M Chm-1?" ...Dr. F. D. 8Com Adjourn to “than! Cantu-nan. High School and Implant! Don M h an stunt. mean-n. My Anna-ovum a #3. ""§...'I..".'.s“‘::..“p.‘.."' vn' - “an. Amyhivury” ..E. C. Woke“ cum rktnrv nu uh. It 000 Jun- Ill Kiln Can and tho Minn- Dml m choice In elk ham: by llmun Mun er a a. “unity Evminr. W Hunk....8tmtnr Boy- Or. Adina-"What 8b." I do about (he Quintin" I‘mgnm?” ..Dr. M ”Fundy!" Whit” Should Dun-mun; Ono‘s Chain '1 .AVqruua-fi ...... . Meg-lea aflvml rhmrh. I!!!“ fnv 0M" flow. ‘ Mm~".\h- “In and the “‘nfld‘r 9mm! New!" H .l-L (t. wmu Five Downers Gme boys attended the Older Boyx' Conference lut Fri- day. Saturday and Sand: . Follow- ing in the promm of the Menace: Friday Afternoonâ€" Serviea.. ....... E. 'l‘. (71in "What Shall I Think about. God?" ........ Dr. Fred D. Stone “all muzioud... .Boyd I, Walker Mn cc nu. Elmoâ€"Y. I. C. A. Built!!!" and Aâ€"___ Him Galbraith (in Civics): “The State Legislature meets once every two you-s.” Russell: “I thought it met even-x other year.” J It was then decided that a Consti- tution {or the Athletic Association, be drum up and a committee will be arâ€" pointed to take can of this. On y 01 members were present at this» meeting. This is a bad showing and J can be improved. Total Conference Prlntlng ........ Wheaten 40% per receipts ....... and ullpys .. Naperville nigh, exp Bond ............ Wheaten expenses .. Richard Drecs. Olden Expenses J. Sterlinlg Morton High Dr. Wors ey ........ . . . yr. Vernon ........... Cash on hand ....... J. Sterling Morton game Entertainmentâ€" Sentimental Tommy ....... . ...... Naperville game . ......... Dundee, for expenses ..... Wheuton game ..... . Total . ............ ..... A meetin of the Athletic Associ- film was em Tuesday afternoon. The financial statement for the month 10! November was read and is as fol- owe: V ing better batteries at lower prices have produced this new battery at a truly remarkable low priceâ€"$25.00. It has been especially designed to give the most economical and efficient service in Ford cars. Drive around and see it. Westinghouse Attention is for every bat- tery, regardless of make. for only WESTINGHOUSE'idah of build- ing better batteries at lower mica n u'm ~â€"«< [lei-pin}; ' ' An Amazing ‘PriceFealure an" wu luau . . . . hulk-5's ..... . .. igh, expenses .. menses ......... . Receipts cent gross '3‘ (3. WM! ' $25 you w" . $831.77 $266.55 . $598.32 $ 32.06 146.04 3 22.1 I 43.9!3 7 2.06 45, 2 0 50.00 365.10 u... vv 2. 00 24. 09 1.57 41.76 23.50 53.26 , 2.50 Wm mywkn‘hww and En: GI"! Roi“ pug-"flan, ‘ml will (“Adm-vacuum CHt’wr’r'm-I Ask to 1M. maxi“: ”lamented r I I“. won limo I cull. how you the lull Card. lino ol W a minim "'7" 1%.; you instantly. long-hm to um Fm Inland "bar. The “In" of mum 5mm of mm. m) ban boon raised In making Nine. The um Imam! In line path, whlle Ill. and Mfln'. harm: "rm and cannot be used for upmmnu. but It bu hon mod for stuffing palm". A Tunnel That Help“ to Dig mm. h: the Simon»: tmmel «mu-r tho Alps, which is hy fur the xrvmest tmnnvl in the World. the quantity 0: ‘ watt-r flowing on! of the southern end. (mm the umuy wins encuunu-red In the hour! of the mun-Huh), unwanted to 15,000 gallons 1: minute, uml fur- nlshwl sunk-lent power In rennin-88 the Mr hy wide!» the drills wem‘ warm-d. and to refrmvrum un- tunnel. ‘ 'I‘lw int-mushy for mfrlm-mthm may be judged from the Inn that the heat In the dm-per [nu-tn of {he mum-l ruse IN high as 150 dean-«u Fahrenheit whom no! artlm-Iully helium-d. I}? 1m; wmcms RETAILER sums 733mm“ And if '1“: want to know how many sneezes t ere are‘ to a snooze, just visit the 5th period assembly some day. GIVEUSALIFT. ; Saturday night a telemam of calm mandation was sent to President IHarding. assuring him of the back- ,‘ing of the Older Boys of Illinois in “win efforts of disarmament and of {World Peace. This proposition was ipi'opo.~;_ed by the_ Eyaustqn ylpiegagionq P Out of the Mouths of Babies: , “How many people are there in a quartettei’” Answers to last week’s puzzlers: The black is yellow (the blame thing faded). The 11:40 leaves at 11:58 (its a}: ways .19?!)- ' Twelve 'humlréd"Validxthrififigiitigg buys were in attendance at this con- forence. Toll“ Witty Null Polhh Foo. M Closing service was in charge of State Secretnr K. A. Shamaker. Just before casing the "unbroken circle” was formed. FA C E POW D ER Sunday EVeninm Dela “flan meet IMusic. Address ........ 0.0. stanchfleld Can-a. “Imp-cm Um- 9*wa WATKINS l»'m.;.n.w Manufacturers Dealers LUMBER COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of All Kim}: Potter Mg. 6: Lumber Co. Shingiea G. B. DAUGHEBTY When a child antlers from tubercu- lar inlecuon what are the usual conse- queucu‘.’ 1. The resisting forces or the child's body overcome the inflection. There A parasite. the tubercle‘busilius. liv~ lug It the expense of his host. the growing child. ls the cause of tubercu- losis of childhood. The child is sus- ceptible to disease. The susceptibilg liy is 100 percent. There is no inherâ€"‘ ited immunity against the disease tu-‘ bercuiosis. When the tubercle bacil- lus gains entrance to the body. tuber- ‘cuiosis infection results, not necessar- liy active tubercuiar disease. it is most fortunate that tubercniur 'inlec- tion does not always cause active tu- bercuinr disease. At a minimum 70 percent of our children are subject to tubercular infection. Phone 8 m3 5 Wm: First Ch. Work 144 No. Forest Ave. Downt- Gmo, m. r The Iollowlng urtlcle by Dr. Gnome ll. Dyche, hand of the Dul’a'xu County Tuberculosis satiety. Is the second or several. throwing light of the develop- ment‘ ol’ the development or the dis- ease in our rnmmunltleu bad is an edut-ullonal step towards combating tuberculosis on an organized scale: ( Richelieu Pancake Flour, package ......... Richelieu Rolled Oats, 83/2") bag ........... Monarch Baked Beans. per can ........... Fancy Olives. large water bottle .......... Bartlett Pears, large can ................. Fresh Cookies, per pound ................. Chocolate Dipped Peanuts, per pound ...... Sugared Dales, per pound ................ FANCY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES “"5 is sold exclusively by us “Hill: in Downers Grove. ‘ 1. Lowest prices now for ( is this high grade coal. I Also hard coal, Poca- E 'v Etc. - hontas, “Carbocoal” etc. tc., Place Your Coal Order Now BW’CIIRISIMAS' SIMS IN WAGE mum Dora Cline Whidden Teacher of Voice YOUR EMPTY COAL BIN Mr. Coal Consumer w Ave. M u Dow-on Grove. Ill. SOPBA N0 J. W. NASH Get your coal in the bin, sit back and don’t lay phoning Now for our order y delivery. Should be filled now. Its only a few weeks until heat will be newssan. Everybody will need coal then and it may be hard to get. 80 why de~ Lay phoning yoqrfirder PhoneOneFive Specials LnGnnu, Ill. 25”: Year Take that business course January 1. You can work *your way thru and have all your college and living e nses covered with up to 10 a month for extras. Write now! Nl ht school Mondays and undays. Day sessions 8:80 to 2:00. PATERSON BUSINESSI 4. The tubercular Infection lies dor- mant. causing no marked [coal or can. autumnal eflectâ€"buc‘malntalniug it; virlelence ls capable of causing ac- tive. tubercular disease when the I 3. The infection results in decided ~impalrmcnt of the health of the child, Iwith or without any sign 01‘ local tu- bercular disease. The child is under- weight tor its height. pale. anaemic. tires easily. is prone to catch cold on slight exposure, appetite varies. has digestive disturbance. irritable. rest- less. poor sleeperâ€"any or all of these signs may. occur. This type or deli- cate child is so common that he at- tracts little. it any. notice. the best year of your life YOU CAN MAKE l 9 22 2. The Infection remms in local lu- bcroular disease, I. e.. tuberculosis 01 the glands. bones, Joints and skin. and thia Is mecumwnled by Impairment ot the health or we chnu. This in a {re- qucnt type of tuberculosis of child- hood. ‘I- mum: at local dim-e or any evi- dence of impairment at hmuh. The child In apparently well. I: we"; the infection In overcome. curedv This most lormnately Is the mast trequent outcome. 21 S. Main St. Cement Gravel .l5c .10: WWS'FWPW No. Magsmmmzw .9121“) IN YOUR OLD CABPETS AND CLEAN BAGS wt. Wm. MAKE raw OVER IN. TO mum-mun. was in ya: in their supply fur the «min- \xintm' NOW! A em'ike has been called in the custom fields and in a few months hard coal may be a scarce article. This n-minds us that “PIT'I’STON” [lard Cual is snprenw. The-r0 in none better mined. Lord I. umber company A A TIP To THOSE WHO USE HARD COAL! Although hard cool is high in price, compared to other years. yet @hose who use it would do well of tuberculosis oécurlng between the] use: or 15 and 30 years, which Is the, period during which the greatest num. 9 her or cases of consumption develoi). are caused by "is awakening of the} Resident Member of the Lumber-man's Publicity Bum Phone Phone after 6 P. M. Day 20 142 J Today the medical profession be- licwasâ€"Hmt the great majority or casba { 5.1‘118 intent or slightly active tu- bercuiar Infection of childhood often in young adult. life becomes the cause of active tubercular disease. This oc- curs when the resisting forces of the body are lower, and the sleeping. un~ recognized tubercular infection await. one and becomes active.‘ ‘ Cold weather is sure to comg-we have had :1 little touch of it already. When it does comeâ€" the wise man will have prepared for it by having his winter supply in the basement, and not in the coal yard. that. resistance :- broken through any cause. Inch as whooping cough. measles. Influenza. or deblmuns mi» 8886. With Thanksgiving in the background and Christmas almost here, COAL should be’in the minds of all who have to do with the heating of In“... Don’t you think it’s time to consider the Goal 0 u e s t I o n 7 HIGHLAND mm: mean: Phone an . arms you an NONE BETTER IN ILLINOIS 3 For Underfeeda No. I For Cookstoves NUT RANGE AN D Thanksgiving’s Gone Pittston szCod Stout: Benin; - sewer Building Gu Fitting? RUGS EGGANDMINERUN ALSONUTCOKE ORDER NOW! Fred D. Heinke L’LUMMNG PHONE 18’ 68 S. MAIN ST. International Tudor: and Fun Implements at All filth. That the tubercular child of today becomes the consumptive adult at to- morrow is a, truism. tuhqmulnr Infection acquired in chug!- SH ER] FF Primary â€"- April 11, 1922 SOLICITS YOUR VOTE FOR Candidate For Sherin’ Lawrence Hattendorf CHIEF DEPUTY SHERIFF IMPLEMENT DEALER R. C. ELLIOTT (Continued on Page 7)

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