Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Dec 1921, p. 9

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That the comm» ll omiflvorm'h flown by the not that. In Mr'mon to me crustfieans. small fish and net .033 which It eats. all sorts of things five Mn fmmd In Its slnmarh. such .- small srlssors. mrncnm. rubber «n: and plea-s of clothing. 8:00 a. m. Mass. Saturday Entityâ€"8:00 p. m. Bene- 8:00 i. m. Kass and Sermon. The cungrvgntim: and Pastor being invited to participate in the install- ation of Rev. Wm. Kuppsky at Lace Lutheran church. divine service will noc be held hen this Sunday. p. m. the Sunday School will meet at Me home of the I‘nstm'. I21 Carpen- ter at. for a special fi‘hvars'nl of thv Christmas program. a” rhihhvn are urgnl l» aflom'. Sunday. Dervmhm- “UL. 1921. “The Wurrh with a Mission" Saturday. [W‘rr‘mlml' NHL. [92‘ 7:!” luv-1 w the raiding mom Rmdlnr Rmm anon Monday IM h-Hny {mmfl h 5 a II. TM pubfir h mafia”! in?“ to ”find "I! ”win.- and h if!“ and ctr-H10: vv wan vru. mmvn “TRIP." mrnm Dovw "" hot an"... WNW-om“ mun-n1 Tntimlinl “paling. 0:00 3:. m‘ 8:00 p. m. Compline. Benediction. Sunday 81'th u 9:“ a. m. Qumhv spaw- n' H M a M thiqvfl: "God "w "l".~‘l'f\'l‘f 0‘ Man." 9:00 m m. Bible Study. 10:0) 3. m. nigh flu: and Ser- ‘7}:40 p. "Vi.”(Wm-r [\‘hl'flNL [Wmlnu Ifilh. W2! 'l‘humlny. 2:00 p. m. ('hrinlmm mlr at UM- dnm‘h. ”nary gnu-In. Fancy work! and Knlrmlnn. \Vumtm't “In“ and Nathan. Fill“ ( I" m‘ u "0’ "URI”. acnnrns‘r 1 Rev. Enos: 8. Goodwin. Pastor “:00 u. m. lluly (Tummuman uml fienunn. 5:00 p. m. H‘rnlng [mayor uncl m-v- ""1". 6:30 p. m. Mw-ling of flu- Young “-0th Club. Don'mbvr Hug: Hm: “wry-pun), I ANDREW.“ HI’ISCOI’AL CHURCH December th. 192l. Thu-d Sunday nu nukuu 7:30 a. m. l‘urpomte Communion of the Young l'eoph-n Club. 9:45 3‘ m. (‘lmrrh whwl. “:00 u. m lluly ('ummuuiun uml In Adwnl. 11:00 a. m. Morning Dl-Votionul Service. Subject “Won:hip". 5:00 p. m. Missionary Study Class. (5:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meet- mg. 7:30 p. m. Song and preaching 30h vice. Subject “Playing the Man" More special music. \‘uu will mis» it. if you miss it. Wednesday. _I)t-a~mbnr My}. Sunday, December 11th.. 1921 9:45 a. m. Bible school. Apluce for you. 11:00 a. m. Morning» pm'otional 7:36 p. m. Five Christmas barrels Were sent this week by the Ladies of the church to needy mission workers in North Dakota. urn-run” nnmnnm -~ -7 __. ......_ -na‘m “o In, Win, “with". Pm 7:310 u, m. Fri-nib: Worship. S-Ihiflr': "“‘hh‘vfl anmach." Everybody Wo-irnnw, 9-3!" a. m. 10"!" n. m (Go-"v.11”. _ _r-... Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Theme: “Fame as an Ideal." Wednesday after school Junior Leggge. I)!“ \\""-‘l. W." ‘V’iV'JCAl. LI'TIIERLV CHURCH Sunday, December 11, 1921. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Theme: "What We Believe About the Scriptures? Epworth League 8:30 p. m. Londonâ€"Viola Nielsen. _ Subject: “How to Use the League’s METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH “The Church with 111291. December 9.1921 The Rev. "an M. Mum Print-Immune ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC .w,. , Midweek Praver and Praise Arthur Spencer Phelps, Mini-Oct CONGRESATIONAI. CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 a .m. Church Services 11:00 a. in. All are welcome. RH. "No F. Arm”. Punt CHURCH NOTICES Rev. J. C. Nanci. Putin. Gilbert 1]. Newllnd. Putn- batman or ms'r cnovn "lim rv‘rMp Prophet".- ”Mun "I“ I"?! S'Imlav Stlmul. Homing Worship. .1 Mission. £0 Acres Trees. Shrubs. and Vines best for this climate. [Juleford Nurseries Phone 312-] Landscape Gardening our Specialty 15 S. Main 8!. Donors GraveJll. 27 S. Fares! Ave. Me IOS-W JOHN S. LOZIER m'mcwm. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 68 Sunny: Ave. Phone 302-8 00me Grove. Ill. , .i w" 4 n U: I-- In" l'v‘lwi . Th. Folk. Next Door. 0!: “MI own-m. h- rum” \Hml Ilmnluxvdu "w, naval. m Mun-Io \uh-u‘l What It ”I" Dig [url ul‘ .\TL'4'NIN';|'! “'hurr n- t’ullu) Hum ”up. "In «In Jim-m. rum-m- m -m- MAI: Ina-u- mmul, \'.a.‘.' l~ l4. 0‘.“ u nmmxum nl' mull: m‘ Inn-u... ,urm'; |~ “1513 n In“ autumn .m‘nmumhn m Mun" Du Hun lmh- "mu In I‘m/II" II N! “'H'"? “In ulu Ila-y flu.” final-4h In In!" uu‘” Ht -l-n ”‘3" 'h) ”nu-u "‘»"“ Eatimntea fufinshed an new or dd Work Physician and Surgeon owner; «a assmnncn red It) "m phnmnphw on M! "ID. no" bend} of ruHu uy. "mu-ed him the awn luxurious luau-Hus numb“. wnne umrr Mend-t win-d «ma om- all- omc-r m um: n..- mm- wwruvrouhlo. lawman"; lud lumlruvuux. WP Popular In Ann-(cl. Bowen summer. the nut phfloo- ”liar. us won: wpuhr In America Conn! his life mun In England. When Sponta- vislwd the United States. In 1882. Ms {anu- uud Influence were so locum, rutuhlishml lhlt one udmlrcl‘ Olen-d In pay all Mr «u-cnm Incur- ‘ Sunday School Board Meeting: at the Parsonage. Wednesday, December 1-1. 1921. 3:45 p .m. Catechism. 7:45 p. m, Prayer Service. 8:30 p. m. (7ho‘r Relu-urml. The Ladies AM Bus-inc» and Work meeting “'5” also be held on this date at 1:30 p. m. :u 1hr ('hun'h. leaving the Week lu-furo (Thrislmm (men. All ladies of 1hr church and their frivmls are invited :15 WP“ as the members of the urganizutinu. F. W. KETTENRING Contractor Builder > 'Sfiééial Music by Hie fiale Quarwt. Tuesday, Decpmbcg 13,7192}. Sunday, December 1), 1921. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sacred Anthem and Sermon. “Meeting Temptation." 6:45 p. m. Young People's Alli- ance of Christian Endeavor. “The Meaning of our Pledge." Leader-Miss June Boidelman. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship of Singing, Prayers and Sermon on the Parable of the; Forgiving Father. “‘err Cantu. Mn!" alum-MI and SW; "nun!“ in Valium ("'90. ('hurnwuw. «Ir. [inn-lay (“ms-«(n mnl "Formm" llrunivn‘m fun’ In- cliv- “ho want "w hm! in m and quun. lim‘ of ball! Pmyormeeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. [HIST EVA NG ELIL'A L CHURCH (Tall 0n Mrs. Emrich For Thom-e: Life." Class. 11:00 a. '11: Mornjng “Wyrship. The Rev. Arnold H. Kehfl, Minister Sunny-an H. M. Y O U N G Quality Poultry Feeds See our Classified Ad for Prices llvuuliful (‘nmi-«nlc- and .1 lino m: MRn-Jnro . 'Mc 2‘? N‘ PM "U" and qum 9! UNIT I“). R" ‘90." 'M'vgn Fuhrm WMW Theme: 9:39 p. 9:45 u. m. Bible Schoul and Menu; DR. W. W. GOURLEY Rev. J. Alfred Nansen. Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH van-In .\. Fun-a \wnn NM nl humr Numb“... Phone l59-M-l “Rs. Telephone 172 m Ei'eninfi; Worship. “The Crisis of a Human II. FHIRIC" fnr (‘hnkmuh 12H! «shim luv Faith." m m "OWNERS GROVE REPORTEK; DOWERS GROVE. ILLINOIS .m I herebv a'mnum mv candidacy for tlw Renub'VMn nowfnafion for Tmamvr of DnPage Cm‘ntv and namrtfnflv ask far your support at the Aprfl prP-"M. ‘ Mfg: In. Mrs. Totals Totals ""ss Tank M‘s: Tom Mrs. Canander Mrs. Motive! h)- i-- "w ."m|~"-- :mtl dull-u- .n {”250 and (M fiu- nus-n ban“ [0 an in! 5:20. ‘i Tht‘ mv‘n ulm m" ml! 5» Un- :lnu- :Hm: an. "alarm“ and Dirlw; : Kmhms an" Hmhn: "0's! aml Camp: :,('. Mrkrirku and mump.’ Shah and gAlbwrM. Thr fin- mm 10mm arr. :Kidwrll Gamma Nash. Alhmrhl. (‘. .‘lr‘hirkn. "old and Stump: Die-lu- uTOol (‘u.. Camp, Halflynski. Dirk». ’Kmhm; and "whn. Earl! man ‘ill nlm shoot in Un- singlm. Wot-on mum In. In "w ancvn's Rowling luvagm‘ (hr frminino howlvrs arr hoginnin: ‘m hit their slh'llu. Mrs. Stats and ‘Mrs. [km-nos mm!» H“- first “turkeys" of Uw svason Tuonlay afternoon am!‘ the- smnw In (rural :m' high". H lat-la in (My Turn-um ‘3 Tan fiu' mm 'l'illll‘. flw Ivauuu iv (ho- duuhlw and (HI mvn m flu» «In igfll‘! flnm “w Him» “I" 11-" m Hr :l‘hmwn (It) luurllrmu'nl M ”w Ira i}, Srhm-mmun rub.“ a! human §§qunrvx m'u Hun-lug. ’Hmnlru HY Inch? hunk-rs “I" urn u» "w u; Hapnv Go Lucky vs. Jnfly Mrs; Tank .......... 80 Total s Following at? tho ray-uh! hf ‘TmN day's matches: .‘In. ‘lrs Mrs. “N, \uvn'. llmukm-lol. 27M; lem-n firmr. 2771!. It may :n hnr-l mum mmrh funn- llu- tin-I M" In Iln- Ind and Ham nm- um "can". Iln-m u" ”N- \\u_\’. Total.- In a WWW: mun-h Ins-I Sumulay "mm. Shun M‘n- h-Mc'n m u-rfiw- h) m» pin-. 1 Total.- ('ump I‘Nrr «In "lurks . I-‘hningI-r 'null 8k itlmo rr erdebnck Mihvy I ”ft «m Albrecht Hula! Sponadcr Juhnutom- E. Hot-ha W. Rollo“ Tom I, Tumk Ema Emir. V5. Hoehns H. Vix .............. [50 loo Noolh .......... MS Junk-s . . . ........... 210 l-‘. Hula! ........... I59 Totals Jnnu-s ........ F. Hula! ..... (Thus. )lrkvicka llvi-inlman ('. Stuim-r Bruncon C. Sluiw‘r Running Schlauder Severus Brenna l' Eh ni nae r Stump Totals- Tom‘s K “we” J uhnstum- Dewvy Clark I’m {1‘ Tomls Elk-non Hitch . . Aliison Mocha! Stauts FOR COUNTY TREASURER Adverisement Elmer Mochol A. Cihu . . . . Bradley ..... G. Swurfz . . . C. Wuh' . . . . Totals "filczynski Rin [lenders '5. Down»: NF’O’M Fri zz< Wnl km‘ ..... Rumbnugh lit Hw 97 12H 82 79 TR 67 96 80 66 60 Bruné Shah: Conkey NEWS OF THE BOWLERS WNW Sol Kleins Richelieu» (Continued from 1 [mu pim lxnmkflrhl. «h M mmknvm >l. llu‘ Ian-XII A" m u "UW' unma- le final wmr. 1m 53 M7 .'12 HI .l I 77 I65: 8|!) HR 136 156 164 IM 814 139i l3!) ll? IT'S 818 Reportors .150 13': .139 145 . 108 124 .120 136 . 120 120 \‘fi. 'H5 1.” 163 140 164 I46 )34 170 168 723 185 136 146 129 127 cl" 59 l 93 114 120 127 137 Page 8) a 1?] H9 H9 53 42 (‘linpers 198 II 149 l‘ 127 )3 182 21 64 54 "In I"?! 7’" n7 If“ 14“ I19 ”2 12-2-4 839 ”3 I63 120 MR 168 Five 168 "47 162 2l5 849 183 40 148 126 178 140 I48 ll? 662 154 127 145 83 135 152 122 109 138 129 353 J2] HI ”If! M7 72 7M lb“ 910 IR! 1133 ”3 15.” l8! 210 ‘62 H32 ”‘9 5 176’ 11:“ 174 194 226 I 76 IR?- 175 131-! 184 848 743 178 I74 177 140 179 164 161 115 213 118 105 185 154 146 M3 127 106 173 "Right ynu are." sum the mfknt. “1 pom-chm! for my Christmas gift for weeks withnm morass. and found hqr (no day nflor, as mm as 1 ms Mind. folded. TM» la a great old world, Isn't It?” And the doctor echoed un- derstanding”, "Right yon 3M" “Fools “k: the spirit a! Chflstmn, conflmwd." hp romarktf! tentatively. “Hm \nrn.“ <:IM KN. Iu-I‘Mvw‘dly. TIII- pth-nl mnzhnd, "It unx‘ nnly n an of I'm drug in the nmngt-r, dour. menu-x; ~ht- "ml"; rk‘d rII-h nhl Hzru Lain-mun n mth ‘ an", Ar» yun bringing: "H‘ m" rtnz? “In" I a»? up a Inmnornmr» Morn I } am Mvr-jxv-d? Am! Iistnn \ normali mmI hoinz r-nzngm! h I-nvltlod tn 2 kiss hm a man who 13 down. with «My (mp lo: one arm and no eyes i zeta two «whom Min: :41an with prnfltwrinz." I ; When Dwtur O'Pnnrmr moored the ! room the mm:- wan Industflonsly' mummy a what? but In her eyes were I a thunml dnmvmg fights. and In her I nhcoks "In tints of the trailing nr-i mums. whno happtms named to ndl- I an 9mm the [mm-m. splints. bandage! » and an. 2 \uu Th Jw 0.4.: hr? '1 .pl .lmlL'h'u‘r “KM." \aM ”in man “In my "a! [mt-kn! n :» ram: “MN. I Mum rnrflofl mvr *ilu’v l wmm- [rum Phil-fig". llllnkA mg In Inn i: ull your final-r ”ml night “'6” pm liml n Fur hm, pic-"xv, and IN ma- It!“ It lhl‘l’l' mm? AWI :n «win an l mu lnl'h'll'IL “I" run marry "wand .lw u-a' n-uul‘, .‘l‘n'hm' i- Inn-.iu: for ".\'nl :1 Juan- milvulv," 4w mm- (viva-IL ":m-l umwiinu-u l ”mu win-«Kl Mum up :nml :wlu‘vl 3"" In Into Im- hnr‘k :wnm "V’v “uvthml llmvr< .hfi Noun-o! m u~rrfMu nlmnflimn and ”,4. an!) whim: Hm! :urrhl mv- Ihrmuzh “ll! Hm "um-.41! u! I’HIHQ N T"? your gut-1| “ ‘ “3". “null, .hm‘l thL ,\‘nuf ~52". ." #Iu- lam-gm! lu burn-r ”Uh, ul-y “M I c-n-r mmr Mn”: cum ulhl pm: m-I | hum m... "m?” \‘nm Ive-r vlnm’ r' "u“ :oml . mmhl l.l.l|9 In r wry uulmmu i' l um 'lw run nf Hvar luan-o-n pm 34:- Iu-I Ir nw l lulu! )mw mullwr ml um «I much. mJl l-r-mlu- I unu um! I run mun," “In. human, \ul'vm'l." Ithiflhi'll'l'u', "mu, “I alum-r lam-w .M- hm! hm «hm: rlmuâ€" IIIulo-r Ilml «ct! Mr. M" I illulu'l 'Mnl. In' nuuhl 5luhfll In «any Hw AM u-u M-"t-u-vl Hu-m' "wu- yon hwy- lug-um mun- frnm n- fut-I. "’l liulr xiv-U" "Nut n Jump min"! «lu- mm. 'lw mm“ I'm ’II'I': rmll \u" an. um! \lnvu 'a-J uu- «mum! «In-1 nlul' \om n-Il m l .11 mm- a rim mu! Lu mu: olhuf" "Vt-u |*- 44!“! \U. ‘ ~- H‘Im :v-lluul Imr‘l '1 In v , '. I'. I'm ”an .c 'l'ln- Mm vnu‘lnpml Ilw gn-ut luvs piml Hun ‘JGIII day m‘ lun-mnlwr ux‘ If I lk'h-rluim-d lulramst'nl'm its grim “min and qllit'l ('url‘hlnl‘s. will: llu‘lr sugars- tlons of III' M :unl pain. llllu "hall!- lwlN ol‘ hnpr. :md \‘irvury. 'I'lu» yumm- n-sl elm-luv an the slum h-usiugly dululu-d Hm lm'um by his oldt'l' ml‘ Immun-s. ruumh'd u l'urm-r un-I humpml sqlmrvly lulu 1: [Mr Hf {rt-sh Hulm. ”I!“ then! by \In- ymmgvsl nur>e. v A "A Ihmlsmul punlnus," he cried jmiully. "I'hrisuuus nus gun» to my hl'lnl. us usual. The um 0‘ "w mum- In ' :ul‘lvr In you, Miss ltuflmlgo. “up! I luu- [he wlmlv \ull‘hl \mlzu’, own the cranky 0M zluwngor ha mom 2!. a I~ulull I "I" u . 1 . -I H! n Inn" " dd “Mun u Hun Ln. \-n-' mu In in: his Han-mm- uk-d mul ~l|ul Hull! In If I "I u hunk-II Irml.. lla- nnuu'l lmn '---' V :v 'I l"- P «rm xm-l lvr. .mvl » . “ In" him a I ‘ In In} 0"!" "Wm uu'. 'lllll!‘ I méudul “va In In- “"Llfii‘V‘ h: I" ”1" N, M -l Mum n" It 'lfl‘lm' nimlulu alu-n- )- u no :- “‘om "In "nun-:mm- why? The unly girl sum '\'c~~.' lust night, uml in "mm "mums moron nu lune-Sulm- hm'lwlur mmrlc-rx‘. hul u mu.» ‘HUIIM‘. Swm-l Ilamo,‘ fur mnw. (luv! Isn‘t II a grand and gun-mm: reeling? Dhl ylm KN lmth yum suwkinus fun. us you thud-Hr?" Hu- smmwd suddenly, fur Hu- “IMP nurw mu winking Will: "H ln-r lll|'.'ll1 ((0 {map lvm‘k ”ID “firs. ' ".\H \u- hur< ' xlu- wuiul stho-I'l}; “:qum-u) tn 2hr .I” “v (-unld spuru In llu- “rd (‘rnw ulul Suhnflnn Arms inâ€" flow! uf Inning [mm-tun fur purl: “III vr. <0 “-3 ~llu'kill'_'\ hum; all “my: :unl hunk. for l lunv nu ullu'r I‘p-iumlx in llw «In; I um Huh gtml rm- \uu. (Om-1m 1H 'nnnur," nml Hu- lourrh-tl u\\;:,\'. Lulvr th‘HDHC'd fur .upm'irll nllll)‘ "I mum 74. Nurw Hum-dun \HHku-II mm,- h- nln- )~II~54II' um! lu’icl u Mixing lumil ulmu- tln- lmmluuvd rum. fur «In mmMu't 501'!” In hm-ah-u ln-r I 1'! mmim-t sum-rm: n~ Hm} lnlol lwr ~lu- Illa-HM an Innkn u Hurt-xx "hlmllvlluv Hum," slu- mulmmmnl c-ln-vrll); ll - muuhl lwr hrmllh us if ivy mun-r hml «”an Du-r. Iunl \n-ul nll Ir ”I'D“. Illu- n lllllv l-on-lur Iran in :u m: m. "Kll'" rum] Hn- |mllvnl. half It" Murinuh‘ lmlf ilwnvlumuulj, "LINN- lihf Alnurrf I. n pun?" u cl “M; M- 'rm- lmml Iflwl M II'HI‘ "w lam-i nlr "IT. 3 -~(_' .@ 11.11.” h) Mul'lnu“ .\'1-\\ mun" syn-an u.- V h" M- .m'. Olulnr' I min up»! in I" J v " u, 1 .Im‘ drum!" alu'rn- ) “1" \u“ lull um " unm- .\ rm mu! h mu «Nu-r- nun... " MI um- r ml '. ‘ nl hm! [umul 'M'h . I 4 z u |--' .I- - l‘trl-«uu'f um um ,n-u nu. .mux’v I-In-n n- l l-‘vu- IM-‘ln ‘u Milt. II"! I ”luv u T c o .y --f 11 Hull .-.uu u “.‘u Lu. \.h-' mal In l'hn-u '- uh-d mu] ~hul Huh! L :u'n u I but ' lu'r vlnm' x ml» In r \"rI m In rd. “W n... ll (-5 "rm \u-v-k _\r-u mum- Hu-H‘. . Hm! rmem: t‘lNl". hunk" " ”mu 1.. lump \0" fur a 0' un ’M h-u "I H .- “'uh "whim: M l .' nlmzu mm. rnh ~ M II... ”mild-v?" In! [cola I In" lu'uin . um N'mt "la-d I. u' mu. \ n" ‘NUTH‘F. damn to move for fetu- of attracting lttent‘lon. Catapult” Watch [or Enema. 1%? rater-pillar knnws that than I! .fety In numhorn. and whom mm- ponies may he found tending «wide by 1M9 while keeping in uhnrp Inolrrlut flor their Mrd envmim: but whon n mterpfllnr ls hy hlmsvlr he scarcely Cuba'a Vatican of undue“. ("uhu has air-m 367 "ark-ting of a. ('V'Hl‘lfl harviwmwh libs“)?! mahntln' Ind l’V'lilr. Ilww- :m- :Ihn'l’ erl)‘ \‘DQ‘ ('hw u" {mlm Thl- I'll-\fl' lmlm l1 (uni): ah!) llw inn-I uwrnl Irn- h." vln- ig- huul_ 4-HT} gm!" irr-ru lvm‘rw In rum. luring mil ma! hr hnH‘O‘N I Aah-orfiw nu-nn Aw yma “filing tn II" ynur M! 'w wank any (“04 Inna-1' I, Hm»!- Brrgman. 'Hw Waikinv lh-nlrr. am willing in «in my part by damning W per Nut of my guy-s ‘alm (mum! an} omnnnminu of this kind, If intr-r0<lwl call me to your "wt-tings and M me nxplain my Nam Elmo: W-rzmnn. Hinulalr. "l, 3H" Hirkm-y ~1er Korean Rue: a Human. Tht- Rust-mu :Il‘v' mlh‘r Hum oillmr lh" l’him'n- M .lnpnIu-w. Thu ,.r' rnlmst and \ivm-uuh, ilulvl‘nliznhh- worm-n and arr in gru-m vlomund in hit-MI nu nu-rlumiuw Tlu-rr nrl- «M (rm-m rm-m in tho mummy. ""41!!er I! 5! arm: run-run nr (Minn-x Sum-- flm nl‘" mun-I} whirl of hair; "nu-r; hm" 72-h, «III-'5‘ Mum: and “’hifikl'ri' whilo Ilum- "f 0(th pnâ€"mt malhin: but 1 mar», mnflwt mass. :livu. I'hnm' i7-W. EW 3‘71".“ Mmrinl rmuvlu cl-ru. #If'l‘l‘r um." Ilnl .umrlnunl fur lighl |mr [lb-:1" -'-l..'-J. ' LUST .-\ P'm-Ilm" on Fmrmm-t our» Kamia". p'wlml up by MW hf Ju“ puma men in a Hm‘k, ulI-aw rr'm m 797- Fairmnnt aw. I2-"- LUST 1U Ltgmn an. 1w" umhnllu thr R hon-aha"! - rnh‘ “5"} Mn l Main 4. mmulrh "It an. Fu r Rent m: m1.“ Jul" mm “'\\'TW" 2‘ I-uln Imp,“ VLF-J WANTNII (mum ”2 wk» Yuri 'l'um ndnp “mut- t'UMlfl hum cm wan "ml munuuuv; land wmlli 120.00" "hm-v [ml nmmnzv. .uwu u “and (mm 0. Ruth ('c-lunuiu :n- ,, 4 haunt", III. I: 1: LL mu! mum wmluml [m "N. "hull WORK WAVTFII ('nlr u! fumurw my! uuwml rlvnmuu, uhm h'mn- Will Morin-l. l'holu- I'm W ||'19.|,1 H)“ SAL" fn-slx rum, gum! mil‘” 3 kn. hm rum "1mm, 24? Franklin. 12 M» " plum-l. FUR N-‘IJ' SOs-am rr-“ulm "In" 74'.“ FUN SAH'Iv-rltfmnl oak mhinot, hit" 3': n. M'h. by ”)VV’ "lfhl‘.\ M n-rord Ho‘s. ”war 73-”. 12-9-1 FOR SALI' ., While thorough "T". I-Iuflqu-u Q'Tfl‘. l-‘im‘ lm Will Mun-Ind. l'holu- IMLWJ FOR SALE l'hilal! hul. lurgu nit». I'M-m- IMO-W. 12-9â€"1 V0" SALEv~lnll‘rnu'imml (Tu-1"» Smwmun Nu. 2 hand uml "mu-v alriw. Good ma new. ”tour HER-“3’ 12-944 FOR SAI. hoâ€"mw $17.51) Lulu" ump- II-r for whole-spa s9! prim- $9.50. Phone 24l-J 12-94 0qu at'urhmvn}. Tormx m suit ‘mw-r. Wrin- ur call Alvm Wnlth If; (inn'o- st. ”'25-? FOR SALE 403k and h'nflwr IP-w nmmrt :ul'l lw'm- On‘l ”wary ':l’vlr~. “rs. A. R. Mauro, 18:3 an- N-n-n "hum- ”fin“ i2-9-l "0R S‘I4Â¥1»â€"liv';lncl m-w, right fun? xtmvl chimm-v slut-k (~\‘tvn.<inn, $6600 lmmiw‘ of I". I). “MM, 31 W. Mun!» 'u-c-uuv. l'lwno Mfr-J l2-9_l l-‘OR SAM-Iv l'lzu't-r l'imw. with En! FOR SALKvCurn in shm‘k l‘i: Wilt's south of East vau smtinu, Chm: I‘ml'tm'. ("tn- Fn‘nst l'rm-u'r. I"- Wliles south of Wl‘stwmnt. l’hum- 15"- .I can evenings after 7:30 12-9-9 "'0" SALE-M (‘rmvu (’nmhiml'iw' "mum hoard. (‘mkinnh- :md fifh‘ "HIM mum-s ("in he nluyt-«I. Also how m-N' vlrum. l’hnm- 97. 1240-! FOR SALE-wâ€"Arm N". '39 Duwm-H‘ Cmvc- Fm‘ms. lersh'fli Firm Eslflt‘ Price- $700, $900 cas‘h.‘ balance $7.”) mu' month. M. M. #hraham, 22!)“‘15' 59th. st. Chicano, I". 12-83 $2.00: Em: Mash. 32.50: Km: Mash with “uttvl'milk. $105: Sm‘rono hut- h-rmilk Mush. $3.10; Cunkvy's Lawâ€" I'mz Mash, 334.35. H. M. Young. Fairâ€" viL-w ave. phone 159-M-l. ”325-.“ racks; u few cm-kt'relx of the famâ€" on:~ l'illerslross Crystal strain. I cm- ulm (nkc a few unlers for fancy drvssml spring chickens uml «lurks, Drop a can! and I will call for your urdvr or m“ at I). Waldreu, Snuth Qurzgfingfg awayflranagur Bum. Sui! FOR SALFI»â€"l'nullr,\' st'rntvh fem! 1-. 0. "Box 604. 1901p SAI.I~;~»’1'\\'0 _ Whitu rmfpilig'um CLASSIFIEDS Miscellaneous F. T" ("\RITY AN!) TIN'IN‘" ”I"; \Nll \TIII\H Wanted For c‘ale Mr I’Iuw nu l :Iiumv r ‘0‘ --~-- runm» lwa \uv'h‘; Anvil-l" humiu'; pin-aw rumm-ml-' I". Hawkim. .‘H I'l- -l im‘ """|"~ M""W'uu! livhling mnl nf nvvvl um rhil r mm" It «mum Ch.“ 0 IRE 12-9-9 rmlm 2 ' l 43- l2-2- helm: m ”suit. ‘FOR SALEâ€"ll dose in Downers \ Grow Mtg, 10 fire 25x1“) and 1 is .-1 front, 40 ft. wrde in rear, by :140 .pr 9, corner of an”. I" an ,whorr- Wm electricvty and gas can I») had, high ground and ham to sohool north mic term ens-y, thev [will verve a builder W!" Price 310 ‘per foot. ["qu niY. p, QF‘OR SALEâ€"Corner lot 73x2“ north 3 front with Water light and gas in {street good bongo: both sides. and in :good location. soil is Mark and Wm make a good garden. Price ”New as; 't'e'mTSrâ€"iim “Ml m WANTEDâ€"Juana” of every dew criptlon to gen. have m Md F‘redenhams Real M Aim if not. why not. n have mm .11 over me with!!!" Gm a. as iota there can be amn ' Ii Sii§"iyrlc'e,"6hfir £506 for the ‘5' lots, thistargaln will. he Eakm‘noon FOR 3'1"}. 7! rmum me Dumw on :I HIM 1mm! Int, I’m- a Mike monov, “w! Tm"! run-rt In! "I‘m?“ 0. H'riu- K2230. trrmq In In- strung-ml. handy to Eats! nrnvn to snmenno that will story fairly ml Imusm. and be in a rrstridvd FOR SA ”3 ,2 lab: on Fain-69w ave" Fl)" S\l,|'; l Mm‘r‘v- Hz”? F0” In“ run-m2 fort narh. hizh land with my"! “1““. on “-0950” I'm!- [ran-- at ”n.1, ui'h hrrrv poultry hmm to hv nmvmi, V’ria- 3L”, FOR SALE Von high Mass: home. of fly:- nv-Wl-I .mvl, w‘Oh shout U :lt’fi~~, rvsnh-m‘v- i. rm a M" (wrr’mk- 9"" (mm! and enquiry, would suit a "Mr-rm rnutnmor. naming room. (hvm-r \Hml- rm ofl’vr. F0" SALE Tr." r‘noi'" :II'H [MS mm: Mb! Hrnr Julitm. u-numl is high, :vn" I-mfim. «nod. would main 2 [mod IniM’mr In“. Price $2.” r-u'v. if p0 xii-II. "'hv-vui.» nmkv ll 0"". H)" SAL}? "I" I’m! runmv in. *uh ”04h JIM-H ”and, m-c- of ”w h!!! in lawn far :I m-w hn"‘9. 0“ VI"? and! m h an" v.5" «vvll rlv-up. WEN! 2- R onrrhtu, "ml 5-4 in I" 10M- In! I» 715294. rmrn .nml hull \rNh. uml :IIfl‘C'I'. I'rim- 5,. row" gim' nnh £7.00". Tvv'" “In“ 7:, ur mulw 1'" «WW hum! hum v- vim '0“ v nmm- uh- lawn. :m' 'w- 'l «wart mm- ‘ r - ‘uln-ni, run-r u'mM il r” “W! "“1“ i- M1,: r'wul, Iv mt mm I'd"! 31;” I In" hm“ lmuw. gvunl IFrl-lvnf u " (In-y, "ml n. . Ln w»‘cw|_ Ir|1‘\ “'i W'" full 2 Ala". 0| mun- .' m "uh ln-u hm' l'. v I. -\ mulrl I mu! m ht- ! -' ‘ ‘ll‘lJ'J. Im‘u'u-n win 1 dam-0 iumrmv-om M Iv” I ' (NIL (I "L- rrn nfl'n'v “NI". l'“)|{ H ‘l l- '1)" SALE (114mm \rw'mi. '"I M: '3 hi": ”WY 1'16" ~I'I‘IV' I-‘n'rc' u" M mmw-“u-M‘ m and [mill (m m-‘flv- hwlmoal 'Nll" qu nnl 1'1””er on. Qulfllaln-d. n" rm" Imw'w 'm" 14 -n Mv 1nd .rm- .mlu, (m ;. rmq, var .M all «man-ten FUN .V H}: Um foot mrm-r lot. has n wall Min 7 man nml mi.- lmuw. haul flood "non. furm-ro nml moukwn comical- “in-rs. H" lrmw, bu"! “mu pIIVOd, “w vmkiom uf n flm- home. Price ”L000. lmlf rmh. “.000. half I‘hll. FOR SALE .-\ .vmlll hunt hmmc of M runny-K, n" Dun-II u'mul flnm'». and Mnglmr'vr rvmw-niu-m-v-x, row-nun L fig, um!" um! I‘m-hen. with modern buili 'n run\'nu;n-wnq, .‘l dawn 7m" A M moms and bath up, in right for any "01- VII‘I'II‘I‘IZ mom. Hu- Iot is find“), arm-O 3-; mum-d 5m" “‘0 [0”!th ”I. I-‘QR gunmen QM plufi- r'ifhulog ' loéaml business"; bloc'l’; In ”can; a “nanny makvr, price 330.000, wnnt an ofl'cr. terms can be had. ”no new additions. many harming, ‘uw nnw, or lonso the chnnre as mo- “PI1V is nth-31min". Arrc lots. $200 -mI upwards, wr- have a good lint. 'm dm-n la :fl‘t'v. flno tree‘s. zu- ---w-. mm‘ml-o... stun-L ils near (knot '~--t| 514w“. I‘rim‘ fur Illlirk xnlv. :6,- um «um I'm-"l. the" 540 nor mo. 'm-Iumnu iu'm'lwf. m- can make other ‘nr-ns. furniture for sale. "‘0'! S A l.l‘f~â€"A w-rv high clans 7 ran") hr-Iwo. in 2‘” 03k trim 7"". "mu-- . ‘4 rug. “\1 “w mus. din‘n‘ obtainable, is handy to train. has stone mad. and would suit (or gar- den or nursery purpose, price ‘360 per acre, easy terms. Mock, store and flaw. an old" Sigrid "'5‘" rum-d. a right (and investment “rifl‘ 820.000, terms ha" cash. ”OR SALE -â€"~ Naporvil‘e bushes! "QR SAI.F,-_V_-‘:'t_sv paymentq. lots_ In FOR SALEâ€"*ZO acres of the best poll FOR sglfnfnighg_ goqd _ cgntrany "‘OR SALF‘â€"»Mmlorn 7 room house, hm- 4 dawn, .‘l un, Tu" hasement. ”bivnul-n' .79”), nul‘r’lfu. 100 ft. lot. 22 So. Main St. ‘ ‘ Phone “I ltr-sidencc 27 S. Fair-view Avenu- East vae Phone Im-B REM. ESTATE Eflk SALE ran "1' Iii-v .' Prin- ix 39.000, and terms wiry by v. FREDENHAGEN DOWN ERS GROVE ’31:; ne‘mng' fut; mm and n" "PM. Fri" n-n whim: nmlxr :m y-M'MW-ue {00' ‘;l in "lino” funding". rmrrwl with MM um! "Iv firm“ ht n-w 'mr I'n" Mvfi Tum“ unmml ”I" .4 lm I S'fwm. \':IM lu' in Inuh. Sf'Vtiqn rhvap nt‘ighborhood. build a hub you can bunfl . Rm Nil! rm: Liv 7 . 'v u“ u' rmv Mnr‘. ‘wtl hum-mun! Huh-r *Ivirflv ' ‘mli‘u v, "I. w. «ml “‘0 l"“~ "r" '9 ram" lol.

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