Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Dec 1921, p. 10

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After the program light refmgh. lent: were served. Many who wane fluent claim it was the most enjoy- ablen’aflnzdflleyeu. Miss Walters dispiaypd splendid techniqne and Mylo; She is taking a special course at the American Con- servatory of Music. we hop: to have the oppotunity to hear these two young artists again in the near fu- bars of the Chicago Ou-m Asmn'a- tion at pwseat and a rrva! future is predicted for her. th“! prln ml '0 hf ‘5’"; ‘ln‘W‘C ting and ins‘u'lu'fiwn 117‘. (varh'. ‘ un" known (hi-1!?” l'l'lh wa‘lwr \xnx H1" makf'l Shl‘ Fp"‘-“ «vf ”1P \ul'ixm: Irtis‘K ulm paintrd Hw luirhm exhi" tion in the Kimkrzartrn. T‘:-' musical numhmw were givm by ”143'" Bostloman of La Cram!» and AdaYaide Walters of Downers var. Miss: Bostloman, of whom La Gran” is very proud, gave some beautiful numbers from the operas. She is mack'ng with «no of the mem- lil [.91 \"t‘dm‘ulm- ,1":- DQYR vat‘ “'nmnrv m’irg in the Km“. RIF“: nml rham of “MR”! prlnml h! hf \ and infirm-“Vb. Hr» known ”\CJFEI rluh r" WOMAN'S CLI'B MET .\T THE KINDERGARTEN Tl" English than in the don"- mlnl work in churn of Miss Horr- in Mr min: a bulk-tin loaned m: by Pvt-nus!" Dmrmr, "m mum of which is: (n Inlet-nu ”'1‘ public in "'1' madly of narlv mailing. pmpvr mall‘nz. and asclslinl the rnvornmont employo: in Hw- rapid handling a! an ounmwdovl holiday mail. If all of as now-is» prop" ram in this rmâ€" pvrt. llw «mi of our local postnfliee ii" I» mauumbly lossnmd. ‘ till in an and to our who! and «Immunity "To. [M m M mint at! win: them at am. Hr. "turn be a "Much 0! IM- am- Nomul Moo! of Riwr Pulls. Winmnin. and has had four you! of I'm-Mn; "pm-km in Ms «iv-pun- uvnt Hr. uni In. ”In" haw mud n W on w South 854:. and (letting. M 0.0qu fishing 1M positkm mndo to tho: lam-ll mom for tho auluunt to hr pn-puru-«l vurll clay is ('ulloflwl from the tourIu-r of mar)! room at the beginning uf lhc- N'hslmL No mum is prI-puml than i.»- pn-violuly onkrwl. Nu lulu-h “ch-Ls um sold on err-«lit. 'l‘ln- lwl lunch is pnpzuwl {or children who ”09“ u lunch on ac- count of the distance of llwir homr‘ from Mhonl. lo xuuplrrrwnt n cold lunch mule-d. or to convenience a mu! wlm will ho away hum home during the lunch hour. and for other «nomads. TM- m-u-rial wrvnl in platablr. ulmulla and in pn-pnml at :- mr (out an run hr nmrlnlned. It in not u may making pmjm but Hill I ml in our .Iu-lmnl mnlwl Incl omoumgnl by many palm; and put lntn nprnnlum by our l'unnt- 1'0va Anson-lulu". Thm lmlwn IN in (Mm during "to onllrv noo- hom'. Conn» and m how llw Mu nmm- -yuu'm worlu and out with! lr‘ G. H. Bmwn. n! What-tar, Wit. ‘- "w newly nppoénlnl manual trun- CHRISTMAS SEALS SOLD HERE BY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN Arthur Nicholas, of Lahart, Kan~ $35, was given a surmisv‘ party on his birthday, Nnvcmbnr l9, when a fine pair of twins made their appvnr- ance in his hume. The habit-s. Philip and Phyllis. and their mother, for- merly Miss Dorothy Lathrup, of Clarendon Hills, an- doing firm. The girl weighml fiw- and threw-quarter poumlx nn-l tht- boy six and threw; quam-r pnumls at birth. h-juirimz; in tho (In-n! is tht- grandfatlwr. John Nicholas, of Un- Nicholas Stork Farm. southeast M the (imve. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopkins enter- tained at 500 last Saturday night at their home in Orchard street. The prize winners were. first, Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield; second. Mr. and Mrs. 03:2" and consolation, Mr. and Mrs. Andrui. The evening enllvd with the serving of elaborate refrt~:‘~hmevits. Mr. and Mm H. E. Hulczynski, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. llowncs. Mr. and Mrs‘ John Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. H.1 Huntington. Jr., Mr. and Mm. llonry‘ Tank, Mr. and Mrs. A. Langosvh, IL} Harry Jenkins and M. E. Coleman‘ attended 1:. five hundred party and; ‘dance at Lal’imnge Wednesday even-l ing given by ”It? Comumndcry. (Continuml l‘mm [mgr PERSONALS (h1- migvmum at It. Hm n ”In “0W ”'Jquur "IuJJM Ilium-"HI "'0 "I" M.- Mm' «M u unllc'r n-mlv-hrfluly ."l'll'ui'II. fir fill-nu." 'hh' H ""1." .3.” "up" (rum ”w vim-Urn ~M- Ttrm-v-flw Thu nommr wf nu!" In llw PM mar "n1 nMv-h am" [In-l “Io-Mn:- um in umlnm rill ”nu. a: up". I. "and n- M luv wnlw It I: llw lumLo-r'u huvdm-u m rumhdl . OlmuMul cum-d In Individual-t who} um; um":- mwouh vauluun wow to In . ‘ pal u. Mm uhru urn-Ion mum-u. ’l‘lu- men-ham Mm wunln m borrow mum-y in mammal m: mm; the funn- « who to manna; or buying 3 new nape: or I "glam": hull; a War ‘1qu man at «In nmr looking to: ‘ a nu“ Inn-alumni for Mu “Maxi; lb! ‘ «um Who In och-mind lo cut out w tow-M) nun-um balm nod upon I .VIIIKU «mum van cm w yk. numl menu. a! nu- roam-mu; hauls", mm rulllula lullmu uh- llum all). Mn. Revival 00 000 mm um” We un- cum that the mum-m" u! m: mun", mun: m n-urunm-d um! mow-I m I arm-l III-h ham (u. mn- pw-my an M unumo. TM.- «nn M- n‘rumplhduwl am], by a mum! n! tlw 111d" 5mm «Mm «Maw «I la nn-mv Ilu- un-m nut and. In the ma] Ila! m.- ur-cnl mumm- ul nat- - m my lu- ntlntnod. uw I-nnu old | h: luck- the mum at "w muwmt. i Every day the BOND MARKET is a little more active and stronger. If you had opened a Savings Account with us months ago you could benefit now! Bonds are Rising in Price As a mum-r of (um. bunkvrs um hu‘ «mm. proviso-[y like the frat 01’ UK. In mum-y mailers: un-y ntv tun-rd In In! vaullnua became vu-ry smooth mun- vllcr in the land u out an um Ilu- hum of "NHL Tin-y an: handling Min-r swam-'3 mum-y and durv no! uln- rhuurw. '1‘th mnlmu than «an. mm:- «dam. vnnlugc. Do you want to dlsmum yuur bills in urdvr in lake udvunluge of the op- portunlty thus affords-d to xuukv n wh- sluullnl saving? Your lmukc-r will tell yuu lmw you can make the turn. Banker- Aro Human 8057.93. Thousands 0f prawns who slmuld mlw tlu-lr fluuuclul problems w the: lmulu-r are brew-nun] from following Hun course by the mistaken notion that Ilw l-uulu-r ls ”unwilling u! a busiuv» urlhtm‘rul. a not! 0! suwnhuMm-fimuu wllll uhuul me murh wunn blood in him Ml u rush rugislvf, I ruulplumulc-r or ulu- mulllpllmlluu lublv. Are you tn the market for a mon- gugo. or In It ncwssary fur ynu to luurlgage yuur properly to mum pm» 1m: nMIgutl-ms'! (in to your bunker with “11- profiles" and he will rxpluln haw you can solve I! lo the lwst ad- vantage. An: you thinking of making an 6"- i'orl [Ii ucrumuiuw rupilai fur invest- ment in a paying business? Your huniu-r will expiuln how this can In! art-umpiisiwd. inven Savings With Care. “nu: yuu inn-n suiiviued to invest your savings in the stock or bonds of some industrial l-lllvrurise'! Return oinim: so ask yuur lmnkor in look up the (-hururlt-r and iinum-iui standing of (he (mummy altering the securities for sale. (ou‘pyrlgm. an. America Pmn Leanna) Would yuu like to own your lmmu! fin to your cmmuunlty bunker and lo-um how '10 opt-n un' account dual will prove to he the flrsl all-p toward (M'- duul from rem-paying. In.“ a! Flood. in In. Dam. Where Individuals May Have Their Money Problems Solved. By EDGAR TAYLOR WHEELOCK._ FINANCIAI. COUNSELOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK A 800ml START TODAY WITH $1.00 Dunner: Grove. Illinois. IXDWNEBQGROVE RENEIE DOWNERS GENE. "LINN”- l H) mu Napalm}: NEIH'UFS DISEASES ()lfirr and lh-.â€"ic|vm--- 1.1 80. Pink .\ve.. Launngr. III 0 [while Murmnic 'l'vmpk- rloplou- “can" 11 out Sum Buy your storm sash now. Write nr call Forest Park 148. “l‘uymyf' l‘rum famous Mun-l ul l-Wiulu)‘ lh-n-nllk-r I'h‘ LuXv l’hunugruph.‘ $100 and up thi~ illt'hulc“ m n-cmvl.» (If yuur own rvlw‘limu “4- Llnv Muru‘ Slaw. 'l‘hursllay, [kromber L’rlh. Gummy Tour! in "Alan of Slunc" at Dickv's. ' lic- Luxu l'layI-r Pianos, {he Acme uf I'I'rfl‘ctiun. lh- Luxv Music Store. Lab-st hits. in rolls and I'ucorlls at l’(- Luxc Music Stun'. (PM your winlbr (urn. null Illl‘ chi-"en not. lhrcluy Com! with our yrur [nun-"w nlm “I-‘onn- M" "raw-Dun»: and (Zirdlemu. "mutant! rumiwlm, a" um up In 46 bull. l-‘im- mmrtmcnl u! hmuh Tm ('hrirtmun [WUâ€"«(Colm- mul rhov-r yuurv, Fur Export; Grout "rum" PXWH‘IS sbqllt 310.“ 000 wort h M furs u-m-h year. Iuw Succcu On a Nut-mu. Tin- lulu"! of sum-cuss m nmhhw nun'v llmn cluln: Mun yuu mm sh «ML ulul dull": we" wImu-u-r Von d. hum u [bought 01 fume.~l.onuh-l undnl Bupcrumon. Anna-dim: 1-; ma hum-T It Is an "me. or umnd tuck-~11 lulu: and happy unw- riml ”fl" for :I hrilh- In Min us we [uwws up "w :leh- nu lmr way In llm ulhu'. Heroic Poem. Tin-w m n . m‘. n." a man rum-run, rwmrnlwl hut i: :I heroic p00!" of H3 nun. Him-«l gr mu‘immL-- (‘urlyhu Forest Park Screen (‘0. \Hml ii ('hrirtmm :Il Immv with- t .1 l’hnnnuruph. lh‘ Luxc- Almir SAVE COAL BUSINESS PERSONALS 75 \‘o. Pom! A". Not at Mm Mud-y: MRS. EMRN‘H LADIES! mm! Adventist-"Irma ‘rnwhinu l'huh)p|u,\ Cynthia Un- Hick: lfilh. 514 DC ncklm ' 'I'lwul n- ‘ Norma 'l‘almadgc in “Poppy” Fri- tlay, December 161)). an early suceess brilliantly revived by popular (lvmand at the Dickie Thcute'r Lehmann 6' Michels Store Many boa"- tiful g’ifffi for balmy. A wide selec- tion display- ed of these cun ni n 21y made bah.v articles and platvthin E5 that attrar‘t every moth- er. Rattles celluloid nOV- elties. knitt‘ ed fineries. heads, blan- kets, silk comfortables Four fine stories, {ourtvvn big por- fnrmersâ€"all in one pictun‘. Wait '1“! you we “Hits of ”(0" at Dickv’s Saturday. Bakers Calendars and Chrixtmas Cards with new local views are on salt: at MrAllisters Dry Goods store ask to .s‘eo them. [2.9-1 Saturday. December 10th. Mar- shal! Neilan in “Bits af‘ Life" at Dicke'x. WEI/rm: 8. 0'1"“ The Man *0! Stone, 6 Dazzling, Thrilling, Romance of the Desert. at the Dicke Theatre. “It An“!!! ”no (‘0.- suflyou Ila-d- (”dam Domwn Glove l’honr “I N ('hklggâ€" -Hume \"ilbudl 8"10 EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE The Favorite screen star in a pow- erfully picturesque role Dicke.Theâ€" Atre next Thursday, December 15th. Lawyer ()Iicr. l‘armt‘n 0 Sin-Junta Built Building Tue-dun. “and”: Sundays. 0 l. n. to 6 p. In. Every "mint. 1 to 9. aver pmduced, at Dicke's next Fri- lay. December 1611:. Hinsglale Splendid gifts, “priced at per boxâ€"- IS, 29. 35, 50 an 89c, and up tn $225 A great nrrav of useful articles for gift huggeslion, you will find well «lisplnv- ed on our tables. Come in, look them over. and make your selections while all- sortmonts are now and fresh and we'll Madly hold or lay aside nnvthing vnu want. Prices are within roach of everyone. ' ' - C. E. B R O W E R Painting~Decorating Gifts for Baby 26 Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. l'hnne 82~R G. H. BUN GE BOX STATIONERY Phone 8-18 .â€"-‘â€""f‘ V i ° ' ' I . . ‘3'! ’ me Christmas Store Telephones I77 6 178 rlmudule upholsteflng and Furni- mre Repair Shop. All work neatly done at rtasunablc pn‘ces. Phone 636 .,, send pDfi'caI'd. Will call and de- Hugh Wiley's splendid; Saturday Evening Post Chinatown tale, “Hop" is only one of the four stories in “Bits of Life" at. Dicke's Theatre December 10th. Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank Ila-w Innuzwanliko. hnw simplr. hn“ «any h is to math your remit- !mw.» ll" ('HH‘K. It Illn‘l.‘ you flu- SAVl-Z and SAN” method ‘0' "flying _\uur hill». l! ‘ian W" (mm 10-5 of mmwy nml prank-L you against argument.» and duimp’lhal hills how not hu-n 91ml Hu-r) (‘hl‘rk in 3 W770" rum-int. “ENCLOSED FIND CH ECK" A State Institution under State Superviskm Established 1892 "I’D“ \ SAVINGS .\('('0l'.\T IN THIS "\NK RIGHT NUW~~TOIHV! Embroidered dresser scarfs‘ ' did values at .............. Black and brown, best value you’ll ever find at per pair .......... $1.50 LINEN TOWELS All linen huck towels at 890 81.19 Beautiful! sets towels and wash cloths at per set SM!) and Slylfi 20 inch bleached, per yard 19 inch hmwn. per yard . . 24 inch brown, per yard . . PURE LINEN FOR FANFY WORK TRUE SHAPE SILK HOSIERY EMBROIDERED SPA RPS TOWEL SETS Scratch Feed, per 100 pounds. 88; Prairie State Poultry and Egg Mull. $2.26; Globe 20% to 22% Protein Egg Mash, 83.00. We also handle all kinds of stock and poultry feeds. East Grove Grocery Market, E. Mrkviclm, Prop. ll-lB-tf liver In. of dune. nae-a“. Friday, December 9: 1921 Sizes 6 to lla- pricod at per pair. 25 to 39c The best buy you've made for a long: time (‘HILDREN' 8 BLACK HOSE "S. splen-

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