Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Dec 1921, p. 1

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flier. The cost is very small as no effort is mafia to realize any pmfit’ llmp'y handle it so that It is new ”porting and make the prices the Invest possibie to that end. ‘ g Tmlay the first lunch was say-rod to about seventy five chiidrvn. The first "mm was hot coma. Macaroni and sandwiches. The mu win hr variod from day to day. Tho Mon is of mum to assist the children who bring lunches to have a hot dish 01 drink each day during the had we:- ‘ ANMHERMHOH (HI BY [MAI ~ XMAS SAVIRS Th0 sum of sixty rldlars was r0. Aliza! which was suffiriont to pay an dishes and cooking muipmmt to start the serving of hot lunches. Thr- l‘nrmt - Trmhrr Annmarie" tern ably assstml in Hwir :4an In in! hnt lunch“ in thr- schools by the salv and Javanese Tea gin-n In “I“ Nrilh‘h‘rhoml (‘hvh at "to Juniut murmur)" Svhonl huildmg lad Sat flay aflrrm. Th0 ladim had r»â€" ecivm‘l quilt“ a law:- mnsigmnwnt m Jmmr Inn-1: which (M) «M a' prick: suffirirmly km In mnkr (won customer plonsm) that he nr she rm'm‘ asidt' (mm the kmwk-dgv that Hwy W'r helping along a cummunit)‘ curse. Tho Japanvsr («v-k «on m the hands nf “ran Ballard Wank-s. Hrs. Fmrgia Mdflurr‘. Mrs. J. P. Hitch", .\lr-. limrz-r‘ Walk. and Mrs. W. J. O'NPi". Tm was svrvnd by Mn. W. F. Jams. "T3 W. C. Barb". Mrs. Alia- Hr-rkman. Mrs. E. R. human“, Mrs. J. D. Gilkwm'r Md Mrs. W. H. Ray. Vlad Slifldflt In Pnfrhnv "I In fining khan! L‘s-tha- Ruined. Smithy. SIXTY DOLLARS REALIZED FROM JAPANESE SALE Hath lank- an‘ m durflnr rm»- h hr paid out mu "womb-r and hub “pH-1 IM ammnu- In hr much “I!" than this war. Tn (M pm,- nfl Who In- m' hm mm. (M H!- II m «Nth mil awn. h cub wot-h mymmm Thvw is Illa mother nllernnfiw. Ono may nun with a momma: ummmt I». IO. 25 or 50 «a!» or “.00 or up and. pay the unu- amount «an-h wc-els. A! "Dr PM ‘0! "w r'uh. «r uh" my train hnw- unnv h). It‘ll-N»! on "w ”tawny" nmnunl b~ mm“. M "w hank lmll "w nun-r H '- um M00 u elm-l: 1n Dull. mm»! n... demand: at um (‘hmumr m". Although "n- nfluihal Mr" M Ihwr (“that m: In hnw- mum-3 fm ('hriq. ml Imyinn. Mr, (‘urhfi-u .vf Hu- Viv-O ‘ Hum! flunk mm mm nhvml {my 1 pr «M n! lhr mnnrv i- [an riuhl, "no mlnr “any: .‘u‘mnnh. “ Umlt-r this plan of mum: {Irv ~¢'\‘- an! diflcn-M. Clam-'9‘“. ()m- may all”! with I penny. fm' imlunw. and add I penny to tho nriuimll mw van-II Wk. “MN '3. “w «wand, R. “w third and no on until llw Mly wan-ks urn gone. Or a Mart may lu- mmlu with 2 «all. .3. 10 or mm". Thaw i~ u!- no "I0 oppmitv u} Hm plxm wlwrrh)‘ the lam“ nmnum :4 paid lit-1 um! I dun o! I. 2. .‘n, or H) cont- mush- Nearly $20,000 is bring cut up this year amon’g Ull‘ yu‘uph- who haw- nvel' it My 1: >yslvmalir pulling in the hunk of u I'c-w jilnuy: :1 work. This is $4.00!) mow than n )‘t‘ur ago and 68.000 nmw Hum wu< clwckml out in 1919 when $12.00” was lhuuphl to be a lamp amuunl. I! is (hi-ugh! that a! lvunt $25,4um will lu- m.- tum! next yea r. Another big Christmas melon is be. in; cut this week by the First Na- tional and the Farmers Merchants banks. They are now busy making out and sending the checks on their “Christmas" Savings Clubs)“ ' which have been running since tho niialdlc of last December. Fan-nets Merchants and First National Banks Sending Christ- mas Spending Money. VOL. XXXVI“. N0. 45 DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER $2 00 Per Year. In Advance. Th0 [lithium arr porch-uh“ and 'mnm- in prifl‘ hum $4.!” In $25.00. Th mnhm'ly «n (or mom «r 1,“, NI». I'hihp \Yrinm-imn‘ :Iv‘hh’d vhr pupil~ M Mr. Walt" Hm) in a rrtilnl a! 4hr (‘ulumhin Srhmvl «f .‘Imir. "Mrazn. last Friday aflvr noun. Mu. Womhvimor (aw a [map n! Ihrs-r hauliful 5mm; which nrn‘ rrrviu-vl aim ma: onthucimm. A rmmhv-r af [oral unmv‘n :11"li "m milal‘ “rs. Wrinh-imnv H hut-kins :nd inqmn‘u-Mal in the formalinn of a rnmmnnitx than» \v‘th Mr. Tim. l'apr as tho din-rim, .Thr firs! mvt-b im: um hohl 1:14 Light .11 Llhfufl Ha". ML Paw 'w (M- vlirrrtnr of Hw- MarJ’m” F'N‘M rlmral ~m‘irty and i.~ wrll Imrmn in mudc rim-ks. In onlrr In piw Mvry nm' in lbw 'a"nrr m- nmmriunily In rujoy H mm" "An Nahum" on our main Ilw Junior I'ermnlm'y Sthml «m hr rpm {rum 2:510 Iu mm u'rlnrk Sub Huh} and Sunday affirm-"n nf ”Iv- “Mk :Imi nrxf. l‘o'n'n'brr M and H. 17 and In. An I'Vrvplimual rubihni-m nf "‘1' “Hal [Innis MM [Mail-lymph. i Ink- m‘: "lure In llmunr- (firm- umlrl lfn- :m-piw ~ at the kmalrnninvn I": H~n~mn Aummlirm. 'l‘hv (rt-u! n":- jm'iu -.f "In It“! pirtufl'u un- 'mwt m lv'w Junk-t I‘Ilmmn‘w)‘ Srhmfl. Marv 0." Hum at ”or Public l.lln'..ry. 'I-~-l mw m Nu'h mum of "Ir 33"“) um! 81mm 3M;- Whmub. ‘l‘hv gm-hmz- huw lu-vn u-mmldnl and un- rirrulntml h) H"- AIM'V‘M‘DH marmum ..r An. u.’ .\'M York (Wu. Many o-T Hu- eulnjn-t- :m' ‘mlnMo fm Hu- circulation at hum" mu! «hook. and Anwrimn mhjn-h unluumh-r a" "w «flirts mmhiv-nl. but? t-uv‘lh‘M M'wwim- of winl- w val-w un- «MID "um Engllml, Uk‘ffimr}. 9“ van and Suumvlnud. One of tlw himsl forum» of nut classifiod ads is. the smallnrsns of mo cost. A minimum price of thirty-five cents (including all ads up to five lines) has hoen set. For this small sum honsrs havo been sold; farms rented; real «tat» vhangril hands; baby hugzies found new owners; furniture disposed of and so many business transartivms completed that a full list is im- possible. If you have anything a- round the house worth money, which you have no use for, thirty- fiw‘ cunts invested in a For Sale ad will find you a buyer. In this way you get rid of something use- lpcs to you and which the buyer has use for. There arc very far cusps where Reporter want ads have not paid_for choir josepion: {liege "a'i'e ’53 ’re'w'as co in negligible. Try one. FOR THIRTY-FIVE CENTSâ€".RESULTS erpflfllll ”I‘llM1HIQ‘ ('uhfod l'rinlu Ind IMG- 0p: In flu- I'uhflt. MINATURE “ART INSTITUTE" IS AT GROVE ST. SC H001. During his May in lhr \‘illuur ha hab nm-la- many friu-ul» :iml ha.- in- rn-uwd ”w Ivnn>3nn-.-~ uf ”Us plnn Nanny tillll". \\u an» Murry In «w Icim lnuw. He has taken a his your Ionst- on our -nf lhc- Dana-q Jun-.4 in .‘lvn- l'nla and «H dark it with :1 run” Mun. aw“ lim- nf ur) Hand:- and rr:ul}'.tnv\u°ur ummrvl fur 'wunwn. Hie resign-Minn takl'r rfi'm‘i hvrr :1- |mut the first ul’ January and hL .‘Jvmlnlu .~luu- uill be up". H-hm- ' ry first. business of his own in Mnmlota. Mr. Parks has been in thv dry goods linn for many you”, he i~‘ an aggressive mprchuut. a men}. believer in adver- tising, a window trimIm-r and éhould build a fine Imsim-s» in his m'“ in- ution. Charles C. Parks. whn for the past year and a haif has been the mana- ger of the H. E. Nit-Allister , (70. dry goods Moro. cursed a deal last week w'm-rehy ht.‘ will start. a similar CHAS. C. PARKS OPENS MENDOTA STORE FEB. lst Manager of Local Merister Store Takes Six Year Lean:- on Large Building. Assmfl-zn \T "HIT u ‘ "OWNERS GROVE. DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921 NEWSPAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY Mrs. Elisha Morgan, who this year had charge of the annual Rm! Cross rnll call in this community. rvpons that $258.15 was collected for mom- berships this year. The roll call was from November 11 to 24 and was ex- tended here I few days to care for additional pledges. ? The awn-oat vcoliected this year is (at in excess oflthat last when 855 was the total collected in member- ships in $258.15 COLLECTED LEGION-AUXILIARY , HERE IN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY RED X ROLL CALL WED. DECEMBFR 28 and pump. Thrrn “ill N hum» mmk candy. and tho “~lnro" kind; rigavs an?! 'am‘y work. liw rhI'rkrn,‘ and runwl ham-z mrn'thing will b: Mo 53"“. TM [prion Auxiliary ts helping! in thn pla‘niuz nf va nfl'air and smu rwal of UK- mvmhm‘ wi" pn-<i¢|e at [hr booths. Taking mm rumivbmfinn ”W' Mur- wu M ”w nfluiv laat yrar. and the» fad that many mmmh had hum mnvlv- for nnnflu'r bazaar Lhi< your. "m rx~-arfim mv‘n huu- 7.0th In wpv‘ah Rot-Um will Iim- um ha" and much» nf vn'lfl‘ u’i" hr m wahy <mmNr far ('hrhtnan- cifh for old ("bridmni girlv in c-mlhuazn [0er non. mm.“ at «nu-Mos. hum. Mu. .mhnnw and u.» lih. vi": a hauli- fui floor Iamr ":4 "w h‘l win. “I" hr 0-! display a! Hu- wrmnl annual Fhridmns Mum of "w l'wal Intim- pnst m 0" MM no“ Friday and Ral- uhh‘.) Mv‘nfimw M "ir‘kr'! "all. Mn) “nun-l um Ankh ln hr \In. May (Nr'u Irma Mud in mm “I new. lb" 0! In“! IMnHMW (‘01 Sat Wat. Fla-n Vin anal. AMERICAN LEGION'S BLUEB'RD LODGE. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR REBEKAHR. ELECT DECEMBER I": AND I? OFFIPERS FOR I922 wm‘ may in- ch-um-ul I'lwn rumou- mm “u "w flu! tum-"ml It"! "mm. - main-[In ~ um! nmwlwlli mul MIN-w “I'N' u'n‘wl In 70 rMMWn. 'l'vrltvh lu-pmnmnuam «mm «mm of mm nrh’rlo an the mom an "M u- Hu- .mpll- M “'0'" mum in tho Smith Sick- »srhml far In «Mu am IMo‘r ar- mnl m "w "taming. A mynluillnn H‘nmmum cm mn- l0) The saw of Red Cmss stamps in 'anners Grove has been put in charge uf the grade pupils or our lpublic schools. Each mum in grades Vthrm- (6 night inchsii-v has been giv- l'c‘n its quota to (“#33050 of, darn “than! win: any rlau mom. This in nu «dump became 0w kn» rooms arr "um 6n odor IMI rev frnm Hu- nmuary lunch mom mgr-Mon- n! n" ”MN and (M lull wm' am, in- vlu-um-ul I'Iwn runwa- in"! “u ”w flu! mummy It"! mam. w, uml brat-h».- which wc- UM‘ in wning "w mm‘ :20ch of lunch rurriuw cm the thin! floor. The!!! tublw will an! comfortably 75 ch"- Th0 various rooms are selecting In» M mun- ”I thoir mm number as sul- iuitms who will have lht‘ actual suluw‘ in hand. The “Hunt‘s urv acting a: as~ictuntau As a .~pl:r tn this >nlr tho lm‘ul \\'nmun'< Club-«Mrs. )1. IL Prim-4'. rhuirzzmu. hau- nfi’rlml tn the mum proving ”I“ has! wit-amen at finv “pic'ura- in [w “N'h‘ .u-rnmm-nt gift. TIIL i~ am nmmrtunily {m- chil- dn-n In xha'ro- in aml lm-mm- éntrn-r't- rat in community wu-tfun- “op-k u! u mm! «Ina-wing typo. “03' Ill! um M "41an who" they ask you tn buy tin-u; #‘uIHIH tn ull'ix w your hoIi-_ llu_\' lollnb’ and package»! n~ an indi- ruuun of mm luyully (n “w unfunr Glnu “l‘l‘jrfll‘y. llirhun! an, am] Mr. llruwu mzulr flu- mhlc- tops. hor- Hot Lunch“ Served by PJ-T. Assn. Are Decidedly Popularw School Notes. (flRISIMAS SIMS sow HERE BY "if 8(fl00l (HILDREN ”min Morgan Had (‘harge 0! Mann Bring Made for Cm!!! Time the Membership “five in f [m Emaâ€"Ex- Service the Community. Men In Invited. MM annua! party and plans are rap- idlv being clevelnpevl to insun a good time. Committms from the Legion Ind from the Auxiliary are now perfectâ€" ing arrangements. Every tax-service man of the com- munity, whnthv-r or not he is at?”- iated with the Amorican Lotion, aw invited to the [Anion-Auxiliary Christmas Party (0' b0. held in the Lotion rooms on Wodnosday even- ing Dccnmber 28. This is the son- par aw! :- ha". T'\v~y hau- mih’at HI Wan} rum'il’nth. ‘m‘r- .'l :k‘gfl-v- h-wm u'nth nf nutr :mvl haw- Iran ruvwmhdutr-rl hr mnmhrrw "f flu- or d” in thv \irinfly and (Vu- I'rm‘nlv-M n! tho hum-1 Axw-mhly 7m ":47 .fl'irivrm-y in IN) Work. LEGION-AUXILIARY purity: "nimv I": Hum:- :1 \lfV‘Y" mvbr m Hm ri‘lagt‘. “uwad Lmirv I‘m madr :m tm-nawo firm-v! «hur-nr thr- P1" lllmhinl Rnhfiiah law. '5‘". Hi. I. 0. 0. F.. MM i'c snmi-mmmI r|~ «Nina of flfliNh Tuvalu) I‘Tl'lliflfl. T‘w nth-fix'v-vr "Win-L vv-v- thud-ll 1hr ”w [ivâ€"I | c'. mun”. "- "'31. Mar Odrw‘r , Nflmv Gran-l warm ('0‘. H .. .\'irv «mini EM.» {Ia-mm. ..lh-¢nnling Sun-Inn Rind!» Nt-Nv-nrinu V l‘innm-ial 341'. "MW llnmsmu. . . ‘ ‘Trwamrw l‘, J. “Writ-r. , . . _ , ."vpuly .“rs. (7 tvnm "~n:- vr-v‘h-rlml n: N'vwo u’iunml n1 Hut Indy? and till an" hm «rt-"ml u-rm in ”In! ra- MM».- Uu- ups-uh" «if It» n’fllinl, "ww- will hr an rule-flaming num- brr fmm I-mh pan-1 wore-mm! and rah LII“! XII-all Tull“. Juclgv K. M. Muslin. "no of flu- (Walt-A (imam which vu-r (rm-yd u I-‘o-ck'ml hv-nrh. will In- tho- umht‘r at u rad-umber n! "In lz-mun punt- ulnnl Ihr "William" M Wa-m-vn Rprhwn lvmmhl. I’lwn lrximmirn- u! "w mmmun‘l)‘ in invuml and In â€"|\' Hwy will Mar :1 un-M (Mk (mm Jm’o- ldmvlbâ€" n pultmu It mun-v mil-L worm-think from In} talk and simuld maln- a n xpvriul put"! to he thunk .\. (‘ .‘larflml Spoke “May. Arllmr 1'.‘ .‘lnrriutt, rlmimmn of "w Iml'ugv- ('01an ‘vxvcufivo «om; 'Ilillm‘ uf Hm Lapin". “:l- "w spat- W m a “mung hem Mmuluy night. Mr. .‘lurriuu vlpn‘snul Mu cum‘npflm of him“ ”h- lA-ylnn JumM do in [M- lifn- h' the mmmuuih: M told what (ho hum!) 'mrlw we slain: and "mod lhc local anemia-u lu xv! hrhiml 0min uflk-v. MW in a driu- {or erifl" in um. . ‘ mpm-itzuml o-V-svrrim- DIN-II. "0- link Owrn an “N- jail fur ’lun years and «but hr uhxnn'l me ulmul Imu' hard i! ix In got." valid claim (hmugh the [Irnuvx‘ bun-um am? wally m-l mfion. im‘l nun-1h «filing, Every tax-ser- \‘iu'c man in \lu- mmmuni‘y run not ,vmm‘lhimlg from In} talk and simuld A. (I Lin-Ibvrg, Hlinuis State Sor- vice Dirvctor, will be (he apt-taker at the nvxt movling of the local Legion post tn ho lu-hl lu-xt Monday even- ing, December. [2 in llw Legion mumm Belmont uficl Forest avenues. Mr. L‘mlhw'u is [N- mun 0" whom: shoulder: r«-.~t.\ lb.- hiu fink u! try- imr in wt t'w mn'u-w-mn! m recou- nim- xlw claim‘ of wnumlml and “I A. C. Lindberg. of Stale Slafl'. 'l‘ellat of Fight with‘GovornmI-nt For Compensation. [WON SERVKE DIREGOR SPEAKS HIRE ”ON MONDAY ll ’ Véstn Chnptvr, No. 242. Onler of 11“- Eastern Star. huldx its annual :lmoeh’ng for (ht.- ell-«lion nf "filters pfm‘ l922 next 'l‘uvsduy rvu-nlng. Dor- mnlu-r 13. Ill'purls nf olTln'rs and gmmmittm-s will illSu lu- mull. “nth nf ”N‘St' anrgunimtinn» haw lead lh» "my! sucn-snful yrurx‘ in: l llwir hihhn'y. l'u-Litic-m huu- luv-mi n~~| (vivid and mmlhlulm iniliulml M. «L; rm»! awry nu-vlhm until now Hwy: 'Imnv lllu'llllk'l’>llilm gut-ally m mun-s: nl' utlwr nnmmmitluw «f Unis stat». lllnrmuny haw |m~\'ailml‘uml lmlh no-I rwllvs L'n in!» 011- your llnfi’vuifll Iv-l ‘rurda‘ nf punt zu‘llicw-uu-nla um]. bright ViJ-mx fur llu‘ fulun'. ; bun f2. momma wan cried"! a" Eul'ml High I'm-.4 n! (haw I'hap- It‘l‘ Nu. 25‘3". “005“ An!» ”nu-m, Mi Hw- smmmI Im'rUnl «r "ml cum-Mm mtum lu-I 'l'huhclny cut-"mm In. Shim-cm vm mhumnl In "w Mghr-i‘ uflul' in tho Hamil-r MIN nmldnl“ up [hm-ugh llu- van-mu. «hue-um , Malullulbom «t "to art nflin-uz-i nil! Ow Int-M .«mw Iium- Hm Immlh‘ aml llw rm-mhv-rs, \w urulo-rslnmiq null n-nin- «In» my! llvm-ly "006‘ "ml 0w) may 1-- pn-u-ul. Falluwiul is lbw In! af "MN" In! m» war um; l lit-Ir”. Slimnm )2. H. I'._ 3. A. flumvnn _ , Kim \, I3. 3‘ bfldmm ., .306”! #2. N. N'mlin‘lm. Jr. Tn'lwnr ll. I". ”mafia-own. ,. Snnlar)‘ Tim-30w "nulhfi. Jr. . Jim-mm I). "arm" Jrnkin‘ .K'. of M: U: R. Iluktynxhé. ,. .l'. S. l‘. I". KnnMnurh, A ,.l!. A. t'. I. "width . ..II_ .1 V.- M. ’1. ('u’nmah , N. 2 V.’ \"zll’I-r RIWP ....” ' VJ ":I'n' S. ('uw , Shvm-I \'. F Pmru . .‘lanlml W J. W-ick'|m:|n.. SvMim-L leuis Traxhrr. of tho [mm Traxlt-r (in, Dayton, Oh'm, vk-flar- «1 lat week um ho had no sym- mthv with the men-ham who give»: “hard ”mm" as his rxcuxr- for not advrnising. "I helium in adverâ€" tiping at a" “mu," he said. "If times arr. bad. that i: a" the more rr-ason tn advertise. If you have mnfidmwo in your ninth. adver- tim thorn to the limit. I. far one, am trying to overcomr the effects nf had Wmditifms in my city by mix-"thing and my efiorts an mating with men-rm.” What apâ€" plies in Dayton, Ohio, applies in Down! rs Grave. Busineszs is busi- nu'ss. the world over and adver- t‘sing is as essential A part of fins- iness as a place to do husiness in. Reporter advertising brings ra- sult‘a. Your winter and spring campnign should be outlined now. OFFICERS FOR ‘ GROVE CHAPTER W- E R E ELFA‘TED lm I12. mm I’m-Id Iliui I'd“! let Running Varâ€"lulu!- Inn-u 6- Sun. [T APPLIES RIGHT Ill-IRE AT HOME Crave Lodmn No. 824, A. I". J; A. .\‘l., will hold its annual mot-ting and vim-clan of officers in the Masonic Hall tonight, Friday, December 9. Reports 0! olficers and committees for the past. your and other impon- um husinvss will be discuxM-d. Thv~ "mum-r: firnu- hit-nil» nf 3h Vesta Chapter. 0. E. 3.. lo Elm ”322 ("liven Next Tuesday at Annual Medium ANNUAL MEETING OF GROVE DODGE A.F. A.M. TONIGHT I'wsmo \\\ H‘ sl'ummu .l .‘ ‘I'c‘: MKHVVK Mflkflzi ununux Sin‘l - Cnnlfl. Five Cm". Downers Grove Baptism Young Pao- plos Society. My and 1'”!!th December 27 and 29. The “mission is free except'm an ofering which will be titan!!! proceeds of which will go to the '0‘} Forest Infirmary,” of Chic-(a “n4 (if U)!- mrmlv-r,» "f Hw- Old t‘rnnpnm' H ahvmhng It um which won Hu- run against (hr L'wm‘st comp» {mum arr» mnmhmw of 1!» club, They ran hit {M [fulc- bull,c oyr an unbe- Hevahk hum-her of times out of I human-r! [fins and an now practic- in; up to got into some regain- enm- peh‘tion. They an. too mod for 1mm. of the Wtfib‘ in “In vicinity Ind an thinking of entering cum! matches in Chitin. TIM-2" n r m (:'-' “Lina!" many new who am up i w-lla ihl- small how [arm 1 viflr‘ 11w;- haw (hv- invitation Hum {ho rulhufiav'x \thn an- m- »? of ”to rifiv club In numd my ur :|;v~ n Junk. gr»! :nrvguaintrvl wvth “a mum- and bin '(hv- gum." I TMy m Imu 1mm. Bunk-y J. :gllmn T. F. Krlly. Hurry 3mm 15ml "Nirtr "wonky, an! lbmn Nimvr; Jaz- l'. [kW-fl Ind N. V ‘hnvh. or! Wind”; Human Wan-n Int-cl II. N. Kuflhwr. M Wn-rnvflb: Tl~v~ lh-uvwr‘ 'Qruvv' Hiflr mob W it fin! vam' or flu- winter In "to who! zymm-ium v-n WMWDI)‘ m'l-m'h' and ml! hnM a "(Mar u-vkl; Iva-Q é» "w [tr "'0” WMâ€" I'r‘ day" Ii‘hl. Tun-I Ito-"mun“ Honing Rudy ('lullvnn- ml! "It. I“ "or "daily. Th» mm! m In: Mn "0min! far "‘1‘?! malt. o! the can. Fur-M- "! un- dv‘hncm. of "Mural-n. of 0a" Minna-yr IMO Clo mic jun! 6011-: emu! to tho- an MW Int-and «by uflrr thy. ”up". {In I»! an on an hr; wna Mimi m m» man may! 38:4 I‘m!» running. Mme Om raw; It» had tum: urn- alkd 9» "or stand mud :1 MM I'M but how in RIFLE CLUB NOW SHOOTING IN GYM W E I). EVENINGS I A" “no evidence in this ‘cusc has ‘lm-u c-num-d. witnesses vxuminml, r"- huttal lu-‘tiumny‘mlwn mul Slate's At- [harm-3' ('huunu-y mel and (“W 0! hi5 ,ussixtunts. Manual flown-y. of Napczv Hillv. lmu- [Ml't their plum: to tho- ijlny. ’ : '5'. Harry 81mm". Iormbrly of "mum-m Ifimve. mini" with flu- prmv-cufiun. win mu flu- finll Mean for the «nu. It in lit-[loved M rw-ryflu'ug to he M will ban Ml mid by Um time court mljuurm for "or Mowing In! that the raw will go in!» I!» hand» of the Jury. Jun how low tin-y will be out Incl flu- probe)!» walk-l in Mm! to m nth-u”. Suf- new»: «a my that "or mm on “It hotly mi- (ouwlu the rule vary vl. 0M). "ammo-owl. Wm, an! Inn. Yuri M. A. Urn. d Nominal-k: (than. Starling this morning the «Inferno: will sum up the can !ur du-iy (Heat. I! i- thought ham Stun-5; Anar- nur)‘ Class. VI. "Ml-w. on n! the do- [PHM' alhn'M'yfl will M' the “W! V» r-pl‘uk. "P will be follcm‘ml Dr Hill’- n-y (Elma-l, of Aumru, triminal lun- ur uith u n'pulutimn. uluo (or flu- alefl'luu'. A N NOUNCEMENT "The Dust of the Earth." a It is believed that the fate of Jacob Klein, being trim! in tlu- Cir- cuit Cmm ut Wheaten I‘m- the denih uf Lu" Noumann, u! (.‘hicagu. last Svplc-qu-r. will be in the hands of the jury" tonight. Court Room '34 Crowded at all Seu- aiunsâ€"Final “can are to Klth (ASE um) , war mm! ~ 10mm, Bum M“ be lack Early. hit-9 WHOLE N0. 1972 'n

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