Downers Grove Reporter, 16 Dec 1921, p. 7

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a». Dr. and Mrs. Miller. or Chicago, \ visited a few days with thvir daugh~ l ter, Mrs. N. l’. BH-ltnor. Estimates also furnished on repairs and alterations George E. Rayner. Herlan F. Snyder 101 Saratoga Ave. 56 Oakwood Ave., Phone 102-M Phone l50-W We are sure we can assist you and will furnish blue prints and working drawings, incorporating your mm ideas, and build your home complete. We can also assist you in financing the building. .\ llomt- of your own is a wrmanent proposi- tion and smmtlling‘ that wants to be exactly suited to your mm needs and com’eniem-e. It is for that reason we advise you to begin your plans now and take plenty of time in order that no details may be overlooked and so that. when the building is com- pleted, it will be just what you have always wanted. ll‘ilnllgh ,Hm I!“ not inn-ml to build until next Swing. Smwnvr m' m m Full. it is advisable to start your plans .\'t m . Io xv! Ill Hu-u- wu-yuw fur liu- “‘qu Let us help you Plan your new home Mb. Irving lc-M, ul' (Wm-nun. f'm- Iuml)’ of (he Hmw. :mrmlvd llm I'm:- c‘l'ul ul' hrr Adv". .\h«-. Hugh Muz- phy, .1! Juli”. nn \\'r-hu~-lu\ Mr. and .‘l rs. Frank childrvn, Pram-L and Chicago, \ Lin-«I :It tlw Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank Dr. M. L. l'uffer will be lmmv Sul- day ul'trr un ulm-nve ol' t\\'u weeks apeut at a clinic all lh'zull‘m'll. l’u. Mrs. Jelmio‘ \\'. Crabs. nl‘ \\:n‘l'vn avcmu'. lrl't lu~1 Sulunluy l'ur Ullur wa, ML. l'ur un vxlvmlml \‘Lit “ill: her son. Alfn-«l. (1')": l.‘ THIV\\ \\ll "I'IZ\ \ S\\‘l.\Ҥ “THIN? TON N" I! WIFE. S0\. DAI‘GMTEI OI FINES" IM rmhl n.’ "w h-Oaluv‘ m turn-l pom “H: (u rvmrmhn anal: “til ("hriilnm- gift II I« a when! "m! xi" an»! m \Mur Ivlh "av )payv; “ $0M ”ml "my I‘erl'y mmp 1hr (lvr'u'y‘.""r "f “[940"! Pfih‘fl and turn-#- of the wimluw display» in the stores on Main street. A Christmas Gift That Will Grow in Value With the Years There is a ' v: hutlsv 15mm Lp on the corner of V , um! l'rul'flv‘. : mm- on North “'aSIII-Hg‘lam (Ln: tuners. called to Tex: s h}: thu .‘i “it of her broth! ', .jm- L‘K‘Ul'l Our local merchants are well preâ€" pm «I to sel‘vu Lu? lmliuluy needs. M -. "r"" Spmguo Aunl sons, were called to Tex.- s [:5- thu .‘C “ions illness Kiss Matilde Vernon visited her mice at Elgin last week. Miss Grace Peterson entertained: most delightfully on Friday evening! m {3; The Isa-Hrs M the \‘illaagu- an» my. A Nate lnslimtinn under Stale Supervision Established 1892 Rayner and Snyder Contractors and Builders Stop. look an. i»: Sun-lay EM Stun ['4 Ii I‘Ju Ila-sh m ”Iii hank up”! an inn»! drum" In Hw h'aluv‘ m (urn-l pom «id» (n "mink" rmalrs av (‘ounh-r uml qu'juxiu. uf III-my “'qu _.‘_e notice I'..!uuni ('uldm-ll, ul Chit-um, lm~ h- ugh! Him uf "h‘ Edward (L Lc-mun M1» on Him dud um! “I” wmmwm-c mam.“ at ulu'c'. Mr. (‘uM\\'A-ll‘~ plun rmhmln - .t Um 4mg ‘ix nun“ luau.“- u HI: 4:“ Tun \I'l')‘ (Ir, iruhln budding IN» on Surnlnu’u ;:\v:uu- huu- lu-vn purchase-l h_\ I'Iuhuml (i. lmnun. it is uxportt-d Hm: at 11-31:! mm and pu~.~)'M_\' both uf ”mm “M In- imprmml with :nmh-rn "L‘I‘Hih‘." lnmnm H: Um rurimr. {ulh Briggs in Nu. l'rim‘c m'x-uuo. :\H nu-mlmr.‘ :m' ulgwl lu cumr as yjmul L'nu- ls yrumiuul. ’l‘lu- (f. 0, L. Club is having their ('hrislmu,~ party un Thursday even» mag. {h-u-mlu-r 2‘: at the home or Ground was broken Monday Sum Fulton for a new bungalow West, Maplr avenue. That and the village is expt-flul to grow Nn- next yum: The C. O. L. Club met a! the home' nf Madge Kenn-ming- on ’l‘humday,’ Dom-mm: 8. Mary Smith won the' prize in ; ward \niting contest. Mrs, Goorg‘v Wells had game m (Ylvwlzuul, Ohio, to spend the winter with hor daughter, Mrs. Clifford James and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirsch} of West-I mom, are receiving congratulations 1over the birth of a ten pound 50m! Friday morning, December 9. ‘ I Mrs. Elizabeth (iusliu visited heri sirler, Mrs. Ketmnring last week. Mrs. Gustin wlll romdve shortly tof Minnvupulis. Minn. l] ’3 Club Cook Book to Mrs. Miller. nil-man. mom-m mmmn-m vmmn'h .‘fll‘iflfl‘ I!" DOWNEIIS GROVE RENEEE DOWNERS GROVE. lLLlNflIh MR"! SIDE GROCERY MARKET TURKEY'S â€" DUCKS â€"â€" GEESE â€"â€" CHICKENS Approved Bécon. whole or halfslah,p0un:i 57c Boneless Smoked Butts, per pound ......... 28c Chlifornia Hélmsfl to 6m nvrerrVaVQ-efimund 18; Spring and Stewing Chickens, per pmmd . . . .30c Lego’Lathmr pound ‘Hc Veal Shoulder. per pound .................. 24c A rpmur’s Star, Swift’s Premium or Oscar Mayer’s l‘urk Butts. lean, per pound Fresh I’m'k Shoulders, per pound ‘SPEi-lf’ Rib-“3‘1”?" pound ......... ' 'J‘ln- next regular meeting of the ‘Amica Girls (‘luss of tho M. E. Sun- ;«lay School, will be held at the home '0! Mrs. Ell. Goltry 54 Carpenter SL. 'Mumlny evening, Dom-mhvr 19. at 8 o’clock. All mmnbcrs are “mod to ramp as lhc-ir will b9 I‘ll't'lioll of ofâ€" “(‘l‘l’s uml nlln-r impurumt lmslnm-‘s.- Seeded Raisins Somllow Raisins ....... Libby's Muist Mince Mont We haw tho ropututinn 0! selling the best; but dun‘t let this scare you away fmm our store. Come in and yuu will find the best to he the choalmst. lmth at. «mo? and in the long run. Christmas Tums. 45c tn .................. $1.75 Christmas Tree Holders, small, We; large ..65c Phristmus Candies of all kinds. pound 20 to 351' Christmas Holly Wrmths .................. 25c Republic ()umn Olivvs, large jar ............ 25c .‘lnnnn'h Coffee. per pnnml. 381'; 3 "DS. fur SUN) Mixed Nuts. per pound ............... ~. . . . .301- (‘lusler Raisins. Ill) lmxvs ..‘...............35c Jnhn Muhr, ul' mun. ~1wn-ls his thu your in lhn Some misfit-an! in Highland Acres has mutilated scrum! dogs. in the last few weeks. The residents of that section are beginning to four that it is the wurk of ~wome moron, who, if not upprebvndedfmay Ila some deed that will shock the cmnmunily. us. cmm' week. "“‘ “"' Bob Dickson, George Wimmcr. Mrs. A. T. Ogre". 0‘ P‘nirmount Jack Renningcr and Billy Shambmok liuucl, gave a dinner last Sunday in visited the “"““r"iw men at the hunor of Mr. Ogre-"'3 birthday. Those Spomlwuy hospital last Sunday and Present were Mr. and Mrs. 711. Star. "Ml" them had a long talk with Jo" rot: and Mr. and Mrs. C. Saum, 0f ry Reagan whn at one time was quite Chicago; Mrs. A. I": and Miss Billy is character around thv village. They Ogrvn, of anknort, I". [say Jerry is as full of tho‘old blarncy as over. ‘ n ‘mad street Monday afternoon. Mrs. H. Darnley took the first mile, Mrs. A. ’1‘. Ogrvn the second and Mrs. C. C. Parka the consolation. Five hun~ drod was played. Mrs. Al. Nelson entertained the S. E. _Club at her home on West Rail- If HGLIDAX QRUCERIES STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 TH" >1 Why not present "or with :I For”, I-‘lme- ‘ inc Plum nr Flowers for “or Christmas? For Sale AI (‘. V. W0! I“. GRFFNIIOUSES 56 Plairie “he near HIghland, Phone 136-1 SXNH ' Prices that Please. ', ul' Hinsalnlo. a (B. A. R. his h-isun- tinn- «luring lhn making of Mods {1er lum- never bought any groceries from in and giw us your trade for just "no GROCERIES MEATS I" IC R N H I" IC R N S run-n. ......... l‘n. .................. 17c LVQI‘REC‘, pound 18c ens, per pmmd . . . .30c .................. 24c a delightfiil surprise party Tuesday awning at the home of their new Mflmbm's of the congregation of the Immapm‘l Lutheran Church held 'children. About Christmas am he reviews the number of his young friends who will get one and the balance he sellx. This year he has» a tew on display at Nash's and they’re‘ well built. I ESTIMATES FURNISHED 0N REPAIR WORK CHICAGO AVENUE “ulna-n Elm 8: Was 'nglon SIS. JULIUS JOHNSON Carpenter Jobbing ”ION H 191-1 2k- "it 27c May Collins A l. S (D , A (Ihristy ('omcdy. “SNEAKERS,” with Dorothy De- won: and “LADDll-Z" the wonderful pedigreed (Mic House Peters and hem: Rich '7“ I The Dicke Theatre pastor. The Rev. and Mrs. Otto 1". [Armin were taken oi! their feet by- the reception and their hnmc in Car- pentm strove was the gathering place of a jolly crowd. l-uw u i” L ‘il’ :‘l).' mu! Katherine MacDanald S‘mp c Soumcn. \ ,’ “9421mm Irl: IL~ slam lhu- liq->11 wny n; -| Hm 1mm mu H. “(v k m full III: \r u ill. :! : .u tpm I: ‘ m ur u lu': mum“ wurn.‘ ‘ u: !.-- ».- lln- ‘illllfl'. ! “ 'I“'~l ’ul’l‘ JP“. :r COMING SOONâ€"“TOL’ABLE DAVID” IN A DELIGHTFUI. FARlIl-I COMEDY Thursday, December 22d Norma Talmadge and Eugene O’Brien Friday, December 23d Saturday, December 17th “CURTAIN” A l. S 0 ('()MI'IIH_“!~"I’A.\'IDING I‘AT" ROBERT BRUCE 8(8le E . MASON H.331 Friday, December 16th In the lovc story 0! an actress (onpprQ CO LDWYN Pro-own: (,lH Featuring 25 Pounds - $1.25 Hinsdale Laundry Co. Phone Hinsdale 2 WET WASH

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