Downers Grove Reporter, 30 Dec 1921, p. 2

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RWY JENKINS ox-nuyor cl Tomato um! [rm-n! luau." n! IN- Tcmmto mun, (‘13.: A," O “(Kim-9y. "WM" of In» Halo Plum and founder» 0! Hu- ””0”" Manning armâ€"y. of N. W. Ayn I Ron. l'h-lmblpkm; T. 3. Com-pr, "upon" a! Jrrw) mule for M! 3 "Mary, ('umrruhml. P... thou- Jomy bu" "mam“ mm Baum-Ink" u! 0»- World‘: fun 6. I”; 'h' Illr (T. U "ml-um. ~rl Ywi Inning 1‘ K "Miran. mu! min- !” many of (Mirage, 'hnw (mm In It LII! Villa: "r Dmul I'I “owl. m. Peru-M. Mam. and Dr N 6. (3M Dinnin. l‘nln Mandated with Inmkw hum, ‘ Nhlwnâ€"BI Ulllll' In tho nod mm Mflenlat‘n other Min» Han Dan's Salaam, younge»! Mn 0' Janey came in 3" pam- daughter or In. (Tullcniu Nahum. o! the United Sunle- and (T numb all n! Doinfir< Grow. Ind Mr. (36m A, cl than magnum! to the fund Misha-n. u! (fhkm. were quietly mar- ”Th? ”MI? "urmvr‘n puNth-J M 'lleflm. 1min. lb" forum"! dairy min: of "w umM lu- h-uv (Du-iv won! for (Na. an tho Tran! raw? If Wit ”Nkah‘ml. :n - w Hm mum of a «damn «Mari-l "Nam Inchin- k nonly In hr mmvmlnhlui upon ”or into-"clung mam-m in 11th N- b- In‘urn "w Jan and [martini I)! Irbimrmnh nr Hm "1‘20 1". Ivy family; nu-l "w firm-ulna M "b Rakiflu Ara In hr rmml‘MII-d um» Hit-iv lamina»: and mun-um, They harp «low a rvwl emwrv‘ to ”to JP?- sey bro-rd. WM" "w ~p6nmre of a" "v [smiling n! Hr bran! haw do" as no". lhrw will Iv- w aka-«hm of Macaw lhal may ho [ink-'04 dawn M cur rMMrv-n and in NW rhiMrvn'R childwn." ”slat-int“: bout. Thu-r lubficvi- hfl ilrludvd If. Mn 1, Viewing. (M devotee: of that “M05 a! “W City, who is more widely known Ihm the exploits 0! his flncy uddlv and driving honest (exhibited It tho mount by "his [pull Long). "in Jrneey an): an no lean «Mr-ted among le publication Wu. undertaken ah I conllibution u» u» history at the bland of Jersey mule by thr mm- ger o! Longvk‘u Farm ”mm Summit. “0.) which in owned by Mr. R. A. long. lumber merchant u! Kaunas "The Jc-Nny "u'lNih." uuhlkhfi' for 30 wan M Imi‘nmamJ - Inn!” on. rmsivrly in “w 9'"an ..( 1pm! all". liHN “T’w Hahwv‘v " :1 mm! compIianar} rmirw. (T‘ml puMi- eminn was fnumlovl by I) Harry's killer. and he varied with him on it f0"! 2?» para, untiI hr '19qu an! of “w pmpvtty in mm. TM L‘Nnv Bum» fin ‘ayer "H i4 woflh) 0f .1 Mm on "14‘ MM n! "\erv Jr: . hmni-‘r who 3< eimrph intrrrdrd U: know- in: a" he can of "I! J “:ny bmwl. As H pivfl‘ of 'wnrk pv-r'rnmfl win. staii<1ir< am! « “a! r" ”w Harnâ€" Jenkim con. M i- .1 fm‘ fr? pint-p of work H i: runfirtn. :mcuraln 2M The story im-uh‘cs rm:n'l:,' 2.000 vat- tle of the Raleigh family. tha- hull. his desromh‘nls _uml :mmwtur» The book contains mam piah‘s. many tables of "worth martv by tho pro- geny of this fan)...» .arv and a mum plete history ui‘ Uu- family. who i< circa-I'M} intrrratrd :y in all he can 04' "w J ”5!) As A piper of mark pv-rvrnm Mandi“ am‘l . 'u-Q r" ”N Jenkim mn‘ M i- .1 fur’ f"; 1 Wm): H i: rn‘wphto, 1mm": interesting In vho am!” r':‘.‘ or to tho msunl In". ' ‘ Thr' h'mk hu- lv N'- «:M‘luuadicany rowiwd by hremlm: of .Inru-y natue M amhnmio: on the ("‘Nvl, birth in merica and anhw! Mr. H. L nan]. Prmmry of UV Rnyn! Jor. Azr‘ruflnml :mr! Hnrficuknmi -. an the [thud of Jorwy. ' ‘ ho: to arkmvir-rlwn with ‘â€" _' ante receipt r" your bl?- Such is not the «taro. “The Rah leights” is a tak- nf a family of Jorâ€" my Battle, the huad «If which was a bull impdrted from Hn- lshmul of Jew say in 1904 by Frank “C "art, a wholesale millim-ry nf (Th-velaml. Ohio, whose farm was at l’uinosvillo. Ohiu. The hull was ownmi at the time 0! death by 1. JG. Hahn-n. pub- lisher uf tlu- (Ih-wluml l'luinrlh-aller whosr farm is at Munlur. Uhiu. [ht- birthpluw of I'I‘es‘tk-nl Jame-x A. Gun field. 1). Harry Jl'ukius, whnN' home is on the East Grow mad, north of Chicago avenue, has written a book. The title, “The ltulvixhts.“ wouid lead one to bvlio‘w that it was :1 high tory of a famoua um English family, principally known In fume by the name Sir Walton expenses covered .‘"""‘""" °' to $10 a month for ex mush,“ Write now! Night schnt‘i‘." Mondays and Thursdays." Day sessions 8:30 to 2:00. PATERSON BUSINESS Take H13" ‘ éiés'é'fi: January 10:» haw 3"? your way L I do l‘ January 1» Ms- irtnrnstinz and your wav t. ' do how that we - ' FI‘" ‘milar his‘ WW! 09923:-mnm a, 'wnnns HISTORY OF THE “RALEIGHS” m Blood-Line of Jersey Cattle Put into Book by Damn-ts Jersey Summation. 25th Year Mnm' « t g 63“ hli‘hnl "L. on ., Jomy : g 1 mm! Hg puMi- '2 who“! vial, Satunhy, ”numb" L". by the I‘m. Johnna-o ”Wu. 0' Emmnwl Ham‘s! Hunt. of ('hongé. they lon' numb! 5, lion lnmcnn-I Hitchcock o! lhcmn (I'm. aml M'Ml Bria-"or. main u! (hr woum. of ('ha- cum. Mr. Jvnkins is we" known among Jvnu-y hmlem. He 1» an convclxanl with flu- reronlu. the breeding and the history of this famous milk cattle as any man in the country. Hi! m» link-II indexes of Jerseys am the most complete and cougain the monk at nearly (Ivory "(inn-ml animal In the Unilml Sun" and (‘tumh‘ fir. Jvnlu‘nx 5howecl us h-nms uf mngmtuluficm and inquiry coming Tram «must M (was! and urrms llu' Atlantic. and {mm ('unadn to thv Gulf. The first edition of NW book is (-xhuustI-Il. but [here is a copy in the Duwners (270w ldhrany (or those intermlml enough to wad it. Similar letter»- of ('Mim'ntulatimvx huge «mm from Jersey bl‘t‘mim'n ami‘ nihcrr‘ in alum-n5 of dim-run! Stalpn 'l‘hv prul'vsmr» of Rain husbandry in; Aurkuimiui ('ulh-gxw :m- mking fur; (Ionics In lu- n. ml in tin" ir vrlumnliimuii w-mk. Mo. (it-orgi- \\-. Dmis, Svme- tm‘y of the Win-0min Liveâ€"Stuck Ih‘i-I-nlel'.~' Assm‘iution, .«'u.\'<: “WP: rihfl” npprI-ciatv \‘vry muvh rvm‘iving u («my of "Hu- Ruh'ighs’ fur uur \N' in ”w promotion of Jenn-3' illlh‘l‘l‘h‘ts in “'iM‘tmsin." Mr .Alhvrt Fox, head of a publish- ing house in [ndianapolix (with whom Mr. Jenkins was nssoviun‘tl many years whiie they primed (he Jvrsoy Hullvtin), says: “It appears that all the gum! writers conu- from Indiana. \'\'c- haul James Whitmmb Riley, and \u- hun- (imn'gp Adv :mtl Men‘ditb Nicholson; and \u- ul~n had Hurry .lvnkinsf' ' simply can't tell you how pleased I am to meive the history of "The Ruleighs.‘ It. shall have a place a- mong my treasures. Your long uc~ quaintance with the Jersey» has fit~ ted you for this work, and I know at no one else who could have been entrusted with it. I truly congratu- iate you. Phrase accept my thanks." mac-um TWGO EVERYTHING A DRUG STORE SHOULD HAVE YOU SEED ONE OF OUR IMWWWWWHWWW mam-WW :mmw MT " ,- ' WWW B1315 Flrst Aid Cabinet We have them as gmd as you can buy at prices from N ELSONâ€"STUA RT Klear Skin Complexion Sponges 25c to 7 5c Jergens Bath Soap Why not pmnt llvr with n Fem. Hon-mu ing Huu’ m- Plum-rs for "or Christmas? Pot Sale M ('. \'. WOLF. GREENHOUSE 36 Prairie .\\‘¢.. near Highland. Phone [.164 Seiberl NON-ls NOW is the time Seiberl Norris DRUGGISTS HOT WATER BOTTLES FOUNTAIN SYRINGES swarm. FOR THIS WEEK $3.50 80 a cake: 2 for 15¢. I" I-: R N s :22? I" I~: R N s 89c to $3.50 WWW WEBSGIOVE. ILLINOIS _. . vélésédINd'rEn LYmc'ro ' BOWLING NEWS {3; 'y "‘ “he SING FROM “MES'- n MA'tzztzttzz a ”he" a- 1 SIAH” AT'ISt EVAN. Tho following is a. summary of the Dewy-e ............. II- Inna up. .I:__. In-..” ....I II "III IN , ‘4‘ 3r * .‘WWWWWMJ W OR ' A umup of ymmg poop“- l'rum the 5. Andreas Church (‘hnir carried the spirit nf (V'hrislmas (We [0 Un- harm-s nl‘ mm:- [ummv whn um ill. hut 5.1L .unluy I-vvniug. With the aid of u larm-‘muwr lmck. a >01 of chimes. mud n xaxuphoue, sume Christmas «1- : l'ulh wen- x-aung at a number of pikuafi. 'Hm nnnuunrc-mvm is mudo public 1.. ;!i\'(- 011- flit-ml,» of the church an uppmtunity to [War (his notvd lyric in (hut-r mun lHiAstt'l‘flil'Pt'S of "un- .lv._-l. 'I'Iu- H‘l‘TiL'l.‘ is a: “:00 a. m., and, bm'm', n va Yrar H-rvim, will bu I‘umLu'KHI hy laymen. Mr. Ally-n llIC'L'L ( ~ Lumk-r. [Irl-biding. .\IMrr-~'w~ “H! be mmh- ml the grn- “:11 lixmnr. "Elfin-five (’o~0perati«m ln-tnm-n {HMM and Lnity." by Dan- n'l “mm-r, F J. Mill-w, 'A. Mix-hue! and "thus. Mu. Cerih- Stevenson, 1m instrucâ€" tnr in mice- ut the Chibago Comma" vatury and popular soloisl“in Magical Organizations in and around Chit-aâ€" gn, will sing xwu solos from the Mrs- .-iuh in the ynurning service at First vungvlical ('hurch on Sunday. This IS a syn-vial ('hriatmaa and New Your fume- to the Ru. and Mr.» J; Alfred I Nnufit‘h. 'arl of Service Next Shnd'ny Width is in be (kn-darted by Lay'- men of the Chunk. H. M. Y 0 U N 6‘ Quality Poultry PM See our Classified Ad“ for Prices Dora Cline _Whiddcm SOI'IMNH Teacher of Voice Dorm. 0m. Ill. Ave. jw Acres 'l'rees. Shrubs. and {Vines best for this climate. ‘otal Number ul‘ Pins and Average. Bakers Buns ........... 27917 .716, Clarkes Clcauerx ........ -7ll3 .695; Mum-huh Butchers ....... 2690-1 .690, Buschamum Mon-rs ..... 26717 .68?“ Burn: Fermlellx ......... 26443 .6781 Dowuvrs Grove Reporter .26176 .671: Kitlwe” Florist: ........ 2617?. .'71« ankt-nfie-lds Strum m. 25766 .661! Individual Awnigvs-iw Gama: _ Rehu ............... . ' .1633 ! “lam." ............. ' ' .lfl'o' ‘ I‘I. Kan-sh :' .- ‘ .153; J. Kart-9h .lmj S. Ilums .Hfh Olson ” '1' ::- .149: 3 High Individual Gum lKa’dwvll florists ............ (Ilalkv‘s. Cleaners ........... Hinkcrs' Bums ............... Landscape Gardening our .l. Knmsh . . . H. Tank . . . . The following is a. summary of the Dewey Downers Grove Bowling League all-1.x": "'1 the Business Men's League up toԤfti‘:‘au December 8!, 1921, also the scores of Calla“; the last games of the year. \ If!!! :1 .‘L Von-t Av. M lfl-W. F. W. KETTENRING saunas was‘lsuzn - 01h REPAIR wonx CHICAGO AVENUE - nth-ecu B!- Wuhhflol-SM- Ills-tun THE Westem United (Iurpumthm announces theihangnmtiun of the (‘ustt or Ownemhip Plan. the-why vxtmdil g to thl'fCSitk’l ta of each of its 37 ct nn‘mitios. the opportunity of punk-hunting in tho: earnings of this big ('nmpfl Customer-Ownemhip is a plan that has been thou ughly tested hy man” WES FERN UNITED CORPORATION Western United Corporation" An investment in these Preferred Shares combines safety of principal with dependable returns. It is an investment suitable for everyone alike. The large investor will find these shares provide an ideal investment. suitable to his neetb. 'l‘he thrifty saver, through our easy Partial Payment Plan of $5.00 " kunth, per share. will find an investment adaptable to his saving ability. servim a utility comâ€" pany can render the residents of its terri- tory. Through this plan of mutualization, the company provides in- come as we“ as service. The Western United Corporation. after an exhaustive investiga- JULIUS JOHNSON the largest and best known public utility companies in the coun< try. It has been called the must ppm-easin- lJmcford Nanci. Phone 3‘22: Carpenter Jobbing Announces } Customer Ownership Plan PHON E [914 High Gamm. 0M Wat Further information will be gladly supplied. Phone, male or call at our local ofiice. Investment Department . .842 222-,(Iiha . . . . . . 216', Hitch . ...... .1 (‘Iarke ..... Brad)" .. G. “1:" Rogers .. I'I. Morin-l Swarlz Hubby W. Jnhustmw Russ ...... Allison Suppfiv dail‘. mars-ill“. h I IOPIP mm of 0\’-r 3101!”. Serve: a? ymsprmm "Ham’s mm- «mum's. 0am and own!» "(min “s and etc-Arie emu-airs. an! aim. ad a. and "when "mandarin may. Each 9! "In err-arcs it tender.- 5%: mums to (Ivory by Vac-uh. m- for‘ an! pvt-«pray of Me and in- 1mm Its inmtmh am safe and dryadâ€" swat» Vix Callayuler lehl Schultz Laughessr Mandi-villa McViuy Kid“ 9" FACTS A BOUT THE ‘ WES TE RN UNI TE!) ’ (3. "Wow Smith Much-l Bi‘uns Special Battery fir yards; W325; STING-HOUSE Ideals r75 buéflq. ing Inner batteries at Iouzz' prwfls have prodmcd this new battery arm may remarkable law priceâ€"325.00., "5“ has been especially designed to gwcdhm moat «Meal and eificicn; urvwe m. For! can. Drive around and sec in. Westinghouse Azlcnuon is to: every but. eccv rcrardlcss 0! mile Anflmazz ‘PrzceFeath mus WV! MEI ‘9 39 39 . {9 36 3075 3985 5144 6124 4730 £1179 .133; .133; .133' .1321 .1315 .m mam mug-ms; tion of the merits ‘ thi»~ plan is extent , . tn th'e maidents of its. own communities “It opportunity of invest- ing in its new 8 per cent Preferred Shams. éafety. Your money. thm- in- vested. remains at home and is employed in use ful community develop- ment. It works day and night, and earns 8 per cent annually with HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN ‘ . Phone 824 BUGS FOR SALE

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