Downers Grove Reporter, 30 Dec 1921, p. 5

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la" eat. ‘ [Born to Mr. '1‘: ‘ 0. Hm I " no ’-'-. mater 28. 0 non. 4 ‘v M‘ln.'fitdyn [3va Penn“. of Mil- ‘fihhenWhu ”tits! I." ramm- moi Plulym Rainer visited at E:- fillet Springs, Md, Christmas. .' ' Dorothy 11min spent the holidays With home folks in Ill-comb. Illinois. ' V The A. a. mum family am enjoying mnew car. 1 ‘2. Mr. and Mrs. A Cameron of Chi-I b‘o were guests at the Lemon home. ‘ fluidly Iisa Beatrice Anthem! is atten- I New Year house party with on friend: in Wichita Kansas. . I". Kelley and f ly went, film with tel-lives, Ln Cross: Mud Mitchel an Robert ll: Clare went to the win! r camp at the Boy Scout- at Lake (‘ va lot Xmas. In. Lam Smith moth" o! In. E. Dnflch. Ins bu ill (or the last out. ’ \ £84". to Mr. 34d In. I»). I'. Mark. 0. Prime nay-0mm, wed-“mm. De- ”in "do" Han-xv) of (”human V V ‘ I)"; n :nnmv Vinita! wllh ln-r lamh ou-I Ilw ho“ J din. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- “r. and Mn. Winn-h" H I‘ulnam Ind Inn-fly rpt-nl "hvntmui mm w- hth in Now Yolk, i7 mnl .‘ln. (‘om‘h um! um. of Nlpc‘nIHr. spun l‘llruhu.“ Ha) .n a. human} lumw in "alum! mo. I7. and Mn. W. N. D'Brien are m located m Tumm. Hnrhh {at Mr. an»! Ill winter. Hamil), uf lmuwh .ll ‘ The l‘r-nk Larry fluidly In High- lud IVflIW. mummrd u fumfly ”fly a! twenty-Mo on Mun-lay. 1 Ir. and In. flaw. “of". a! Gmw hurt. oMoflui-ml gunk fmvn ('M- un Chi-Mm: Du. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fratier spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Furlong eutvr- hined twentyâ€"six friends and relaâ€" tives at a Christns dinner. Carl Wander has been spending the plat week with friends in Avon, Nob. In W. J. Sim-us, has been i" with Tonsilitis since Christmas. past week. Kr. and Mrs. Loni. Yamlorf, of 'Nuperville spent Xmas. at Ten Eycks. ‘ Innis Schuetz has been ill the pan week. " Miss I-‘rlneesfiughes is home from Nahum for the holidays. In. Waller Dunn-h. ur (Mann fu I w“ ml ml II Ihr I" n: '0”: home in Serum: “moo. “imam"! O'Bréc'u vim! -“ with her "Iv-cc. Hrs. R. I“. Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 If you did, permit us to suggest that you deposit your money in a fiavingss Account in this bank. Here it will constantly increase in value and will be ready and waiting for you at the time you need it. You will find it a good plan to SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY during the New Yenr. You will be amaud to see how easy it is to saveâ€"â€" and how fast the mney piles up~if you really try to do so. If you huMaSavings Account now, open one in tliis bank today. Did you recieve any money gifts for Christmas? ‘nter has bum: 'fl the I Mr. and Airs. B. .l. Stevenson eu- neruu'ned Ir. nml Mrs. B. L. Cox. and Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Cox 1: six o'clock dinner on Chl‘ifitflfll Day. There will be 3 meeting of the Chan! Sodety It the 'Juuior It!» mutiny School. Thuud-Iy cumin. January 5. It 8 o'clock. Mr. and Ira. Wm. Holt and non, of New Hampton. Iowa. upon! new"! dayu this week nigh Mr. "013’ Ii:- 31in [Men Newton enter-ulna! II cunb “Macaulay inn-Out- (M Min mum». 3mm. who In at homo Imm Knox College on a “mu“. ton Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Limlley will leave during the first week in Janu- ury for their annual twu months va- cation in min; California. Mr. ally! Mrs. Flank McCullum vu-f tl-nainm at dinner Sunday Mrs. Ru“ by I‘lwips, Mrs. Cecelia Gram uml R4!|\Dh Ford. all from Chicago. I '1! and Mr.» Albfl'l Nelson. of; Bentoh avenue, had dinner with Mr.’ and Mrs. Gust Johnson, 0! Blotlgetu avenue, Monday, December 26. I921.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCoHum and daughter Virginia [spent Chrktmas day with Mn. Mr Cullum's sister in Chicago. Mr. and Ml‘s, R. W. McLaughlin; of Edgewater, were the guests of M12: and Mrs. A. C. Kidwell over the holiâ€" days. i . Mrs. V. A. Moore, of l'itlsburg, is; spending the holidays with her moth; er. Mrs. S. J. Dmvle. Mr. Moon-5‘ V joined th‘! i‘rmily for Christmas. ‘ I The Jake Homers children surpris- ed theig- parents with a player piano for Christmas. ' The Citizenship Class will meet at Library Hall tonight, Friday. Decem~ Hrs. 1). Harry Jenkins has return- ed from Indianapolis, Ind” after sev- eral week: stay with nelativea. u: um! am. new. Jenkins and non. spent Christmas with m folk: at LIGrunze. ’ " Lawyer "Ike. I'lnol'n D Ila-Mun!- IIIII ”mum... Toad-n. Thu-AI). I Sal-MI”. 9 I. I I_I I y. I. G. B. DAUGHERTY Painlhg 8: Decorating first (1311 Work 144 No.” Forest Ave. Downers Grove. m “none 322-] Env'y ML: Hr». Nflum J. Puma and at “Mon. Mid... aw holiday .3! llu- PIN-M Morgan hmm- tn (I. H. BUNCH R. W. McLaughlin, 1 Io". ‘ m- l‘hilulheu ("ask (If lln- Congre~ 'guliunal church will meet Thursday evening. January 5th., 192:: at the Hmmv of Mrs. 'l‘. J. Savage, (Iurtiss "Ire-cl. Mvmbors phase not!I the frhango in date of this meeting. 5 Mr. and MM. Lu-Roy H. Kenn and uchiltln-n. after spending two weeks a! ‘tlu: home of 311$. lh-nn'x [Mll't'll{.~, Mr. (Mir plan was broken Into by bumâ€" hr- on lkcemlnr Nth. some valu-| able jewvlry was loan. but the rolnllerul were mated any before article: of» much [water ulna were secured. In. lemma In: no! Improved. much in health. The first regular meeting of the ’l'yriuns, a club composed of local Masons, will be held on Wednesday evening, Januany 4, 1922. Every member of Grove Ludge is eligible to join this organiwtion and your are urged to be present It this meeting. Word has been received from the NeKemiu family in bos Anode: any aml Mrs. P. I'D. Md‘ollum, and in Chi- cago, haw gone m Kansas City. 310.. where they will make their home. Mrs; Fred Vildish is cnjuying 1: holiday visit from bliss Vera Darling. a 00"ng mum mate. Miss Darling is in charm' of the "with and Hygiene extension work at the University of Iowa. ugh. R. Whitehom has been seen m Nature Study .0125: will meet rldin‘g around town in a new Ford.t1anuury 6, 1922 at the Kindergarten 160 to it, Arthur; we understand he cottage in Maple avenue. Mrs. Ward has a garage for it, too. will he hostess and a Bohemian lunch- , ‘ . ‘eon will be served at noon. All menu-1 1he Junior Welfare Society ‘uu‘bers a". requested to be present at} meet with ML“ An“? “WWW No‘ithe first meeting of the New Year. Forest avenue. on Thursday after} noon. January 5, 1922. The anual meeting of the Ladies' _ , _‘ . {Aid Seek-t3; of the (:ongmgatimwl The regular meeting of Blueblul,(~_hm.‘.h was held meently and the fol- Rebekah “mg": L 0- 0- F., “'i” bellowing Ml'icvrs n‘ewleclexl: Mrs. L. held Tuesday evening, Junuar’ 3'1Howo. l'mshlem; Mrs. George Bell. 1922. [Installation of Officers "‘Vice-l'wsideut: Mrs. s. .l. Perkins, tuke NW“- I'I‘n-asun‘r; Mrs. C. ll. Reed, Sec-rev, Mrs; Fred Wildlsh is t'lljul‘ing n‘ltal'y. The next regular meeting will; holiday vim fro.“ 3““ Vera llul'ling.ib" held January 5 at 1:30 p. m.. m a cullogo mum mate. Miss hurling is lhe church purlurs. hostesses, Mrs. {. in charge "f the Health and Hygimunz‘mu- Mrs. l-Icl. Graves, Mrs. A. L. extension work at the {Tun-mg”. offhlirkt-Hy and Mrs. A. ll. llaruhurt. lnu'n H'Iveryuuo cordially \vvlconw. The Junior Welfare Society will meet with Miss Allco Cowley, No. Forest avenue. on Thursday after noon, January 5, 1922. ROR'l'll SIDE GROCERY MARKET Park Loins. small and lvun. per pound ..... 0 Pork Butts, per pound .................... Fresh Pork Shoulder. 4 to 6"). ave, pound . Leg'o’ Lamb, per pound .................... Boneless Smoked Shoulders. per pound ..... Veal Shoulder, per pound ................. Spare Ribs, per pound .................... Spring Chickens, per pound ............... We wish ti) thank our patrons for their trade during the past year. We know they are pleased with our Groceries. Fruits and Vegetables; also with our prices and square deal methods; that Monarch Coffee. per pound. 380; fl lbs. for Monarch Pumpkin. 3"). can .............. Ferndell Pan Flour. per package .......... Dove Maple Syrup, No. '2 can ............. Athletic Club ('ofiee. per pound .......... Fortuni Mamaroni. Nomlles or Snag. t} for Next your same high quality and low pricos~ Same square deal, too. A Happy New Yem- m All. and many of them. ,mvn mmwnm Glam mm STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor US. GROCERIES MEATS ; 'l‘hv many social ft‘stifilies held by: ‘llu- 19'." ufl'icors ul' Vesta Chapter ' Lworo hruughl to ‘ brilliant climzu’: lh-wmhm- :50. “hen tho tho W'urthfl ‘Mutrun and her husband l-ntn-rtaiuedj the ufl'irurs zit dinner at thvir hmm- ' cm‘ers were laid fur 28. the mum m-w artistically dwaruu-d in [In \'u|etidu colors and good rhmrr prvâ€"t \‘ailml. After «limwr games and; music wow enjoyed. Mrs. Harnhm‘t‘ is null". for hm- gom-rous uml cul'J dial huspitulily, but never lu-l‘un- was! them a happier evening enjoyed. I All Kinds ol a INSURANCE Chain 1 M Cell Hut Mme- l-‘uuu-n 11mm:- Bnnk Bldg. [DANS Edward G. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 16c 33c 24c 25C ac lzx‘ COMING-THURSDAY and Fng “The “Strange J()ll.\.\\ III\I'IS {he I amour; “Tor"hx" » LI hi: 12:5: Sh Reel ( outed» “Burn ’Em Up Barnes” vi SPECIAL MATINEE AT 3:00 P. M. A picture that ranks with the "Old Nest," and “Over the Hill." The Dicko Theatre has a [me-showing of’this superb photoplay that Chicago will soon he raving about. Special Show Monday. January 2nd 5133,32; Marshall NeilanE?‘ WESLEY BARRY. COLLEEN MOORE. ANNA Q. NIISSON AND OTHERS TheDWQ-g JOhn Barrymore 3% “The Lotus Eaten-”55"] :r::::::.“z,. Marshall NeilaniEE‘i‘r; Hi! Scouts of Troop No. Thmo! There's going (a be She next Mon- day. Meet at the house at 6:30 a. m. and don't To ur grub for two meals. .Sumlay, Docem Wildish, of Troop 'l presentn ed with a Christmas Scouts M his troop. ‘ Keep Them All Only. Hui! the “arm is busy devising rum min-s fnr this llllll that. “1111» Im- "mar Imll’ Is busty {new-min}: nufltlules fur "n- r1-Ilmdlex.~»- MHhVIHP Minimum ELAINE HAM RICHARD BA: Two Reel Comedyâ€"Smoky the Human: “SNOOKY’S WILD OATS"! BUSTER KEATON in his greatest 2. “HARD LUCK” ALSO COMEDY and I All That the Name Implies EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING OI" ALL KINDS RUBBER HEELS HORSE BLANKETS 108 South Main St. Two Rec! Comedyâ€"“HIS WIFE’S HUSBAND” “mu Me «mu-wed (ml of 'well known phyem Alb") KINOGRAM NE‘VS “Wonde: All Leather Work Shoe SI’EFIM. NEW YEAR'S EVE PROGRAM “'1”. RtNil'IRS. nlrandcd in ('hirmtn. in SCOUT NEWS Saturday; December 318: Friday, December 30th C. Penner “on i. d; on o‘ pong "nah-No darnehfiufim n Tam Tam»: vim] , . furniturvi are W 9mm! paper '9 N as to 31rd ll "30" ambit “‘"fl'll M. L. ‘PUFFER; Physician and Samoa owl-ICE and 31:23le 15 s. Main St. Mum Grow-Jili- Boarder” "5 Downers Grove, Ill. Telephone 112

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