Downers Grove Reporter, 27 Jan 1922, p. 7

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roper iron- some ‘ than 'lrginia 'ON ner its James 'but 100 'low, v ‘0 AM. 10h Mr. Sam Miskrll} is may HI at his hunw on Highland nwnm- and his duuglm-r. Hum, ip .-till ul the home a! an aunt in Chintz". J l \‘al. “um!“ ir rt‘" laid up ul hi»- lu-nu- in Pram-v uwmw Will: u (‘I’Uhh’ ‘1. (ma Hr «"900‘75 tu‘lm uh!» m we! Inn-k h) \Hal’k hf“ We!" um. .wn-ral \u-vk- vnl'mm‘ kl‘om‘s-A. The Woman's mum and Auxiliary of S. Alum-“’5 ('hurch will lmld a doughnut why in the church barte- "IL‘M on Thursday. February 2. Mr». t'. W. Fruhvr rt'tul'nml Sunâ€"J day naming {rum :\ weeks visit witlu her H)". Huru‘ and wife, u| Death wand, Sum}: Dakota. , Mr. am Mrs. Albeit Vix. of La Gmugr. 4w": tlw \u-ek em! as guests uf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slick and ulher Nimh‘t's in [he Gl'm‘o. Denllir Jm-ukirn has Inn-n quilt' it this wet-k hut ix mm'nlv.~ring at his home in Wmhiugton street. Mr. and .\lr.~'. Wm. Love, of Chiâ€" cago. visited (an! Sunday with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Staats. libs Martha l'ufl'w. ul‘ Lauruuge. visite-d with Mr. and Mn. N. .\‘ Sui- livan and (".unin Suturduy. Mm. C. C. l’avk» apt-n3 the work. .\lr.\*. J x (“ml with friends in “'hcuuun. gram" her Mus. Rd. linudh} \ :u-d with Ohiu. fnends in Amara and H in Sundufi 3“,” M; and flow.“ ,. h H Sun- the date, Muhdn)‘, for [Mr Wuman'~ (.‘luh pl; benefit of tlw achuul fund EERSONALS Friday, January 27, 1922 To.“ ’cm ynu saw it in the :L-portel 4‘ THE NASH GROCERY ‘I'IH "IF.“ :\VD I‘D-2i! FUN \UI'ISI’ZIJ' 1 ‘Hvrrv 6. MIN" hr!!!" than u pan M wand. “will tI‘h Nu m (MM-Dour- I. fin-p nu mm mm. "a dry. Nuw is Hu- timo yam \u' have them. ".\ stitch i mud tn that "stitch" mm: WE SELL G000 SHOES Service the True Function Primitive man was dependent upon his 0““ efforts for the necessities of life Heat and light came fIOII'I fuel d1 agged from the nearby woods. The only power was mans brawn and the domestic beasts. Today public utility companies supply very many of our daily necessities. This is pre-eminently true of the gas bus~ iness. Your Gas Company is not content simply to supply you with so many thou- sand cubic feet of gas. It furnishes gas when and where and in what quantity you want it. It. virtually cooks your meals, -v ‘u... ._ heats your room, lights your home. It of- fers you a service you could not do without, :md hack of it are trained labor, substan- :.\-orking together to merit your good will tiul investment and a directing genius, all 3w efficient, faithful service. S; if: V esternUnited Gasf 32‘ ~r and ElectmcCompany we fiw g i; Gus never Phone 8 2! S. Main St. Mal ch 2". Mr H!“ llll‘ \uu nvml mom .md NO“ stiuh in time saves nim'.‘ ’nt "' mm. { Mrs. A. ’l'. Ogre" entertained the s. E. five hundred club Monday nt- wmouu. First prize was taken by ..\lr>:. Ogre"; second by Mrs. W. Why Who" and tho (-onaulatiun by Mrs. C. 13 Park. ; .‘il'r’. J. ll. Jenkins has returned gi‘wm her visit with relatives in ’Ohiu. I We am glad to get. and you'rv al- ways glad to read in The Repurtm‘. llw personals about you and your folks. Pleas-z soml them in. (.‘BIL in: 183.! will get someone on our and Jf the line with u penal I’lvuw do! It 'l'hv I'hilathvu ('la»~ of the (fun- un-xutional Church will meet Friday. February 3. at me. home Inf Mr». C. 'l'lu- [Julie‘- Aul 5mm- uf Hm (annexation-l l'hurch will meet om 'l‘humluy. February 2, at 1:80 p. m.. u! llu- hunw of Mr“. J. F. Truh)‘. ill Suraluuu uu-nuv. Mr». (‘. B. RN“ “m Mam. A rurdinl inriluhun i.- exâ€" hm-lnl In a" member’s uml nil-uh. It. Refii, i5] Highland ave. Ma's. ('huu. Heinlu- will assist. Members and friomk are cordially invited to altvml. Harry S. Hahn. at East Parkway, is a patient in a Berwyn hoapita), under treatment for a chronic stom- ach disorder. He is .1 cierk in the Burlington general nfl'ices in the city. Mrs. Hahn is with Berwyn relatives. The Catholic Wumnn’s Lceague Willi give u lumen and can! party at the5 hmm- of Mrs. 2. Zinow, 8 Linscotlf avenue. on Saturday evening. Jam»), m'y ' 28‘ g Mi» Mummt-t Mary Bradley is en- u'rmining her friend, Mia: Murie- (‘lvm as a winter guest. Misx Clt-o is a student at St. Angelas Academy at Morris, "I. Harold Regur is on the sick list. Mrs. A. 1'. Winter entertained a cmnpuny 91' relatives on Thursday at her hmm- in. Middaugh avenue. entertained {a g on Thursday, DOWNEBS GROVE REWRTER. nowmsns snow; It.” mm. Miss (Em-n Grifl'iths returned Monvt day night from a visit with her sis-i ter, Mrs. Verne Morton. in OmahuJ Nab. Tuesdm night she sang at the: installation or affirms of Inn Aurora, chapter, 0. E. S. and Wednesday in: Evunstnn. She i: now visiting with; Mrs. Ell. Bradley entertained th- 300 club at her honw in Saratogu avenue; Wmlnestlz'u' afternoon. Mrs. W J. Swan: captured ‘he first prize; Mrs. Bradley the second and Mrs. A. MISS (nu-n I l'lllllns I'tnul‘nru alunv' . ( day night fro"; a visit with her sh}. Hm” ”mm“. m" A' R' Moore ter, Mrs. Verne Morton. in Onwlhuiand ”Wm" ”MW ”mm." 21 b“"’ Nab. Tuesday night she sang ac NW: mos hr." 8PM“). .“ear kflmwlle,’ installatiun or akin-rs of an Aul‘oraém'ufl' ”I Dvhulb. “I“ hunting scan chapter 0. E. S uml Wednesday ini‘m“ on rabbits ““5” January 3": ’ which uill xhut ml' all shunting untilg Evunslnn. She i5 nnw visiting with; ‘i _ H 1' ‘ b‘ ‘ 1.: girl friend 5" (““me vm-x 1.; . mnw nu tn nun xéph-nlil’ul this war than [for many: Mrs .Ht'plingrr. Mn. (Tin-swim: and". um and local hunll'l's \unk admin-1 Mrs. I". Md‘ullum. ru-emly spout lheéam- ui‘ (hr fad. { .1. Wolf (InI consolation. Delicious n-freshnwnls wen- sm'wd and all an- joyod u good time. 3km Stunts, who has mgistorml pretty consistently with full game bags this season. gut seven rabbi” near the filling» last Sunday. He and Mame [lull saw u-n,.getting nine of them, which is pretty good shoutin'. The plans have been (lluwn by Mr. Paul Gerhardt. of Chicago, with whom Mr. Paine has been associated for years, as Audimr. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Paine will build day at the beautiful new North Shore 3 beautiful new residence on their Baptist Church. at Edge-water Beach. Ray McCullum and family have V . . II . . ‘ '0‘ (m I‘Abl Mdpd aw. fills spring mun-Al in mm (If ('19 Wvllie amniâ€" Downers Grove Electric Co. We do all kinds of Electrical Repairing. Machinist Work and carry everything in Elm-trim! Goods. (‘urner Belmont Forest Ave. Telephone 369-1 Don‘t forget that tomorrow is the last day on this REAL soap special. Also that with every ten hars goes one guess as to the number of bars in our display windo“. The person guessing near- est the correct number gets a hm- (100 bars) free. NORTH SIDE GROCERY MARKET Pot Roast. per pound ................. Pork [,oinS, small and lean, per pound . Pork Butts. fresh, per pound 'l ..... Pork Shoulder, 44m, ova. per pound . . _ Spare Ribs, per pound ................ Deaf Lard, per pound ................. Home Made Sausage Meat, per pound . Georgia Squares, Bacon, per pound .. .. Smoked Butts, per pound ........... r, . Sunbeam Cofiee, per pound ............ Fancy Prunes, 40 to 50 size, per pound . . Mallard Preserves, 16 oz. jar .......... Fermlell Pancake Flour, package ........ Early June Peas. 2 cans for ............ Midland Corn, 2 cans for .............. Republic Olives, full quart ............. Monarch Rolled Oats, package ......... Fortuna Noodles, Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 packages for .................... 10 BARS P. G. LAUNDRY SOAP California Hamé, 4-6") ave., per punml Bronkfield Sausage, per box ......... STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 GROCERIES HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BY MEATS Ml‘>. Frank Mt‘Collum's grandchild, Betty Jane lh-nn. who has been hav- ing: scarlet ("ow-r. is impmving. Mru. Hunt, of“ Chicago, who has. been in Kaunas ('in helping care for her. has returned. I". I). Limlh'y. who 52‘ spending the hex! few months at 93!) South Flmv- or strut-t. Lox Ange-195. California. with .“l'r. Limlh-y. writes that th(' people (her? are “in their usual rcâ€" (‘ep‘iw l’raum- ul‘ mind 50 far as mn- goml Umuwrs Grow- money is con- cerned. fur which they ham! out Uw usual brand of m-athvr. etc." Mr. and ;\h':~. Fred I'. Drissh‘r. of Oak I'm-k, spent a few days this week u‘iih n-lalivos in the community. Ray ML'Cullum and family have moved in um.- of (In! Wyllie apatiâ€" meum in Map!» aux, 1::wa Mcupk'd by Me! Downer. ..l9(‘ ..|9c ..l7r ..Hc Ht 10',r .Ixc I70 27c jahnllfiahiw mm and (Mi- 1 Wm Wmdthorpe ‘ 'THE SONG F OF LIFE comedyâ€" } Mm»! 15m ”$451. “Oh Brother” The Dicke Theatre |".. H. Duuuamm has been hm}; flu~ inst “'m-k changing the inn-rim; uf the J. D, (iiih-spiv 11 Cu. store; “\mk- iug new display fixtures and whips. ’l‘lu- m-w arrangemvnt gives the cusâ€" lnml-I's ‘un upponunity to 804' “w growl, displayed in n pin-using mnnner. Mrs. Ray Miuor is lmstéss to the Sunnmir (,‘luli at 11 um- o'clock lunâ€" cheon today at her home in Hard Curtis's street. CONSTANCE TALMADGE in a Brilliant Revival of Her Early Success "UP THE ROAD WITH SALUE” The most delightful story ever told in pictures, a 1 izatiun uf Francis Sterrett's widely read novel. , __ ____- -m-. The Nature-Study Claws wilI meet with Mrs. E. (2. Lemon in Highland aux-nun. Fubruury :9. Luncheon at noon and the prumum “i" be the Math of the alnrs and constellations. ’l‘lu- lcmlvr “ill be Mus.l{uinho1d,o! Grand an «we. Two reel comedy Mrs. George Sweeney, 0! Limo“ avenue. has been entertaining friends from out of town this week. “ Chivalrous Charley ” Sat Jan. ALSO Friday February 3rd “Sunless 'Nu‘iévc‘ei (finnedpâ€"“MONEY Mix UP” Little Richard Hendrick Gaston Glass. Grace D: Eugene O’Brien Friday January 27 News Hw-ry ex-service man and every member of the Legion Amdllfl‘y- :‘lmultl make it 11 min; to be fit “IO niche 'I‘Imutvr mist Hominy evening. January 30. to hear Major Schroe- dm‘. Don't \forgct to invite your friends as the Legion desires every (me ynlsxiblc to hear the wonder slury at this man who dropped more than five miles through the :ir I! I spam of 300 miles an hour and lived to tell about. it I’Iince avenue Wedueidly Thoma present were Mandala“ M “any, I". P. Tapley,a Arthur Lam. R. C. Briggw. J. B. Sherman, 0. Winter and C. H. Stats. Mirth?“ ments were served and nil emf“; the afternoon. a birthday .pni-w’ 4.50.1”? ('untt-tll, :I pit'turq- fur wives. mnthvrs. and vvmw mothers son of us. '1 f. ur. fcb‘ 2nd CARNIVAL 9,.1MATN CS‘ONLANG VENICCâ€" - CAQNIVALTIML} AND ROMANCE “ms: Cu yon hush. a more nth lou mun; luv u love new Illa old Vma Al Cum"! via-mama Ida-Ik'uluun. This bloom! dam v. I:- filly film-d In "a vanda- H do Inn-a city. In h u (I H HADLEY KNOLES with dishes and (lisp ., a pictur-

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