if 95‘0akwood Ave. West Suburban Agent for Judd Co. â€"Handlingâ€"-â€" THE mm w mum. THE nnnrox mama, ms murmur: Pnnssvm: manna. THE HAMII.TON~BEACH “cum: swear“ wn Tm: noun.“ ELECTRIC DISHWASHER. Don’t slave over a wash tub in this day of elec- tric appliances. Let the “juice†do the work. It is really a pleasure to demonstrate the “Easyâ€, make a date now simplyâ€"â€" Mrs. W. R. Clark When buying a washing ' machine one of the ï¬rst “I!“ 1M“ElS.V†things to mnsider is the Wayâ€"Save Tim fact that the housewife, us- Money and have ually without any mechani. cal kno“ ledge, must do the “H“! dun"- operating. The “Easy" in Investigate at the name, “Easy" Vacuum once. Don‘t slave Washer isn’t put there just . for show. This machine is our ' "5" “5- really easy to operate. This, coupled with the ‘faet that it will wash anything from sheer silks to blankets and its remarkably low price, make it the best buy on the market. to ur numb-r M pom-Ir, mu a! the olflvrlnu M â€w rbndmo u! nlrk'hvn new lhu- Inch about rumllumlu In nonu- u! "in Mun-1mm rkutrhw. “‘0 Ian apt-rial n-lon-m-oo mm In flu- Mn- 1m (um!- lur I» Snur f2»! lhn hf. In "as pant wwl Iv luv-,- (Alla-d Wa- uunwlmnw wmdvr haul VIA) ll lu mu thr Amunran mmph- runnm ho- ‘3}: Vacuum Washer e“ Th‘ Monday April 24th. 3:00 P. M. Dicke’s Theatre “ Something Thaw men aw In touch with the unuathm in their mspective cummuni~ tin and I" give Mrs. O'Neill a very fine chum-o a! winning tlw Republican nominativm. The First Annual Downers Grove Revue Thaw editors n-zdiu that concerted clot! Is nah-my to elm a DuPage county candidate. For this lemon they are all advocating voting ONLY fur Mrs. O'Neil! at the primary on Tuesday, April ll. Edam: of the community news- papers of Dul’agc County recently held a meeting a Nuperville to talk shop, as they munlty do when they get together. A poll of that gather- ing showed that everyone present was backing Mrs. Louie Holman O'Neill o! Downer’ Grove in her race for the state ltgisluturr. I Dlv‘ PAGE COUNTY PUBLISHERS FOR MRS. (I'NEILI. macaw hand at the Downers Grove Post Qllu I!- seem clans muil mntter. Advertising rate» made known upon application. Subscription rates 82.00 â€I year. Sï¬ngle copies 6:. had every Friday morning from the den of In Damn Grove Publish- h; Gummy. a? North Ruin amt. Downers Grove, Illinoil. W. J. STAATS . . . . . Editor C. J. WINTER . . Busium Mutter ITS H D" ("IIIIJORHV ('ALL, WRITE OR PHONE Different . m».- M‘ the "mud ways on wind: lurmrr» hum lawn Imlurml up no (In lam-mam (or purMm-d Mark on m.- ~ (arm huw bmn (hm-null "w cult claim. In» nhr «lulu and all aflwr lumlu ul a-Iuhu fur the buy-6 and flu- girls or flu- ‘ rural «mum-c. Thmuxh their chu- {‘«ln-u mam tumors lune lo-unml IM- lo-m-lm M unn~~lmul «ml: «(Mm-I â€I? m-ruh mm‘ Hwy had lawn mam yrnr ,ufh-r ,nur I \\'«- Mn Mud “but [What rouuls‘ .lqu M" Mn- 3 Hutu-o to join .- ‘l‘urvhrwd "oh-[Mn Fl" I'llh. TM! an m um who county cm in» that i Tmuuumr of the lot-II drive. would be supra-hum]. When the solicitor for the Near East Reno! (and comes to your door give something to save the live» of lime «mos. It you have niready siren and wish to add to your contribution I s-hm-k sent to Mr. J. 1.. [lemma-Li It everyone would give just a sun-II amount. the sum total would save the lives at thousands of lime t-hlldren um! cause them to ever bless the name “America." as they now do. Let us not forum that the Imm- .rruml-s from our tables would save the Ih'e-s of Hula I'Mldron mmld they but get them. I Christian citilens of America. lat us not forgot that the men of Armenia gave thvlr lives In the (meat war. that after that war the terrible Turk mass awed thousands ol' men and women. that it has been Impossible to harvest murv- than a hundredth otvwhat the; people need. ‘ We'umld see the light of disbelief in the eyes 0! our homers. The) ‘wemetl Io 31w. whv that in lunmnslhle, look all around you. plenty on every hand 11' .s Impossible "wt people. and (minimally children. could bu stun-lug ln this world or plant." Armenia. how they ate (In In order to misty that gnawing It the atom- ach which called (or load: huw the money of Americans had saved the lives at llwusumls and that more mon-‘ ey mu needed not only to saw: those already In the orphanages tron] furth- er sun‘erim: but :6 make a place (or those sun so hungry that u crux! of hn-ml [was a human. Telephone 404-.1 BOYS CALI" CLUB to supp!) the and. l! vou van" she] a mum. give uhul um can Send It' Mum (0 )our child: leather. or to H. J. Human n! Mldclnm avenue. anal the" real mmlortubly in tho «mu-loam ' news at Influx guvmmm-ol u good deed." Plume 31“ for a taxiâ€"twenty- (our: of the day. Cantu! driven. clean. comfortable can. W mum llltl no law chum. no out lmhmmcnu. iluu was brought up (or consideration. Thu-t» hundred dollars. it was decided. Was the loweflt possible sum with which to replenish the shelves 0! the reference library. which Downers Grove high school must have it it is to maintain its standing on the ac- credited list 0! schools. This is a Vl- tai question. and must be attended to without delay. The sum needed could be raised without working a hardship to anyone. if each tamliy in (butter: Grove would tmtrihme one dollar to this (unit. The Board of Education. al- ready at its '“l and in find money with which to ï¬nance the schoola. has not a many to spend on library hooka. so it is up to the patron ol the school 'I‘o dillt‘. the pupnlur fund which in being raised for the benefit at the reieretice library of Downers Grove high school is in the neighborhood of $150 ~-iust halt oi the sum decided upon "1 (he ween“; M the PII'BIII- IN)! only by "I? Sill“! Fair association Tent-her association. when the ques- ' charter members and others my entr at the meeting. iloys! coma and bring your parent and get in line to grow calves that wll lu- eligible [or titc club prints oileroti but also by many small (air: near I» The county committee in charge a thin work consists 0!: Peter meson anen'llie. chairman: W. W. Klelt Namrviiie; (‘. 0. McChesney, Wear Chicago; C. .i. Rieck, Cow Testing as sot-lation. supervisor: and it}. A. Caro cmsa, mm ndi'lsor. The meeting will convene at 1:30 p. lll‘. EDWARD C. CLOW Painting Interior Decanting Paperhanging Auto And Taxi Service RELIABLE GARAGE "My Half of Three Hundred Dollar Minimum Sun Needed Ills Bum Subscribed. LEST YOU FORGET . REFERENCE BOOKS FOR THE SCHOOLS much mum on. soul 0! luvlu all [Inn livestock pure-brads. A m~ 1limlmu‘v meeting will be held tomor- row anemoon at the Court House in Whmum and we would like to see Downers Grove lownuhlp have more boys entered In the club than any other. 19 W. Railroad St. Downers Grove. PHONE DOWNERS GROVE 371 HIGH BUGIIMZ SERVICE -â€"â€" PRICE Two other factors are Service and Price! Both are regglated in a Ford Service Sta. tion to a n ty. You REAL service and the price is ï¬xed to fair to you. Come in and let us demonstrate. “REA b†FORD PA RTH W hen Ion go to a Ford Service St: Itiun mm are sme that Real Ford Pans “in he used fur replaceuwnts and not parts made by some other concem to ï¬t the Fun! car. Should not be entrusted to the prdinnry garage. The proper place to take a Fan! for repairs is to a F on! Service Station. GENUINE FORD PARTS PHONE 39! "IE REPAIRING 0F FORD CARS DISTRIBUTORS I’ll UNIVIIIAL CAI Phone 430$! The county committee In «barge of (Mn work consists 0!: Peter meson. Napen'llle. chairman: W. W. Klan, Namrvflle; (‘. 0. McChesney, West Chicago; C. J. Rieok, Cow Testing 3:» satiation. supervisor; and E. A. Carn- mitten EDWARD C. CLOW Painting Paperlunging Interior Decanting Estimates on new; or old work cheerfully given :Prvllminary Meeting to: ("unlu- J lion a! the Court “am To- } morn-I Aflemoon. lloys! come and bring your parents and gel in line to grow calves than will In- eligible [or flu- club wlu‘s olrered. um only by the Slate Falr association. but also by many small tulrx near by. National and stole speakers on Calf club work will be present. Tun-Ive boys have already beeuAenroned as charter members and others nigny enwr at the weeding. On Saturday «flex-linen. April 13!. u county-wide meeting [a to be held at the Court House to deï¬nitely organize and start off a Boyu' Purebred Hol~ stein Cu" Club {or Dul’uae County. nors' PUREBRED K HOLSTEIN c A L I" own mu COUNTY; 13 W. Railroad St. Downers Grove; Ill. R. COLE H. E. MMlHSTERl (30. 24x48 large size Rag Rugs, hit and miss patients, good quality. on snecial sale Saturday 6 Monday Each hag holds three garments and has separate hooks. These are air tight, dust proof. germ and moisture proof. “Mu Tu Moth Proof Bag, 30x50. for While Tar Naphthalene Moth Paper. 12 shfl'ls. 30c While Tar (‘edar Math Chips. per hm . . , . . . .l-‘ic While Tar Naphthalene Balls. on hm ........ 18c White Tar Maul Proof Bag. 24x37. for ladies sail or jacket, each ....................... $1.15 Soon you will be putting away your wtnter garments and outer: they are property stored with moth pre- ventive goods. it no) mean an entirely new outï¬t. We here a complete line this year. otermt and suit hogs. cedar chips. moth bulls and math paper. to place between blankets and woolens at any kind. Cor. Main 8; Curtis: Stu Plume. I76 176 Sunbeam Fruit Salad. per can 6 Boxes Matches ............ Large Can Sunbeam Milk 15 oz. Pkg. Richelieu Raisins 5") Pkg. Argo Starch ....... Slim. Cofl‘ee. bulk ....... No. 1 can Calumet Baking Powder ...... 10 Ips. H.__ [3. §ngn in cloth sacks . . . . Whole or half strip, per pound 2. Narrow Strip Bnoon. per pound ..... Brisket Corned Beef, per pound Salt Mackerel, per pound ............ Dry Goods - Groceries Market .9. Fresh Pork Butts, per pound ............ ... Rib Roast. per pound .................... Hamburg Steak, per pound ............... Plate Beef or Brisket, per pound .. ...... Veal Breast, per pound .................. Veal Shoulder Roast, 1‘ pound ....... '. . . Veal Chops, per poo ................... Swifts Premium _or fig-mourn Stu-llama, . Ilvl I n Quality and Low Prices MEATS amuse of the keen competition to whlch the painting and deg-om lug'lmde is subject. we very‘ seldom have an opportunity to refer to our "fumily painter" I! we do the “f‘mlly doctor.†The lung: painter is have boklay and gone tomorrow. Our record of over forty 5-9;.“ let-vice in the village is Indeed Ill enviable one, And inflame ..r__ the quality or Work we have done [or your fathers and are now really to do for you. We may truly be called “Th Funny Palmer." '. C. PITCHER Moth Proof onee. bulk .................. _....8|.lo TWO DELIVERIES EVERY DAY F. C. Mobers and Son DOWNERS GROVE; ILLINOIS Each 95c We Deliver “THE FAMILY PAINTER" GROCERIES 'or «enacts, ........ 81.40