Downers Grove Reporter, 12 May 1922, p. 5

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moms! EPISODE“. cam Gflhfl H. “WI-Ila. M ‘ IE8: M, 1922. Fourth Sunday that ter. L‘ It. PAULS EVANGEUCAL GROVE Mothers Day. , ,, “A- -___ anon .. .. (‘nml'l‘l‘fl l‘nmmnninn Sunday, May 14, 1922. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. "Mothers Day." - 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. , (German) Theme: “Wet bleibt?” 7:90 p. m. Evening Worship. Theme: "Jesus and Sin.” Everybody welcome. 9:45 a. m. Bible Mnoon. Dpeclal Mother's Day Program. All official positions will be held by Mothers. 11:00 a. m. Morning Devotional Service. Special Mother’s Sermon: “The Woman called ‘Blessed.’ ” 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Popular Sunday Evm- ing Service. Music and Sermon: “The Lost Coin." Wednesday, May ‘ 17. ‘7. 9:45 a. 111. Bible School“ Sage?! 11:00 u. m. Mi :1 Im. H.|"‘ 'V ‘ Rm. “:11!” \'tm EA :nyiny. 6:30 p. m. I). Y. Lemur-”\‘crxmn F " (‘0 p. m. I'D-ms: vm-r. by Hunwnxfl ‘ ma. muse. 9:00 I. In. Bible Study. 10:00 a. 1». High )1”.- ufal Sutton Sundayâ€"â€" too I. m. ”an Ami Sermon Week Ourâ€"- If you haw- 135%., meeting» sum-r Ham) Lair” mnc bu-u here «1 your um -u.1:. “He Hm! Mnmm u "\\i!hmn .1 vim'n ' ibh moo 0. m. In". Rummy Mcninp--»!~.(-0 p. m. Bone- 745 n. m. \\’‘.u.\ ‘ .4 L! mckly [Iruyrr and mm m. The HIV. Wu. anemia. Pm Arthur Space:- lelpn. Mini-to: count-mums“ enuncn ll". Emu If. Guinin. Pum ”n. ulnesdm, May 17 1922. 8:00 p. m. \lithwek Matti: 9:45 a. m. fhbfe Sch. FIRST BAPTIST CHI’RCH 81'. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH I! he v.â€" If- L'lfi an tit. [/01]. And «.14 mun "my sin) ml. 0 has the plan In and: it wli? .ily Matti " Talk to Mother by Long Distance STREET CHURCH ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Ask operator for rates and other infor- mation. “Station-to-station" calls are about twenty-five per cent less than “person-toâ€"person" calls. On a “station- to-station" call you talk to anyone who answers the distant telephone. Of course that person can call mother to the telephone. ".,_Evening and night rates for “stationâ€" toâ€"station"calls are still further reduced. cI-mpuoc. rammuu Letbuheutthemdofyou voice out the win. It will ukeabefletdayfmyoubodl Elh \\~ preach . 2.4. xhe Men's Su- UN- Rims”: Focm rpen Mrnday and Friday fun: 3 to 5 r. m ' 'Ihc Pubit'c is «mi '31: ‘. 23w semiccs .’.!.u e .c;« ILg :1 “n“ oi'ifié 176.53 I‘ééfil’e'é Club. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 10:00 a. m. Adult. Bible Class. 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and Sermon. _ _ "33361.33"? $837”. Hall. May Dance and Party under the auspices of the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary. L".- u-vn. 5:00 p. m. Special Service conduc- ted by the Youn People's Club. 6:80 p. m. Re reshments and Bus- iness meeting. My _17 ,1922._ 'WedneSQa‘y‘. ._Â¥A -_ L.- mu, .. "v... ....V.....,_,‘ 7:45 p. m. Limny and Sermon by the Rev. F. S. Fleming, 8. T. 8., Rector of the Church of the Atone- ment, Chicago. Magy_}9.‘l922. fg’iday. 1"“ It-.. Mening, 8:00 p. m. UNHED HRETHREN Clil'RCH OF EAST GROVE (\l ISIMANI‘EL EVANGFLICAI. H‘THERAN (‘IH'RCFI Bu. an. F. AMI. Palm Sunday. Mu) 11.11122: 3:00 p. m. Bible- «one» road. u-{ [vlmntd 3qu u plk-d. l-‘uuhmulr. u! (‘hmfian marine InuxM. A"! chmltu welcome. 2:45 p, m. “an”: Ben-in. Our «Men. for the pva. m tom; Mid in the Congregation” (‘hurr'L Nut Sumhy'u whhfl Ir“! hr “The- wart or the any (:Mu.” Atconlmc to Chi-tofu hum-an Chm work of the "My (3mg! ‘-_ Ig- mmlm‘ the warm 01 pin. It. In. Huh I. Hum Sunday Sdmol at 9:45 a. m. Sundav Senice at 11: 00 a. m. “ubim‘x: “.‘lmtals and lmmnrtals.‘ “Inna-«lay (\ming Testimonial Endeavor fitcfctr. rrogmm (airy Sunday i'mi’n YOI'I: mumps: FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Rn. J. C. Same». rum. 1. S .:.t..'z_\' u (Yam 0 Libyan Ball Qarnogawm Qonununion :h‘ "Yu- 5 w Cir...- 01 its own “cord. . to cum God’s favor by its own right- eousness, by living on the aquatic. nnd by lendin an outwardly decent and stnight I e. To convince the world that this cannot be done and to lend those who have been converted by His repmof lnto‘all the truth of the Gospel, is the work of the Holy Splr~ it. And to accept this reproof, to allow the Holy Spirit. to work on our hearts and convince us of these facts, is the duty of every Mn who de~ ‘sires salvation. - "I81 BVANGELICAL CHURCH wrâ€" wv- â€".-v.- The world WW" W W keeping, commercial but, Bndmu Arithmetic, Bunting, etc. A special some: school class {or High School students, under a com- petent instructor, fomerly of the Gregg Organixation, starts in June. Students save $10 a month attending this school. Those in attendance this summer come from 23 diflmnt states. We give private instruction in private class rooms to adult stud- ‘ents of neglected education. The Sunday School hour and mornâ€" ing worship period will be utilized for a single service. A splendid pro- gram is in preparation. This is a service for lhe y'holg farpily: , Sunday, May‘ 14, 1922. Special Mother's Day Program at 10:00 a. mi ' Wl'lt". .v. u... yuan- Alliance Service for Junior and Senior members at 6:45 p. m. The last musical recital until after the summer months will he wandered at 7:30 by a company of six musi- cians from Northâ€"Westmrn School of Music. To" your friends about it and brim: withflyou7 “v \ AA can“ u . .,. V Rims-week lmyer Service Wednes- day at 8 o’clock and chair wheaha) on Thursday evening :1: the mme hour. =23 mama: «a; 152% 235:» l .2331 2%.: tors are always win-17"" In. 1. Mind Nun-tn. rum. LRâ€"e1ting the 14-0 part1,” a thrillin actual adventure with Major Jack pAlle-n Gmlord oyd (Harold: bro- ther) in “Trolley Troubles' Mom, Twenty million people in every part of the world have thrilled to the powerful dramatic story unfolded in the internationally famous novel of the renowned Vi- cente BlaSco Ibanez which is sweeping on to its two hundredth edition. From this internationally famous novel Metro’s Pin- nacle of Screen Excellence is attained. All the virile force and dramatic intensity of the noted story is pre- served and heightened in the colossal screen version while the vast magnitude of the gigantic events re~ counted are pictured the camera with a power be- yond the description 0 mere words. ADMISSION 25 and 40 Cents -ALK‘E TERRY and RUDOLPH VALENTINO as MARGUERITE and JULIO in “One Glorious Day” 1.01‘ THE FOUR HORSEMEN at the Apocalyfle ; Ann-cap :â€" “pun-urn“ un., Tues., Wed., May 1: THE BIGGEST PICTURE OF A” Tm’ \ Will Rogers and Lila Lee Curtiss Saturday, May 13 INTERNATIONAL NEWS with Other subjects you may specialise on are: Comptometer adding machine, Dictaphone, Multigraphing and com- mon school branches. Those who can- not attend daily {or touch typewritâ€" iug have a late model machine plac- ed in their own home, including in- struction without extra cost. Phone now LaGrange 1326 for new booklet or write at once to the Paterson Bus- iness Institute, LaGrange. 25th year. Phone 43-M F. w; KETTENRING Contractor Builder May 15, 18, 17 ;A(I\verfi;aement. 5-12-2 or |. '11! Work irmount Aw TIM E Thursday and Friday, May 18-19 A PICTURE THAT WILL FIND THE HIGHWAY TO YOUR HEART come back. More than half a million people saw the play in NeI Yorkâ€"it was given there 443 times. Now theyâ€"Ind many times their numberâ€"are flocking to see the screen version, for it is even greater on the screen than it was on the stage. They liked itâ€"snd so IQ " ALICE TERRY and JACK MULHALL It iaa photodrama only for those who believe in mo era and love and laughterâ€"andâ€"that a man an youâ€"for it is a story as human as mistakesâ€"as 111 an as life itself. For instance-“Go to church? V I’d go to h - - - for that old lady.” It' 18 a picture which has been shown‘ an almost a large prison in the United States for it clearly sin that there Is in the worst of us some spark which ables us to “come back" no matter how far down have been. 'John Golden and Marcus Iocw puma-n! flu m picture/tom "replay which ran Special 30“!er fir 270M: “summons: I UILT by \‘Vcstinghousc especially for Ford cars this new baucry is a remarkable \..luc at $25. Ouâ€"in yap} par. It is designed to give the most efficient service and depexudabic pufcrmancc in Ford cars. Even if you don't need a new battery new. y: 11'“ want to knew about this one. \Vemis‘ghcut'.‘ Attention is for your battery. no matte“ 2-3312: make it is. Westi house Le’gkr/ DOWNERS (MVP. GARAGE 525 by June Netti. .p, o'n-r-

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