Downers Grove Reporter, 19 May 1922, p. 2

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Rmch Snifl- ”'4â€" "~ lt‘N‘ mm 3063'. ms," ".014 Flori: K nlllJ-hrv", \I IV I Mo)!a.<tr‘r-(':I'v Sam.” ('0 I) H I‘l-IH I”, I! “on! I'M n F rr-cl Th III-Tm}. (i U IJR_-’_ ‘ . f; h I‘J‘Ix'v‘. “I! IBNGITI "90in“ A ”ll'flvl‘”, VII. 3:1 Mnnarr‘v l'IVNVrvr Warn Nm. 115076, wan". x607: Adullr‘ 4mm): um ,\‘n .‘wm Nlnmm «I “H I‘ Sn», 1 «01,1 'lllflflhi ”1"” ‘ 'IMH. , , _ . v . Wnrihinglm- l'umn .'. .‘h‘hf‘. Carp. lhlh J ".350 S127! lmrvl luvmhrr (-1, Huh. NW. N57. $73!. 77" ‘ . .‘., Sillrlain mum... 1'" NHL. .. M... «Lima mm: . Junw» l'. .‘hnh a. (11.. "ill! Nu» 7110'. J"! . .. "mm mm 1‘... HM Im'm Virtu-r Mfr. 'mlwl (Vt, "ill Nu. H") .... .. #k-Slu'rl k Nun: . ll-H Hm I Kulmrli (lmnm- ('u, u.” MM‘ l u u (nlr, "ill 1"". '3'! . H. Murlh-r Mfg ('0. "db. .A M... "max, llNfii. HfHN. .. w. l'. Ca» 61 Eh'c'lrir ('0., Bill Jan. .‘2 ..... Gram l’lrkv, SJlmy I'J'II H (‘ Dix-kw. Salary lflzl ‘ Fred Hoinkv. “I” H41. 6 ‘ Nth l'flly ('zhh. April arrt. . Downers (iruu- (image. The C. H. Han-rm ('.. Bi” NH. ”INS-3 .., Dept. 0! Public \1 I" “' .‘UHw Printing ('IL, ii“ No. I “W ..‘.. Lord Lumber (‘«:.. In“ N" “ill NH. 4“ .. ..... D0\\'l|l‘l'~ (Huu- l'ulL (.‘n.. Bill Ma) I ......... Bill NH. 14‘“) The Am. ('m 11:14 it): Bill May I DU\\'H1'I‘.< (imm- l‘uh Bill May I ... Stu-w», Mul'nm ‘-' t". ”Hi Nu. ['30'11 The C. H. Hun-nu ( Bi” NH. I Cum:ni.~.4io:u-r hum. ph-acnted various hiH~' and Inn-«"1 (hut wnw be approved am! \\sz"1nl-, drawn fur (he several umnunl» us I'uihm ~: "cpl. o!" .h-muuls 2t l“illfll|(‘|‘:‘ Petty (‘axln Apia! um'l. ....< 1.7’ M W I‘IiHs hinting (5).. Minute 01' t1:(‘ n-rvHuL: uf May I. 1922 wcu- 2011:! u.:! ('ul)!!;)i«‘-i0n(’:‘ Hezlrtt mmed lo umnxn'v .~ume. UL roll cull L‘mnmhsiuum» Hezu'tt, H212- Ier, Henllx-r, {rycv um! Mayor Hur- bcr \‘otcd A512 N2:_\'-~ 11mm. Mutiun carried. Downen: lilm‘v, “1., May ts, “922. Regular momma; uf‘ the Council of the Village of Duwnur~ Grove. 1H Present at mil cull Mdym W. ('. Bur- bcr and Commiu‘immzx ”mun-r. 15131-0, Hallcr and ”cunt, which we (‘umlufl the transfer wm mmo ynu tn tell your fnemL that ours is a superior service. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D .H'S'l‘ u" H -'-~!'1~ _\ .1 are going Jni \xv'll mme you. Am! the mamwr in which wr' (‘mltlllfl the Bill M hll May I . . ‘5' Mill. I'Iil\llllg( (To n. "6”“. Gill. L862! Ia] Film'h'in' "u ‘4'". I" "unlit-x, In” Mm Hrinkr. H! May I I'M’mln. Ml Hn Dept. of Health 81 Safely Iv! lnr‘ ' May I ....... l‘.< (hm-m I‘nb. (‘11., May 1 ..... Mulvnm-‘v ' :|_\' "Mu. Hifi‘i H H mun in” , I‘H‘j “Ruin LN} 3|“. "3 3930 3'! I 2:0.le 20. l 0 I100 lTNfil 3‘ I “1.97 16 [6.83 GRIN I 1.7” 26.0!) [Hi-1') N 0|) .Ml am 30.00 MAI“) GI) 2H 13.1.." \_V}'l 3.02) 1.1.) 9') '7‘ Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. LUMBER Ur) mll m2! (")nmli.~'.~'innm'~ 2r‘)‘(‘e. Hon-301‘, Hulier, Hx-thtww Muyur I34: I)‘: Ming «III I. I' l‘.’ i‘m'I: II «If l'z’f 'L' I\* (.315 .‘xriII [II-u I I (I. l‘ \le (L ’l‘ IMI' HF)": (‘Imo be IInvI- l'IIv ~(U‘II' I> ‘ (HA: that 19!!) \IIIJL'I,‘ l ‘2’... ‘4 .‘ [Fk ::_ I‘-.-k .4 ‘t-rt-th In H‘HIIII to IcfuIIIl 'er'u‘ \‘5. “wiry tiIc- {(-0 (If 5:...5 by ' II: paid Y» “10‘ «mi “Hum- nt .‘Hid I-f-‘IIIIt. and (u unlify him that tho ' {Iv'llllii IIII.- bet-u 1'('\'Hk('ll by ”N' VIIIJL'Q ('nuIII‘II (If UH: VIIIugv or Dnm'neh‘ (2mm. Lath Nails Etc, Etc. Shin gies Lumber Doors Windows Screens Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding NOW’S THE TIME! b Downers Grove Hardware Co. Ur: “LIHV \le 30¢ a quart puts “F" Autoline ()il in your Furd. If it doesn't stop “jerking" and “chattering" come back and get your money. “Men a FORD “Jerks" or “Shakes" as it stuns. starts or reverses, realize at once that immri'eet lubrication is the troubleâ€"not faulty design. it is telling you in the only way it can, that it needs the new kiml of oilâ€"~"F" Antoline Oil for Fords. It not only stops “chatter" but it gives more mileage on gasoline because of better eompresqion; it reduces carbon and increases the life of the ear. Yet. it (-mts no more than ordinary oil. No.~. 3210139. 40309.} .. Line Material Co.. No. 127 64 Am. Sta-an Gauge \ulne I .\Iz‘g. (3-... .\‘». 3 llaHaâ€"tcx'Jhu'r Supply ('0.‘ NH. 3’1”";i ............ .\l \\ VliH‘ I’m. Una C0,, Bi 1-)}? HH ........ . 11"(1l A" «'01:. Apz'. 'IhLâ€" ION". s (1.. BI}: (31“ .. V. Fin :(nhmwn, Ron! .... Hunk Blurro 6': (11,. “HATCH. That 1 : L'UI ~tx'ut'll'uh .\w. P uf Dunn“ '11'5‘. )lU npr: of} .. ..... 433.00 " ('unrmévium-n Ih-m'tl. soil can 1', )rwiox. I 511» :ln-I Mupn' Hur- ‘ li‘m ‘. Nu UIC'I'X _ 1*. mo Ford Owners Attention! RESULI'THH u'lion : COAL ' ' MI‘ Building Materials of All Kinds "THE EMPTY HOUSE" Phone One Five Manufacturers Dealers G‘Fll' Ad human ‘3 Bryn” pro-‘mutwl tiu‘ :l' ‘1 I:-|\'(“l it A COMEDY DRAMA Given by the Young, People of SI. Jowph Parish PAONOAY EVENING, MAY 29 Dickc The-am- Don’t Forget “OLD BEN" Best Franklin County Coal. POCAHONTAS All Sizes call on us and get our prices. Learn about our sen-ice. Home bui Zer's hook in colors, blue print pians. etc. Our succes- tifin< might save you hundreds r-f' donars in building. We can furnhh you the best building materials at lowest prices. t) b-1EZI tint homo; make nec- o“ ry repairs and addizions. n1. rg maten’al prices are [-m'. labor costs 1035.50 why “in; " Our factmv and .umber 3.1 I are hemlqumtvrs for high zrmic millwork. lumber :1an building supplies. Valve 1 537 ...... mly ('0... . n:. Apr. 1' | i (310 33" rm ..... 3| ' (11,. BEFORE BUYING E. R. DUN NAGAN light Imrmit for tun \\ hm'o u 413.00 6.50 I’IEHfiO 30.00 QHHJU Iih-_\‘ 36.18 32.57 '(l 3.10 lhuul~ in the >um uf $1000.00 Pill") with tln- Arum ('uauully and Surmy (To. :14 ~urcu‘ uml [:0th (‘nlr an l)i.~hur.~wm-m~ I)¢-.)0 Liv-l 1‘) thr ("CHM uf H2.- \‘«11;u:n 'i'nensumr .....\'|?K7l.f‘-r? ('4;,Inmi.-:,;iuner Muller moved that (he u-pan he plucml on H-mrll. ()1: Hr” rm! (‘ommiwiuuon Hulh'r, "On- dm. "Hull. {tyre and Hum Harbor \ul-‘al \_\‘(‘. Nay» unne. Motiuu cur- .' I lll‘u. ‘huf l.i,:‘hl mvu-r wpiur Light up” I'“.lll.l' ruiw ..... \‘futm’ Hark-r lugvuil' \\'h-r U'U'.U!.< Watt-r tuppi ".t {inn-i 1X~ . .. 5mm: pv' munlh of April. “'23. (‘hzxu M. Hitch, Village (‘olivctmu FOIL ~ (V‘mmM-u‘iul lighting ....... $3805.41 (‘OLLI‘Kf'I'OR'S REPORT { '1‘“ the ('uuncil uf the Village of"? “dune” Grove. 11L, (ivnllemen: f'l.‘ The i'oHu\'.‘im: i~ my mpm‘l for lhu, :1] . . . munlh of April. 192:. 5' \‘x Barber vowel Aye. Nays none, Mo- tion curried. (lulu-Mm”: mu.) 'l'roaqxrer's reports fur the month of April were wad us ful10\\'--; MILLWORK Lime Plaster Tile Coal Coke Wood Etc, Etc. ug‘n' P M Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravel Cinders 11.3.1 m 10.27 2.00 00.00 (36.00 75.00 [0‘00 4 L153 H" 61 South Mall! Downets ’ Grove Hardware Company :UI pcrsum inning this“: :Iguimt 11w ("lair nl' (‘oliu l'. Knox. Don-n14. are hereby nutifiml uml roquwhul tn :stlvml :md prawn! ~uch claims to 111.- (‘uuuly (Tunrl of Dul’mgl- ('mmty, Ill- inois ,f‘ur the purpusu of having Hm same :uljqul. at tln» torm nf saint court to he held in "no ('nuntj: (‘uurl lhmm in tln- ('mnt lluuw in the ('il)‘ nl' “Imam“. in mid Dul’um- ('uunt)‘. on the fin-4 Monday at July, A. l). [932, helm; the thin! (lay Uu-n-m‘. Louise l'nimer. .-\ulmini.~'tr;m'ix. Halo-l April leh. I922. ('uwmhnn SllInn-r. Alb-Inc) <. ln;~~imw1’« Hn-nz'll and \':u'~ nuw principal to cover piumber‘s and sew- m- builder's licenses for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1922 aml ending April 1;“, 1923, were examined and approved. Cumrnimdoncr Bender most-Med u Iplat of Clitiu-m and Furiong's Sub- ili\'i~'imx, being a >Ublii\‘i.~ii0ll of Lut ! Spencer E. (iaibcrt‘a Suluiividon, Lots 3|). 2| and :2 of Stanley and C0ic‘,~ Subdivhiun and part of Lot i ~of 31:1er (‘n'm‘e Addition to Downer: (irnw, nil bving' part of Lots 80, 81, mui 82 u!‘ As-v-unk Subdivision u‘i' ."‘.'('1iun 7 'l'uu'nship IN North. iuug'o H East of ihe fhoi i'l'im'ipui Mm'idizm,‘ and pituuu‘d in Dui'ugo (futility, iiiâ€"j hunk. uml muvvd that same be ac- cr‘ptmi. On l'nil cali Cmmnissiuuoh iivmlur. Bu‘cc. iiuiim', "emit and Mayor il‘J'iV‘l' mtwl Ana Nays: none. )iution i-ul'rivrl. I ('' vendor moved h- :uiâ€", jun!“ 1') tin} m-x: regular meeting: mime May 15:11. HIT: 0n mi (-1111 (‘um-, mi him-h Bunion, "cyan Mailer.- 1'. and .‘ann liutbm' van-d Ayn; 0 b I i i : ~ mum. Muiiuu (‘11!!‘i0ii. i Spnrl- mi!» in ’l'u'mul. Hutilw. French ".mm-l. mute and “mm; Dun-e- iu Gingham. mil». "Hyun- .lu‘. 0!". sum. in H'rmri. Hutu-v, Harm.- .~!u-. .-:u'.m ,v-‘r. Ikuuiil‘ul up“ m MIR. ('umm rrvv- um. um»! ('uuhm cermu u'f limnl “12h urp-M .h-rhim- an»! !: tl'l'l‘-! n "J ~L'k If": lislale of (din 1m ".1“ Lu SUMMER CLOTHES Retailers of High Grade Merchandise .\l),\ll.\'l\"l'l! Ele‘étric Washing Machines “RS. H‘IRH'M .3 No. 10ml \n N” a! hmm Myhh Genuineâ€"Brand New (HT-r M. v3. ”Mn-o. Harm.- Ih-uum'ul um. > t‘h' - mm “.m: Hula! With urpw ITO“! u "a Mk \‘HHFS NOTICE Knox. hm’ \"ianO ('lork Fm mm Thor Electric Shop (Hm-lay "0:th Company) For Sale by This Is the only money you have to invest The machine will save it; own pigments as you use it. Don’t try to get along another week vmhom a Thor. l! is just a waste of money. Come in or Phone H0 couid have Â¥ues<ed that a genuine Thor vauld 9:9.- 99!! for so low a price? hink of it! no» fat the world‘s greatest washing machine-(me of the standard, reliable Thou that aw giving such wonderiul service in 700ml) homes. At such a price. and at such terms as are offeredbeinw. how can you afiord to be without a Thor for number single week‘ This i; the chance you have been waiting for. Don't delay. Don‘t risk missing this real (immunity, Come in at once. in u scour from I‘cumL-k Alloy. thw .,-. ~: cwgeuus pictun- of Mr ln-iliium un't'vr. I‘m: "ck Alicy will be shown at tho ('l'RTISS THEATRE '=.\. Wed.-Thurs, May 24-25 CURTISS THEATRE $1022 Down \U RAISE l.\' ADMISSNH \ l'l Ml K R .\ Y Phone May 19. 1922

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