Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Sep 1922, p. 6

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’hu Friendly munch" on the can" 0! Inin Indy law when (My ii" i! In" him an of and (ruined In (WM-“In known-«m AM. the Mall of (WM-(bl mmhd. We invlto your mum. and wok-om via-itch heal-my, Ml whims If! erm- “ in IN Knuth-h hum-n. Some folly. it puma. do nM umbnuml “in. Tip" I: no! :0 mad! as no» ad by. a “unmad- well "find Morb- TM Worhr" Council now amnion about «any Manpofmiyoflk‘n-ad Whirl. All "nu In the m- mmfly Ibw r Mn" «in not “loud flunk Ethan! flunk"! an very duly £1136"ng Mug-end Amen to! Idont ad Mutation of I nuptia- uyfint III vinlgn tent-Mm! unit}- mt. The new arrangement of fad- lmoa main room (or raven! Md!- w dum In our gnawing new. TN- modem «boo! in and" tho cf- I ll mum: for [he moms» nor- on Sundays. The Sunday School cqulpmm o! the than)! in bun much improved by the than;- I" o! never-l puma»,- nnd the en- All business meetings ll'l' hold thel‘ first vnek a! the month and Mow-My, Ma and Friday evening- or the mm :3 three weeks are open {or nodal gatherings. of variouu kind: which will be announced In the vari-f ouu organimtionn a! the thumb. The ‘ Indium: 0! our (all pnmnm is” muted y the following fauna-ml The Children's Hour at 3 o'clock on.“ flnnday Int-moons In wfiumcd; the.“ 7:30 waning awn-ice 5. was» held in]: the (bun-II auditorium; (M chair I-, gin hold: wrchly practice on Thurm‘ ,1: at 72.5 p. m. and modem "M " nodal music (or the month»; nor-- B'ible Schuol Worker'x Conferenn-, Fridgx evpning at {he chun‘p. _ _ The following Buxincss Sessions will be held next week: Oflkhl Church Board at the par aomge Monday evening; Ladies Aid Society ednesday, l: 80 p. m. unrterly Conference. Wednesday: 8:3 p. :11. after a special preaching service which will commence at 7: â€" iPVriSie'r Sérvices at 7:45 every Wed- negny gvgning. This service marks the resumption of our full church program after the vacation period. You can help to awe" the attendance. Visitors are “come at every service of “The hiendly Qhumh." _ __ __ - ‘ Sunday, September 3, 1922. 9: 453 a. m. / Bible School. Mr. E. J. Miller, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon bv the pastor and anthem bysgae tbechoir. 00;;‘ m. Children's Hour. Mina artha Penner, Difedlfss. 6:45p .m Alliance Service. Miss Esther Pcnner. Leader 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. ,Goxpel singing, music by the m- chentru and a short practical sermon by_ti_Ie pastor. We Know How to Care for Batteries um EVANGEIJCAL cam Sundayâ€"3 and 7:80 p. m. Sunday School-4:30 p. m. Payer Meeting, Thursda 7:30. Ilple avenue 1nd Fair aven CL. can-half mile west of town No Collection. Mon. mange, lElenljyk. Yfim‘vwrsm' Mai the Hay (Shoat ae- qogdjgg to Acts 2:4. Mn to Acts SER- ICES: hill Gospel. Justification. Suctiv In. J. Alhd Nam Paul. WHO FAITH IISSION . Representing Willard Storage Batteries Every job that's turned out here st Battery Headquarters is done in just the way prescribed by Willard Standards of Serviceâ€"and there are no higher standards anywhere. We‘ve been in the battery business long enough to know all the things that can possibly happen to a battery, how serious they are, and whether it will pay to fix what’s wrong. On top of that we know exactly how to do all kinds of battery work. Lempkc Battery Service Station Forest Belmong Phone, Dox‘vners Grove 369oJ pn’mary A draug- luuhya 0:00 I. m. In: and m too a. In. Rifle S‘udy. 10:00 a. In. High Hm Ind m moo p. m. Complin. WC- 8011!)... Wed Days-â€" no a. m. Mun. Thou shalt" worahip a; Lord thy (.mi. and Him on!) shalt than some. Mt. 4:I0. Sunday. Sept. 0, 1922. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. Theme: “Prayer and Visions." 7:30 p .m. Evening Worshi . Speaker: Prof. l‘nul N. rusius, Dean of Elmhunst _Col|e_ge. _ Sunday School amr B. Y. P. U. at the usual hours. Topic for the Inorning service is “Thep Parable.” In the evening he will preach gn _evangelisticn sermon. “CI . Mr. Kehrel has mtumed from Wi- nona Lake, Indiana and will again filLthg pglpit‘fiunda‘y. . The Misflonary Societies will meet. at the Methodist parsonage Thursâ€" day at 2:30, _Se_ptem‘ber _7, .1922. ‘ All a: gafienâ€"Bfâ€"thlâ€"Ciâ€"dfiu‘lnh inivriried. Jesus’ Name." Wednesday evening at 7:45, Pray- er Meeting. Thursday, 8:00 p. m. Choir Re- hearsal. , 7 Auk: 8m: My. Mini-ta Thomas A. Pipeâ€"Choir Director _-..._, “â€"7- __ “V; _ â€" Marion Lowerâ€"Organist fighting?» at 11 0° “ m‘ Sunday. Se member 3. 1922. W ”a” "W“! “WWII“! IS‘undny whoa] gt 1:14:03. m. ~ "00th:. 8:00 p. (n. u owing oralup : a. m. " Rea in; Room open onday and Theme: “The Shoes of Happiness. Friday from 3 to 5 p. m. gym; m $33, '1'; 1”;- The Public is cordially mm to Them: “All ail the Power of pttend the service: and to visit and Je§gs'_ hinge." _ use the mding room. ,. ”,1. “Ad“ jiffiGTve’IéSir-e! mm" umonlsr EPISOOI‘AL alum Uh“?! m CONGRDGATIONAL CHURCH school We have manhu- ol Swe- diction. dish, Dmhih, English. (lawn and various other “centric: but m m “Americans All." > Gem clu- d flu Sunday's-turd” evenings-4:" b. I.” :choo. Wc have W0! diction. 8! mm: CA'I'IOIJC Rev. Arnold II. Kchrl. Minister 9 4. PAUL'S EVANGELICH (GROVE STREET) CHU FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gilt“! ll. Natl-ti. Put. i , Eagle-.iézgi. ," 0! God. But. an In ‘9" a: o! puur. All lumber: should be pre- IM PM‘flI m, I! hula to mm “9"“ ruin IM «lo-mum of body and, Wedneuh MM". 3"” ‘1 CM" anal. Won. If you an - prodi- "WW "" 5‘ ”WM- UNITED BREI'HRKN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE The Annual Church School Picnic will be held at the Babbage Farm on North Highland avenue on Saturday. Sept. 9. The hayrack will leave the rhurch at 10:30 a. m. W 7. .. .._ .-.., ter Trinity. ‘ 7 :80 a. m. Service omitted on ithis :.dale 9: 45 n. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Address. Service in charge of the In) readers. Mr. M. E. Coleman and Mr. Harry Case.1‘he Rev. H. M. Mac Whorter will preach 3nd conduct senices at S. Paul’s Church-by vthe Ifke, Rogers Pauli, Chicago, on ythisl «ate. ' orK alter the Sept. 1. 1922. Friday. Bakery W" 3““ "mm" "a" w Sale at Nash's Grocery store under summer time vacations. We can all the auspices of the Woman’s Guild help to make the year a good, pros- and Auxiliary. perous one. Let’s do it. ,seflt‘ 3- ”22‘ Twelfth Sud” 3"] A L ,nugmu, pun... _I. ANDREWS BPISCOPAL CHURCH BRING YOUR FRIENDS! INDIA NUEL EVA NGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Quality Bakery Products - The Rev. nun M. Mum" PrimJn-Clurge Sundly School at 9:45 a. III. Sunday Service at 11:00 a. In. Sub t: “Man.” W esdny evening Tostimonill I'm CHURCH 01' can". Our aim will be an output which will be so much higher in quali- ty than the average bakery goods that consumers will force us to extend ourselves to keep the demand supplied. In announcing the opening of a Home Bakery at the corner of Maple avenue and Main street on next Saturday, September 2, we desire to assure everyone that the first consideration will be QUALITY. Nothing but the best ingredients will be used in our delicious breads, pastries, cakes, cookies, and all the usual products of a bakery. FoISIeI’s Home Bakery Delicious Bakery Products Main St. and Maple Ave. “Where Quality Reigns” Rummy e'wiviing. Sept. fitting"- gluon-l mung _at the_ bong o! the Eivé your-kl? whim.“ mnbtioh Ind “ghoul fishy (q God_ln (79mg. Mani Inuit-k \vu taken to the St. (‘harleu hon-plul. Aumm. Thumlay to undergo an operation (or appendi- citiu. Ilr 3nd Ilrn lumen Jay. tlnughtrr. lme 1nd son, James. of Chicago, Arthur C. Gviflln and son, Billy. of erer Faust. visited friends hen- Monday. ‘ Mr. Alben Rial); who was taken ill last Sunday, has been taken to the St. Charles hmpltal, Aurora. f0:- "fitment.- Miss Henrietta Riedy has Iflurned from Early, Iowa, where she spent her vacation with her sister. Cl-ra. Mrs. George DuMolin enjoyed a visit from her mother and aunt from Belvidem and a cousin from Milwau- kee lam Friday. Mr and Mrs 11105. Dobbs enter- tained Mr and Mrs Allison, Mr. Arâ€" guile and Jimmy Dobbs, of Chicago, Wednesday. Mrs. George DuMolin attended the funeral of an aunt at Oak Park on Tuesday. LISLE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES Services for Sunday. Sept. 3, 1922. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning church service a 10:30. Evening church service at 7:80. “Not How Little, But How Much," ‘is the theme for the morning service. The evning service will he a “Bible Study Service" with a consideration of the message of the Gospel accord- ing to Matthew. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30. September ushers in the school year and church year work after the FRO. llSlE MD Bfllfll‘l' 39 your l-‘nflpgr, nu! L ALLISON, Pastor Don't fall to plan to attend the big lJul¢~DuPnn county Pair Sopicmber H fund I. a! the Ed. Riedy farm. ‘Therc wm In utmlvc damn“: Ici- enre arts Ind Mutational nhovlngu.‘ wonderful flock. do; Ind mun! u- MNu Ind N; mpmohflo truck 1M. Yum Implements "MN". Boost â€" then come Incl enjoy the claw. culled on Mr and Mn A. Porter In! Friday. Mrs. Paul “by, «laughter. Martha and son. Buddy and Mn. ('ollin: Goodrich were at elm-hie part, Plain- field. Friday nflcmoon. Arthur Abbot moQored to Morrison the In»! of the week for a visit with ninth-u . Mrs. Paul Utley and son. Buddy, were in Chicago Monday. Mr and MrS James McClintock, of Hiusdale. spent Thursday I! the Harry Foster home. Master Francis Volbrnth visited the past week with his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Harry Abrams. Mr and Mrs Albert Strauley env tenained Mr and Mrs Harry Abrams and daughter, Alice, Tuemlly night. Mr. and Mr. Harry F0310: and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Dan Sticfboldt at. Plain- fair .on Monday. He is exhibitm‘g a Holstein heifer. The death of little Maxon Greene, son of Mr and Mrs William Greene. of Aurora, came as a great shock to their many friends on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Albert Grumhaua and (laughter, Helen and Julian YendIr spent Sunday evening at tfle Adam Dieter home. ‘ Mr and Mrs Lawrence Polling have rammed home (mom a motor trip in Wisconsin with friends . They cover- ed over 1500 miles and report a most Wonderful trip. I Alter spending several weeks with ‘the home folks Miss Juli: [Ginger has returned to the Dan Stiefboldt home when she will stay for the coming winter. 4‘ Mr and Mrs Collins Goodrich and Mrs Josephine lineman had Sand-y dinner with Mr nnd Mrs William McCall at Wheaten. Paul Utley attended the Cthook and fruit trees. and‘tbe m h paved. Price in very in undia- mg only 87,000. Term: non-l half down. or make an dc. Mghmmg ham‘l “hennaâ€"nix“ 5m, 1m every! in; new a a in loation. north side, price 8”. 1‘qu $3500 cash, then monthly .3 sun rooms. has - {Lilli-{c.11'o‘audt; um and gas. i: wear town, ”J "M do!” will bandlc it FOR SALEâ€"one of "use ultra up- bâ€"lhemlnuu houses of 8 noun; 0 FOR RAMPâ€"v20 acre farm with (not! building. very handy to the will-p, has deep well. and is on a hard road, has storh tool. and complete worii outfit. a Village Mun can he Quiz: in. FOR SAlszâ€"(‘ogyulmk hope of 8 VACANT cow-nu, on Fnirfiev Ava, um front, 65:128. in built up lon- fion, price SIM, terms may. the mum 79703! Viyrrbvlrnc‘ 7: Millie. price 81600. (cm: \‘AgANT, § am (3! section) limp}. and Roger- nm, 73x2“ In; Hope. to the mum. in a very “no lo. {or a hry yard. and garden. a the MI I: am good. mm "00, (cum rur. nm.inJa-hhodwllfi:n;ifl payment don I! used nd improved. VACANT. 8. E. corner of runni “log": “to“. “1” nova. in mi. (mi. m gr, electric“, {or ”'9'. ts «KIN. Donnen Grove it growing. a it new: In baton and your than 1. 11¢!“ Om! not, will you at: on I.” m Cour Ind no lo: youmll and b. convinced. VACANT Wyn pug luplc Imo- to} in, purl of .gaqaégan‘im“: We have many satin-Md custom"! now living In their new plum to R- h! to and to give you In Mu kw they do; all nu- nnl. and will “on own their hams (Int. Buy now while prim an low. uxd bdon the many improvements now going in double the price. which in save to happen. How to z-tart. Come to this office and select your lots, to" us what terms you need, and make a sun. and do it now, or buy something ready built, 3! we have it, on my term: too, which we will try and or- man. en! hundred lots, all are clear with a good abstract showing a good title. which goes with the land. "I" you 1am look over, and suit yourself In to location, price and terms. and i! you are in time baton the zoning or- dinance is passed, you may build as you please too, otherwise it may he difl‘erent, and the prices higher. to suit, where you can build a tu- age or house. and save the nut you now pay. applying this to buying '3- eteud of renting. To those renting this may be of interest. We have East Grove lob. 20r8inapluewithxoodstuot trees, up to 30 years old. convenient to the station, with 50 trains, with water, gas and electricity going in, within the new village, Ind school district, where there In neighbon. ‘and stones, good mods and telephone service; Chicago and village atom, deliver; most desirable lots at $10 per foot and others as low as $150 per lot, on tem: of $25 to 850 down. then $10 per month, or other terms EAS'I' GROVE L018 F03 SALI- Eu: Glove v: "summons :3 8-. mi- 8:. ‘ Plus as Residence 21 8. Fadrview Av" Fredenhagen’s Agency owns nev- Ifll. mums»: r . FREDENHAGEN 53 So. Main St. 1m. and a not! {3 soil i.- Nnc and M :11

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