united states riots on the line of the canal we regret to have to inform our readers that the account of the pacification of the riot among the la borers upon the chesapeak and ohio canal above and below jfuliamsport in washington co md turns out to be premature since the return of the hagertown volunteers with a number of men under rrest fresh and fatal hostilities have broke out in the course of which as appears by the following ac count a number of lives have been lost national fhtelligeneer williambfort md january 18 since the foregoing event great commotion has existed among the hands very little work has been jone and a state of alarm and warlike preparation has taken its place on thursday last we are in formed a party of corkonians committed excesses along the line above this place yesterday morning a small party were seen approaching this place from above and were met in the aqueduct and driv- yen back by an opposing party of their countrymen in the town in this affray one man was very se riously beaten and wounded the citizens of the town with commendable alarcity soon put them selves in military order under arms for the pro tection of the peace and remained under arms for the balance of the day and the greater part of the night this scene was soon followed by another which resulted in a disastrous battle and several deaths a party of fardouns or longfords consisting of a- bout three hundred men headed by intrepid leaders weye aftnnouced as approaching below their de sign they stated to be to pass up the line of the ca nal to the upper dam for the purpose of exhibiting their strength and not to commit a breach of the peace unless attacked they were armed in part with guns but principally with helves clubs c they passed up quietly over the aqueduct and on their way as we learn three or four hundred more of the same party fell into their ranks at the up per dam in a field on the other sideofmiddlekaulls they met the enemy in battle array drawn up on the top of a hill about 300 in number and armed in part with military weapons the information we have is that the attack or at least a challenge to the combat was made by the latter party volleysofshot were exchanged some men were seen to fall and the party above began to fall back and disperse before the superior forces of their enemy a pursuit ensued through the woods where frequent firing was heard and no doubt many jives were taken persons who traversed the field after the battle was over observed five men in the ago- counterfeiting this perilous trade is still carri ed on in canada for the use and benefit of the u states a man hv the name of joseph augustus hodgkiss was arrested a few days ago charged with having in his possession counterfeit hills plates for making the same about 3600 in itiirlingtou vt hills were found in his house at st johns where he resided and a number of pieces of steel plates used in their cxeeiuion sonic of the bills thus found werti fiffned hut the greater part in blank a no torious engraver otsfwi bilk was also detected in the house of hodgkiss where he was secreted lioth were lodged in gaol h the sunken rock captain it owen oltttr british navy having been despatched to ascertain the true position of the sunken hock olttht bat- hamas on which the british brig lorton struck las- summer has recently imparted the following infor mation respecting it to lieut governor balfour ii should be premised that capt duncan of the lor- dobj described the rock in his protest as bciihf sit uated about eight or nine miles in a n by w 12 from egg island and asserted that it was not laid down in any chart it is on the ridge of the reef says captain owen to the northward of royal island with the under mentioned magnetic bearings and distances the highest part of egg island bears s 1130 w dis tance 2 13 miles the eastern part of royal is land bears s 3630 e distance 1 mile and 8loths and the nearest part of goldings cay or what the fishermen call iglamulus rock bears s 77 e dis tance 1 mile and l10th goldings cay is where the master of the lordon landed with the crew after the brig had struck and which he deposes in his pro test asbeiug ten miles from the rock on which the brig was wrecked the position of the rock is so completely at vari ance with the masters protests that i should have doubted the numerous accounts that i received ofils positions from several persons who were on board ol her while she was on the rock had i not fortunately been enabled to place it beyond all question by re covering from the bottom in my boat an iron pipe weighingabouta halftouj that had been thrown over board from a schooner of this port when lashed alongside the brig while she was upon the rock the existence of this danger has been long known and is maricc ifl all the charts of that neighborhood that i have seen ib 4 an actio mi certain townships in the london district into a n county huron and to attach certain oihcrtofcuships tothecountyof middlesex in the london district and kent in the western do 5 hamilton 3in p dover rond bill g bill to provii f the support and government of the penitemiarv 7 port hop police bul s prescott c 9 cornwall du 10 ii 12 do do provincial on sunday morning shortly after midnight a fire broke out in a shop in st paid street occupied hy several dead bodies were seen in theiroodsj and a mwt- to those of mr 3 l brnut and mr s neysmith bar wounded in every direction those who obscrv- 1 adjoining the alarm was given before the fire had ed the battle describe it as one of great rage and made much progress and the engines repaired to most deadly violence all the deaths and wounded the spot without any delay hut they had to wait some are reported to have been of the corkonians little time for water and when they did get a supply about ten oclock last night the victorious party their utmost exertions and they were great were returned and passed quietly through this place af- 1 unable to prevent the total destruction of the block ter halting a few moments in oneofihepublicsireets of building above designated the engines were returned long point ij and harbor bill richmond fnnal company bill bi for the further relief of bail c sec belleville police pjh 14 bill to reiievt the executors of thomas stoyell list of bills whit it hare passed uu house if assem bly and have not yet passed the ltgislative council 1 jail limits extension bill returned amended by the legislative council 2 bill to admit certain persons to the practice of the lav from legislative council 3 line fence and water course bill amended by the legislative council 4 gore district bank bill 5 norfolk division bill 6- bill to repeat and amend the justices account ing bill conference of two houses 7 bill to establish side lines in sophiasburgh 8 judges independence bill returned amended by the legislative councik 9 cobourgrau road company bill 10 erie andonrario do do 11 bill appointing trustees to execute the wi john white esq from legislative council 12 county of hastings division bill 13 cubomgbunk bill 14 barristers arrest bill returned amended by the legulativecouucil 15 gore of fredericksburg survey bill returned amended by legislative council 16 bath school society bill 17 port hope md rice lake caral company bill returned amcuoed by the legislative council is offenders summary punishment bill 19 bill to naturalize certain persons 20 bill to anient the law respecting real estate from legislative council 21- bill to afford relief to the religious denomina tions calling tlemselies christians 22 bill to re ivr and extend the act for the deten tion of debtor in certain cases 23 bill to eucotrage the destruction of koivej of to their respective sections and shantecs below the town quiet was resorted for the balance of the night we have thus attempted merely a sketch of the horrid barbarities committed in this neighborhood through the past week the public peace has been outraged and the civil authorities contemned it remains for the officers of justice to take the ne cessary steps to repair these gross violations of the law postscript since writing the above a principal leader of one of the parlies has been arrested for ex amination the volunteer companies have arrived from hagerstown commanded by col win h fitzhugh who is also sheriff of the county and are now in readiness to aid the civil authority an ex press has been despatched to the seat of govern meut for a sufficient regular force to be sent on and stationed here or at all suitable points along the line of the canal to preserve order among the la borers and for purposes of treneral protection jiqnner riot is utica the ittica papers give an ac- ount of some riotous proceedings in that city a few evenings since- a procession marched through the ci idu iwtan 4i ttrnmsv mittnti ig miapuns t awl mnxmg istflu acts alike offensive to good order and decency they jmng the rev dr beriah green of the onei da institute or manual labor college in effigy the imngediale cause of these outrageous proceed ings was the fact that dr green solemnized a mar riage between a negro man and white girl in or dinary times we presume an incident of the kind would scarcely nave attracted notice but dr jreen has made himself particularly conspicuous n of late in opposing the colonization society and ad- vocating the immediate emancipation of the slaves at the south he also advocates the expediency propriety of an amalgamation of colors by marriage having inflicted lasting injury pon a college in o- aio by preaching those doctrines he has introduced imeinto oneida institute d which unless i will be the ruin of that also hence the lie thereabouts are exceedingly exasperated at ihtconduct but their feelings should be manifest- ill a different manner n y conu adv counterfeitjngon axarob scalea man by ae name iif jwuca garland lias been rccey trted in missouri on the charge of manufacturing and vending counterfeit bills it appears that hit operations were carried on upon a vervlargescale that his establishment was in such condition us to enable him to print forty thousand dollars of assort ed notes in one day and that since the breaking up of the band of counterfeiters in canada last spring he has sold counterfeit bills amounting to one million of dollars in the prosecution of the business he had accu mulated the sum of s 160000 in cash and eflecs the cashier or clerk of the bank whose name is spencer wasnottaken lie having been a short time before despatched to alabama with a large amount of counterfeit paper spencer is a young man who arrived there from new york some two years since forty or fifty individuals are said to be implica ted in the concern and their fiual trial is fixed for the second monday in february a manufactory for counterfeiting silver coin is also said to have been discovered in a cave in the same ttate about three miles south of the city of st louie lb destructive fire at herkimer the herki mer county court house and jail together with the bev mr spinners church in the village of herki mer were entirely consumed by fire on sunday the fire took in the prisoners room by accident but was not discovered in season to arrest its pro gress ib fire at rochester a letter to the editors of the journal of commerce received this morning states the most calamitous fire which had ever oc curred in that village took place on sunday morn ing last the losswap considered from fifty to six ty thousand dollars we have not been made ac quainted with the particulars ifi however instrumental in preserving the house ad joining the consuming mass as well as the stores of messrs degly knox immediately opposite all of which would under less favorable circumstances have been in most imminent danger the sufferers were the three indiuduals above named together with messr pinsonnault des- martcau both of whom hud apartments over the shops in question some property was saved from the east ernmost shops namely those of messrs braut neysmith and also from the rooms of mr pinson nault while mr muring stock and mr desmarteaus private effects were consumed all however are reported tube insured though we believe it is seldom that even those who aie considered to be fully cov ered do not sufier stnne loss the property was owned in part by mr simon yanlois and an es tate in trust the name of which we did not learn montreal daily adv we learn from the quebec gazettcoc friday that a fire broke out on that morning at about one o clock in mr vannovuss tavern upper town market square quebec by die prompt exertions of several persons it was extinguished without much damage the same paper informs us that the town coun cil have determined to purchase a house which ob structs the communication between a dame street in the lower town and the cutdcsac to those who know the spot we need not say that this will be a great improvement neither the cobourg nor the hatniltion bank bills have mea the third reading in the upper house much anxiety is felt in this village as to their late reports being in circulation that both bills will certainly be rejected w c hope that there is little reason for fear we are at least sure that the lion members ufthe legislative council from this district have dojc their utmost to insure success f cobourg star we learn from york that the verdict given at the last assizes afljmt the defendant in the case of mcdonald vs kirkpatricky and which was carried up to the court f kings bench has been confirm ed our regret at this decision is lessened by learn ing that a fair awl impartial statement of the whole case is now in preparation and will soon be publish ed by which it will be seen that though in a strict ly legal point of view the defendant might be con sidered guilty yet morally and as a gentleman of wellknown integrity he has not departed from the honorable character he has jusily and invariably maintained chronicle gazette conflagration a fire broke out yesterday morning about 4 oclock in the new brick house in king street own ed by mr vm andrews and occupied by mr alexander macdonald auctioneer which in a few hours left nothing but part of the bare walls stand ing and which threatened for some time tn involve the neighboring houses particularly that of mr w c ross as a wholesale grocery in one common ruin the extraordinary exertions of the fire hook and ladder companies which were effectually aid ed by the townspeople preserved however the ad joining premises from the flames but muchdamage and loss was sustained by mr ross and other of the neighbors iu the property which was hastily thrown into the street to rescue them from the threat ened conflagration we have understood that the house was not in- sl and that the goods of mr macdonnld near ly ah or which were consumed were insured but for a iriii amount the loss therefore we la ment to observe w be very serious there was no 0i s m t house of mr macdonald at the tjc and the fire had made great progress before it was discovered and the circum stance which led to that discovery was so singular and extraordinary as to averve notice a cai which was in the sitting room 01 mr ross ran into his bed room and leaping on himn his ed scream ed akjud and appeared in such a state of aimi dibveaaasto induce mr ross to get out ofld ad goioto die sitting room where ho soon found u self almost suffocated with smoke mr koss im mediately called up all the inmates including mr mneilledte the member for norfolk and proceed ed downstairs they found the density of the smoke increase at every step but could discover no appearance of tire uutil mr ross threw open the front door to avoid the suffocating effects of the smoke discovered the reflection of fire across the road and on running into the street soon saw a volume of fire issuing out ol the windows and door of his neighbor mr macdonald mr ross imme diately gave the alarm and the lire companies with their usual promptitude and alacrity were mediately at their posts york courier british whig important to frontenac by the speciawes1re of a large body of free holders of the county of frontenac notice is hereby given that a county meeting will be held at the house of mr 8 merrill township ok kingston 0 thursday the 27th tn3t- to take into consideration the propriety of nominat ing two fit and proper persons to represent the county in the unsujxg session of parlia ment apology- the bad quality of the paper upon which vec ore compelled to rin force m lo make a second apokvy ilaililwilarlmcss of llic color fcteo ilfl only feohf we miirlit have ankert our sutocribore lo put up willi ii bat li works bartly ami shrink so much itat it mierly destroys ihc teouiy of oar type ood materially curtail w of or foir proportion and we ore sadly afraid may hove a tendency to injure our circulation atnon thom who regard tue ize and whiteness ofuie paper a a criterion to judge of ihc contents under etich ctrcuraetoncc wc shall hapten 10 correct the evil by the obstiltitioa ofnupcr ofa better ccajitj ciwl request our friends until that tunc to pal op with the bcl we have to give ibom notice those gentlemen in town at whose boose ml paper ie kf and who do not choose to uberibc to it are respectfully rciuctcu cither to return ihc pupcr io the office or to leave uch directions with their scr- vantf a when the la calto naio shall prctcnt the possibility of any mistakes hereafter there covoiry s to whom wesend oor paper arc hkewift re quested to return it lo tbc potiofflce in com uy do not please to become subscribers pomnmsiers and mltrr willing to beeotnc acnts upon the customary terms arc invited u act as such nod to remit as won as possible ihc namrs nf the subscriber uiey olitain postmasters fcc ore iekiwie re quested not to return ik refined papers tn the office but to distribute ihco ibr circulation and remit the names only of such persons as ntfbk ihem such of the town subscribers and others as did not receive the first number of tbc britwi ww ore requested to esll ot the office for ti and euch pcxmms as did rcirc it and arc unwilling to become subscribers arcporitwawy iequrtcd to return it to tbc office us the number wc k ofl lias fiillcn bf drmaud on the 12tli day of jummry last a air young clo thier who indeed also with mr can ell and kept his i in in an outhouse in the stable yard han occasion to transact an affair of business with mr scanlau the auctioneer who having made his purchases di rected a man in the employment of mr carrell to put them on hisback take them to his auction room the man having his horse and sleigh harnessed at that time standing idle in the yard without thought st without the permission knowledge orapprobation of hia master put the bundle of goods on the sleigh and conveyed it home and be it remembered for his trouble did not receive our single farthing for the commission of this mighty oflenje mr carrell was called before their worships after being sound ly rated for the nonpayment of his former fine was convicted in a double penalty asaterror to all evildoers and as an example to all men who should dare to resist hereafter their sovereign and potent mandate one man may take a horse to water but a hundred cannot make him drink 5 maxim which the magistrates found to be true iu the case of the culprit before them mr carrell con ceiving that he had both law and justice on his side still sturdily with the spirit ofa free born english man refused the payment of his fines and the con sequence was that a warrant has been issued for the amount of both his goods have been seized andare to be sold for the payment on thursday next thus this matter sets at present but upon it we shall offer some remarks in all well regulated towns licenced carters are necessary and their interests should be protected to q certain extent and no farther ifany man should ply for hire to the injury of the licenced caitcr that individual should be punished but the liberty of the subject shoulu not be violated by punishing anv one for lending his horse ad cart to his neighbour or hi friend withou receiving remuneration of any kind whatever we might go farther and say thai consonant with english law a man should be per- mittcd to loan his vehicle or his cattle to his neigh bour even if he did receive pay for so doing a is the common praciicethroughoutall parts of england and wales but as that course might be thought unfair towards the carters here who have certain du ties to perform which the english carters have nor uulutu up uv luc wuivv m whatever miy be the law of the case and it is ex tremely doubtful whether the magistrates have any power to bear themselves out in fining mr carre as it was in evidence that he received no gain of any- kind from tlietransaction and also that his servant committed the offence without the knowledge or ap probation of his master still it is self evident that in point of equity no offence whatever has commit ted and it therefore appears extremely hard that he should have been thus vindictively dealt with by persons who from he station they ill in the town ought rather to have mitigated the severities of the law than to have aggravated them by what it must be termed their own wanton capriciousness some time ago we gave the public an account of another transaction by which the magistrates incur red much popular odium for having fined a poor man named wm wilkinson in a heavy penalty with inodt exorbitant costs for having while in the ac tual employ ofa merchant fetched a barrel ofwa ter to his masters house npon a horse and sleigh lrutl ru conn iwpon dents tilc columns of lsis p a11 t conditions firl uuu nothing 1uvoor irreligious be forwarded for itwertioo of which the ediior will 1 fcfts and secondly that the real netr and address oflhc writer i for hie editor ynvau information- tv postage of nil coiamun mul l a skopktpcrma hfihmjr arc invited to comply with the ficcood of the above eotwilim allcountofil belonging to himself of this latter affair we have some reason to be lieve the magistrates have become partly ashamed for we are informed that one of their own body cal led upon the wife of the poor man and promised her that half the penalty should be returned although we have not ytt learned that it or any part of the magistrates is which are most wtofwwut 01 airtw eases fourteen shillings was the amount of die total costs in the one wc allude to have been given back to the poor man or his family- the number of these transactions which are daily occurring proves there is something rotten in the state of denmark or in other words that the sys tem bv which this town is governed by a number ol irresponsible individuals is radically defective the remedy lies with the inhabitants themselves it is for them to say whether they will remain any longer in this stale of thraldom unworthy of a free people or whether tlny will apply to the legislature for an act to incorporate the town this however brings us to the consideration of another subject for which the public must wait a breathing while if persons in official capacities and assuming thereon much dignity and importance should meet with disagreeable truths in the columns of this piper they should remember we quote the words of vol taire that being public men they owe an account of their actions to the public that this is the pi ice with which ihcy purchase their greatness that his tory is a witness and not a flatterer and that the only way to force men to speak well of them is to act well i an appeal allowed it must have been the fault ufuw cd party fur not uikingstcpi to proseeute it and ifa on is pn acknowledgement qtum justice of ihc scmn c i law itself i either obscure or imperfect it is agoml to application shonld be made fiiritsrevisil butinithimcannf magistrate are bound to enforce and all persons loow ifit arises from ihc magistrates not having given priipctz tion to the case or from want of capacity to coiuprclm law it is a proper subject to expose the influence hy such appointments are matte any of which cause w j promoted by proving rather than asserting not hv am radical notion that the mischief is caused by the aa inflicts the penalty and that generally for a corrupt who by ihe bye is frequently as much annoyed by th ions he i compelled to make as the convirted party shewing where the c il originates and if you can to the remedy for however compendious it may be to a conclusion without either enquiry or argument it wi ry any weight with the thinking of any party and cor ly will not produce a remedy ihend i irustofyourcn as in your own profession a reguhr surgeon on fii ulcer will first trace its origin in the constitution ufhiai before he applies liis skill to the cure whilst a ijmdc vjjl only the soro itself which it is odds but he irritates m healing or perhaps renders utterly incurable kingston feb 10th 1834 senl wc have no later intelligence from great britain hyti new york papers received this day we find the folic items european intelligence advices from spam nearly a month later than hcfoici cd reached this city last evening by way of havana dates are to the 6th of december general sarsfield to whoec courage and contwt iftoij nietofthc infant queen seem to be measmbly cotmji has succeeded in placing her cause in the most tavorablei tude the northern provinces biscay and its cities and vittoria were the prominent scat of the insiirrmi was in that quarter that the higotted adherents of dun concentrated their forces it appears however ihit gea sarsfield hasacquiltcd himself nobly in protecting the cau the infantefor on tho 20th of november after an er mm with a large body of carlist troops he took posttnui moria in the southern part of the province an of bilboa its capital arm gibraltar advices have reached jl via ii j 12 days later from gibraltar the newshowewi mil contained in a nutshell marshall bourmoitt and other french officers recently aitached to the fortune ri miguel were there the cholera still raged in many ml spaio and the cause of donna isabella wore a fiivofrifci poet the packet ship john wells captain curtis arrived i iwlclpliia vesterday from liverpool on the 22d dc m lal 48 ion 87j hoarded tli b itish iriiio asia lhm i un london water logged and a complete tttttk i istevenson her commander captain hamilton of thi army who was a pascngcr and five of thecrew u m cuwhentlio hip copsiseil captain curtis took off and second officers and eleven seaman who hail nl rite imtistiviijvtifw tho via eh the following appears in ilu chronicle ofl dav in reply to a public appeal made to us wedfe proper to state that the editor and prnpt the british whig has never applied to eit litter proprietors of the chronicle gazette for uation of editor it appears from a succeeding pufagntpl same paper that mr palmer acting upon iht gestion of others and not satisfied with faavir publicly ard privately endeavoured fas a rew the great exertions we made to promote his ests to injure us is t willing to make a disgraceful appearance in support of his acu what more he can say after he has been llailj tradicted by disinterested persons and puud branded with falsehood by ourself is impoibl us even to conjecture but we strongly recomnj him for his own sake not to thrust himst if for in a matter in which he cau gain nothing but j lose much to please others who would not care he were hanged when their turn is served im list of bilk which have passed both hovscs of the legislature during the present session bill to enable certain foreigners in waterloo woolwich to hold lands penitentiary amendment bill act to relieve persons confined on mesne pro- ccn kingstqx tvesday morning feb wh i34 the particular of the case of mr wm cnrrvll of llis canal cnflee house which has excited so much of fle pdblic attention and commtsseraiion lately are as follows some few wefks ago mr cartel i was fined twen- lysliiihgsand elgbtaiid sixpence magistrates fees for havin pemimied a certain capt in gill one of his lodzcrs to crry a small package down to the water side upon his cart or sleigh ashe did not either directly or indirectly gain one single penny by the transaction fld as the act was one of picad ns necessity he did not consider the judgment given against him consmcnt with any known principle of law or equity vtttd he therefore very properly and in our opinion very puhlicspiritedly refused tn pay leaving it tit the option of their high mightinesses to issue their warrant and sell hid good for the fine this spirit of contumacy was received in high dudg eon duly remeivbered and duly rewarded upon nu titer occasion wlich aovu prencntcd itself since the above has been in type we have receiv ed the following letter upon the same matter the writer handles this subject with some ability and endeavours to seek an excuse for the magistrates un der the idei that mr carrell might have appealed to the sessions an excuse which he will find fall to the ground when he is mid that there is no appeal whatever from their decisions except to the lieut governor for the british whig mr editor in your 6rat number you state that you have articles partly wiiiten on mvcral subjects all which except the immediate subject of remark aru well v orthy tho attention rifaq independent journalist and upon tho rnonncr in which you dcnl with them will depend the credit jou may acquire by your efforts the article alluded to is tho remarkable instance of upirciofi ntid injustice exemplified in the case of mr wm carrell i have 1ikcn some pnins to learn the particulars of una case which from his friends arc that he hint been fined lor having allowed hisloigh to cairy the good of a private friend without hire they nwer1ing that tho only oftenrc i arrnjing for hire i enquired ifany of my informant had read the net and whether tliore was an appeal allowed to tho quar ter senium or any olhcr court to the firni ojuimfion i was nnwerctl iu tin- negative and to the second that they did no know however tbc ktatomcnt may bo perfectly correct and yet ihc ch bo noilhcr one of upprosaiou or injustice if time the house of assembly iu the lower irovii appear to be putting all sense of decorum out of question and carrying matters with a high hand among other acts to them disgraceful as a pu body they have condescended to private pmw uea cvcu ylw ueviapupers ulit ltfroum die mo of their speaker have impeached the credit of firm of neilan cowan proprietors of the bsc gazette whose proceedings have not e pleased them 41 we were honored by another notice on fi evening the hon speaker in a speech on the port on the refusal by the governor to advance tionse its contingent expenses hinted dut the i ofneiboi and cowan would fail if ttarr claim printing were left unpaid we trust that our tors will hear nothing of this the ordinary ol a legislative body appear to be well prcscrr the house and power and the jail seem t under a former ad mini si ration we were dt ofa fortune and dragged before the court i felon but we hadat least some formaiiiicsto tect us we had the delays the indictments bail bonds counsel uil hearing a jury of peers and the judges of the land but now wei personally insulted under the shelter of privi exercising absolute poweiy our paper is still credited by one still possessed of considerably tlueuce our solvency is questioned andtl and cry is raised among partisans to rutl tipooj and terminate at once our political existence ai personal resources can such principles ai people born and living under english instill long meet with countenance and shall the na liberty be pollured by such hjusiicfrf qfut derenriuz t quebec gatl- r n 2- owing to the press of business of last week we were hie to attend the annuo meeting of the temperint md have therefore been compelled to trespass upon tbc ncsji of a friend fora detailed account of its profit jiop fiiend to the noble cause hi which nearly the winds wishes of ihc civilized world is enlisted we are plratd the exertions and success of the society in this con small pottion of it and provided the members comh exertions to iheir professed object vtz ibe prevention use of ardent spirit it shall alwayatfo our pride md p to contribute any little assisianco in ourpowerto for desirable an object temperance meeting the annual meeting of thw society was held nl die i church on wednesday evening the fifth inst tbc peap gan to assemble a little before six and contutmd to co till after seven at half past six dr armstrong the presidenl in the absence of the president was rcqu take the chair the chair having been taken ac vice dent read a note addressed to iiico from thos tttrklaod president of tho society explaining bis iabuily to ottem present meeting frominosspoition tho rev wm rycrson then having be called openod the meeting by an appropriate hw hphsmw after which the rev j ransom agreeably to i prcviq quest of tbucommiitee doltvemd tn tpfmmf jiil oddrtwj tii which be emdoavorod lo duaumflt4 1st j r