un1tki states ftrf major wmvmncirf c0krefumrnce to my old frktid 3ft biright of the jscic daily adectit washington january 91 lji i and the mineral linvc had a cfoud mativ tall- about nfekremancy and linanrv ever miirti i howl him that game and mr van ijurens with ihcctfjw and halls and every dav after itrtimimi we talk and praciicca spell the ciinoml will ay- cmia major now lets suppose this hern nip ioli u bank and this lump of sufaris the deposit in unit and then sich a cup in rich a bank and hint aiv sasser is sich a bank and so we c mi lit wc turn bottom up all the cups and tfsmrftuii tin table and take nigh upon half the lumps ofsuffar nut of litis sugar dish and then we 50 10 uovilhti andriidinc and playing hocus poons nnd the uilmvllmw tickjed nt it now he u frcittn to know the same that i ampeskilyafcard hell forget dirre ia danger in it and mr van blircd has been trilin him 4 llw government cant hold together no way unless this game is kept up the news of the groat nieciin at tammany hall has jist got here by oxprc and hmwrt attnwww mr- van buren and ahull mfi of trtir fidlweome right in enymost out of breath lo talk ahonl tins glory oiit to the funeral and ihev eh the gil- eralthat if ony one hundred lblkjigmtollmtnreiiall there there is more dependence to he put intlintvo 8o1utiuu rttrm in uiiy- other n n hkiltt if all the rest of that bigy agree to em ttietnn- eral cannot contradict this hecauc as he ravp mr van borcn knows more about york kittle than all the rest of creation- i was trilin iln- liimml lmi zekel bigclow tclfd me in his letter nbmil the vote of the legislator of ork state conaniii mm remo val of the depositee ami etalttuttin lh hunk thai the last election in york slate was tin foide on tlm matter that the clay tarty nnd tlie whole opposi tion party to us didyi do nothing hiii krni savin a- mong themselves 4i giv vm k0jwf make no op position and in mafty places wc had it all our owi w ay and that the only fightiii wpsniniuigonr own folks and in some places we come plaiy nigh wal- inoursclves but if the election wa- togirovernow the people wouldnt fleet a critur in thai tfutte whn voted in favor of our resolutions th binunti he dont believe it nd that itacki i u prmitr and that mr wiigut in the senate ew 1 much and 44 you cant make wright icrmgi mjqf ww the gineral the lincrol is phiiry witty mimriiiiksj well says i gineral what do vim tlillik nfthentntc- morialsand petitions cqrnin on liritt iyikii new vui l there is name entif there nys i ivewrry ary ee- liouaginus yes saya the ginrtal ihje feguud many oh em sure ciif hut mr van ljurciirays that a rale tammany man u worth r uuuswid on em and he was written 011 to git up a petition in old tammany and then youll sec major itmv tht cat will jump our folk there have got goiurttiill to lose if they dont work iharp the fippomiion folks havent got no offices to lo and tliej know they haint got any chance when there iuty iuu our folks have and that dlakfti vm prrtiy kern well says i there is umethtil 111 that t itiitffid irtll says i suppose a mectin of mechniir and lairl loa ders merchants and traders and am kind rt ul who dont git their hviii out of oliire hat witk li it in trades of all kinds and who hac stil fiimtliti- to support folks who love the laws and y ihe must be executed suppose saysl luycall a mrt- jlrrirftvw york tstfktftsad 01 ic rwi u wlvri v tavern all lighted up and with pictures at rh win dows should all come together at ttfniliy in ill park there iu front of ihc city ii ii wliire i ami you shook hands with 50 many oil fcuti mmihti a eliould pass resolutions trllin 113 ihiy lhiem wi was wrong iti having any thifts to ill with ikitj iii- public money that it helongd to imhs tdy n manage such things for ihcin mid th i it wti uvui to this that ccnliucncc and credit i- ihrrmd ud they are surcrin how then nay i i wirtl av gineral until the people do tint it lijnf rnv fleiti jw iij uvuevuuj mii uwj ibttih ii right but says i suppose thqy do and ithhi upon all the city goes there tbeu ifjnr ta the gineral i reckon it would stump lift ho i i nip- pose if we call iu mr van buren in can adiowt with the cups and balls how to play ihim wi says i he may but i guem it would muuhi him t a trifle the major goes on to show the iiurral the na ture and bearing of th great question aul uuil down as he says tiltlic reaches ih- chtir ctti 11 and shows pretty conclusively to all who do nit hap pen to see through a pair of iilonfumiim s that the whole question of dispute bciwren m vot burena banking policy and that of the friend ofa sound currency is embraced iu llttd tniple view mr van buren wants to establl t a meni ol banking directly and indirectly comnchdvith h- stateand general goverunieutsaud nnhr th-eon- troul of political power and the uijr is dead agm that plan in all beating and wjintofhi reasons arc as follows i have no fear gineral of mouid irulorroev as they call it in this country prourhnj ytm vl peoplemanage their own money if the y waul a hiy national bank let em have it but let vm inuige it themselves or let em applnt their mit loik iu manage it for em u unt in the nature tif ihin for people who have got money to hnd loilo tuit thing agin the general prosperity of the conuir for if the country dont prosper or it ir gits au a snarl they lose their money- so they are the verj kind of folks who are always tryiu lo kinp thini strait and accord in to law wtreiiever iluy take a hand in politics it is to prevent puliticittits yutiu wrong eend first people who have got money never will consul to let politicians manage it for vm hrcntie thy know from natur and all creation lktlmwn it thai as soon as politicians git hold qfvttrjttitrticv tky sift itround pbgy generous jim iu uvl into of fice and then to keep themselves in olfjrr dont care what it costs provided they pay away money that dont belong to them the aajor closes his letter by tctlinif us that ih has agreed to draw up a charier fiir a hioikanil which the gineral says hell look wll in lo bui the major says unless the people pertfvirc ami lull congress and the gineral too uiai a rhmtjre niui be made iu the course of ihe present atlniitniiatiuu evry thing will go to ruin lie cmt ilii mm it iimn than he has and that he n rs tcrll tuftrhh and 9napack and go wcst if ihc jimu umtbnk leiihv ja 1 sit vaknflfallitirrf am whotelu uk iu his lettrf thn he hope fh ae- wiit iwl as a present fmm hint if i warm ko busy im wiiti him i letter of thanks but jistto wc poiajr if ynir paper enjj to frullingford scad liim one rontaiuinir litis letmr its aenmpletca lhap as von crcc and as smm as it uas known about here 1 1 ml i hud nviivnl if nigh uptm all our folk have lieen eudiu tu borrow ii some on in wont he thrum for tlu line nil t for ihi iare a iritiid many itri who kii nlnnt half ritttrm all ihrwhilr mid ill teh vm irtlny nsi tltw trap 111 warrant tlhir rasois will cut without whike vnut dowmxii majnr inwniiqille militia iliiinidc s tnuit ttf prtirv has lately 1 dur formality hy deputica from thr cwal km hen mau wi two coiiumliiitf paitios ihc in4v0mutia nntl long iirdmcn who have oiriird mi h civil war foryome tone past itimi11 thim mitmiliil rttlltti pagnaeioii ter that tin v mke and ohioeaiml lpchhl toindiilireinthc e theap nencruid prok on tin side nl tlu wa- ivrmwtl on it other and lo iheii numbers and intcrivrcnce with a system ofgoverti atent fiir whieh tliry are not ailed eithei by habit 01 liiritioiif we may acriih in a rcat meaiuv out i national cdainiluf- m jiri 11 u isvl chimin is leswriivanta- agraeahle to a late resolution itf tilt lerilature ivouirinir llift eleiks of tennis to nmke reltti of th- nuinhrr ol trial for hom- icitle c- tlurilttf rj past tn yearv returns have hren mndir frmn ail the cnililufff bar one whirh are stafrd as follows lvostrriiiiuiis lor honiieide 260 ihuh found l nit found ots eputtals of murder in lira itvffiiv wit second rnmcttnn in first de sr 17 eetn d j tuanlavltur 20 ocqujuab nilo fit m lint ntir jului smlmimah utw t the hihi iiilliiifrtlid rilbtkikof nfttt thksiim in pre lvtftltitirrenf louiriiful mjik kit sutmtkny hmj wciltlij tilufl a mmni t thu krilriltifrnr loitl ivo bi nlival lii-lic- llcmtutlmt lie i in iwuvrof litit tny u iiy 11 1- k rlumoii imii- nil finwl of vaitnih ilit irstfjii vfold nixl loiihgpl riantu win have mot- vtmm vilii4hlc bvtw r 4irfijim tlie lcin hembnrn nmtr hi- hmh th ifitmilv biocikiuh and would rtfth tiii inl mi tftftti ilml ownr hwtrvr tojuitfti in lunilu r tliii miiji iiiifl rhat tlny may be 111 1 v r ih ifirfiwiij utw tliirv of liuti ilcin mi tu i -fhirnl- llirm tt ill tur ihc wulolvmf itnmt- itijlii u iik li mc r linii pruwing from the la intra of ihc tijintio tsocwfy liimvwr tjii rrjiicc til 10 wjwtoww t wink gujiiq tiui orilily n ifr- mtrlhilhruflli i hiiiiiitiu iu the risiii w f1m1 iwwff the liv lr i- ftii jr ti 1 t rjij tit ill yj the mcprihz ml thru a huriu sft from st doiim a rircctit arrival fium b i- domidgo c nfinitsio ntort jn vinly ljlcil llint the lljml uuuld pfiltamy l aiiicko1 in lnirf limo y iiil- fmuli on account of iiil ninmymut of lu iini1ail uulinmity ami out gftm j r irntimit wvto nmuiajl i it ui ntulo iiftlvfrun tin- 411 prin uviv n lirin nil ntbeiij ivjitfcill if ilr v it il lruisiil hy llir li tich il hlmul wan ia a lit rtvcilv rtifkoii mi n mutl i ritlifil vii 1 kilrnl httiirk of on ihc ntlttki nft utti ii iiul mi nhiji iriiiui1 t-t- sbmilfl iihv nl imi iim i iliir t riinlii4 i 1 1- 1- iimhji tin ti ivd it kivirh a wr hinr hintnf uf in- fjtltjii i itil in 1 i r- j i v11 ir iiiii 111- i irnl tvm i iii n- f thi -aii- in ah r- r l 1 ii 1 ih fnin h iiuilv li 11 lur riii nfili hi htibmi 1 ilontttllinel hut l lf1 r 4v 9imthittf thnt is wrong 11 tt 1 hi 1111 rrilrc- tirlh li- rw il nrrtl jniii nfwitrhv mthunier n toriu ciymrit of their i l ufih wu lnir much i aximit isdail itimctmftmjtv ftlt his excidlimirv matlicw tart itnatiiiing on in u ruin tilt which in irocv duwiiward iuhislnaillon career conthtnra with nicivaiiijidhiiy and nothing mvp a miracle can mow avc him frutn that just rctribn- liou which amiii5 bis acts iflltc runreaentfltivesot ihcihsipic arc ivuc in thoit coninry ainl consiituentp awlflf this cftll ihcrc he a doubt tlu iioum of audibly of l anailii who iu 1si0 tucctwful y rmrouuierid ami luiishrd tjie triinenduous ty- raimy of governor craig ami in 1817 overthrew tlu- protracted dspolini of illiotimc will not itltihcarhitrary lovcrnukntollsj umrv of the pat will not he so soon litatorv of fonitur limes will nmflie yo the sreat principles fur which tftc u w long struggling will aotuc a- rrnnchnowlwih thr irlorious mi lbriothii tin soon disgraced country gas bw baiidoncd on what it may he aked do wc build our hopes oil tin voto of kiidav on that nvitou the re port of the siiecml comtwhuio on the contsngentmc- sar was relci ivd to ihe comminco on the whole ifmin which la tout on the 13th instby a majority ttfio to2 the ariv who opposed 1r- bourtla- iti inolinn of the 7th january are in a minority thev mustered their whole strength on friday and counted 32 this number they mnuoi increaso it is already riiininibhcd qtl tile otherside il i well known lltat there are manv inemhers abent who will he at their posts on the loth toswfll the majority that will teach governors and colonial secretaries how impntent they are when they depnrt from the riirht road and attempt coercion or inspit the ilay of irtihation is at hand let ihosc quake whose hmd tire soiled let those tremble who respect neither law justice nor the rights of he irople for llitrir doom is about to be sealed their reign is at a doc- kuin and disgrace ftre impend- inff ovct their cuilty heads montreal vindicator im 1 mmikjii n ij in ill riitn l tiiornun litr iiifisl 1 sim un tbrvi wiithiiil ti miil mu tnur- ilanlrnbauh whiilt nlil jhovixoial imitajimivr til out f ivlrr- ll jtithiy in- lninl iw u11i mr rit i ii i i rv i wlthuli tin iif mh ii i1unok inirukiry r1hwt im imniu i iiuprwli tin i t im- tm iji j uilii hi w iii iv it lulilltai mitkiilci of 1 iiiililtilriiittl l jiriii t llti t liii iiwlr cnilwbt anl wc u y til id itiiuii rmiiir arr umrijiininll tliolf pat hitir affijiu tm riu in poiitt n pfocvdcol lo by of whallofil avhurr tsr he impeaflu t wc nro noi nwifc nut in in the rtr ru of iik mfly thn tuvc tikcn niioti lhmn ihc rijtpuuiirililv nfllnj nun-iifc- iv ihc fjtli of uirjcafewo uhiri wnl until liincitifchibcititimiii tmf utvirumtiike vi eitu wc imti l iuvtit mv tttjw wonu iiiy he aiil in or- icr to nnlif ti t ciriinrnrhiiirui naiit lln governor il utm h gsi iiiih ihni hv h iwn gtuliy of n broach ofth rrfwcncfl r il in him hy hiivvreittit ibtftlib breach htweun wliiit tiif iiunctuii nnmvml ihun ic coldoltl nl lire 01 mi iiifiiurjiiia ftfthn uv nwl nmiiiuiim of tlm imi tim nuiruufuih imld tuoatfuic may bavocvhtow in oiolrimi il iimu lt if tliey imxc uicy twivo iwn kcjt mirh a iwn lni lwj vay few irhrvd imv iilmoi nf twuu thmn t ih nil is tliv ntyi iiuual wtfajlim ivorwitli th l brinsin- 1i1h1 rli 11 hts i- 11 com hfure v hil hmly or inhu m i cwlh n4 hvufcniyculoiiliii tlw lewbvi vr tins mratfiiiv 1ttjj at opon tiliv liiuiii it wotim not lr a iiiunn in lliitik mijil litth hrtir ihai hmly nor ihi wo think puitni iiiiiop hi ii ii cirjrtmnio iirmrli riftlw tefb- ittiikrfi onll ii i iriiiiiiiiih thrre tin r retikilnn then no re- intirrt in ti imiow tlitj examplcii nfli rogm ilv iii ihc ihn oftlm wflfcrtllliilti fliailvj h anil tim1c ft oocul in ihccolonv totiy ihc hrol f ilrt tarititiic or to appall t the mother omtiy th fan z inraftirm rnu during 4 vitn fiir tbediw piiili- iluali f iln rvik nvijijrmiiy jiarty inil 11 lie inltcr w u ii n iikm l kujw whaj cttrt r ho1y van en lirliiiilhimnmnmlim cvvtaudy m ih- kili hi council loilhcr rtti il 1 11111 in rr hi i itiiut- w lonls a wc belie vo lliiriiiirhnl uflluil iwnly tikiu- ipnu ilrtpwhtlieilt hrotfhi cinvnnl hy a v1niil im iulv ihcrc ipp- mi iben no mimhiir initni1 lo ihr uuu tf cirthumi lit tixflccttlthitl lliitttliitf tnlv wilhiinii thiiiifiiiimhof thuiiiiiniil siiui- hlvf huwir ciiimii ami uig ihc itititir rkwdw ibim jiom a ihiim whhli vvonm nii lurniilairiril by ui i w uitwrtlfeifmw iiioruwiiliy rensnn- ilunaruti p t i 1 1 an ihc villb accuser of lofd ayhncr oil v uf lnwvr cintih ulliiii lln ini1iir nil the iikt of mrrioun ii i nhin i limn by sulrtire o phec 11 inipliamy befoi m the siller nriini of iumwck lo htimiftcmtimut u rtim feaddtoour extracts ttfl aliomt ft 1iwltirriil in the aiajors letter as it notices ht ntiiju ufupn acnr which came to our hands a fiw daya nffiif and which wc immediate forwarded l him ax ukw acta of courtiny admit of no ddov w sljtiithj ilii the jtfajor injustice in vrithholding iim arkuowkd- roent p i got yoirleiier whkli yrn patent mctalio hone uml ntrn handed to you in wnd n hv tip jn 1 1 n tu nhl il w k 1- t kir iii ci in hiix lilt- a in m u nm otou mlr itmilii llllll tty tt vl mi 1 ly givwmtt i ll tbji i m vltw ft ii ioiitrnr likuifr ihc r voloriiiriuv party aiipeai if hnr1niii ih ol mi thrnwinir ih pfiiyilirc hlfll n stitc uftx ittitttl l-r- tliiiirii4iliiiiriinit ohtioo iminaem il rhfj 1u nut mii ini il in lining np t vciy durruit lmc rficu o ittiii llnal whnli ph oll pnvul tin v iimi tlu moi ii ih ir litiiiiinivn mitj i in th orilv at ihe loiiimcmi- t f tho mwii limy uit iht- imm meviirc of ih jinvio ihpniiikeirrt inof ihti i- iiinn in tin liny wore luul irilttilit tiltl vl miirlhill inn with iiiir rvi- ltr my pin li ban ti l t ry itm at bm bn udc 4 viinory v tiibp if wc mimttil it will ihin nitit ijitil 4 anil il m on nhi i bvif irr- jame3 lee tin wrrichodyins man wliow t native of enghnil nw on timfaj juiiml iliy of hijluvay robbery upon the ctarcft cvi-lmcc- ilijijcaoil by ilolntriiihloftboilllw truemnn the pro-r- ccufot that v ami ler worked ptf millie lime together in ihr rniptoy of mr donjhiiicy al ft moqeart biy that m the lllh ofeccnlht it mr danptnney rllm with them ami they both imnmtiaii sy afienvard jitartil liif iltlifix that jiwl nreviom to lea inp ibe iy lcc applie trueman for i tie hm uf x4 thai he unt him 3 ami promised lo let him have jci mow wbwi ih hffivcd in town ihat they travelled 0- jjetht r and at 7 eu l in the evenin when tlicy bad nearly cronid the exertiwios ituond lee placed hu left hand irjmn ihe lorehead andoxvrtbo eye of trm nian and with hi nlil drew a razor wffr bi ncek wliieli pakd thronb a neek- limdfcertiiiefj purif piatiiiis wiiwi fts uhbhwl il fciblt- nndcnl hi neek that trucman grasped at the rasor wbkb lie succeeded in wiling fiai him tlial be stjercd fr 0 nwmoihi when lwthrwthii hand into one of ins ttovicm jockct seized biiporkct book mntajning mt thirty glnlling hank notes and unoiwenty liimin provinvil note with which he nntomly made m tlii trneman prcecilcd into town and reportetl lb 11orrem lo ihe hiliet maxitrate lioht rto lime in sending italdv villi llie pnuntr in pnrnil of him ihni at ahutt mi omorb tlw n evening they liiftlt nately discovered him in ihe hrne bf one jf lyinkim wjm kenis a ttvirn 111 ircft and mi hi fierxon lonnd tur pocket twiok bimi qitlc win b hrnl been holen ihm tntcman the evidence wai n llilocl wlr conrnivc thai the jury pro tinunccd him ioi1iy will mot kato the wv the wreitln d maniwared tiilly enitdrf iheawfnl hhiatiiu in wmrb he wa placed sliuo e will nut be paneu upon him we mn- pu- until th i y vvflliai u-rm- i tfittfuy journal iheir orion lfir tin y rea b ihe length of ir canada a iluriikitty venfnd m thi iimanee white wc am madly wpuh inemiirivinc uv tn deprive our mcrbanies uf an jtimel mibi1 nee and li enirap tbtjit ifltu jail the ponplo iflliecnhlilened city of xi w york with ihe mavi l ah ilcnnea bi ihrf head are mraiuin every ertion lo nd ihcm- selvvof hiehan inlolerald ennee jleaeidy father let a rayuf thvblilbineupn n ihaiui liiiiiiwmilheniuirahle vietims nf tnr own mental ilarkne and in ihy widni and mrttyfo rtler it ibat we ihi ui throb llw cant f twotna ihvfiir rime an4 illainy unwillingly maih llie rrcfi of criev iiii rhalm frr onrchildren and ow cbihrtii ehiwren sii lale as llto 2ttb of january there wa a nice tin- in new virk tthttfapt now rtf to induce 9hr ttfptfotxtt ftht sfttv tiiimitvih thi rnikt 9tc pnimn svftbml in tln state let it he recollected llii3tati upnq mmh pottey origina ted in diin state haiil tliroub ihbtfo ofycam spread to a eaneer nnd now id thi state rick under melancholy mad- nm at the retrospect oflheir nit and cgrrioul folly shall wenoi iitn lake warnincf say c preceilenl buoiers will ye 4am all precedent imt what lead to degradation and ruin 1 brawler aftilw internal inipriwemenn in the plk of bank rupt pmeriy will ye complacently give f00 for a scourge tell it ut in gath publish il nul in the street of askalon i what i bocome oftlie kingston petition 1 the memorial of ihe people of now york i no yel in print hut we expect it every imur and will copy it ihc moment il arrive- thexew york courier and enmiircr in a long and aide artrlc wfaicli we regret weeannot now copy speaks ofil winit ini portaut dorument and ay in conclusion vc think some prnipt action should he had on the petition of thr tree me chanic of this city and state thar comphihits appear to v jt ami their reasonings vntthsiccratlc- tt is to rfrf ftat tttctf irftouhl pay thr pznattij nf this ti per immt for btftfrins rnon kind i nor ntn society possibly n cat any butefii frtom taking the hrttul out ff the ffioua nfhontft iwn owl their families to put it into those of 70guanl rugahoiid let our lccisda tttfoww ere il aim a deadly blow at civil libehaiid the prompt rity of the most valuahlo olwof our papulation it i not om tale to reirogade a few pound of iiinpowdcr will ef- faeetlie shame of ihe province and half the money that was required for the penitentiary will build tift chncif on a tukcdhtfl sclot- imi 1iik uhdttk would hads0lv u dow tutu i york putriot important to frontrnac nv tin srri 1 al drsikk or a largk body of free- itolltkus ff tltk cotwtv f frfkntknac otick ih mkitrhv itvrn that a county mkrtlxo will be heli at tltr ii0c8h of mr s mbrbill township of kingston on tlltftlay tub h inst to takf intl tonsnicration tuf pitofrlktv of ntlmlnat- nu two fit axit pflopkjt tin cointv is tlie cns rrsuxil to brpbmknt inc skssion of pakma atologv the bnj mkv 9t de paper iin wwch we ore coinpclie1 10 pnni fom n- 10 iokc 0 wowl upokn- hod be dvfcw ofdic color beat its only tvb we mihl iwivc rukcit or aobrtriben lo prn r whh il but it worik m aty wmi iiriolt- tr nwl lai il tiuerly demroy tlw beamy ofonr h pee and moiehlty vortniu iw of our fair prm0rti6 and we hmay afraid rony lmve q imicik y 10 nyure our cirtulum nmor ihoe wb frpanl te nv ami whitrnryic ofihe pnrter a n criteria 10 joife- of hr cmmnitt lnifcr uch eirriioo-mnre- we tiri taal to conrel ihe evil by ilc wlrtltiuiimi of paper o thitrr4oa fm ogrfilepaibuinjllhmiiiluipuuiivili tw vi- sve lo irnt the jfa former summary punishment hill r li mi editorial pftragnmli ottlw i ith jam jiry yon inform your rrulit ivfisnnhlvarc onwcrd in i ihmunt itill nml llifit i ji ahiutili i i- fi hi tlio uiiierilv hi y ii ivi nf n i an m ii in- nl ijii u iiiuienfli lo 1 11 rtl llir whfiltri iih moii lltat wr can imi ridn in rifely vn hnpo the njir nlalivsif lliej il will yn at lhiinealre which m rnmy miumkirattaliitiiiutftcmkiat ii iln durmd- li- whi ji al n- nl rniharra4 llu- irny in rr lift d tv the lriitlfiininihm ntinlliirj f 17 trttt w not lliu k- i thiih liv ltir flcfmatit llii1 of headtuii rmhli- l r tlfst fjfajrf tlmtilu hoiim uf l il tiiitiiiuy inni i a wlitlrtlir hill i it giknl lree iili in judgment tihni innst oittisioni willh vou rxjrrss ynnr ininioit up- m lrijislniixe nwijmre i iiitistulnly linscnt fvimi von with rrsnrtlmthi till iiiqurhiiotijtiilsliahnki illicit i lj ei iimi iiibtl iit i iim i u il mmim us a whole a worse could never be hroulu intothit honorable house and i do hope it will be arrested in its progress hrfure it passes the higher branches of ihc legislaiure however harmonious the title of this bill might ound in the jir of n little satmp of nrhitrary power it has a very hurffh ound indeed in the honest c9f4 ufa briton hnt the evils ol summary punishment v ill not i fear btmonlined to sound ttloiici and what ever sanction the crcsit name of vr peel may have stamped upon nich an art yet the morality of it is wry doubtful being almost exclusively levelled a- gainsl ihow unhappy hcinps who owe their depra vity to the neyhet ofthe society of which they form a part thai society would discharge its duly much more creditably by det istfig mean and creating iu rilutionsto relnn the morals and cultivate the minds of the vieiois lliau by enacting law to punish them in a summary way i am sorn lo obwiyo tlie in- creasing bias nl nut legislature to create these ut ile equity cow hi every coiner of the country and to extend the jurisdiction of those already in exist mice all irltidi w utterly repugnant to the spirit of our excellent unstilution the contemplated act nutstrinsiii ptiint aibitrary rule every thing known hitherto iu this liappv province aiuleanhe crpiallcd by nothing utiles i b by trial at the drumhead li will place iirtpotisfibj olid misfortune as well as ei ime at the in t enprice and ihe baser pas sions and however it may tickle the vanity ofthe frivolous and hccotninodatc ihc feelings of the vih- dictive it will ls viewed in a different light by ihc in- lcllifftdt and the thnuqhiful aagistrakatid the da lies imposed hi will be performed with aversion because they incapable l being performed with coultdeitce puch a law would nctesbarily place a dniigcfotts msij ifl inil of men however re- spectablelbev lay he as a body that would infal libly prove a ire to many ofucm it would also place in jeopardy l liberty and reputation of their fellow subject hut indepeiihntlyofnll then objections where is the necessity ul 9dl a ineakuru f shull we forego the salutary chk ofa full bar and nf a british ju ry upon lite df l ftlswtnicy and at so dear a niie aabovcslatnl i itreqiiif but a small rcquointauee w h nkinkind to be convinced of ihe ne cessity of suehr hecks on revolving ihi mutter again in vour breast ot doubt but u person of your enlightened mi wfflwfl cause of disirusi that will induve you readily give place in the courier to this scrap in hits it iny catch ibu eyr and en sage ihe beat f mc one more capable to iln just he to a suhi dial involves in it graver contfc iieuccs than n wtw titfn susjtcetvd ytvura very tmlv axollsimscbibr mricr- tik fikwn irwn al wlmo hl h pvv in vttt do imi jutdmla milwrrilic o h rrphtfih wswmfll ciilt r 10 mtimitepava ittrffcri hveiciilinciitni ituthiir t- wrtfum tit n the lutlcalla wfftbt wi jccwhl it- lwiltliy of any mipuiwr hfkallcr tin iv wintry iiiivmrn t wtioin wcicil niiriwirrr ar likrwi rr- rtort ti rtliirn l lo llw pueitollice in chk uy lo h ptertxe n bccomu piimau oifl 0rt willing m linc agttf np wtr eiiimar unnnrt invtuilii hlmmklt wul l remit 4 wwoih pmud utt nmn fiic mtclitn sj nlum rnuntnrr kf un hdwbc r jthiiinti rdm iir rviuri pupm k iiw hic hicloamiwta twn iit rifvuliiiiw ail rmit mm timn- only of ocli itri4i rrfom sihtiorihr tmvn mbrcrflirw nl l1irrali1 uncftviivr lite 0m tiiiriit t if lli llrtiili whrc rtw mnifhrj t lull u llie tilkr pi it jihil vucli rrti ft 1l rivrivr n timl ire tinwilliut ti bcahk mltrfhct lire pttn u ry mittrnxl nniuni it in llie mltie a hie imimbe we tiiil l4i lia- fhjkn bit lo dtflir l tohttl to tiiuiromlknt tle rcjtimnrtlipiipertiivln mull imniihfin rvmtt rmt-uii-in- rtl vj tuumtth hmktm tu h 4w i p wtocb rc ciltliir mill le tlie juilc urul pixotnlly tliii llie fj1 mime ttml caimi of ile writer i erti tor lite tilaor pruote iannaiioci tlie irfolf of til tulhidlmillir ili lie mi ft all uuumli rlciih or marriage be aiulmfiirnteil kingston friday uottytsg feu u ism wc arc in possession of no later news from eng land 1 he latest dates ore of nov 39th a period of nearly three months if the packets sailed at their usual periods no less a number iltnn 26 ves sels are on ilttir way to new york from london liverpool havre iemtcntiakiks il i atlintriiltv the molm with whirl we am tohl ill llnv penitrnliiirv in tlie taper ll jctitimiki tiinl ihni jhr ami lunik 1ml eiiiiil in nnrii u jrrel il urirlim olthiniih itniiiin wulmitt 1ln betiril il munkedttvat ju khiwim suvbcmoui uldtn ihc places ol i l hio rui vj mini iimmin haw ifie in ijiiirinlvit llu- fiotn the york papers wc can glean notbin worth extracting except the following from the courier of saturday provincial parliament t a number of hills pass cd a third reading in the house of assembly yes terday timon whitli was the act for the incorpo ration uf the town of york which was carried by a majority of 26 to 6 the committee to whom the claim of mr gurnctt and others fur reporting the debates during the last session was referred made a report today iu favor we learn of paying mr g 15u ihe christian guardian 150 vltj tloo for last year and 50 for the year beforehand the correspondent 50 the committee brought up mi address to his ex cellency requesting him to issue his warrant for the payment of the above 9111115 to the speaker for ihe purposes abovtjtatcd the same tn he covered by a bill during the present session in the tiual way the adoption of which report and address was mov ed by drduncombe after a good deal of deba ting lr samson succeeded 111 carryingthc follow ing amendment by a majority offour wr samson moved thai the report ofthe select connnitte to whom was referred the subject of re munerating reporters last session logetber with ihe acrompanying address be referred 10 a committee of the whole house 011 tuesday next finui a private letter we tuke the annexed the bill for incorporating the town of york will most likely mm this present day feb till it is singular to observe that kingston was the tirst place ro petition for a police hill and at that lime its cry was refused 10 be listened to now brockvillc hamilton belleville cnlmurg and port hope have raeb their police arts hy which ihe inhabitant imve some ciieck upon the encroachments of ihe iiiatfistrnfrs while kiiisstun the second town in ihe ivmiucc is still under bondage perhaps had mr uacermun been iu attendance things might have been ilillerent by the way speaking of mr hagennan leiniuda ux uf airport that i current here thai mr ilaixerman is about tube elevated to he bench and unuiher high mry is mimed as can didate fnr your place at the ucxl electiuu note hj thv kditor wi- ir imjiv im iiim it in rhir nmv- ir 11 animiiki thiii tin- tmvn nf kiiijtnn w ill uv roulivtod it iln rnl rfi iikii liy a nmn 1111 h nt in numiuii t ony mniocratiml pftbrt li fur ward by the high iy mny lntc lat night we were put into possession following copied from a letter from a member house to a merchant of kingston york tuesday ihh feb 1 a meeting was held iu the township of thursday last at which a resolution was stating that the bouse refusing to issue a nc wo on admission o i part that jllr m illegally expelled and that mr mckenziein nuoncc he instructed to take his seat oq next on saturday he applied to be sworn the officer refused to administer the proper in consequence mr mckcnzie applied to his leucy who replied that the oath should he atj tercd on monday morning- abrntt vi oclock terday ihe space below the bar as well as the icry was crowded to excess mr mckcnzie in taken the oath walked iitto lite house and bis seat the serjeant at anns ihen led him when mr mckenzie walked in atptitlt and was led out this was repeated three times when 1 lion was made by mr samson thai mr mcbj betaken into the custody of tlie rnjeant at and brought to the bar of the itoutfc a disc ensued which lasted until ten oclock when decided that mr mckenzie be adinnniicdb speaker and then discharged which being dh people who began to be much airitated qui turned home mr mckenzie i am told in commence accps againat mr d fraer serjeant at arms for false itnprisonuiciit and wliich actions will he brougln ou at the nfj sizes from the york patriot wc httvc extracted verearticle upon penitentiaries wc areco from personal knowledge to corroberatc the a that ihesc establishments are becoming daily unpopular iu the united states durins the visit wc paid to albany the atrocious cruelties milted by the keepers upon iln persons of the victs as related by mr burr were ilurto conversation among all classes while it uas tf mnic time generally ailmitul ibat if the tritons were actually producing a revenue of hcins a burden on the country trot the gain bttbc ex pence of the most valuable and dusirious portion of its inhabitants vhj tl hftfu ritirl in pi tilr our attention has been directed inwards the port ofthe commissioners fnr building the j cial penitentiary and we arc compelled loo ihat if ihc public money is i he as bin squandered in the future disbursements as it been wantonlv anil partially hnitflittl on hat 3ktq4p flifl l s3 ui iestrs wivt oe mji and that the whole concern from hegiiiincm prove nothing more than a nuikjnu yclon1ivat non n horc bebhufjiiglii mr wttq wi liriiilit into the market plarvj llie tilihl-in- inn i licui a cruvvil dfn iimim iuzfts hcpl nittli ml iiniil ihst ami rrflt3 t 1 -al- nnikxii wft- bthlwlhlw tirtorrthe liihilif l- ilnr n fiilfiajj ry owi unwliid qllxtouu ludiue i mimriintfj hto ilii iinkiu irnkvliun al 1 11 it tjwtthk t itnj- sililc lofiir inat lnk il- li r- evi nm nnlly rt1tt ihii ufthc imrkicby iimnlfif tiriillltov ihccntuil lvit itlrntiil wt nr- iivw l iimltwwl tho amirlv iviit iliiin th mir wlkt jut 1t themlvi ly krfihiiiff dm wirraiv il ju ntv ltli tiling limit inilo with llie mbtkvr ml t lirl llnl lo il uwitcti stirh i iln miivirt 1 liuiv ttl 1t fiir httil unli4i th militr lioe n rv tu the a mililnry ilnii it willl imnihh iitqm mii v itit itliilnrv fiimniiii1 lr m ivlithle r imtlli w jftwhuta town tuesday wc ihull lak- tlih nlijmt lin on werlnesday niirht about twelve oclock alarm of fire rebounded thpmtrbuiit the toi was occasioned by earclcsfitn in putting chimney which had been 011 ine duiimr ihe im evening in ihe houw ofar mcuuecn street as ihc building wan in the iirun vicinity oflllc barracks active assistance was mediately at hand and the fin was soon abated destroying part of ihe house only the two fire engines beloiejim to ihc town promptly on the spot and ihelesscr engine the command oflt thibidn rendered materia distance it was observed by many that not i single town carter was in attendance with his cheon or yleigh a fact which speaks vulumesi time when the goode and chattels of our cit nretobc exposed for sale in the iwarket pi satisfy an arbitrary law made by the magistral their sole advantage- the difgrwcfid public nppcuroti iu wlnvli wc dlu our laet ittrf0taof sir- llmcrlvu mnle in nply lamait eii il i- injividnal vhotiim cnitmvar to td crcditofnuotlier by ihc circulation mfih hlrckcl mur i i is cpiully capable udabriaiiiii f ihovd to ronvcnieno and then otweiiring t- iln truth ofit olic question wo would ak dflhm fonuvh ami wkw t udthalivj httbofinrgmeil die faulil in touuiioi 10 bbappckintmeiitu one ofthe hcilth nili vrr of iho 101 ihe whole train ofdiarcrahkj wlih li the belief of ho entailed upon u at the time communications to the editor if tht british whig sir in ynnr last paper i observe n imitiv uffh e com oti the comluel of ihe mngutrutei i tiillireiii the jiay i fine from mr carrel 1 1 for what it ipimretl ihey con bfdtdi of one of their bylaw j in ivhiefa von rt io regulated tow liccncd rartcrtt ar- neeeiry and their rerfti bliouhl be protected to a eertiin extent if o i see where llie injumtce of iho mimiak- eitforrin4 rwrvangq ofthe regulations which ihey have made for toftioq of ihearter in kington dlliimcli i arre iih thinkin that tlie sum uf fourteen hilhnj rather uw for their tporshp to exact in such fr their otrn perj however li i am a inrchamc i h ive no nhjcvtiofw to their worships to live by their tnile and n tp j baeknowlihlexl lo be the hel trat ui kington at pr eamiot imt ret ihusuinidity of ii imilr of llie thro wishim 1 nultee f ufmuiti d m monph ilt iifih and deprive o many of die ltielil ilfa tawfnl hut a lie is an muoeato fijr llie pmiiimh u i jreu docm ho merely for tlio sake of roiimtenej m 1 l 1 return in iho subject if li iimd eailerftare a i10w is it iluit then aro none ill vi r mmiin m1 lmt dlokt iowik proper per mim are dwitv ialv i cvwtif wiihoul any complainu being cvim made nuilttl thun