ibiiasoa wmaba published semiweekly tfifer per obbbm dicor by e j barker m d volume 1 kingstoivuc friday march 1834 the british whig a bonweekly journal devoted to com mere til d politicul information u published evrv tuesday and friday monina by doctor barker editor arid proprietor at bit or- qmib rar street nxt door to the commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig u pubvvbed every tuesday afternoon in weekly form and will m fbood to contain tbe rarwt important matter of tbe aei- werkly paper turns for the semi- weekly paper one pound per annum if paid in advance or within three months from the receipt of the ftrtt number and one pound five shillings if collected at ae end of the year exclusive f postage forth country pper twelve shulinga and mpoom per annum if paid in advance or within thice montha from the ipccipt of the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at the tffid of the year exclusive of postage corapjniet m individuals who reside in the country and who may prefer to nd to the office for their paper may have dirtn mpplied at ted thilling per copy per annum prompt u aobacnption received for lew than tii months and do kapfer dvcontinued until all arrearage arc paid tip except at option of the publisher hrteturttnis six line and under 2s 6d firjt insertion md v id each aubsefjucnt insertion ten lines and under 3e 4d firctinaertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten line 4d per line for the firat inertion and id per tine faf every subsequent insertion adrertuernents without written directiooi are inaerted tilt forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing tdverlitcments to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agents union post pal matter pre printing doctor barker bavin obtained a most superior presa aodanexcellentawortmentof job tyuew enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and ex peditioo upon terms hitherto unprecedently low in upper canada marble works the undersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he keeps on hand a large assortment of marble chimney pieces tomb st heattstone of all descriptions finished in the beat manner he truta from hia long experience in ihe b sinew and from the arrangements he has made 10 receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen quarryst kingston feb th 1834 tf 1 john mhivks returns his sincere thanks to his friends fand the public generally for the support he has rvca and now begs leave to inform them be has leased that well knon dowltngfc in store street which will be known by the nam f rzraf s ta te r v he will at all times keep on hand an assort ment of the best llttvoll aicd wxxteft wo in rear of the stabling kingston feb also house are excellent sheds and 27 181 oaotiob this is to forbid any eron or persons pur- chatting a note of hand drawn by me in tavor of hiitam wood or bearer for the sum of four pounds thrtt shitting dated december the 25th 1633 at ninety days the said note having been left with mr charles heath which was obtained of him by hiram wood under false pretences and for it 1 have received no value david fish kingston feb 27th 1834 7 notice 18 hereby given that an npihcarinn will be made to the surrogate ol the midland district surrogate cburt to appoint alexander mnabb esq of kingston gentleman guardian for henry wil liam hugh and eliza roney infant orphan chil dren of james and jane roney deceased pur suant to the act in such case made and provided w p cook town warden kingston 20th feb 1634 new store william macuruer respectfully informs his friends and the public that lie has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckenzie junr directly opposite the hardware store of mr john watkin store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of dry goods groceries iwine8 ac spirituous liquors crockery ttlaaawatre ace vc w m g trusts that his assiduity and close at ention to business will recommend him to a fair ahare of the public support kingston feb 7th 1s14 1 to let with possession on the loth of april next that excellent stand for jjji business immediately adjoining mr j g w yarkers hardware establish flaj ment at present in the occupation of ihe subscriber also to let f which possession will likewise be given on the fcme day that desirable and pleasant family resi- c wnce with an excellent garden orchard attached pm prising three fifths of an acre and an excellent ellof water situated at the top of grave street pw occupied by t a corbett kingston feb 7th 1334 1 for sale by the subscriber superfine flour by the hbl prime mes fork do 1 butter by the quantity cheese do do s r caldwell market place kingston feb 7th 1834 1 kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingston and the public generally are respect fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including aftlf castings clothier and other screws mill pinions t gearings also trimming and finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der id the course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will be kept for sale at the foundry wtiolesale and retail tfoa sale a small steamengine of ahorse power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24th january 1834 1 barr cakt notice is hereby given that the cantons in tbe undermentioned barracks are to be letupon the following conditions for two years from the 25ih march next no persbii but of so unquestionable character nor anv person or more than one canteen or who will not undertake honafide to reside in the can teen and conduct the business thereof in his own pertfn will he approved and two sureties will be required fur the regular payinemofihe rent audof all sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for the due performance uf the several conditions and stepulations of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accepted and his suretiet must execute the indenture and lease ofcoveuamsrelating thereto the particulars where of may be known by applying to this office or to ihe barrack masters at the several barracks the names of two respectable persons with their christian names professions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the indenture as his sureties must be inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance department does not undertake to pro cure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the respective officers at kingston with the words tender for canteen written on the outside cover will be re ceived at this office on or before 12 oclock noon on the isth march next after which hour any pro posals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops billeted on them all persons making tendeis for canteens are to fetnuiice that tbay will hejield to the strict per formance of the covenant f iltr leasts and full payments of uieu iuul any ieuuaiuu ut reduction further than the covenants of the lease it self set forth the form of the tejvers to be as follows thereby offer for the canteen m the barracks at for twelve months from the 2otk march next the rent of pounds per annum for tkr house as a dwelling and tht further rent of pc month for every ten jvbncotitmisioncd officers and private soldiers who may occupy the barraelcs dur ing that period j and propose mr of and mr of as my sureties for the same the rentsof the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite to each in the following list therefore the biddings will be upon what is offered for every ten men occupying the barracks this flufttbefwill be ascertained from the barrack masters monthly returns which are made tip on the first day of every month and no changes m the occupations of the barracks which mav take place in the progress of the month either tor or against the tenant will be taken into account no less nftmber than ten will be charged agafost the tenant nor will any odd number be calculated thus if the barracks should be occupied by 143 men on the first day of the month only 140 will be cal culated for that month the bidders are also desired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny in their offers as they will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly ac cording to the above form ssa5t ssi office of ordnance kiogaton u c 17th feb 1834 j horticultural james wadsworth reapptfully informs the inhabitants of kingston that he intends resuming the business of jvursprymaa seedsmajv flo rist u an extensive scale as early this spring as the season will permit on his nursery srounds immediately attached to the union church burial inwmd where he hopes to be favored with the calls o persons who may wishto improve the state of beir pleasure grounds flower or kitchen iardenf j v also begs leave to give notice that having on hand a considerable quantity of the very best a oli8h oababit seeds imfobted ldt aii- he wu c public convenience expose them for salein the marketplace every saturdayand tuesday morninfffc between the hours of nine and noon kingon feb 25th 1834 6 david leahy returns his sincere thanks to his friend and public generally for the eupport he has received previous to the late calamatous fire by which he was a se sufferer and now legs leave to inform hr tftat he has leased that stone building in kingsttti belonging to mr tpatkiiis next lodr bakerix an near chronicle office corner where hv has just opened an inn for general en tertainment- he will at all limes keep on hand an assorwent of the best liquors and wines axsoy in retf of ihe house are excellent sheds and stabling kington 20th feb js34 mo jm f sjlo0jt john belonge in returning his sincere thanks to the gentry and other inhabitants of kingston for the manv favors conferred upon him during the last thirteen years respectfully begs leave to acquaint ihem that he has taken the house situated at the cor ner of king queen streets which he has fitted in a superior manner and where he will prepare as formerly attpfetf fcuncbfs soup fcc to those gentlemen who may be pleased to patronize him he takes the present opportunity also to inform the public that he is now manufacturing and intends to keep constantly on hand wholesale and retail all kinds of tmqur cordlmlft confectionary vmtry ac large or small dinner parties attended to upon the shortest notice flyjust received from new york a superior a- sortvnent of tbe finest removal m m the subscribers have removed to fr thotnas 8mitk pra adjoining mr noble palmers druggist shop one door south of the market square joseph allen co auctioneers 8 general agents kingium feb 10th ism j to the free atfd independent electors of the town of kingston not having publicly announced my intention to solicit your 6uffrag aa member of parliament for thu town at th next general election i now beg leave to say that in compli ance with ihe wishes of a large portion of my fellow towhimen as conveyed to me in a numerously signed requisition 1 shall present myself to your notice on the day of election my long residence amoag you entitles me t ay thti my principles are well known and my attachment to the crown and constitution of great britain unquestionable in support of which i trat always to stand prominently forward if i should have the honor to be returned aiyour member i plde myself lu tfuppoit a bill to incorporate the town of kingston a bill to prevent the provincial penitentiary being an injury to mechanics a bill to repeal the summary punishment act which de prives the british subject of his dearest righttrial by jury my most active exertions will be used to prevent the clergy reserves pasinginlo the hands of a dominant church my private interests axe inseparably bound up with titose of ihiatown to promote the prosperity of which will always be ihe chief object of my ambition i hare the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kingston feb 28th 1814 jtjbt rbobxvmj and for sale by the subscribers loo barrels of fresh water herrings 50 kegs of oysters direct from new haven only eight days from the becta baker egan market square march 4tf 1834 8 of c notice ifl hereby given that a portion of the vacant crown lands iti the townships ofsunnidale not- tawasaga arta and zoro im the hotne district will be offered for sale by public a9ctxov at the court house in the town of york on monday the 10th of march next at 12 oclock noon at the upset price 5 c per acrt on condition of actual settlement and upon the usual terms of payment also certain lots in the town of barrie and the water lots in front of lots 13 14 15 and 16 in the said town commissitniers of crown lands office york 17th feb 1834 ira bfi olesale and 1btail hardware stoke upper end of 6iore street kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has lately received from england an extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery c which he now oilers for sale at very reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smiths bellows wrought and cut nails english 8wedesand russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tin plates pitch tar rosin whiting window glass painls turpentine unseed and olive oils glaziers dimonds car penters tools and files of every description flint and purcussion guns tinnd japaund plated and polished bitts and stirrups single and dou ble bridles trace and ox chains gun powder and shot chain cable white and tarred rope english and philadelphia mill saws cross cut and pit sows hand saws circular saws spades and shovels steelyards fire irons short and long handled frying pans cast and wrought iron hinges tea kettle sauce pans bak and sugar kettles 3leggd round iron pots lead single and double sheet iron shoe makers thread russia bristles and shoe sprigs iron brass and copper wire gilt plated and horn buttons needles thimbles brass candlesticks wire and brass fenders dish covers iron rim mortice and cabinet locks wood screws cur riers knives trowels plated snuffers and trays plated table and tea spoons cabinet brass foundry braces and bitts waggon boxes ja paund trays grain and bar tin c- c english cheshire cheese is l ft superfine english glue is lb thomas hardy kingston feb 7 1834 1 bar announcement james linton avails himself of the present opportuiity of informing the friends of the late ttr michael moiuv and the public in general that he intends carrying on the business of avciiojveer and commission merchant in all it various branches on behalf of the widow by suet attention to business and by punctuali ty jan im linton hopes to meet a share of public patron as cish advanced nn ond king february 14 1ww 3 the subscriber jeg3 leave to inform the gentry and public of kinzsto ar vicinity that he has opened his long ryom and is no ready to receive consign ment fro a parties willing to realize immediate cash for landed property merchandize house hold fuvniure c c his sightly auctions will he continued as usual at which every article in the dry good line mav he purchased at unprccedenily low prices 3 hugh scanlan auctioneer and commission merchant kinffwci feb 6 1 834 ror flale rv tmb buuncmiber 500 sides of sole leather 50 do of skirting 200 do of upper leather a large quantity of calf kidd and hog skins also 300 bbls of salt at lis 3d s r caldwell kingston feb 25th 1834 first rate butter fob ialb a targe quantity or first rate iluutfr at 9d per lb also fine hoy of qui n tie cheese at 6d per ik the above can be confidently recommended as being of tbe best quality 7 private families will find it to their advantage to call and examine tbe same thomas wilson kingston feb 7 134 auction and commission business r jackson grateful for the distinguished pntronagr he fau received since his commencement in the above litie begs leave to return thanks and to state to the public generally that his house which was burned 1 november lasi is again rebuilt with an extensile auction room where he intends to re sume the business of uctfual auctiosker and coumiwion agent alt kind of cattle and land sold on the most rea sonable terms n b reference can be given to some of the most respectable gentlemen in town r jackson king feb 6 1834 auctioneer wanted a respectable youth from 14 to 16 years old as im apprentice to the dry goods business to engage ut a term of yeirs one of a tolerable education from the country would be preferred apply to wh wilson kingston january 31st 1s34 take notice the subscriber being about to relinquish business in kingston requests all persons indebted to him by note or book account to call and settle the same without delay t a corbett kingston feb 7th 1834 1 ic mrotitivn sfrr baker egan havfntf recently comiwoeed business i in the above line respectfully inform ibe public that they keep ro band wfeolewk retail the following goodc american porfc hams venison do mutton do mesa pork prime mess ffft prime do excellent fresh butter do salt do scotch herrings north shore do sty do oiamont do 8almon trotft french cod all which articles t0gether4ftti man6tera be sold low for cash in addition to tbe above baker ft egan have laid in a good assortment of drv goods fnlabcrwjub cbdcekvy market square kingston feb io 18m dried applea york bay oysteis fine floif indian com meal oats peas beans fine flavored teas american beese canadian atf excellent strong beer superior cyder mbbu smees of all kinds muscovado sugar refined so poultry of all tipods tee rill assiipiidou information wanted of ivfoses w augh pedler who left kingsion in july inst for the upper country and who was last hcurd of in brantford gore district any person having knowledge of the above wul couler uii ibligatiuh uu the undersigned by commu nicating with him by letter t a corbett kingston feb 13th 1934 4 the new york emigrant the york advocate and guardian and the gore mercury will please to copy llie above fur three week- e lesslie sons in addition to their supply of books station ery drujjs patent medicines have for sale 200 reams wrapping paper etijlish german toys 2 cwt green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in ja s bbls lcnihcr wood trhiiofiri vnniioli seine sail twine c sec c kingston feb 1834 1 3n park er fc benson have on hand and are now oflcriiig for sale at their store a veiy extensive and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries wines by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising every article re quired by the farmers whether for domestic ag ricultural bufhrmgor dtfrev purposes and- to which their attention is requested they are now paying gasfr for all kind of mer chantable produce kingmoti junuary 9ih 1834 1 cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave 10 tender his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in ucnorat for ihe support lie has received since he commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the lute arrivals a large assortment of wines jamaica srinirs spanish cognac brandy holland gis peppermint shrub worthy the notice of tavern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and a ltrge- quan- liiy of west india ricco the first quality a large assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese butter oatmeal commeal honey flour pork oata sole upper leather constantly ibrsale w p cook store street kingston january 9th 1834 1 extensive fall importations received by j w armstrong st co their usual fall supplies of staple and fancy goods suited to the present and approaching sea son to which they respectftrrry solicit public atten tion among their dtock which with citent eoco- bines an infinite variety will be found superflxe yduktimre alfd west of ejvgbafd cloths and cassf- meres some of the meat fabrics in black that and faa- cy colors r double milted olive iityfeime green russia brown and drab surtout chinos flushings petersham bath fcdatfng- yorkshire beief satmetiind canadian cloths barragana fustings velvets and velveteens poor point whitney and roee blankets flannel 8erjiea and batifesj wnite arid coltfred counterpanes sid marseilles quilts bed ticks printed calicoes regatta stripes and real scotch ginghams sieam loofn cottons- turkey stripes and striped shirtings white and colored plain and 8atteen jean moreen and cmnti furnitures shalloons bombazeitsv porabauas yorwich crapes ana tartain plaids merinos potrble twrtled crape and tiledsa6krn ob labuivj dowl shceliii and irish linens long lsfffn french csmbrics and cambric una hrfceaback draper brown mid dssssm ftikf table cloths t tr rrown and bleached holland book jacconet camliricand muuautwfai checked strip and hair cord jpstpjiapi plain figured bobbineits urlings blonde and real thread lsmsrvudgings arid b ibbineii quillrrfgi thread and muslin insertions lace caps and cap crowns musfio st lace robes black and colored tiros de naples and grosde na ples ginghams white black and colored crapes fcrtpe royal and figured gauzes india lustrings sarcenew persians and sattins black and wffte lace veils gart tahs scarfs and handkerchiefs lace and mushn collars muslin stomachers la dies corsets aw corded petticoats f fur trimmings koas wuffs arvd tippets north west bjiffftlo kotres gentlemens fur caps chamois skin ana fern- tlemens manufactured chamoiu vofcanddraw- wsv atyl htnttbs wva 4a gumsey frocks and worsted belts silk c6tton- wojsted and lambs wobi hosiery and wadinilled overall hose ladies and gentlemens single fleecy and cha mois lined gloves kfair combs buckskin mitts braces silk stocks sthtners and opera tyes gentlemens silk cloak cords anrftassels cloak clasps silk and cotton rjmhrellas black and colored silk veleta and velvet rib bons india bandannas rich drea tflifs- and ladies sontagmeaiix cobsiinere wprsied cyprus crape- rock spun herkio and real thibet shawls and flkft- sarcenet sattin and gauife ribbons christys london hats patent leather capa and scotch bdhnets brussels kitwer minster and venetian carvetfag hearth tfuge cloth tooth nail and hairjvusne- worsted cotton and silk fringes lambs wool worsted and cotton favnx crockery glassware liquid and paste blackfnjf cc c white sparkling champagne jolys brand in cases of one two or three dozen each kingston nov 1 183a 1 tf information wanted of jane thorp- who left montreal fet the upper province about the end of april last in company with the family of thomas gallay for merly of chambjv letters to be addressed te arthur ledfiel kingston feb 7th 18 1 aflsfw sides sole leather jw so dot cast steel axes shepherd simmons work 200 barrels salt 50 tierces west india rice for sale by january 9 1s34- parker bensoit wajfted a young lad as a compositor in this office of tole rable good english education kingston feb- 18 1834