tftfkgegm xgp7y3 un u la ml ihc warlike preparation carrying on in tlii country as well as in france have jtivm rise to much speculation as to uicip ultimate object nod h has ety luiuhillv been inured if we are to have a war m whieli rrancc haih make common cause wjth isiisrlsmtt looktng at the present condition ol tin two roitntriwf it is w think tint dilliculi in answer in the liogmllve- france is in no capacity tu embark in a torcicti wnt and for england then bin perhaps never been period in hitory when tflie ftat lw capable of taking lit field bihourieff iii rtic country is at ihe present iinr under financial ftatnbnffohiutiiis and unparalleled cornincreiul cwb petition what then ie the purpose of nil tin bus tit- mill sbui jireparariotj ioiue otr iu the naval and military departments perhaps ministers impt to redeem somewhat of their popularity suspected to uc now deeply in the wane and as one bura for eltectinff that result hope by making a riilivltaiittouv hostile ll demonstration frith france 10 induce russia to loose the hold she has nu tin key ll such a hope doea exist it is assuredly a foilom oih- the policy of built england and fiance is indeed advene to the aroraiidiscmcni of kumtitt but it i wilier too lae to expect thai when nieholus lus hi loncdcsircd prey within bin grasp he will be in duced to yield it up by any hostile preparations on the part of tidier england or france more mpi cially as lie is no doubt auratt that neither power iu m a condition to compel htm to stop thort in hi career of aggrandisement a war with rum would ac think be far from a popular measure willi the english nation at the present juncture- we have copied two paragraphs from muffling paper stating that austria has addressed a strong renjoobujnce to russia hud is exerting heisejf to prevent a contest tina we can readily believe for ihcouohapsbuight nail pi obfbly every other sovereign house of germany holds its dominions by a tenure which would be much weakened by a war involving the principles of government and luifdlf any war can rjow beroinc general in europe without involving them in fact the war talked of france and englftlld on one sideagaiiim russia on the other is a war of principle it ia described as liberty against despotism as civilization again ignorance and couserucnily involves a enntet he- tccn ihoe principles between wlich it has been ikc policj of all the governments of europe since the fremy of vienna to keep the peace on no one of the thrones of europe is there at present except on ihc throne of russia a sovereign who could expect that his personal power would he a 3 tflndiyeh hy war he must in case of succrs expect to fruiter a comparison to hi vktnrious general the empcto of antm and the klflfl of prtwwo arc old men and they would ffltpjl probably like to paw their latter day in pence- wc thefofurtt din readily believe thai they are disposed to prevent if possible ltitwia frotn roniin to ruptrtre frith ffanre and england oil thu llh of january a sudden tie line was experienced jn thecnnsol market in conorpicnrt of the reports in circulation relative to the remffua- rion nf ijofil grey which wu positively stated in have ihcii accepted according to tfuiite reports iu cosiwqitcnce of a diltereocc upon the partusnot katioti and to oiherw upon clltirrll rfinipx tp to tjiu knm ito cuuitiojairou olo n tnc hi mors had been received and a slight advance hnd takeitftatre fti consols which were qimlcd at 60u the market became a hade better before the elos- of thettav- the courier adds emphatically wat there is not the slightest foundation lor iheii rcimma of ihc iuicuded resignatiun ofirl trey mxbvrviiso sot strv- tin morning posl says all the iufonnation wp have lutely received from the manufacturing districts lead a us to believe that the operations of trade will be materially im peded by the present position of the united states- almost every letter we have seen from america contains a caurton to manufacturing nod shipnhi houses not to send out goods as there u noiacrtie to pay for them vt e are glad to itud in main iih stancts manufartures ar acting upon this cnurlon the a llpffmeinc zcitung asserts ihit the kuhl and french squadrons hae been recalled from tin dftrabfinlcsi in consequence of the clear explanation given by 1 hi regard to turkey a london japer on the mo suhjert mysi the line o be adopted hy great uhuou laiiue imrespect t kusia and tukey beino now gencr mfy undcrs ood as implying no interruption to tin general peace he sensation in that direction i ra pidly declining the uviush and french fleet i em huvt heen lnc forme to maltathe latter to toulon- aiens von several or the north american stnttat nrc in 1i1k country for the purpose o entering upon contract tor the suply of iron and in ftoiilb wule a ttiim hasaruaujteeiypurvhacd by one ot ilie tfuiihcn etales of the union to be worked fur the txpiv iwfojeof trttwniuiitg iron across the atuiuie tt r knn raitroads thn cnitiihieaion wjih india in steam- boa is by way or the red seu was to commence on the jfjffftf pfclrruary- m lture4t ekced nl rflii moment in soon of the reiinan states by another attempt at wan mutton wade upon the well known caspar honwri li had lived anme tom in aiwimrh where jic received conwuiit wwismnrc from loti bfanltope a he was leaving the tribunals on thi moruiiig ol the 11th inotnnti 4a oirnoffw wrniipid n a larc clyk accosted him under the prteure o having a communication of importance in make to him hmwr excused himself as he whs thio ifuiiie ift dircj hut gave the granger an omhntumit for thi ancmoon in the palace yarden the uietmintr took place the stranger drew some papeis horn under neath his cloak and white hauser wiu about i cx amiiiu ihcni gabbed him twice mar the hijri with a dagger eiq had kept concealed he then took to flight by mausers description it appears this iv thu ame iudividual who attempted to asassinati- him atnurctliburg the police is in active tttforcli ofhiuk the augablitvh gocttle announces that uaspair haitst iej at anspacb ra the night of the itth ium in consequence of the wotindn he had received it state that when he returned home wounded ht ould orriy if ttrr in broken byllabhm palace gnr- da tjn monuinctit the tutor to whok eon ire had hea coiniojtcd dispatched nohlier of thi policb to rfltctn monumeni in the putacc garden where they found a small purc of violet ilk con taining a rftiwp of paper on whirh wftl urittcn in a diauied bund 4i uajjser can it 11 you well rnouifht why i appear here aid ubo i am tobavv hauyt the trouhte i will tell you myself whence i come i tome from from tic liavaunn frontier tht river s 4 will aho give you ih 11m10 m l ij fli ciixd died on tlie 17th if oixembcr a jnurruilhrrg paper of ioolbtf lutli wyn it itm- 1h1i forpioion i uutcriamed ui tnerejrunl ot hoheona whu arrived at at bpach wkj leli a iu hi uh i ml 1114 the hon george lamb under secretary of tatu died at london on the jd of jannar m ihe uhh year of his age a case of considerable importance has recently beeudecidedhv the vice ctmncffllor h was whether certain chaiiry founded by lady i lew ley more than two hundred years atru had nut boon diverted front il proper channel tin testator directed tin funds ikitiwutlivfl should h for the maintenance ol eetlain pour and suoftly iiewnim nl liirir imh cliureh thew funds u for a lout time been under tbccoihiiiul ol the lonaiian alvr a hint tuvtniwnt the we chneeor ha thculed iikis tin uniiaian are nut chltbthuis and eou no entnli d to thi- elwrity- tlmcww itivuhw prvm to the amount f cithmhh sterling mr laird who went out iii the laidcs expe dition ti africa has returned to england in had health mr lander hay proccrdco up the river ill the iron stcuttlit spalv tboenhorfl of the daily advertiser ire indebted to the late tlovernor cabroa now an exile in i 111 city fur the following hglllj tnteretinl intellincr received from hu correspondents at cadi under date nf the 22ii lannaiy by the brig pvrasd arrived tt uiiislon on mondaj lnl the leitera arc from the most authentic source the dulea from madrid are tn he 17th january nine days later than ihm revived by the fniei uepau on the lfiih january a dcepioatcd conspiracy of the carlit purtv was discovered the plan was to deetrov the queen regent her two daughters the infant don frnnru hi ife and ail hit children in facf to deiroy all tht koval family many ol the motrt ditiiiuislied persoun of all ranks had been arretted and thrown into prison tlie liberals became an indignant at the conduct of the premier zea bermudct and hiy fellow min ister by hoe neffliffcoce the conspiracy had been so near bring accomplished that they repaired f the house of zea hormmlez on the night of the 1 8th for the purpose of destroying him but being unable to find him they vented their rage hy uestruyingall the furnitnro and raluablua the excitement was bo great that the cluecn kcsent changed her government at once bv re- inoing all her ministers except zarco del valle nfihe war depurunent martinez de taboaa w appointed prxmucr in the place of zea ijermude careli i called to the department of justice vtuqueti ritjueroa minister of the marine and arnsihle to the finance departmeul nearly nl the lantainfcncrai of thr various province have addarl flic ilitw ptierectic repre sentations to the iueen rcquirintr a reresentativr overiuneot ami demanding the immediate asm-m- bliuu of the oortcft a new mate of thina had taken place the liberals wort again in power and exiles from foreign countries b returning to the laud of their nativity portugal- lision january ll some movement of impoiumrc 19 evidently in contemplation the duke de trrceira wctll w cuftaxtt the thiv before inirnlay to take conunauil of the army and dbuoho it ik rttd i to be the voiitroi war clihrtimy that tht hitter is ru ut trie eooiiniuu ul ii uiviio 1 hm njwil in um mi- ihe retreat of the miguohttft on the north hide ol samarcm should they attempt to inovfthat way iii itfcnd of cfosthltg the river in alemteto ii the mean tune tbc dimntiafhctiuu of tin lireigu troops is hourly iocreating not otdv at thi tanliltcm ol pay hut at the small quaniity and very inferior quality of their ration ihursday morninif the scotch teeruiis at val dej ivreira paiadetl outside the bflrracfea with pieces nf rancid bacon pluck on the point oftlteir bayoet as for their rice they threw it out of the windows into the streets up wardaol of them have been sent to prison- col dodffin continue very ill but i likely to recover ticii xepomuceuoi the officer whocommamletl tin attacks upon the willthlitlb at ivmcs and toma vovaat te cumin to lisbon to be tried by court martial it appears that on the night of lilt 3rd imf ilia ttttftpa ver surprised by a strong hotly ot miguelile caalrv and sulfered very seveiely on lite 5th iual 1 ii 1 iielies sliowctl themselves in the iieiyhbtirliood of alcobaea hut retired again on tlie itilwinev tit the cuintiitutiunal lorco 11 accord advices that that of the em eflfendifro on an im turkey irom constaniihople lo nov 30 state llv i tranquil and that the prostration ro is complete- the return of edham 11 alexandria whither he had been aeni nrumt minion after the rctal of halil event winch attracts general attention parha is he is the uearrr of oihumk of tnrkish piastres and the tolucnlion respertmir the tribute to be an- i a fl f 1 1 ill nimlly olficiii mi r rat c dih h th viiimy ot kypt- vinous thr niii lairlv laltni idace the mewl r ii thi uiifiiiiiituient of the form ha of ivvpt mlhip kueiuli itiihuilii mtrhal of the empire r aceir to tin lit pi 11 of a jla-hmubaebed- r of llw pnseot irmnd vizier ii oti tit 3lt of november kt7a it 10 hrntlit f the pa otfe uf and the j shi 10 th tahtr kit rxonflin appointed dirictnr of tht mint and aii kftvlnti who foruwrlj held that ollice was made mnrulft ajvira or tfupeihitentlent of the uraitd eejnioi irrmuid as t further proof of the prevalence tf huii the i of the emperor fonil liitirii in london was in constantinople either to iii t a lorn fur the v one or to adjust the nwiifotry rhiitirt rcpt jrcece iy w the met h ksmii a violent mailer ofdiwlua iih rwiia riihjerl of vtolpni auerentums be- flvmdi atd the kepi xonialiu ol khmer the rok eflfendi abides inrunent und nlliniathiti he tannoi tlutn hn wil rwicn i euflland tirody hy uodersiand whv ho much natc if made about an alliance which if it were not directly advised nt an unfortunate period to the porte was at least so far promoted on the part of kncland and france that thev pointed oittfniht sultan tlie wny which he had to follow and wltirh he has now taken he mnnot hr say account for the dissatisfaction which i nn sisruified to the porte because it has funned a ciom connection with kusia and en deavors to be on friendly terms with that power ainre on mature examination of the late treaty and the omentum of adnanuple it appears that no exclusive piivileire 1 given tn ihc kuian na tion but that it is only placed on the vame footing as tin moxi favored nation the united stales for instance provincial thr v rovlnclal parliajikst the hi usc of ig to me report given by the chronica reel and no killed or wounded tierc but a lew shut fired and no klled or wounded on either trttle at present 1 can give vou no further information j but mxl week will piubuhk be tt lertile ip uvuuta as there w ft very appcarmee that minethiug important is intended to uc done no tioblililes have taken ilace un the south of the lga the reported intention of england to intervene in lite ttllaira o iortnuak ifathera trenfith frmn llu cuulirmhtory tune of the iari journals uh ell ado a btalenieiu that the iutervetitton id to in made hi concert vidi the french goveriunenl enu tu itlioml s thousand troops towaitls the entliiiuu atmces nun libuu are 10 the 10th ol january plltj dilhtenres between the ovemnieiit and the duke of lurceiru were denied the army ol don miirtivl had snlliued cousiderahly hum htckne so nmemeul had taken placo buwiiti the arniet it is iated tlmi dom iuelv forctflwero nut mon tlmiltiuuu lut the fortiitcations arc uatrotifj llaii it would rcipore a much greater force to dtaludgl- iliniii the courier of jan lslh speuka thus of some previous report resprrtiin a contemplated mou uieot in regard to the portuguese oucsiioo e are confident that the information eoncrruiu the talked o expedition to poitutral whieh wectnu- inuuiunud to the public will protecuvreer utuln tin pnarl eirruiiitaucn 00 muii will be wilt hut should chctjuistiiuce require it biijr hind will he louud ready nmunily tj pivt any uh tntil way bu nctaary mhci allien theft- im no truth in the atntpiiieftt whieh has been rirculaied to connection with ihi mihject that tllq furl0u1ui o the nuncooimisiuncd ollieer of he auardn have been recalled russia ir in ii aecouuts ate given tn the german papers of a fainiuc in the btiatcfll pan of riwsia ihe bwnbhui jwewury givea the following bitirr from odei dated no22r 4 very ahirrnimr and it im impoaaurfo to foretell whet may uuauft kver article that forms the fond of man ia brecouihlff dailv more and more source aid dear meat ulurtft in cheap and ihw is because the grsrjurs are nhlicid to kill their cattle for tilt want of fodder theif are whole villages in the environs ol odessa that are entirely dcwftcd ihu iiibabitaiiirt having left ihem in ilia hnwa of linthnu bread elsewhere thi sea of a ol k uolouei navigable so that we hav no chance ol uppith from the ohpwitc sliort imuicdiately after reeivimj disialelus from si assembly were engaged yesterday on the question of lnkhu tlie repott of the seleet commiliee involved iw propoitiotis the lirat a bill for alter nig and extending the charter of the commercial itniik nd the second an wdresa to his majesty complaining of the interference of the home tu- verument in the hanking aflaifa uf this province the hill provided fur the extension of the commer cial dank to xaooo the same as the dank ol upper canada suhjeel to the restrictions dictated by hi majestys government but with the reser vation that should those restrictions be withdrawn by hi mtyihcty oovvrnmcnt with regard to other hanks llipj sliould also he removed from the char lercfthc i imimercml bank thr tpiorinu excited a vrry animated debate mi aiuiiii was ihi chief advocate fcr pasin rank bill whuh wih opposed hy the speaker mr morris mr willsmi nlr mclab and othernumiw hw who all cnndemnh iht conduct of ihe ctdoniol i niv fr imlltflrin wilh oor lora s k-n- al- laira hiul wiuiil luerrjive ccti uicumaout to the atlmiabilify oi utich interlercuce by maah any bill cnttlainimc llno prescribed rcalthctiona thir speaker was rxceedmcly ehiqueut and warm in life reprebenfrioii ul tlie interference in tjueslion ant the bill was ultimately thrown out by the committct ofthu vvhtilf llie second readier uf the address to his majesty against the i nioed lina of 1 ik- colonial minister in ihi mailer takes phwc toda and will utidoubtedl becarriedi the uiirondinrnts niatle by the legialaiivc council hi the bill lor the im wporttwh of th 7w of york arc expxn d to be tnken into consideration today the prineipal nf ihlho aitiertdmcns arc first al- tctiui the 1111 u tif the town uf york to 1uronto the oviijioal indian name stcond raising the qualili- eation of aldermen to 2oo real property in the town and of common councilman to 29 ditto 7aw providing tbit the major shall be elected from the aide men by the aldermen only and not hv the iubahiiant fourth lowering the qtuililica ion of elector b pvuiij avoft to every italutn holdcr widioutivgaidjo ihcauiouiuolreiit fifth ltviuff the mavor a double vote allihoc anvndide ate in our opinion more or lew excepiimnlov and so far as those aie con cerned the bill has llrte out of the legislative coun cil in a more objeciriiahle atate than it went info it the aboiijiual nam ould have been preferable at the outset hut now hat ihc town has so long born it present mnne th alteration would bvinconveni- en ami pcthaps uiciuiw- the placing of the ipahlu atuai at 10 h 3 rfntttlord as fsso of real pnperty fiir alder vji and x21k fir coirimon counrilriuii i rxct diny ol jeciionalde aa it wm exclude a majority wt suitable pcrs- ns and utility tif the most amount of n t jrn 1831 the distress of the poor added to the pcoin- v emlnrraaainenia of the times would have been wcat indeed as it is we have heard of compara tively few cases of extreme aufftfing from povcriv boat left a than- on ibe 26ih v hir yie tsw sons in the mterest btwqqmmnl utlmlalff mm heart and wish to see its emancipation from tory misovcrnment although tlie meeting was announced aa one to be tpmpoaed entirely of un friafcdj of jtfr truax ijcsr period for the laatix years the connecticut is also open and the navigation to hartford un obstructed during the six years the hudaon opened follow is3i 96th feb lsj 22d ivarch 1332 i5th march ns 1831 ioih jtarth 1830 hth wurch is29 3d april the boat winch arrived thin morning brought tbc bislative proceedings of yenierdayccwn tlw bttowhta billi have passed both houses of ihc lcgala tune of lowrcanada- 1 stfikrac his majesty to acquire gtoss ulc 2 twuc the aa 9 william it- to ocatc a fund for dcfrtngtbijpenc of micajaaiun firick cmiatii 3 torcguiatc thertlmitwiiin of pflvwwlo practice iha law aid tn nmclico ah nofaritf- 4 torrliivc ihc iiivabitanw of ihcdwtrccd parum- 5 to fa iliuitc ihc prorteuiiaa afacthuw in cai g for the fcltvfufcooctgattcjnal ncictwinthw poviocc- 7 to amend the act for the erection of court hbufaal aol in tho counii of this province 8 to inimiify fmnu kottitr for oxtra work pfttftftoad at the new hall of assembly 9 anpoinfmg eommiionct for aicertaining plana ww cosi of a custom h- 11 at montreal 10 for the completion ofuiq clnmhly canal 11 to make more ample provision for the encouragement of agriculture w eitendirig the provision oflhe act for the ertabtahaiciu of registry officta to ihc counli of two mountain and 1 ava il h 13 to incorporate the collefje of die anno de la pocalirc tt for vacating the aoat of members of the asttraibty in certain cafftf 15 to amend the act 9 geo iv cap 73 subdividing uie province 5te 16 toclibish mutual fir insurance companiea 17 to provide for the summary trial of small cau69 iu the country parti 18 for muring the dignity and independence of the lflgb laiive council of this provinccj and of the judicial body thcroof 19 to appropriate certain turn id aid of curtain chatitablo inrtilutionv in the city of montreal 20 to appoint commissioners to acquire infirmation pre paratory to tin introducrion of the pcnitcnliury syattfjo rtrjo tli- province 21- to appropriate certuin sum in aid of certain charitable institutions in qocbce and tlifer kiver m- for comptetii ami enclosing the new oanl at mnnlrtfil 23 to factlilmc the ncrpiiition erf a certain lot of land ad joining the n u wing ofthtr nete parliament llnll 25 to appropriate a foiihcr tim of money for enhurinj the locks of the chambly carinl 2g for the relief of the free will baptist dutch in sinn- toad 97 for the relief of the univeralit soiety nt aamt m for the relief of lb emuuaiffl in the miburh- if suit orb 29 authorising a full bridge ovar tht river ifal prairies 30 for th further pitmnnvnicncounjemrnt of educalinn 31 to continue certain art theritin fwntiuncd 32 to muhorize john mkcniy ft m built a tijt itridse over th river jcmi opposite or near vitlarjo of t ilitobviuu s3 to consolidate and amend the several acta fcwlrflo the administration of justice in uie diftfwl ofbu francis ded tlicmtlvcs on this occattm ww ih spite of the requests and udniouitiotis uf the chairman and oth ers repentcrlly disturbed the harmony of the meet ing wc imvu no tlcairc to be unnecessarily vere in our rfinarka upon public affairs and have therefore hlnttaiutml from ineutiouino the namea ef the individuals wu allude to hut friifc conscious that we are violating ur duty to the pub lic who demand at oar liatids i faithful exposure of public delinquents wcnnnc the secretarys nllieial report pursuant to public notice n very numerous meet ing of the inhabitant of kington lvinidly to there turn of abraham truax eipiirr nsi member foe thjft town took nlnre his aveiltlit at the commer chil hotel mr- j bititernmi th hi ihu chair moved by mr d vaualhii anil seconded by mr j wiiihiiiison ths rttli nuitmg use its ut muat infliibncu t promote th return of abraham ivuax kquire an itiutnbr ir ihi town at lh next tienend glctiiim d wl hmiitimomtf moved by dr isai uor and cciidd by mr j bnanti that itu fouowttig be signed by all voter present wtthe undersigned approve nf the nomination uf abiabam truax esquiir as a nnididaic tu ro imn the town of kuigmuu in the ensuing par iamenti and hereby pledge oureelvea to ue our v most exertions m every lawful and honoruble way to etiect the same- carried unanimously moved by mr j- g parker and seconded hy mr u vanautine that a committee be chosen with liberty to add tothtrir numbers j to carry the election of a troax esq carried tmanmufwly committee chosen mr mr j iluterworth i williamson thoa rnith e lmlit ja tlhainson j g parker d vnitautine a thibodo d ijtckey p fleiuiue john brvtmaiti 1 brcutiau isiiac ilough oliver alowat john coy ol hmeleanv f j reeves w mclean oved hv mr j g k anguii that ki u lis win aoihews w mi grtter iv p gibson d phillips j ii jackson john iavy john kendal willi andrews juhn donoghuc thita uaker j urandimore silvesier huldcn mfee jarvus wvrden w camll j v ipt pi diirtor irscr i1pvi m pirkrr am mcoitdim by each member of the com uiittee take a ifei of the tinting uftinr5 and acct- tain the wn- uf all win trmy bcftlied and promfa iiaiureato the ptcdw t urj vonimnvfy 1 1 y p k wmdcd bc mr i uickey thin asubacripiitm bv opened todtfray exjhtnjje oi cirrujaiiii rmrn r0 of ll hi n brmtish wbig not pomttoau a mortinsorit wchatiki ot kt04m m ml wber lridlrlotw fonmlflflra muinwitrf ilitrraij luwan wi tat 0ft cir5 mr hrlnfj tvtrn imkcn alibttfctadti impoktakt to leivox addington th frinvt of jnun sdmm o rl- hrvnd 10 tnwir ly on if ihc plh otmutrh m ihr ntpaftf mute 10 oiiorr unt ollilluaimwll orrouvr na eandil alok rxtmicrl hcwm a vvr4 k ihe r ia roough hui i aid u ii of lb wraltby who do not hold that ftyi in die towi theextcn- voichise is nbjuelioiiuhtv iuprin- v- 1111 taken in view with lit hiyh pintsto be elected in our npniioti upiuiiii wa oro aaticmutied b rv rpiihltriiit 1 awl iii lb idtt wihi itoin wc hac kpokllll it d imvi ticini in il l frwhlc to httvti raiwd thr ipuliliction ol ie rhr and lower that of tl elected becutitfc ifahechtwiiiiitncyhadbeeii render- d rchticctablvi 1i1 r conlj hara been no fear oi im proper iauis hcifcgchon as aldermen and conn- ihiirn tin llnillile it to av iio r luri now pmci ei ot lowir catiiu o tin ir fjwaker i ftii llntiw un wnlntuiv th trn i piipihly improper not nd ft ihuiijrhi uw principle had iidnl hinee thu ltiialalivv coan- tt little ivjntrd it 10 ihu iwfton mii mt iv will in proinjued li orlmu owrtzr it in hiatal lliil lnlianiiit will not ht prorogued foramilherwrt riiw fr tm days there i hooatltitirf so ihhthriakiiil in hidduifr a lon- ab to otte bimiio viendt- that bis cxcel- irui kiiev ir jolt u hiifcclv munter nerve enuuel to inret the diam oceaaioit bui he mime nril und e ihruib m i ltitittljffn forrrpon kingston assemblies the tkxi r ihw awkmblira will mkc pbtw cm ihc ifwi m ol tin jli hnusmii aojjbracamlvcbrun iyjki7lhtmlrnf j mrr 10 mr paul vr k i ion will be pubushed on 5aturdaa ti sod iwicr ofmr peter pry to lila lonjoo jrnuar rr jnrto kacn lq oij srwv to countbv tfubscrihgns tnontfr ctmuvoftcofour cwimt autacribm vho ioatttohivl cir mjicrvpcr muit my have n opfxifiit ftftyltts opptm wltli ulte twny i pmmtf vr hereby skc a lttojibe ptaccv 10 vfttjch they wi be anvanlcil from 1i1h odic- by the evrhnt conve yrc ftfr pawicuwo pillbtrti do brartfv milfci kliqmra mill hmrtubth titflumff ofktwsiofi ivukelaoi hi ortdt fsracmmn erncmmtn kcwfarh towiftinp of krniofi kai tughbototh vci liunjiufrthjh i rii the above gwtonrti are reottoj olxrnili ikiiwiit ofrnrvinl- tkiibvr ui rcttht ilhirittttfrrniherhouietiooii w ni i vcuinit tur j ii n i ii r t uo0f connrtftfij u if an uiit a jrnu in tl uli tovtlnpj onu was irc liefeby uuutori d n tcxritv pay kixi eruui rocclt j nkuoa s tytor b wtcrs v m bnirr4w- fnlnrmh thorr country gentlemen u vtom mmad oarrprr rc hrreu r- qureo 10 rmll it lu c poiotle in cr uey do am phwc tt leemuv ulwejllxn eommnmcunml rnhej willing la bmmm agoiu apol lh eiwumir irridnn tuwiro to itcttmvica had ramh u mmnvi jiwitik un hmuttm otitk huifrhin dny ouiin porwaieliw c- tv lilwwhh n- hirtil not m rvtum tw reirtl piiri t hit iitle imc m itimnbutr llitm jvr rirriiuun uno remit ihe nahm ny of ur t persoiu ad ktlw tfattl mr wa fumajhj wrn uro- j httmlicvooiii hrnry franklin wfergwoft p- frwli flnr j iiw j klojiobi tftijioc mcrnm win 1 1 b wirrna ii madden n itothnbctk nun learned miiuiiiaqniy moved mid seouded that mr ilotterworth cfp leave the chair and that mr vannutitic be mlu thereto w moved and ycended hat the thanks o tfc mectmgare justly and tleenedly due to our wor diy chainnnu fyrjpa nbe and iiiiiartiil cunduetm the chair srntf tohtfseeriry forhismsefiiltpervicea j bcttrftwonth chairman y r t rwfirirserretaiy kingston 4h march 831 upon the resolution brine put recommending n subscription to defray the rxpcuc nf extra copies of the bilmi whig c dr barker rose und said fical any vrami iitdie room uiishi imagine that hel was to he ri gainer in ihe vote they ere ylwirt toj piss he msged dtsitnctlv to say thit so fnt from accepting any remuneration lor his labors he wouh supply any extra copies of his own publication mluchmurh hi nnnd r th liarr r 7 pi rise of tlie paper with some added trillo for the a w0 when the meeting brokr up three cheers were given fur i most gracious vaje king wilhaml he fourth the first coiistittiiioiial reformer m 0 empire to cuitkisi tlie qnrrle i of o ft sinu uproar on tkwrfhj nrxl the tnmrmofihmpnpernrekpcn f n partir- nnoiutlrt ronlitlrnti plrmthht nmhlnc brhounnr rrhkm he farwnrdrd fir lneriki of whieh u editor wll oe em jojie an wtcmstft thnt the renl nnroc unl fcimrcoftv wriirr be ml lor the edition pritast in torn utu on the pneuc ofoll cnnilmijikfltj4o mgn pc paid all oecofintft of deaths or i nrr c mbe nutltonurninl wl relerltiinfli rvtiont nrnnizow wtm tl kknllieriihinliiw ultrrr tllu fainiuc h cjuied aomu ihpluiublc diasier lllhh idrv tur wtntvn or rnihcr tho winter months for have had very i hitrr veatljvr paawl yea- ttrduv ln line in plesuaii a mivuh hart seldom hem ttimrhseil il nirwj has hitii dw to 12 tlrgri hut once iwlltyi itlltl tmly a few timrsso lw as iw there has nol l cn h nrrgme morf than three lnehim uf mi and nuthniq illicit ilebervts tin uaiui f t ittiiiiliii i i 1 kleilh ih1u hae htren heard hut one fniv n uily and the vvradirr iiiik beeit a enustlihlc purmutt uf tlie time uh mild hk uniiiuiii wrmuhi in lie ere timidly grateful lo lnvidriirr h miw wftiii fur if ilu wiuti r uu befit aa aovere aa iikwc cornmcnciiig iiilkwaihl kingston fmoav mors1no march 1 im thr tnreitntr of iheinlialntants of kingston friend ly to the return of a tniax fittf as member tor the tmvri took place ou 1 ueadny rvciiiug pursuant to public luiiice at the commercial hotel the attendance was very large ami highly res pectable mill nearly aim the extensive awtnhly mom ihu great majority present were actually vo ters the number of whom conthillod with the cer tainty nf many othrrfl who were unable tn attend has infused impc ami spirit into the imasts of all who have in reality ih prosperity of the town at we tsvke occasion to temind the mechanics kington that tonkiht is the time sppoin for the ineertngot mr mckays tavern to form 3fccltfinic literary institute a meeting which w hope to see numerously aneuded porantih nhocire iinacipiainted wiili the indivi uab whctmnpase this useful class of the coimnon ty arc nut aware of the ivrv high talent which is t be found aihollayuy tiw tuodi igamed man i kingston is rtlflcenamc h lettcrfehi the chronic signed a tradesman vck wriucn hy a uteclianie the juckplain in the old fsftccuttttr waa the praok linn of a mechanic thr late letters of x at somebody tlto conic flniiti mcchanlco and ir lltough not leasi the truly heantiful poem of th mas the rhyinit just publihvd came from the pel of a mechanic ith luleul o hiqh and sn varied thtirdispiiftil wu have no reason that a kingston ml rhtuiirs literary intitutr should not he mined thi should take tlie literary e id iu the upper province i tlviug joun i t- kid in te tin attiitc editor of mr iminmxh tint hafc hten pleaatd to make na 01 pert to our public labor which he had every rfaso to beirve was ersonaliy oktenstvc tn enter inti a contest with a paper or imliwtltial in which vicuj iy or delivit must be alibi disgraceful would be coiideitceiwion on oor pan uncallvhl for and then fore the only thing whieh uc can an is todirkowh ueexchuugus and forei the enistviue of so mue insigmlicauce the proroeiition of paihameut i vnnously stati by bontl to have taken plifi nit ii rdnestlav and i nlheis not until tndaj 1 the length of mr mai u aa to omit a ftw articles uri atlieiiiseiiiint coin latl written i the cimainblejtiaepli lnrhirr u not atrtm of kiinrkitiir the matt down at the late wile hm rtrimng hint u hem mom mi tin head with hlodgeon