provincial emigration the subject of emigration is rising in importance from year to year mid cuuuol lusc its iuuiesl us long as much misery ur much discontent exists among our workup classes upper caiiaihi the great recipient of our surplus population itf4hm miles from britain a distance which lcmks cxtrc melv formidable hut such is die the stawzitlc eco nomy of water carriage when seconded h goud arrangements that the voyage by sea to montreal can be made at as small expense as the journey by land to manchester the passage money from dublin to montreal or quebec exclusive of food has been as low as 30 and it would not be higher probably from leitli or ureenuek if the emigrant were in sufficient number and so prompt in their arrangements that the vessel tost no time beyond what was strictly necessary for taking her full com climent on hoard if the ship is detained i niuiiih fcfore this is got ihe owners must of course be indemnified for the detention by u higher lire kuur stone of oatmeal with a little ham or salt ftm for variety will subsist a man or woman on the vrjy- age and thus a human being can be conveyed over a distance equal to onesixth part of the cir cumference of the globe and six times longer r dare say than the wandering of ulyssis at the imall cost of 45s in an article in may 1s32 we pointed nut the rapid strides with which emigration was advancing and some parliamentary papers ffo have received since exhibit new proofs ul its extraordinary pro gress it has in fact outstripped the expectation of the most sanguine the following table shows the number of person who have emigrated in the last eight ysarsto inorih america the cape and australia british unitat cap of au america 8mk 6 hope tralta totok 1815 8741 5551 114 4i i4 1826 i2ia 7 110 903 vumw 171w ujot 114 7is gwk lass ia084 1v17 133 i am ajuw 1829- 13307 15 pj7 yym 311 130 30571 2457 w4 1 s gtfuu7 1831 53067 23414 114 1561 stjlfiu 1332- ggk3 stgti luu 3733 tnmu it will be fceen from this table how tco jily the increase ol cim gration 1 niu bipii espuciallv 10 gutltt bo it mini be observed thit a gfottl proportion probably more itlful a half of those who sailed im the united slates were distined for ihe hrhuli colonics and only chou that route is iik hiwi eligible on account of the lueilitie which the hud tton and its associated caflttls present fr timvelliu to the upper province cnrithi and nova rvntiu must have di from britain cities gfthesir colonies iiwu at leusrt eighty thousand with r last vear and yet such are the capa i6r absorbing population ijvti rjj puitfff of labour wiin not lowered in iher hni degree and from the previous arranmeiit ttiatle it j- announced that a much larger number ol per fcnh could have been received without iucouvcil ience sanguine as we were upon the subject wv did not anticipate that emigration could e conduct edon such a scale with the extraordinary ease eer dainty and economy now exemplified tiiosu win deflect on the distress and perplexity which would be produced by landing die sixthpart of ebjhtj thousand strangers on the shores of uiiiuin in uin hummer will appreciate the extremely dissimilar condition of a colony which with lesthan a million of inhabitant can take hi 0o0j new stfttlen tn iln same period without cmburflttsitttttlt or euiifiointi the general result k that britain sent ijilituouq bouls from her population last year of uhom number sailed 7000 miles a number ii km and those who made the shortest voyaw 4000 mile the annals of emigration allbrd nothing approach ing to this ii any part of the world and yet w may reasonably expect to see still greater thin- achived it appears from the various census since isl that the annual increase in britain if no person iclt it would be about 350000 or wo may place the fact in a more striking light by stating thil there are about a thousand persons more in the three kingdoms every day than here was on be day be fore if by raising on habits and ideas of ilio labouring classes we could eet this daily increase reduced one half and the oilier half could be carried off by emigration if we could by this means kecj the supply of labor stationary wiiiui capital whs increasing a great improvement would be elieeied in the rtai of be pftpubiliott nnw from wltm has been stated it appears that the feiuignml wlio leave our shores annually amount to nearly oflc third of the annual excess already und ui a year or two there is every probability that it will amouui to onehalf of 51200 emigrants who landed at quebec and montreal last year 17500 went ftmu kuulamh 33200 from ireland and 5500 from tfcnflsiiul in the year lftjl the numbers were from england 10300 ireland 34100 scotland 0jii of the emigrants from scotland ht year 1716 sailed from greenock 1145 from urillt ftw from cromatry 473 from aberdeen 43 j from dundee mi from alloa 181 from isly 175 from annan 160 from glasgow 112 from leven 110 from campbeltown and numbers under hundred fioui stranraer peterhead and irvine of the emigrants to the united states last year 15751 sailed from liverpool 5515 ivom london 2742 from bristol 2613 from londonderry and 1711 from greenock mr buchanan the government aftent nlliuclrisc states in his report thi the general descnpliin of emigrants who arrived last year were above thr average of preceding years many respectable uil wealthy families came from alt pans of the united kingdom and the extent of property and specie brought into the country by ihcni wan rmeediiil fireat fully amounting to form 600001 tn c70iujw0 sterling about 5000 were sent out by pecuniary did from parishes or landlords hnt ihere were 1700 commuted pensioners military we be lieve many of them men of irregular habits and it fitted for the situation of settlers of these abou 100 returned to britain the fear of ebnleia was a considerable check to emigration it appeared in qucbec on the 8th of june and the pvnpius mm arrived after that suffered much from the difficult of procuring lodgings even fur a day bill mr buchanan estimate the whole numwr of emigrant vho fell victims to the disease at no more than 5350 the demand for all classes of working people says the report has never been exceeded in the canada particularly since the abatement of the cholera und i cau assure your lordship thai dur ing my late tour through the districts and settle ments uf upper t l in j i did not nwj an industrious emigrant vho eould not meet with employment the number of that trbtsh arri ted dus year is nut alefuate tc hupply the demand created by the jitore wealthy emigrants this ww particularly felt in the western and london district u the upper province where the want ol laborm www so irteai fhat it was found necessary to oticourage a number lo come over from ohio nd pntisvvania this was written on the 13th ucccmber inw aitil tltc arrival of emigrant closed in ociobiv tub provfxcial- pabuamkn t ue noticed on saturday iliat the house of asseinhly were in committee of the whole on the subject j lmkm and that an address to ihe khlif protntiuir airami the interferetire uf his ycsis ministers in uiif local r i concerns was under rniidrntttulti the original addrvffl ihtridoied by mr siuwhi wa couched hi laiiie lan2uagi and the whole nf ii except the two lirt paragriph was struck out tn give place to the more vigoruuu r nhtclion uf mr uidwell whih passed the cununiitie hv u vcrv large majoriiy pud was reatl t third time and passed yesterday by a majority of thirttimc to one mfc ketchuiu alune otiug against it the lodo ing i the address morr iiiariues son rcfin we vuitr majestys uut dutiful anil hil subjects the cnmmoiik i louse of assembly ol jpner canada in provincial parliament assembled in full qstuirancu of youi majesty is earnest ilesiie to promote the welfare of your people beg leave humbly to address ourselves to your majesty upon a matter of the deepest interest to your laiihful sub jects in this province we learn with extreme apprehension and rciret that at the insmnce of the lords cumuiissioiters ol your miijcmv treasury it our majesty has been advised tueitutlaiu the intention of disallowing rv acts of the legislature of this cohhty which were passed nearly iwu years ago the onn for htcrciwiiig the capital stock of the bank of upper canad and the other for incorporating a second hanking association in ibis province under the intttlc of the commercial bank of the midland district we humbly represent that although the disal lowance of the acts may appear to be authorised by the letter of the statute of tllss hritish pir- haineut passeil in the thirtyfirst year uf the hcign of vour mujetvs koyal father entitled an act to repeal eetiiio parts of an act pusscd in the fourteenth year of his majestys rrin entitled an act for making more elleelual proxisiun lor the uovcfimuvmi uf the province uf tiebec ill north america l to inaktt further provision for ihe uovcrmueuiof the said province yet it is eon trary to its spirit and meaning mill to the principles of a tree iovernment we believe thai this pro vision was made to renieth dw eil which nuglit be occasioned by the hoyal assent being given in the colony to u provincial act that shouhl be found incompatible ivith the origin anil interests of other wa our inteiiuil jitlairs against such an iuterjerence we rcsjcctrull but plainly and sidcuuily protest as inconsistent ttitll ihoxc siicred cunslitutiotial prin ciples which are essential to a free government since it in uhuufest thai your majcms ministers at a distance ofmorv tbim our tliouiilkl miles and not ai all conirolable by or accountable tti ytutf majestys subjects here and posseio neeessurily a shrill and imperfect knolede of the eircum hiaiiies of this country the wains anil habits ami feelings o inhabitants a d the mode of transacting misioess atuoiir us rwi dictate a dilfeient cmirw to relation u tucasiires adecmit ourselves oidy irom that which the people by their repnxentaies and with the cuaciiricuce ol the other branches uf the provincial ltishittirc have chose wv un reduced to a state uf mere dependanec upon the will and pleasure uf a mlitltfirj that are irresponsible tu us ami beyond the reach and operation of the public upiumii uf the prohlcc anil no onr caf rely upon our provineial laws ahhu they may be consliimii- iimtly ami deliberately bouul but the most un- nippy tiiceitaiurv and want of couiidenn ui prevail ami extend lliei disasternu influence liver all buines transaction wo rcfimxlfully chttra the same right in beliali of oiir mijestjs suhjtcts in his jroxincc tube cimptihid in the uiaktii of laws for their peace web flire and iroosl oxeromeiit which our icllufffttllyccta in treat britain enjoy in respect to laws to which tltuir obedience is requireil and ahhuuih front the necessity of the case power must be grunted in the iivad ot ihe limplrct of preventing colonial laws licfrlg adopted and enforced which are inconipttihle with treaties between your majestys lovenuuent iind foreign states or with the just riyhis of ttnv other of your m colonies vet with these exception we submir that no laws ought to be ur rightfully vu be dictated to ur imposed upon i in p pe of ibis province to wlltrli they do not necl tfii- liicirtiuitoeuti imthio f uttiuknt medium nf representatives chosen hy ami account able to themselves the force ol our humble and dutiful remonstrance against the principle of ai iutcifrrenri of vimr majestys miinsters wiih oiu ititcnml ufliiirs we are not willing tu diminish by insisting upon lliu iucou- veuicuce and evils tikiy to lollow tujiu the rxmvle d th ihiwcti whicli the letter nf the llntidi mntlitc before quoted stvuv tn vour majrsiv io disallow hill iwintr been reac third tune was carried up to the lloli leislat council to dnv and road u first ami second une and wan ordered to be committed fur toiuntow when it will probably also in- re lit third origin nous u he lmpire but wo cannot think it intended to siv a power ot interference with ii the 1 fovhieial acts whieh wu have oiruioael but we eanuoi refrain from dechirin our painful ami settled conviction that the disallowance of ihee ttclfi ttftei they haxe been lor a itmu ume in oper- iiion so- tliii tite inor frepieut and ordinary as well as tin most extensive and important transac tions oi business in ihe pniticc depend upon their continued existence would be attended with confusion ami disiiess beyond ueseriptioii without my benefit to the pnince and without any portion cmvs dominion and humbly pray thai your majoly taking these matters into your tavorable cojisjdcraduu will be tjrariously pleased nut to disallow ihee provincial acis and not to pmiit your majestys tniniiers to inttrlwe with our internal alvairs but to leave ihe same cuttrelv ul vmir m it we iherefoie ivpeetlullv to ihe dtcreiioi this province and amtrol of the legislature uf vie ffih or ar lirrorftttrtflhtii nf the 7wv of ytr under the htvlii and title oi the oirv op rouoxto niay be cmisidered as having- linallv kim1 into a law the an dinculs tuaile in the liislative cuuucil as iioiietl in our last were lakra up in the house lif aseiuhly on sa- tmday evening ttllcil seveial amiiitluieui 10 tllnrt of the council vcio propomil by mr jttrri the firyf wan to restore the name ol tin tuwn to- votk heretcjtoie which was inst by a considerable majority the xcctmt to lower die iptalilieutiuti of aldermen from cshk ufjbshh ami thai ol the common niuncilmeu from c21mt to cljtl was carried the thirth to make the mayor elcclite by i lie itdialiitanis assessed at oh and miwards instead nf by the alderim ordy was lost when a motion that the mavnr should be elected hv the aldermen and council from mwititl the aldermen was carried by a cuuiderahle mainiity a motion tu do awny with the duuhle vole of the mayur was hihi carried last owning ihe ameodmeuis thus amended were brought up lor a third reading two dillereiil atteinjiih were made by ur jtrnis in wrtom ihe name of york but they were both hist the tunnel by a infinity of eight and the ulttt hy our the docs lul appear that hon itoily time atid fmallv paed a therr to e i any serious objections in 10 the alterations made iu the loer housi henceforth or 0 least immediately after ii is ffxeclleinvs tlwcih holl be tfivcil to this act the wn ol yirk or of link york as it has been soiovtuues calld will vvav tu exist for ever of which fact allthtntlv fts and independent lieges of his majliv kixo vuliam and all tla hmoiblicaii slaves of rfw gccstl laha at washiiej- toik are tberelbrc hereby duly notified and thai it is tu ln r cirv tt tuo rand not the v il- hitfn nf li 1 1 lo yurk that the iolinn and nutmeg at thft latter must lio xfurdi be cm isimnl courier vokk iniiummaritn hiu uv tlunk it ntmui unlilo h dial iiu ncolhmy will nnu lo- suv- 1 ni mmtnoreuiilmlai vvhli ibapcnpkjt di s tiwn mul uutrv ii t ib iocorpofniuiu bill in iti prcaartdinpci ndwrritw hpiu uiw0ppw in omata alocttttji i ith pniniel j uw nhmiaittomrac- icr in tiio wiy irttli m ttu ir publk lueeiiflgi and pctitiutw aihl roiiimiu- prayin iln wiiiirary w are nctnatal hy hfmiarlv lilui nr prroal hiftiiftfehllmi hljpvingour fi rlt 4tpthtmfhlt til ill a aifnl m u ill lit cm tn rij riti v u it v m voicj w iili ncdathatiod dial q sekd uf thv mwn- pomili4liiuli1 wnitoiillmemihviiey ica in- vnpumjil brfaiim on f iishcririiiji wiw convioem uuu o ut pvta mw pripority of uw fcllww iitwtio ii ilk i urin llvl t a itttw wlicii boroiljli iti- pirmhati buvvmo inn jbic uwiii wywt of bm mftjwy hivunuikitt in kturlanj that the king i ramvpiittitc ly re will iuwujii tn wihind lh fedhrp f uhi pwflc suit rirumr bj altimviu iiih i mmniiff us ihi l conw into oration at the lao wul highly ivtnl4 iwhilig f our lellow twj- riun iu m vriinliiv in w courl llmira w were politejy ul- bwiil to -tiiu- arhnitlh indtodl mw liuvv oftho probstbli wfirklllq nf lb- hill afij aiir lln ntnriiiis- liml liictiel v tit itiiawia ami itidntll in t lkvor il w ntvcral nikr ratniiiiil widl i itslhhin that in tt witlthum llt royal aslit irittil it xi utiis wan rfianittwua la iti oppusltioo wiili the ixclilixi of lr ibldw otw fltber wiiom hands vvcfe jaltl hi iii ih avnr hmild it f imo a inw ih pnpk will 2t uppelirioiwbffw iito the innuaof gomowhwfc and whni iu hroiuim bollmi a rthict rommitloe i par- ibinent itvudtvun rltcr mill tlwmnrtimcotiortbat wrniiinil who could 0ch ttwuupua the people will ik fully nwde ttnnifil- w ptrtltivn to in ueutoiianl govirunr iimisthc mimnmutliiistollnbm but nol chowim- tii ailvr tu wiicmlnvn w w rog mceaduimtlw writer lif tb arli le w rwctvuiow right at lll sttinp time to pfnihisi a medial oiwiwid wltirh aookl conttufl lit- nwwi vvliv llii kv jeliaiiffcoiialil n to be raminil in ujipnrftltrt i ihe wwrftfiopantw more panunbrly to- tortcd york attrfli- tiicteiietilomvlinlr the murmpntun dimrlet mrl ul lliuold cuiiil utflw titurlny momuifal iiuico i hr k atol rcinuiiicnl in tci a interval for dmutjrj iindl xmvii in the cvfinft fiflymvcn ihjegates mmwiwi the sinuii ami ilic liumny and order prevailed llirvmhoiil fimx imi f ttwfiil biiinvvs wd dow ihmiwell nrwl mull ihririawmom and prordinrt dim mu otic vftirti ami ow wwl nevrr witnessed a day s limbtioil oore nleftui ft agiwal it is couimfttl ad visible to uetii the wiili m xhev will bv ril witl undivided oi- nr 4tion oflhe mmuiefl until next mcek ijtnm- canada monbatcment of the determined hostility of a mnjoiily in the assembly of the low- rr plttvtncc w the government hns npeared on ihe contrary the spirit tlmt prevails is evidently in- rreisinff the ninetytwo resolutions reported nnd alluded to in this ipcr on friday- were passed on rhe 21 tf ultima by a vote of liftysix lotwentyfour nnd sill propositions nnide to their tone were rejec ted by i liue majority a special committee wa appointed io prepare an aildres to his majesty nnd both houses of parliament fpuiided on the resolu tions- the eoiitoiu hints about the proniinity of the united states ami the catthdmr and are ex iierted tn be confided to messrs hume and o cou ncil in the houm of cointnnmt a meeting gf the itarwatiheld on the same day nd passed resolu tions expressing their reprehension of the outrage committed upon their privileges by the net of the assembly towards andrew kcmy hnmeh bsquire kimrv advocate ill bringing him to ihe rnr ot dial mouse where he was reprimanded by the spea ker for the prolcssioua advice by him given to mr kiehie returning officer at the late election for the for the county uf sftmstead a more high handed measure than this can scarce ly be found in any country- v y cam adt whmt tuf adjourned mbrting of lb mechanic anil other friendly to the formation of n mechanics institute in this town will tdec place in lliu court llouc on pritltiv kvinirij next at hnlf pw six oclock ktngron asftfkmbui the nrxi of lcc amiiii will utkc pntc on ibr lqlh itxl at the i mar pubiished at the ytug dict the efmm r thomas ihe rhymer io of kitun m auso tim mcabi icitir of ur teirr pry of ckasut u hh undod qiunin john kuril rtq ou ooilcy a ml t mr pmbi tff nt to ihtuv 0vb8crmeit in nfdw tlrfii ihoe rwr iiniry nulkxrhthtrt who do hi ifttlvc ibcir piin fc mailt mny iwvc tn ophnnitit trixi npplinl viih a liillc uvljty t rvksibli wc lirrrb- give a iblnfuw pua lo wuith hm will tic ihrwanll rmm tutosc tv ihe rrlirafwvvyndrcttlrrpubiiwiioii lr- w rarnbpi vo nra j maihcwon henry franwiio w kitgiwnn a tio j mellon tyur s merrill wfll howrwirc pittimrb lo brrvrri hihf kinpion lill darriifim township ofkinloo waterloo villi omha ki m krncflown ncwhorgh twnwhlp orkincmon 131 ixmhboroitrti went loof hbofooibi rocttaivu rh pub- bc ctm- lift if the ai lor tin lhnw ihmricl vvdl w htlil f 111 ft ajiil nvm it itn wicl lloue in iliiritnvik- hill 1j i rj b iht tity ul i witli thttiinjiw t-o- tilttill rrtaml ui b luvvn al n part of ilio 11 hai fmallv paxcil the two k iiiriu tu ywrlu ted thi dav ul fitir in the af ruling ii the lcititiiri i l tit rr- in iiimiui v trui ihv nkh anilier kirllinciit as the ircciil i mier ciuiathi will ni cc- a urivtiu iiiir sulilr il to the nlitr fiom liwlon totr that die dimtfttun of iring thccaowfew llieir iudcpcihluwt under british tintptin w lilian w3 tb pmpomd to the llmimi f ciiinin ai m rtuly nrril ut the present kmon tlw roctvilin iii i luiadt arcwh avtitatd ti tiam en l mjiiraumii wo v tili miumer ean real tlieif w ivpulu linn wiitinl iwuu riiamed lhai the mthitl au tkwulc of niir miioiiarc in pwihr cjbtlcdhi uilillin2 a nt mililic rubbers lb cliai at the thrftt if ihi tnn nivetiufs ytalurtuv mr wwih mrlnbidt mw hli5 earnl wytvuyl mr jamv siiiau 4 i lit culdtduto itit vril town illnn wnjnc hut we lake tlu rarly upitnmt i lhu with a tnll an 1ng itmbtl krwlfpljtti i tv urn pohiicm etmrtt of mew iarvi ami small we avmm jf atfiid t rbw httirrrn atw jmm jar i um ti ihe leat hiim hn t jiv jarvutlie irb r m we are lutlv kitili ln an iinjekiiini anjnjab ni he leiurmd next tltlli ff tw iiwii ifksbimfta calfrri jarvi- when iiutow- ameciliiii dinplnm lclre the rmnpce wil w elianrc a mich an imhh iniit ii vvonlil lin vy tudiciirti aiy trkint or rctunn id immihu hlnvttw ptweta mr titratl late evcrtton tt lb lnilar side i- l rt ee lioiiterin epeijien a we diall eleirlv ie v 1l fil linfc il bc n cuwrt- it i niter mmjihlc that lie could go vvuli the imlejicujent ititenll we aic nniilumrtllo nuuuuuee i hut the remains 01 die mucli lunieniej he mr- millar whose melan- elmly fite luift ex lwd such universal sympathy hav- ina been remuvi from aiiolpntmowrt will arrive eo ni s iturdiv uei for reiiiiinnent intlmsucw lreiliufimi church oi ibn phftc ulw tiii on sutidu nexifta miittifolc itairral wnimn will he de liver d i die umiui nhcc of mtetiiic hy tlic kev mi- uiiy- of poterbum- cobvnrx sfar jllw tiiiriimiiifnl ffelufc ivhunm interetetl in ihe iitmlier itnu will ngoiceioleuriittiaia letter ha heniive4 ivl iimiii mr b t iiiie thai an li iimw linibci liwix in leu iliril ltl i 1 1 veil a iterlj ft ttcrthnl imeliaieji- wmmui tak v ni ihe linlr unties nil sc niisirmi imireihan nl w t ehni2 tin imperial lailminiit may detcf- m it mlnee it vvoiiht u ennliaij o evefv liir riicjt llll i1m jtt lukml fllhhmu 41 tlt ltll ii vaierajbllmaiko s i iilhtek ttic alrf gmljrmeii are rtfrftfti wluniith ihenatne orni hcribens af receive ilir iiter i ibeir houvoti rw moh a my venlent theftllowiti- rttfleme n 1iav kimlly con lo an an gpneml a rcuu o 4m alhive ip1v tohinv imtl vrflfl are hereby authnnieo in rfwlv lay uttf p mil wjl llll j nlhfann s tayhr b v win- dftm nrf w a famnaiu he taken of the matter except by those whtt were lo he obliged by the act they forgot that one indepen dent press existed that feared the public frown more than their sovereign disapprobation and when through our exposure tlc town became highly ex cited and they found they bad overhot the mark and that more injury would arise to their pet mr hagenuan from the displeasure of the townspeople oenemuvf than would be counterbalanced by ihe de votion of the carters they drcv in their horns and under die expectation of regaining their ascendancy rescinded the very law for the propriety of which they had been contending but whatever be ihe ciiuse we congratulate our townsmen upon acqui ring the right of luauiug a hore ur cart to a neigh- bur nnd we care not a rush whether iliac privilege is gained through our humble labors or whether it is procured through clectioueerin imutmiivrc mirny of our friends have remarked on the sever ity of our strictures upon ume worthy gentlemen the magistrates ihsy tell u should bear tu mind their limited capacity and iiuperfectcducuion and not be continually contrasting them with ihe same class in england who may be properly called the most intelligent and best educated body of men in the kingdom- to which we answer that the plea of ignorance might be set up in their fttvof if we wit- netted anything like a consciousness of their ml imperfections inany of their public proceedings but is totally unavailable when th inaiiuer in which they usually transact their judicial business i recollected- nothing like timidity or an appearance that there exists a possibility of being in error is even secn but on the contrary their mandates arc issued with more nuthority and pomposity than is assumed by the chancellor on the woolsack or i lie twelve judges of england in special council assembled we cannot however be always scuttling these gen tleman and therefore to relievr the inonotony of our observations we shall conclude this article by the recollection of an old loudon anecdote and il- thourrh their worships are as ueo mckenzic is sta ted to have said of his fritnd solomon cirtwright confessedly no conjurors yet it is lo he hoped hat the moral will not escape their penetration seeing we bring it forth from the stories of our mtrtnory for their particular edification some sixty years since a certain man of ephem eral notoriety by name orator lleidry entered a coffee house neai clare market and seated himself in a box where two gentlemen were conveismg said one gentleman to the other when did vm hear last from your friend ruhutyoil l ti no somt months replied the other bni when i last heard from him he was at cttylun or at some of our possessions in ihe west indie sir mv9 the urattr breaking in upon their discourse do you know that ycu have made two mistakes in the few words you have uttered or in the m plire ceylon is not one of our poss but belongs to lin dutch and is in the eni nml not in west lud es- id iu kisgstos tvb8dav bujrixq jmkl7f 1 i8si mi i it nlnie it would l iimiiiuv lovvciv liiirirnmiii if 1 rllti m nukv uftftl i tlmnbn uillioul lu wirnin jhtih ailrtrtixtr s vmm mioakl lr1 llniarttiunv uwtw i ir hi- lo tirriv iv llh kill ilitf law nml hie pe- il- s niltabicvlhh wu lw ilhtiil itio iiiiiniiijlioii m r1liwr- im kil itrvjjc iv ilic kih nsnl the l au di my icilli client dll jmirw llmtt wv licit iii ttli mmf in ivehh llv lfivtte irhn ljhl titll nmtri t m li itiil tiilo wn im lurihiill miiiic f lmfl wllc lled r tl in p mi ihr lulli nivmtit lor ufcvwk inil ilh ii h-ii- nro vuleitiniiod ft tut naiciv iil dwlirokcu will 111 t mr 1 illhiu ihi- 4ii i it 1 him icmltfor eh t ufe thr il tu ii tit f alr kvilr lliin iv co was u pas- vm im lu laud t lunn llll iu 1 il ril ll i til 1 n ki llllvlitl fvmfl lisutvi i- ulni ii iiintiimf w ithltif dw 1 lim umliti it i- mil tlltl l f tld- iwfirtdllm briiti irkday sim oct t3x 1c irilririikl in -itm- llii- riachvh vu of iln- if lit omfiitiniit li un mriiili atmrnifi ill iiminit iiitm of iii innllee liit eim v n imt r rorii1 f il fillrf ii c i i luiml i i- m til i tlulrti tnwt mul uii gtttitghuf lit htivi inl luulllv utili iiiiuiiiii it i iiimi lutvtinu tin cnnnflas i mniiiu llftafcl filii dnj ymi will nic tli fim i ifltlf iii lll illijlil iii 1 li- ikllll i lnrkece vril ft uoy ofll mii with which vm vvinrh lii in lni onlit il in liy lln cnn mii hilrji iil vliruithilyii ltnxio 14m hut nnrkuciiit the pw tun liui a hie llirrior mi the jmkj1 ul 1 lln ili1iliidlilily 111- t atc iuiiiini lutlu dtin runt 111 v cltj pir hiro 1 illlih i t hi i4v irf lln ljt liiiiilitiimimii umltrmiiiiil lhit iimlvnti will ih ui rvoihl liiii h2i iiiil vumil ti lliitf m ihr i niiimj- uu the orator ui confute 11 sir i deny liii wtllbiintr ii lmv vou well hank i the n he- i ni anli iiihiii lh in i iiiiij win tin- vldi cn tlir iiiunltr f aluatkim mil irumi ol ilit tffun i dmii yterliy i vrhim lh nry ivtnnul i vtsrdkl uf wan- mr till in ii nttirl ijn n efts v itulii lh l ir the umrc was vo vvtmli pnmm5 iiii mr murrin n hj thv tu ifirrtri in kiiflaiiil willi hit- iri iii jil ti tiiitrt llirill tiling nyu with lilt tlmhotiilih d- ll- vivf infill lr lh ivn mix to vviikii lliu iiiitmmy iirxil on lomhlioii llpil tl jim imulil iiomr mii the ji w abow tin- tnil it tiohh wiijii1ivvuiu urdiltirlmumrumiml ihiv wilu in- 1imlhl h tbiiril4iyolr wliii4i li it iipt uioit will not w h tjnurnlti in town i illy hwoijii intirrof lli niijitlili iii milwtiltf ji0to- wur iu l mr mnirillx xiir it is txivcud tliiir ihr otllvir utl hkiuui imiuy il rint imvniiiii i rngvnvdbj luo rnwiatniiun lh n io u ih lir iuimorhvo i uit- it4niinrl u ihiy w tvtjtiim- miiiihhir- would tmibvaumi mm l1 hi fa ui tlkfq wa an ftttu in nf fir vlmcrdav noon nroucodinj from ilc now ion buihlin bloijin tu mr c 1 1 vith at noyiit unloiihiitvj uih boii 15 kuoj up as an iullicmrya mnrc ow- mg li home uocidoiil ttn- hnvin- 111 llc trout lup imtviit lire which oniniiiuiiicatcl itsolf quit kly to ihi guikhuldilw wood work aotlbnuw iikijuitly given and as it fotuiiucly haiiriu a carter ww thai moment ddivrinx n puncheon uf wator t mr t- hardys oouoitc wlm luni carriotiaros wnaihnwti upon lhcilitiio uud vltvckol thoir vjrcy iutil uioru tru otitauud tlio lift ctidtykuiifj wiili llivir ciiiino nroio i nitoudoit toioln r with inumof 1i10 iulltiuti ui fibtof and ijwnpi oph ami ilu- liro wu tdily 50i iiini r af icr dctoving hop rahirti ami rli tft a uuiisidcmblu amount after all the uhjhl imm luftdc by our putriutic and truly modt nngitratw in untying litem- selves aguinm public opinlidlj hy forcibly uinl in the opinion of ihle inyers iltcgally celling the liropuity uf a lownjman in order to ilciti at chit llectioituerhlg jnriuil their bondsmen the liceucerl jurtera it appeals from a milltlte of the prueeeiliugf of the adjourned court ol uuartev sessions held ul the court lloiic cm mmikuiv lut fur vv inch aste anothvr column j that the urder under which thev acted his been rescinded and open pcriuustun given to every man to lend lliu horse nnd ciirt iu au person ut any lime and un any business let th review ihi trauaetiuih an individual ul cunellj iriida hin inirse and carl to a friend tu carry mime pork to the waterside he u culled up before then worships and lined twenty shillings with heavy costs this line is very properly re- liwid 10 in paid tui account or psdjmble injus- ttee the relubut i imliii uvt ua u memory octlwpcrwtw whose alledged authority i thius openly bvt at defiance and another ocvaiou to punish him for his contumacy is eageily fomgul ion spices arc et upon the conduct of hinrndfnud hw ciimits lii cttrt u oon been dropping a bulli parcel at the door of an auctioneer a iutiununs u tnstunilv iiiule out the eulprii is hsul up tn the bin and iunihed iu a uouhle penalty willi heavy court fees no time is nov losl a warrant is plaeed ut the bunds of a constable the mans goods irc wtititl olid in due time biotiuhl to lhj sold tubhe indig nation displays ittllf no sale can be elticted and ihe cuiitftuble peacefully wlurim the property toil owner who having calmly submitted to the law vainly imagine un has wo nu inure indiyuiiics to submit tu iot hu their worships nut eanui at being laughed at as wellasilvjpucd issue asecoun warrant order a second seizure and bucked by the whole forces at their disposal elfect a second sab at which a horse and cow of the value ol more than thirty pounds are sacrificed airless than live pounds we shall paatf over the brutal conduct ol one of the runstables because n is barely possible thtt he re ceived no precipe orders lor the cncciac ol iu brutality ami ilia act cannot therefuie he prupcrh laid to their wotthiptf chiirge although it is sell evitktil iu strict rtuiiy that all rtits committed through the wanton and untiecessaiy abuse of autho rity must his laid ai ihe door uf those who command the execution- hy the way were the common constables of this town to observe and copy the manner in which the high constable executes hu duty and confine themselves to the obeying of his orders when he is iu person present there would need no remarks from the public papers to repress r in ir licentiousness hut to return this art of tyrany over what next is done in- niuttd nf sileuiing justifying their conduct and waitiuit for n i time wllcm with the dignity due to ibeir olftee ihey could confess themselves to be iu the wroilg the magistiates meet almost immediately after the sale and do what why reseiml the very bylaw the pretended violation ol which had induced ihetu to iauc the good of their fellow townsman to be sold for almost nothing and why wjsihis done now were we not the most uiuflisi man in llis majestys dominions we might iiluhjittc tins apparent sacrifice to public opinion as lite vitrei of our numerous writings upon the subject and ronseipientlv phunc ourselves upon the service we had duilc lliu town hutalns we know the con trary tis the approaching election which has called lorih this act o justice their worships thought when ihev obliged the carters that no nutice would ulto neneik sod i know hut little or these matters observed his discomfit- ictl antagonist what says the orator do vou thank vod for you ignonmice m yes 1 do retorted his opponent and whaithniiv why then said henky vou have a rcal deal to be thankful for on friday ctcplfiff a nunwrroi mini highly cfnect able hirtlv of uuhatiic iiitcrypcr- with out fiv of tke t ilr -it- of kmjhiiik irni1hd it mkiy tnvvrn t ttiikurm dl9 prnpriiv of inning i miruvmc tfitflrfg- siiiik nf the limlinc un mceli niis nf the town wirc nen nrccnt their hqdcq bcins occdlatkd it i pn tinned frorj ihnc of im n t ind iii ill ci llhv slmuld hrot n mhiuif huii iiu vvich tirrir mipte oppoiliuiity ifis item nltinlci1 tluui to mmji n mneu iiimitntiuii in kingrtnrt and if tlwv have nut thuulu prom iiod they rhmim uit wamo their tuimjter triukwncir tliev trp forward tu do iliat wlii ii inure pmpinly munsd iitntiia tu not hciu conmiltotl prumi nioclins thi siavjuj awny wa ittik rcnllntcd lliit u u now three y jr tut lia ikcii in full niiratin nl vurld di to tlivui anotliei riui why t lint noithcr if ihr iwn oriiinair iruulinrt ir mr c simvclt bli 01 n iiniou httt fiuw towiimu or tv ww if tit h p ru u litilt lam diiubt lid ipiimin4 m hi lint piq t litcri itctiot liy mr not ouultcd i itiitui mr d rial rritiir nn cvv ronrvion would hove bom mad t tlw j wirlitm of ihr diler tnrlmiacn aniti wr mi jialiviiaf anv kind will bo avoid 1 am ihiil ihi wliitlrmj mcliaiiical will muvicr ftrongly at tin cuttrt llmrh mi frid rwning next w tvmvc the report nf ihi- rontuuiituud d mitli and ti elcrt n rili bearvfi4 nf the infant society froiiiltic kitijimi n bfnlr at a sfnrral myelin f ii mhriim ami tlhd fririiitly in lh friiiinni of m limi litiniltf intitutr hld purumt to puhlic nnit at rtvivn tavtcn kinglltl iu friday evening the tilt if innu ltt mr fmvrij swrri t wa tleciorj chairman nnd vfcmah ii u lary tin chairman havitij iiliiiit d llw objct cf tl l hf-iifr5ilr- jiin tu tim it i oswetit cutawwi it hwmi- f uler o ictv totm ralmllkiirtliriiiw i ii proposed by mr l ffrti condl ly i i iii thai n wmmhtoc of twelve pw hr kunmiaicd to di a m ofknlaiionn for thr soycmiwffl rifrtnl uiututun tlial thrv report ihoreon in the adurn d illccltllf lit prnp ffrsd hv mr john mitfttd srrided by mn 01 tint tlm wlrl rnniniittcc iwr in uifi1 to nupiirc fur difrihlo mom or place of meeting fur tin institution amll ntrofi vvilun to mich tidier ai t a ll f tin liitilntiio iv ttatth dlm lln tmmiui uf twelve of blltwtns pcrsomc messrs v j fcft d rqu frami- m ihlu or barker win- lwhe jhn i1iirtisrwrll jolmspenre j lilt mmnj thomas s jolm itiitterwtirth od simm llaniorl- v friipol hv dr barker vmulnl hy mr stewart tht tin inctin do now arljiiiint until next friday in at thi- cnlni houc at half al fi oclock to rceiiv reruwl fif ihe rinmiiiie- iv mr john mlcml havirr laucn the cmir ihe nf tin fnnctilifl vvtre bhwn by althnation to air sew hu ablv coiidiift v chairman tllcv hhw pmww to receive imiik t tomr niimluf and ffem rally t a inav intsi nicetarv r the well ir t rqud ci from thr vppcr canada cv ettmardmary afarta atfmiriivlimk thll day ho etimumf the ltttrtrialrl vkrwi btallft seated on the thnme in the leiali4 ril thamher anl the i loue nf aembly bcins prem kxeitlkyrt wu pleaded tn pi irfogwq the present smffqll the fullowing erenciti ifonorahh gattkmcn oj ihr hrgislutirc coh ami lenthmnt of the house ojlssrmhli i have much fatifaetion iu ulwrxin die many vili meaiunin in which vou have iim mred and i auiroal ihai llity will contribute topr t ih tict hitcretsc4 fiovincc 1110 ihlh coaetcd to cmathh die independence ofllj dicial nllnv in conformity with thr prpial imivcvih1 by the riitmimml of lliu majeiy ami t amend the la pvcliiifrreal pi opcrfy eeure initio iliiiiiimmiyrenlialbcl i tmstcil iiovvvwr that llosri m che nf hti pie wmild have dijleii on some limi iiril nnvte nfapplv fnin1ariini fmin iamk net ti iri thr tin- purpose of tiiiu aud placed under the conn ol i ire tlrntlnncit of he house of jitotrmbty i thank ynu in the name nf ii majefv for the 9j irautd ihr iho service ofthe rtm and ihe pro iiott in iarryiii io public worlw of improvement honorable gnttlrmcn attl tirntltmrn th atfeiilitm you havo eontuitl directed 10 the imp incut if thv commimications irf dn froviiicv ban titt indnlry in every district inn no unmirc appear w nlatil to cxercim an immenu fiivuralile ihhlhivyrn prosperity nf ihr cnmida lli m thai vvhnl ynl hivem od to elveel a ifi ami wnim iiavifatloil ivmn i nko in ihe lower ffovmee the ireniuljnce under whn h ihi- raint irpv undertaken are in every ripeel ptopiiiou in vijflit year the pnpulniionj t the fioviue ha