lands for sale in urpbrcanada this following valuable lots of land ara offered for sale on very reasonable terms in etheimkbxrghi joiwiown district lot no in the 6th concession 2 ncrfs good land in an old ami wrll settled township dented on both tide- near to mills and trmd rowjt- in burgess johnstown district lot no 24 in the 4th concession 200 acres good land and near the ridenu canal in rmrdon midland district lot no 19 in the 14th concession 200 acres land said to he good in oro home district broken lot no 1 first range and part of lot no- 1 in second ranee 100 acres excellent land and veil situated likewise in the same tmvnftliii lot imu 3 second range gore 300 acres beautifully situated mi the bank t if lake shncoe very superior land adjoining excellfiii set tlements one of which is lieutenant obrklvfc in esi home district west liultcs o lois t 6 and 7 and east half of lot no 0 hi concession 300 acres excellent land and the isottawasaya ri ver runs through if in catalan home district east half of lor no 9 in the 5th concession east of hnrontariu stivet- 100 acres very excellent land cleared on three sides within a mile of flooring and saw mills in floss home district lot no 26 on the pent- tanguishine road 200 acres very excellent land a river running through it and excellent mill seats and will soon he very valuable and probably a vil lage laid out there in thorah village of beaver town at the mouth of beaver river lake simeo 100 f wage loh number of water jutland mill piileces when there is a dam erected across beaver river and one ol tin best situations fur manufacturers and imehauns in upper canada the steam boat lauding is u this place a store opened and many buildings are go ing tip this place will eventually he the connect ing link between rice lake and lake simcoe apply to the proprietors r a parker yotkor j g parker kingston kingston january 3 1s31 i important- iavij avifjiiioi having determined on extending his business and removing to a more eligible situation liy the is may begs leave to inform his nun erons friend and the public in central that he will diftprwe ol his present new and extensile stock of deo goods at unprecedented low prices foe cash his stock consists nf supetllne and refine black blue olive brown and drab cloths mixture and fancy cassimpre petershams pilot cloth flushing a coatings canadian and strong cloths for fanners use with an extensive assortment of tfcnrlet white and colored flannels 31 64 tickings blankets and haii winter hosiery c etc black and colored gros de x crapes anil meunocs worsted plaids deeds of assignments moitgnec6 memorials llumls wills testaments protests contracts agreements powers of attorney charter parties and all commercial instruments prepared engros sed and attested upon the shortest notice books posted nccoulits collected and lands bought and sold at the office of wi t kennedy notary peouc land ant gtsfiral accot ntant store street kniffstotl- feb 0th ittl 1 the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for patronage be has received since he h the liberal is been in l inform them tin and sheet business and takes this method i bat he keeps constantly on hand iron ware buckskin mitreus and glove whips cigars combs billions sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous or detail rquisit lor country merchants and p ran be hart on advantageous terms at tile siitof the scab market square eoiers which by applying rates of tom on tub frir canal at a mrcisuf of uv omni uuurtl at the clwnfff utt lw ikorr a the albanycn l1r 13tfi junuiry ipoi tl blowing ra1eaf toll werr hvstmiolieu oftofwlcraocw ctmhcdby ihi board 1 ami kr r r 1000 potion- per mile on bran aojp biurbidbolltpcr 1000 poori per tron mihtrtl or 3 oo tall ainnufoclured u tin uw p l pouftda per on door toltcl beefiuvl port buuer and cheeae borr grese feather por and brass aples boinbainrs printed iiueham chrrk and ivfebjcucv- mimical jlklw with a gsnkrai- and select assortment ok otheft goods connected with thfi tftadf to suit the present and approaching season which country storekeepers anil other who wish to realize a saving will liud worthy of their at tention ho second price made kingston feb 6 1s31 i hudson stkertmotkl albany respectfully inform bin canadian viands that he continues to keep open hi well known w- tabbshment where eentlenien from the provinces may depend upon finding the bvsi accommodations upon the most reasonable terms- albany jan 1st 1634 1 twelve iiindreo acres of choice land lor sale blunted in the townships of zohra and missouri in the london dis trict for 750 cash in hand enquire of mit guilntt york 14 dee 1833 i thomas wilson respectfully inform the ladies n ml gen tlemen of kingston and its vicinity lltfit lie lias juki received a very large osmriinenl of fashionable fur caps of almost every desrriptioti with a variety of ladies muffs i tlppiitkhu uikh match infants fur caps and iientlnnens fin gloves of all kinds and black russia lamb skin- for coat collars the above furs are from a respectable house in montreal with positive instructions to sell ihem ai very reduced prices kingston 17th january 1s3l i york lithographic pkkss the subscriber begs to inform the public at forge that be has the above in foil operation b the nmei side in the house that was formerly ihttcoumiiwa- riat office where eery thing relating to that art can be done on the shortest notice n b this office affords very ffrent advantage to those persons who have lare tracts of land lor sale as the diagrams can he printed on tin licniliu of handbills which will iinmediaiely show the exum situation of every lot c all orders executed with nearness and di-patch- s o tazewell ljthogrwhkjt york u cjulv 19th 1433 1 just received additional supply of that splendid book ynual for 1831 edited the by the assort lushing paper kars old pewtei cop- deer skins sheep skins bees wax tallow c will he received til payment the higitti price paid at nil thius in cash for furs iml those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same ami by so doing they will oblige an english an hon mrs norton also principles of government a treatise on free institutions including the constitution of tlu united states by nathaniel chipmax l l d the above for sale by james macfarlane co kingston 18ih dec 1833 t- maider has on hand a very choice and romplcr ment of dry goodn consisting of t canadian cloths blankets red scarlet and white flannels a very extensive assoktmfist of uroad cloths and cassimbbrs worsted comfotters cambtet cloaks plaids merinos boinbazetu worsted hosiery scotch bonnets brown cotton and loom shirtiugn very cheap twilled sacking ax c c together with goods of all descriptions suitable for the heason which he is stdlinr verv low and to which he would beg to call the attention of the trade also very superior cognc brandy do do london porter kingston 18th january lm 1 kingston feb 4 barton 1sj4 phillips i thk mbscrinrr offers for rale at the albany type foundry no 3 liberty strict on the most fovnnihtc terms evtry variety o piiniini type tnsethcr with cots biass rule case fiatleys chaes composingsticks nod printtng ittcroilb prnvmtly also a new englit4i script of which ihe caption and signature of thiif ire specimen and a new great primer script cut in siinibir style these founts were ffot up willi rent crc nndev pense and are believed to he decidedly superior to suv others cast in this country they were cut from the latest london scripts and on the most ap proved plan in these founts the double letters are complete exhibiting that perfect nmnexion of the b tiers in imitation of wrhinr which can be ellected by no oilier method and completely avoiding that broken and disconnected appearance of script east in the ordinary way which resembles italic letter rather than writing especially when it becomes a irille worn the plan on which these founts are cut is so systematic that the composition and dis tribution are nearly or quite as simple as that ol plain letter script hs besides been very objectionable as to the body it being east either on a square hodv a square nody and most of the letters having f course some pailol the face projecting over the side and very liable to brepk or being on a plain inclined body and with great difficulty kept in line- both these objections are completely nhiialed in the present founts die letter being on an inclined body the face cannot hrnk oil lit lhit nil mptntt hiwlv and iho t p ikjiuu ciist w nh i imuii and miimihlt m ibe titles i kept in line as easily as type ofsipiare body these founts require a common pair of cases only with a few of the lower com boxes divided each fount ill be accompanied with a plan of the cases and the necessary directions and cases of the tirst quality with the imxes divided in the pro per manner will he furnished when ordered as no unnecessary sorts are put in the founts 30 pounds of the kuirlisb script is sufficient for a mort gage and about half that quantity i eenerally suf- lictent lor common jobs of the ireat primer about one quarter more is required albany feb 134 w jgfr milr i on ferrtgn uk r 1000 pma per mik 5 on cftmin ac prodiif i of uirt tn wf 0 possm per itiilo on brkk siuvj liinc dphthfc chl mh manure nmj iron wr or loi pngndn prf rulr 7 hi f onriprarl mtim idp mineral cnal rnareotl pl iron troirn caming tod rap iron per 100u pouitf prt toft s uqmovend ftlloihrr iron mthtf k w crwn liiji wrr cr 1000 pounds m rthtj p on cfwra ni woupillflw sis towrt tue wawr ihf lco0 wutio per liilff 10 on tar nl ptc tci via wwanb tide wnier pf r i0 pouuu per mdc fur pttiry f- ii on hirxnnil pr1ir cxtrtiidc ixiltol ond voomtum per i0uu imijifclrt per imk a on utvr tiihfiilo ami mieme f kiiw p tooo ponj per mile 13 oiiurrpnln ami oihrr raw hne of domestic auw nuiufifibe unnexl swtf per lloupouodaper mlk u oihmportihlmwhrieordoawlkaftdoxhraniioau per 1000 poudtu pee imle 15 oo honehow ftimiuirr aeeomponird by aad neioatlf fcftaafi to ihmilioi emigraunp per woo pound per in tie 10 on earn wnijor alcipli ptactw and meehanica toolv nercfatiry rthc ownere individuatue whew necnpnniti1 by uirocpr eiatraiint firtbe purpoaa ofiaruhmintt pee 1000 paum pr milr rtie stale t f- 17 on hta and lit ftr rooanir and atooe wrt per 1000 pnnd per mile 1ft on nil moic wrought or umvrooghi per 1000 poooda per iii 19 on limber souared ami round per 100 coble aret per nuk carried in boafc 20 o the hoae ir carried to rio per 100 ebic et per mito lit on board plank wmdiiw and awed umbrr redneed to inch meawwe and m wmc andouier wwej waft em okhi oik ukhiwck- carried io boaia exeept uh oj ia numrmicd in reulationa aumbeni 33 and 1 per 1000 gvt per mile n the hinit- irtranporuxl ta raft per 1000 fert per milf n pn svwcnl wott than ave fcet in irnrth wplu inh 1ioti pole rriwina oara aivl beuora i r l per 1000 pooml per mu si onmavc-iandheadin- irannor1ed in boaia per 1000 pound per f ll1 v- on uie mr utraoported in ralla per 1000 poenda per ale 5ft on aliinglei per m per mile carried tn boaut 7 on ibe aame ifeonvycd in raft per m per mil on jjjit poa and ruila foe fcneirm per m per mile curried in bouts unth rame irconwyl p 1 30 oo wood fo fuel 0 3 village of louritjiing village rilouolu on ibe wellund canal thisf from its crott irirr imponnnce deserves publicaiten tton ir istiitnsled on ilie tnuuntain ntlffe or surt- mil level of tbe canal where die lockage commen ces and althmtgfi deriving peat and itukrtanl orf- vantnires from iis extent ufwnler jiower it possesses many nsitural nlvnntnires heiner in a direct line be tween ilie city of tbe kails and st catherines and about s milifl from the fanner place in the heart nf i wealthy and hourihiii eountry and i harding eerv facility for wilding tiff pitmlnce to different markets i i uircc eiiiuiiuinicariun by water folioth ihis- frm its being elevated upwards of three hundred feci hbove uic revel i i omariu i ha a line command inff prospect with good pure wttrpr mtil n rnlilhnntlttj n lu nowaenrcoly three years since ttb commeuce- ment and contains 46 families with a population ol 2fi0oirls among whom are a number oigowj and repetrable mechanic it ba tour saw mills capa ble of sawiitc bom 13 to ls000fcetof lumber per day and a first rate houring mill ibree mercbant hops and a postolliee and from its situation ma- ebinery to uty extent can be erected and affords an excel lent opening to mechanics of every descrip tion a cood tauiutv is much wanted which cuuld be earned on very profitably to a great extent as bark cfttl be brought by water from the forests o cliippaw and inutd kiver there are also two places of public worship and another in eunteniplation and a medical practition er frtim edinburgh the object of tbe snbscriher in ei in this public imlice is in hold out inducement to persons wish ing to purchase he will sell loi upon very reason- able terms and upon long credit to actual settlers only george keeper tbotold mills jan 3 1s31 i c hatch chai r i nk c r kingston upper canada new livery stable in rear of the kingston iiocl 1- devilin cix respectfully annouiice to the ieurry and inhabit anis of kiucstnn thatlhev bnve rnmiuenced a livery stable as above and that hev are now prepared lo aeronnuodaie iliem with a choice selection f excellent horses at llin with a greater variety of vekfctt of fashionable and the beat kinds and with rompcteni ami careful drivers saddle horses of every jacc famitie wishing a conveyance may send at any time and have their orders promptly executed ilorsrs ta ken in at livery bought and mid exchanged oj disposed nf on commission j i co will use their brst exertions to salts fy tho puhhe and will make sueli improveiueuts in their establibment as may from time to time be necessary- their terms are modenite und will be ibuntl much lower than thom heretofore charged kington dec u 1833 1 aial- rnfi 4 4 j 0 0 9 s 1 5 4 5 0 4 0 4 6 4 0 7 i t a 0 a t i s 0 i a 1 i ft 6 3x o k c n nufriclure of mit wlikh aau be exempt frota ml and lautmrb prr conl pet tntte tin the m- iftrnponej it fa per wd pet caile on rtawnl hult tor wiortow wiol dot eicenling ooe- iburtu of aw inch n ihieknm prr uwopoun pet moe jpritultiir production 4rc on cmtnn per 1000 niulh per mile on live entile bheenaoj h- per 10m1 pftonda per aaftv cht hona nn1 each hmiv when not wnnro ti be emnnoird 00 prwndhj per 1000 pouaj fer mile on rae per 1000 pound per mite on hemp and lorieto gpin lowardi ilovwaier per hoi ponivi per mile on hemp roing from iwcwnicr per 1000 ponnovper mile on wheal oml all other arirnhnral protlnclionj of ibe fito bmcs llot piruviilarty pee ma not lmnr merchaniie per 1000 pounds per mile on merehfthdiae jrtict not tnmrejd on all article not enumerated or eieepted pnminrnni um wir per 100o pounrl per mile on all nntf je cun enumerated or excepted r wariu tule water per 1000 per mile pnftr x onhnnu uaed chiefly for the transport nu on of rrna and nnvlatin- the brie tanaj between seheoeetaif a i oca per mile 41 on bonn yed chrefly for the transportation ornerm and njhjrntin the eric ennui west of utfti per mr 45- on hoatt ucd thielr- forth itanpoetauoo orperann an1 imi inunf the cbamptain or charoplaio and jnc- tkon canal per mik t0 on botta awl chlerty for ihe ironpoetitfcon ofperf and navigating thr oitweo canal per mile 47 on boato oaed chiefly for the tranportuuon of pera and navjttlng uie cayoa and seneca canal ane lateral cnnnl to east cnyuga villoe or either cfrnir permit on boat nvhf mtqf nf the tmnportntion of perna and cirtminfk ihe junction cnnal and not connried with ref wlor line efboatft the traniortion fer- ononuie krle or chnitmlumcaaab per mile on battll um1 chiefly foe the irnportmiion of proerty per mite on eixn pcrvon ver elht yenrp of nee transport in mau i wvun m ihai ii r mile on each peran owf twelve yenra of ape irari5rrnd in a boat oiftcd charily for the transportation oprope per mile 11 j ifl h 31 60 1 3 1 0 i 9 0 i c 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 e 7 0 4 4 5 4 i 4 i 0 i 0 4 0 f 0 o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 i 0 miss phillips milliner dress malaer grateful for the favor she lia nncived re sportfully informs the inhabitants ofkitipton lhat she continites to carry on ihe above hnwh at hrr parnncnis over the office fllw brit15h whkj whi he hopes to he favored with a rontinuame nf their pntromge childrens dresses elegantly einbridcrcd kittton feb 6ih 1834 m strong beer itsirrels osweco brer on ronrffotnent fiirmiklw parker benson jniiiiarti 23i 1831- i paospectdb ok a monthly magazine ox a new and comprehensive plan to be callko the canadian vonrtruv magahne it is imendert in a sh ti time to snhmt to public approval or condemnation a monthly mfffmlftg of a chararier more extended than has hithero been pub lished it a british colony monthly ant ciuarterly periodicals hive alrrady been tried but with one cxixdoj excepw wiumui biicgcsb tbe projectors of ihe present wrk wrmmde tbcinselves tbry can discern mnvlllins he limit ed nature of those woika to account foi such an if- sne something in the altered aspect ofthe tunes lo wunan ihnn in anticipating stwress f a periodi cal of a more ctitiprebensivi eharaeter under th in n i sun ihcv iihiuit iheir plan in an older society of a more artificial haractcr in a hiritfr and more motley population magazuie will find ample hiippon though conltiifi to the ad vocacy nf one class of prinriplcs or ilw ilhwraiioti of one branch nf science england france germa ny and america have their mining reviews thii pbrenolorjical journal and their reviews and ma gazines devoteil to every possible mjificaiion of political and thrnlnrviral creed canafi ifshe de sire ti call into existence a periodic literature must be content at fnut with one ortwt inayazinc etiihracioi all and every thing with tliij view it is proposed to admit articles on general politics of any creed provided they dicui rwettiom jjicundid fair and courteous kiwiue a voiding every ihe most distant allusion or expres sion which may be deemed likely to create pain in any breast an honest and consistent tory has pledged un an article now and then and an unbending liberal is in our list for the same purpose and 39 both are edu cated gentlemen though of adverse school the ca nadian monthly magazine will be the humble means of instituting a sort of friendly suit not between parties for party it eschews but between contend ing political principles the decision the projectors pretend not to take upon themselves that must test with the public while reviews ore devoted to one class of opin ions and read chiefly by those who subscribe there o and what is worse deal with evidence under the security that if refutations appear in a review of op posite principles it will not reach the readers eye a conviction that not only the same review but even the same number may contain a well written article on the oiher side will therefore operate as a salu tary check upon a careless as well as a dishonesi dealing with evidence in this mode of discussing disputable point the lover of truth must needs rejoice though as it will unikc sad havoc with the trade of a political partisan the projectors are induced to hope it will not be with out enemies having sjd thus much of the political character of the canadian monthly magazine the public must not lose sight of the fact that other subjects will oc cupy tbe larger portion of its pages the improve ment and developement of the resources of the can adas the promotion of education sketches of socie ty literary essays and scientific disquisitions will all find their appropriate place in short every thing nil he attended to calculated to render the work varied instructive and entertaining in a country making uk of two language- uie exclusion of either must destroy or at all events interfere much with tbe usefulness of a work of the kind to render it therefore more essentially com prehensive the canadian monthly magazine is pro posed as the vehicle for articles in both french and english the rule of admission being solely that al ready named in the fourth paragraph of this pro spectus though the original character of ihe canadian monthly magazine will not be departed from with out good and suflicieut resson still when any artirle in the english french or american periodicals of a character likely to be highly interesting to the colo nial reader forces itself upon the notice ot the edi tors it will be inserted lastly the public must be reminded that two con rlitions are necessary ti the successful prosecution of the design first a constant supply of literary assistance second a subscription list sufficient to cover expenses the work will consist of four sheets or 64 pages 8vo very neatly printed on good paper it will be ready for delivery on the last day of every month at twentv shillings per annum delivered in town and twentvfotn shilunhs transmitted by mail communications to be addressed to tin editors of the canadian mouthfy magazine at h if cin ninch or to the fjrjt jldrertisrr office editors ui newspapers who dm inviwh tuilictk- sicn of the stbove periodical w ill oblige by giving the prospectus a few insertions mownal nov 1 1813 ondon line op packets to sin the nurr tctra tini ttttrrrttth or e mokth with a view of creating new facilities in the inter- l lowexsting between london and new york thai aepro- kara prietufs of the several packets already engaged in trade iar been induced to coopcrale in adding to the number of urn packet so n to despatch one ofthem from new york oo tha ut 20th and from london on the 7thi7th and 27th ami from portsmouth on the 1st 10th and 20th of cvry month throughout the year the lino will now coiwitof is siiip to succeed each other and sail asfollowi viz from new york feb 20 ship canada thoma brittnn master mar 1 ship sovkreion j- kearney master mar 10 ship hannibal f h hebard master mar 20 ship thames r gruwolr mrwttr april 1 new ship april 0 ship philadelphia k hofffui nutter april 20 ship samson d qtmlmck mwter may 1 ship president grj hnttftf niiiater may 10 new ship mvy 20 ship montreal clmnplm mwtkt- june 1 ship ontario w a aaur mnstrr h qristrou lunc a new steam boat to be built at prcseatt on an improved flan to ply between preseott and montreal at a general meeting of the inhabitants of prcs coit called for the purpose of iftkhfg into consider ation the most expedient plan of build j j a steam passage boat to plv between pntsrorr montreal a mmilun baf being called to the chair and mr w b wells appointed secretary the following resolutions were proposed and adopt ed isr that this meeting drem it expedient to con struct a boat at prescott of the followtiir- tfeserip- ion ir two cylinders of an elliptical or oval form 176 fret in length 5 in depth ami 9 feet wide to he built of staves atd bolted together by mean of iron iioopson the inside without any timbers be ends formed in tjuch n manner asto give a good bow and stem the cylinders to be placed twelve feet apart with a deck extended across them to pro ject two ivrt nnmilr measuring 176 by 31 and halted by means of iron bolts and well secured bv iron braces a wheel of 25 feet in diameter and i j i i ii ij 4- fltlll litti 1u l and worked by two low prcsstire engines of 30 horsepower each when thus far advanced the boat not to draw more than 20 14 inches and move through the water at the rate of is miles per hour 2d that from estimates the meeting are of opi nion that such a boat can be constructed and put into operation for 5000 3d that to insure a more extensive and impar tial circulation of stock this sum be divided into kiiji hundred shares at six pounds five shillings each and until the boat be completed the stock lie not transferable except by the consent of a ma jority of the committee of management 4th that until the completion of the boat nn stockholder be entitled to a vote on any share or shares over fitly 5th that hiram norton alexander mcmillan alpheus junes joseph whitney lonson hilliard esquires of prcscott henry gilderslceve esq of gananoque be the managing and building com mittee 6th that a committee be appointed to open the books and take up subscriptions for stock who are in report to the committee of management as early as the 15th day of february next and that the fol lowing be a committee vie messrs wm ritchie co montreal c as j mcdonald co g a nanoqtie joseph whitne and v b wells esqrs prewcott guy c wood esq cornwall george brouse esq matilda d cjudson esq ogdcnsburffh s j gbe- thane esq cobotng g monroe esq york riivmm piemiss esq hamilton lewis clement esq niaenra henrv oildersleeve esq kingston bilu flint esq brockville george a clark esq brant ford 7th thsir as soon as 2500 pound be sub- scrilwd tbe mflopging and building commiitee may proceed to make contract for the building of siid boat stik that the committee of management be here by authorised to open the hook immediately and send them to earh of the committee for taking dm the suhcriptiinm am thai ihev be also authorised to propontim ihe amount of each instalment to he paid in atu fix the time for the payment of the amr and also ibe time for forfeiture in default ol paymrnl signed alexander memillan chairman wbwells secretary prctcott january 111831 i 1 ship ontario w a aaur 10 ship samuel koreiitstin prom lo7oa 37 saml robertson ii vet pbronuth te 1 7 canada leave poruiimh rinuvr 10 17sovereign leaver 1it ih due 27hannibal feaves lrttimuiitli january k 7 thames leaven poiniimntb jno ft 17 new ship leaves pbrlmtunilfi j 0 27 philadelphia linv- purtnmnitb ftb 1 7 samson leaves pwtmmih feb- ll 17 president leave pufbmtwib fcl- 20- 27 new ship leaven p millionth mntrth 7 montreal leaves iwianmuih march 10 17 ontario icatcfpvmunmui miru 20 nov dec dec dec jan jan jan feb feb feb mai mar thrne ihip arc of ihe first dim nhoiil ww ton lurthen bnilt in this city of the best marriau rikffcd ami topper fiiui and are tiavrigttffed by ible ami iy rined ttiminiim- r tlicir accommodations or h4f ntfrarc very elegant and extensive and for whom btd mintf win ami more of the bet quality vcill always pmiiletl for freight or dawwfti b either ofthe comniauhor on i th hipn john oriswold 69 smith mrrcl grinnell mintlrn vix im front flreet geo wildest co nm loccrtonm a london n d- nc ships of the abuw linr will ronlimie toioueh at rirt- mr- d as usual each way to land and receive pai- cnjrx and from whence etmcnbttota run daily to the conli nent and to ditterent parls of eiilud information relative i ihi line of packet ahlp may be obtained by application ai ii hank ok uimkk caxaua puijiilc hotioe is hereby irium ilmt iit i general meeting nf the stockholders hrlil ihis jay it was rcsvfccd that the rtmmtiiftg 50 prr cunt due upon the new stock shall be culled in payable at the following periods viz 10 per cent the 6th inmnlmcni payable 1st mon day in november 1833 10 per cent the 7th instalment payable ut mon day in january 1831 10 per cent the silt instalment pavahh lt mon day in march 1834 10 per cent the 9th instalment payable itt mon day in may 133i 10 percent the lotliiostaltneui nnvabh lbt mon- day in july 181 50 per cent thomas ij rihout cashier cash faid lor deerskins lher hunn ftira kagi and feaihcrs by 1vvkkra eoaot markei place kingston fk ii 1sji caution this is to forhiit anv person or persons purcrcobic a note of hani drawtibv me in favour ofmr merrrt fenion or order fur the xiim ofwo hun dred and fifty sccn dollars iwtntyrlvc cents mid pnyaldc on ihe aolh of imtv 1331 at lo4tku prentiss rtorc in kington as for it i have rtfriv- ed no value thos demobest deinnrrxtiilu jan 27- 1si t blank deeds summons v indenture kept for sale i tin ollice oftlie itrnimi witu fcltmarv 7ih 1s3i fcrsiumtsnnd variety for sale bv january 9 ism tippits weni cap a treat parker benson i upon yz on post office arrangement the maih fortlic offimtonuw iiuiim pnr mule to the eatt icanl otthbioara arc closed sh tjuja vcvk v- mmm- day wujnanliiti thuftjay frijiv isaturjaf tliotu tjic vjri- nffiti iiirlilin5niuima for ancairr kclo9cdju tiincsauk vix n mondavtuct hj wchndav thurdav fndiv mj saturday thtk ibtitemitut teh prirmti edward county route art ilo0cd thrift ft wfk rir on tiday thursday and saturday t fi rc oeu p- m tim mail turcaindcn eatnd wihon rr made tuesday and friday at 6 oclock l h the mails for all offices wtof aneatfer u ringed twu week vjr on monday and thursday at ft oeloek p m the mails tor nwmarkct and otlwf oirires north of york ore clow toeicc a week vixs on monday and lhurj dav h the mails for offices norths port ijw tu cavnn prierbo rough 6cc arc closed oner a xveck iz on saturday at 6 oclock p m the mail for marmora are eluied once a week tbundtt at 6 oclock p m the mails for die otficcn on he route through beverly pkffthca are loed twtie a acck viz on monday and thursday at cocloek p m the bulb for die united states arc elrood thrre times a week viz on monday vcdndav arid friday at3oclock pm mmta or tftt maii the eoniern maiuarrivesiz ffjtrcvi week viz onmondav tuefday wednrswlay 71iursliy friday and salurdav the western maiuarrivc six wetik viz on monday tuesday wednesday thttwlny friday and saturday contra in t fim i v 1 ih 1 t the mails from office of aik atir will nrrive rei n week viz on tuesday and friday with the mails from york th prince edward mails arrive time time week viz on monday wednesday and friday at die same time with the utfur western mails the southern or uiitcd s ate mail arrive three trmes week viz on monday wednesday anrl friday prohahto hour of arrival on an average ihrutish the year 5 oclock office hours th office willhoopcn from kovlock a at till 7 oclock p m every day except the sahbath when lellers will bo delivered only between the hrnir nf a and 9 a m as to letters ifixfi abroad the following regulations mul be nurtdcd to odirnvin they will remain not forwarded and be inrf lo all concerned leltcra for die initeil slate nml be c paid to cape vin cent and such as are intended hvgotboj way to euroh niual bo poat paid to new york letters for europe intended t be seni by fciu bee inwi bo ioat paid to quebec and thojec iotethled hi be sent liy iflt- ixpor falmimtlh packet tnwx bi pod paid to halifax icllers can only be seni byway nf quebec betwcci tfoth may ami 14 november in merchant veeu diey m 1 forwarded by the other route at any swigmn fot the reulatiaus relative t piije on letter for tlto coniincnt ofemnpe west indies ac see ihofom maatee genmr advertisement put up in thia oilier rate of pomiue on a sincle lelter faun this office tn rapmvincef yoa i tfjd to quebec is m lo llalinu 2 ikl any newspapn that totunrntiled willunl beinr isipoid will he charged wilh letter posinv ixutcofpittae ifi newspapi 0trii lltix orfj of ihe flritinli province dto t ape viim yim cape vmcnt to now york one ml and a half john macaixay p m kingston feb- 7ih 1834 es til uiy pcirl d and hm