British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 14, 1834, p. 1

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brbw1qq uhkb published semiweekly opiper pett orb em dicor volume 1 by e j barker m d kilvgmvoivill friav habch 14 181 no 11 the british whig a semmveekly journal devoted to commercial and politic infbi nation is puutuhm every tumlay and friday morning by doctor barker editor ihui proprietor at h i ot- ice in hear stn c nri door to the commercial hole for county circulation only thn british whig is published every tuesday afwimoii in t weekly form and will m bund to contaii the most important matter of tlit srnii- wcekly paper i terms for the scmiavcckly paper one pound per annum tfpaul in advance or within three months iiwn the receipt of tbe first number and one pound five shilling if collected at the cod of the year exclusive of poflftffc- for the country pper twelve shilling and sixpence per mnnum if paid in advance or wiiliin tliiee month from the receipt of the first numher and fifteen shilling if collected at the end of the year exclusive of posture companies of individuals who rcmdc ill the country ami who may prefer to send to the oilier for tlnnr papers my have them supplied it ten shillings per copy per annum prompt kingston foundry the inhabitants of kingston anil the public generally are respect fully informed that this foundry is again full operation in f jo subscription received for itm utfltt ii rmdlhf and no paper discontinued until all airearagesarc paid up except at the option of the publisher slbbrrttsttnerits siv line and under i gd fi reinsertion and 7jd each iihsefnimt insertion ten line and under 3s 4d firftinsertioh and lud each mbfqqitenl insertion above ten line 4d pr line for the first insertiun and id per line for every subsequent mserjion advertisement without written directions arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements tube in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters taken in except from ajrcnts unles p paid iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including milt castings clothiers and other screws milt pinions gearings also trimming ami finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der in the c0uc86 of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will he kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and retail etfoit salk a small steamengine of4horsc power is offered fin sale cheap for cash kingston 24ih january 1634 1 x0iice in fho press and will s0 bo pjmwhed rk- marks on loctor stm pamphlet against hie cailiolic doctrine of lv kt of cnislv body and blood in the bochahibj addressed hy him to his congreg 8u jea church in york upper carafrf wccd by ilw honourable john eli pbhcaiion of the sixth wm audi 10 bishop of strasbourgs observations on the chapter of st johns gospel k p- macdonwd vicar alteram partem kingston khh mar- general kingston barrack canteens notice is hereby given that ilic canteens in the undermentioned barntrks are to le7ipun for two years ivon the letter press printing doctor barker having obtain a moil superior press and an excllimit assortment of jon tvrk is enabled to execute everjr description of job printing with neatness and ex edition upon terms hitherto unpreccdently low in upper s uda garble works the undersigned begs leave lo inform the inhabitants or kingston and its vicinity that he keeps on hand a large assortment of marble chimney pieces tom ax jt mlcatlsfontx or all descriptions finished in the best manner he trusts from his long experience in ihe b isiness and from the arrangements he has made 10 receive a regular supply of different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to those who may faor him with their patronage all orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen quarrysr kingston feh 7th 1834 tf i johtf sckiveiys returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for the support he has received and now bcs leave to inform them that he ban leased that well knoun stand he mb joan dgwungs in store street where of has just opened a tavern for general entertain ment which will be known by the name of the he will at all times keep on hand an assort ment of the best liquors and wines also in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston feb 27 1631 7 caution this is to forbid any person or persons pur chasing a note of hand drawn hy me in tavor f hiram wood or bearer for the sum of four pounds three shillings dated december the 25th l33 at ninny days the said noe having been left with mr charles heaih which was obtained fcf hwft by kmi woof miaer wtae ppewtn and for it i have received no value david fish kingston feb- 27th 1s34 7 notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the surrogate of the midland district surrogate court to appoint alexander mnabb esq of kingston gentleman guardian for henry wil liam hugh and bllzs boney infant orphan chil dren of james and jane honey deceased pur- want to the act in such case made and provided ik p cook taint warden kingston 20th feb 1831 new store william macgrubr respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mekenzic lour directly opposite the hardware store of mr john watkin store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of dky goods groceries wines spirituous liquors crockery tilawware ac ftc w m g trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business wilt recommend him to a fair dtareof the public support kingston feb 7ih ih 1 the following conditions 25ih march next no person but of an unquestionable chaiaeter nor any person lor more than one canteen or who will not undertake houafide to reside in the can- teen and conduct the business thereof in his own person will be approved and two sureties will be required for the regular payment of rhcremandofall sums which may become due in respect of the said canteen and for he due performance uf the several conditions and stepulation of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accepted and his sureties must execute the indenture and lease ofcoveuantsrelatmg thereto the particulars where of may be known by applying to this office or to ihe barrack masters at the several barracks the uattus of 1 wo resectable persons with tbeir christian names professions and places of abode who will join the tenant it executing the indenture as his sureties must be inserted in the proposal and the tenant is to pay fur the stamps and the ordnance department does not undertake to pro cure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the respective officers at kingston with the wurdb tender for canteen written on the outside cover will be re ceived at this olliee on or before 12 oclock noon on the 18th march next after which l any pro posals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops billeted on them all persons making tenders for canteens are to rake notice that they will be held to the strict per formance of the covenant of their leases and full payments of their rents without any remission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease it self set forth the form of the tenders to be as follows i hereby offer for the canteen n tlic barracks at for twelve months from the 25m march next the rent of pounds per annum for tht home os a dwelling and the further rud of pc month for every fell jvvnt ominhtimtrd ojficrrs and private soldiers tchomay occupy he barracks dur ing that period andyrvposc mr of and mr of my sureties for the same the rents of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite to each in the following list therefore the biddings will be upon what is oflercd lor every ten men occupying the barracks this number will be ascertained from tlie ftarradk masters monfhly retjrwb ulndh are made up on the first day of every month and no changes in the occupations of the barracks which may take place in the progress of the month cither for or against the tenant will be taken into account no less number than ten will be charged against the tenant nor will any odd number he calculated thus if the barraeks should be occupied by 149 men on the first davot the mouth only 110 will be cal culated for that month the bidders are also desired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny in their offers as they will not be noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly ac cording to the above form 4 tcto do fm 15 0 0 krasiw pointheory 200 office of orlnaiicc hoirrutirurah james wvdswoktii respectfully informal fobabiwntt of kingston that he intends resulting the business of nursery seetjmm ah flo- rs7 upon an exuisive scale aa early this spring as the season wim permit on his nursery grounds immediately amched to the union church burial ground where hopes 10 be favored with 1 lie calls of all persons vjo may wish to improve the state of their pleasure grounds flower or kitchen gardens j- w also begs lcavi to give notice that having on hand a considerable tantity of the very best english garden seeds imfoatet last fall he will for public convenience expose them for salein the marketplace tery saturday and tuesday mornings between thctours of nine and noon kingston feb 25th 1834 6 davii leahy returns his sincrte thanks to his friends and public generally fur fle support he has received previous to the late cfjamatous fire by which he was a severe sufferer and now begs leave to inform them that he has leased that stone ituildiiu it itingsfrccf belonging u mr hatkins next to dr raker v and nrar the chronicle ojfiir corner where lie has just opened an inn fur general en tertainment he will at all times keep on hand an assortment of the best liquors and ivine also in rear of the stabling kingston house are excellent sheds and 20th fek 1834 k o iz si 0 0j john belonge in returning his sincere thanks to the gentry and other inhabitants of kingston for the many favors conferred upon him during tbe last thirteen years repectfully begs leave to acquaint them hat he has taken the house situated at the cor uer of king liueen streets which he has fitted in a superior manner and where he will prepare as formerly puppets ininrhr soup v to those gentlemen who may be pleased to patronize him he takes the present opportunity also to inform the public that he is now manufacturing and intend to keep constantly on hand wholesale and retail all kinds of liquor cordial confectionary ianry arc large or small dinner parties attended to upon the shortest notice ie just received from new york a superior sort ment of the finest east india preserves as- kiiicston feb lsili 1sj4 1 removal the subscribers have removed to jtfr thomas smith sterling per annum druggist square premises shop adjoining mr noulc palmer one door south of the jtfarket joseph allen co auctioneers sf general agent kingston feb 10th 1831 kingston u c 17th feb 131 on the 15th of vllent stand foi the subscriber to let wrni iwcsiun april next linn us business itttiiud lately adjoining my j v yar keys hardware essublisli- niiiit m preenl in the occupation of also to let of which possession will likewise he given on the same day ihm desiinhle ami deuce withniexeelkihaid comprising three fifths of on wellof water situated at the top ol grave street ilrisntt family vesi- ii a or hard attached ere and an excellent ow occupied by kingston feb 7th 183ft t a corbett by for sale the sujtscjillter wholesale and retail hardware store upper end of si oft b stbeet kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends nd the public thil he has lately received from england an extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery c whkh he now oilers for sale at verv reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smiths bellows wrought and cut nails enhish swedes and russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tin plates pitch tar rosin whiting window glass paints turpentine linseed and olive oils glaziers dimonds car penters tools and filca of every description flint and purcussion guns tinud japanitd plated and polished bitts and stirrups single and dou ble bridles trace and ox chains gwt powder and shot chain cable white and tarred rope english and philadelphia mill saws cross cut and pit saws hand saws circular saws spades and shovels steelyards fire irons short and long handled frying pans cast and wrought iron hinges tea keules sauce pans baking and susar kettles 3 leggd hound iron put iwr lead sniffle and double sluei iron shne ma thread russia uristlts and slin sprigs hrass and copper wire gilt plated and buttons needles thimbles brass candlesticks wire and brass fenders dish covers iron mortice and cabinet locks wood screws riers knives trowels p plated table and tea superfine flunr by the bid prime mi 1uai l buuer hv tlu ipiuitity cheese do do s ii market place kingston feb announcement james linton avails himself if ihe present oppoiiuuilv of informing the friends iiihe late mr michael mokv and the ptihhc in general that he iutuida carrying on the business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its various branches on behalf of the widow by strict attention to business and hy punctuali ty james linton hopes to meet a sl 0 public patronage advanced on coods kingston february m lsft 3 the subscriber begs leave to inform the gentry a public ol kingston and its vicinity that he ha opened hi long room and is now ready to retuyj consign ment from all parties willing to rcah immediate cash for landed property merchait house hold furniture c sc his nightlv auctions will be contin as at which every article in the dr jood line may be purchased at unprecedeutly loorices hugh s auctioneer anil cummift f kbiffston feb 0 1834 i ibnu llim lion iic him cur- ited snullers ami tray snuoiis cabinet brass caldwell 7th 1834 foundry braces paunm trays g n fagth d bills wnggnn i and bar tin src lb boxes ja- ivc siqit rfiili ki ngston cosifc ctiicaf l jciifisft gi utb thomas hard feb 7 1831 just received and foit sale by till sntstj ioo banels of fresh water herrii 50 kegs of oysters direct from haven only eiriit davs from the beds lwm egan market sl i an s a rbsprc nld as an ap engage for a w pvbik vnul tpntie to tlh term ol vmki i ivnm i dry cwoii eii- lint ot i lo in vmrs lninrs to for sale ff acres of very excellent land in the 4th v concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved with a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the situation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flourishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye ofthe enter prising ill mt apply to a trnax esq kingston or to the subscriber jos neilson ernostown 4th march 1831 9 veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above line at ciesnuts old stand near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick morses edmund smith horses shod upon professor colmans im proved principle kingston march 10th 1834 10 to thefreeandixdepknpent electors of jvew provision store baker egan having recently commenced business m the above line respectfully inform the public that they keep on hand wholesale 8c retail the following goods dried apples york bay oysteia fine flour indian corn 8c meal oats peas beans fine flavored teas american cheese canadian do excellent strong beer superior cyder in bbls spices of all kinds muscovado sugar refined do poultry of all kinds ac- all which articles together with many others will be sold low for cash in addition to the above baker 8c egan have laid in a good assortment of drv goods glassware 4 crockery- market sipiarc kingston feb 10 1834 american pork hams venison do mutton do mess pork prime mess do prime do excellent fresh butter do salt do scotch herrings north shore do digby do oiainont do salmon trout french cod the gjbstuveh town of kingston not having publicly announced my intent ion to solicit your suffrages as member of parliament lor tliis town at ibfl next general election i now beg leave lo say thai in compli ance with lw wishes of ti large portion of my fellow townsmen lis convoyed to dm in a numerously signed requisition i shall present myself to your notice on the day of election my long residence aniong you entitles me ti say that my principles are well known and ny attachment lo ihe crown and constitution of croat brilain unquestionable in support of which i trust always to stand prominently forward if i should have the honor lobe returned as your member pledge myself to suppoit a bill lo incorporate the town of kingston a bill to prevent thcjlvovincial penitentiary being an injury to mechanic a bill to repeal the summary punishment act which dc privet ihe british subject of his dearest righttrial by jury my mostnetivc exertions will be used to prevent ihe clergy reserves passing into li hands of a dominant church my private inlercls rc inseparably bound op with thom of ifatftown to promote the prosperity of which will always be ihe chief object of my ambition i hare the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kingston feb mlli 1834 fob sale by the subscriber i00 sides of sole leather 50 do of skinnier 200 do of upper leather a large quantity of calf kidd and hog skint a lao 000 bbls of salt at iu 3d s r caldwell kinqston feb 25th 1831 first rate butter for sale a lanre quantity of first rate butter at 9d per l auo line bay of quintie cheese at gd per ll the above can be confidently recommended as being of the bcr quality c7 private families will find it to their advantage to call and examine the si me thomas wilson kingston feb 7 1s34 information wanted of moses wauuh pedler who left kingston in july last for the upper country and who was last heard of in brantford gore district any person having knowledge of the above will confer an obligation on the undersigned bv commu nicating with him by letter t a corbett kingston feb lsth 193 4 the new vork eougrarit ihe york advocate and guardian and the tiure menury will please to copy the above for three wtl ks e lesslie sons in addition to their supply of books station ery drugs patent medicines have for sale 00 reams wrapping paper english german tovs 2 cvl green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in jas bbls leather wood transfer varnish seine ot sail twine c c c kingston feb 183 1 1 3ii park er benson have on hand and are now offering for saleat their stoiti a very extensive and general assortment of dry good suitable for the season hardware crockery groceries whicse by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising every article re- quircd hy the farmers whether for domestic ag ricultural building or other purposes and to which their attention is requested they aiv now paying cash for all kind of mer chantable produce kingston january 9ib 1s34 1 eduction from the country would i irc apply to wm kington january st i wilson tme avtwje the subscbiheb being about imsiness in kimrmom inpiesis all pel to him hy note or hook account toi the same without delay- kingston feb 7th ls3t t a fo reliiiuish mlld iudehied ill and bcltk orbett cheap grocery store the subtcrlbor bes leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friends and tbe public in general for the nippon lie lw reciived since he commenced htjtiness in kington also to infitnn them he has received by ihe late arrivals a large assortment of vvlnt jamaica sentns spanish conifac urndy hoklar tn pcmbkhust 9i slllltw wonhy the notice of tavern keepers also iroeeim earthenware ilas and a large quan tity uf ivrst hiam the first tpiality a large asornuent ol salt water fih table salt cheese butter oatmeal corumeal honey flour pork outa ftioui upper leather eotistatitly forsale w p cook stare street kiuffston januarv 9tlh is34 1 contract for bricks and tiles cocoinissariat kioton upper canada 6tli february 1334 j sealed tenders will be received at this ofiicc until saturday at noon the 15th day of march next for furnishing t lie engineer depart ment at point henry with the following quantities of ilrieks and tiles viz about 1500000 of best stock bricks to be made in moulds of 9 5s inches long and 458 inches broad and 3 inches thick or about 150000 of plain tiles to be made in moulds 11 inches long s inches broad and 78ofan inch thick about 20000 of plain tiles to be made in moulds ljiiaindlmfl should tiles not be used an additional quantity of bricks will be required in lieu of them the bricks to be good stocks made in the best manner in single moulds carefully dried in hacks and well burnt in clamps or kilns to be madein the yards that have been formed on the government ground at point henry where h quantity of ciay has been dug and weathered for the purpose the yards after the fences have been made good to be given to the contractor who is to perform all further repairs and tofiudalltoouand materialawith the exception of pug mills which will be furnished the contractor if required the contractor can obtain sand in the govern ment reserve at a distance of about a mile to ensure a supply of dry wood the engineer department haaenrered into a contract for the same which will be supplied to the contractor and charged to him at the contract price of 7s 6d currency per cord such bricks and tiles as may not be properly burnt or fit for the use of the engineer department will be rejected but the contractor will be allowed to dispose of such bricks and tiles for his own be nefit payment will be made by a check drawn hy the ordnance storekeeper on the bank of upper cana da for the quantities of bricks and tiles as may have been delivered and approved by the com manding royal engineers at periods to uii the convenience of the contractor the fallowing fonn of tender t requested to ac observed the undersigned hereby proposetomaiee herand description of brxks and tilce hy the royal engineer department at kingston kingston o num e num- required i rats iit ccm- kftjccy at rrf tuouuj4 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 agreeably to advertisements dated gilt february 1831 viz bricks made from clay dug hy the department 9 58 inches long 4 58 inches broad 3 inches thick madein moulds bricks made from clay dug by the contractor of the dimensions hove plain tiles 12 x 9 inches xi 5s from moulds made of clay dug by tbe department plain tiles 12x9 inches xi 53 from moulds made of clay dug by the contractor 0 0 0 plain tiles 11 x 87-siuch- es from jvoulds made of clay dug by the department 0 0 0 plain tiles 11 x 8x 78 inch es from moulds made of clay dug b the contractor 0 0 0 aid offer afr of and -mr- of as my sureties for the due performance of the contract signature me idence- uaw to the senior commissariat office kingston upper canada any further information may be obtained on ap plication to the royal enginecroffices at kingston lion t real and york and cbfrimissariat office at kingston upper canada information wanted of jase thorp who left montreal for the upper province about the ena of april laat in company with the family of thomas gallay for- merlv of cbamblv letters to be addressed to arthur ledlei kingston feb tth 1831 f w w sides sole leather wivu 50 doz cast steel axes shepherd simmons work 200 barrels salt 50 tierces west india rice for sale by parker benson january 3 1834- l wanted a youne lad as a compositor in this office of tole rable good english education kingston feb 19 181

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