lands for sale in cipkr canada the following valuable loi oi land are offered for sole on very pgbonttulc icrttw in edwardxbtirght jontfown district lnt jvi 17 in the 6tli concession 300 acres good html in uti old and well settled lowulfllip cleared uii huih rides near to mills and good roade i burgtss johnstown district lot xo- 21 in the 4th concession 200 acres good land nod near the rideau canal in rairdortt midland district lot no m in the 14th concession 200 acres land said to in aremd h oro home district broken lot no i arm range and pari nf lut no 1 in second tungvi itm acres excellent land and well situated likewise in the same township lot no 3 second niligpflra 300 acres beautifully sitnatrd on the inuik tifljakt simcoe very superior hind idjoiuiiir excellent set tlement one ofhicli is lieutenant o biimv in essa home district west italic of lw xu- 6 and 7 and cast half ol ioi jvo fidi romeioii- 300 acres excellent land and the nottawuwupt ri ver runs through ir in calcdon home diiiet wt htilfnf lnl k 9 in the 6th concession cavt of ilimniiario svr 100 acres very excellent land cleared on three hdiv within a mile of ootiring i saw miln h plots home district lot no co mi itic pouc- tanguishine road 200 acres very excellent hutil- a river running through it nl excellent mill sent and will soon be very valuably and probably a il- lage laid out there fit thorah village of heaver town at tlw month of beaver river hake himcot 100 villa tioh a number ofwnterlots and mill pri wlegcs when ilieie is a dam erected across denver river and one ti tin best situations for manufacturers and intelninirsin upper canada the steam boat tamlmir i at llin place a store opened and many buildup are bo mb up this place will eventually etc tin connect- ing link between rice lake ami lake simcoe appiy to the proprietor r a park kit voile nr j parker kingbolt kingston january 30 1 impobtantr david wlfeljiafflsolv having determined on extending hi ijifriihhfts anil removing to a more eligible situation by the iwi may begs leave to inform his numerous friend and the public in general that he will dispose oi his present new and extrusive stock of diiv goods at unprecedented low prices ron mi his stock consists of tupeiline and re line ulack blue olive brown and drab cloth mixture and faoey cassiinpie petershams pilot cmotlis fluvltifuzsi coatings canadian and strong cloths fir v uiner s iisi sender w iitt with an extensive assortment ol and colored flannels 4 64 ttekina bkttktu mitt hufccs tviiiiei hosiery c c black and cohred gros dc ivaples boothutnc crapes and merinocs worsted plaid oingbams check- and primed calicoes in great variety with a genera and select avstjfttmknt qv otkeh goods connected with tllk taaor to suit the present and approaching season which country storekeepers and others w ho ih to realize a saving will liod worthy of their at tention wo second pbice made kingston feb 6 183 li 1 huosonstkeftisotflaliun r clfuisc iiibisi respectfully inform lib cmmdimi friends that he continues to keep open hi will uiumnrs tablihinent where gentlemen from imt provioees may depend upon finding i lie bestarronniiodatiims upon the most reasonable terms albany jan 1st 1834 i tl twelve hlndkei a1rcn of choice laud lor sale sitiuittd in thv tiovnhqw of zokra and missouri in the london dis trict for 750 cash in hanl enquire of ma gutnett york m dee 1 833 thomas litsoti respectfullv informs the tu mutttnt- tlemen of kingston and its ticiuily that he ilsuiju received a verv larsv aormvnf of litdtiotfubb tvh tafs of almost every description with a variety of ladies muffs tippets with jojfv io match infants fur caps and geiitletutmvpiii gloves of all kinds and black rustitu lamb skins for coat collars the above furs arc from a respertable house in montreal with positive instruction to sell litem ai i very reduced price kingston i1i1 januarw 1831 deeds of atawiincil v mnrtffaffi itoods will atfn emetitv i is tvioueiit 1 lottrri i uiil all lmuiiii rnl i etl and att s en upui itnvird e it altn innikii ill hortst tid and l t mrnmrials rotet onirnets iv irj cltailt iariirs t ivpiied riilios- ikiimt d- boil liookk it and sold at the o0uv f wm t kennedy nonr ivbut lam aiknt ti aitih ntant store frrerl kiotuk fi b tih isji it ti of j mi n tilt rntk at i in- ii- nlllw rsiiuil 11 til t mrltt atl wi is irttli j jk ihtt lxiruv- i i i in ti litl fiil hii iifr iiitlii1m i iiti 1 iimltr iiil uvf iwfchiwr nnttchiwi mil rr- f r ihio iffrimt iaxaip i hi in ti riij n 1 1snm tu fr jfl uil ij nlihlht iwmpwitu jt i f f xctiii vir the ftt rihik offehs roil svir at the albany type foundry fto liberty st recti on the most hvndlc linwi every raritly o irintinir tvpe inffcllttr with cims la ktllr cthtftfj ittilti uhae coniposinisas and niiotinz utiiwiu tent rallw lr it new enfflli script ofwlilrli the cpttun and tfimiatnn id tii are biwcitnen aiul a new gfcftt i imtr script cut in similar 1e these iiionln ivinlfot np ih zv enre and rx- priiye and hk believed to be deritledly superior tn iinv others iasi inili comnrv thev wire cat roni ilu latix ioiuimii seriptp anil on the itioft n- proved ohm in tnrftt ritmltf lltednuldi letters are cnmpletr exlnhitinir that per fen rfiiiiiexitinuf the letters in imitation nffinng whlrhcan lie rilufivrf bv no oilier inedmd aio broken and dwrninrried coinprk ipmm in ine on tely ihtiir that ntv of script eam unary way winch rcmnnbh italic letter rather ihnirvriiihsi especially alien u i crimea a irille w0i1i the plan on winch tbie inniis are etll is s systematic that the coinpnitiou and dis iribntioii are nearly or rplltg as simple as that or plain letter script in beinm been very ohjcethmabtc aio the bodv ithfinccaht either on a mpiare bnilw and most of the letter having of course fouie pail if the tace pmjecliti9 over the ritlr and very liable to break or uvttog on a plain inclined brnlyvnid with great tlitvicidiy kth ill llhc both uinw objixtion are complex ly ubiated in the presenr fount the letter bciim ntt an inclined body the face cannot break olllike that oil sipiarc body and ibe ypi being cat with a nntdl and shooldrr in llie siile kept in line as easily as type of squall body jbese founts reipiinr a comuuin pair of cases only villi a few of the lower case boxes divided teach bunt ttillbt accompanied witli n plan of tin cases and tb uiressarv direciioim 4 cass of the lirslfjimliiy with the boxes divided in lite pro per manner will be furnished when nrdeted a no unnecessary sorts ai pot in ibe founts 30 pounds ufthe enfflndt scnpi i ruflicicni fur a mort gage and about ball that quantity h svilcfqlly suf ficient for common job of the ircut primer about our hiniir iiune is refptim albany pcb is34 mttrf jm mill iv uarnral ad mecji ihe chy of the evila about h tnilrs from the for a wrilthv ami llouribin rillaug oftkokoii this flmuioiint villace m the wetlnml canal iromilsltowiou importance tlcwrve public atten tion it is sitiiatl on the htuihiin ridi or moo- mit level of the cannl where ibe uiekar roiumro- ees and allhoucb dertvin deal and important id- vnihstffo from it extent oftiler pnweft it pnsese- iitajes betusf in a direct line lie and t catherines and tier pbitr in ibe heart o iofintrv antl allorhnir exery faeility for wilding oil prod lee totlillerent nooktrs bavintf a direct couimuuieatioo by water to both kike- from its beiny elevntid upwards ol ihrve hundred lel above the level id iake ontario it has a tine roinmamlinir pnpcci with good pore water ami a salubrious air it is imn scaici three year since its commence inenr and cnilfttitm ifi houila with a kipubitiou of 2litl souls amonir whom area muuber uflooil and nsjteimue oieehanir it has four saw mills capa ble of tmwiwrjroill 15 to ltfixhlie1 of lumber per day and a lirst rate flooring mill ihree merchant miops ami a piistoflia and from its situation ina- rhiuerr to any extent can be erected and altords an excellent opening tn mcelitmie of mtv tkwrip linn a ffood lauuiry is mtieb uuiii wiiirh could im earrod oil viry prolitddy to a jreit extent m bark com lie brought by u titer from thetbrctfitfol cliippnuii and iraud kivcr- ibere are also twoplares of public worship ami another in comempfctttou er fililll imioliorjh the nlyii of tlw sobsrribi nolie is to lodd out iudueeim mi to pitn bo mii hm t uu a medical pructiiion- able icrut olv i si inff this pnblir s io persons wjvb in him ii ii aod upon loin credit tonctuul settlers thoiold milkjiiu cieorge reefer i york lithographic rkss the subscriber begs to inlorm the public at ittrgd that he has the above in full operation by the ftftloi side in the hwuse that was finuerlv ihecommiswt riat office where every thing relating io thit art cttli be done on the shortest notice n b this ofliee affords reh nikmitnsi lo those persons who have lare traero land lor sale as the diagrams can bo primed on the hemline of handbills which ill immediately show ibe exact lituation of every lot all oulers executed with neatness mid ilipatcb aotazkwkll lih iiouariiu torlt tt c july 10th h13 i justrkceivib an additional supplv of thif spemld book the english annual fur 163 l edited by the hon mrs nonros also principles of tioverntneiii a ifeniwr on free lntitutious including bo cotistituliutiof lltr united states by nathamllcjuivua l l iv the above fur ate by james macfarlank d kingatan idrh dee i c hatch chai vm a k c r upper canada circular prescott 2mi kik u 10 biiildin committee of ibe suam boat ft nl prewott tn ireul the lapiil froitj t macn1dkk has on band a very choice and rompleu assort mentof dry goodtt consisting of klnvliins canadian cloths dlnukets red scarlet and white flannels a verv xtttklvk atisoktmknt or uro all cfrftilp and casslmkitebt woretcd comforters camblet cloaks plaids merinos ljoinbaeit worsted hosiery scotch bonuots brown cotton and joom shirtings rrrgrkfffp twilled sacking ae at vcj together with goods of all decripl the ftaton i in is selling y which he would beffto call the irade a uhq very superior cognac brandy oo do loudon porter kingiton isth january lftij tin ii jtt ini fii ii imk on ill imnit mil on stent willi prf ihlnr mfa on itmhui ih wqpltkirismtftblcpr rr im ili uiiltfii iiitl tliiir i i4ih1 mm rtff twf tmo id pritttl u uffl u ifti rljiv vr uw iohu per limo j f i 0 3 2 1 in liihrflclmtif krli rttiim cil riil in onl tin iw ul ll rtiur iaft rliij tii mh frviil i iufmt iihm1 hmh1 pft 1 1 rtiiri- mhl innrrinw ein lufl- ul- vtwf rwi hhkii hiii iiii li 1r otl ii ini i- iiri ulcwcr ihr llnn tilll i- pi uljl ihr r vukvr luill- ai i hi ii ihik mih iht iw1 fnm per w ir ilinurlir nui- cil ihftttlh pri i nini hntiii in tui r it nl it llll im rp km rtnl ottrr nuv nwn ir imuri inniytvi wsliihwllwttimwmtlr itattalrtm ut t rtk tl i4lirr jmml itt- i4iii tiii u iir in 9 0 hid ntrnhiin nt ty ocfittllf he imtifi hf 1w mftfivk rcr 1j f jti jm- lhtikntn ir oiiiuris wiwyntrtr t phttt pwrrtw4 httr niw fcrirww wlrtldal vrt whra rrttiuimiu tl hx fitr rav- cmlniliii lor llic punom oimiiii utiiii rr iw i lr r p on m nl 1 v fr wk l 0o -nmt- pi y nnli t lr nmvroogm rr 1000 pmmb jkr hmk rji6r hw 4 iniv rirriilin lmts on to fume tfcarrtfi f- 1 ol- l-iinl- iwlf wnj-t- anj lt mtitrf j pfnhl nv urr nivl hlfcmilolbcr mm mttfl r1ltall w liwlm cwticj io li- rxcqn indl iitntimcl smlnm wharmtt nrj jv jut t foi er r olllhi nrtrttri if itiil onuiiiirtfiit lithtp nli- riiwiiij- o mhiivi frr mi1 on mam ml iiaiin ponr in bmlp pn 1000 pmunu mr mil 0 5 0 v r e ti n irifiinr tt ra t iwp0 mf tha rlii hut i and broaid liiilv- tr uno oa tlw rtuir trwi tail i lo0 i pr milt oh ihr iinr ifirniiy prr 1 per mile iffi for frftdttj per m jer mile i ta iv sir now build mutiiriml iv directed a innber imaalmenl of ton prr renlt upon the stork sobribed h vuit r t be paid into the bmd ofibe tn aurrr alph nsjuni ivq at tin place on or before the leuih of alareh net 1 am ilnelel to say that the building eutll- iliittoc would leel much cttiutlictl t vunr umoiryniir hillnenee io y ueithhorluioil lo nvi umre took ta en irelioi lolly ttwunfo mint the enterprise will u ceed and prmti to the uouklinhletv a prulilabk iiivestineiit iutlejientloni ol the pratilicntioii itmim alvurd to every fiend to uupio emcitl lorefleoi that be has iinhd in an enierpiize liiat ill create a rev olution in the commerce oft lie cauailas the committee cahnot lot a momeiil admit ecn shotdil tlhir expeetatious not lie liillv rejilid that tllcbluek uuuld i ol to make a pioliliible return upon uinr iriber roui rmni all di inlntiuution they iue ubtaiiud lioui lr lluy do not entertain au doubts wtialevir t the entire uetxof die iirnicei their lihemilllulioil i 10 bae the bout m lull np- itation by lie liit ufjllly and ilie trni they will have tin tiatthlhcitoii of ncvlhriutc u limliiiinsilii deod at lite rinse uf he naviiiion it would be deadmble lo tjet about 1500 more stock taken and liny trust yon w ill be able lu aid them in eftcclinf it iiy order of die contoiiltee l iii14iaki treiar 19 vl t j onliipih rirtiel tit braii k on ttwtf tat fnh ah nk the nmnhrm tfmb wt i iiml imiuifk mr nl rtf mi on llw vmr ifvuip in w l fio kiutj init tft w t ua mk nfm rc4nun m- firiilti nf nidi m m pt 110 pmilin prr niile om ftab lr iflflo u pt mite on lnv crflvi privfr iil 1iv- pr 1010 prnimlk per mile fhilire ami tae hire tnn no wiijhtil 10 be eniiiiitium ww pmnul mr looti pomtj per mile fin rat rr moo pmuta mt nttr on tiemp il h i hta cinp ifllwdf iijvater per ititml 4tjiiit1 f mil- un beiipghs ikwililrvfllct per 1000 pnoiwu p wkti l in uhea irul tll mr bitirkultiiral ptvlluriirilw rr ihe inuerl rhttw im4 priilnrl pei4m axrf iwi heir merchmttie per lih famh pr nnlr oil mereliinj4e iifit nvf tttmitotf oiiftllnnwriioienorernlrilirefrpifil pwin trmti lull wiu f r irjlo p i1 pr mile on all iirliele- n riu till nrexer paps ward lk vncr nt aw punln prr oiil- n pttsuvftn on ihw urtl rliieoy vhr immpfitn nrperoo finil nvtolintf i kw whll belvrrfll s hem culy v l permit oniniiiiilcliimli fcrb lrftpta rffft iiml imvitilit lite iernhl f- af ltk jkt mile on ipiii neil1ni htllir irftninritlnji irpeni n4 nalnm- uh- riim ckimpl m imd jik- iiii eincil mile in lf4i hii fhhh in waiis t friif diwl rwvtotii me wv riuwu if on bmm invt chtfij iftttvrwwitoi f pcmwi rat nwhcftitiiq ih- cr ro w n lhf uliral ranul i rirf s j tflhm per m flu ivmliii1c1iei1i rkeirn lltdutfcbhta lte jiniiiini rnroil aivl r eiiirl w li mihttf lim- fl tir irifipnrititn otper- mmttmillh krtif iumliimenntir k on niifi urjilmit ur iniiv4rpfmti hi t pir mil on imthtrrmiirtter vm enrf afinre irinprfte m ilmai tbcil liiihly fir irti nrpermn- per mite omwh prrmm ntrf ieie yenr nf c irnpriol iii a unrleile1iei1ir llie umitfltli i ircrny per mile 0 2 0 5 0 3 0 4 i 7 4 4 11 0 d t tt lit m w 2 0 0 ii 3iiss phillips milliner dros 3iker cjitatklmri for be faor be lias received re sperrrnllv informs the iuhahjtaih olkioytoik that slie coirinue to carrvon ibe aluuo buinis fit brr iartnmtis overthe office ofllli- rkitish whig ubrremie hopes im be uvrred with u coiitinoanee of heir pairoovje- cbimreirs dfve eleiramly embroidered kindlon pellctll ish m arm rthotxv itetltt harrels ouetni iui1 on ronsirjnment lorleby rauklk v ijkxson rv ii is t ox a prospectus o a wtvnitfv siatwsfilxb new am omprkhbxsive plan to l i am till tiih raiia iuoxtiiiv uacazine it i- mteiiiled in a b nnio il or emiilrikiiialm rhiraeirr mnrr ex irnded ills linhnl in a ijiiiib eoluoy- monlldy nod htarieily i voidiiic every the most distant allusion or cxree- iou which may be deemed likely to create pain in an hrear an initio and consistent tu va pledged ns an aitielimuiw and then and an imbeiidini lillofai ihui mir lint lor the home pnrposr and an both aiv do- rated l though of rlltviw srbools the i a- oadian mooibly magaxute w ill be the bumble incuntf ol iosiitiiiin a won ol friendly suit not ijetweeh partus for partv it erchews but between cumteiki ins pobtiiiil prineiple thotlerimiiiihe prtjictorw pretend not to take upon diemelvu that mihi nt willi the public while reviews art devoted io mie rlnw of opiti- ioiw and nnd elnedv by those nlin nleribe ibrrr- io mid what is worse deal with evidence nmler tie- sreuriiv that if refntaiious appear in a reirw of op posite ttrincljileft it will not reach the readers eye a roiivteiion that not only the same rc ie but exen ibe same number may contain a well written article on the other side will therefore operate as a mill- rnrv check upon a careless as well as a dishonest dealing with evidence in ibis mode of litgliwhlff ilipntable points the lover of truth most needs rtjnictt ihmnli u it will make sail havoc with the trade of u political pftrtixotl the pnyeclortore induced to hope it ixillnol bo wit it out enemies ilsivjitsr wid tints nntch nf the pobiical character of the canadian monthly mitcamc the public most not lose fright of the fact that oilier subject will oc cupy the lamer portion of its fflgvfl- the improve- men l and developement of the resources of the ctit- adas the promotion of cdnraii sketches of socie- tv literary esiiys and scienlijic tlisquisittoiis will all bod their appropriate place in short every thine will he attended to calcutared to render the work varied instructive and enn rtainintf io a eoinitry makior lute of wo languaffes ibe exclusion of either imttft destroy or at nil cuois ijicrfere niurh with the osliilness of a woik ol the kind fo render it tberelbre more essenriallv com prehensive the canadian monthly magazine is pro insrd a the ehicle lor articles in botli french ami bullish the rule of admission bein solely that al ready named io the fourth paragraph of this pro spectus though die ii i character of the canadian monthly mnrjajne will not lie departed from wiih- rjvt ffood and sullicienl rcsson still when any article in tin enirlisb fixneh or american periodicals of a character bkeiy to be biehly interesting lo the colo nial reader forces itself upon the notice ol the edi tors it will be inserted lastly the public most be reminded that twocon- ditinn are necessary to the successful prosecution of the design fiist a constant supply of literary assistance second n subscription list sufficient to cover expenses the work will consist of four sheets or fil pasres svn wry neatly printed on good paper it will he ready for delivery on the last day of every month tl tvs3eti phimiljirai lpf itlhlllllt liliirrrf in tovn and twkntvrorr stillllxtw transmitted by mad cominiiiucutious to be addressed to the editors of the vontitltun monthly mgic i1 h ii ci n- xinnuams or to the dttitf mrrrtfaer office editors of newspapers who are friendly toibede- icn of the above penotlienl will oblige by giving the prospectus n trw ingenious imonircob nov l1839 n tune to milium to publii i t iiioiilbk alaajiit of a i liashiiherlu been pub lull m inlllo foi ry low and to j hill nf ihe iiy the sulxrriher oil barrels of t iueenstou au plm john ho yes mokri v arc fell 2l kil iiodiea1s hnvc alnul i mir im liusf rxeeption wiibnoi lurs nf tin piisent work persuade n lhsim soiilrlbiii- ill the limit- iuikz4 to aeroitnt ha moh an h lit- nltiivd ispixt of the nines to iiiieipaiiuu surcis- ftr jvheiiivr i baraitrr limit lltiir plan on ii iiiitl i ml wii viirrrs lire pirij i lbrinsirs lilt v v nl nature of ibo sin sjiiinihinj in waiiao llieiu in i ml il a nnnv emu iiupiesmou lliev si lu au older soritv nf a itmrcanitiiinl cbaraelf in a larler and iiiolt hlollev populaiiona mag vill iiml ample aoipnrt ilithib toulitied lalh r nte loili ill vi ir of i nv imim i im ml ie ol on clw of prim iplcs rir the illtmkilioi lie imuieh ol ienrr vnibmil franc lieroia atil auniiea bavi lh intnioi t4irws tin ti ran w ilt ss ikkont nf ttojieri kingmou fib isii r ualil by imlhck a ifkivqn miau ano ilhir keirvh ami ma every jtfjuwhh umdilieaiioo of trnal cniil canada if she d- a perioiliral lileialuir lirst willioiii or two iuaaiois iery iloou il is iponid to admit aitirlrs on wtlv rreiil prmidrd ibrv divcuw lomti in cuilditlb fidr and courtcouti language a- loltiffieal jtrti iraaoes r ulrd 1 pobiiral and lb ol sire lo call into t our i im- roiileitl a i nibtlieiiiif all and w lib ibis hv lpllintl polihrs o tmi rondonlineof packets fll vil thk rillt trsttf anu twfvfirtr of widi n vlrtw f rniir nriv ficilitic in the intrr- r r- nov i mii i iwjll imh1 ntiil fiw yurie thr pro nril a nf tin itcvrtbl ich ilraly tiijiliii irnlf hnvo in- n iinbn1 to -iflpint- in tilitig i ino number of then hk hi desqibmiiw oflheni from now york on th i 1 1 mii ami itlilitnillviiuinlnnintiic7i1i itth widittb nut fiiti porwhimlltll llw li lhhj oiw 20th f v tli ilirhiplioat ihr yrw hw line wdl nowcoiwrtofw jiii rgticidjjtb other ml ml wfwtexri viz from xew york ftk aft slin cvxaiu tlinoim riitton tncr mr- i shii tsovereiox j- k mniey martcr mar ill miip ii vnxibai v if- hmfd mfcwttr- mir jo ship thame r- qriwhld iiw april i nowllll aim in ship piiiladklimiia ii ii miii master aiinljn sliinsamix i uhnlu nnir mnv t sinn pmiukxt qw snn iiflww miv in xftasini mav sbin mostreal ckinririii iuoir limn lslui iintariil w- s rmr rintlif juno 10 inpsaml klkobektsirn a- iltiruwom from lovncky nov 37 sasrlkobhrtsos 1 ifpwitnmulli oct 1 ivo 7 canada m untw pont ih iviuur to iqp ir sovkuckn lcavetirinioiit1i d- 20 hc 87 hannibal ieivc pnrnnionlhjfhiiri i jan 7tiiamks icnvis poiionili jun iv jan it niw flp lratti porimtfiiili jan io jan rilllbxoijpiiiajuav purtimiub fdl- pdi 7 samson lrai pn itli prfi- in evi 17 presioext leave pn itli pili 2ft fell 57 xrw ship kavtl por m h mao h i mir 7 montki al iniionfli mnrrli 10 mar 17 ontario tviw poftonmitlk mnmi 20 tlicsc lnp tnorttld fiiwtclltf htint iioo unt bitrthrn built la this trily of ibo 111 nnlrfut iiintei nnl copper fuiiiuil and arc hvifatcd hy able niih piriin wl rntnmud- orf tlujr airninolihoni fur iahlwf iirv vry elegant mill cxtrnriw ami fiir wlmm bets mbi i i i ufiliclic qtiility will always bo ri1il vt ittclit or iii iipjily to cithirr of0icroniimli on hoanl tliv5liips or to john nriswfrfjk fflf ntbt rkinnkix- m1xturn i im ivnn mrcet gex wildk3 v c n- locmkiiwm l uom n b vhc fluihoftlunbovokii ivill contiuuq i touch at portsmouth m nial each ivaj i iwirl iml rmiro par- itenffeni nud wnn irhonce tcambai rmiflaily ctttho comi ir6iit anj to ilimorcni pails of enlatil kvery inrirmation rotative t nnij be uliiimcd by ippliralion at tl lino tt ivkt shi ps bank uk uppek ca ada pui1lic notice is hereby gum thai lit u general merlins ofihc storkliulilera livlil ihihtltty- iiwaa rtxofvetf that tli rem fining 51 1 wr ccwu due upon the new stock shall be c died hi tj ihle at ihe followinc pcriiuls vi 10 percent ill tili iuvaltntuit- piyihle 1st mon day in jvovrmlicrt 1s3- 10 prr cent ihuth iiitalment hqvumu i t muil- liv ii jnniinry is5i 10 npr cent the sth tntnlnirnt pavabl 1st -xlon- tlnyin march is31 10 percent tlw 9tn instalmmti ravawe ki mon lay in mav 131- i mm- loprriwtt iii ultji imfmir tiomkidout cathtcr bank of dpptl cnitada york lnh hiw 13 cash paul lor dcirrkiii9 d cr iloriw purs kai and feathers hy harhr egan hmkei phur kkktmu lyh ii ltl anew steam boat tn hr httilt at prcoff on an improval jpfflff fo pfjf hlrrcn pmatlt ami mmtatfrtttl at a general meeting ftf the inhabitants ofprc- rott rsilleil for the purpose of akin into cnniiler- ntinii the most cxpedien plan riiiiilclinf a sitram pasuik boat 0 plv between prescott montr km a mslilbn esq being railed to the clmir ami mr v ii wells aphititlud secretary ihe liillnwinrz hetfulutioiis were proposed and adopt ed 1st tiwii this meeting deem it pxpedtent ooni- sinirt a boat at pierott of ibe rommvinrx decrip- tioii viju two eylinders of an ellipiieal or oval form iti leet in length 5 ill depth and 9 feet wide ut lit liuili of staves and bolted toetlier by mean rifiroil hoops on ihe inside wihoot any timbers ibe end formed in mich a manner as in give a good bow and rltyli tin cliltdt tu he plaeetl lueu leetaparr willi a deck extended aeross ihem ropro- utt luft fvtl oitfmilf ittfamiriihf 1 l si ua fiobed by means ol iron liuili and well seemed by iron braces a wheel of25 ftet in diameter and 13 foci in length lobe placed between the isonhi and worked by two low presufo engine ol 30 horse power each when thus far advanced- tbe itoal mu rodraw niore than 20 i i ulcllctf ami move ilnoiieb the water at tlieiate id 18 miles per hour 3d that- from ojlimtitpp the niwting ire of opi nion that sneb a boat ru be colhlfuctvu nnd put into operation for jcouov 3d- tint to insure a more extensive and impar tial circulation nftfioek thin sum be divided into right hundred slmrcfl at six pounds pive billing aib ami ill the uoai be completed the stork be not transferable except hy the consent vt a mil- ioriry of ibe committee of matiarjemenl lib that until the completion of the moat no stockholder be entitled to a vote on any shftra or shares over liliy silt that lliiam xorton alexander mcmillan alnheus jones lompt whinnv lnison milliard icsipiires oflredcoll henry iilderleee b of uanntiotlltui be the m and i i uum- minee gib thrit n committee he appointed to open tht monks and take up subscriptions lor cluck who are to report to the committee lf manatrcnietii as carlv as the lodidayof rehmary next and that the fol lowing be a coiiioiittee viz messrs will uitehie co- montreal v j mrdonalil s co illlltlll tuple jusipll wbinie oul w k wrl liftpfc i liny t woinl esi cormvall lirnrze llrnoe est matilda l cloiunn i3m uadtnlmrtflius j lllllh hn c iibihir ii monroe 1m york itlksell puntiss esq ilainilton lewis clllueilti es niagara henry flihlersleeve eso knilmnr itilhi elhii esip brtickvtlle tieurge aclark esq urautfonl 7ili tbar aicmton w 2o0 pomul he mill sirihid the mtillllujiiv and bnihlinir commillee may imreed to make cnntraels for the hiiildinifoi said llnal hib that tbeconmiiitcenrmnnaement he here by authorised o open ibe books inmirdiaiilv and mil litem to rath of ibe committee for taking np oleripiioiik and thaiihey be auoainborised cautuv till is lo ioibid an person or persons purcliatiiii a note of ham drawn by me in favour of mt merret fenton or order for the mini of two hun dred nnd fid v seven dollars twenryrtve tents mh payable on the will tt mnv 1s3ii it oughh prvnttw tore in kington as lur ir i have rtcctr- al no rilnr demirestville i tfklft demurest is34 j biamv deeds forsnle tt ibe ofliee i february tib 181 minors indeomirw kept i the llnitlph vmii ril- niis mid iimwt vorirlv lnrsni hv iai jiuiiiniyl 1il iii cop a jrrii wli bgvson 1 vost office arr wemeii prt hope u f civw vwk z on saturdai mi once a week u iirnttri or tn in the mnib fiirthe olficraoutbr nuiin li rfniici4i ihcw trtirti l ihi itiii if rltimi jmx tuni i iik i nlr lav tat l i j it- 1 iv tliiirt iv trijiv a satunhi f vu cz i j ip ilnx wtiliimly tlulay vimv and tf olonittv tlj miu will rlnf mh hv til fi d im r unlit hfcofgvt 1 iwcin itil il linfihlon oail prinr ivhvnri imty routt iw rcd thnrr a vtfl y on turalilvi tltir nnd ftitnnl oc p m tlie mails firtjnutiii tout and u iltmi ic made up c tnwlai tful fridn ai fi o- lock i m the uh for all ulhcttf imcf auvmerixt dopedbr nm4c i7 on slondilv and tlhitity n fi nlkk p h the akois till neivmarkcl nail tltit otlico north voiu arc clul ftci a week ia ofl monday and than lav at guelock 1- m- tlie uuilfi cir olbn xmi prtorlnircmsh are closed dho ftivdctock p m the mails for marmora ro cl tliiirmhvatgftflork p- rt tlir miiu tr ibe olliccj on 1 roiiu ioouh bof pfrdi ifer art tluwtl bwma pvtk viz 00 monday timrdnv a 6 oclock p m ti10 mad fir tin tnilvd sta irfr ruid ara ir tvmk viz on momav vdndav anl ivirfav at3ocbi p m arnival of tti7 mail tiw eittlfil maiuairivcf riirn tvrck viz on month iswhilav wifiliwnby thursday friday and 3aiirdl tho wvftofu main arrive 51 thusn vcck viz on morda tuemlav wiilnvfliiv tiiiiimi itf kridav and salunfa coittwt imrr ofnrrial 4orlocl 1 ai tin mail frtun dlln e hvt vt allimi will arrive virr ireht list on tuesday and fridy with ihr mnd fromyoi tin prince tmward maib an rto thfrr timr i irwfc t nn mundav wrdmnday and ftidui muv yinic lime w lln hiiit wcrflffll mails tin tfitiiiluni or i w hour of armal nn on p m off e lint ts tin tillici wtultumk frmu otlwk a litvdsat ir average mni i5 nrrtvo three tfm tny noil kridaw prbii flimual ih vent 5 omoe mir io ihonnriioii mil i miii iiij mid ih nir 11 lhm 111 siji idu imii ihuiiiii ul eiirh r linn fiir tlu tiim liht luritui iunii ni llllllt lo illill uliln 1 dilmlt ol lroscoti- j alkxandrr mimiij t ftairthifit w it wells oeavtitttf miliary i i 1ki mnll7ovliy mmrry lh rrvit ihe snhhaih wlnn irttr will ikltmtcd unty lillwcen tin liont itf ami si a m ah to letters iioixg abr0ad tlif itdlowiii regulation mn- lie otlruded i- others llirv will nmaui nut frwardel nd ih in- in dl eonrern fueni lor tin 1 oiicd slates nutf he mi onl tn cupe rents and snrli a an iiiiended loiohi uav in enrono ml uv iv1 altl l nw york leiierh fur kurnn inlindrj to he tent hv tinibec mwd port paid i- im in- ioid dioe inhiuleil in he hiii hv f lux per ii1 ih pmlctt mni in- imi mid to hah ijctletarauuilly he uit hy vc ot ilm lnr hetween may and lil noviiulier in meo ham vfttvels lh forwanleil hy tin other rthiten at any ivauh foi ihe lyttllnlium ivlitive l ion on leltow for chhiiuhihi irkiirip wvmlndn v ihe lvvl im iinrit dtrtimiikni put np 111 ihi tovt t hnlefttif litaur uo a miiuiv letter faint thin ttrieej l mu mrioi jfc m invw nl jdto tlnvkr l hrlltttitiivfid an inimvmiri thai udrwai will iirstnl with hmirhtt4n ltsileiiriniiae in nvwij uliln mniidi i lil ti 1 ifctn liunrflo new yoik y bm 1 nilhimi han ht 1 j iv0111 dnlmiiee toiw t jd and uiu- i i kington feb th ic3l john matari-avp- i