foreign hewn ministers have for ihe lasi two or three dys been in a state of extraordinary activity ami blmtc holding incessent consultation driving pmt iu brighton and back again c the prevailing int- sression is thata serious and nlarininir difference ad occurred in the cabin- rumour flutes lhai his majestys intended sjieech on the ip niug of parliament i the rock upon which it liis spb and it even said that two of the minsters hav de clared their determination to resign should violent hands be laid upon the church should this prove to be the fact the formation of a new cabinet and a dissolution of purlirnem arc in the list of probabilities- f court journal mr t b macaulavim p we very much re gret to find that mr macaulay is about 10 l country for the east having on wednesday last been sworn in one of the members of the supreme counciljrfthe governorgeural of india under the new charter in point of emolument the change willdoubtless conduce greatly to the right honourable gentlemans advantage and we have not the least doubt that it will also conduce greatly to the advan tage of the native population of the east that a gentleman of such distinguished talents and attain ments of benevolent and phihinihropic a dispo sition so energetic in the furtherance of what he be lieves to be right should be elevated ul a station of such high distinction as that on which mr- macau lay is abowt to enter but his departure will leave a void in the house of commons which assuredly there is not at present any man to till up tiioiijjn aot a frequent speaker and in some mpecifff rtul an accomplished debater no man known better llou to invest with interest any subject to which he ha directed his attention none more strikingly ex hibits the strong points of a case or discusses in a more candid and philosophic spirit the various cir cumstances which together determine its nature in respect of talent like his ministers have been weak in the house of commons and we do not think they can afford to spare hill there are many men to be found who would have been able honourably and advantageously to fill the distant office to which hehas been appointed we know of none who can follow even at a remote distance in the path which he bas trodden at home english paper state of ireland in various parts of the north of ireland a considerable number of mills or the spinning of flax nrc at present ill progress ul erection there are no lew than tight hi bellas alone mr mulholland whose cotton mills near that town were destroyed by tire some years ago recently erected an extensive lax spinning mill on a principle embracing the facilities of the machinery employed by a celebrated house in that mult in leeds mr mttlhollands experiment was com- pilsuntp mtfevssfwlbe jrojised ii ivfftf turn iu u abort period and is now greatly extetitlin his tinle englishmen with capital are embarking in the panie traffic so much so that i nm informed a native ol ulster who has been absent for a few tears would be astonished at the great number of huge mill which are arising in all quarters the rale of irish linen have been much increasing latteilv the chief competition has been with the scotch but tin has been confined to coarse linens the scotch never having arrived at the degree of perfection in the manufacture of fine linens attained in the irish the export of irish linen is at present enormous at this moment a brent quantity is iu prutfv3 nl shipping for new york the duty on the impor- tation of linen to the united states was reduced from 25 to 15 per cent but on the ili instaiu linen will be admitted completely free from duty many facts mieht be stated to prove the greut im erovement of the linen trade in the nvtahbittr- oodofkeady in armagh not many years ueo a comparatively barren district there aie now eijjht or nine bleach mills along the course of ft river- all in a flourishing state formerly brown linens ueic exposed for kale in the brown linen markets of dffter- ent towns buinovv instead of so exposing litem the weavers bring them to the great manufactures who forward them to the bleachers to prepare them for rale hence from the nunappearance of seller in the local markets it wus erroneously supposed that there was a decline in the trade from cutmama the brier medina arrived ul lilistntih yrhfrtuy and hi in intelligence irmn caithaireiiu to the 2tfi of february- the nfluir fit tin french consul is represented as still pel till hi it i difhenll however l ivnmeili ibis iirmmii villi the hollicilcc received and published iu lid paper on wmesrfav vw jamaica the janiiiea rlcfulduftlia i ith of ftbinan mated thai the imlli- tuhy relative to mi ifarromhe iiwhii consul had been settled upon the terms that bis fiiurtuiisas con- mil siiluui ccasie and that oil the other hand the alcalde should be punched this result is con firmed by the cire stance that the wine psiirr contained d copy of a letter wjflud by many ie- pcctable gentlemen of ciriharjena addressed to m odillon barrot a distinguished member of the chamber ol deputies in fiance md the brother nl the consul bearing umliinuiiy tuihe integrity oflii jharactcr and the correctness of in eotidurt we are hence led to conclude that the account of the medina is erroneous v fnw ade fftom gimyaurtf jeueral flortvi vvhose con stitutional term uf presidency over the republic was about to expire seemed to think ins further services were necessary to the welfare of the people and consequently determined to hold aver a kitchen cabinet wav found ready for uhvinn reasons to second his views and they gttve it loiih as essen tial to the public sality that leueral florca shnold be continued in ihe presidency manure the con stitution general kocalhertci the hesid of on ati- eient and respectable family and a vast body ul other citirns were indignant at this infraction of ihe supreme law of the republie and manifested their determination to support it- florts with his baud were compelled to retire it appears howcve that he succeeded in obtaining tlir aid of those fatrtiurs who ure impicst of that kind of employ ment and tlnik relnlbrccdi entered juyaquil on rhe 25th of novimber and compelled horafnerte mid ins parly to abandon ihe town which ihev did carryinff wiih them whaever property diej were able the reports on the subject nrc not en lucid nor are we able with the imperfect infiinikl- lion before us to form a correct judgment of the importance or bearing of the reported occurrence iv v ca mr the french in africa h seems that the french are about to make important preparations for ex tending titeir dominions in africa- the advices from toulon suite thai in the ctftttiiiiff spring it is intended to send a powerful expedition against the iteysbip of constaiifmc as the 1w eoutiiiuec determined in his hostility to the french- an army of 20000 men is to be raided under marshal chui- el and the duke of orleans will accompany the expedition preparations wrerc makincr on a law scale at toulon for the rnmpaiirii the marine portion of the armament will consist of six ships nf the line nix friitiilcs live corvettes 12 briys aff a i v iu u iijr i w ufutufy wa in enuist nl liittejie- ami the fuire in be isihjfl iuljintrv and 2rtihk cau iv army will lv- divided into two eorp one uv wimcii is in laud nt ituna ami ihe other at uiigin and a junctinu irt in tttxtcd a few e friin lililv of coiiliilltiue military flogging at the galway barrack a mate earned cornelia imornn hetnreiiitf in hi regnneni who nad coiinnitied some uteuen ii military discipline we believe absence from bar- rackc and disposing of some article of hi cloihin was tried by courtmartial for the offence and con demned to receive 200 lashes when ihe victim had been tied up and the work of torture commenc ed to the astonishment of every man in the regi ment and the amusement of some he beirun to suitr with the most perfect sang froida very lively air the torturer became irritated at the insolent con tempt evinced by his victim for tin terror of the u cat and accordingly struck at him wiih redou bled force no doubt for the purpose of mnking him change his notes the effect however was very different from that which it wtta intended to produce at every stroke the sufferer appeared t exhibit a greater vivacity of manner llis voice assumed a deeper melody and his wrists bring tied together he was observed to beat time with ins lingers he went on in this manner siiijfinb several ongs with beautiful variations until he receued 175 lashes at this stage of the performance the uctor in order to diversify the amusement of the day and relieve the spectator from the mouotomy of song commenced whistling the flowere of edinburgh which he continued to do until the full measure ol the torture was inflicted- ctmttught jvur jamaica an unsuccessful attempt of a bill to legitimatize without the necessity of the marriage ceremony certain domestic contracts which exist ui so great an extent between the planters ami their housekeepers the governer lord mulgrave appears to be a worthy of the high trust reposed in him after the colonial abolition act was passed he visited nearly all the different parishes of the island explaining 10 the slaves in person accompanied by ihe 6oiiniewc mulgrave sometimes to collection of 5 or ghhi the rights they had acquired freely replying m all their interrogatorits and exhorting ibem to good conduct their peaceable and respectful hehavioui is proof of the kind treatment they receive from their masters and is a lesson to our american abo lition garruon fanatics there was one exception to jhe good account reported of the negroes the head drfer at arcadia told bin lordxliip to strike his name off the estate as aflcr christina he did not intend to work anu mart for bwkrtt lie was put into the workhouse it is evident that gran iniftapehensioii exist among negro pnpularinn as to the nature of the change about to lake place though it fa every where hailed by them willi gratclul enthusiasm tbe kii wwftm fcuwtwn ihr tfiuf ftmuo tnlfnhh ihi hi w tumult in lorfm ftjr n ten rwc li iwbhmt where ih wan wlt cuahmk tit iu h of fcbninrf pftlvatr coithlmonuknek extract of a letter tinted london january 32ml ltl on tnv return to lioiidon i enquired of the best authority or at least one of ihe lies if there were any truth in ihe report tint i taring wore about to imahlhdi n umk in cnnadu roneerniuj which vu much bus beeu siid in rln- fnnmlmn papers tin reply was ihit the lirt iikn tlnv bad received on t mibject was burrowed from the papcth in wnieh i he report iu puiioii appeared but that lite hint did not even lead rhent in entertain ir 1 wus i- nrct it wis merely a newpaper repuit and like many others hich orctehttuiliy appear cinicmitig that house tnlidly withuot ibuudaiioil they know not how suji reports uriliuate but iitmifiue the are but foiuud bv way of hint iuter the fiehii s common 10 mm that mm man can hist direer another imw to nnunnft hwown affaire especially iu money matters upon this information ihere- atn ynu may nimy contrailtct ihe rtatement ibi it must ere this huve ffrottll into ao assumed troth and will perhaps deter many individuals form 4x- rrlintc ihiir inllueuee to iuerease the rpmniity of i v ik n eauri in the camillas it f i in i fwv tlaw a eheduh of n how iliilii itr th- timh i- trh hi been h neled tthoni tin eny lii n hie ilut no diihulii nmlui nod on the our hatul anil isaltie is reduced mi the other so that kultic timber is in pay just iwiee that sent from canada- nr difference of ll- per load which i believe nlnnil etpml lu the difference ijt vnijht- tlii hnutneiii lurtltit asserts dut the netde i tu 50 into operation about the 1st april think it unfair rn brills any change to hear so suddenly ami hope that at least thi part of the measure should it prove u originate with the lioverniimit of which i have wl no nnmf wiil be abauihonk should it bt ersiind iu tin canadians who fmm a cfmn mwm have doubt es been iodueed to endeavtirs to cet out a large fpiautify be severe offerers none but tbev who have never known what it is n suflr by change would have propiteil sneh a nieasiire uiul it would be well firf the eoiunioniiy it men more intimaiely coiiihchrd with llw iwimoi the people eimead ilf ppwon born niul mtxiuj onl mnunifsi the nruiucrnr had a crenwr itillnenec over public alilois till fioinc such chantfr takes place 1 shall expeet little ill the way of uiki from any ffovennoenf men nf business just now appear much itfftm8co with the evil effects to be expected from the lurill prussia litis ihihieed the german iaes to adopt fhi conns of tin enrn niouopoiv america led the way what tate will follow next it is diliieult to say all that is certain is that if our old ymm which was fast becomiuc imopular be not tpdckly disenrded we shall literally beexeludeil by foreign ers in nnr turn whieh was forhlvtl by ecuuimits hilly tu initej down uubouuiled abuse uphi iheoi selves i yet tttwt all will be well the alarm is 1reat and the people an np in arms again the corn law so much so thai some think i nnterial ehaiile will in cimetpicthxs he made this session mankind buy their eperiuee deai ly and wise men live in amjejpaiiuii uf the iuium oul in inmif evil upon theioxetvrs the ittuleu of iht week have been hie dihiimiltlea in llu cabinet about sciiditil troops to portuab and about clmreh ttefunn the former has been wisely seltlei l the iieitive for wbauver mir treaty may bind us to tlo uniitl rrttijfit1 n i terual eneiois it hinds us imt lu inlerlere iu her internal nfliiim it is said the ktlltl has assented to i vol n chureli kfnilil views but did nut m till a tender of leinalion took phiee on ibis sub- iei larl trey and stanley are said in tixiei it bus inn been kinom ibal till laller is oppoed to nilv martial change and il is snppusvd the thlierince nmy bad to u rupture if so o would lie impossible to say whieh would retire iboieh i should imagine the littler as iipiuioii seems to he in favour nl llrotnhaui ljthlu prime minitcr when the itlxi mnterinl altoroliotl uii o in the cabinet unless intleed hi tories x i office n continmry which t- alvvavs to i i under wh and ulinm- measuies sianiev willi bis vhjws could not lorn a part of ill cabiuel r he livhmrat and rmnuurs are very various re- peetiui the eluxt ol aiectini of parliament ittl miiimterial popilhtiil eouliss all appeals jtisi mm beyond m loresijht dimply beeanse i have not ihe data keihite lor the loruintion of an opinion namely ilu liberality of the ntetmrvs l lie introdneed and y- conduct of the minis try muittnuf jfivji adccr mviuciak titt of the tjiru bldfif quulffj at the qntut temp mate sacithj fotil tin thr 3iti nlfim tit ijnt liehojt simj iaiuil io the cliir sml be cmtsi- dered tt i- mi honor to ih nkeil to ptomtc tti hjert uf ihts mcctin- tlin wv imvo i urajjeod mrpwe roust boiut- kuvvliilsrt liydl and i irut we hill do snnc g4odfl uir othw hity ttml rhitibiy mt ilia our nnvcf and lihtfttmir mitiii i fliill iiuiic itiic plain remark nn tho caufto vvc arc met to hfvfnqfri all icr arc agreetl in saying thai lempemiie jjsi rid lliiiit it i not iwprwug if vveemim ilcr the vari ty of hunt in 1 1k3rictcr constihitioit mind fcrliitp t i nt citweatlttn ihtt ilillvniicc ff npinioo liouki oxist relatio td the iiilii ul ir wav of eoimlia them ivin paid tln i hu1l iibni ri that onio tmly religious peww olijcel le llliwo kictiei i huili upon ji wio- fjunlaliui not nn jeuscbiisl lln only 1tire1iiion to me llii is a niulnko wean to hi nnc iu jwlgfaif otjior w ho rlilfcr from u mo severely when we ilo mil lik- thc ciniunftanrc into consitlcration i ron ntdcrtkll tmpemnre 15 sujuiorted by the vvdl and rcvelaliim of jcsu clirist and ho will blc all ropr mean vvc limy takt t rt promote it it iin the iiaiticand tvitti of jcfti cluisi that 1 inwnnl ilo vraitttboilt aowcini to tho hoilie a4 writ r4 ihis toul nfitwuf llis apostle fayt a vv baw opporluniiy h t do cofnt ro nil men jemischiiitjajft m luati- nut aiiii u- is fr i on our part il is nminlel that tvniur ime not wnvit iclisiun white iiitcinpennce is ilial lllivu srn ivte5 itfiv bren prodililivt ofood all will ul- mv onenat proof of wlmh i the iiitcvc of ternpancc where lliey have been established lean testify myvlf that tin y have il ome gwd from what i itvervcd mhm time agi at bndtil n ihe state of neve ork and ijll nearer hvim in the extern towfrdl 1 vvuh sir dither ak p- p was here for in i 1 corroborate my llmeitl i have heen told also by mr pbiltitoqo wrht jl p p from hull dut frill tat place then k i temperance boclcty and lite jrood eftveu of il are itlt at hylown vvliiji i exactly oppoite there is no tom pemncc s0eicty md the uiltercnce i visible- hi lordhip ilien alluded to tltc g objects of the meeting and staled that ihe motive were as fcplainod in the public notice given of lliettieciiti wliich had bco held upon urli lltorl notice only because i general eonention at montreal takes place on wcdnidav ihctitli uwswti he then rel from the atuntc tkrttttt an account of llw purpose of thai meeting from whieh tin nieetin had j in and toti1 it would be comhi civc to the guud of liie gitieialcwom- i will observe how- iw 4 omeof tin- vuiprimc prwiiitio havp mji tim 6r in piin1uiii- all o oftiipj mi out arh nl yinu but iimiih and i on in itcpims tor u arf i ifiilik tttti prohibition i id rii ittiflitril to drdeiit rjilrit it is tfidugtou lar to pmhibtl m kind 4 llllir hmiie the fwiw by wijilnj io dej l tm inodi hi lnnmti then read hu rmmiiulioiiofllo inlrw soity ftlhl said tinlbfl appnivl iiftlto ilinilim in vvhivb il budbion eundutftcd ifc mated that llwrvvt mr milton ioi shnvord wwild rxplalu die mv 111 fif lumtlntf totlitlu and coiuhidvd by imploring tin vsin ofid mi all iciil jiram fir the increase and pnjterit uf tin uoh tvmpcramv so w v mulnsruhl ilial cnnsidrnililo alinn twists nmon iliuw wlm ore iiiirrolcd in the exportation iifslavctf lioiu iliis country m account ul llir tic- frtiiiiiiitioit if ilie lovurnntunt to admit a certain number of usiitic staves nt a reduced duty by tviidor it ikis been rrecntly iiccrlaiiwa that temlcn o the nmotinl wo have been ex- irttd in our licuring ilmi tlit quaniiiy is ucurly mifiiit or twelve imnitlis consm million to do awnv itli litis erionuons impfcmioil ftlhl calm in somlmlegrce the fours which it hwgiiiknu ct we bii to lay before our renders an ullichtl return nf ihe number of great hundreds of staves imported into exported from drnftoitaumeil bt the united killffdihn lor the last twelve years il ppneara irom lic return that the average con sumption of staves in the united kingdom is sa5io great hundred aud that on the occasion of a decided scarcity about 4000 great hundrd have been admitted ai a reduced duty or about one ivveniylirst part of the average consumption lb we have justtenrni that mr samuel louni bc- ceptj thr iiomiualioti of the tfiincoe county meet- in that after careful enquiry it was found that mr clnules thompson would he the other candid most likely to unite the suffrages of the eastern w those of the western townships that mr ihoinp- 0t bag been npf lied to j and that lie itl mr- loupt havr agreed to be candidates biv g together at die vlitutiig election this j our opinion settles the fuestiou beyond doubt siincoe goes for re form toronto adcocatc v rejoiced n learning that the eric and on tano rail rj bin pm the two houses and now kid q frontier centleineti remark the par tiality of sir john colborn iu refuin to assent to hat bill and tdiug it to england while heat onco eagerly sanctioned the london and core bill for a railway on ihe parallel we presume the press iwld vypco of the journal will cry out against us for dil9 painirraph lb the following bilh are to be sent to loudon for the consideration of his majesty minister whe ther they will think best to allow them to become laws or to quash them 1- to enable certain foreigners to purchase and hold and 2- to attach certain townships to the london a5 weetern districts 3 to enable the ex- tctitors of i isioyuirs will to fulfil its dimpofli- lions 4 to naiuralixe merrick and others 5 to make a kail bood from iake erie to lake ott- tario by wayofqueensfin and chippawa- 6- to vest certain lands in trustees lbr the use of catholics in the western district and 7 to erect certain townships into huron county it a i us ii nhiet kixg8ton artjembuefl the hfrxt of bhffw jjfmmukm will ukc plncr oo ihc 19th inn t e ciliiiii i h i- jisr rumisiicd ani flr i uk h hc ohki ac kpipuc of thomw ihe rhymer to mr pjui ivv if kmkm- the i6vnnl loner of mr pflhf pry rf cieamvillc to lib londoo ac- rtiiineilkc jltn kilrlt k um hni1iy to post masters- ttfco ejitnr of tho britm ntrir will p 1 rmiffm to nl pot uafteivfj lruy willmwarn him sciiption lit nl their respective olfi f ml of in- tub- tnilccl slates nvnraincf uwh tub comino ktmnox- much c tiikrn phieo in thi www ffithlu a few ilava pal four eiuttilirs lor the rcitfitfetitaliun of the tnwn havo mnriril vi julm liocert amlrcw iv ijurll henry lurwool anil diivnl johcsi ivjmres bvb iy exertion upinwn to he limkititf hv tlicin and their fricihl- tind earh cm lidnie e m eontiileiil of sue- cusfsf ditppuiiitiikui must ijiit some uf theni hut uhidi reniiiius i be sccili alh uifli we have lit rlr iimiiiji that tlie caihu of liberal feeline oiki itbe- rul uiraurrs will triunplk in the comlhy of eecls then is every reason l stiiiiiipaic a result vliielt will iinno wattrrciory io kclbriner but lit not the liieutls of the caiuli- llalcd nominated fm content whhout exeition tlier is u u sip between lludip and the np o pains miii lr rpared to render victory ccrinhi much ivaiim io llh lutuie welliinr d the countrv depends u the uv eleetion thruitjhom the nru- vinee ami every ertion rflhulm be made to ween re 1 liheral llotim d asvnihk imi crawford ivii4 in t riidnltih aud duul jtni ly i d tneniioned aftnliewinufiyiiipioins of taking the field in that crte the candidates for tile eouiity will be mrsrkwtn ijuell and matthew m ibnvard nonii trlilen by the euimtv ronnuittee and jje9sr ieo cravford daniel jones and olic it iowan tell- iioniinated cuiuliunhs in intiville die eimdiilnes nanel by ihe com- mitteo in inruicrlv slfttej arc ii- norton emj and t- hut et ve hear also thai alexander mc mllhitli km is hkelv rjiiiviltrfnnt jict order it will he wni by u nciiice iu our pupor of toduy that the bealiiiful niw tttetlier ltrorkvillc is locuu- inrtue her trips mi the it day of april next we iihdeirnil thill until the mails are wed settled bile will run bcveeu tin long santt and kinti tut the euiulbrl and aremonuodatioii of tiavellers cllc is wiihuut exception the handsomest boat oil he l mt 11 iitle york is iim xij vvrk nil i has he roine toronto whether the eliunsc has been dietatetl hv the zod taste or by the nuiriilted vanity of the hiwyiveis of the upper prnvinee t tin not prcsuine to decide but we gnspeel that the nniveisal apjiheation of thai ritlhiil epithet littlk ii is had some iiilllirncv tver flit deliberations of tin- lejiatmre wo wwl lof the sake of etmd iswtr ami bjttjil velin ilic few more of the indian names of pettfs wi revivl wlmt ear can bimtate between l ork and to ronio i or im what iuiw n smh a- ouiarin ah ow tucnnim i uwihiimn and itappahauuoek i llw eln 1imi ii able nioinniknt we au iwrrt ui in iuuiry of prriliiut nice the natural lords of is fliijfltt ihiiiriitmi is the pt ipiniiiiun nf i heir terms in h nrel hh atiieiieiins ha vi oitf phived more nf ta- anl npfittrimit kindlier minn ooiwlvew as tbev huw letained the ltidim uutie of ahuosf everv dislil tlliil ihev have explored and edumei since the ntttblihllllmlll lif llliir iiirlejhii- deuee this miv imvo arisen partly from iheir ivimr under hiile llf icihiltii i fjnitifv ihe viimiv of such iknrinir1 1v tlilinesnr niirifi or mary or the vntr uueni a eonjeetiin whirh leiives additional ij itmllilliv ijoiii llln rrtrniiim ol llio native nuues til mmihimrtlln and muiii tirul by ihe thieniinlv pm llhiitl the indian hllltfn s iioiilii hinkvn down utut various dialeets must have proeehliil ivoiii om- cfimmnu slurk and nidi piinh nlly of its miiamiii nwceluess ilestrvr ml i mi pufliidly pnsered ill till impel isliahle fiinilu piohahleki lo lltr millllinn ol tin iiinsi interesting prnlili in lie hitury nfofull i tin jrin of the almiitfiimsi of atnericu further particulars of the steamuoa t disaster vlon xhc bxumi of the gttj vnm known in tho boat cftpl jeflkm ordercsl lief t l nm ridcwuyw on io ir idon tlie unorc wliu it would allow all uie pimnctr to uittp out while the pwiulfa iv a hlovviiis wr tin xidc- but inc jiiicitjor ini- jielhl ilio liuluimimii tn run bows oft by wliuli mean ilie kilnm in the vtem wirc mure emjaiigtrcd nothing cuulij exceed ilie inxity of llic pcrxon totlmom vvitti im line to rcnocr every nsilile uutttuocq if lliutra tn danger mr dividiiufl lie agot impiircil of tlw 6rtpeiiw0 he nt w htthrr there tfvfu miv liv9 him i iq was lotil that all was fi 11icavs mr diiiun alfs well vvc care nothing abuttl the boat the latal etfceu were ubscfucnllv leiirned ffm tin lnhyuotttan tic vtcr beiii- vhwil ih p3ciir jumped from the bow and escaped lu tin- hank with wc reet l tite the ewtnion of fivti imlivijimu ilie rev mttvhdlmuorq ol ijclvjfctowiij del ftiiinerly ofsoiithanj jum pli s purler u1 ibi- ritv ad ivvu cntiineit who periheil hi ihe ilimc a ltly nunc nut asscrliittl leakd from ilie hhi and was drowihi tlw lutiiii wen- brought tu tin eiiy it the evn- nig flic steam brut was burned to the watel cde and driftid lu ihe iljnid frvm thr tommtremt ilrttlt w walter 31 uulkbj ut martfurd thinrfclkul one of lliriiiirnliifiiilipmner nn board til e willinu ivnn died lilts iiiuniiug lie lad sikh in bis travel wliidi are afv a om ins effect generally 3lr rululey had been etulupoitdj mid vva feeble in jumping over he caniht a chain but it hhi himillirient ta sueiin him he drank luneh w ater and ha- imteii n vielini to the ealamilv kvon attention was paid to m r- u mi friends will haie he rinwdntioii if knowing that i jicd in ib nndl nf yinpallinii and kind mnincr h i feared ihat iiut wvn other live h1 it h aid lbil mr liinnntirvw ynflc iom ft worth nf rivrlwi ii l iiuijilih l-igrt- ij luuilvd uui nrtior dia-innisneeumine- wc shall furnish it thu inotneni we ran learn all the parhcnlrt thcfn leamit to bollevo that the female who lct her life in thu wm ivnu wa a tfivi- ladies nn board rceuleel he ami if it u ties same their atliulion wa parlieularly ifawi m her hv her mlnilinn and ilie ful that hc waecking to lufcwj the price uf latwagc remit usl ft- to corkktflomiknts j ry sfctw i ififrnl uil the mmlmrmrei nli rm n h gl itir rneml liavmy lecfi jccnieil amply jiik inn im wr catiimh i aj- rained tlte cilfimrtrikivnperacopra m ml rim- fn rinn cnntmiibi firi thai rmuoy uhcloui jrrcliici becirwfihiff tofhiirt whkh ihe fililor will be ih- jinlcc oiuj hvmhji hi m nrl miw ami tktrcj ofibj vvrnvt tvceattfbr the e4liif- phuu nbrutaiu fuc pftwi n ihffnitinfttnr mu- t r all woucu3 ofjralhi or marriagfti be uiihrittkatnt to countrv swbwrtdkrj in onw ihnl thwe four country rihcffl wm 1n nm rrciv ihoi pnir prr mail may have nn ofiiwiontiy nflmlnv upplicl wmi u linu way n pfthr wc hcrrby jwe a 1m of ll 4-f- w wnir ivy nhb fbovafill frnm ihi ortice by ihe earhetfl ttoftve snvnlrr pqwicvidft mr iv s fairmao piitlr k hib lira j mnihrwoe llnny franklin w kcrgusoa pfiteh b4ar s riwv j ntrhwi r tfiylnr s alerrill wm hilrioc b tvfimah staumcfl n ttfthirtbcf k drewerv miu kminmilh rtirrftu- tawihimp nf kingnioii ivftlrrfai imi cfhri bn kf ii mrtwii nmimifxii twtof4iip of kington vm tullvlmh w1 ltirthboroih prtlim the nbovr ffmknwn are rc0it ttruriiti iw mci foch fob ptfibers ft receive their paper- at iheir hi a- n 5 neiy be coo crjdfht the mlowlnfj gcnitcoien have kindly mnrnil i ai as general a fnlt ihe above coivohip aiul who ure hinby aulbohieu to itceiv pay aoo grant receipts j nhtonfl taylor b waters wm rm inl s fwrttul riuritis the aniely tnemay to escape from the steam- hai it itlv nreented lirrelf at ihe bnw wilha lery ynu rip ehil ij a jeiilvinau i in n- it i her ii- lonk the infiiii wrapped il ranefully in in large ebwh and called t a irsnii tandin in itie mud io catch it the penon ldres- ml prjmbly did not attend to tho rail the little child wa thrown mm the marh the enlletiiin hvwevev mi p poking the infmt alj in ipel ihe mother in ffil cm hore that beinp iieenuiilihi d ihe chiht wa not in b tnimd but uf it had boon diieud l soinebuly llirrc wa no doubt bnl it wnuhl von appiir and tho mother wa icmned alwward a perstm dieovcrius the clocikj llmnihi to rfeia it fmm ihe tid vvhen io hi niter atinuhrrteni he penvived that it enntiined a living ehihl llcniivived it to eiirthl imiin ami the ncxl morning it wa- rcmnred lu die iiaxiotu dr tltc ilitor of iiil- british whig is wrnne in wpiiwing ihnl the ko1i of this state ore lis- whihlied with thrir present ncnilimttiary system mftny uf them nre 0hsui1 fund iu our opinion justly too to having the hilitir of convicts com plete with the honrm puimui ilf indivitliinls iihi we hetitve our state irgtshiltire hns nl present thai mihjrer utiiler euiiilcrntiuii as to the pamphlet in nv lliur wh mills hiinelf i cw- whi vim i- hiiiimllltlvii t runviet it rreetvis inn little rreihiit che presenl timer mtamrk gazette tn navijfari f the hike hiuw opened uiiiirdly early ii year r ieu tvriil nut nfour harlurf nn fittinliv ut aim ihe w inthrim of the k a widl is ihi raei st lawiemn tt imdcrliud i- iiily b ar a mbnnnrr arrived here ftotl ihwifin vrfifnlnv sftfa lhrtur ttarhr kingston tuesday mormsu xarcbib 131 the york gazette contains i ropy of the alzerine alias he summnry punishment ari nnj by il w learn thai any pinglc mngisirate hnwever ipornn he mny chnticc to he may pnnish hy fine to ih amount of five pounds or by iinprisfiiimcnt to ih extent of one month any person or person charge on oath with either assitilt or ircffjimt a power c appeal to the sessions is allow eil hm in mnsc quence of unnecessary restrieiions iu i he art cai only he taken nrlvnntcicro of bv persnn who are vvel known the poor ami llic ltmtifei ruling i pic u hwless raprice if accused of either crime one o the clauses compels every iimjistruic to record hit cotivieiinn at the next following court of qitartef 8es4oilk- and by a clause in smother bill passed a the same time he h in atmiiion 10 another fees permitted to chnrjre the enormous sum of tn shil illg bf ihcrccord we have mthjoineil a list e the fees which ihe mngifftmlcs ate by this other dsct as a kind of rider to ihe summary runish merit act permitted io charge for every outenc under this statute- liy it ir will appear that ii every case of conviction ihe magistrate will put six tent shitting and three pence into ins own pocket heinir 3s- w for warrant 2 od for tllc conviction ami 10a for the record and in case ihe iisnc is discharged only five billiu betoir u qa fo the warrant and u 3d for the discharge it ma therefnre easily he imagined that wry few drs ehirfes limy be expected it briitij s ulucil th pecuniary interest of the maeitrae cf cotlviel in al coma by ir robert peels act of which this montroui eimctluent is a protended copy ihe rem permittee to be charged are as follow one shilling fur infor matiou one shilling lor wariuu nolbtnp fur judg meiit nothing for reeuril and but one htllingfoi depnulants diifchfimr aitur ttic mnu i h u tohearoflhc british consunuion biiup cxiucho in upper canadh if ac pojlte if this colon tamely pul up with the nrliou of thia law vv sa openly and withoui dbguifo llmt uwiy are a meai xpirited people unworthy of the blessings of liberty unworthy of die efforts of any public men bto ed in their behalf- the nex election will be tb time lo express their sentiments and every can didatefur the peoples eulttaj ioilld he commarrj ed to pledge hiniwlf to promote the immcdial repeal of this most nefarious atutci maciltrates fees for an information and warrant tor apprehensrio- fur an assault or other midenieanor three shi lilies and nine pence for discharge of the defendant one shillin ami three pence rot iiifoi ination and warrant for surety oftl peace three shilling anil xine pence for discharge of the uelvudaut one shillit three pence for every recognizance two shillings and si ponce for every information brides thai of ihe con plamatu due shilling and three pence for warrant of commitment- two shillings at six pcuce- 2 and be it further enacted by the autbori aforesaid thai the coatu lo be thartred in rases iniuieonjider penal statutes when the fees a pt corufphr pnwlwd bv m stattm shall i ktjvluv tliat is to say for iirforinarion nod wnrrant of summons three shillings uml aiue 1iice for every suhpuna to n vvitne six pence for ovcry conviction under a penal statu tin- lady nf dorinr wiimhi reidiuir at xo 12 walker street white seated with her baek toward- he wiiiilriu of a rear mnm iu her restdcnet nn tucs- tlay acternrhm liriween live aud six oviotk nar- louiv is aped mm killed a ball riiaclmrifetl from a ltiin nr pisinl pirltoahd one of ilu panes ufffhtsh iu the lowrr hiish nf the window and siruelv uvf eniuhwiih mtcll loieeasloluimk il into pieeen fritlli huh rjlaneiur olt it pasxej an elderly lady who wu mltmtj ul the liivplaee and loihjid in llli-lllwo- kill siilrul lie rimiu whethr this was the iv4ul ul aeimii or aeiiileut isal present mikliown a v rw ilh liv tu ii o ill m suveu stiilliiigrtnnd six iv for wartam lo levy a pen six ivnce fur making up every luvard of t vieiiti vhen ihe same is required in be relumed to i sessiuns nr on certiorari ten shillings- for every eeittlieate nf ilhitlbcsul of auv ehai miner ihe vd piovidiuc fni the suunnarv punt nfprtcy trespasses mid other tdleneek t shilling mid six pence rroridctt foi mrvrlarrs ilti iiimieh mw nilinjl iif a suimuaty prmiediu hellue a ul jnliivul the ieiee and wherein tin lusher uni1 than kivo pmiiimis eau be iniuied the kiiii1 uf t sliillincauil six peine niilv bii lu- eliii tliremnieiiiiii and two sluomc and six ivj m the warrant lo levy the hnnllv